BLUE BAYOUS: Caucus goers favor Trump!


But why did the goers do that? In what way is the NFL like our electoral process?

Consider what happened last weekend: 

The NFL presents a brilliant product all through its regular season. Then its playoff season begins, with teams suddenly forced to play in objectively dangerous weather conditions which may make normal play hard to achieve and defy all logic and reason.

Our election system, such as it is, is a little bit like that! Last night, Iowa's Republican voters said they favor Donald J. Trump to be the GOP nominee for the White House.

Rather, the former president was favored by the small percentage of Republican voters who were willing to risk life itself by venturing out into the cold to attend their party's Iowa caucuses.

Except as a possible way to reduce citizen turnout, the Iowa caucus system has never really made much sense. This year, the caucuses ran headfirst into winter weather which was exceptionally dangerous, even by Hawkeye standards.

Last night's caucus results were created by the roughly 14 percent of Iowa Republicans who were willing to head out into the cold. "Be sure to bring blankets," they were frequently told, "in case your car suffers a breakdown."

Fourteen percent turned out! Some stayed home to watch the NFL. Others stayed home because they were afraid to head out into the cold.

With that, this year's bizarre presidential election got its official start. This is the way we run our most important political systems here in our struggling nation.

This, of course, takes nothing away from the caucus goers who did turn out last night. Beyond that, it's clear that Republican voters, by and large, do in fact favor Donald J. Trump for their party's nomination.

Why do those voters favor Trump? It seems like an obvious question.

Last week, one well-known conservative Never Trumper said that we blue tribe voters need to think about that question a bit more. All of a sudden, several other Never Trumper / anti-Trump types have written similar columns. 

We think that first Never Trumper was basically right. We think attention should be paid to some of the things he wrote.

We'd prefer to write about our tribe's array of (what we'd call) blue bayous. But as this dangerous year begins, the opinion voiced by that Never Trumper is where we'll start tomorrow.

Regarding that Iowa weather: Regarding last evening's frigid caucuses, let's recall what the poet once wrote:
Keep cold, young orchard. Good-by and keep cold.
Dread fifty above more than fifty below.
We don't know what the poet meant. But that's what the poet once wrote.


  1. The NY Times said that 17% not 14% of Republicans turned out. Caucuses always represent a small portion of registered voters in either party. Back when Hillary was running against Obama in the primaries, Hillary won the actual primaries while Obama won the caucuses. It was similar with Bernie except Bernie was less adept at manipulating the caucus system and complained that the Democrats were rigging things against him. I would be in favor of holding direct voting instead of caucuses, which seem like a less valid and obsolete methods of choosing a nominee.

    1. Ah yes video footage of cheating in Nevada, and a money trail for the new voting app leading to a candidate who was hired for transportation secretary.

      While privileged whites run the party that is still too gentile for a Jew president.

    2. Y'all gonna pretend you didn't say it's not time for a Jewish president yet

    3. The major fight to re-elect Biden starts with courting young voters on student debt and promoting unionization.

      These policies are not being pushed from the center, but when the center absorbed the Bernie momentum once Biden was elected.

      If Trump wins and Biden loses you'll have no scapegoat. It will be the liberal failure to communicate to the people over the noise of the media machine.

    4. 5:41 It would be like the time when Trump lost in 2020, which represented right wing failure to overcome the voters’ preference for the Democrat, despite the vast right wing media machine and the desperate attempts to overturn the election staged by Trump and the ensuing obligatory propaganda that convinced 66% of last night’s Iowa caucus goers that the 2020 election was rigged.

    5. Biden was able to topple Trump because the media grew a spine and started calling him an idiot.

      This same media is not reporting on significant advancement that the center-left made with a compromise coalition between Biden and Bernie. We can see that in the original poster's licking old wounds of Hillary losing to Trump.

      Even in this messed up Babylon, cooperation across the center/center-left secured placement of pro-labor policies within the administration, unionizing is at a high, wages are fighting inflation well, and this good news is being washed away by blue and red tribe media.

      Why? Real estate/business lobby on the federal reserve to keep people out of work until inflation dies down. Negative news gets more clicks than positive news. If it bleeds it leads.

      If only there was a blog that said that the liberal media are trying their best to not report the news. But who would ever respect such a blog and read it every day?

    6. Even people who voted for Hillary like Biden's accomplishments.

      Somerby repeats right wing talking points (on the day they are issued) and tells people to watch more Fox News. No one thinks he is saying what you are because he isn't.

    7. Bernie is too old, if Biden is too old. Biden is the better choice because he is more experienced than Bernie, got a lot more done in the Senate over the same space of time, and because he has broad support instead of being a non-Democrat curmudgeon most of his career.

