A-CHANGIN': "It IS Mussolini," Chris Matthews said!


The [lunatic claims] of King George: First thing this morning, Joe Scarborough said it.

Yesterday, he and Mika chose to watch CNBC as the markets continued to plummet. He said they saw "people saying things on CNBC they don't normally say about this president."

We suspected we knew what he meant. Twelve minutes later, producers finally played the videotape of what a maddened Steve Liesman had said at one point as he spoke with Kelly Evans:

LIESMAN (3/11/25): I’m going to say this at risk of my job. But what President Trump is doing is insane. It is absolutely insane. It is about the eighth reason we’ve had for the tariffs, and now he’s saying he’s putting 50 percent tariffs on Canada unless they agree to become the 51st state. 

That is insane. There is just no other way of describing it. And the trouble is, Kelly, is that it shows there are no bounds around President Trump. This is very different from the first administration, where there were people around him who seemed to—I don’t know what the word is—but smooth over some of the edges.


Insanity’s not a strategy. I’m sorry. I'm with you, Kelly—I look for silver linings. I 'm a sunny person. [Is there] some explanation for this other than insanity? I'm ready to accept it of you can come up with one.

You can watch the videotape by clicking to Mediaite. The full discussion was more technical than that. Also, policies kept changing by the hour, as is now the norm.

Liesman kept using the I-word, presumably, he was speaking colloquially, Liesman isn't a clinician, and "insanity" isn't a clinical term.

We'll leave this tired conundrum right here. But yes, the times really are a-changin' when people like Liesman, on CNBC, are speaking that way about the economic policies of a sitting Republican president.

We assume that Liesman still has his job today. With that, we move right along to the extremely peculiar claims that very same president made last Tuesday night.

We refer to the claims this president made concerning Social Security fraud. He was speaking to a joint session of Congress, and to the American people, such as we are at this point.

In yesterday's report, we posted the full transcript of the commander's remarks. Rather clearly, he seemed to say that Social Security checks were being sent to as many as twenty million people who are, according to databases, more than 100 years old.

Some are quite a bit older than that, the reigning regent said. According to what the president said, roughly eleven million of these people are anywhere from 120 to 150 years old. Something like another 1.5 million such people are even older than that!

That's what the president said to us, the American people. All in all, such presentations have been normalized within the American nation's journalism, such as that animal is.

In fairness, we can't entirely blame the high-end press corps for the "What us, worry" attitude which has produced this normalization. 

It's hard to find the words to describe such deeply peculiar presentations and claims by such a key figure. There's little precedent for such bizarre claims, and there's no established journalist language which tells journos how to respond.

With respect to the behavior of King George III, a major Hollywood filmmaker once used the key term "madness." Speaking on Morning Joe last Thursday morning, two days after the president spoke, Chris Matthews stepped to the fore and offered the remarks shown below about what the president said.

His statement was jumbled in several ways. We don't agree with some of what he may have seemed to imply or suggest.

Still and all, here's what he said. Like Liesman, he used fighting words:

MATTHEWS (3/6/25): He’s doing all this on television. If you noticed, he calls the TV cameras in for the cabinet meetings he’s doing. He’s redirecting his cabinet officials, redirecting Musk.

I’ve watched this guy use television like nobody’s ever done. When he went up the other night, on Tuesday night, he talked to the American people and said, “We’re paying Social Security checks to people who are 160 years old.” 

Anybody who reads an obit page knows that’s not true. Anybody knows we’re not spending money on 20 million people out there getting free checks. That kind of fraudulence is unbelievable.

But he’s telling the MAGA people out there, "They’re stealing your money. Don’t trust these people in Washington. These are bad people. They are the deep state." He did it. 

You know, he talked about the election being stolen. Nobody in America will tell you which states were stolen from him. All the MAGA people—get them in a corner and say, "Tell me which states were stolen in 2020?"

They can’t tell you. He just told them that. He just said they were stolen.

And with Zelensky on television, he said it was "great television." I’ll never forget that. It was "great television," where he beat up this guy on television. He and JD Vance, and they just did it in public.

So we all know what Donald Trump thinks of Zelensky. He's teaching us.

He’s teaching us. Don’t trust Social Security, so he can go after it. Don’t trust Ukraine, because he’s going to go after Ukraine and diminish that country and its size and its importance. All because this is what Trump thinks and that’s what it’s about.

It is Mussolini. It’s about believing the leader in what he says verbatim. And that’s what Trump does on television. And he’s using us to do it, using the medium.

To watch the tape of what Chris said, you can just click here.

In our view, a great deal of that presentation landed directly on target. In our view, other parts of that presentation are fuzzy, and are possibly wrong or misleading.

