PROBLEMS: Can you run a modern nation on Childish?


The professional wrestler's tale: On last evening's Gutfeld!, the program's host—the Serra High graduate known as Greg Gutfeld—launched his panel's second discussion in the manner shown:

GUTFELD (1/5/24): Joe Biden released his first 2024 re-election ad. Frankly, it's just nice to see him releasing something besides gas.



It's almost three years to the day since January 6 and Biden is still flapping his toothless gums about it. Probably since it's also the date of his last solid bowel movement.


We know—you think we're making that up. To see this child's emission for yourself, you can just click here.

Where do people like Gutfeld come from? It's what we've been saying for years:

For better or worse, the so-called "democratization of media" has become an anthropology lesson. With the rise of endless media outlets, we've all been given the chance to see what we humans are (sometimes) secretly like.

The Gutfelds have always been with us! Day to day, in their personal lives, they may be very good neighbors and friends.

That said, the rise of outlets like Fox News has let us see what they're secretly like. Last week, we got a chance to what a snowflake the former professional wrestling heavyweight champion secretly is.

We take you back to the December 27 edition of The Five. The suits had assembled the program's standard panel—a panel containing four jugglers and clowns, along with the one "target liberal."

In the segment under review, the four would gang up on the one, in line with the program's format. In last Friday's report, we showed you part of what transpired during the segment in question.

Today, let's consider the pitiful case of The Professional Wrestler's Tale.

Full disclosure! With the former VJ serving as moderator, the panel's four red tribe voices began an assault on All Things Climate Change Mitigation.

They began with an utterly pointless fact—Kamala Harris seems to own a gas stove! But according to the red tribe members, the problem goes well beyond that!

"It's not just gas stoves," the former VJ said. "Biden's anti-consumer crusade is targeting four more types of appliances—dishwashers, air conditioners, washing machines and furnaces.

"Had enough Nanny State?" the former VJ asked. Eventually, though, this ship of fools steered toward the shoals associated with electric vehicles.

Actually, no—you can't get dumber than what transpired this day. It fell to the former professional wrestling heavyweight champion to offer the saddest laments.

He offered the saddest laments of the day—though they were also the dumbest. Can you run a large modern nation on Stupid?

This channel is willing to try!

What did the professional wrestler say? More to the point, what didn't the heavyweight say? He followed a litany of stupid complaints from The Former VJ and The Grievously Wounded Ex-Marine, with The Arizona DAR Member awaiting her chance to perform.

That said, it was the professional wrestler who went on, at greatest length, about the nightmare problems with EVs. To watch the whole segment, click here.

No, you can't get dumber! With several million people watching, here's part of what he said:

PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER (12/27/23): I'm currently shopping for something like a 57 Chevy. I'm looking for something that, if the worst-case scenario hits, I can take the moonshine I made this summer and pour it in my tank and get away without worrying about my car freezing up or being tracked. 

Or have a little voice tell me, "You said you were going to CVS. Why are you making a right at the gas station?"


PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER: But that's what you're waiting for. Or, "You've have allotted 15 miles today left on your 100 for the week."

GRIEVOUSLY WOUNDED EX-MARINE: It's all about control.

 PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER: It's all about control.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo! As with Samson of old, his power might be stripped away by a little voice inside his car! He might even be tracked!

The children agreed, again and again—it's all about control. People like Vice President Harris and Mayor Pete simply want to control our lives. And no, that isn't all!

Soon, the tears were falling like showers of rain as the wrestler continued his tale:

PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER: Most of the people who get the EVs come up and talk down to you, like, "I'm gone electric."

It's just like they're—we call it "flossin." They are flossin about their EV, and then they call you up:

"Hey, it's really cold. Can I catch a ride? Because my EV won't start."

FORMER VJ: It is virtue signaling. But if they were so great, people would be snapping them up.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo! People talk down to the wrestler! Then they ask him for a ride!

In conclusion, no. No, you can't get dumber.  

Increasingly, this is the way the game is played on the Fox News Channel. With respect to its basic format, the channel is moving away from the old-world bombast of a star like Sean Hannity.

