Suddenly aware of Bronze Age Pervert!


We arrive on the scene a bit late: Yesterday afternoon, as the Celtics pulled away from the Warriors, we switched over to the C-Span book event which appeared beneath this byline:

Anne Applebaum and Ezra Klein on the Future of Democracy

The month-old discussion took place in Rancho Mirage. A name like Rancho Mirage makes us wonder if the gods are possibly having some fun, but at least it's better than watching an event from Rancho Cucamonga. 

We arrived at the discussion midway through. At the 39-minute mark on the C-Span videotape, Klein can be seen saying this:

KLEIN (2/2/24): One thing I'm a litle, I'm more attentive to these days is what it looks like to be a young person coming up in Republican Party politics. I mean, what kinds of things are you reading? What kinds of—

The fact that you had all these young campaign staffers who had to get fired this year because of what turned out to Nazi imagery in the meme videos they were making for Ron DeSantis and people like that, that was worrying. Because I don't think they knew what that imagery was. But it was in the world they were inhabiting online. 

The kinds of thinkers who have become more salient on the Republican side, people like this online writer Bronze Age Pervert? 

Like that's a real thing. You can look it up. 


The Atlantic has done a great profile of Bronze Age Pervert. Because we are all demeaned now, having to describe reality.


I'm not sure— For a long time, I thought Trump was an isolated kind of threat, and as a politician, in a way, I think he is. But what he is has kind of spread more broadly.

And so, I don't know. I don't know if this is kind of a temporary threat that America navigates its way past or not. I don't know what Gen Z's politics ends up looking like. 

Klein went on from there. But who in the world is "Bronze Age Pervert?" And how did we manage to miss that great profile of this "online writer" in The Atlantic?

The Atlantic profile is here. It was written by Graeme Wood, who has apparently known the online figure in question for something like twenty years.

Politico Magazine offered a second profile, with no paywall. You can read that profile here.

These profiles appeared last summer when we were locked away in a "skilled nursing facility," receiving ten minutes of bandaging per day for a brand-new surgical wound. We had little access to the Internet. That's when the profiles appeared, which would explain why we missed them. 

The Atlantic profile strikes us as massively illuminating. For example, what's up with the peculiar impulses of a figure like Steve Bannon? Without mentioning Bannon by name, it seems to us that the profile by Wood may make that conundrum quite clear.

We expect to return to these profiles of Bronze Age Pervert at some point. For today, we'll offer this one passage from The Atlantic, print edition headline included:

The Rise of Bronze Age Pervert


Last year, at a conference of political philosophers at Michigan State University, a Yale professor named Bryan Garsten told his colleagues that they were in trouble. The topic of the conference was liberalism—not Ted Kennedy liberalism, but the classical version that predates the modern Democratic Party and indeed America itself. Liberalism is the view that individuals have rights and beliefs, and that politics involves safeguarding rights and making compromises when beliefs conflict. It has existed for only a few centuries and is by some measures the most successful idea in history. Just look where people want to live: the United States, the European Union, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom, all liberal places that people will risk their life to reach.

But Garsten said liberalism had some of his best students hopping into rafts and paddling in other intellectual directions. He said they had been “captured” by the belief “that to be morally serious, one faces a choice.” The choice, he said, is not between liberalism and illiberalism. Liberalism had already lost. Its greatest champion, the United States, had run aground after pointless wars, terminal decadence, and bureaucratic takeover by activists and special interests. Garsten said his best students were choosing between the protofascism of Nietzsche and a neomedieval, quasi-theocratic version of Catholicism opposed to Enlightenment liberalism. These students considered liberal democracy an exhausted joke, and they hinted—and sometimes did more than hint—that the past few centuries had been a mistake, and that the mistake should now be corrected.

Some of his best students had given up on classical liberalism, Professor Garsten said. Among the writers to whom they were drawn was the follow called Bronze Age Pervert.

In that passage, Wood describes classical liberalism as "the most successful idea in history," though only "by some measures." We'll flip the lens, focusing on the fact that this most successful idea "has existed for only a few centuries."


