"A vile individual with evil intent!"

MONDAY, MAY 13, 2024

Our American cousin: On Saturday night, he didn't start raising his voice until 8:07 p.m. Or at least, that's the way we'd score it. 

We're speaking of The Man Who Screams, the Fox News Channel's Mark Levin. He didn't raise his voice until then—but at 8 p.m., he started his hour-long, primetime program by saying this:

LEVIN (5/11/24): Hello, America. I'm Mark Levin and this is Life, Liberty and Levin Saturday. 

Welcome. We have two great guests—Eric Trump, and the president of Hillsdale College, Larry Arnn. But before we get to our guests, America, we have a problem on our hands.  Oh, I know you know, but a really big problem on our hands. 

We have a president of the Unted States who is a mobster. Who embraces the Marxists and the Islamists. Who embraces their antisemitism. Who rejects Americanism. Who shows it every day. It is really horrendous.

But I really want to focus in on a couple of issues this evening. One is the betrayal of the Jewish people in Israel, and the other is the autocratic attack on President Trump.

Biden, the Democrat [sic[ Party, the Marxists and the Islamists—all one—have betrayed the Jews. They're betraying Israel. They're spreading blood libels all over this country and all over the world about how Israel is protecting itself.

I don't care what Joe Biden says at sacred ground at the Holocaust Museum and memorial. He's a liar. He's a known liar and a psychopath

By now, it was still just 8:02 p.m. But you're getting the general picture.

To watch the 19-minute opening monologue, you can start by clicking here. But before The Man Who Screams began raising his voice, he had gone on to make other claims:

He said that no one has defended Hamas more than Joe Biden has. He said that Biden has "spread a massive amount of antisemitism and Jew-hatred throughout our universities and in fact across the planet."

By 8:04, he was offering this thought:

"That is a vile, vile man with evil intent. And that is Joe Biden today."

By 8:07, he couldn't hold it any longer. The Man Who Screams began to raise his voice. 

(At 8:09. he said that Thomas Friedman and the New York Times are "spewing the same ancient blood libels" that Biden is spewing. So is "the Stalinist Bernie Sanders," he said. Inevitably, so are "the American media.")

As the hour proceeded, it didn't get much better. In the program's final minute, Levin said that Biden "is a Hamas supporter." In fact, he said it three separate times, and then he closed with this:

LEVIN: Hamas' American friends—their number one friend is Joe Biden. I'll see you tomorrow night on Life, Liberty and Levin.

It's the sort of thing Red America's voters are fated to hear on our struggling nation's most-watched "cable news" channel.

This sort of thing takes place almost wholly under the radar.  We find no sign that anyone else has reported or commented on the various things Levin said on Saturday night.

Presumably, there are sensible ways in which a person can disagree with Biden's recent decisions regarding the war in Gaza.

Then too, there's Mark Levin. As our nation divides in two, this sort of thing is broadcast on Fox, and Blue America's various orgs don't think it's worth reporting.


  1. You can link to statements and videos of Biden denouncing Hamas and antisemitism and reaffirming support for Israel, (which Somerby doesn’t bother to do either), but because Biden’s a “liar”, according to Levin, that wouldn’t matter. Levin’s got all the bases covered, doesn’t he?

  2. Suppose that in the middle of WW2 some entity spent billions of dollars to send food and supplies to the Nazis. Would you call that entity a Nazi supporter? Of course you would.

    1. You mean the starving children in Gaza are just like the Nazis, David?

    2. The starving children in Gaza are just like the starving children in Nazi Germany.

    3. The people starving in Nazi Germany were concentration-camp inmates.

    4. Is the strategy to not stop until Hamas is extinguished? What is the Israeli government's strategy with their military invasion of Gaza?

    5. Good point @12:14. So, winning the war against the Nazis as quickly as possible was the most humanitarian thing to do. Same is true today in Gaza. Hamas should be defeated as quickly as possible. Dragging out the war is in nobody's interest. Except for Hamas, of course.

    6. Suppose in the middle of WW2 some terrorists assassinated a British official in Egypt. Suppose the commander of those assassins later became the prime minister of a country. Suppose further that the country honored those terrorists. Would you call that country an ally?


