ACHAEANS: As Blue America earns its way out...

MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024

...are we all Achaeans now? We start today with a question:

What is the total student enrollment at Columbia University?

You're asking an excellent question! At this site, we have a close relative who will be a freshman there in the fall. Her exploits as a schoolwide spelling bee star were described in these pages way back when she was in the third grade!

How many students will she be joining in September? According to Columbia's provost, these were the enrollment figures as of the fall of 2022:

Columbia University enrollment, fall 2022:
Undergraduate schools: 9,739
Morningside graduate and professional schools: 22,063
Medical center graduate schools: 4,825
Special programs: 22 
Total enrollment: 36,649

That's the best we can show you. As of the fall of 2022, there were over 36,000 students enrolled at the well-known Gotham school.

Now for our second question:

How many Columbia students were arrested last week—arrested for their participation in the takeover of the school's Hamilton Hall?

As we noted yesterday, the numbers have been all over the place in the New York Times. That said, according to this report by NPR, "city officials" have set the total number of arrests at Columbia at a whopping 112.

We're never happy to hear that someone has been arrested. (Sometimes such action is necessary.) Meanwhile, here's a supplementary call of the roll from the Times:

HARRIS ET AL (5/6/24): After pro-Palestinian demonstrators occupied a building on Columbia’s campus this [sic] week, demanding that the university end all financial ties with Israel, the New York Police Department moved in and arrested more than 100 people there.


A New York Times review of police records and interviews with dozens of people involved in the protest at Columbia found that a small handful of the nearly three dozen arrestees who lacked ties to the university had also participated in other protests around the country. One man who was taken into custody inside Hamilton Hall, the occupied campus building, had been charged with rioting and wearing a disguise to evade the police during a demonstration in California nearly a decade earlier.

On Saturday, that account appeared online. Today, the report appears in the Times' print editions.

According to the Times report, of the "more than 100 people" who were arrested, there were "nearly three dozen arrestees who lacked ties to the university." 

If we stick with the semi-official number of arrests (112), that suggests that something like eighty people who did have ties to Columbia were arrested last week.  

If all eighty of those people were students, that would mean that 80 Columbia students—out of more than 36,000 in all!—were arrested in connection with the building takeover which produced so much commentary nationwide.

Something like eighty students tops, out of something like 36,000! Using the numbers we have, 360 students would have been one percent of the student population. Eighty students—or maybe just sixty or seventy?—would be something like one-fifth of one percent.

In short, a tiny percentage of Columbia students got arrested last week. We doesn't necessarily mean that those students were "wrong" in what they did, though we ourselves aren't major fans of their highly dramatic behavior.

The small number of participants doesn't necessarily mean that the takeover of Hamilton Hall was "wrong." It may suggest that something is "wrong"—that something is lacking—in the way we, as a floundering nation, report and then pretend to discuss such high-profile events.

In fact, ludicrous conduct has been observed at some of our floundering nation's largest, best-known "news orgs." Consider what happened on the Fox News Channel when Howard Kurtz attempted to discuss the protests at UCLA.

To its credit, the Fox News Channel has seemed to be making an adjustment in the way it presents such events. At issue is the following question:

When students conduct the protests in question, how should those students be described?

Should they be described as pro-Palestinian? Should they be described as anti-Israel?

On Fox News Channel programs, hosts were frequently describing such students as "pro-Hamas," full stop. This is the way the jackals are inclined to behave on the clown-car "cable news" channel.

Over the weekend, the term "pro-Hamas" had seemed to disappear from this channel's chyrons. But sad! Sunday morning, on Kurtz's MediaBuzz program, the rank designation was suddenly back in a chyron you can see simply by clicking here:


That's what the chyron said. To his tiny credit, Kurtz didn't use that noxious term of art as he discussed this topic. Somewhat oddly, though, he failed to describe the people who conducted this attack in any way at all.

We decided to fact-check the incident. When we did, sure enough! 

In fact, the handful of people who conducted this violent attack were actually pro-Israel! For the Daily Bruin's report, click here. Headline included, here's the relevant part of the report from the Los Angeles Times:

Four UCLA student journalists attacked by pro-Israel counterprotesters on campus

Four student journalists who work for the UCLA Daily Bruin were attacked shortly before 3:30 a.m. Wednesday by pro-Israel counterprotesters during a campus demonstration that turned violent.

