THE DISAPPEARED: What lunacy lies in the heart of man?


We're now in a Week That Was: "What evil lurks in the heart of man? Only The Shadow knows!"

In fairness, that wasn't exactly the slogan. The slogan in question belonged to a long-running radio show, way back in the days before TV came along.

The radio show came to be called The Shadow. The leading authority on such shows offers a thumbnail backdrop:

The Shadow

The Shadow is a fictional character created by American magazine publishers Street & Smith and writer Walter B. Gibson. Originally created to be a mysterious radio show narrator, and developed into a distinct literary character in 1931 by Gibson, The Shadow has been adapted into other forms of media...

The Shadow debuted on July 31, 1930, as the mysterious narrator of the radio program Detective Story Hour, which was developed to boost sales of Street & Smith's monthly pulp Detective Story Magazine...

On September 26, 1937, The Shadow, a new radio drama based on the character as created by Gibson for the pulp magazine, premiered with the story "The Death House Rescue", in which The Shadow was characterized as having "the hypnotic power to cloud men's minds so they cannot see him." In the magazine stories, The Shadow did not become literally invisible.

The introductory line from the radio adaptation of The Shadow—"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!"—spoken by actor Frank Readick, has earned a place in the American idiom. These words were accompanied by an ominous laugh.

The radio show came to an end in December 1954. It sounds like it was good solid crackpot fun, a bit like our contemporary political / journalistic discourse.

At present, we Americans seem to be locked in what will turn out to be a major Week That Was. That turn of phrase comes from the name of a TV show, That Was the Week That Was, which was hot for a couple of years back in the mid-1960s.

This nation's current probable Week That Was got its start last Friday. On that occasion, President Zelensky's incessant eye-rolling, along with the way he sat in his chair, caused two major American officials to melt down as TV cameras rolled.

As we noted yesterday, that story was told by Karoline Leavitt, but also by an assortment of tools on the Fox News Channel. 

Full disclosure! When we examined the videotape, we couldn't see the many eyerolls. 

In fact, we didn't see even one! That only suggests how slippery President Zelensky was as he engaged in this conduct.

"What evil lurks in the heart of man?" For ourselves, we'd suggest staying away from such triggering terms as "evil." We'd suggest a transition to a slogan like this:

What sources of incomprehension lie in the hearts of us humans? What sources of possible mental dysfunction?

As it turns out. we humans aren't "the rational animal" at every turn of the wheel. Especially at times of vast tribal division, we may tend to believe the darnedest things, if we might be allowed to steal a phrase from that other old TV show:

House Party (radio and TV show)


The show's best-remembered segment was "Kids Say the Darndest Things," in which [Art] Linkletter interviewed schoolchildren between the ages of five and ten.

Five-year-olds used to say the darndest things. Today, we American adults are strongly inclined to believe such implausible statements!

We adults are inclined to believe the darndest things! As it turns out, that's even true in Red America, as it is over here with us Blues.

We Blues were sure that President Biden was still just as sharp as a tack. We didn't bat an eye when our leaders told us that the southern border was secure.

Those costs of living were all in our heads—or perhaps in the heads of The Others. We even managed to cruise right through the least plausible manifestations of the cultural impulse which came to be known by the unflattering term, "Woke."

Some of those manifestations proved an indisputable point:

There is no apparently good intention which can't be unwisely pursued.

Surely everyone understands that—but at the time, we plowed on through. We Blues couldn't see what everyone else was able to see. 

Last November, we paid the price, with Candidate Trump squeaking out a narrow win, despite his historic lack of popularity among the electorate.

Sources of incomprehension are widespread within the hearts and the heads of us humans! That doesn't mean that we're bad people. According to an array of experts, it means that we're people people, wired as humans are.

Last Friday, right there in the Oval, the latest episode flared. And sure enough, here's what happened next:

As of Saturday night, Joey Johnny Jones was willing to tell viewers of The Big Weekend Show that it was the incessant eye-rolling by Zelensky which triggered the meltdown by Trump and Vance.

Did Jones really believe what he was saying? When Lisa Boothe rushed to agree, did she believe what he'd said|?

We can't answer those questions! But millions of people will believe that the eyerolls did it, in part thanks to what they saw Jones say.

It used to be the butler who did it. Last Friday, to prove our larger point, it turned out that the eyerolls did!

Our larger point is this:

It isn't just we Blue Americans who believe the darnedest things. Over there in Red America, our enemies are inclined to traffic in apparent incomprehension too!

That brings us to the current apparent Week That Was, which got its start last Friday. It started with the meltdown caused by The Body Language Which Wasn't. 

Tomorrow night, right there in the House chamber, the week will continue along with President Trump's major address. It won't be called The State of the Union Address, but that's what it basically is. 