      When asked about the small money donations to his campaign in 2016, being traced to Russians, Bernie said "so what?" Someone who thought that class issues were more important than gender or race (identity issues) was unelectable (and still is, except to Republicans, but they favor the upper class). All factions of the Democratic coalition need to help Biden win again, no matter how they feel about Israel/Palestine or whatever is preoccupying youth these days (yes, we know Biden is un-hip).

    8. I research what I sayJanuary 16, 2024 at 8:06 PM

      @7:23 PM
      Let's put aside your feverish conspiracy and ask the American people what we want, or as you pompously call us, "youth these days":

      Debt Collective’s Braxton Brewington:
      "90% of Black students are forced to borrow federal dollars to even attend college. We’ve actually largely closed this gap between Black and white students as to who attends college, but on the back end, Black Americans are having a much more difficult time being able to pay off that loan. They’re having to take out more, because we’ve been stripped of generational wealth, and are more likely to go into default, and face other types of life barriers and consequences that make it difficult to pay off that student debt. Black Americans are particularly bearing the brunt of this crisis. And so that’s why this is exactly a matter of racial justice."

      "Poll Shows Student Debt Policy May Be Killing Biden"

      "As of November 30, voters burdened with student debt under the age of 45 prefer Trump over Biden by 3 percentage points. Voters who do not have student debt choose Biden by 9 points."

      Now about your crybaby conspiracy theory. Your heart is corrupted by pain of living in a segregated America where everyone is an enemy until proven otherwise. It's this very political and geographic segregation that is making you feel you are alone and making you think an old Jewish man is a secret Marxist mole.

      Let's use basic logic. There is no need to use small donors to manipulate a candidate when the supreme court protects dark money in Super PACs. In a 2018 study by the WAPO, only eleven people funded 1/5th of all SuperPAC money across the country. (

      Read stuff outside your bubble. Your stigmatizing of the small donor system will hurt actual democracy.

      “Once Connecticut introduced a grant-based public
      financing system, the legislature passed a statewide EITC, a minimum wage increase, and a statewide paidsick days policy. These policies enjoyed broad and bipartisan public support among voters but had been opposed by wealthy interests who made large contributions to politicians under the previous campaign finance regime.” (, 2021)

      Are you going to keep licking your wounds of Bernie vs Hillary or are you going to come together and fight Trump?

    9. Young voters don’t vote in sufficient numbers to cater to their opinions. I was not criticizing the small donor system but Bernie’s indifference to the corruption of the election by allowing Russian illegal donations to be laundered through his campaign. His stubbornness prevented Hillary from gaining needed votes from Bernie bros in the 3states that went for Trump. If progressives sabotage Biden and put Trump into office again, the young voters will be living with the consequences long after I will.

    10. First, the study measured people under 45, not just the youth vote.

      Second, your attempt to shield criticism of Biden's weakness on student debt with an actual genocide is morally repugnant, and I hope this learned behavior of yours can be unlearned before you decide if you go to heaven or not.

    11. Bernie was a narcissistic old fool. No one cared if he was Jewish or Marxist. We are all lefties. You don’t win the presidency as a Democrat by attacking the DNC and you din’t win women’s votes by repurposing right wing anti-Clinton propaganda and sending the bros out as a sexist hit squad. Bernie helped put Trump in office. I don’t forgive him for that. People died because of it.

    12. 8:27 PM

      You can't talk about student debt without bringing up a feverish conspiracy theory about a socialist murdering people.

      You need therapy, not politics.

    13. If you let the media smear everyone you dislike as a narcissist, who will be left to defend you when they come for you?

      If you want others to smear people less, then do it less yourself, hypocrite.

    14. “the media grew a spine and started calling him an idiot. “

      But I have been told, on this comment section no less, that calling Trump an idiot makes him stronger, not weaker.

    15. Bernie helped elect Trump. That’s all I’ve said.

    16. 9:12 PM

      Calling Trump a shitkicking low class poor person might offend people with less privilege yes.

      It will cause them to hide behind their tribal language games and emotional bruises much like 9:20 PM is doing for the tribe they identify with, the sacred and blessed and holy sanctified DNC who are above criticism.

      The fact that the internet is mean to people, including people within and without the DNC who are mean every day on twitter with nobody shedding a single crocodile tear, tells you everything about this concern trolling.

    17. When you make fun of a fat person around your fat friend what you're saying is, you would hate them too if you could get away with it.

      People who have been denied the time and privelege to get an education also know this when you call people like Trump stupid in a certain register. But showing that Trump is stupid with actual evidence for people is different than just calling him stupid.

    18. You can judge a political candidate by the kind of supporters he attracts. Look at the turd Bernie pulled in.

    19. Do liberals need a good cussing dictionary? Turds?

    20. “ voters burdened with student debt under the age of 45 prefer Trump over Biden by 3 percentage points”

      Republicans filed lawsuits to stop Biden from canceling student debt. Guess these voters will be mighty happy with Trump, since he is on record as opposing loan forgiveness. 🙄

    21. The media killed Bernie's chances of winning, they painted him as an old freak, and now it's gonna do the same to Biden.