Daily Bruin news editor Catherine Hamilton, 21, told The Times she recognized one of the counterprotesters as someone who had previously verbally harassed her and taken pictures of her press badge. The individual instructed the group to encircle the student journalists, she said, before they sprayed the four with Mace or pepper spray, flashed lights in their faces and chanted Hamilton’s name.

As she tried to break free, Hamilton said, she was punched repeatedly in the chest and upper abdomen; another student journalist was pushed to the ground and beaten and kicked for nearly a minute. The attack was first reported in the Daily Bruin.

This handful of violent people were actually "pro-Israel." Somehow, Kurtz failed to say anything, one way or another—and someone inside the belly of the breakdown tagged them as "pro-Hamas."

That's the way this garbage frequently works at the Fox News Channel. That said, how well are we the people of Blue America doing over here?

Long ago ad far away, the western world's first poem of war was composed. As the famous poem begins, Achaean forces had spent almost ten years conducting a siege of Troy.

Judged by conventional modern norms, the Achaeans were pretty much out of their minds. That said, the current "hush money" trial in Gotham reminds us of their early ways.

Are we all Achaeans now? Is it possible that our own tribe, here in Blue America, is in the process of earning its way out?

This morning, a new survey by ABC News/Ipsos has Biden leading Trump by four points in the nationwide popular vote. On the down side, that's a margin which might suggest a close outcome in the Electoral College.

It's entirely possible that President Biden will be re-elected this year. But are we all Achaeans now? And is it possible that this bromide is actually true:

Everything we ever needed to know we learned from reading the Iliad.

Over here in Blue America, are we all Achaeans now? We'll start to explore that complex question this week—though in our view, the anthropological answer may possibly tilt toward yes.

A tony percentage of Columbia students took part in the Hamilton Hall takeover.

Despite that fact, a deluge of media coverage followed. This may well best we best we know how to do, even at this point in time.

We Blues! Are we earning our way out? Perhaps more to the ultimate point, are we all Achaeans now?

Tomorrow: Before the Magna Carta


  1. They are pro-Hamas in the same sense as anti-war protesters in the 1960s and 70s were pro-Viet Cong. Were they pro-Viet Cong? I suspect some were. Perhaps many. Jane Fonda, anyone?

    1. They are anti-semitic in the same sense that people who didn't like the ACA were anti-American. Were they anti-American? I suspect some were. Perhaps many. The Republican Party, anyone?

    2. They are ignorant about Middle Eastern history and current reality.

    3. The university presidents are not ignorant of what the protesters want (divestment from Israel, due to the genocide). They're just playing ignorant, because they like the status quo.
      Don't fall for it.

    4. Divestment from Israel hurts Israel financially. They perhaps do not want to take sides in a war. Divestment might also hurt the university's endowment, losing it money. That hurts all of the other students and prospective students attending the university, in order to support a cause espoused by a small number (as Somerby points out). And there is also the principle of allowing the administration to be bullied by that small group of students. I can't see how they would do that.

    5. Yet, they were just bullied by a small group of Congresspeople, and they caved. Go figure.

    6. People who provide a product/ service should never listen to the consumers. That's something they do in Capitalist countries, not the USA.

    7. Oh for goodness sake, the Vietnam protestors were pro - I don't want to get my ass shot in a jungle for no fucking reason whatsoever. Nobody was pro-Vietcong, that just asinine.

    8. @11:06 AM
      I'm sure many, maybe even most, were purely egoistic, but definitely not all.

    9. Some were pro self-determination by the Vietnamese people, ignoring that China was backing the Vietcong.

    10. Why "ignoring that China was backing the Vietcong"? Can't one be for self-determination of the Vietnamese people, while being perfectly aware of China's backing?

    11. If China imposes their rule on Vietnam, how is that self-determination, any more than what the French did?

    12. "Backing" and "imposing their rule" are different things. Also, Vietnam-China relations is entirely their own business.

    13. China has not imposed its rule on Vietnam.

    14. There were some relatively minor clashes between Vietnam and China in the late 70s, as I remember. But no rule-imposition, no.