What's the president going to say at that time? Only The Shadow actually knows, but we'll guess that he may not play nice.

In the course of this week, we ourselves are going to focus on The Disappeared. By that, we refer to the disappeared possible explanations for the serial acts of apparent madness which now crowd the American scene.

To what acts of apparent incomprehension do we refer? We refer, of course, to reports about the eyerolls which didn't seem to occur, but also to such acts of apparent madness as these:

Sad! As reported by Mediaite, Joe Rogan has now suggested that CNN aired the speech by Candidate Trump in Butler, Pa. because CNN somehow knew that he would be shot at that day.

Yes, that's what he suggested. What impulse in favor of incomprehension lurks in the heads of us humans? This level of impulse:

This same musclebound flyweight is now one of the leading "influencers" on the American scene! And no, it doesn't end there:

When Rogan suggested that CNN knew, Elon Musk seemed to agree. After that, along came the perpetually furious and wealthy Bill Ackman, and he bought into it too!

These people are all extremely "successful." Beyond that, there seems to be very little they won't suggest or even believe.

In other words, it isn't just Us! The humans over in Red America believe the darnedest things too!

Many parts of the story from last Friday haven't yet appeared on the scene. For example, this:

What was actually in the (revised) minerals deal Zelensky and Trump were supposed to sign that day? 

That seems like an amazingly basic question. As is the norm in our highly sub-rational journalistic discourse, we've seen few attempts to spell that out. For a detailed report from one think tank, you can just click here.

That question has largely been disappeared and so has the possible answer. In our view, though, the principal disappearance involves the answer to the question Scott Pelley asked last night.

Hollywood was offering its annual low-IQ presentation as 60 Minutes aired. Some of Americans, Red and Blue, still watch that annual drivel.

At 7 p.m. in the east, 60 Minutes was competing with the preternatural childishness of Tinseltown itself. But here's one of the questions Pelley asked, along with what he was told:

PELLEY (3/2/25): In these last two weeks we've heard [President Trump] call Zelenskyy a dictator, we've heard him say it was Ukraine that started the war. What is going on?

MCMASTER: Well, President Trump, as we all know, has a tendency to say outlandish things. Sometimes that's to shake the situation up and create some sense of change. But often times what he doesn't consider is how his words could impede his own agenda, or how his words actually can cut against U.S. interests or be received abroad in a way that's much different from the way his political supporters will receive those words in the United States. And so those words were damaging, damaging to the psyche of the Ukrainians. You know, war really is a contest of wills, and I think what you're seeing is Donald Trump delivering a series of body blows to the Ukrainians in a way that could affect, you know, their will to continue to fight.

"What's going on?" Pelley asked. Marvin Gaye is no longer with us, but you can see the way McMaster answered Pelley's question.

For the record, not everyone will agree with that answer. But as Pelley had already explained, here's who he was speaking with:

PELLEY: H.R. McMaster knows. He was national security adviser in Trump's first term. He's a retired Army general, senior fellow at the conservative Hoover Institution, and a CBS News contributor.

That's what Pelley said. In this case, it isn't just The Shadow.  According to Pelley, McMaster also knows!

You can see how General McMaster answered Pelley's question. All this week, we're going to muse on the basics of alleged modern medical science which were absent from what the general said.

We humans! We're actually rather primitive thinkers. All in all, in many arenas, we aren't "the rational animal."

What sources of possible incomprehension may lurk in the minds of us humans?

These sources seem to be widespread on the left and even on the right. These sources are routinely disappeared in our modern discourse, but we disappear them at our own peril.

For the record, none of this is going to change. It's much too late for that,

Meanwhile, w may have embarked on a Week That Was at the present moment. Everything you read and hear will have been edited so you won't be required to think about the possible factors which have been disappeared.

We humans believe the darnedest things. Some people may possibly understand why we do, but by common human agreement, those people have been disappeared.

"What's going on?" Scott Pelley asked. One perfectly plausible answer has been disappeared!

Tomorrow: Though later in the day: One caller to C-Span sounds off!


  1. "THE DISAPPEARED: What lunacy lies in the heart of man?"

    The original was good enough -- there was no reason for Somerby to change it. What is happening with Trump is not lunacy but evil.

    Digby offers a round-up from Marcy Wheeler and Rachel Maddow describing how Trump's behavior exemplifies the repeated accusations that Trump is serving the Kremlin now:

    Somerby wants to say that Trump is doing this because he is mentally ill, but the evidence doesn't support that. It supports the idea that Trump has sold his soul, is doing this for money and self-interest, that there are several quid pro quos involved after Russia demonstrably gave Trump the presidency and now Trump must pay the devil his due.

