Fauci testified for fourteen hours!


Greg Gutfeld's pathetic reaction: With apologies, a great deal more could be said about Kristen Welker's treatment of Elise Stefanik on last Sunday's Meet the Press.

The softballs were general over the set. At the point where yesterday's report left off, this was Welker's next question for her guest:

WELKER (1/7/24): I want to stay on track. You mentioned Pennsylvania. Would you vote to certify, and will you vote to certify, the results of the 2024 election, no matter what they show?

Fellow citizens, please! It's hard to imagine a sillier question—or an easier question to answer.

Can a member of Congress agree to certify an election which hasn't yet taken place? Such certification—or the withholding of same—is a basic congressional function. 

As Stefanik had noted in her speech to the House all the way back on January 6, many Democrats have refused to certify presidential elections in the past twenty years. How can a member say that she will certify the next election, in all fifty states, when she has no way of knowing how that election will have been conducted?

No question could be easier to answer. Stefanik did so ease, even as Welker wasted time trying to "pin her down" with silly clarifications.  

So it went as a red tribe star ran roughshod over her latest blue victim. That brings us to this week's interplay between Anthony Fauci and the red tribe clown, the Fox News Channel's Greg Gutfeld.

Thanks to Peter Choi of The Hill, we can link you to a news report about Dr. Fauci's week. On Monday and Tuesday of the past week, Fauci testified—in private, with no transcripts yet provided—before the Republican-controlled Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

On Monday, the session ran a full seven hours. Tuesday's session seems to have lasted a similar length of time. That said, let's state the obvious: 

Because no transcript has yet been released, there is no way to know what Fauci actually said during those fourteen hours of testimony. All we have is a pair of summaries from Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), the chairman of the committee. 

In this news report for The Hill, Choi records complaints from Democratic members of the committee, who say that Wenstrup's summaries have distorted what Fauci actually said. Sic semper congressional gong-shows.

Let's say it again:

At this point, there is no reliable way to know what Fauci said. You'd have to be a total idiot to assume that Wenstrup's summaries presented "fair and balanced" accounts of his lengthy testimony.

You'd have to be a total idiot—or you'd have to be Greg Gutfeld. On Thursday night, the perpetually angry Fox News star engaged in a fairly typical rant about the various "admissions" Fauci had "finally" made.

The angry fellow's rant was profane—and it was blindingly stupid. We've always tried to avoid the use of that unpleasant word at this site, but with a prime-time star like Gutfeld, words like "dumb" no longer suffice.

Gutfeld offered his rant on his eponymous 10 p.m. program, Gutfeld! Eventually, Gutfeld would introduce his panel—a panel made up of two B-grade comedians, one former professional wrestler, and the requisite conventionally attractive youngish woman.

If anything, the panel would offer ever fewer insights that Gutfeld himself had managed. First, though, Gutfeld staged his opening monologue. 

Early in the monologue, the angry star focused on jibes about Fauci's physical stature. Beyond that, he included a set of claims he can't possibly know to be accurate:

GUTFELD (1/11/24): The dwarf known as Doc copped to the following admissions:

The six foot social distancing rule had no basis in science; the lab leak isn't just a conspiracy theory; vaccine mandates and travel bans were a mistake; and oh, that's after his previously saying the lockdowns weren't his fault. 

So what exactly did he get right? That the media will believe anything, if it comes from a toadstool in a lab coat? Kudos to chairman Brad Wenstrup for holding Fauci's tiny hooves to the fire and refraining from throwing him out a window.

Dr. Fauci was described as "the dwarf known as Doc," but also as "a toadstool in a lab coat." Chairman Wenstrup was warmly praised for allegedly having held Dr. Fauci's "tiny hooves to the fire."

To watch the entire monologue, you can start by clicking here. For the sake of clarity, let's say it again:

Until Wenstrup agrees to release transcripts of Fauci's testimony, people like Gutfeld have no way of knowing what Fauci actually said.