Instead, it's moving into the dumb new world in which assortments of low-grade jugglers and clowns are turned loose on the air for hours of childish talk. If we might quote the Everly Brothers, it's "problems all day long."

In this case, poor pitiful Tyrus! As the heavyweight looks ahead, he imagines a little voice telling him how many miles he can drive! He might even get tracked!

Also, of course, the moonshine! The moonshine he made last summer!

Can you run a large modern nation on Stupid? As it moves from screamers to jugglers and clowns, Fox News has decided to try.

As this ludicrous conduct occurs, our blue tribe is very silent. 

Professional courtesy means that major blue news orgs don't discuss what's occurring on Fox. In the face of this vast code of silence, millions of people, night after night, are handed dimwitted versions of The Professional Wrestler's Tale.

Also, toothless gums and solid bowel movements! No, you can't get dumber than this.

Meanwhile, please try to see what's sitting right there before you:

On December 5, we sent three of our Brightest and Best to DC. As became abundantly clear, the jugglers and clowns are more skilled!

Full disclosure: We'll admit that it's the former VJ who annoys us most. 

She holds a philosophy degree from UCLA. But she's built a lucrative career out of the fact that she's willing to clown in the manner shown.


  1. The Right hates when you remind them they threw a childish temper tantrum at the U.S. Capitol, just because black people's votes counted in the 2020 Presidential election.

    Thats why I like to repeat as stated fact that the Right threw a childish temper tantrum at the U.S. Capitol, just because black people's votes counted in the 2020 Presidential election.

  2. Kevin Drum is talking about how much money China spent at Trump hotels while Trump was president. What is Somerby talking about today? Drum is also talking about mortgage rates and the national budget. What is Somerby talking about today?

  3. Why is Somerby wasting his time watching Fox, much less telling us how bad it is? Most of us don't watch Fox, for good reasons. Does Somerby imagine he is going to convince Cecelia not to watch Fox? Not a chance. Or is Somerby trying to reassure himself he still has his critical faculties? Or maybe he just lost his TV remote. We aren't interested in Gutfield's "humor," even if he did once attend a high school nearby to the school Somerby once attended in a different year. Why the fuck is Somerby telling us about Gutfield? No one cares except Somerby and his Republican friends whether Gutfield makes fart jokes.

    1. Anonymouse 10:20am, I’ve never watched the Gutfeld show. I hardly ever watch tv, but do occasionally hear The Five when the old man is watching it.

      I did watch Tucker and I miss him.

      I do think that it IS “all about control”, Democrats and Republican politicians alike.

      Bob isn’t trying to change the viewing habits of any one here, he’s bemoaning the state of our culture and too, Bob is a bit about control himself. I don’t always agree with him, but he’s always worth reading.

      But you’ve earned your troll pay today for going after Bob no matter what position he’s taking. You must! He’s just not reliably doctrinaire.

    2. Change often comes from the private sector, such as electric vehicles. It is a response to the eventual nonexistence of fossil fuels, as well as a way to cut emissions. Also, groups that were once oppressed, such as blacks and women, assert their own kind of power independent of politicians.

    3. Somerby is reliably against the blue tribe. We are the real target of today's "criticism" of Fox's comedy programming. Does anyone think that pro wrestler really makes moonshine?

    4. Anonymouse 11:12am, of course you see it that way because Somerby doesn’t engage in the requisite militant imperative to follow a critique of the other side with glowing praise for his own tribe. Praise ain’t his thing.

      Somerby also exhibits some noblesse oblige towards the others who are not of tribe, but in general, he is hard as hell on everyone who should be accountable , particularly our media overlords.

      Bear-up, buttercup.

    5. A 1957 Chevy will not run on moonshine. I am Carby.

    6. I don’t believe 11:12 is demanding that Somerby praise liberals, Cecelia. Rather, 11:12 is saying that Somerby invariably traces all problems back to liberals.

    7. Anonymouse 12:07pm, he thinks some positions, life circumstances, professions come with a high level of accountability. He thinks liberal positions are smarter than conservative ones and that his cohort should function as a managerial class. He holds his tribe responsible for being that. He thinks that you don’t aspire to that responsibility, you want an endless junior high cafeteria food fight.