    There is no mystery here, and there is no insanity either, because Trump's behavior makes total sense if you accept that he is a billionaire trying to increase his wealth, a man seeking power who gained it by allying himself with America's enemies. That kind of motivated, self-serving behavior is not a sign of insanity because it makes sense, from Trump's perspective.

    Is anyone else here wondering why Somerby never mentions Musk?

    1. Well said. Leveraging the security of this country is part of the plan. Since there is zero advantage to halting our cyber activities against an entity that is constantly targeting our infrastructure and assets, the naked betrayal of our country is on full display here.


    2. You believe that Albania, your country, is targeted by North Macedonia, correct? Is this what you're complaining about, Soros-bot?

    3. Try again, Boris.

    4. Boris @10:20.

    5. The good news is there are few Ukrainian lives left to save because Zelensky used them up as cannon fodder while he did Vogue photo shoots.

    6. The question is : how much is Trump needing to sell out our country before his obligations to Putin are paid off for Russian election interference? The answer is : Putin will tell him.

    7. Russian forces started an advance near a river crossing over the weekend, while Ukraine forces largely stood idly by.

      Instead, Ukraine sent out drones, that demolished the Russian forces, and sadly as the Russian forces were repelled and turning back, they ran over their own retreating soldiers, some of whom were caught on video by the drones, and it was noticed that some these soldiers were already wounded - using crutches, etc. Apparently, while wounded Russian soldiers are not optimal, they are not worse than dead North Korean soldiers.

      Oof, ow ow ow.


    8. You fantasies are quite weird, Mr. Soros.

    9. That's real zinger, trumptard.

    10. Sure, sure, Mr. Soros. Whatever you say Sir.

    11. The Russian military fiasco over the weekend is widely reported, your coping denial of reality aside.

    12. Sure, Mr. Soros. Sick fantasies inside your skull is reality.

    13. anon 11:05 - what is your source?


    14. We Soros-bots don't need no stinkin' sources!

    15. 1:06 - you're not in a courtroom .Do your own homework.

    16. Don't know 11:05's source but after 5 sec of googling:

    17. Ha-ha. Has your Soros-bot-farm cooked that up just now?

    18. Aw 2:00, did your cousin die in that failed Russian military action?

      womp womp

    19. Sure. Whatever you say, Mr. Soros. You're sooo smart, Sir.


  2. "Donald Trump delivering a series of body blows to the Ukrainians..."

    Lol: body blows! What, by trying to save their lives?

    Yes, idiot-Democrat idiocy is the funniest idiocy of all idiocies.

    1. Boris Boris Boris

    2. Why are Russian trolls so fucking stupid? Trained chimps make more sense.

    3. They wouldn’t need training

  3. "We Blues were sure that President Biden was still just as sharp as a tack. We didn't bat an eye when our leaders told us that the southern border was secure.

    Those costs of living were all in our heads—or perhaps in the heads of The Others. We even managed to cruise right through the least plausible manifestations of the cultural impulse which came to be known by the unflattering term, "Woke.""

    How does Somerby advance liberal interests with statements like these? He is retelling conservative lies and blaming liberals because he himself (Somerby) believes such attacks on the left.

    First, there is still no evidence that Biden was not sharp, other than one bad debate which was explained in plausible ways. There WAS a coup on the left that managed to remove Biden from his own ticket (after he won the nomination by winning the primaries). That coup was aided by Somerby himself, who believed the altered videos and Russia-assisted propaganda suggesting that Biden was senile. The Washington Post pushed those videos and Somerby helped them along with his daily diatribes -- against Biden. The NY Times ran a major campaign denigrating Biden (which I documented here by listing their headlines and counting the articles negative to Biden). Somerby promoted right wing anti-Biden propaganda, which has still never been substantiated, and now Somerby claims again, without evidence, that Biden was not sharp enough to function as president -- an idea totally contradicted by fact as Biden brought home a ceasefire in Gaza in the last month of his presidency.

    Somerby lies about the border is also unsupported by facts. Biden reduced immigration at the border to the lowest level of his own or Trump's previous terms in office, in the months before leaving office. Biden enacted measures (in cooperation with Mexico and other donor countries) that substantially reduced the influx of immigrants. Somerby not only repeated the right wing line that the border is a terribly terribly important issue, but he ignored the efforts of Harris to discuss the border and refused to accept the stats showing that the efforts by Harris and Biden were successful (more successful than Trump's own border efforts), maligning the democratic candidate on the basis of Republican lies.

    When did Somerby become a nativist? When did he decide it was OK for a liberal to support right wing histrionics over immigrants. When did Somerby become a senile old man worrying about the brown-skinned people next door, instead of a Democrat supporting the American tradition that immigrants helped build our country and make us stronger as a nation? Somerby bought into and repeated the propaganda spread by Fox about migrants in NYC and immigrant crime, without considering the facts.