In the passage we've posted, Gutfeld listed four "admissions" Fauci supposedly made. On its face, the alleged admission about the lab leak theory doesn't even make sense, a point we'll note below.

So far, the angry Fox star had restricted himself to denigrations about Fauci's height and weight. That said, the angry fellow was just getting warmed up.

Soon, he turned profane:

GUTFELD: Sounds like Fauci is less of a scientist and more of a magician making our rights and freedoms disappear while pulling the social distancing bullshit out of his ass.

For the record, Fox does a lot of BLEEPing on this deeply unintelligent show—but that analysis was allowed to air exactly as delivered.

And yes, that's what he actually said! In truth, the angry fellow was just getting warmed up, as you can see from this part of what followed:

GUTFELD: It was more like science fiction, which brings us to the biggest lie of all. Fauci finally admitted the lab leak isn't a conspiracy theory. That revelation had me look up what "Fauci" means in Italian. It means "lying two-faced son of a bitch."


The little [BLEEP] actually called the lab leak "molecularly impossible." So for years, Fauci sat in front of any camera with a red light on and said whatever he thought he had to say, even if it wasn't true.

Finally, producers had decided to BLEEP something Gutfeld said. Watching the screen, it's fairly easy to see that he had referred to Fauci as a "little f*cker," to the apparent delight of his studio audience.

When his angry rant was through, Gutfeld introduced his B-grade comedians and his former professional wrestler. They offered observations which were almost as dumb as his own.

Regarding the sheer stupidity of Gutfeld's rant, consider his claim that Dr. Fauci had "finally admitted the lab leak isn't a conspiracy theory." It was that alleged admission which had led the angry fellow to investigate what "Fauci" means in Italian.

That said:

What did Fauci actually say this week about the "lab leak" theory? Until Wenstrup allows the transcripts to appear, there will be no way to know.

That said, there would be nothing new about an "admission" that the lab leak theory is an actual possibility. Headline included, here's part of a report from Politico about an appearance by Fauci on Meet the Press in November 2022, some fourteen months ago:

Fauci on Covid lab leak theory: ‘I have a completely open mind’

Anthony Fauci, the retiring top official in the United States response to the Covid-19 pandemic, said Sunday he has “a completely open mind” about the origins of the respiratory virus.

“I have a completely open mind about that, despite people saying that I don’t,” Fauci said, when asked on NBC’s “Meet the Press” about the theory that the virus may have leaked from a lab in China in 2019.

Fauci acknowledged that a group of international, respected virologists has written that strong evidence shows the virus jumped from animals to humans, but said it “hasn’t been definitively proven.”


A report this fall from Vanity Fair and ProPublica, which said the Wuhan Institute of Virology dealt with an unspecified emergency at the time Covid-19 began, brought back to the forefront a debate about whether the virus might have come from a lab.

Speaking on CBS’ “Face the Nation” in a separate interview Sunday, Fauci said he’d like to know “all of the details of what went on with the original people who were infected.”

In short, it's hard to know less than Gutfeld does. Also, it would be hard to behave in an uglier way when he insists on displaying his anger and his ignorance. 

In fairness, the B-room comedians and the former professional wrestler were there to join the studio audience in cheering the TV star on.

The sheer stupidity of Gutfeld's show is matched by the intensity of its host's anger and by the steady stream of propaganda it advances. As Gutfeld and Jesse Watters become the twin faces of Fox News, the dumbness level keeps increasing—and the wider world of the mainstream press corps continues to avert its gaze.

Increasingly, Gutfeld and Watters have come to define the culture of Fox News in prime time. Their programs are built around smirks and snark and dim-witted misstatements. Increasingly, this channel's stream of red tribe propaganda is now packaged in such raiment. 

Simply put, you can't run a large modern nation on this. You can't run a large modern nation on Gutfeld, or on the refusal by blue tribe elites to talk about same.


  1. Sadly, what's profane and blindingly stupid here, is you Bob, from watching and reading the state-owned media, and nothing else.