    15. What country doesn't like blowing up your enemies using a Proxy war? It is central to the USA's foreign policy.

    16. The Viet Cong won, Vietnam is now a sovereign nation that operates under a system closer to communism than capitalism, they have a home ownership rate of about 90% and a burgeoning economy as many manufacturers are moving away from China and looking for better places to outsource their labor to.

      America lost in Vietnam, it was a misguided right wing effort, and it failed miserably, destroying the lives of millions.

      We did not learn our lesson, we tried it again in the 2000s with Bush's war on Iraq, yet another disastrous right wing failure.

  2. In Somerby's world, "we blues" are responsible for the protest itself and also the Fox News chyrons. Everything. That makes Somerby's supposed musings about the small number of actual students participating in these protests moot, because his actual purpose here today is reveal once again to be scolding the blue tribe. Same as it ever was.

  3. “ are we all Achaeans now?”

    The Achaeans won.

  4. Bernard Hill has died.

    1. Bye-bye, Bernie.

    2. Hills never die, they just weather away.

  5. Sometimes the news segments and reporting on Fox are not horrible and obnoxious like the commentary which is always horrible and obnoxious. Long ago and far away they actually had a media review show that was balanced and even could be hard on Fox. Needless to say, Kurtz has not kept up that tradition.
    As to the classics, we have to wonder at this point if Bob just stopped reading after he graduated and no one was assigning things anymore.

  6. Perhaps someone would care to take stab at explaining why the “hush money” trial reminds Somerby of the “early ways” of the Achaeans, using only Somerby’s words to do it. No paraphrase or fanciful interpretations allowed.

    1. Quaker in a BasementMay 6, 2024 at 1:29 PM

      Presumably, Our Host offers the comparison as a preview of posts yet to come. Better to be patient than to guess

  7. How can wearing a disguise be illegal?

    1. It would be if you were impersonating an officer, for example.

    2. Impersonating an officer is illegal. Wearing a disguise is not illegal.

  8. "BREAKING OVERNIGHT — Gaza cease-fire talks appear to have collapsed following a Hamas rocket attack yesterday that killed three soldiers at an Israeli checkpoint …"

    1. Throwing out the baby with the bath water.

  9. I'm shocked, shocked that Israel supporters would be violent.

    1. A country must have some ability to defend itself given that it has withstood coalitions of Arab nations attacking its very existence repeatedly since 1947.

    2. A country wouldn't be attacked.

    3. Israel has been a country since 1947. Palestine has never been a country.

    4. If Palestine was a country, it wouldn't be attacked by its neighbors. Only by western settlers and their henchmen.

    5. A successful cease fire agreement with Hamas is a pipe dream. Consider that Hamas's sneak attack killing, torturing, kidnapping and raping Israeli civilizes took place during a cease fire. How in the world could Hamas be trusted to adhere to another cease fire?

    6. This is a matter of Arab anti-Semitism because the Arabs did not Palestinians in 1947 because they are good neighbors but because they are Arabs. They were attacking Israel because they are Jews in the midst of an Arabic middle East.

      Today, the Palestinians are caught in a proxy war between Iran and Syria (supported by Russia) and Israel supported by the US & Great Britain & other European countries and the Western-allied Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan). In the USA, the Russians have subverted elements of the Republican party, including Trump and MAGA Republicans while the Palestinian plight has attracted the sympathy of progressives within the Democratic party. Biden, as president, dislikes Netanyahu and seeks peace but carries out the longstanding USA policy of supporting Israel against Arab enemies.

      Palestine has consistently rejected a two-state solution to its conflict with Israel. There have been numerous wars inflicted on Israel by Palestine, all ending with Palestinian defeat and Israeli victory. Russia's goal is to create a distraction that will allow it to win in Ukraine. It has no hope that the Palestinians will prevail in this current Gaza war. Meanwhile the people of Gaza continue to be pawns and are the ones dying in large numbers.

      The Republicans help no one and nothing except Trump's personal ambitions when they support Russia (and indirectly Iran and Hamas). History will not judge them kindly.