    7. Many US companies did support the Nazis even during WWII.

      Like the Nazis, Israel is a right wing country that is using fascism to commit a genocide.

    8. @12:20 Yes, Not stopping until Hamas it totally destroyed is Israel's stated policy.

    9. Huh? Do you realize how inane your analogy is, David, or should I explain it to you in simple sentences?

    10. Here are some characteristics of Israel, that are not right-wing. These are characteristics that the Palestinians in Gaza do not share.
      -- socialized medicine
      -- majority population is non-white
      -- full democracy, in which all can vote and all can serve in the government
      -- complete tolerance of LGBTQ+
      -- complete tolerance of all religions
      -- support for liberal values, such as education, learning, science
      -- Freedom of speech

      So, which side is liberal, and which side is not?

    11. Yes, Ilya, please do explain.

    12. David,
      That looks like a list of things the Republican Party is fighting tooth and nail.

    13. Anonymouse 1:07pm, so you’d have gone easy on the crew who held the French as hostages in their own country because you don’t want bomb innocents?

    14. 1;07,
      As a moron once wrote, "only an anonymouse flying monkey would use a hackneyed rhetorical device and then think that he should explain it."

    15. Anonymouse 2:56pm, we’ll take that as a yes.

    16. 12:49,
      If you're asking if people who don't share Israel's liberal characteristics should be wiped from the face of the Earth, the answer is yes.

    17. How does DIC support a nanny state like Israel?

    18. Hey David, do you know about 120 repub house members and senators voted for nazi aid; I mean "humanitarian aid for Hamas". A similar number blocked spending to Israel for over six months. You got some real chutzpah.

    19. You can criticize the Nazis. They did some things they shouldn’t have. But they were anti-communist.

    20. What a ridiculous line of reasoning.
      1) They aren't giving the aid to Hamas (i.e., the Nazis). As much as they can help it, they're directing it to civilians who are not part of Hamas and who are not involved in the fighting.
      2) The same entity you accuse of supporting "Nazis" is the same entity who has supported the fight AGAINST the Nazis (i.,e. Hamas), both rhetorically and materially.
      3) The situation is a far cry from "in the middle of WWII." Hamas is a relatively small group, has largely been defeated, is massively outgunned, has no chance of staging a comeback, and the remaining members are in hiding at this point. They pose very little threat, (even though they would, of course, do as much damage as possible if they could -- but they can't). Once the allied forces had defeated the Nazi ARMY, guess what they did? They gave aid to the rest of the German population, even though much (most) of it had supported the Nazis. So I guess you think all of the western countries and all of the many Jews who are support the humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza are the equivalent of Nazi supporters?

    21. Dragging out the war is in nobody's interest. Except for Hamas, of course.

      Wrong again, David. It is first and foremost in Netanyahu's interest to prolong the war. Everyone knows this. He's out once this ends, and possibly going to prison for his blatant corruption.

      This reminds of GW's "war on Terror".

  3. I embrace the Marxists. Especially Marxist librarians.

    1. Marxism is primarily about spreading democracy to the workplace, an notion most workers support.

    2. Anonymouse 12:30pm, and you’ll believe that until gazillionsires are marching you off to gulags with the rest of us.

    3. Seems like the gazillionaires ought to be reined in then. Isn’t Trump super rich supposedly?

    4. I prefer Marxist libertarians.

    5. Trump has a plan to reign in the billionaires. He pitched to oil execs this past week for them to give him a $Billion and he will gut all environmental regulations. See, he truly cares for the working man, that he happily poisons and sends to an early death. So many of his supporters are so ridiculous. They can't handle the contradictions.

    6. I prefer the work of Julius Marx.

  4. I am voting for Biden.

  5. The blue tribe is well aware of Levin, he is widely covered in blue tribe media, Bob is just making more specious and spurious claims.

    1. I am so old I remember when Levin was a self hating Jew. Now he is a Jew who hates everybody. Progress?

    2. Levin is a guy getting paid a lot of money by Fox News he could never make elsewhere for doing almost nothing. But he knows what he has to do to keep it flowing.

  6. Biden's got something for everyone".
    Pro-Israel AND pro-Hamas.
    Pro-corporations AND pro-Communist.
    A dictator AND a guy who is sleepy and too old.