    8. The troll feels criticized by Somerby. People often feel rejected or insecure when criticized, as it can feel like a direct attack on their self-worth or identity. This is particularly true if the criticism touches on aspects of ourselves that we take pride in, like political beliefs. She is used to information environments that reinforce her political beliefs and never question them. This is why Somerby's criticisms of her political beliefs deeply affect her. Although I wish she wouldn't, she chooses to take them personally and apply cognitive distortions to the criticisms themselves to try to lessen the impact. I feel like it's ironic in that a lot of the core criticisms of the blue media here actually have led her directly into this cognitive/psychological trap in which she finds herself.

    9. "Why is Somerby wasting his time watching Fox..."

      Some basics: This blog is about the national discourse. For better or worse, Fox is a big part of that.

      If you can't even get your mind around that, which asking a question like that clearly indicates, I don't even know what to say.

      If on the other hand, more likely, this is just intentional 'misunderstanding' to score a political point against the others. Well, that's a great illustration of what's wrong with our current discourse so thank you.

    10. “ major blue news orgs don't discuss what's occurring on Fox.”

      This is a main point in the post. Should major blue news orgs really discuss “Gutfeld!”? In what way? To debunk a purported humor show? Is that a good use of a news org’s time? Why shouldn’t they simply report the facts?

    11. "Why shouldn’t they simply report the facts?"

      Great question. You have an answer? Okay I'm being obtuse.

      To answer your question: they're shouldn't be blue and red news orgs. Or there should be alternatives that aren't either at the very least.

    12. Ceceliakunt, no surprise you were down with Tucker, and found the murder and maiming of the Jan 6 cops sexually exciting. But these are just questions….
      Anyhoo, Bob had confronted Fox more in the last few days than he has in the last 20 years. Again, he is doing anything to avoid the reporting on Trump,,,,,,,,,But Fox News is usually the best rated outlet so….

    13. Anonymouse 2:58pm, you have all the promise of a new year ahead.

      Things could get better for you. Cheer up.

    14. Like all Tucker Carlson fans, dear, you need to get started on a year of therapy for your blinkered hatefulness. I’d find somebody with a sliding scale….

    15. 2:45: we should start by dispelling the notion that there are “blue” news orgs.

    16. No cops were murdered or maimed at the Jan 6 riots.

    17. cops were maimed by insurrectionists

    18. De-fund the police is the moderate/ centrist position.

    19. No cops died on January 6th. 4 people died. All Trumsters.

    20. No cops died on January 6th. 4 people died. All Antifa.

      Corrected for "the Others".


  4. What an asshole Somerby is.

    My finger smells funny. I am Corby.

    1. I hear Gutfield has an opening on his show for you.

  5. "Full disclosure: We'll admit that it's the former VJ who annoys us most.

    She holds a philosophy degree from UCLA. But she's built a lucrative career out of the fact that she's willing to clown in the manner shown."

    Of course she irritates Somerby the most. Just as Maddow irritates him the most of the hosts on MSNBC. It is women who really get his dander up. And she didn't even tell a single fart joke! Gutfield only attended a neighboring high school to Somerby whereas this former VJ (is that a crime?) had the nerve to be a philosophy major! Who let her in UCLA?

    1. Well, Kennedy is pretty annoying, but it is weird Bob has no praise for the women who does quite a good job in standing up to the other four. It’s also surprising Bob doesn’t recall Kennedy from Maher’s Comedy Central show, where here idiotic lame jokes made us wince in less scary times.

    2. Kennedy has always been a clown — always the most hated MTV-jay. And always right wing.

  6. "Meanwhile, please try to see what's sitting right there before you:

    On December 5, we sent three of our Brightest and Best to DC. As became abundantly clear, the jugglers and clowns are more skilled!"

    What kind of gibberish is this? Who is Somerby talking about and how could any of them brighter than a UCLA philosophy major? This cryptic complaint about three unnamed people only conveys Somerby's pique at someone, but who? We get the vague notion it will be someone on the left. But not only are they unnamed, like the VJ and wrestler, but we aren't told what they have done wrong. Did they tell fart jokes too? Not exactly the left's style but we aren't told, so it could be anything...