    And today Somerby blames the Democrats for those issues, claiming the left lied to voters, when it is Somerby who doesn't know the facts and prefers to believe right wing propaganda -- lies he could have used his blog to examine before the election, but chose to repeat instead.

    And today, it is more of the same. Somerby has clearly gone over to the other side, just as Trump is finally openly revealing his support for Russia and his opposition to Ukraine's fight for freedom. Just as any sane person should see Trump for what he is, so should readers here see which side Somerby's toast is buttered on. He is making it so obvious that even his lingering defenders should see that Somerby is being supported by right wing trolls because he himself is an instrument of right wing propaganda.

    1. When did Democrats decide illegal immigrants were the same as legal immigrants?

    2. Asylum seekers are not "illegal", asswipe. That is how our law exists today. Trump fired at least 20 immigration judges thereby exacerbating the problem. President Biden worked with a bipartisan congressional committee to write a serious immigration bill and trump ordered his rumps in congress not to vote for it.

    3. How does lowering the number of border crossings to historically low levels, as Biden did, suggest support for illegal immigrants? How does working with Mexico to deter immigrants from approaching the US-Mexico border (including use of Mexican troops) suggest support for illegal immigrants? Biden did that, to the point that when Trump demanded such measures, the Mexican president explained to him that they were already in place.

      Somerby could have pointed out that the Venezuelan migrant who killed the student-nurse was admitted legally to the USA, bussed to NYC by Abbott (gov of TX), then made his way to the South where he committed murder. He was admitted legally under a program created by Trump during his first term in office. Facts matter on the left -- on the right, not so much. Somerby seems way over-concerned about eye-rolling and insufficiently concerned about the truth of immigration.

    4. Most immigrants are "illegal", they violate a civil code by being in the country without proper documentation, this is not a crime.

      It is a misdemeanor to illegally enter the country.

      Immigrants are the lifeblood and backbone to our country, they always have been.

      Immigrants add billions every year to our federal revenues, have lower crime rates than native citizens, and do our dirty work for us while costing us next to nothing.

      The only crisis at the border is the inefficient way in which immigrants are processed, and the inhumane treatment they receive. Biden worked to fix these issues, in fact, doing so much in his first 100 days, that Fox News could not stop howling about it.

    5. Illegal immigrants are not the backbone of our country.

    6. They are, ask almost any business owner, also there is tons of research on this, easy to google.

      The real Replacement Theory is that incompetent White male workers are being replaced by competent women and people of color.

    7. We have immigration law that permits people from other countries to enter legally, reside here for some specified period of time, from student visas to permanent residence, a pathway to citizenship that allows immigrants to become citizens via a specified process, and we also allow tourists from other countries to come here and visit our country. We allow those who marry US citizens to attain residence and citizenship, we allow those who invest here to stay as immigrants, we allow famous people to become US residents and citizens, and we allow families to reunite in America once one or more members becomes a legal resident here. We also have a legal procedure for those being persecuted in their own country to seek asylum here. All of this is part of our law.

      Assuming that all immigrants must be illegal, simply because you dislike diverse people, is against our law. It violates discrimination (by virtue of national origin) and hate crime laws (if harming someone was motivated by national origin). These are American laws that those who oppose immigration violate regularly.

      ALL of the original colonists who founded our country were immigrants. Only native Americans were not, although migration geographically was common among nomadic peoples in the US. Immigration is an established national value and those who oppose it are the outliers, the un-Americans in our culture. Assimilation is also a national value, something that is blocked when others discriminate against, segregate, refuse to hire or include immigrants in our culture.

    8. "the American tradition that immigrants helped build our country and make us stronger as a nation"

      Legal immigrants.

    9. And it's not "the American tradition". It's just how it is, in any country, including America.

    10. Well said, 12:14.

    11. Republicans have tried to outlaw immigrants, because they view it as a wedge issue to drive votes; they do not actually have an issue with immigrants, legal or illegal.

      Most immigrants in the US are not here legally, but they are not violating criminal law, it is merely a civic violation. Crossing the border improperly is the only crime and it is a misdemeanor, essentially a traffic violation. Trolls are unfamiliar with our laws and circumstances, laughably so.

      Immigrants, and most are "illegal", are the backbone and lifeblood of this country - this is fairly unique in the world, most countries do not have our diversity, which plays a significant part in our hegemonic power (another reason trolls are so against US immigrants). Immigrants, legal or illegal, work tirelessly, do not commit crimes, and contribute massively to our yearly federal revenue, which is in stark contrast to our "native" citizens in red areas/states, as they laze around, vote for criminals like Trump, and contribute nothing to society.