On the one hand, the times really are a-changin' when Chris becomes the voice of reason about a matter like this! Tomorrow, we'll try to offer a bit of background, taking us back to his own extremely strange behavior during an earlier era.

That said, that was the way Matthews responded to what the commander had said:

He's schooling the MAGA people, Chris said. "It is Mussolini," he said.

Tomorrow, we'll discuss what Chris meant by that last remark. On Friday, we'll look at an alternate reaction to this transparent lunacy, a viewpoint expressed by Bill Maher.

The larger question is this:

How did we ever manage to land in this peculiar place? How did such bizarre behavior by an American president ever become normalized—basically, come to be seen as basically par for the course? 

(Also, is there something we're withholding? Something that's "making us weak?")

This is insanity, Liesman kept saying. "It is Mussolini" Chris said.

Tomorrow: Follow the [claims of the] leader!


  1. So, idiot-DemocRats are still shitting bricks?

    Good to know. It's perfect. And thank you for your timely reporting, Bob.

    1. Dow down another 100 points. Markets are shitting bricks, too.


    2. 100 points, 0.25%? Horrors, horrors.

      This is all it takes for retarded moonbats to start shitting bricks nowadays. Perfect.

    3. Now it's down 200.

    4. None of you, retarded Soros-bots, have any money or property to speak of. That's perfectly obvious.

      Your passionate concern about the momentary Dow Jones index value is quite comical, you know.

    5. 11:04 are you trying to make Republicans look bad?

      Regardless of your intent, that is what you are doing.

      If that is your intent, huzzah!, you are doing a great job.

  2. Trump Is crazy like a fox.

    The aptly named Liesman incorrectly said Trump was “putting 50 percent tariffs on Canada unless they agree to become the 51st state.” In fact Trump made that threat if a Canadian province added extra tax to electric power they provide to some parts of the US.

    Trump’s threat worked. The idea of an extra tax was withdrawn.

    1. Why are these tariffs against Canada even necessary? There wouldn’t have been a threat to add extra tax to electric power if Trump hadn’t imposed tariffs in the first place. I have repeatedly asked you, DiC, to explain in what sense Canada is ripping us off? The trade deal that Trump signed with Canada and Mexico during his first term he hailed as the best trade deal in history, now he’s asking who signed this horrible trade deal?

    2. @10:34 - protective tariffs are used all over the world to give an advantage to local manufacturing. In the short run they work. But tariffs could lead to a trade war that hurts everyone.

    3. Trump did say that if they became our 51st state then there would be no need for the tariffs. Tell me the logic of that. How does that help bring jobs to the lower 48, Dickhead?

    4. DiC, you didn’t answer the question. Trump signed a trade deal with Canada and Mexico which was supposed to be a revamping of NAFTA and he said his new deal was the best trade deal in history. What changed? in what way is Canada violating that treaty or ripping us off?

    5. Trump Accidentally Insults Himself: ‘Who Would Ever Sign A Thing Like This?’

      Dickhead in Cal will ignore that question.

    6. Agree with DiC, Somerby's analysis of Trump is feckless; Trump may be crazy in some way, but the pertinent issue is that Trump is corrupt and engages in criminal acts.

    7. Sorry @10:51. I do not know the answer to your question.

    8. Agree, DiC never knows the actual answer to anything. Good call.

    9. Trump Accidentally Insults Himself: ‘Who Would Ever Sign A Thing Like This?’Trump did say that if they became our 51st state then there would be no need for the tariffs. Tell me the logic of that. How does that help bring jobs to the lower 48, Dickhead?

      Dickhead in Cal: ....CRICKETS.....

    10. Sorry, the above somehow got incorrectly formatted.

      Trump Accidentally Insults Himself: ‘Who Would Ever Sign A Thing Like This?’

      Dickhead in Cal: "Trump Is crazy like a fox."

      Trump did say that if they became our 51st state then there would be no need for the tariffs. Tell me the logic of that. How does that help bring jobs to the lower 48, Dickhead?

      Dickhead in Cal: ...crickets...

    11. Oh yeah, it's Parade of the Morons Day with DiC, the drum major.

  3. Bad but not unexpected news;
    “European Union Enacts Retaliatory Tariffs as Trump Trade War Escalates: ‘We Deeply Regret This”

    Trump is playing with fire. No wonder the market is down. Maybe this will end with a tariff structure that’s more equitable. But it might end in worldwide economic disaster.

    1. Just yesterday, DiC, you claimed tariffs would increase jobs for black people.

    2. Europe has €157 billion trade surplus with the US.

      Therefore, in a tariff war, the US wins. It's that simple.

    3. No wonder the market is down.


    4. There is a disconnect between your first and second sentences,

    5. There is a disconnect between your first and second sentences, 10:46. You didn’t explain how the winning occurs.

    6. The winning comes when the economic moron Donald J Chickenshit, starts ranting and raving at the moon about how he won!!!!!