    7. First sentence correction: Arabs did not support the...

    8. It’s like the western hemisphere. Those darned “Indians” just kept attacking the colonists.

    9. David, why did Netanyahu support Hamas before Oct. 6? Why was the sneak attack allowed to last so long before IDF responded?

    10. No, it is nothing like the Indians in the western hemisphere. The palestinians like to style themselves as indigenous people but they moved to the Palestinian mandate from nearby Arab countries at the same time as Jews emigrated there from Europe and from the same nearby Arab countries (where they were expelled). Palestinians attacked Jewish settlers too, trying to drive them out of the Mandate. The Palestinian propaganda doesn't mention that.

      Right before the 1947 attack on the newly formed state of Israel, surrounding Arab nations warned the Palestinian settlers in Israel that they were going to attack. They urged them to move out of the path of the attack and promised that they could return to their land after Israel was defeated. Many did so. Remaining Palestinians allied with the Arab states were considered enemy non-combatants and placed in camps after the attack by Arab nations against Israel began in 1947. Unfortunately for the Palestinians, the Arab nations lost their war against Israel and Israel remained a country. Those who had fled demanded their land back, but did not get it. That is a large part of their grievance against Israel today. This cycle of violence has been repeated many times since then, with the Arabs always losing and the Palestinians becoming more and more violent, engaging in suicide bombings in public places in large Israeli cities, the Intifada within the Palestinian areas, and now this brutal Hamas attack on Israelis adjacent but outside of Gaza.

      It is time for the Palestinians to accept their fate and stop attacking Israel. If the adjoining Arab nations truly cared about the Palestinians, they would accept them as refugees or migrants to their own countries. They have not done so. The Palestinians are arabs in the same sense as the people of those other countries, speaking the same language, having the same customs and following the same religion. They are not a separate indigenous groups that can claim persecution by an invading group, as occurred in the USA. They are invaders too, and have no greater claim on Israel than the Israelis do.

    11. It's time for the Western settlers to go home, and leave the place to the indigenous people.

      Sooner or later it will happen anyway; why keep prolonging unnecessary bloodshed?

    12. Anonymouse 11:48pm, because Netanyahu thought Hamas overrided even more extremist elements.

      “Nations have no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.” old adage

    13. @Cecelia 12:54 PM
      actually, it's exactly the opposite, I reckon. Zionists supported Hamas precisely because it's the most extreme group. Hoping for sympathies: look at us, we're fighting the horrible Hamas! We're the good guys here!

      Didn't work.

    14. Anonymouse 1:03pm, that’s counter intuitive. Strong countries go after their strongest enemies. Weak countries cower for help.

    15. If Netanyahu were Japanese, he would have committed hari-kari very shortly after the surprise attack.

    16. @Cecelia
      Secular resistance movements (like PLO) are their strongest enemy. Oslo accord, Nobel laureate Yasser Arafat, or any other internationally recognized/respected opponent. Those they need to destroy. Hamas, otoh, is the perfect opponent.

      It's the same concept as the Clinton campaign helping Donald Trump to become the Republican nominee in 2016.

    17. Anonymouse 1:29pm, I agree and inherit in that strategy is possibly that it bites you in the butt.

    18. It kind of worked, though. No right of return, no Palestinian state, west bank settlements keep growing, east Jerusalem keeps getting ethnically cleansed. But yes, there are risks.

    19. Cecelia 1:35: inherit or inherent?

  10. "...are we all Achaeans now?"

    No. Somerby is descended from the Irish, who were not any kind of Greeks. I am too, although half my heritage is Norwegian and thus Viking. Not a Greek among my ancestors. It is almost as if Somerby doesn't realize there were other people, elsewhere, doing other things in the world. Those Icelandic Sagas are much more interesting than the Iliad.

    1. The only ancient book worth reading is the Holy Bible, including the New Testament, of course. And the Apocrypha ain’t bad.

    2. Duly noted and summarily ignored.

    3. barf. yes, never mind the rich abundance of classical literature of our western ancestors. just stick to the religious superstitions of the Middle East. in that holy writ you'll find such pearls of wisdom as, how badly you can beat your slaves before getting in trouble, and that women shouldn't be allowed to be church leaders

    4. So you agree, 1:37, the Bible is the best. (I’m disappointed in Cecelia.)

    5. Anonymouse 2:06pm, you should be sorry that you thought I was stupid enough to take that bait.

    6. I never thought it possible anyone could over-estimate Cecelia's stupidity.
      Every day God gives us a miracle.

    7. Anonymouse 3:38, not every day.

      God won’t be able to do the same with you.