    12. No one assumes all immigrants are illegal.

      What we assume and support is deporting all illegal immigrants.

    13. Most immigrants are "illegal", they are violating a civil code, which is not a crime.

      Corporations, which wholly own the Republican Party, do not actually want "illegal" immigrants deported; it was just a made up issue to motivate right wing voters.

      Immigrants are the backbone and the lifeblood to this country.


    14. Unauthorized border crossing is a crime, Soros-bot.

      Everyone who crossed the border without authorization is a criminal.

    15. "Everyone who crossed the border without authorization is a criminal."

      Whatever you say, Soros-bot.

  4. I resent the way Somerby raises the old Art Linkletter show "KIDS say the darndest things" and then shifts that over to liberal adults, as if WE are children. We are not.

    Somerby has repeatedly presented his own version of that show in his own blog, repeating the on-air statements of C-SPAN callers and snidely chastising We Blue Americans and our Blue Blue Media for holding opinions spoken by right wingers calling in on the wrong lines (which is what they do, to monopolize discussion). Just as Somerby picks and chooses (some might say "cherrypicks" his examples of voter thought, the old Linkletter show used to produce miles of tape then edit it down to child remarks that could be snickered at or framed in lewd "adult" ways when taken out of context. It was a low-IQ show produced by Linkletter, a lifelong conservative:

    "A registered Republican who campaigned for his old friend Ronald Reagan for President of the United States, Linkletter became a political organizer and a spokesman for the United Seniors Association, now known as USA Next, an alternative to the AARP."

    References to Linkletter in the current discussion are "cringe". But so is Somerby, as he plays that same game.

    Body language has nothing to do with Trump's sell-out to Russia. We all saw it coming, including Hillary who called Trump "Putin's puppet" back when it was less obvious except to those paying attention. Now there is a shitload of proof but Somerby is trying to create doubt and muddy the water, pretending Trump is crazy instead of venal.

    It is time for Somerby to hang it up and go away. He has no credibility. That's usually when guys like him come out of his closet and declare their support for Dear Leader and his puppet-master, Putin. The only people he is fooling now are the trolls paid to pretend he is what he says, and Trump is a goofball, not a traitor.

    1. I see. Somerby's suggestion that Trump may be "crazy" (your word) proves that Somerby is actually a Trump supporter. That's some powerful reasoning ability you're demonstrating there.

    2. 10:24 - I think you're nuts, so that must mean I support you, right?

    3. anon 10:24, what's "cringe" is your deranged and dishonest posts, every day.

    4. 10:24 on the nose, per usual, thus triggering the right wing trolls.

      womp womp

    5. Imagine being so bereft of reasoning powers that you can believe that any person who disagrees with you must necessarily be right wing.


    6. War-mongering Soros-bots are far-right themselves. They are just projecting.

    7. Right wing has a definition, don't be mad just because you fit the bill.

      Falling for Republican/Somerby's con does not necessarily make you right wing, you could be just a dope.

    8. Look, all you seem to be capable of doing is name-calling.

    9. Sorry if your feeling were hurt.

    10. My feelings, actually, are of pity.

  5. Boomers amirite?

    Trump approval rating by age:

    65+ - 45%
    40-64 - 46%
    18-39 - 60%

    1. Percentage of Republican voters who aren't bigots, broken down by age:

      65+ 0%
      40-64 0%
      18-39 0%

    2. This is good quantification.

  6. Here is what Somerby should be quoting and discussing today, as he tries to distract us from what Trump is doing and suggest that it is just more of Trump's buffoonery and not treason:

    She reviews the danger of Russian hacking, the order to US cybersecurity to stand down from blocking Russian access to American systems, and the support provided by Russia to Trump during his presidential campaigns.

    How Somerby can be worrying about "body language" when this is going on, is beyond me, unless Somerby too is a right wing asset trying to circle the wagons around Trump, Vance and the rest of his incompetent-to-corrupt crew.

    1. Another wannabe Somerby assignment editor.

    2. If someone (including Somerby) is going to seriously suggest that Somerby is a liberal, it makes sense to examine whether Somerby discusses topics relevant to the liberal perspective, as opposed to repeating right wing talking points.

      I guarantee that actual liberal bloggers and substack writers are not examining Zelenskyy's body language today. That is what the right has been talking about, whether Somerby is pseudo-debunking their claims or just repeating them. On the left, liberals are circulating the videos showing the many thank-you's Zelensky offered for US aid, not just repeating and letting the claim of ingratitude stand.

      @11:11 -- you miss the point, which is that Somerby does nothing to help get across the truth when Republicans tell lies, and nothing to promote what Biden did and what Democrats do to address "border issues" and "Biden's age" which Somerby today says was a willing Dem cover-up (when did Somerby become the assignment editor for liberals?).