    I can't see how a guy who has something for everybody can lose an election.
    It'll be a landslide win by Biden in November, just like 2020.

    1. I am voting for Biden.

    2. Anonymouse 12:37pm, and that’s Iran money!

    3. 2:47,
      TDH is more fun when you play the victim.

    4. Anonymouse 5:22om, anonymices own that role. You’ve got the purchase rights.

    5. Cecelia - Google Kushner, KSA, Qatar, UAE, etc. The little squeaker collected over $3B! SOme mid east peace dude.

    6. What was the $3B for?

    7. $1B was to bail out his shit 666 Manhattan investment. $2B was a thank you from KSA's Bone Saw for sticking up for him for dissolving an American reporter critical of the administration, even though the Saudi investment team gave a collective thumbs down. That is the stuff of corrupt business lore the MAGA's love.

    8. Don't let Cecelia's crocodile tears fool you. She doesn't give a shit about anything she writes here.

    9. Anonymouices, that politicians and their progeny routinely get rich after leaving office via books, speeches, and deals has been used here as an argument on BEHALF of Biden and other democrats.

    10. Trump and his idiot son-in-law (who couldn't even pass a security clearance) were making deals with foreign governments even before trump got unceremoniously booted out and slinked off to his garish florida resort that he now calls HOME. But I get it, Cec, special rules for the mob boss and his family.


  7. "Presumably, there are sensible ways in which a person can disagree with Biden's recent decisions regarding the war in Gaza."

    Yes, Bob. Also, presumably, there are sensible ways in which a person can disagree with Donald Trump, without calling him insane and a psychopath.

    But you haven't taken one of those sensible ways. Mark Levin is a blowhard. And you too often are a blowhard. You and Mark Levin are the same guy. In different silos.

  8. Here's an equation: Mark Levin is to Biden, as anon 12:41 is to TDH

    1. Yeah, right. There are hundreds of Mark Levins on the anti-Trump side (including TDH) to each Mark Levins on the pro-Trump side. The anti-Trump Mark Levins (including TDH) can dish it out but can't take it. Pathetic.

    2. Mark has finally found a good enough reason to shout.

  9. Melinda French Gates is resigning from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    1. Ah, that's too bad. A very smart and kind lady doing wonderful work.

    2. And rich, because the USA needs patent reform.

    3. Bill is a great man. Melinda is a termagant.

    4. A proud termagant. If men aren't annoyed by your charitable foundation, you aren't doing it right.

  10. Ok, so that’s three people voting on Kamala.

  11. Quaker in a BasementMay 13, 2024 at 2:44 PM

    "We find no sign that anyone else has reported or commented on the various things Levin said on Saturday night."

    Fox puts deranged, lying, partisan, nutbags on the air. This isn't news. It is the dog biting a man. It is the sun setting in the west.

    1. That and grotesque conflation is all he's got.

    2. It’s Bob playing the ugly card which has us on the ledge, but is the cast iron dogma of our time: The Right does terrible things, and we must always blame the left.

    3. I’m so old I remember when Bob’s lack of reporting on Fox News was evidence of his alliance with Putin.

    4. My six-week-old niece was born in a time when the Right was complaining about the lack of free speech on college campuses.
      She's grown-up so quickly. Unlike the right, which hasn't grown-up at all.

    5. Anonymouse 5:21pm, are you sure you’re not confusing your niece’s birth date with the day you received your first check from Soros?

    6. Does anyone think Levin isn't making money off of his demagoguery? So is Somerby. We don't know who is paying him (RNC or Putin or Trump's campaign or some deep-pocketed right wing billionaire) but it is obvious that no one would write the ridiculous stuff Somerby writes here to advance right wing memes and talking points, without getting some money for doing it.

      Several comedians have turned to diseminating right wing talking points for money. I documented that before with links. Why not Somerby?

      Cecelia loyally mocks the idea that Putin might be involved (no one has said he personally pays Somerby), but the Russians were involved in the 2016 election and in 2020, so why not now?

    7. Anonymouse 6:06pm, yes, Russia, other countries, titans such as George Soros, try to influence our elections. How is such an indisputable truth not conclusive proof that you’re bought and paid for? Right?

