But reached no useful end: On Tuesday, the language seemed to be a-changin' with respect to President Trump.
In the face of his constantly changing tariff threats, the markets had been crashing for two days. On CNBC, an exasperated Steve Liesman said he might end up losing his job, but he turned to a tricky set of words as he railed about the commander's behavior.
Liesman said it might cost him his job! But this was the language he chose:
The language Liesman chose:
"Insane." "Absolutely insane." "Insane."
("There's no other way to describe it.")
"Insanity." "Insanity."
That was the language the gentleman chose. To watch the videotape, click here. We offer this instant disclaimer:
Presumably, Liesman was speaking colloquially. He wasn't claiming that he had uncovered a clinical diagnosis of the commander's mental state.
Also, words like "insane" and "insanity" aren't actual clinical terms! Still, the language almost seemed to be changing as the frustrated Liesman spoke.
Perhaps a thousand years in the future—if we humans are still around—we'll be able to conduct intelligent, empathetic discussions of the possible mental health or mental disorder of major political figures.
Maybe then, but not today! That brings us to the salty new language selected by Chris Matthews.
Matthews wasn't discussing the emperor's new tariffs. He was discussing the apparently lunatic claims the commander had made on Tuesday, March 4 when he addressed a joint session of Congress.
Two days later, on Morning Joe, Matthews said the commander's claims were crazy—and he almost seemed to say or suggest that everybody knows it.
Like Liesman, he chose some salty new language. Once again, here is a substantial chunk of what this gentleman said:
MATTHEWS (3/6/25): He’s doing all this on television. If you noticed, he calls the TV cameras in for the cabinet meetings he’s doing. He’s redirecting his cabinet officials, redirecting Musk.
I’ve watched this guy use television like nobody’s ever done. When he went up the other night, on Tuesday night, he talked to the American people and said, “We’re paying Social Security checks to people who are 160 years old.”
Anybody who reads an obit page knows that’s not true. Anybody knows we’re not spending money on 20 million people out there getting free checks. That kind of fraudulence is unbelievable.
But he’s telling the MAGA people out there, "They’re stealing your money. Don’t trust these people in Washington. These are bad people. They are the deep state." He did it.
You know, he talked about the election being stolen. Nobody in America will tell you which states were stolen from him. All the MAGA people—get them in a corner and say, "Tell me which states were stolen in 2020?"
They can’t tell you. He just told them that. He just said they were stolen.
And with Zelensky on television, he said it was "great television." I’ll never forget that. It was "great television," where he beat up this guy on television. He and JD Vance, and they just did it in public.
So we all know what Donald Trump thinks of Zelensky. He's teaching us.
He’s teaching us. Don’t trust Social Security, so he can go after it. Don’t trust Ukraine, because he’s going to go after Ukraine and diminish that country and its size and its importance. All because this is what Trump thinks and that’s what it’s about.
It is Mussolini. It’s about believing the leader in what he says verbatim. And that’s what Trump does on television. And he’s using us to do it, using the medium.
As before, to watch the videotape of what Chris said, you can just click here.
Matthews selected some new language too. "This is Mussolini," he said. But what did he mean by that?
For starters, credit where due! Chris didn't employ the verboten term, "Hitler." He went all Mussolini instead!
"This is Mussolini," he said. Here's what he seems to have meant:
The commander had made a set of lunatic claims when he spoke to the Congress. Again, here's the part of Christopher's presentation in which he basically says that:
On Tuesday night, he talked to the American people and said, “We’re paying Social Security checks to people who are 160 years old.”
Anybody who reads an obit page knows that’s not true. Anybody knows we’re not spending money on 20 million people out there getting free checks. That kind of fraudulence is unbelievable.
Fuller disclosure! In his address, the commander had actually gone beyond that account. He actually said that we're "paying Social Security checks" to millions of people who are even older than that!
(In yesterday morning's report, we posted the full text of the commander's presentation. To recall what the commander said, you can just click here.)