      This is about more than just what choices Somerby makes in his essay content. That is the evidence against Somerby's self-portrayal as anyone with concern for liberals or our society in general.

      How does one muse about mainstream "press corps" (when did that shift from "media"?) without considering assignments and talking points? Somerby's penchant for trying to distract readers with trivialities is established as a criticism of his blog. It is part of how he executes his assignments of promoting right wing talking points.

    3. Somerby is a right winger.

    4. "I guarantee that actual liberal bloggers and substack writers are not examining Zelenskyy's body language today. That is what the right has been talking about,"

      At the risk of making it seem as if you're blindingly stupid, Somerby is mocking the emphasis on Zelensky's body language. Is that what the right is doing?

      See what happens if you use your brain?

    5. It is well established among those not cult followers of Somerby that he employs various techniques to amplify his right wing views; taking Somerby's nonsense at face value is a ploy only his fanboys engage in.

    6. Ah yes - You can see behind the literal words to the hidden metaphorical essence that you imagine!

    7. Somerby's nonsense is not hard to discern - which is why it fails to gain traction, if you fell for it, that is on you.

    8. Or maybe you have a reading comprehension problem, imagining things that just are not there.

    9. Says the excessively literal fanboy.

      Brother, please, you aint foolin nobody.

    10. Perhaps we can agree on these three things:

      1. You think that Somerby is right wing.

      2. I think you're nuts.

      3. Only one of us is right.

    11. You don't need to mention it; everyone knows that she is nuts.

  7. Jeff Tiedrich has this right:

    "“look what you made me do” is classic abuser’s language. it’s your own fucking fault that I went ape-shit on you.

    that’s the attitude Republicans took on the Sunday shows, as they explained how it was Zelensky’s own fault that he got ambushed and tag-teamed by Donny Convict and Couchfuck McGee: look at what he made them do.

    he should have shown deference. he shouldn’t have talked back. he shouldn’t have been dressed provocatively. he shouldn’t have been walking out alone late at night."

    Why would Republicans use the language of domestic violence to talk about bullying Zelenskyy? Is that a mystery to anyone?

    1. "I'm a victim" is the language of weak low-T Democrats.

    2. Russia invaded Ukraine, and Russia, having botched the invasion (much like Musk's botched penile implant), is now getting help from Trump, who is Putin's puppet, and has been a Russian asset for decades.

      The fact that Trump and Musk suffer from undersized penises does not explain the entirety of their corruption and criminality, but it explains some of it.

      Trump and Musk are both out of shape, lack any muscles whatsoever, use hair implants, lifts in their shoes, etc. These are some of the least manly/masculine people on the planet, which explains to some extent why they engage in serial sexual predator behavior.

    3. To be fair, Musk is being controlled by his devious and devilish herpes, let's at least offer a little pity.

  8. Tiedrich continues:

    "hey, did you know that the US is bound by a signed agreement to defend Ukraine? let’s let none other than Senator Marco Rubio explain why. [link to video:

    “when the Soviet Union fell in the early 1990s, Ukraine was left with the world’s third-largest stockpile of tactical nuclear weapons and strategic nuclear weapons on the planet. but they signed this agreement with the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia that basically said, if you give up your nuclear weapons, we, these three countries that signed to this will provide for your defense, and assure you of your defense. and so, Ukraine did that. they gave up these weapons.”

    that’s right, Marco Rubio fucking well knows that we have a responsibility to defend Ukraine — they’re the only country on the planet to have ever voluntarily given up a nuclear arsenal, and we owe them for doing that, forever.

    no wonder Marco looked like he wanted to disappear into the couch, as he watched that agreement go fuckity-bye."

    "gaslighting Republicans turn the bullshit dial up to eleven
    for fuck̦’s sake, we all saw what we saw"

    Somerby is saying this too, about the body language, but we have to ask, why is Somerby so narrowly focused? There is so much more going on here.

    1. Little Marco is such a lightweight, he wears ballast under his suit to keep from floating away. He looked like a child melting into that couch.

      Mueller didn’t establish a conspiracy between Trump and Russia. But such boilerplate always leaves out that his key aides lied about the true nature of those contacts, which is a big reason why we wouldn’t know if there had been one.

      In the Mueller investigation, Trump’s campaign manager, foreign policy advisor, National Security Adviser, personal lawyer, and rat-fucker were all adjudged to have lied about the true nature of Trump’s ties to Russia from the first campaign.

    2. Trump has himself admitted his debt to Putin, in his own words, quoted by Heather Cox Richardson.

    3. @11:08 Did Obama know about this agreement when he did nothing to prevent Russia from annexing Crimea?