    All we know is that Somerby is trying to set up another false equivalency, to bothsides the "clowning" and make us think that the left is worse than the right (but what is worse than fart jokes?) and we on the left, who prefer our party for good reasons are deluded fools who just can't see the warts on the left-wing nose. And that's a big fat pile of bullshit.

    It doesn't matter who is paying Somerby to write this stuff, today's essay is beyond stupid and into imbecilic territory. Perhaps they are giving Somerby meds that have turned his brain into mush? Or perhaps he has just been watching so much right wing noise that he can't think straight any more. In that case, I hope he will serve as a cautionary tale to his friends here (Cecelia, AC/MA, David in Cal, Leroy, Hector, wannabe corby, and the rest, you know who you are).

    1. "It doesn't matter who is paying Somerby to write this stuff, today's essay is beyond stupid and into imbecilic territory."

      And yet - you keep reading him! Who, exactly, is the imbecile here? (Let me guess - you'll so cleverly respond that it is me.)

    2. I thought you weren’t going to read multi line anonymous comments anymore George. What happened?

    3. 2:13 - You're absolutely right. I shouldn't have bothered.

    4. And yet, you will keep doing it, I predict.

    5. 2:29 - No, I think I'll stop reading any of the comments, cold turkey. Too much bile and venom.

    6. This is a very confused reaction to the Bob’s post today, but I can’t think too badly of said confusion. Bob has looked away from Fox for so long it’s hard to trust him when he displays basic common sense.

    7. My question for years has been:

      Who’s paying all of these Bob haters to keep coming on here and wasting everyone’s time?

    8. At 3:55, I would certainly welcome my first check but if still hasn’t arrived.

    9. My money comes from Russia, but the ultimate source is Iran.

    10. Bob haters are preventing right wing Trump stooges from worshipping Somerby. So sad.

  7. Late night hosts such as Kimmel and Colbert routinely make jokes, sometimes crude, about Trump. Maybe the issue is Gutfeld is on a network that calls itself “news”.

    Also, there are challenges with electric vehicles, but that’s generally true of new technology. Why do conservatives always feel they’re being forced to adopt new technology, or change in general? Is it because liberals make them do it because we liberals just like controlling their lives, or is it because things change as new technology brings convenience, or previously oppressed groups assert themselves?

    Also, doesn’t conservative darling Elon Musk run one of the most successful electric vehicle companies?

    1. Trump IS sometimes crude. The issue is that Gutfield is not saying true things about Biden. He is also maligning all old people along with Biden. That is mean-spirited and ageist, not just anti-Biden.

    2. The Right have always been anti-humor.

  8. I’m a conservative, and I believe that fossil fuels will never run out.

    1. For our generation, they never will. But what will the world be like for our children? When self-interest is the only concern your decisions can be different. Those who care about the future have to make different choices.

  9. "PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER: Most of the people who get the EVs come up and talk down to you, like, "I'm gone electric."

    I have an EV myself, a Tesla. I never mention it. Instead, people see me drive into the parking lot and come over to ask me how I like my car. I have had zero problems it of any kind, and I tell them so. I would make that decision again without hesitation. I spend less than half what I would pay for gas on my EV (it would be around a third except gas prices have gone down). I drive wherever I want and yes, it starts in the cold.

    So, Fox is telling more lies. Both about EVs and about EV owners. Not only do EVs help the environment but they make economic sense to own (no services, no brake pads to replace, no oil to change).

    Somerby calls this "clowning" but it is actually disinformation. There is a point behind what these people are saying on Fox. They are anti-environment, anti-Biden and anti-left. The point is not even about cars but about portraying EV owners as "looking down" on Fox viewers, more outrage and grievance stoking.

    Somerby could analyze what they are doing but he would rather whine that Fox is the left's fault:

    "As this ludicrous conduct occurs, our blue tribe is very silent.

    Professional courtesy means that major blue news orgs don't discuss what's occurring on Fox. In the face of this vast code of silence, millions of people, night after night, are handed dimwitted versions of The Professional Wrestler's Tale."