      And the ride or die for Biden have nobody to blame but themselves and their disregard for what is happening in the world, hoping that student debt, genocide, and everything just blows over.

      Hello, there's massive protests happening. Are you paying attention?

    22. 11:36: on the specific point about student debt, it’s clear that people with student debt who prefer Trump will not see their debt forgiven in a trump administration. Every fact of this kind needs to be reported, speaking of the media not doing its job.

    23. 12:02 AM
      Yes hold the media accountable and don't let them sweep Trump under the rug.
      But also hold Biden accountable. School isn't supposed to be that expensive. Period.

  2. "This is the way we run our most important political systems here in our struggling nation."

    No, no state runs its general elections this way. These are party matters and parties decide how to run them, not the nation or any part of government. However, pretending differently perhaps helps Somerby pretend that elections can be easily rigged, in support of Republican claims, when that is very far from truth.

    What has the world come to when a former elementary school teacher doesn't understand how our elections work and confuses a party caucus with an actual election to select who will hold office! This is like a math teacher who cannot do simple arithmetic.

    Some states are not holding any Republican primaries. FL is skipping its Democratic primary. Biden skipped New Hampshire's primary (to comply with Democratic party rules about which primaries go first. Why hold a primary when both the Republican and Democratic party nominees are incumbents?

    So Somerby's empty hair-pulling and wailing over primaries is ignorant and claims we cannot run our country however the parties who hold primaries want and however it has been run in the past, because...why? A football game conflicted with a snowstorm. Sorry, but that is not a good enough reason to claim that our nation is circling the drain and we cannot elect our officials properly (in the GENERAL elections).

    1. Let's go through your reasoning errors:

      Straw Man Fallacy: Your comment oversimplifies the original text's argument to make it easier to attack. By suggesting that the author confuses party caucuses with general elections, you set up a straw man. The original text does not make a direct comparison between the two as identical; rather, it draws a metaphorical parallel to discuss broader issues of participation and decision-making under challenging conditions. Therefore, by focusing on a perceived misunderstanding about the nature of caucuses and elections, you misrepresent the original argument.

      Ad Hominem Fallacy: Your comment attacks the author personally, focusing on his background as an elementary school teacher and questioning his understanding of the electoral process. This personal attack distracts from the argument's substance and does not address the actual points made in the original text.

      Hasty Generalization: Your comment makes broad claims based on a limited observation. For example, they imply that the entire argument of the original text is flawed based on a perceived misunderstanding of one aspect of the electoral process.

      False Dichotomy: Your comment suggests a black-and-white view of how primaries and caucuses are run, implying that they are entirely separate from how the nation or government operates. This creates a false dichotomy, ignoring the nuances and interactions between party processes and the broader electoral system.

      Slippery Slope Fallacy: Your comment implies that acknowledging complexities in the caucus system or the electoral process as a whole could lead to validating claims of rigged elections. This is a slippery slope argument, where a relatively small first step is assumed to lead to a chain of related events culminating in some significant (usually negative) effect.

      Red Herring Fallacy: By focusing on the author's background and supposed misunderstanding of the electoral process, your comment diverts attention from the original argument's content. This is a red herring, as it distracts from the primary issue being discussed.

      Appeal to Ignorance (Argumentum ad Ignorantiam): Your comment seems to imply that because there is no evidence presented in the original text that supports a positive view of the electoral process, the process must therefore be flawed. This is an appeal to ignorance, assuming that something must be true because it has not been proven false.

      These are only a few of them. There are approximately 17 more I could list if you would like.

    2. Lord, I thought this idiot had gone away.

    3. Someone is misusing chat-gpt to troll. Somerby should be editing this stuff out, but he doesn't care enough about his blog to properly moderate it.

    4. I think the comment makes sense. The original comment makes a number of wild and crazy reasoning errors and it's good to see them detailed in an organized way. It's a good opportunity for the original commentator to learn how to craft a meaningful critique that stands up to logical scrutiny. As it stands now, what may be an important and interesting critique is obscured by a torrent of faulty reasoning.🧚🏼‍♀️

    5. The vagueness of that list of supposed flaws prevents it from being useful. Calling someone’s opinions wild and crazy is just name-calling, much like this empty laundry list of supposed errors.

      For example, Somerby’s misunderstanding of the electoral process is not a red herring because his ignorance undermines his credibility overall as someone commenting on the caucuses. He doesn’t know what they are for ir how they work.

      These other so-called fallacies are equally specious. For example, I never said the general election process is flawed. That is Somerby’s view that I was opposing. The AI cannot keep straight who said what. This kind of trolling is a stupid waste of time.