In fact, the commander had made an array of startling claims in that part of his address. Two days later—and using a somewhat salty term—Chris Matthews went on Morning Joe and described the commander's presentation as an act of "fraudulence."
In fact, he said it was an "unbelievable" act of fraudulence. He said the commander had committed an act of fraudulence which defies belief.
That language was already quite salty. "Mussolini" arrived a bit later—but at this point, let's take note of something else Chris said.
Chris was hammering Donald Trump hard. Unfortunately, he also said this:
Anybody who reads an obit page knows that’s not true. Anybody knows we’re not spending money on 20 million people out there getting free checks.
What did Christopher mean by that? We can't say that we actually know—but we're willing to venture a guess:
In that passage, Chris almost seemed to say or suggest that everybody knows it! He seemed to suggest that everyone knows that the commander's fraudulent claims were untrue.
Is that what Christopher meant to say? The reason we ask is this:
Almost surely, many millions of people don't know that the commander's claims are crazily bogus. Almost surely, millions of people watching the speech assumed that, if the commander said it, what he said was pretty much basically true.
Everyone knows it? Everyone knows that "we’re not spending money on 20 million people out there getting free checks?"
We're sorry, but almost surely, tens of millions of neighbors and friends—tens of millions of us the people—are aware of no such thing! But when the commander made those "unbelievably fraudulent" claims, our biggest news orgs—the New York Times? the Washington Post?—simply yawned and averted their gaze.
These orgs have become quite good at that type of avoidance. In this way, "unbelievable fraudulence" on the part of our nobles and lords has become massively normalized.
Stop to think, for just one moment, about what Matthews said. He said the commander had gone before a joint session of Congress—had appeared before a TV audience of us the people—and he had made a series of claims which were "unbelievably fraudulent."
Within a few days, the very strange Elon Musk would be repeating those claims. But at our biggest mainstream news orgs, this astonishing fraudulence didn't produce a set of front-page reports.
The fraudulence has been normalized. When the fraudulence is performed on a massive scale, our biggest orgs yawn and snooze.
This is Mussolini, Matthews eventually said, avoiding the key word "Hitler." He said the commander is feeding this unbelievable fraudulence to "the MAGA people."
(The commander is "teaching us" what to say or what to believe, Matthews later said. But he really seemed to mean that the commander is teaching them.)
This is what Mussolini did, Christopher now claimed. A charismatic strongman is schooling the masses in what they can say and believe.
Adolph Hitler schooled the masses in crazy beliefs. Mussolini did that too. Somewhat fuzzily, Matthews excitedly said that President Trump is doing the same thing.
That was a salty claim; it featured some striking new language. But along the way, Matthews created confusion with a murky claim or suggestion. He seemed to say that everyone knows that Trump and Musk are selling pure "fraudulence."
We think that's plainly untrue.
Two days after the commander's address, Chris Matthews was pounding away. We think of what Nestor told the headstrong Diomedes at a major moment of truth:
Nestor the old driver rose and spoke at once.
“Few can match your power in battle, Diomedes,
and in council you excel all men your age
But you don't press on and reach a useful end..."
In a furious address to the council, Diomedes had failed to "reach a useful end." In our view, the same is true of what Matthews said to the group on Morning Joe.
One night later, up jumped Bill Maher. We've long admired his remarkable skills.
He instantly cited those same crazy claims, then said that he no longer cares!
It fascinates normals to see the world liberals are living in where a nice fellow like Elon Musk is "Hitler" and Trump is going to put you in prison for a meme like Ken Starmer. All the anger and hatred stirred nightly by the thickest neck in cable news, Rachel Maddow and the deeply disturbed yentas of The View.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like a treacherous prison. Anyway, the rest of us enjoyed the Tesla presentation at the White House. Fun. We also like the progress made in Ukraine and in the Dept. of Education.
Have you got down on your hands and knees and begged Colin Kaepernick for forgiveness, yet?
DeleteIf not, what are you waiting for?