    Why don't you read something unscripted, for a change? Try this, for example:

    1. I tried to click through and found that it was Matt “Twitter Files” Taibbi’s Substack (for those who know). It costs money to access. No thanks.

      Somerby, in contrast, provides his essays for free. In response to this gift, you call him “profane and blindingly stupid.” You do not seem to be a nice person.

    2. Bob calls Greg Gutfeld “profane and blindingly stupid”, and I call Bob “profane and blindingly stupid”. I explain why, and I suggest reading material. What is your problem, Pied Piper?

    3. My problem is that Somerby is one of my favorite authors, and he kindly provides his essays to all for free, so it irks me when know-nothings repay his gifts by cruelly and gratuitously insulting him.

    4. Being free doesn’t improve garbage.

    5. Pied Piper, Somerby said something about monetizing TDH.

    6. Bob won’t earn much from this blog.

    7. Somerby gratuitously insults those he writesabout.

    8. The link above has this video and argues Fauci has contradicted himself and lied about his involvement in promoting the theory that the virus originated from a natural spillover event. It also criticizes the media for downplaying Fauci's inconsistencies and for demonizing those who questioned the official narrative.

      Just FYI - not claiming it is right or wrong or impacts anything said on this blog post.


    9. Weirdo Mao, U.S. mainstream media isn't state-owned. And even if it were, that wouldn't necessarily mean it wasn't truthful. Dismissing mainstream media simply because it's mainstream is sophomoric. It's similar to rejecting scientific consensus just because it's the consensus. In the words of Howard Stern's father, I told you stop being stupid, you moron.

    10. 9:45 PM "Just FYI - not claiming it is right or wrong or impacts anything said on this blog post."

      It sure does. Bob calls the Gutfeld, Fox comedian, stupid because (among other thing) Bob believes that Fauci was "open mind" about COVID origin theories. But in fact Fauci was the main force behind delegitimizing the lab origin theory.

      So, don't call others blindingly stupid when you yourself are blindingly ignorant.

    11. See, there are two sides to everything. On one side, you have Fauci, the dedicated public servant trying to protect the public as best he can in the face of a new deadly disease. On the other side, you have Fauci, the evil manipulator, whose goal was…I can’t fill in this blank, but you get my drift.

    12. 9:04 AM
      So, you're suggesting that I should ignore the established facts, and concentrate on speculations about Fauci's (who you pompously call "dedicated public servant") motives instead? Nice.

      How about the possibility of the "dedicated public servant" being intimately involved in engineering this virus?

    13. No one "engineered" covid.

    14. @10:15 AM
      So, unlike Fauci, you don't claim "open mind"?

    15. 8:26 AM I didn't call anyone blindingly stupid. That's someone else. I was just providing information that might be relevant.

    16. And the purpose of designing a novel virus and maliciously spread across the globe was to ??

    17. @10:25, you do not need to keep an open mind now because there have been investigations and there is now consensus that covid did not originate in a lab and was not deliberately engineered.

    18. @7:10
      Sadly, you seem to be unfamiliar with the whole gain-of-function controversy, brother.

      As for "maliciously spread", that's your own theory, so it's up to you to come up with a purpose.

  2. Republicans are feces.

  3. I suppose Gutfeld can accurately be described as ignorant, at least partly. But he shares with many of his fellow conservatives and republicans the proclivity of nourishing and cultivating his ignorance, causing his mind to engage in baroque convoluted conspiracy and accusatorial thinking centered around objects of hate. And that is not borne of ignorance, but of hate. Gutfeld leads his audience down this path with great care.

    Question: I’m glad Somerby is turning his attack towards Gutfeld and his ilk, but why wouldn’t Gutfeld get labeled mentally ill by Somerby? He seems just as unhinged as Trump. And Somerby spent a fair amount of time trying to psychoanalyze “excitable boy” Tucker Carlson, a Cecelia favorite.