    7. The Dow recovered. It is now a bit up. Probably because of the favorable inflation numbers.

    8. The Dow has "suffered" a historic loss over the past few weeks.

      The Dow has little correlation to short term changes in the economy, like monthly CPI.

      The Dow will react to broader policies it likes or does not like, it does not like the chaos Trump is creating, other than it can take advantage of it to move the market to where it wants.

      Tesla's drop OTOH is an obvious rebuke of Musk.

      Trump and Musk have been exposed as clowns, Wall Street has caught on.

      The market goes where the big players on Wall Street want it to go.

  4. "He’s running the country like a business (Trump University.)"

    1. Trump is running an experiment: can you keep a people so anesthetized via storytelling and cowered by the precariousness of their livelihoods that they do not rise up when oligarchs take over?

      Trump is so tickled he gets to stay rich and stay out of prison, he is magnanimously running this experiment for free, no grant required, it is merely for his amusement.

  5. Down the Memory Hole

    "The email sent by Erica Y. Carr, the acting executive secretary, told employees of USAID to empty out the classified safe and personnel document files.

    'Shred as many documents first, and reserve the burn bags for when the shredder becomes unavailable or needs a break,' Ms. Carr wrote."

    Don't break the shredders. We're going to need them for a while.

    1. Another day, another impeachable offense while the republican senate fiddles.

    2. Trump admin says the docs are backed up on classified computers. Are the employees crying wolf?

      USAID employee union has filed suit opposing the destruction of records, but the judge is a Trump appointee that recently allowed Trump to lay off 2000 USAID employees.

      USAID is a manifestation of US international diplomacy centered on non violent promotion of US ideals and policies.

      Opposing USAID is ceding power to China/Russia, and is un American.

      China has the same the idea with their Belt and Road Initiative, which they remain committed to even as Trump demolishes our own program. Trump is letting China beat us at our own game.

    3. Trump admin says the docs are backed up on classified computers


    4. My thoughts too, the Trump admin has zero credibility.

    5. Maybe the shredding and burning is in compliance with an Executive Order against recycling.

    6. There are copies of those documents safely archived in a Mar-a-Lago bathroom.

  6. Somerby's buyer's remorse over Trump, is JOYFUL!

    1. Can't you put a warning label on these posts?

  7. Republicans are hell bent on destroying our country to benefit a handful of billionaires.

    1. Yet Somerby keeps whistling...

    2. ...his same dumb right wing tune...

    3. without a sincere, or coherent, or genuine care in the world.

    4. Oh, the remorse. The remorse.

    5. What specific Democratic policies have reversed the concentration of wealth among billionaires?

  8. "some X origin servers, which respond to web requests, weren't properly secured behind the company's Cloudflare DDoS protection and were publicly visible"

    yeah, real genius that Musk. Brother, please.

    1. Impressive achievement
      “Elon Musk says SpaceX capsule will bring home stranded ISS astronauts ‘in a few weeks’”

    2. "“Elon Musk says..."

    3. Dickhead worships the ground Mush walks on. Apparently, it is now illegal not to buy a Tesla according to Donald J Chickenshit. Even Hitler didn't force Germans to buy a VW.

    4. LOL!

      um, not impressive.

      The only thing Space X can contribute is an escape capsule, since Space X keeps failing in its endeavors.

      NASA and other countries have routinely been sending astronauts up to the ISS and returning them to earth for 25 years.

      The current two astronauts went up in a Boeing craft that suffered some technical problems, which delayed the return. The current plan for the astronauts to return actually dates back to the Biden admin.

      Here are some of Space X mishaps, just this month alone: "on March 6, when a SpaceX Starship rocket exploded in a fiery spectacle over Florida skies...earlier, the Starship's seventh test flight...exploded over the skies of Turks & Caicos...on March 2, SpaceX's Falcon 9, during a routine Starlink mission, caught fire upon landing on a drone ship in the Atlantic Ocean"

      Ooof, impressive indeed.

      Musk is not an engineer, he is not a scientist, he is not a computer engineer, he can not even code; Musk is a snake oil salesmen, one who has lost $150 billion in just the past few months, as his incompetence and support for fascism have been exposed.

    5. Musk hate is a barometer of how unsuccessful someone is. The less successful, the more they trash Musk's unprecedented success and genius and the more they admit lacking in all of the qualities he possesses.

    6. I see @12:36 is a woman. The way you can tell is the complete illiteracy about development of technology in the space industry. Embarrassing, but she should know when to keep quiet.

    7. I see 12:56/12:57 has fallen prey to the Musk con.

      They probably appreciate Musk leaning into fascism, too.