For many members of our war-inclined humans, classical liberalism is a very recent layer of ideation laid down upon a much older set of impulses and reactions. For people like the online writer whose thinking Wood describes, that new layer of ideation doesn't seem to be establishing itself as a successful transplant.

Our own surgical wound still hasn't healed. For the online writer Bronze Age Pervert—Wood supplies his actual name—it looks late that recent set of new ideas hasn't really gained purchase.

Until yesterday, we'd never heard of Bronze Age Pervert. We had heard of Steve Bannon, and of quite a few others like him.

What in the world did Bannon have in mind when he said he wanted to deconstruct the administrative state? Wood's profile of this online writer may start to offer an answer, without necessarily reassuring us that the center will know how to hold.

Wood's profile of this online writer may start to help us see why our existing blue tribe elites have shown so little skill at the task of holding back the pro-Trump wave. As for Ezra, we think he ought to make an attempt to "demean himself" more thoroughly. It seems to us that Wood's profile may start to light the way down many dark corridors and paths.

What is driving a person like Bannon, and possibly a person like Trump? Thinking about the popular online writer BAP may be a good way to find out.


  1. Kindly inviting Somerby and his readers to peruse this:


    1. The DNC is not taking that direction. Biden is hugely unpopular. No one likes him. No one wants him to be president. That's not going to change. His support of Israel's actions against civilians is deeply immoral and despicable. Biden’s support comes from people who oppose Donald Trump, not people excited about his accomplishments. Therefore, the campaign will be centered on the risk Trump poses to democracy. This is precisely so they can avoid focusing on his accomplishments. The less the Biden campaign says about Biden, the better.

    2. You don’t speak for Democrats. Many of us appreciate what he has done as president. The campaign has barely started.

    3. That was all according to a report in the Washington Post. "Fewer than 1 in 5 said that Biden’s policies had helped them; even among Democrats, a plurality said that his policies didn’t make much difference."

      You are right that some people do appreciate Biden's performance but they are a tiny minority.

      Trump is unpopular too. But no, you won't be seeing much about Biden's accomplishments. What you are going to see is a heavy, heavy, heavy dose of Russia hysteria.

    4. You don’t give up, 4:54. You make the case. People often have incorrect ideas about things, so they need to be shown. That’s the gist of the link I provided @3:32. Otherwise, you seem to be suggesting there’s no point.

    5. I'm not suggesting there's no point. I'm suggesting the DNC has decided to go heavy on the Trump Dictator/Russia thing because of the massive unpopularity/indifference towards his policies. People just don't like the guy. And what he has allowed Israel to do to civilians (systematically starve children to death) with weapons we are paying for is grounds for all of us to kick him to the curb and label him one of this centuries most vile and immoral war criminals. That's how he will be judged by history.

    6. Except none of this is true, @6:58.

    7. Rising wages don't mean much when the leader of your country is supporting a genocide that includes starving hundreds of children to death.

    8. Biden is supporting a cease fire. That is what Kamala Harris called for today. They do not want babies to die.

    9. "Deaths of children from dehydration and malnutrition, which UNICEF said it is now witnessing inside Gaza, "entirely predictable," "man-made" and "preventable."

      If Biden was a moral human he would cease all the aid immediately and demand they stop starving children to death. But he has punched his ticket in the history books. He is calling for *more* aid which will allow the vastly immoral mass death of children to continue. In terms of history, it's too late for Biden. In terms of his unpopularity right now - some of it is probably because he supports starving innocent children to death. Because this means all of us support starving innocent children to death.

    10. Biden has constraints. He is president only of this country. Using dying children in anti-Biden propaganda is despicable.

    11. If you vote for Joe Biden you are supporting genocide and the systematic starvation of innocent children. Because that's what he stands for. That's what he's done. It's impossible to deny.

      Or is this another one of those, "it's not his fault, there's nothing he could do!" Should we add that to the list?

    12. Oh okay I see. So add this to the list. There's nothing he could do about it. I don't agree. It's our money. Of course there's something he could do about it. We're the richest strongest country in the history of the world. How could he not have the ability to do something about it?