    1. Fauci is revered in the medical community for years of tireless work starting with his HIV leadership. Has needed bodyguards for walks in the park with his wife thanks to the sickness infecting scum like Gutfield.

    2. This is a new look for Cecelia, not even not trying to not look like a fascist bimbo. It saves a lot of time!

    3. It’s weird to see sexist, gender-based insults emanating from supposedly *progressive* commenters.

    4. It’s also weird that all you supposedly *progressive* commenters sit by in silence and avert your gaze from sexist, gender-based insults.

    5. Anonymouse12:32am, it’s not weird, really.

      You’re talking to the biggest whiner bimbos in the world.

      A blogger critiques us! Waahhh!!!

    6. Plenty of commenters have called out Cecelia for her gender based insults. Maybe 10:54 prefers a different approach.

    7. The original Bimbo was male.


  4. “Sic semper congressional gong-shows”

    There have been useful hearings, but only the ones chaired by Democrats.

    1. Amen. Bob should not imply that Dems' hearings are as bogus and in as bad faith as R's hearings.

    2. Because they aren't.

    3. That's circular reasoning. Are you an imbecile?

    4. That’s not circular reasoning.

      Democrat-run hearings are better.

      Bob shouldn’t imply that they aren’t better.

      There’s no circularity in asking Bob to tell the truth.

  5. Cable news is not simply stupid but trying to make us stupid using marketing principles.

  6. The logic of Fox is simple:

    Anything the government does to try to keep people alive is evil Nazi social engineering.

    Anything done to create an audience with research into how to push people's buttons emotionally so the advertisers get paid is not social engineering.

    1. Anything the government does to TRY to keep people alive is evil IF that action actually does more harm than good.

    2. Keeping people alive is harm?

    3. TRYING is not necessarily ACCOMPLISHING. Good intentions are not enough.

    4. You think people are not being kept alive?

    5. "Anything the government does to TRY to keep people alive is evil IF that action actually does more harm than good." What an idiot. Imagine someone truly trying to help people out, and they make an honest mistake and end up doing more harm than good. That makes them "evil"? Please shut up.

    6. And what specifically are you even talking about - Fauci and the Democrats' response to covid? Please prove that they did more harm than good. Trump knowingly down-played the severity of covid because he thought acknowledging the true severity of it would harm his chances of getting reelected. Not THAT shit is evil.

    7. There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction. John F. Kennedy

      Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly. John F. Kennedy

      Some men see things as they are, and say why. I dream of things that never were, and say why not.
      George Bernard Shaw

      "No can do." DiC

      The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men who can dream of things that never were. John F. Kennedy

    8. Good intentions can lead to bad results:
      After the murder of George Floyd, many liberals TRIED to help blacks by reducing and moderating law enforcement. The result was a big increase in black murder victims.

    9. You're full of shit, David.

    10. Paying cops is not necessarily the way to stop corruption. In fact, it's one of the best ways to support it.
      That was David's point.

    11. Liberals focus on the fact that arrested criminals are disproportionately black.
      Conservatives focus on the fact that crime victims are disproportionately black.

    12. Funny DIC, how Covid was much more deadly in heavily Red counties than heavily blue. About 1/2 M more dead than needed. But it's OK as mostly old and fat.

    13. When have conservatives ever introduced a bill in congress to help black crime victims?

    14. This analysis shows that police departments were not actually defunded as claimed by police and politicians. The increase in murder rates has occurred despite increases in police budgets. Why do people think there was defunding and that it has caused more crime? Because that is what police and politicians keep telling the public, while the reality is different.


    15. David in Cal, as usual throws out baseless statements that suggest he does not know how to access information on the internet. There is no evidence that decreasing the numbers of police drastically increases rates of violent crime.

    16. 8:02: Exactly. Police propagate that misinformation to lobby for more money. Conservative talking points always favor simple explanations for complex issues.

    17. @7:56 The best way to help black crime victims is to prevent the crime in the first place, so they're not victims. Republicans have often supported laws to strengthen law enforcement.