  11. If Somerby actually wanted to help Biden get elected while musing about the media, he might examine the attempts of Hunter Biden to stop the attack on him by Fox News using defamation laws, as described by Aaron Rupar and Liz Dye at Public Notice:

    This is all part of Trump's campaign to illegally and unfairly rig the 2024 election using media collaborators who pretend to be journalists by are actually campaign operatives (much like Pecker was in 2016).

    Next to that massive malfeasance, a nitpick about a headline about how many non-students were protesting at Columbia University is teeny tiny potatoes. It is almost as if Somerby were looking the other way while Trump uses the media to spread fake information about his opposition. Or perhaps Somerby is just sleeping in the woods?

  12. "We Blues! Are we earning our way out? Perhaps more to the ultimate point, are we all Achaeans now?"

    I have lost track of what any of this means. We are clearly not Greeks and we are not enaged in any war, especially not one on behalf of a stolen (or runaway) Helen. I don't see any parallels.

    But today Somerby claims we blues have earned our way out of something, on the basis of Fox News headlines that "we blues" have no control over. Or is he giving us credit for the protests (which Somerby seems to support)? I have no idea what he is talking about.

    We are in the midst of a modern-day political contest between Trump and Biden. Biden has been gaining the edge in the past week or two. That has nothing to do with Greeks. It has to do with more voters realizing Biden's contributions and the dangers of a second Trump presidency. And none of that is relevant to anything about the ancient Greeks. They didn't even shoot dogs in those days.

    1. I often wish Somerby would speak more plainly about his views.

    2. Anonymouses have spent their lives trolling a blog they admittedly haven’t a clue about.

    3. Of course, Cecelia, you can explain, using only Somerby’s words, what he means “we are all Achaeans”, keeping in mind that the Achaeans won the Trojan War. Ready, set,…go.

    4. Anonymouse 2:05pm, we’ve been in a near ten year war in which every institution has been affected, with the result being some of the most clownish behavior in our history.

      Biden’s numbers are up and so Bob sees the possibility that the citizenry may be coming out of the madness the gods had laid upon us.

      You might not appreciate such an analogy, or agree with it, or see much use in it. That would not be surprising coming from people who think that Homer has nothing to offer in our modern times.

      Generally, when people encounter blogs or books or movies with ideas or frames of mind to which they have no affinity, they move on. I don’t frequent neocon blogs. I don’t go and mix it up with Jonah Goldberg in order to tend my garments at his tropes.

      I suggest the same sort of practice would be good for your mental health, if not your pocketbook.

    5. You did not refer to a single thing Somerby actually said, Cecelia.

    6. Also, the hush money trial is like the early days of the Achaeans. ??

    7. Anonymouse 2:40pm, I shouldn’t have had to explain the analogy of our country being the latest version of achaeans.

      However, I did, though your request was little more than “pull my finger”.

    8. Go ahead, Cecelia. Rend your garments.

  13. Carol Lamb was on at The Trump trial on MSNBC. Her commentary is especially balanced and does not always go along with the group think. Bob probably tunes her out.

  14. My wife's favorite show, the PBS Newshour, has a kind of balance. Each Friday they have commentary between an anti-Trump liberal and an anti-Trump conservative.

    1. All good decent people are anti-Trump.

    2. @11:26 - this is how Hillary lost her election. Demonizing the other candidate is one thing; demonizing half the country is another. Being demonized is a motivator.

    3. But in Bob's lingo a "good decent person" is an idiot anti-Trump media talking head. So, 11:26 AM is correct.

    4. No deplorable was ever going to vote for Hillary, so that is NOT how to she lost (not to mention she overwhelmingly won the popular vote).

    5. 11:43 The suggestion may be that deplorables were motivated to vote against her, and that is how she lost.

    6. Anonymouse 11:43am, I get that this is hard for you to fathom, but there’s a center.

    7. Anonymouse 10:58pm, Bob does tune out Carol Lamb. It’s his daily routine. He does it right before boiling puppies in bleach.