    6. God you guys are missing his point here. "This is no way to run a country." Somerby knows that the country is run a specific way, he just thinks it is creating stupid results like giving a huge platform to a fascist, things like of such nature.

    7. You are giving Somerby too much credit for knowing things he hasn’t actually said.

    8. 9:05: you’re saying that Somerby thinks caucuses, such as Iowa’s, are producing stupid results?

    9. We don’t need another Somerby whisperer here.

    10. You don''t need a specific list of logical fallacies to know the commenter Corby, Perry, a or whatever is completely full of shit.

    11. If you judge comments by the name of the commenter you are a perfect mark for a con man like Trump. Don’t bother reading the folks you dislike.

  3. The DNC admitted in court (in fact, it was their whole defense) that their primaries are just a show. They will nominate whoever they want.

    "The Court continued, “For their part, the DNC and Wasserman Schultz have characterized the DNC charter’s promise of ‘impartiality and evenhandedness’ as a mere political promise—political rhetoric that is not enforceable in federal courts."

    So, Matthew 7:3 to you, Bob.

    1. No one is actually running against Biden.

    2. Remind me how the 2020 Republican primaries were decided.

  4. "Beyond that, it's clear that Republican voters, by and large, do in fact favor Donald J. Trump for their party's nomination."

    Actually, this isn't as clear as Somerby claims. In Iowa, there were two strong non-Trump candidates, one getting 21% of the vote (according to NY Times) and the other 19%. In New Hampshire, Nikki Haley has been running neck-and-neck with Trump, recently with 47% of the Republican vote. That is nearly a tied race. Given Trump's legal jeopardy and health problems, it is too soon to assume he will be the nominee, much less that he is the obvious preference of Republican voters. (Before this current primary, Trump was mistakenly saying he had won twice before, ignoring Cruz's win in 2016. This election is just getting started and we don't know what will happen yet. Somerby should hold tight and wait and see, instead of saying things that echo what Republican pundits say.

    I must say that this is an odd way for Somerby to support Biden. It is almost as if he is urging everyone to succumb to the inevitable Trump victory, when he is doing worse this time around than when he ran against Biden. That's an odd thing for a liberal to be saying.
    A lot of people say stupid things about such races. Somerby is foolish to listen to them the way he does. For one thing, Trump was defeated in Iowa by Ted Cruz during his first primary there.

    1. Your comment contains a smorgasbord of logical mistakes. Would you like me to outline them for you in detail?

    2. Based on your previous output, you would be wasting our time.

  5. I'm old enough to remember Biden saying he was going to be a one term president and then pass the baton to someone new

    1. He never said that.

    2. In 2015, campaign reporter Carl Bernstein (who helped break Watergate) said Biden was telling people he was only considering one term.

      In 2019, Politico reported 4 staffers off the record said Biden was embarrassed about his age. The white house immediately pulled a 180 and said it was up to the people to decide.

      Now this history is being erased, and he is of course going to run no question.

      Gaslight me harder daddy!

      Politico Aug 14 /2015: Biden said to be considering one-term presidency

      "And one thing that I keep hearing about Biden is that if he were to declare and say, because age is such a problem for him if he does, I want to be a one-term president."

      Politico, Dec 11, 2019: Biden signals to aides that he would serve only a single term
      "According to four people who regularly talk to Biden, all of whom asked for anonymity to discuss internal campaign matters, it is virtually inconceivable that he will run for reelection in 2024, when he would be the first octogenarian president."

      Dec 11, 2019: Joe Biden denies he is mulling a one-term pledge if elected president
      "That’s for you all to decide"

      Mar 25, 2021: “
      My plan is to run for reelection. That’s my expectation"

    3. So either an old man is slightly unsure of himself but is smart enough to not say it on the record, or Biden has staffers working with the Deep State and famed journalist Carl Bernstein to take him down. Which is more likely?

    4. I don't remember Biden ever saying he was going to only have one term.

    5. That's why newspapers write it down for you, so you don't have to remember everything.

    6. Break off the source then young'n.

    7. Associated Press May 17, 2020

      In an effort to ease concerns about his age, the 77-year-old presumptive Democratic nominee has said he wouldn’t seek reelection if his mental or physical health declined. He has also referred to himself as a “transition candidate,” acting as a bridge to a younger generation of leadership."

    8. Biden never explicitly said he was going to be a one term president.

    9. His mental and physical health has not declined, unlike Trump’s health.

    10. What younger Democratic candidate do you think could beat Trump? Biden has proven his electability.

    11. Allow me to add to the streak of logical rhetoric here.

      Notice 7:46 PM here quietly "moving the goalposts"

      "He never said that."
      (provides evidence)
      "He never explicitly said that"
      "to change the rule or criterion (goal) of a process or competition while it is still in progress, in such a way that the new goal offers one side an advantage or disadvantage"

    12. He said ge wouldn’t run if his health declined. It hasn’t. What is the problem?

    13. "Considering" and "mulling" strangely disappear from GMN's conclusions. Apparently any report of a fleeting thought amounts to an ironclad promise here.

