FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2025
Michelle Goldberg's daring advice: Can a nation like ours long endure? In November 1863, Abraham Lincoln asked.
Lincoln emerged from a distant locale. The same is true of a teenage girl who lives in Presque Isle, Maine.
Presque Isle is way up there. Despite what you might think from its name, it isn't found along the Maine coast. As you can see from a map of the state, Presque Isle is roughly 160 miles due north of the northernmost point along that rocky coast.
Presque Isle is part of Aroostook County. Here's the dope on that part of the vast American nation:
Aroostook County, Maine
Aroostook County is the northernmost county in the U.S. state of Maine. It is located along the Canada–United States border. As of the 2020 census, the population was 67,105. The county seat is Houlton, with offices in Caribou and Fort Kent.
[It's] the largest county in Maine by total area, the second largest in the United States east of the Mississippi River...With over 6,800 square miles of land; it is larger than three of the smaller U.S. states. The state's northernmost village, Estcourt Station, is also the northernmost community in the New England region and in the contiguous United States east of the Great Lakes.
Aroostook County is way up north! By area, it's substantially larger than the state of Connecticut. Its population is somewhat smaller:
Population, 2020 census
Aroostook County: 67,105
State of Connecticut: 3.60 million
It's a very large, lightly populated county. Presque Isle—population, just under 9,000—is its largest city.
The United States—our flailing nation—is an extremely varied place. This brings us back to that nagging question:
Can a nation like ours long endure?
Last Sunday, we were appalled by what we saw during the first hour of the Fox News Channel "news" program, Fox & Friends Weekend. Let's review the carnage:
During that 6 o'clock hour, co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy was instantly mocking "Tampon Tim." Betraying a stunning lack of wisdom, the seemingly reinvented Lisa Boothe then let us know who is, and who isn't, "pure evil."
Charlie Hurt was dumb as a rock. Nearing the end of the hour, we were invited to bow our heads to join these players in prayer.
Upon what meat doth our Red America feed? Sadly, it feeds upon this! That said, midway through the 6 o'clock hour, then early in the 7 o'clock hour, we saw discussions of a topic which almost surely hurt Blue America at the polls last year.
In effect, the hosts were discussing a teenage girl from Presque Isle, Maine. This young person was interviewed on Fox & Friends the next day—during Monday morning's 6 o'clock hour.
In our view, this young person was very composed—quite impressive. When we googled the story behind the story, we quickly found this news report at the Fox News site.
The news report starts as shown. We'll offer this initial bit of advice—try to set aside any impulse toward instant moral judgment:
Maine girl involved in trans athlete battle reveals how state's policies hurt her childhood and sports career
Cassidy Carlisle was in seventh grade when she had to change in the same locker room as a transgender student, she said.
During a gym class at Presque Isle Middle School in northern Maine six years ago, she said she walked into the locker room to find a biological male who would change with her and other girls. She alleges she was told by administrators that if she tried to avoid changing with the trans student, she would risk being late to class.
"That was really my first experience in just knowing that something isn't right, but not knowing what to do with that," Carlisle told Fox News Digital in an exclusive interview. Fox News Digital has reached out to Presque Isle Middle School for comment.
Gender identity was first included in the Maine Human Rights Act as part of the definition of sexual orientation in 2005. In 2021, the law was amended to add gender identity as its own protected class...
You may not approve of the term, "biological male." It may be that you do approve of the policies described in that passage.
There's nothing "wrong" with holding such views. That said, this young person was 13 years old at the time, and it seemed to her that something was wrong with the practice at her school as it's described.
We found ourselves flashing on President Lincoln as we watched the interview unfold. Impressive people emerge from distant locales, though that doesn't mean that you have to agree with every assessment they make.
In this case, here's what happened:
Back when she was 13 years old, she didn't want to change her clothes in the same room with a transgender person she may have regarded as "a biological male." (The news report doesn't quote her using that term.)
You don't have to agree with that view, but at the age of 13, she didn't want to do that. And now, we show you how this relates to our basic question—to the question whether our struggling nation, such as it is, can hope to long endure
What does the one thing have to do with the other? As the news report continues. it jumps ahead in time:
The memory especially stuck with her in her junior year of high school, when she found out she would be competing with a trans athlete on the state Nordic skiing team.