    Fox doesn't exist because of "professional courtesy" but because we have free speech in this country and because there is a market for what Fox does. Somerby even admits to watching Fox himself, because they have facts not found on the left. None of us on the left is stupid enough to do that. What exactly does Somerby think we are supposed to do about Fox, other than sue them for defamation and obtain big judgments that got Tucker Carlson fired? Send them bomb threats?

    1. Regenerative braking means you use your brake pads less, but it doesn't mean you don't use them at all.

    2. Three years with no brake service yet. There is also engine braking too which reduces wear on the brakes.

    3. I go three years without brake service on my internal-combustion car.

  10. "PROBLEMS: Can you run a modern nation on Childish?"

    Fox News is not running the nation. Those who are running the nation are not childish. Biden is doing a good job and it is time for Somerby to start acknowledging that, if he doesn't want to see Trump win again.

  11. Somerby is no liberal. Somerby is an ass.

    I am nice. I ♥ word salads. They smell funny, like my finger now.

    I am Corby.

    1. Word salads could use some dressing, they're getting very hard to digest.

  12. Suppose a student said, “We should amend the constitution to empower the president to kill all the Jews. But don’t take the law into your own hands! Wait for the amendment and the official order from the president.”

    Should that student be punished? Or is such a statement to be tolerated?

    1. Do you believe in freedom of speech or not?

      Suppose a student bought a gun and took it to a school? That happened yesterday. Conduct codes are about behavior. The courts have ruled that students have free speech rights under our Constitution. Are you against that? It sounds like you are.

    2. A statement in private conversations is different from a public pronouncement.

      A student with a placard that reads “Black People Suck” or “All Women Are Whores” is different from a student saying it in private conversation. However, context— if the statement is directly made to a woman or a black person then that would require more investigation.

    3. Cecelia, what about the question from anonymouse 11:08? The student is advocating genocide but not immediate violence. He or she is supporting constitutional changes that would enable genocide. Should that student be punished?


    4. Any student who would deny that the moon is made of cheese will be punished. By me and my bridge partners. Rule and norm breaking will not be tolerated.

      I am Corby.

    5. I favor the freest possible speech. But ALL speech must be equally free. So it should be safe or write to say “blacks are genetically stupid” or “gay sex is perverted”. And, disrupting any lecture or symposium should never be tolerated.


    6. Anonymouse 12:44pm, again, it’s context. Is this person emotionally responding to something she has perceived as a direct threat to herself, her principles, or her country? I’ve expressly stated that I wish we would nuke Iran after seeing pictures of their treatment of dogs and cats. I’m not…uh…entirely… serious.

      If a student is actively advocating/championing for an entire ethnicity of people to be exterminated, I think the university should talk with this student, his parents, and have the student talk with someone in the mental health department of student services.

      Issues involving speech have to be handled one case at a time because of our esteem for freedom.

    7. The context here is that "nuke Iran" is a perfectly acceptable sentiment, while "nuke Israel" is totally unacceptable, sacrilege.

    8. Perhaps a carefully selected panel of expert psychiatrists can label them mentally ill.

    9. David, you’re one to talk. You called Obama antisemitic for his views on the Palestinians and their plight.

    10. Well then don’t whine when people call you a racist for what they perceive to be racist remarks, David.

    11. @2:04 Again you misunderstand mu view of free speech. People have the right to call me a racist and I have the right to whine.

    12. Yes, suddenly, people have the right to object, when you are the one being called out for lobbing your a-bombs (ie charges of antisemitism). But when liberals hurl their r-bombs (charges of racism), you complain about cancel culture and the tyranny of the libs. A bit of a double standard, David.

    13. In order to survive, Israel must radically change its model and accept equality with the Palestinians at all levels
      and without exception.

    14. Anonymouse 1:37pm, it’s likely they aren’t mentally ill, but are troubled and angry and it’s not as though professionals are slavering to label someone as mentally ill.

    15. You don’t have to punish the student to not tolerate the statement.

      It’s easy.

    16. @2:45 cancelling people is fundamentally different from objecting to what they say.

    17. Anonymouse 3:36pm, it would be less provocative to call for nukes on Iran than upon Israel.

      The same would hold true for Great Britain vs Iran or Russia.