      I know it's hard to hear it's when it's laid out explicitly in these terms but it is the truth. There's no getting around it. This is the reality.

      We as a country support a genocide, a genocide that includes starving innocent children to death. Are you denying that? It can't be denied. That is what is going on right now. And Joe Biden is in charge of it all. He is responsible for it.

    13. Netanyahu says “hi.”

    14. Maybe one of the reasons why Americans are in depression and committing suicide at the highest rates ever is partly because we are all responsible for "preventable" genocide including children dying of hunger.

    15. He has been trying to do something about it. You seem to believe in magic.

    16. What has he been trying to do? What magic? Cutoff the aid. Demand it.

    17. Joe Biden exists in a vacuum. He has not brought about world peace nor an end to hunger, and it was his sole responsibility. He must be dumped or defeated. (I hope that covers it, 7:37).

    18. 8:05: The US has consistently provided aid to Israel for decades, including during Trump’s term. Cutting it off might be advisable, depending upon your point of view, but it is Netanyahu who attacked Gaza, using weapons systems he already has. It wasn’t clear immediately after October 7 that Netanyahu’s response would be as drastic as it was. Do you think also that the Congress has a role to play in approving weapons sales or aid to foreign countries?

    19. They attacked Gaza with OUR weapons systems. Netanyahu’s response is exactly as drastic as he and his cabinet said it would be. They always said they were going to starve children.

      "Israeli officials have made public statements expressing their aim to deprive civilians in Gaza of food, water, and fuel – statements reflected in Israeli forces’ military operations"

      "The Israeli military has said little about what kinds of bombs and artillery it is using in Gaza. But from blast fragments found on-site and analyses of strike footage, experts are confident that the vast majority of bombs dropped on the besieged enclave are U.S.-made. They say the weapons include 2,000-pound (900-kilogram) “bunker-busters” that have killed hundreds in densely populated areas."

    20. The alternative to Biden is Trump, who would support genocide even more strongly.

    21. Why on Earth would anyone get excited to vote for Joe Biden when that is happening with our tax dollars? And you say there's nothing he can do about it. So what good is he then?

    22. Genocide could not be supported more strongly than we are supporting it now.

    23. I think you’ve made your point, 8:21. You don’t have to vote for Biden.

    24. This is the point. The political platform is: "their side will support genocide more strongly than we are supporting genocide now!"

      Do you know how f****** crazy that is?

    25. I will probably vote for him. Or maybe not vote. But I'm not going to lie to myself about his despicable war crimes and the blood he put on all of our hands.

    26. In terms of history, it's over. There's no turning back. We have participated in the slaughter of children. It's documented and on the record. The whole world knows it. That's over. Now it's just living with the guilt.

      Nothing left but the rationalizing!!!

    27. Hamas is to blame. Biden is part of the solution.

    28. 7:14 PM Harris called for a "6 week" ceasefire.

    29. Trump called Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel very smart. But Biden is a monster on the topic. Fuck off.

    30. I hear you but Biden is in charge. Biden is the one who has had the power to stop it this whole time. Trump is a citizen.

    31. Remember when Obama/Biden pulled out of Iraq and all the talking heads said it was gonna be a disaster? Remember when Biden pulled out of Afghanistan and all the talking heads lost their shit. Remember Trump ramping up drone strikes and not pulling our forces out of any conflicts? Fucking idiots.

    32. In Trump's four years as not a citizen what did he do for peace on earth?

    33. Trump didn't start any wars. Can't say that about Biden or Obama.

      Trump doesn't have anything to do with Biden letting Israel murder and starve innocent children with our tax dollars. I don't blame you that it is hard take but it's true. Trump doesn't have a thing to do with it.