It was an athlete with whom she was familiar. She had already lost to the trans athlete in cross-country competitions in previous years.
When her father told her she would have to face the athlete again in skiing, Carlisle didn't believe it was happening.
"I was like, ‘Oh, that’s only something I kind of hear about on the news. … It’s not going to happen to me," Cassidy recalled.
What she could do was vote in last November's election. As a first-time voter, she cast her ballot with the issue of trans athletes in girls sports at the forefront.
In this way, the issue of trans athletes in girls' and women's sports had apparently created another vote for Red America's candidates. That may have included Red America's candidate for president, who won last year's election by less than 1.5% of the nationwide vote.
We ourselves didn't vote for Candidate Trump, but many people did. How many people cast their votes on the basis of this one issue? We don't have the slightest idea, but the Fox News report says this:
A national exit poll conducted by the Concerned Women for America legislative action committee found that 70% of moderate voters saw the issue of "Donald Trump’s opposition to transgender boys and men playing girls and women’s sports and of transgender boys and men using girls and women’s bathrooms" as important to them.
And 6% said it was the most important issue of all, while 44% said it was "very important."
You may not approve of the wording in that survey question. That said, a New York Times/Ipsos survey phrased the question a different way—and this report in the New York Post accurately describes the results which appear in the survey's official data:
NYT poll finds majority of Democrats oppose transgender athletes in women’s sports
A recent New York Times/Ipsos survey found the vast majority of Americans, including a majority of Democrats, don’t think transgender athletes should be permitted to compete in women’s sports.
“Thinking about transgender female athletes—meaning athletes who were male at birth but who currently identify as female—do you think they should or should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports?” the survey asked.
Of the 2,128 people who participated, 79% said biological males who identify as women should not be allowed to participate in women’s sports.
Of the 1,025 people who identified as Democrats or leaning Democrat, 67% said transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete with women.
This survey asked about "transgender female athletes," not about "biological males." That said, the survey results were overwhelming, even among Dems.
No one has to agree with that widely held view, but a question arises. Is it possible that this topic, all by itself, may have swung last November's election?
We can't tell you that it did, but we also can't say that it didn't. That brings us to something Michelle Goldberg recently wrote in the New York Times.
We'd score Goldberg as center left / liberal / progressive / Democratic. Like us, she didn't vote for Candidate Trump, but in a recent column about the disaster confronting Blue America, she offered the highlighted view:
What on Earth Is Gavin Newsom Doing?
Outlets like Air America and ThinkProgress that helped start the careers of important figures in the liberal firmament—Rachel Maddow among them—have been allowed to wither and die, and then Democrats wonder where all their young voices are. Rather than try to ingratiate himself with [Charlie] Kirk, Newsom might try to elevate the progressives who could someday compete with him.
It was especially ill advised for Newsom to roll out his pivot on trans women in sports in a conversation with Kirk, a man who once described trans people as “disgusting, mentally ill, neurotic, predatory freaks.” As a matter of both political expediency and simple honesty, Democrats should be able to acknowledge that it’s unfair to expect elite female athletes to compete against trans women who’ve gone through male puberty. But at a time when the Trump administration has singled trans people out for persecution, Democrats need to couple their recognition of physical difference with a broader defense of trans rights.
In her column, Goldberg excoriated Governor Newsom for the way he recently seemed to shift his position concerning trans women and trans girls in sports. But she also said this:
Democrats should be able to acknowledge that it’s unfair to expect elite female athletes to compete against trans women who’ve gone through male puberty.
Democrats should continue to offer "a broader defense of trans rights," Goldberg said. But she said Dems should also "acknowledge that it’s unfair to expect elite female athletes to compete against trans women who’ve gone through male puberty."
So said columnist Goldberg! You may not agree with that view.
You may not agree with that view! But here's what happened last Sunday morning as we watched three Fox employees spreading the approved corporate messaging about Tampon Tim and about who is "pure evil" on the Fox & Friends Weekend program:
During the 6 o'clock hour, then again during the 7 o'clock hour, we saw the co-hosts chuckle about the easy gains President Trump makes from what they correctly described as "this 80/20 issue."