      @8:02 Your source apparently considers a 2% nominal increase. When you take inflation into account, that's a decrease.

      Not only did liberals cut police in some cities, liberals both formally and de facto made their police less aggressive. Both of these factors led to increased crime.

    18. Arty: correct. In 2021 the Brookings Institute published vaccination rates by political party: 90% for democrats and 58% for republicans. Vaccination has been proven to lower Covid mortality rates. Numbskulls like DeSantis and Fox talking heads politicized vaccination to the detriment of their minions, resulting in excess deaths. Couldn't agree with DIC more here: the activities and messaging of specific right wing politicians and media during the Covid epidemic was evil.

    19. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/01/28/fact-check-police-funding-not-linked-homicide-spikes-experts-say/9054639002/
      Another piece of right wing nonsense spouted by DIC bites the dust. Read and learn.

    20. Unamused 1:10 AM
      "Fact check: No evidence defunding police to blame for homicide increases, experts say". The url claim is even stronger: "police-funding-not-linked-homicide-spikes-"

      You must be an idiot to believe this. Or a liberal. But I repeat myself.

    21. "Vaccination has been proven to lower Covid mortality rates."

      Hasn't it also been proven to prevent infection and transmission? I seem to remember it has.

    22. 3:08. You must be a liberal or idiot to believe that defending the police is not linked to homicide spikes? Is that what you are saying? The contents of the article are what you should be commenting on, with your own sources to explain why it is incorrect, if that is, in fact your position. George Floyd was murdered in the spring of 2020. The spike in murders that occurred was during the Covid epidemic and had no correlation with the funding of police forces in various citie, many of which had no drop in police funding .So what's your point?

    23. 3:13. Yes, as well as the risk of long Covid. The right wing media and numbskulls like DeSantis propagated lies that ultimately killed a lot of their followers.

    24. Regarding 3:50, correction second line: defunding , not defending. Bad autocorrection.

    25. When I see the claim that defunding police doesn't affect homicide rates, I don't need to analyze mental gymnastics that justify this claim. I just laugh. Sorry.

    26. @3:58 AM
      Yes? Vaccination prevents infection and transmission? Is this what you're saying? Seriously?

    27. The Point of discussing issues that make middle class people scared is to make them immune to facts. The Republicans act like Leninists in using thought terminating cliches.

      Everyone who matters to the noise machine was vaccinated and the idiots died on their own swords.

    28. "The Point of discussing issues that make middle class people scared is to make them immune to facts."

      Good point. No discussion should be allowed.

      Whatever the Great Leader says, you do it, end of story. Or, when the Great Leader is Republican, do the opposite.

    29. 6:15,
      This is a media criticism site. Not a place for snowflakes to whine about being ignored.

    30. @6:20 AM, so don't whine then.

    31. 4:02&4:04 are excellent examples of what conservatives refer to as “discussing the issues”. Facts have no bearing for them apart from being obstacles.

    32. unamused - thanks for linking that USA article. It's spin. Here are some flaws
      1. The headline says, "Fact check: No evidence defunding police to blame for homicide increases, experts say." Actually, the article only says ONE PORTICULAR STUDY did not provide conclusive evidence that defunding the police led to the increase in murders. The study doesn't claim to show that defunding the police did NOT cause the increase in murders. Nor does it show whether other studies do show an increase in murders impact from defunding police.
      2. The article says, "most of those cities did not SUBSTANTIVELY cut their 2021 police spending as part of a defunding initiative." So, these cities DID cut police spending.
      3. The proof offered in that article doesn't meet Sagan's standard. Sagan said: "Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence"
      It would be extraordinary if cutting police didn't lead to more crime. After all, reducing crime is the entire purpose of police. It would be wonderful if cities could control crime without police. But, centuries of experience all over the world shows that's not so. T hat study doesn.t show extraordinary evidence..