      I get what you’re saying about the sort of preciousness in which ascribe to Israel. The Holocaust has influenced that, as well as Israel being a democratic country and our ally.

    18. Is it a small thing to you that Israel is the only democratic nation in the middle east and out ally? Is the Holocaust a small thing to you? Do you think the tensions in the middle east are about land?

    19. Anonymouse 9:20pm, no, the Holocaust and the establishment of Israel are highly significant things.

      Israel tops the UK as being our closest ally.

      It’s why it was ridiculous of the anonymouse 1:36pm to find it puzzling that we would treat Israel differently than to treat Iran.

      At the same time, I give nod to the suggestion that Israel is not and will never be our 51st state.

    20. @11:20 PM
      "Israel tops the UK as being our closest ally."

      What does it mean exactly, and whose "our"? That shitty little settler-colony isn't my ally in any shape of form. If it is, somehow, in some imaginary way, your ally, then speak for yourself.

      Also, no, I don't find it puzzling; don't put words in my mouth. I said that it's the context in the discussion of advocating genocide. And it is.

      As for the Holocaust, I'm curious what it means for you, exactly. You sound like your lesson of the Holocaust is that genocide is a good thing as long as it help the Jews. Am I right?

    21. Oh, and here is something else for you, Cecelia:

  13. The campaign against natural gas is an example of the nanny state. It's reasonable to cut CO2 emissions in order to prevent climate change, although it's controversial. But, natural gas HELPS to reduce CO2 emissions. In the US, the movement from other fossil fuels to natural gas has been a huge factor in cutting our CO2 emissions. So, why is there a campaign against natural gas?

    The reason (excuse) given is that natural gas allegedly can have unhealthy effects if it leaks. But, this is not even strongly proved. No magnitudes have been offered as to how big a problem natural gas leaks constitute. If climate change is a crisis, are a few natural gas leaks a small price to pay for the huge reduction in CO2 emissions?

    No, the reasons given for the campaign against natural gas don't make sense. At this point I will not speculate on the real forces behind this campaign.

    1. David, an anonymouse has posed some questions about free speech. You have ignored them.

    2. My wife heard the the reason to oppose natural gas involves pollution during its production. Having various excuses is a tell that there is no good single reason.

    3. “Your wife heard…” well, that’s good enough for me.

    4. I am waiting for someone to explain why gas appliances should be banned in new construction in various jurisdictions. Does anyone know?

    5. David opposes the "nanny state". He learned that from Rush Limpdick. David also has no use for FemiNazis.

    6. They pollute the air in homes, which is bad for the people who live there.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Thanks @12:46. My comment was added

    1. You're not the real David. I'm the real Corby.


  15. I am driving my imaginary Tesla. I have no problems. Except Somerby being an ass.

    I am Corby.

  16. The stuff being said on Gutfeld is the same stuff I hear from my conservative relatives. Only they are dead serious.

    1. You are correct mh. Many conservatives believe that Biden has lost much of his mental abilities.

    2. I was talking more about the rant about electric vehicles, which echoed yours about natural gas. Or light bulbs, or what have you.

    3. Yeah David. They believe there is evidence Trump won the election. Like you, they believe all sorts of sore loser BS, or pretend to. Gutfeld may be the icky elf of comedy, but his ranting about people who disagree with him hating America would seem to be in earnest. It’s a self justification for people like David who have run out of rational arguments.,

  17. Frequently someone here finds a witty way of calling me a racist. Then there are all the witty insults of Trump. This kind of insulting humor is pretty standard by both sides.

    In any event, I can[t get upset about a humorist making jokes. I would prefer that humorists have more leeway to make jokes, even if the jokes offend some people.

    1. You called Obama antisemitic because you perceived his remarks to be antisemitic. I didn’t get the impression you were joking. So when someone calls you a racist when they perceive you making racist remarks, think about that, won’t you?

    2. You are quite right, @2:11. One important factor is the criticism of inner city problems. Today, IMO a standard approach is to ignore them.

      So, e.g., pointing out the enormous amount of black on black crime is considered racist by some. IMO hiding the problem is bad for blacks. We can't solve the problem if we're not even allowed to talk about it.