They chuckled about it again and again. In our view, the bulk of their conduct that day was appalling. But with respect to that topic, they were unmistakably right.
The survey results on this topic are overwhelming. No one has to share those views, but all in all, we think Goldberg is basically in the ballpark:
Blue Americans should at least be able to understand why so many people, all across the nation, assess this issue in the way they do.
Last Sunday morning, we thought Campos-Duffy, Boothe and Hurt behaved extremely poorly. The next day, Fox & Friends traveled to Presque Isle, Maine and Campos-Duffy spoke with a high school student.
We thought that student was very impressive. We flashed on Lincoln's question several times as these programs unfurled.
Lincoln came from a distant locale. So does this impressive young woman.
Meanwhile, we Blues keep finding ways to lose. We endlessly did so in the past few years, and Candidate Trump squeaked by.
We Blues keep finding ways to lose! We very badly need to discuss this unfortunate tribal impulse. We ourselves are inclined to a certain explanation, but at some point, the discussion should begin.
In the meantime, Blue America lies in a world of hurt. Lincoln wondered if our nation could long endure. In large part due to our need to heal ourselves, we'd say the answer is no longer real clear.
Go ahead—watch the interview with that kid from Presque Isle, Maine! She comes from a small, very distant place, but talent comes from everywhere, and her reactions, which are widely shared, deserve our consideration and even our grudging respect.
Also, what the heck is wrong with us? What makes us behave as we do?
"We Blues keep finding ways to lose! We very badly need to discuss this unfortunate tribal impulse ... at some point, the discussion should begin."
ReplyDeleteThere is an entire faux left online infrastructure designed to eliminate any such discussion. They have adopted cult tactics and one of the defining aspects of cults which is to squash dissent with conversation ending cliches.
It began with an obsession to win Twitter and win comment sections and metastasized and overtook the entire movement and drove it right off a cliff to where we are, we the party destroyed and helpless.
This cultish online blob infrastructure doesn't know how to have discussions. It only knows how to eliminate them.
"There is an entire faux left online infrastructure designed to eliminate any such discussion."
DeleteAn infrastructure?
ReplyDelete"Can a nation like ours long endure?"
With a bit of luck, the President will drain the swamp, and make America great again. Think about it, Bob Somerby.
This is a good example of the trite, cliched sarcasm that has basically destroyed the Democratic party. But it's all these cult members know. It's the only way they think now after systematic training themseleves for years to robotically repel any criticism with sarcastic, bad faith, whataboutism no matter how valid and obvious it is.
Delete12:06 it has really got you riled up, which is not unamusing.
DeleteThere's no sarcasm in my 12:00 PM comment.
Yes, with a bit of luck, the President will drain the swamp, and will make America great again.
The Democrat party destroyed itself. It's greed, corruption, the usual.
grabbing my popcorn, trolls crossed wires, hilarity ensues
DeleteOh that was Mao being serious?! My mistake. Yeah, that a different type of cult obsession. Not as directly politically destructive or dumb as the left wing cult but still.
Delete"Yeah, that a different type of cult obsession."
Yeah, you Democrats need to feel superior at all times, otherwise you'd see what you are and kill yourselves.
What "cult obsession"? Everyone, including soros-bots, can see that the country is going through dramatic political and socioeconomic changes. At the same time no one knows what we'll see on the other side of it, on the MAGA side. So, give it a chance, mister. If it ends up worse than the old status quo, going back to the 1984-style rule of global finance with USAID and DEI is not going to be too hard.
Delete"So, give it a chance, mister."
DeleteI'd give it a chance if they just told the truth about what they're doing. But the lies are kind of a tell.
Don't give Republicans lying such a hard time, it is all they know, it is how they were raised.
DeleteLying also helps promote their bigotry.
Delete12:52 MAGA are at risk of falling into the same trap of political rationalization and self-defeating behavior that Democrats exhibited since 2016: the cultish embrace of ideological purity over electoral pragmatism.