    8. I enjoy working for Mr Soros, and I enjoy exchanging comments with my friends Cecelia and David. I’m out of debt and living in luxury.

    9. Why would someone who has been writing a blog for 24+ years not have figured out how to monetize it? That Somerby doesn't beg for money or ask for subscribers implies he is getting cash somewhere else. And why on earth would someone who claims to be liberal repeatedly echo Fox talking points?

    10. Anonymouse 7:21pm, I enjoy exchanging comments with you too. An honest anonymouse is refreshing and you gaming the gamer (Soros) is not one bit surprising.

    11. "And why on earth would someone who claims to be liberal repeatedly echo Fox talking points?"

      Because they make sense?

      You know, mindlessly parroting Soros talking points is not really a liberal trait. Or at least not what used to be known as "liberal". Do you understand?

    12. David in Cal,
      What's with all the anti-semitism (i.e. criticism of Soros, a Jew) from the Biden haters, like Cecelia?

  12. And one voting for the demented criminal rapist.

  13. I will once again (humblebrag?) the truth that I read a whole book by Mark Levin. What’s striking is that he once waved the flag and reheated the Atlas Shrugged and slew the evil statist like it was some kind of common sense theory. When Trump emerged he condemned him in no uncertain terms.
    Like most of them, he got with the rancid program and the slop noted here started pouring forth like a river of filth. They are too far steeped in blood to turn back. Our own
    David in Ca signs off on garbage he would
    have feigned offense on if you would have
    accused him of it pre Trump.
    Feigned being the key word. These people
    were dishonest liars back when we tried to engage them in honest debate not really
    all that long ago. God help us.,

  14. Anonymouse 2:50pm, yeah, it’s him or the demented criminal rapist WORST THAN TRUMP!!!! candidate who does run against Kamala.

  15. Human shields are morally confusing. Hamas intentionally puts its military in civilian areas. So, who is responsible for civilian deaths when Israel attacks these military installations? My understanding of international law is that Hamas is 100% responsible.

    1. My understanding is David in Cal is a misinformed right wing putz who can't do nuance like all the rest of them.
      "This is not simply a matter of ‘sticking a label’ on someone for the sake of legal ‘tidiness’. Defining the legal status of a human shield, that is, determining whether that person is a combatant or a civilian, has certain consequences. The first
      consequence arises in connection with the conduct of hostilities. In application of the fundamental principle of distinction, only military objectives can be attacked. Civilians cannot be attacked in any circumstances, provided that they do not take direct part in hostilities. If the human shield is a civilian, he therefore enjoys the
      protection associated with civilian status and cannot be targeted during an attack. If the human shield is considered to be a combatant, however, he becomes a legitimate object of attack."

    2. Yes, @6:33, only military objectives can be attacked. Are you under the misapprehension that Israel intentionally attacks non-military objectives?

    3. Unless working as shields with Hamas, they are protected civilians. The dropping of 2,000 lb. bombs on them is not a misapprehension, but Israeli military policy.

    4. Again DIC, talking out both sides of your mouth again...

    5. @7:01 Are you saying that civilians are protected unless they voluntarily chose to be human shields? I do not agree. By this understanding, the NAZIs could have built a military base in downtown Berlin and the Allies would have been prohibited from attacking this military base.

      BTW Israel specifically warns civilians and gives them time to evacuate before dropping 2,000 lb. bombs. Don't you know that?

    6. Civilians are protected under international humanitarian law regardless of whether they voluntarily chose to be human shields or not. Either way they are all "civilians" and the attackers are obligated to protect them under international humanitarian law.

    7. If the goal is to eliminate Hamas, this war will literally never end.

    8. You may be right, @8:47. However, if Hamas is not eliminated, they will continue to attack Israel. So, what is the answer?

    9. Supporting Israel and not supporting the ghastly incompetent Bibi is about as complex as supporting the U.S. but not the ghastly and incompetent Trump. Both of those idiots now have the blood of their citizens on their hands and David Ca does not care.

    10. David, during WWII the Allies intentionally attacked residential areas. Haven’t you seen pictures of burned-out German and Japanese cities?