      They probably jizz themselves looking at Musk's man boobs.


      I'm crying.


      Absolutely not laughing at their idiocy.


      Not a chance.

    8. Exploding rockets is the new normal.

    9. Trump/Musk are normalizing incompetence.

    10. "Musk hate is a barometer of how unsuccessful someone is. The less successful, the more they trash Musk's unprecedented success and genius and the more they admit lacking in all of the qualities he possesses."

      What if they limit their trashing to his monumental incompetence and lying as DOGE-master?

  9. CNN: "Good news on the economy... both of these figures were a step in the right direction, and BOTH were better than expected... this actually breaks a streak of four straight months where the inflation rate was going in the wrong direction."

    Thank you, President Trump.

    1. They haven't invented a Republican voter who cares about inflation, yet.

    2. When Biden brought inflation down, Repubs whined and cried and tried to excuse that success away.

      Then when prices rose as Trump took office and created chaos, Repubs exclaimed they didn't vote for Trump to lower inflation anyway.

      Now with flat price data and most other indicators pointing to a decline in the economy, Repubs aren't sure what their stances are.

      If the economy goes down, they will say Trump is a genius, if the economy goes up, they will say Trump is a genius.

      Typical of Repubs, lacking integrity is a feature, not a bug.

    3. Old enough to remember when Biden's defenders took credit for upticks in jobs in the aftermath of their Covid shutdowns forcing millions out of employment.

    4. Yup, good point.

      Trump dropped the ball with Covid, mishandling it so badly it unnecessarily crashed our economy and led to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths - that is blood on Trump's hands.

      Biden fixed all that, bringing competence to handling the pandemic and rebounding our economy; that is to Biden's credit.

    5. Joe Biden was the greatest brain-dead president since FDR.


    6. 12:54 maggot brain, the covid shutdowns occured in 2020, and if orange pancake face didn't try to gaslight a global pandemic, we would have had a lot less deaths. When Donald J Chickenshit handed out those stimulus checks during covid, why would you blame Biden for the resulting inflation?

    7. Trump is the greatest worst president in history, according to surveys of historians. In a few short years that won't change. But he will be the best second worst as well.

    8. 12:09 Inflation went up. Break out the fireworks or another space-X rocket.

    9. But I thought prices were going to come down on day one of Trump’s presidency. That’s what he promised. I still can’t afford eggs.

  10. Great news for Republicans: inflation is up slightly.


  12. Observing this right wing vanity blog wither away, is not unamusing.

  13. Can’t trouble yourself to honor Drum’s passing?

  14. No one has normalized what Trump is doing now.

  15. Meanwhile, RFK, Jr. is claiming he cares about the health of the nation's children.
    These people are shameless.

  16. Inflation numbers coming from the Trump administration are not reliable.

  17. CNBC said what Trump was doing was "insane". Does it take an "insane" person to do insane things? By some reckoning: yes. On the other hand, this type of truculent behavior has been a Trump's signature. Throughout his life he's been embroiled in lawsuits.
    Within the confines of our legal system, there was always some defined outcome. Now, however, Trump is outside of the legal framework; he is no longer bounded. Thus, his actions do not have some limited and defined consequences. Trump doesn't get it, because he is old and somewhat demented. We do not know where his "insane" actions will lead us. Neither does Trump.

  18. I agree with Ilya that this type of truculent behavior has been a Trump's signature. However, I would add that the truculent behavior generally worked for Trump. It's not crazy to continue to behave in a way that has been effective.

    1. Fuck you, Dickhead.

    2. As I mention, it worked in a box; meaning, it worked within the constraints of our legal system. Furthermore, it certainly didn't work for the people and entities whom Trump stiffed, but they had no resources to fight it. This is open-ended now, so there's no telling where this will lead us.

    3. I remember how well it worked on Jan 6, 2021. As long as you have Flagstaff Alito and Justice Roberts in your pocket it might work, but we're going to have arrange an early retirement for Amy, just not loyal enough for orange chickenshit.

    4. Yes, his truculent behavior really worked out well for American citizens when he got mad at a global pandemic because it was interfering with his golf game, so he tried to gaslight the country and ended up causing hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths.

      "Stop testing so much!", the successful truculent man screamed. "The more you test, the more cases you will have to report.", the brilliant truculent man said.

      And we all saw with our own eyes how successful the truculent man was with E. Jean Carroll.

      Need I say more, Dickhead?

  19. We have has bizarre insane presidential since Nixon, yet we never learn.

  20. "Nobody in America will tell you which states were stolen from him."

    Mathews wasn't quite right here. Every MAGA voter will tell you Georgia was stolen because "those prople" rigged the count by secretly passing "USB drives" back and forth and hiding "suitcases" of ballots under tables.

    Some of them even believe it.