    33. Over roughly a ten year interval NYC purposely cut its police force and violent crime including homicides went down so you are talking out of pure speculation here. Read up on this complex problem before you pretend to understand it. You have chosen crime during the Covid pandemic as your example period. Not smart. Large studies show a very small increase in violent crime associated with drops in police funding. You can look all this up.

    34. I don't know if indeed "NYC purposely cut its police force" or that "violent crime including homicides went down", and what the cause and effect situation it might entail. Not enough reliable information. Sorry.

    35. Still waiting to see the evidence that DIC has showing that cities that cut police funding after George Floyd had large increases in black murder rates as compared with those that didn't. Absent that, he is making up a story that aligns with his personal biases. The data present in that article clearly argues against his narrative despite the contortions he goes through objecting to it. Show us your COMPARATIVE data, DIC. Extraordinary claims are in the eye of the beholder. DIC's claim, that murder rates rose very quickly due to scale backs in policing rather than being related to other factors during a massive pandemic disruption, is extraordinary and requires substantiation. I cannot find any data supporting a causal relationship. If DIC wishes to use his narrative as the gold standard against which all other possibilities need proof he is living in a world of his own design.

    36. It seems that your claim -- less police = less crime -- is extraordinary, not his. His claim is perfectly common sense and doesn't require any substantiations. Pretty much an equivalent of 'sun rises in the east'.

    37. 4:54 I did not say "less police less crime". I said that DIC had no empiric evidence of a causal relationship between " defunding the police" and a large increase in black murder rates, which he stated. A bump in crime rates in 2021 during the midst of the pandemic would have to occur to a greater extent in such cities as adopted these policies as compared with those that didn't. Advocates for less police funding argued that improvement in criminal statistics would occur by allocating that money differently in the community . There is no reason apart from intrinsic bias to argue against that proposal, without data.

  7. Greg Gutfeld is 5’ 5” tall.

  8. A Florida county has banned two books by Bill O’Reilly.


  9. Jimmy Carter tried to reform the tax system. He failed.


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  11. Kevin absolves Israel of genocide.


  12. Here's Kevin again:


  13. Joan Acocella died last week.

  14. Since Bob wants to go over the Welker interview AGAIN, at least he might try considering a different perspective. Like maybe Welker isn’t “blue tr

  15. Tribe” at all, or that anyone not treating the MAGA horseshit need not be pigeon holed in that fashion?
    Again, what’s with Bob getting real about Fox? Did the check bounce? Only kidding Dogface. I Hope.

  16. Terrific rant re Israel and Gaza

  17. “Malaria drug Trump touted as Covid cure increased chance of death – study”


  18. I am a lizard, and there’s nothing wrong with my brain.

  19. Finally! The good rioters and rioting.


    1. The best rioters are the West Bank settlers.

    2. The best rioters are IDF soldiers.

    3. Let's just agree that Right-wing snowflakes throwing a childish temper tantrum at the U.S. Capitol, just because black people's votes were counted in the 2020 Presidential election, are far too lazy to be good at anything.

    4. "Stop rioting it's just a cover up of genocide " - Karen

    5. When 20,000 Arabs lie dead it's "self defense"

      When people face heavily armed police outside a public office trying to stop more deaths with the sanctioned right to protest, that's a "riot"

    6. Is riot always a bad thing? Or, under different circumstances, can riot be a good thing? Like, say, a slave riot. Spartacus, for example. Was it a horrible thing?

      And who is the judge who tells you if the riot is good or bad?

    7. @6:14 It was entirely predictable that Israel would retaliate if attacked. Hamas launched a brutal attack on Israel on 10/7. What did they think would happen? Those deaths are on Hamas.

    8. Hamas-schmamas. It's been also entirely predictable, since 1947, that the indigenous population, and its neighbors, will continue resisting the Western colonial entity in the middle of the Arab region.

    9. In 1948, Israel was formed alongside a Palestinian territory. The Palestinians didn't want their territory and they didn't want Israel to exist, so they joined the Arabs in war against Israel, firing the first shots. Everyone knows this except stupid teens at elite universities.