    14. 9:16 PM I regret you inform you that the goal posts were not moved at all. The OP said "I remember Biden saying he was going to be a one term president and then pass the baton to someone new" and 7:46 PM accurately stated that was false. "He never explicitly said that"

      No evidence was provided that Biden said he was going to be a one term president and then pass the baton to someone new. The statement by the OC is false.

    15. Evidence was provided with dates and mainstream sources

    16. You really think you can just pretend nobody has evidence, silly

  6. Replies
    1. I choked up too, that part where he mentioned the NFL playoffs. 😢

    2. "At least five people have died amid ongoing “dangerously cold temperatures,” as described by the National Weather Service, that have covered much of the U.S., including the Midwest, as of Monday."

      Glad you find this funny, assholes.

    3. Anonymices waste no time impugning people for things they never suggested, let alone did. It’s their favorite game.

    4. You have no problem laughing at weather disasters that kill people, just as you find other people’s suffering funny in other contexts. Did you laugh when that mother with two kids drowned because Texas wouldn’t let yhe border patrol rescue them? Almost as funny as when Hamas raed and killed those Israeli women, right. Trump says “go vote in the cold, even if you die trying,” and you say “he’s my kind of guy!”

    5. anonymouse7:57pm, no one said anything the weather. I took the mention of the NFL game as a joke about his team losing.

      Take your latest little faux hissy fit act to bed and sleep tight.

    6. BTY- notice that there’s a rather moving poem linked at end of this blog that isn’t really about the outdoor temperature.

    7. He says nothing at all about either team winning or losing but suggests the weather perhaps made it dangerous to play. Then he segues to the caucus and the weather. You, Cecelia, found something funny in that. I see the cold as more evidence of danger due to extreme weather. Here we had card crashes and impassible roads and passes with cancelled school and events. Do you find that funny, even if people don’t die but are merely hurt or inconvenienced or are spending lots of money on heating bills (lol)?

    8. Anonymouse 8:46pm, I assumed that the anonymouse was bummed at the loss of his team in the NFL playoffs. I’ve just been informed by an authority that the playoff have yet to happen.

      Your diatribes are as contrived and as synthetic as your so-called empathy. You’ve experienced real empathy in the way that someone blind and deaf has experienced music. You’ve heard it’s nice and that everyone likes it.

    9. You are telling me you don’t know what you were laughing at? A weather disaster interfered with an election, people died snd your response is to laugh at a joke Somerby didn’t make. But I’m the one with a problem.

    10. Anonymouse 9:16pm, yeah, I laughed at this “tearful remark”- :

      “I choked up too, that part where he mentioned the NFL playoffs. 😢”

      Go pull your panties out of your small intestine.

    11. Classy response. And you wonder why no one likes you here!

    12. Anonymouse 10:05pm, I don’t wonder that at all. You’d accuse your mother of being on Putin’s payroll if she disagree with you.

    13. Now you’re attacking my sainted Irish mother! Have you no shame? You said something stupid. Own it. Viciously attacking people who point out your idiocy only compounds your mistake. Put away the bottle for the night and try again tomorrow.

    14. Anonymouse 10:32pm, if your mother is “sainted” it means she shares half your brain or keeps her mouth shut.

      Otherwise she’d be knitting you panties with handles.

    15. Now you’re not making any sense. Do you weat knitted panties? All the trolls want to know.

    16. You’re clutching at panty handles.

  7. Why do people still support Trump? And is there (one) obvious reason? Bob seems to think so but does not tell us what it is. Frequent readers would assume Bob’s reasons (let’s assume for a moment there can be more than one) would be they are good people who have been misled by the right and insulted by the left.
    But if we actually DO challenge our assumptions, might it not be more likely they are second rate people who are easily flattered by the the Right and too stupidly stubborn to face facts when the left challenges them with said?
    Whatever. Don’t expect Bob to try any new way of looking at things.

    1. It seems to me that many of us are talking past Somerby and trying to reach his audience and other commenters.

    2. Why do people still support Trump?

      Ask them. What's the mystery?

    3. Sometimes you don’t get a straight answer.

    4. Mostly you get answers that don't comport well with the facts: "He's a successful businessman" "He's a strong leader" "He tells the truth" "He's draining the swamp."

      Most of the Trump supporter profiles I've seen give us man-on-the-street level accounts from people who have been as badly fooled as the folks who paid to be schooled at Trump "University."

    5. Anonymouse 9:41pm, in other words, you’re asking his supporters why they support a man that you think has no redeeming qualities, and then you’re all perplexed when they don’t seem to hold that exact same opinion.

      Yeah, they just aren’t giving you the correct answers to that sincere question. Yeah, it’s a puzzle.