    34. Why do you live in a fantasy where one side is all good and the other side is all bad? It's all bad guys.

    35. Trump demonstrates what a chicken & dumb shit he is by never speaking about the disaster between Hamas, IDF, and the innocents on both sides. But we know the only ass he kisses harder than Netanyahu's is Putin's. And Putin timed the Hamas attack through Iran to hurt Biden by driving more wedges between us tribes. And on que Trump tells the insurrectionists in Congress to sit on Ukraine aid. Russia's war with the US started when the war in Ukraine started, 2014. Trump has done nothing but aid and abet Putin's sickening Ukrainian war where innocent children are targeted by missiles and bombs, shot, "re-educated", kidnapped, and raped. What is bad for Gaza is good for Ukraine? Remember when the dolt was impeached for a perfect call to Ukraine to work with Rudy and his Russian spies to make up dirt on Biden or he would withhold munitions? Good times. BTW Trump's fucking nutcase former (and likely future
      pick for) Ambassador to Israel wants Biden to more bombs harder and faster.

    36. What does that have to do with Biden allowing Israel to commit heinous war crimes with our tax dollars?

    37. Netanyahu bears responsibility for his country’s actions in Gaza, 11:16.

    38. That Biden is unpopular, is testament to the fact that we've been lied to about the nation's voters being economically anxious.

    39. Oh, the bigotry guy. How do you feel now that black and brown people are leaving the Democratic party en masse to join Trump you stupid fucking asshole? Turns out you were wrong for years and years and years, dumbass imbecile. You're a fucking stupid piece of shit.

    40. 1;16,
      I'm flattered, but already taken.
      There's plenty more fish in the sea for you.
      Good luck.

    41. Democrats are screwed thanks to stupid fools like yourself.

    42. Is it because we aren't politically correct enough for the voters?

    43. Yes, I am super confident Donald Chickenshit will finally break his losing streak.

    44. Donald Trump's outright contempt for Republican voters is something every great American should emulate.

    45. What's with the drama queen at 1:16?

    46. Anonymouse 1:16am, cut it out.

  2. What does Kevin say?

  3. There are Republicans who believe bad stuff. That is not news to most of us.

  4. I see no need to "understand" Bannon or Trump. It is sufficient to oppose them. Most sane people will oppose the ideas they are expressing without the pseudo-philosophical overlay.

    1. Fascism is a set of actions to be fought, not a set of ideas to be debated.

    2. From Wikipedia:

      "Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy."

      An ideology is a set of ideas, not actions.

    3. In that case, I could maybe be persuaded to support the ideas around a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy, but I don't see myself ever supporting any actions that might make it so.

  5. I'm a bronze-age pervert. I didn't know that other guy took this as a name. I don't know what to make of it.

    1. Ask him to share. He won't because his philosophy of life won't allow it.

    2. That’s the problem. Bronze-agers don’t share, they take.

  6. That these anti-democratic ideas have some appeal to Somerby is very telling.

  7. "The estate of Sinead O’Connor on Monday asked Donald Trump not to play her music at campaign rallies, saying the late singer considered the former president a “biblical devil,” the AP reports." Political Wire

  8. Somerby is branching out. Instead of just repeating Fox News disinformation, he is directing people to fascist dogma.

  9. Here is an intelligent discussion of Republican opposition to immigration:

  10. From Wikipedia:
    “ BAP discusses classical figures, including Alcibiades, Periander of Corinth, and the heroes of the Homeric epics.

    What a coincidence. Exactly what Somerby has been “discussing” at his blog for several weeks. Fancy that.

    1. BAP and his book (arguing for eugenics) inspired a follower to commit a mass shooting in Lakewood CO, a Denver suburb. His fans are white nationalist nutcases and misogynists.

    2. I'm a bronze-age pervert, but I don't inspire mass shootings.

  11. Robert M Young has died.

  12. One thing I learned reading Special Counsel Hur's report about classified documents, is that Joe Biden is definitively NOT a ham sandwich.

  13. Victoria Nuland has resigned.

    1. ie. Ukraine lost the war and the rats are leaving the sinking ship.

    2. "Ukraine lost the war.."
      I hadn't seen this confirmed, but if true, I'd like to be the first to congratulate the Republican Party for their victory. it must feel like Christmas morning to the GOP.

    3. It's not official yet. Unofficially it's been over for about a year now. They never really had a chance. They didn't even have an Air Force.

      Countries with no Air Force don't win wars against countries that do.