    10. Palestine is the Palestinian territory. By definition.

    11. Palestine is the name of a Biblical people. There is no Palestinian nation.

  20. More good news from Kevin:


    1. I love the part about Biden getting our military into a war in the Middle East last week.

    2. Did liberals de-fund the military, too?

    3. Is Joe Biden not woke enough for you, 9:43?

    4. "the-us-has-the-best-public-health-system-in-the-world"

      Jeez. I thought liberal clowns were terminally deranged during the Russiagate. But no, they're getting worse every day.

    5. Any time someone brings up Russuiagate it reminds me that the mainstream media is so afraid of calling out the bigotry of Republican voters, they'll latch on to anything as an excuse for Trump's 2016 presidential election victory.
      If you really want your head to explode, remember when they tried to pretend Republican voters, who know nothing at all about economics, were "economically anxious". LOL. Can you imagine?

    6. The nonsense ideas the media try to foist on the public in exchange for corporate tax breaks, is almost endless.

    7. Just it's awesome that Biden started a war with Yemen last week. That'll turn out awesome. Just like Ukraine has turned out so well with Ukrainian forces routing Russia so thoroughly as they have. We should send them at least another 100 billion.

    8. How did Biden get the Houthis to attack our shipping like that?

    9. It'll be another glorious link in the long glorious chain of glorious recent American military victories.

    10. OK, we get it that you don’t love our country and think veterans are saps and suckers, like Trump does. But how did Biden get the Houthies to attack us?

    11. Uh, who is "us"? When did they attack "us" before Biden started the war last week?

    12. They attacked "our" shipping? Umm .. no, they didn't.

    13. The 11:52 AM bot sounds insane. It's not surprising that she is getting attacked by these "Houthies" creatures.

    14. She sounds pretty much exactly like Sean Hannity did defending George Bush's illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq. Playing the patriotism card as way to avoid the substance of the issue.

    15. (With factual inaccuracies added in.)

    16. I remember when Sean Hannity and George W. Bush supported the USA more than Saddam Hussein. Those were odd times.

  21. Operation 35:

    Recruit civilian Fanny Mann-Fannimann

  22. Trump prays for God:


  23. Joyce Randolph has died.

  24. https://digbysblog.net/2024/01/15/flying-their-freak-flags/

    Trump's goal is normalizing the unthinkable. This is how democracy dies.

    1. Regrettably, that is propaganda. Powerful political institutions want you to believe Trump's goal is normalizing the unthinkable and that it will kill democracy. They are lying to you directly in your face. Eg. Trump's lawyer did not endorse the idea of presidents assassinating anyone. (Can't you tell Ruth Ben-Ghiat is reading a script and not speaking extemporaneously?) it's all a part of a coordinated propaganda effort. Remember last week Rick Perlstein wanted us to be afraid that Trump would begin a campaign of assassinating shoplifters? That was part of the propaganda campaign. They're trying to scare you. Which is cool. That's what powerful political institutions do. But just letting you know.

    2. Which Trump trial is your favorite, dipshit?

    3. Interesting non response. Very telling.

    4. Trump trials, like lying to everyone in the world about what his lawyer said, only helps Trump. It all helps Trump.

    5. It doesn't help Trump necessarily. Rather, it buries the state-run media deeper and deeper.

    6. Trump's lawyer, in response to a hypothetical put to him by one of the federal appeals court judges, did indeed assert that a sitting president could order the assassination of a political rival, and could not be criminally prosecuted for that act, unless he had first been impeached by Congress and convicted by the Senate. That is the core basis for Orange Chickenshit's assertion of complete and total immunity, magat.

    7. @ 12:55 PM
      The moonbat judge kept repeating her idiotic hypothetical: "Could a president order SEAL team to assassinate a political rival? Would he be subject to criminal prosecution?"