    6. Surely Bob ought to wonder why they support a man who is so clearly off his rocker, if you buy Somerby’s assessment of Trump.

    7. There is an objective truth. For example, a man who has been convicted of business fraud multiple times cannot be considered a “successful businessman.” A man who told more than 3000 distinct lies during his last term, cataloged by the Washington Post, cannot be considered as a man who tells the truth. Some of these views are not matters of opinion but fact, suggesting that Trump supporters are delusional.

    8. Anonymouse 10:00pm, when you have a question that you feel has no good or logical answer, it’s probably best to let it go.

    9. Did you hear Cecelia, Bob? “Best to let it go.”

    10. Anonymouse 10:10pm, Bob, isn’t looking for a “good” answer. He’s looking for understanding.

    11. The only questions worth asking are the ones that don’t already have answers. Today we see why Cecelia didn’t become a scientist.

    12. Somerby is definitely not seeking understanding.

    13. Anonymouse 10:27pm, scientists want answers. Anonymices already have all the answers.

    14. Duh, if we have the answers you need to do more listening and less talking.

      Go to bed. You don’t deserve the last word.

    15. Anonymouse 11:01pm, no, you need to quit trying to pass yourself off as truth seekers and we need to laugh in your face at your pretense.

    16. “He’s looking for understanding.”

      Are you sure he hasn’t already decided what the answer is?

    17. Anonymouse 11:25pm, you tell me. You’re the one who’s angry at him.

    18. It’s a valid question, whether you think I’m every anonymous, or whether you think I’m angry at him. Somerby has had years to try to understand Trump voters, and he suggests his answer often enough.

    19. Anonymouse 11:57pm, and that answer is why you’re here writing the same twenty paragraphs every day that accuse him of being a traitor.

      Truth-seekers, all.

    20. He may be right, for all I know, but there’s no need to act as though he hasn’t answered it for himself already.

    21. No redeeming qualities?
      C'mon. He's a piece of shit, but at least he has total contempt for Republican voters.
      No redeeming qualities, my ass.

  8. There are several good reasons why a Republican might favor Trump
    1. Many things went particularly well when he was President: low inflation, economic boom, low crime rates, low illegal immigration, Abraham Accords. Iran and its proxies did not commit atrocities and make war.

    2. The charges against Trump appear to be misuse of power by various Democratic prosecutors. The charges are based on unique and preposterous legal theories and ignore facts. These corrupt Democratic legal abuses can be best refuted by electing their victim.

    3. Trump is an excellent communicator. Unlike Biden, Trump held frequent press conferences and answered many diverse questions.

    4. Trump aided our allies, like Israel, and not our foreign enemies, like Hamas and Iran. By comparison, Biden gave money to the Palestinians, which really meant giving it to Hams. Biden gave huge money to Iran.

    1. This is your opinion, David. There are many Republicans who think differently about this stuff and do not agree with your vague assessments about the state of the economy, crime rates, Trump's crimes, and whether Trump's support for Netanyahu caused the current Gaza war. Further, you include several lies about Biden.

      You are welcome to vote however you please for whatever reasons you want, but it is wrong to lie to readers here about politics. That is called spreading disinformation.

    2. Quaker in a BasementJanuary 16, 2024 at 9:47 PM

      Oh, David. You are so bending the facts here.

      1. I notice you're careful to phrase this as a correlation rather than a causation. Yes, some things go well even when we have a president who ignores those issues or even works at cross purposes with our best interests.

      2. Trump faces valid accusations of criminality in duly constituted courts of law. He is not immune.

      3. Trump did not have especially frequent press conferences. He "answered questions" rather poorly with bluster and nonsequitors.

      4. Biden did not "give" money to Iran. He did give support to Israel in their current conflict.

    3. David will keep saying these things till doomsday and beyond.

    4. Trump famously and accurately stated that the economy does better during Democratic administrations. That was before he lost his marbles. Now he states that buying a loaf of bread requires an ID. He is in a state of accelerated cognitive decline as judged by the frequency of his preposterous statements regarding the above as well as mis-naming who he ran against for president, and whether we will be fighting WWII soon. By the time November rolls around there will have been so many of these flagrant absurdities coming out of his mouth that he will be unelectable by anyone with an ounce of cortical matter. At that point he may not even be able to identify the silhouette of a giraffe on a mental status test.

    5. "By the time November rolls around there will have been so many of these flagrant absurdities coming out of his mouth that he will be unelectable by anyone with an ounce of cortical matter."
      No wonder he's going to be the Republican Presidential nominee in a landslide vote.

    6. 1:51 Just don't go hungry and bring your ID when shopping for bread. And swallow it as expected in unison with every other delusional rube that hangs on every syllable you are fed by your leader. Your Trump University ID should suffice. But just for grins, why don't you explain to the cashier, who is more well educated with a GED, why it is you were told this. We're all very curious.