    4. David is so right. President Obama should have immediately convened discussions with Russia to set the terms of Ukrainian capitulation.

    5. Trump loudly declared in 2014 his admiration of Putin's cleverness in invading and then annexing Crimea.

      Why are you such a despicable moron?

    6. And then Trump spent his first term lobbying to get Russia re-admitted to the G-8.

      Russia was suspended from the group – then known as the G8 – in 2014 after the majority of member countries allied against Russia’s annexation of Crimea, which Russia continues to hold.

    7. It is called the Budapest Memorandum.

      It is fairly well known.

      Fake David, is just mocking the real David's ignorance and inclination for bad faith arguments.


    8. Does Russia want to be re-admitted to G7? I doubt it.

      Russia is one of the founders of BRICS, which is a major competitor to the Western Empire, represented by G7. Why would Russia be in G7?

    9. 2:33, I don't know, but orange chickenshit keeps pushing to get them back in.

      On February 13, US President Donald Trump said that Russia should be invited to rejoin the Group of Seven (G7) summits of Western leaders. “I’d love to have them back,” he said. “I think it was a mistake to throw them out.”

    10. BRICS is a clownshow of countries with disparate agendas and status in the world. The only thing that unites them is they aren't wealthy enough to make it to the rich kid's table. The idea that they are a "major competitor" to the West is laughable. How are they "competing"? Either you're rich enough to be a member, or you ain't. Japan isn't part of "The West." But it's too rich for BRICS.

  9. Casey Anthony has come out as an LGBTQ and women’s rights advocate, says she is “standing in the light.”

    “One of the main reasons that I'm doing this is there are people close to me who have been targeted and attacked recently.”

    “As a proponent for the LGBTQ community for our legal community, women's rights, I feel that it's important that I use this platform that was thrust upon me and now look at as a blessing as opposed to the curse that it has been since 2008.”

    Quite the roster you have there, Democrats.

    1. Your smear against the Dems would be more effective if you reminded people who Casey Anthony is. "On July 5, 2011, a jury found Casey Anthony not guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, and aggravated manslaughter."

      Everyone who meets the criteria for office is allowed to run. I would definitely vote for her before I would vote for RFK Jr or Trump or DeSantis, or Matt Gaetz, or any number of Republican scumbags, keeping in mind that she was tried and found not guilty of anything except lying to cops, which may be what got her charged in the first place.

      Remember that Trump is a CONVICTED felon and yet Republicans thought he was A-OK with them.

    2. The criminal treasonous bastard fucking hangs his mugshot in the oval office, for christ sake.

    3. Some say Trump is so fat on purpose, that way if he accidentally crosses Putin, it will be difficult to throw him out a window - Putin's preferred method of assassination.


    1. That may explain why Trump is underwater in the polls and falling.

  11. "What lunacy lies in the heart of man?"

    Here Somerby generalizes from the heart of Trump to the hearts of all men (and presumably women too). Is that justified? Are we all as lunatic as Trump? I don't think so. I see diversity in the hearts of people.

    Is it lunacy in Trump's heart? I don't think so. And if so, then it cannot be in the hearts of all, because lunacy is defined as deviance from a normal that is the standard. Normalcy lies in the hearts of men and we know what is lunatic by comparison.

    It may appear that we are all lunatics because we have allowed Trump to become president. But maybe that is because there are other things in the hearts of men, such as cowardice, self-interest (greed, lust, gluttony and the rest of the sins), desire for harmony and dislike of conflict, and many other motives people surrounding and supporting Trump might have to keep him in power.

    It seems like Somerby's formulation that Trump is himself loony is also a gross oversimplification, given his greed and power-motivated pursuit of the goodies that Putin has promised him. If it really that weird that someone would sell his soul to become president of the most powerful nation on Earth?

    So why does Somerby keep claiming that Trump is crazy, a lost boy? To excuse his behavior. If Somerby said Trump was greedy or power-seeking, fewer people would go along with Trump's plans -- I assume, but maybe not. Maybe there are enough greedy, self-serving assholes around to win 49.8% of the popular vote. I hate to think that's true, but maybe it is. And maybe that explains Somerby's behavior too. He is just another greedy, power-seeking person wanting to snarf up the crumbs that fall from Trump's table, in the form of whatever Russia-RNC are paying him each month.

    1. Agree, well said.

    2. Disagree, disturbingly batty.

    3. 12:40 you make a compelling case, yet I disagree with you.

    4. 11:59, I can't help but assume you are the same person as 11:57 - with your response 2 minutes after her post. Also, no one in their right mind would characterize anon's batty comment as "well said."