    8. We are all deplorables now.

    9. Anonymouse 12:39 pm, you’d have to work up to deplorable.

    10. I am inspired to pursue my dream of becoming a true deplorable one day.

    11. Not much of a center, Cecelia. 88 felony counts plus a half billion dollar penalty for business fraud and TWO findings of liability for defamation of the same damn person!, and the motherfucker is still polling the same as Mitt Romney or Bush did. Where are these mythical independents? LOL

    12. Anonymouse 12:48pm, universally true for everyone.

    13. Anonymouse 12:48pm, you’ve illustrated my point.

      Yeah, there’s “not much of a center” if you have exotropia.

    14. Voting for the candidate The Man tells you to hate is exactly what being independent is all about. Voting for the candidate The Man tells you to vote is being a sheep.

    15. And Cecelia is the Man.

    16. Look at Trump. What's not to hate?

    17. Independence. Drain the Swamp talk. Among other things. Not to mention that he's been a legend for as long as I can remember; since the 80s probably.

      What about John Dillinger? Bonnie and Clyde? The Man hated them, the people loved them.

    18. Anonymouse 1:20pm, someone has to be.

    19. 1:41,

      Independence? Bwahahaha!
      Drain the Swamp? LOL
      A legend? speak for yourself, shit for brains.

    20. Oh yeah, thanks. And he triggers idiot-moonbats. That's priceless.

    21. there you go, shit for brains, now you're catching on. plus he gave license to deplorables to let their racist flag fly proudly.

    22. A new Gallup poll shows that only 38% of Americans have confidence in President Biden's ability to lead the country.

    23. Did Trump shit his pants today, Boris?

    24. If course he did. He’s von schitzhispants.

    25. I don't know about Trump but Biden shit standing before a press scrum the other day. Did you see it? It didn't give me a ton of confidence in his ability to lead the country.

    26. Der Spiegel says they'll dump him for Obama's wife.

    27. Both parties are running candidates that spend all day shitting themselves. Biden is mentally diminished and shifts slowly across tarmacs in soiled suit pants looking more like a dying mule on its way out to pasture that any kind of world leader.

    28. I hear the magat flock are wearing diapers saying "Real men wear diapers". Hilarious, aint it?

    29. Biden looks old to me but he seems to have a good grasp of the subject matter of running the country. Trump on the other hand, holy shit, did you read his interview in Time magazine?

      Donald Trump’s elastic connection to reality was richly on display in his interview with Time magazine, published on Thursday. Much of what the president said was unsurprising – that is, to those who have spent the past two months radically recalibrating their standards of what counts as presidential speech.

      Devoted to the topic of “truth and falsehoods”, the interview gave the president a chance to substantiate or explain his most offensive deformations of the factual record – that Muslims danced in the streets of the New Jersey as the Twin Towers crumbled, that 3 million undocumented aliens threw the popular vote in Hillary Clinton’s favor, that Ted Cruz’s father trucked with Lee Harvey Oswald, and that Barack Obama tapped the phone of then candidate Trump.

      Predictably, the president offered nothing in the way of substantiation or contrition. Instead, he overwhelmed his interviewer with such a profusion of misstatements, half-truths, dodges and red herrings that one grows dizzy trying to untangle it all.

    30. "Both parties are running candidates that spend all day shitting themselves."
      Doesn't matter. Republican voters choose their candidate by how much of a bigot the candidate is. Not if the candidate has control over their bodily functions.

    31. I didn't see the Time thing but it's embarrassing we are led by a diminished senior who bemusedly shits himself standing on TV. It's no wonder people don't trust him to run the country. Why can't Democrats run someone who isn't a bad-to-horrible candidate?

    32. As Kevin Drum explained, Biden broke his foot. Trump has no excuse.

    33. 4:42 Do you supply documentation for that statement or is your mouth a conduit for the stuff you remark about?

  15. "We'll start to explore that complex question this week ...."

    Thanks for the warning.

    1. You didn’t need it. You have a slew of 1000 word screeds at the ready.

    2. "Thanks for the warning."

      Ha! Good one! Who writes your material? So fresh.

    3. He won’t be talking about anything promised.