    7. @Unamused

      You sound genuinely upset about "you need an ID to buy a loaf of bread".

      Assuming that you aren't a paid DNC bot, only a moonbat idiot could be confused about the point Trump was making, when advocating for a voter ID law. Which means that you are, sadly, a moonbat idiot.

    8. 4:04,

      I am totally in favor of universal voting laws that all states must follow. Y'all with me on that, right? LOL

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. 4:04 "... You have voter ID to buy a loaf of bread. You have ID to buy a loaf of bread..." Said the demented fool who several years ago described a mental status test requiring him to identify the silhouettes of zoo animals as difficult. Your master. No you haven't answered the simple question as to why he made that statement. And not for the first time, his having previously stated the requirement for ID to buy cereal. Which naturally leads to the question of your mental competency. So get out your crayons, pretend it is a homework assignment, and before answering the question posed online, write your answer down, and ask your mother whether she thinks you should turn it in.

    11. "Said the demented fool..."

      Says an obviously deranged moonbat moron.

    12. Still haven't answered a simple question. Not very good at accountability, are you?

    13. What question?

  9. Trump said CNN and NBC should have their licenses taken away for not showing his victory speech in Iowa. Cable channels don’t have FCC licenses, just TV and radio broadcast stations. Trump should know such things, being not just former president but a TV star.

  10. “Why do those voters favor Trump?”

    1. He created that health care system that was going to be better and cheaper than Obamacare.
    2. He got Mexico to pay for that wall.
    3. He kept the debt and deficit under control by passing massive tax cuts for the rich.
    4. He is anointed by god to eliminate the scourge of liberals with their homosexuality and “moral squalor” (h/t Somerby)
    5. He promises to eradicate his enemies like vermin.
    6. He will arrest Fauci.
    7. The same reason they voted for Romney, McCain, Bush, Bush, and Reagan.
    8. He’s a great humorist. (h/t David in Cal)
    9. He is a well-known truth teller.
    10. Bloggers call him mentally ill, which means he must be getting under their skin.
    11. He is accused of stealing top secret documents.
    12. He tried to overturn the election and sent his mob to the Capitol.
    13. ???

    1. 14. They Are Tired of Being Victims of the Winner Take All Economy.
      15. They Are on a Road to Nowhere and Know It.
      16. They Don't Understand Why We Send 100's of Billions to Other Countries for Their Wars and Don't Spend the Money Here.
      17. They Feel Like Establishment Candidates Only Pretend to Care About Them.
      18. They See Establishment Players Call Him Fascist While Trying to Keep Him Off the Ballot, Censor Him and Throw Him in Jail.
      19. They See Establishment Opposition Lie About Him Eg. Claiming He Says He Wants to Be a Dictator or That He Wants to Use Navy Seals to Assassinate His Enemies. Claims Which Are Easily Debunked and Make the Establishment Opposition Look Like Pathetic Liars. (Which is True in This Case.)
      20. They Feel Like Establishment Parties Have Broken Their Promises Over and Over.
      21. Their Education Level
      22. Their Age
      23. Affected by Nafta and Free Trade Policies
      24. He Speaks to Them Differently
      25. They Feel Powerless and Unheard.
      Lost Loved Ones to a Stupid, Needless War Built on Lies
      26. They Associate Him With With Economic Growth.
      27. They Know That One Party Hates Them and Looks Down on Them.
      28. A Record of No New Wars.
      29. They Associate Establishment Parties With With War and Death
      30. Racial Appeals
      31. He Addresses Globalization and the Financial Elite and Other Parties Don't
      32. Despair
      33. Shrinking Middle Class
      34. A Life of Empty Consumerism and Debt
      35. An Absence of Economic Issues in Democratic Messaging
      36. A Middle Finger to the Establishment
      37. Inflation
      38. His Opponents Are Ultimate Insiders Who Don't Inspire
      39. When You Ain't Got Nothing, You've Got Nothing to Lose.

    2. sentence case:

      14. They are tired of being victims of the winner take all economy.
      15. They are on a road to nowhere and know it.
      16. They don't understand why we send 100's of billions to other countries for their wars and don't spend the money here.
      17. They feel like establishment candidates only pretend to care about them.
      18. They see establishment players call him fascist while trying to keep him off the ballot, censor him and throw him in jail.
      19. They see establishment opposition lie about him eg. Claiming he says he wants to be a dictator or that he wants to use navy seals to assassinate his enemies. Claims which are easily debunked and make the establishment opposition look like pathetic liars. (which is true in this case.)
      20. They feel like establishment parties have broken their promises over and over.
      21. Their education level
      22. Their age
      23. Affected by nafta and free trade policies
      24. He speaks to them differently
      25. They feel powerless and unheard.
      Lost loved ones to a stupid, needless war built on lies
      26. They associate him with with economic growth.
      27. They know that one party hates them and looks down on them.
      28. A record of no new wars.
      29. They associate establishment parties with with war and death
      30. Racial appeals
      31. He addresses globalization and the financial elite and other parties don't
      32. Despair
      33. Shrinking middle class
      34. A life of empty consumerism and debt
      35. An absence of economic issues in democratic messaging
      36. A middle finger to the establishment
      37. Inflation
      38. His opponents are ultimate insiders who don't inspire
      39. When you ain't got nothing, you've got nothing to lose.