    5. Your assumption is incorrect.


  13. The minerals deal is a joke – nothing is going to happen any time in the near future, even if the deal is signed. The only purpose of the so called deal was appeasement of Trump – he wants to claim he made a great deal and the US is going to get something. Zelensky should have just signed it, flattered Trump and conned USA for a few more billion dollars of immediate aid. Instead, here we are. Beggars cannot be choosers. Beggars can be smart, and Zelensky was not. He acted as aggressive as an unhoused person (leftist speak for lazy parasite) in the streets of San Francisco.

    1. In your opinion, why is it that no one can name a Republican voter who isn't a bigot?

    2. Where exactly are "we", Boris?

    3. "Beggars can be smart, and Zelensky was not."

      He showed he was human. There's only so much bullshit a man can take.

    4. The purpose of the entire meeting was to humiliate and de-legitimize Zelensky. If he'd signed some deal surrendering his country's mineral rights it would have made him look like a weak crook, giving away his country's heritage. Instead he made Trump look like a weak crook. Which, granted, isn't hard.

    5. It is true, there is not a significant bounty of minerals in Ukraine, it was always a ploy by Zelensky to secure support, a perfectly reasonable one.

      Trump intervened and wanted to personally benefit, but Zelensky held firm, and Trump had to cave.

      Embarrassed, Trump decided to try to humiliate Zelensky - Trump did not allow US media at his temper tantrum but did allow TASS, Russian state media, giving Putin a front row seat - but hilariously Trump only wound up humiliating himself, as he was outplayed and out maneuvered by Zelensky.

      Trump/Putin are modern day keystone cops, nearly a laugh, but really a cry.

  14. Regarding Trump's State of the Union address.
    You could pay me the amount of our National Debt, and I still wouldn't listen to a word that longtime failed businessman, adjudicated rapist, and self-admitted sexual predator has to say.
    Time is money.

    1. Trump contributed to one third of our overall debt in only his first term. An amazing achievement! He is out to repeat that in his second term.

  15. I like this site because Bob was a nonpartisan critic. He blasted both conservative and liberal media— both of who deserve criticism IMO. But Bob became partisan for months around the election. Today he returned to his roots. Welcome back Bob.

    1. Inflation's waiting for you.

    2. You are the best adjudicator of partisanship. Believe me. The best!

    3. 12:27,
      What is this liberal media, which you speak of, and where can I see or hear it?

    4. I liked it better, when David pretended he was frightened by our national debt, and not by black people.

    5. He's also the buffoon who was a vigorous climate denier, among other stupid shit. I'm sure he just doesn't talk about it anymore, and drones on with other right wing shillery.

    6. Bob used to tell his readers that the so called liberal media wasn’t liberal. Why did he stop doing that?

  16. Another of Somerby's post-bowl-of-shit-for-breakfast rants.

  17. Somerby clings to his right wing nonsense, because he has nothing else in his life to feel good about, just like most Republicans.


  18. Noted ghoul, RFK jr, reverses course, now urging people to get vaccinated, since his previous stance got kids killed in Texas.

  19. New CNN polling

    -Trump's net approval on Russia/Ukraine (+2) is far more positive than Biden's was by the end (-22).

    -The share (31% to 50%) who want a compromise in the war is way up

    -The share who say Russia is an enemy is way down (64% to 34%).

  20. Latest CNN poll has Trump underwater, disapproval +4.

    Trump is now the 2nd least popular president, narrowly beating out his first term.

    Unlike his first term where his poll numbers held steady at low approval, this time around Trump's poll numbers are dropping.

    1. It's astonishing, and a sign of how fucked we are as a country, that his numbers are that high.

  21. Trump made gains among Gen Z and first-time voters in the 2024 election compared to 2020. Some surveys had suggested this support was slipping in the Republican's first few weeks back in office.

    An AtlasIntel poll of 2,849 U.S. adults revealed Trump's approval rating is evenly split, with 50.3 percent saying they approve of the job the president is doing and 49.7 percent saying they disapprove.

    The survey was conducted between February 24 and February 27, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

    Among 364 respondents aged 18-29, the poll shows that Trump has an approval rating of 52.7 percent, with 47.3 percent disapproving. This gives the president a net approval rating of plus 5.4 percentage points among Gen Z.

    The youngsters love fun, romance, common sense, and optimism. They are tired of depressing, scolding Democrats.

    1. The Democrat inability to meme is a big factor. The sad part is it isn't possible for them to learn. At least they still have fat girls celebrating homosexuality at the Oscars.

    2. Russian bots can keep making homophobic jokes but magaland ain't gonna be laughing too hard when they get hit but the oncoming recession.

  22. The saying is "I pity the fool", not "I pity the bigot acting like a fool".
    Somerby is an idiot.