Yes, it sure is fun, 9:40, watching veterans get fired so that Musk can make more money.
Deleteyou're drowning in your own irony.
"in prison for a meme like Ken Starmer."
DeleteYou literally make no sense.
DeleteIt's almost like the Right doesn't really support anything but the bigotry. Without the "It's almost like" part.
VP Vance says Trump is "America's Hitler".
DeleteMusk did a Nazi salute during the inauguration celebration and supports Nazis in Germany, Italy, etc. Musk's family are also openly Nazis.
Haitian immigrants should be given full citizenship for eating the cats and dogs that were collecting Social Security.
ReplyDeleteBTW, anyone else notice that it's the immigrants that are making this country great again?
Not Haitian or illegal immigrants.
DeleteRural living is incompatible with Capitalism.
DeleteLiving is incompatible with capitalism.
It's possible government programs like Social Security are not as fraudulent as Trump insinuates but they are not as fraud-free as gullible, government-worshipping Democrats believe.
ReplyDeletePeople who aren't bizarrely in love with government understand this and Democrat position of DON'T LOOK isn't resonating. Yeah, die on that hill.
Social security and Medicare recipients and their loved ones are in love with having an income and obtaining medical care at no or low cost.
Delete"Entitlement programs rely on fraud for their existence" is a weird pitch but that's what they're going with.
DeleteThat's a funny way to say "De-fund the police".
Whatever problems there are with police that prompted "Defund the police" can only be solved with better funding for recruitment of more qualified officers and better training.
DeleteTake it up with the small government Libertarian at 9:57.
"they are not as fraud-free as gullible, government-worshipping Democrats believe."
Deletethe objections being raised are not that the programs are fraud-free but that whatever fraud exists is not due to the causes stated by Musk/Trump.
If you want to get to the bottom of fraud in entitlement programs, go to the horse's mouth and talk to Senator Rick Scott, Republican (FL).
DeleteDuring his tenure as chief executive, the company defrauded Medicare, Medicaid, and other federal programs. The U.S. Department of Justice won 14 felony convictions against the company, which was fined $1.7 billion in what was at the time the largest healthcare fraud settlement in U.S. history.
When republicans find a provider guilty of fraud, they make him a US Senator.
But the fraud was found and prosecuted and no one complains about this. Democrats are defending the fraudsters. Great look.
DeleteDemocrats are defending Rick scott? I don’t think so.
DeleteNo fraud has been found by Trump/Musk.
DeleteFor decades fraud in government has been monitored by the GAO and Inspector Generals.
Trump fired the IGs and is trying to replace the GAO with "DOGE".
"DOGE" is an attempt by Musk to infiltrate our government to Musk's personal benefit. Musk is corrupt and was being investigated by 20 different government agencies, but Trump shut all that down, per Musk. Musk is a neo Nazi with ties to Saudis and Putin.
Trump and Musk are un American and traitors to our country.
Fraud with SS is insignificant; however, to combat fraud, the government should hire more IGs and do more audits - the exact opposite of what Trump/Musk are doing.
It’s quite easy to voice support for Social Security and Medicare. You simply say “we strongly support these programs that bring an important quality of life to our senior citizens. While there may be fraud and abuse in the system, which was always being monitored, we maintain our support of these important programs and will not touch them as per President Trump’s promise. “
DeleteYou don’t say “Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and is rife with massive fraud and abuse.” That is a prelude to getting rid of it. anyone can see that.
"Democrats are defending the fraudsters."
DeleteWhat Democrat is doing this?
Predicted reply: crickets.
Democrats are defending the fraudsters.
DeleteYou're a fucking liar. No one defends fraud. The only fraud I see is Musk going around claiming "half a trillion to $700 billion fraud" without a fucking iota of evidence and his sycophants swooning./
What the fuck is wrong with you? Republicans elect the fraudster to the US Senate.