    3. 40. To convince themselves they are men and women and not piano-keys!

    4. 41. Might as well blow everything up by voting for the con man. Sure, he screwed us in the end, but it felt good.

    5. Hilarious. 41 answers, and not one of them "because whitey is turned on by his bigotry."
      You guys could run the mainstream media.

    6. 1:58 AM see #30, jackass.

    7. Do you plan to be a jackass for your entire life?

    8. 42. Kept us out of WWII.
      43. Will immediately, after being sworn in, rescind the law requiring an ID to buy bread.
      44. Will likewise rescind any socialist government hand outs to graduates of Trump University who have had loans forgiven.

    9. Personally I'm a single issue voter.

      I vote for whichever party can ignore the genocide of Palestinians more vigorously

    10. 45. Only other option is a party made up of chronic masturbators who think they are smart.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. 46. Will save the whales by executive order shutting down all the offshore wind turbines.

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. 47. Will get the price of gas down below $8.00. (Survey of 150,000 stations shows no such prices anywhere, and ave national price at $3.078).

    16. Hardly a bragging matter. It was under than $2.50 in January 2020.

      Am I supposed to be happy about paying only 17% more?

    17. 7:17, Unamused is talking about rapidly declining mental state of the Orange Jesus. Why are you changing the subject?

      BTW, what was the unemployment rate in January 2020? Price of gas and unemployment rate are directly related. I just paid $2.89/gal.

    18. "Orange Jesus", is it you buddy "Unamused"? I already addressed his mental state - he is a moonbat idiot. If not a paid DNC bot.

    19. And since you obviously don't know how to use search engines and what "average" means, here's a site for you:

    20. What was the unemployment rate in January 2020?


    21. @4:25 AM

      Ignore the genocide?

      You have got to be joking. Genocide Joe is actively participating in it. Just ask Cornel West.

    22. Orange Jesus comment was not from unamused. But since you mention it, why not answer his question and explain what was meant by your master saying an ID is needed to buy bread. You have failed miserably here. And will continue to do so. Why do you need an ID to buy bread? Explain that, dumbass. Your Orange Jesus said it was so.

    23. I don't have any masters, moonbat-moron. You do.

      As for the voter ID, everyone who is not a moonbat-idiot understood. And explaining obvious things to moonbat-idiots is a waste of time. Sorry.

    24. Yeah I'm sure Biden is waking up every day thinking about how great genocide is

      Dumbass, he's ignoring it while participating in it

    25. Cornel West. LOL.

  11. “We’ve never been a racist country.”

    Nikki Haley on Fox News

    1. Nikki Haley, interviewed by Dana Bash, doesn’t understand that being found liable in a civil trial means you are not innocent, have been convicted of the allegations in the complaint. Haley kept saying Trump is innocent until proved guilty. But Republicans have already shown that no one is too stupid to be their nominee.

    2. No one is innocent.
      Only I am, because I drive my imaginary Tesla and because Somerby is an ass.

      I am Corby.

  12. President Trump is cognitive.

    1. That’s old news. “ Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV”

  13. A huge % of the voting public has been paying no attention to politics and does not understand that Trump will be the Republican nominee. Things will change when those voters wake up, which may not be for quite a while. The 20% of caucus goers who voted for Haley voted for Biden in 2020. This suggests Trump does not have 100% of Republican voters, which he needs because registered Dems outnumber Repubs. How swing voters go will be crucial. The defections among Republicans suggest the seing voters may break badly for Trump. Yes, 62% of Repubs are still saying the 2020 election was stolen, but that leaves 38% who are not crazy. Trump doesn’t have enough Repub support to win.

  14. The rule of politics is my daddy tells me what to say, and your daddy politician tells you what to say, and we keep our personal opinions to ourselves. What can stupid children like us do but mess up the good decent hardworking political elite?

    1. The only people who love "Daddy" are free-market Libertarians, who love "Daddy Government" when their investments go South.

    2. Sorry I forgot he's called "Uncle Joe" to y'all and you can't imagine living without a master

    3. I never had an uncle that I refered to as "master". Are you insane?

    4. Most cults are modeled on families, genius

    5. Genius, every cult is modeled on the family

  15. This blog is not a good forum for serious discussion because of all the trolls. I am Corby.

  16. The causus goers are morons and deplorable.