      Trump's lawyer answered: "My answer is qualified, “Yes.”...etc."

      If you think this amounts to assertion "that a sitting president could order the assassination of a political rival", then you're a much bigger moonbat moron than I thought.

    8. No doubt, you'd have to be a complete and total moron to believe one word Donald J. Trump says (if that's his real name). Or you could be a Right-winger, who loves Trump's bigotry and white supremacy more than they love themselves.

    9. His "qualification" denied the conditions of the hypothetical, fuckface. The condition specifically was that he was NOT impeached and convicted in the Senate. The lawyer chose to ignore that condition and stated his qualification was that the president could be criminally prosecuted IF and ONLY IF he had been impeached and convicted by the Senate. Who the fuck do you think you're fooling, magat face?

    10. 1:09,
      No one believes a sitting President could order the assassination of a political rival. But that's only because the sitting President is a Democrat.
      That number increases substantially, when the sitting President is a Republican.

    11. The courts need to hurry-up and give the President complete immunity, so Biden can freely kill every Republican in the country (and become a hero to the world).
      What's the hold up?

    12. You can't name one Republican politician who thinks we should protect the nation's commerce from Houthis.
      It's a trick question, because it's most of them, not one.

    13. Joe Biden is a highly ethical person with American interests at heart. He is neither old or demented at all.

      I am Corby.

    14. "PAN: I asked you a yes-or-no question: could a president who ordered SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival, who was not impeached… Would he be subject to criminal prosecution?

      SAUER: My answer is qualified, “Yes.” There is a political process that have to occur under us the structure of our constitution, which would require impeachment and conviction by the Senate in these exceptional cases…"

      The judge brought up the assassination nonsense in the first place. The propagandist linked to in the Digby piece claims "In a recent hearing Trump's lawyer says even assassinating a political opponent would not be something that would remove "his" immunity." which is an utter and total propagandistic lie.

      If you are against Trump you should be against this propagandist because oafish lies like this end up helping Trump!

    15. Tell me now, do you believe Trump's lawyer claimed in court that presidents can order Seal Team 6 to assassinate rivals?

      That is how it is being presented which is another in a long line of gifts handed down to the feet of Donald Trump by political operatives.

    16. The passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 just deepen Trump's support, by getting Republican voters incensed about the nation treating black people equally.

    17. "In a recent hearing Trump's lawyer says even assassinating a political opponent would not be something that would remove "his" immunity." which is an utter and total propagandistic lie.

      That is literally what Orange Chickenshit's lawyer said, you fucking moron. This was the old , "heads I win, tails you lose", high powered lawyering.
      The Republican magats in the Senate said they wouldn't convict him because it was a matter for the criminal justice system, then his lawyer in the criminal trial says he can't be indicted and prosecuted UNLESS HE HAD BEEN POLITICALLY CONVICTED IN THE SENATE, you dumb ignorant magat fuck.

    18. 1:37,
      That's the Left using scare tactics about Trump. Remember when the Left was warning that if Trump became President, he'd put a bunch of members of the swamp (like Betsy DeVos, Wilbur Ross and Sonny Perdue) in his Cabinet, and would give a HUGE tax breaks to the rich and corporations?
      How'd that work out? It obviously didn't happen, because if it did "economically anxious" Republican voters---who aren't just a shit pile of bigots (hat tip mainstream media)--would have burnt Trump Tower to the ground.
      Don't fall for it.


    19. The idiot-moonbat @2:01 PM is the greatest constitutional scholar of all times.

      It's only because of his inferior pale skin and inferior gender that he didn't take the place of Ketanji Brown Jackson on the SCOTUS bench.

    20. OK. We'll have to agree to disagree. Thanks and have a nice day.

    21. 2:13,
      No one is taking the position that white men don't suck. We aren't that deep down the rabbit hole, yet.

    22. 2:01 is scared Trump's goal is to normalize SEAL Teams assassinating political rivals because they think his lawyer claimed so. And they call other people stupid!!