DeleteThe cult obsession is believing Trump can do something about these problems that he accurately pointed out. And especially believing that he will have any kind of results that reverses systemic wealth accumulation and ends elite power dominance rather than just changes who is doing the accumulating and dominating.
We will see.
There is no risk for Republicans. 1:33 you exhibit a fundamental misunderstanding of Republicans.
DeleteRepublicans can always turn out their voters. Trump proves that even more so.
Dems lose when they capitulate to Republicans, their voters stay home, otherwise they do fine.
Good - then there is no need to take critiques seriously or self reflect and adapt to any mistakes?
Delete@1:33 PM,
DeleteTrump is doing something about problems. From ending DEI and men in women's sports, to ending Western Europe's freeloading and American deindustrialization.
As for wealth accumulation, as soon as protectionist barriers are in place and American workers aren't forced competing with Chinese and Bangladeshi ones and undocumented migrants domestically, I expect that we'll immediately get back to the socioeconomic paradigm of 1950s-60s, with labor, organized labor, being the king.
Critiques have to be credible to be taken least among Dems.
DeleteRepublicans can reliably turn out their voters, regardless of any critique, which is why your stance holds no water.
The SES of the 50s and 60s was primarily the result of the New Deal and a 70-90% top tax margin.
DeleteTrump will do nothing to return to that paradigm; no, Trump and his policies will continue the trend that started in 1981: the largest transfer of wealth with $51+ trillion being redistributed from the bottom 90% to the top 1%.
Trump already had a term, where he did little else other than provide tax cuts for the rich and flub our response to Covid, and all that happened was inequality grew, along with our deficit.
2:01 - Sure but the devil is in the details. You expect organized labor will soon be the king. We'll see. MAGA runs the same risks as what befell the left trying as they try to get there: a cultish embrace of ideological purity over electoral pragmatism, greed, and inability to overcome systemic bribery by the people in charge.
DeleteI would't count on any meaningful transformation by Trump. I would be prepared for nothing more than a slight reordering to who controls the spoils of the elites, if anything. And with him there should be an expectation of a certain amount of incompetence and hypocrisy. We'll see. There's no question he earned to political capital to try.
Delete@2:15 PM
DeleteYes, "we'll see" is exactly what I say. And by the way, I see Trump as exactly non-ideological pragmatist (in all respects, not just electoral). He is, after all, a businessman.
Every model, every paradigm gets corrupted; first a little, then more, and more, and suddenly it's utterly corrupt, all fucked up. And at that point, it's time to drain the swamp. And once it's drained, it'll probably take a few decades to turn it into a new swamp.
With Trump only getting 30% of the electorate, getting less than 50% of those that voted in a low turnout for Dems, with more people voting for someone other than Trump, with Dems now winning elections in red areas, with Trump/Vance/Musk polling in the toilet, Trump has little political capital, but what little he has, combined with fascistic coercion, he will spend on increasing inequality and increasing the budget. Trump does not care about votes or Americans, all Trump wants is to make some coin for himself, his cronies, and for those he is leveraged to, and to avoid facing any personal responsibility for his corruption and crimes.
DeleteOK - but expecting a businessman to usher in an era of institutional honesty where organized labor is the king seems a little fantastic, doesn't it? Doesn't a reordering of the corruption seem more likely? You are right, we will see.
DeleteBut what are historical examples of a businessman permanently changing real political power structures (corporations, economic inequality, systemic corruption)? I wouldn't hold my breath though. Right? You certainly realize the chances Trump will pull that off are really small. No?
@2:49 PM
DeleteI'm saying he has to be a pragmatist, because he's been a practicing businessman all his life. In general, I don't see a problem with being businessman, risking, having "skin in the game", as Taleb calls it.
It's not about "permanently changing real political power structures". "Draining the swamp" is more like a cleanup. Massive cleanup. But obviously, a real revolutionary movement has to be built from the grassroots upwards. And it may still happen within the next few years, who knows. Depends on how the game is played, from both sides.
Mao is dead. Long live Mao.
DeleteTrump is limiting the options of American consumers, so that consumers can only purchase from American corporations, who rig the economy and get HUGE tax breaks from Trump, which Republican voters love, because they care about bigotry, not economics.