    11. The answer is, it's the only answer, a two-state solution. There's no other answer.

  16. There is no one worse than Trump.

  17. Anonymouse 6:14pm, only until the next Republican presidential candidate.

  18. It seems that Israel always get blamed and Hamas never gets blamed. Even though Israel tries to protect Palestinian civilians when they attack Hamas military. OTOH Hamas made the original attack. They intentionally kills Israeli civilians. Hams intentionally put Palestinian civilians at risk, using them as human shields. Hamas violated a cease fire to make a barbaric secret attack on 1600 Israeli civilians, killing, raping, torturing, kidnaping,

    Yet, on this thread, I see numerous criticisms of Israel and few if any criticisms of Hamas. I don't think the commenters here are moral people., So, can someone explain this dichotomy?

    1. I blame Israel for electing Bibi who had his head up his ass when Hamas attacked. How this happened has not been explained.

    2. A famous line from "Animal House" goes -- "You fucked up, you trusted us!"

      Yes, @10:38, Netanyahu fucked up by trusting Hamas to hold to the terms of the cease fire they had agreed to.

    3. Denouncing Hamas is like denouncing Jeffrey Dahmer. Of COURSE they're monsters. Does that need pointing out?
      And the reason there are so many comments denouncing Israel is 1) you come on here and stir the pot, and 2) there's one obnoxious, self-righteous, attention-seeking person who comes on here and writes a dozen posts a day denouncing Israel and "Genocide Joe."

    4. Please list the numerous criticisms of Israel you see in this thread. (Israel is mentioned 28 times. 11 times by you and 3 times by Levin.)

    5. David in Cal - We all know Hamas is uncouth; that ain't the point. Bibi had numerous intelligence reports that Hamas was about to launch an attack, including from your second favorite dear leader - Putin. He responded by sitting on his tuckus. Why isn't he and his administration being held responsible for their failure? It's like they are the the 90's Project for a New American Century, scheming for a mid-east disaster to launch their shitty forever wars to nowhere to rally the suckers back home to root for them; keeping them in power while they skim the profits.

    6. Re: 10:53. No, DIC, trusting Hamas was not Netanyahu's sin, no matter how much you and his minority right wing apologists would like it to be. Supporting Hamas was. And yet, awhile back you made the assertion that attacking Netanyahu was antisemitic. That is, condemning Netanyahu, who publicly stated that supporting Hamas was in Israel's better interest, was the equivalent of Jew-hating. Maybe you'd like to walk that back, or not. But it stands, like many of your other comments along the way, as evidence of a thought process that cannot grasp even the slightly complex if it does not favor your prejudices.

    7. https://fartfaq.com/why-do-my-butt-cheeks-jiggle-when-i-fart-exploring-the-science-behind-the-phenomenon/

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. "There is no one worse than Trump."

    Ronald Reagan has entered the chat.

  21. West Bank settlers attack Gaza-bound aid trucks. The US says that’s unacceptable.


  22. Kevin sees what’s going on:


  23. Cecelia - that is three people not voting for the repeat bankrupter, repeat adjudicated fraudster, repeat and self admitted sexual assaulter, adjudicated rapist, planner of an autogolpe to overturn what his corrupt AG called a very well managed election, a guy with no legislative accomplishments other than cutting checks to rich folks and corporations and driving up the deficit. I could also try to explain the shit show on pandemic TV exactly four years ago; but I have been informermed this never happened. Probably because of Biden's accomplishments but this never occured due to inflation.

  24. I've said it before, I'm sure I'll say it many more times: one of the. main. reasons Biden polls poorly is because of the average American's complete cluelessness about the political world. From the same NY Times poll that Bob mentioned earlier: "In a finding that will frustrate Democrats, even as it presents opportunity for Mr. Biden, nearly 20 percent of voters blame him more than they do Mr. Trump for the Supreme Court’s decision in 2022 to overturn Roe v. Wade."

  25. Anonymous 1:18.pm, you’re not going to act any differently if Liz Cheney were to run.

    She’d morph into “worse than Trump” in less than a second. No one cares or puts any credence in what you think.

  26. That's not true, Cecelia.

  27. Anyone who says there is a worse President's than Ronald Reagan is nonsense trolling.
    Even the deep state couldn’t convince anyone of that.