      E.g., I believe affirmative action harms blacks more than it helps them. E.g., see for an explanation of the mismatch theory. So, my opposition to affirmative action will look like racism to those who think affirmative action helps blacks.

      More generally, I believe that inner city culture is THE key factor hurting inner city residents. But, criticizing black culture is considered racist by some.

      I will continue writing what I believe to be the truth, even though some will see my comments as racist. I console myself be remembering that I went to hear MLK in person and I probably donated more money to black liberation groups than most other commenters.

    3. Affirmative Action is effectively over and has been for years. What seems to offend you is black people in the middle class.

    4. Inner cities have mostly been gentrified. I think David is talking about gang violence, which is related to drugs and not necessarily black (meth, fentanyl). Blaming all black people for gang violence is unfair and inaccurate.

    5. It's a shame Limbaugh didn't tell David that the majority of Americans receiving government subsidies are white. Or, if "corporations are people too, my friend", that most government subsidy dollars go to "corporate people".

  18. Gutfeld, a comedy show (?), is an example of Fox being childish, and stupid, according to Somerby. What about Hannity? Laura Ingraham? He never mentions them. With the possible negative consequence that more national reporting on Gutfeld gives him more prominence and allows his shtick to reach a larger audience, does Somerby want what goes on at Fox to be discussed by major blue news orgs in order to debunk it and show how stupid and childish it is (his words, not mine), or to give “their” side a look-see?

    1. And yes, he mentions Hannity as an example of “bombast”, but I can’t recall much else he’s said about him.

    2. In recent years Bob has treated Sean as sort of grown up in the Fox room. Significantly, he never questioned Sean’s relationship ship with Trump in ethical terms. Jon Stewart noted that relationship in comparison with the way Fox went crazy attacking him when he met with Obama a few times in his support of first responders.

  19. Wayne LaPierre has resigned.

  20. 1. A show comes out similar to The Daily Show which incessantly ridicules the circus show we currently have as our national news, opinion, and political discourse
    2. It becomes very popular and the major outlets get a little embarrassed
    3. A brave network/news source takes a leap and begins to report the news in a non-partisan manner, and it's opinion segments likewise take an even keeled, level headed, rational approach to dissecting policy and encouraging productive conversation. It becomes popular too.
    4. The other outlets sit back and see the rising profits. They follow suit.
    5. People begin to see each others points of view and policy improves as a result. Congress is able to pass bills without becoming deadlocked or negotatiating endlessly over riders to attach to unrelated bills, because voters rally behind obvious improvements instead of getting distracted by the constant red and blue koolaid pissing wars.
    6. Everyone lives happily ever after
    7. I wake up from my deam

    1. Forgive my two typos, and my naivety as well.

    2. I think I get what you are driving at, but I think we need quality debate programming, something like the now mostly inane Bill Maher show but not played for laughs.

    3. Bill Maher was never like The Daily Show or anything envisioned by @2:53. His prior show before being on HBO was even worse than he is now. Some of the comedians on his old show have migrated to Gutfield's show (Jim Norton for example).

      @2:53 leaves out the efforts of PBS and CSPAN which have helped but aren't enough.

    4. I would say Maher’s awful level has been pretty consistant, though his recent “white liberals are the real racists” stuff is a new wrinkle.

  21. Kevin discusses Claudine Gay:

    What is an R1 university?

    1. It is a campus that seeks and administers R01 grants from the federal government to conduct research. R01 is the serial number prefix for multi-year contracts to conduct programmatic research funded by the US govt (NSF, NIH, NIMH etc.).

      "Normally, R01-type projects are mature ideas with preliminary data supporting a hypothesis. R21 projects are usually high-risk/high-reward and require a high degree of innovation. R03 projects are usually descriptive and are used to generate hypotheses and data to support them."

      Your own link describes the criteria for classifying a campus as a research university (R01 university). It includes having grad students to work on the grants and an administrative department to help faculty write, submit and administer grants. Faculty who are successful at winning grants get release from teaching and service to work on their research. If you not at such a university, it will hurt your chances at being competitive for grants and there will not be support at your institution for completing the work. Thus campuses tend to limit themselves to being research oriented or teaching oriented.