"In the meantime, Blue America lies in a world of hurt."
ReplyDeleteIt's because we became entirely obsessed with winning Twitter and winning comment sections. Rationality and reason gave way to squashing any descent or criticism with trite sarcasm. The infrastructure was so successful at winning Twitter it forgot that in doing so it was losing appeal for the party. In becoming good at winning Twitter and winning comment sections, it created a horrible stench that made everyone hate Democrats. Which is where we are now. Democrats being despised by every group.
DeleteCracka, please. When did they win any comment section? They are retards. All they can do is ban commenters, or spam comment sections where they can't ban (here is one of those places).
We are saying the same thing!
DeleteIs Starlink down again? Why aren't guys coordinating like you usually do?
DeleteSchool administrators on little Presque Isle, Maine are essentially telling girls to zip-it as to sharing a locker room with biologically intact boys. If that’s not winning the culture, it certainly is dominating it.
DeleteSurely that is logically consistent with sending brown men off to the gulag, without knowing if they are even criminals, and knowing definitely that some are completely innocent. Surely.
DeleteAnd I love how Repubs swallow the story whole when it fits their agenda, even though the story makes little sense.
It is nearly a laugh.
Anonymouse 1:13pm, so you’re saying that forcing girls to dress with guys is the same as foreign visitors getting deported?
DeleteThe logical fallacy is the same.
DeleteObviously the lives of those hauled off to the gulag are impacted more than the girl in Maine, whose story is highly suspect for various reasons.
Furthermore, Trump and his supporters were just fine with Trump walking in on teenagers changing clothes and leering at them and then laughing about how he got away with it later.
And that is the least of the vicious harm Trump has personally foisted on women, and girls.
Sexual issues are what MAGA always turn to when they are losing everywhere else. Presque Isle has a population of 8,677. Is this where you choose to wage your battle? Hilarious.
Delete1:26 Every Republican accusation is a confession. No exceptions.
Delete1:34 Every accusation is a confession. No exceptions. It's not a partisan maxim.
DeleteAnonymouse 1:26pm, how is the Maine girl’s story “suspect”? Wouldn’t the school officials have denied it? It’s the very same approach that has usually been taken with girls who complain about sharing a locker room with transgirls.
DeleteNotice too that my comment was that your views dominate the country. I said that in a convo where they were being dismissed as stupid liberal nonsense. You shut that down with a non sequitur about the Trump Admin and visa holders. That’s what the anonymouse meant shutting off certain topics or running them off the rails.
**ABOUT**. shutting off certain topics…
DeleteThere is no one backing up the student's claim. Even in her story, she claims the school offered her a private bathroom to change in.
DeleteThis student is a pawn, her story is in the news because Republican legislators in Maine organized a rally to fight recognizing transgenders as having normal human rights.
Transgender people have existed as long as humans have existed, they make up about 1% of the population.
No Dem centers their politics on transgender issue, it is a niche issue that Republicans are disingenuously weaponizing.
There may be some aspect of the girl's story that is accurate, but likely the outrage is based on misinformation.
1:46 I can not follow your comment exactly, it does not parse, but as far as I can tell it does not offer a counterpoint to logical fallacy that 1:13 points out.
Anonymouse 1:59pm, so the girl was offered a private bathroom and also told that this could cause her to b me late for class. This sort of.conflict would be something that she wouldn’t forget. Another thing that would make an impact is that she is in a world where she must athletically compete with trans girls. None of that seems scripted. It rings true. The school could certainly refute her claim of complaining about the situation. None of what the student says seems diversionary in manner of your maneuver to change the subject to deportations and Trump. THAT after I said you are winning in the culture.
DeleteYour fellow anonymouse at 12:”6pm has you pegged.
I am not into pegging but thanks for the offer.
DeleteThe girl's story does not add up to the outrage. One time she had to change clothes with a trans kid, but was offered another bathroom, but refused because she would be late to class? C'mon, man. And on one else is backing up her story. It is a story.
Trans athletes are not dominating in sports, what a laugh you people are, with your faux pearl clutching.
Yet, there was no pearl clutching about Trump (or whoever is in charge) sending innocent brown people off to a prison camp without any due process.