Anon@9:57: Here's your argument restated and in a slightly different arena. We know that in some cultures cats and dogs are eaten as food. Therefore, it is possible that Haitians eat cats and dogs. Therefore, it is irresponsible to claim that the Haitians in Springfield, OH are not eating cats and dogs. They must be!
DeleteFraud in SS:
1. Millions of people are on SS, either old-age or disability benefits.
2. It would be incredible to imagine that no fraud occurs and no one thinks that.
3. Such fraud is rooted out on a case-by-case basis.
4. There's absolutely no reason to believe that there's either systematic fraud or that millions of 160 year-old are receiving SS. This is absolutely made up.
5. There's no mechanism -- none that has been suggested -- that would drive systematic fraud. It simply makes no sense.
The real fraud is being hoisted on us by Trump and Must by the way of their fabulist claims.
It looks like Dems plan to shut down government by filibustering a bill that has majority support in both houses. Will media find a way to blame Reps for the shutdown?
ReplyDelete"majority support"!!!!!!
DeleteFuck you, Dickhead in Cal.
Yes they'll try to find a way but it won't work.
DeleteTrump has hit an all time historic low for approval on handling the economy, and his overall disapproval is now up to 54%, up from 51% last week.
DeleteWill media find a way to blame Reps for the shutdown?
DeleteHope so.
Democrats were not asked for their input on the bill. They were excluded, DiC.
DeleteIt's alright, Dickhead in Cal, I already heard CNN and MSNBC putting the responsibility for government shutdown squarely on D's shoulders. You're such a little cunt, you already have to start your phony whiny liberal media grievance before anything happens.
DeleteDems will likely push for a 30 day CSR, and if they do not seem to have the votes, will vote for cloture.
DeleteBlaming Repubs for anything has little electoral impact, since Repubs and their voters only care about attaining a feeling dominance.
Somerby trying to gaslight us, via the copy/paste function, into thinking that it is still yesterday and tomorrow will never come, while referencing a song that excitedly notices that times change (who knew?), gives a weird boost to Somerby's sagging ego.
ReplyDelete"into thinking that it is still yesterday and tomorrow will never come"
DeleteDon't project your own weakness of mind onto Somerby.
Don't worry, I was not fooled by Somerby's nonsense, but don't shoot the messenger.
DeleteI am taking dead aim at the messenger.
Delete“ Mr. Zeldin said the E.P.A. would unwind more than two dozen protections against air and water pollution. It would overturn limits on soot from smokestacks that have been linked to respiratory problems in humans and premature deaths as well as restrictions on emissions of mercury, a neurotoxin.”
ReplyDeleteIt’s fun! Liberals cry!
O’Donnell called Trump insane last night, yet again breaking the media code of silence (copyright Somerby).
ReplyDeleteThere's no code of silence. Paranoia is treatable.
DeleteNixon/Reagan/Bush Klan were all fraudulent and many died.
ReplyDelete“ empathetic discussions of the possible mental health or mental disorder of major political figures.”
ReplyDeleteAll those fired veterans would like Somerby to take his empathy and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
It’s important to know what Bill thinks.
ReplyDeleteHa! Yup, Somerby is always trying to distract from real issues by focusing on things of no consequence or relevance.
DeleteIgnorance aint gonna manufacture itself.
DeleteEven Bandy Lee and the other contributors to her book weren’t trying to diagnose Trump’s specific “mental disorder.” They were trying to warn about the dangers of his behavior.
ReplyDeleteThis. Thank you.
DeleteZelensky agrees to ceasefire; Putin doesn’t. Your move, Donnie.
ReplyDeleteAfter spending the last four years worrying about the stock market dropping, inflation going up, recession, Republican stooges are now saying that the Market maybe ought to go down some, that maybe we need a recession, that we’re gonna have to go through a little bit of inflation pain. Got to fire those veterans and meteorologists. Because that’s what y’all voted for isn’t it? THAT’S WHAT Y’ALL VOTED FOR.
ReplyDeleteFollowing the Gulf of Mexico, the Dow Jones will now be renamed Down Jones.