If you do not see the fallacy and the hypocrisy, you are just too dense, either genuinely, or faking it because you want to feel like you dominated an argument. But that urge to dominate just makes your arguments look like the rantings of a loon.
So be it.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deletewhere it’s phony “outrage” and is an overblown reaction if you’re given the opportunity to dress in the teachers bathroom AND warned that you will possibly be late for class ( which could possibly add up to some penalty via that school system).
DeleteI take it as a given that girls not wanting to compete against biological males is…hysteria. . But then girls do have a uterus.
I understand that you’re telling me that issues over women and girls competing with transwomen is all stuff and nonsense and that the recent deportations are what we should be discussing. However, since this is the subject that the blogger chose, it’s not… entirely out of place… but perhaps YOU are. I’d wager that you wouldn't be any happier with the deportation topic than you are with this one. As your anonymouse friend says, you’re not here to converse.
We still haven’t seen the full Epstein files. Epstein and trump were very good friends for many many years, there is a video of Trump partying with Epstein and young girls, Trump adoringly said “he likes ‘em young.”
DeleteAnd that’s the man Republicans select to go after people labeled deviants who in reality do no harm to anyone. The anti trans stuff is just sickening.
"Presque Isle has a population of 8,677. Is this where you choose to wage your battle?"
DeleteSo her issue would have more validity if she lived in a bigger city? Yeah, makes a lot of sense.
It is 1700 in America. Modern people would turn their backs to those they don't want to look at and relax. Who cares? Weirdos care. They are more than half, but certainly have weird hang-ups.
DeleteCecelia says transgirl(s). Trans people are so rare that you aren't going to find two in the same gym class, or school, or county. It is very hard finding a teen who must undress with a transgirl because it is hard to find a transgirl to begin with. This is a non-issue.
DeleteThere are some theories that gender dysphoria is a phenomenon associated with autism in girls. Autistic girls are less frequently diagnosed than boys, but asexuality and gender androgyny are a common trait among such girls. This may not be about a desire to be the other sex, but rather a desire to express gender in their own way as autistic people, being confused for a rejection of their own sex. This may be part of the more general phenomenon of Tomboys, among girls.
Right wingers don't care what girls do. Their only uproar is when a boy wants to be a girl, or a man (gay or straight) wants to dress in female clothing, or an intersex person chooses to be female. And it seems to be about exposing genitals to dainty young things (teen girls) before they seek pout such experiences, perhaps out a perverted idea of what purity must be. The complexity of distorted right wing attitudes toward things like sex education or openness about biology or female bodily functions (viewed as icky) suggests that this isn't about transpeople at all, but about the psychological issues of right wing adults of both sexes. Ball tanning is an example, but so is the whole incel culture (which skews right) and assholes like Jordan Peterson and bro culture supported by Trump and the right.
This is much more complicated than whether one of the handful of trans athletes is allowed to compete in some sport. Girls have NEVER been allowed to compete in the sports restricted to males, including football.
Flag football is now becoming a popular spectator sport with fans and sponsors, allowing girls a venue to play football, finally. Why aren't right wingers up in arms about that? Boys and girls are playing together and no one cares. Why isn't that the abomination that having a trans-athlete compete seems to be?
DeleteMen don't need to dress up as women in order to assault them. They already get away with it dressed as men.
Back in my day, sexual predators didn't use girls bathrooms. They just ran for Congress as Republicans. If it was good enough for us, I don't see why it's not good enough for today's youths.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteAnonymouse 7:42pm, in all your blather does it occur to you that women are not allowed on men’s teams because they are likely to be seriously injured? Does it occur to you that men’s sports is more popular due to the difference in athletic ability? Have you considered that this a money thing? Flag football sounds fun for the participants and perhaps a tad more interesting to watch than the other kind, but I’d wager the interest is more like that for reality tv star. and I’d wager the men must exercise a caution that the women need not concern themselves over.
I am not “a dainty young thing” and don’t think that I ever have been, but outside of an intimate relationship, I would be shocked, embarrassed, and affronted to be exposed to a naked man without it being some sort of medical emergency.
I’m sure that in bygone era kids were exposed to all sorts of things (including child labor) due to circumstances that have changed in modern countries.
It’s seems to have been a very short step from arguing that women must share the ladies with bio men to dressing with them in a locker room. I’m not going agree with that and I’m not going to call use preferred pronouns either.
Anonymouse 8:35am, yes they do and that fact as to MEN is why we have separate bathrooms and locker rooms and bolts on doors.
DeleteSomerby's buyer's remorse over Trump is...SO FUCKING FUNNY!
ReplyDeleteEeeeew. Now I've got hives.
DeleteAt least you don't have Musk's herpes.
DeleteTrump/Vance/Hegseth bombed Yemen and killed five children.
ReplyDeleteTrump/Vance/Hegseth: "Suck on that!"
Houthis: "uh, we are still attacking Israel and shipping, so...maybe try a different strategy, since all you are doing is recruiting more to our side"
Somerby, thumb, scale.
ReplyDeleteRinse and repeat.
Ignorance aint gonna manufacture itself.
DeleteSomerby continues his quest to normalize capitulation.
DeleteCommenter, same, comment.
DeleteRinse and repeat.
Somerby has like 5 posts, that is it, and then he just repeats them constantly, copy/past copy/paste copy/paste. 12:08 is on the nose.
Delete"Somerby has like 5 posts, that is it,..."
DeleteOkay. 12:08 has one post. So Somerby is 5 times as interesting as 12:08.
Trump's spiritual advisor is now charging "Christians" a cool $1k to buy an angel to watch over you.
ReplyDeleteTrump's last spiritual advisor has been arrested for child molestation.
Observing this right wing vanity blog wither away, is not unamusing.
ReplyDeleteHow does it feel to watch the Democratic Party wither away?
DeleteWatching the neoliberal, corporatist, establishment wing of the Dems wither away is fine with me.
DeleteIt is the silver lining of Trump's Republican Party, a death cult obsessed with self-owning.
How does it feel to watch the Democratic Party wither?
DeleteIt feels like watching the Republican Party make a liar out of their founder.
Somerby a transphobe?
ReplyDeleteWho knew?
Most sensible people are.
DeleteNo such thing.
DeleteTransphobe is someone who wants 13 year old girls to be forced to see the penises of males because they are perverts, and who understand that "trans" are autogynophelic fetishists who should not be reading stories to children or otherwise be exposed to them.
DeleteThe head of the NCAA, when pointing out how silly all this faux handwringing over trans is, noted that there are 500k student athletes, and less than 10 are trans.
DeleteNobody has a real issue with transgenderism, it is merely a wedge issue Republicans weaponize to gain more power.
"Nobody has a real issue with transgenderism."
DeleteThat's a pretty dumb thing to say.
12:56 mmmmm so compelling.
Agree, I know several Republicans that have trans kids, and they are supportive of their kids, for the most part. Same with abortion, heck Trump even paid for his daughter's two abortions when she was a teen.
DeleteRepublicans do not care about transgenders, they care about having an issue that motivates their voters, particularly in a way that makes their voters not notice as they pickpocket the working class to further enrich the wealthy.
Focusing on trans issues is a Republican scam, it is a way to distract from the rich looting America.
Last paragraph should have been all caps and bold print.
DeleteThat's why you don't give them trans issues on which to focus, no?
DeleteOr just let them enslave Blacks again, no?
DeleteTrans issues are of no consequence, it provides no explanatory power as to why Trump squeaked by.
You may have a personal grievance about trans folks, sorry about that, hope you find some peace, but your claim is nonsensical.
What other kind of grievance can one have about trans 'folks' other than a personal one?
Delete3:16, I would bet 99.99999% of this manufactured "grievance" is not personal.
DeleteAnother day, another nonsense Somerby assertion offered with no credible evidence.
Do you disagree Blue America lies in a world of hurt?
DeleteBlue America wakes up every day and goes about their business same as before.
DeleteSomerby has not got a clue how electoral politics works, his notions on immigration and transgender people and how they impact electoral politics are nonsense and lack any credible evidence. It is of no consequence electorally how Republicans feel about immigration and trans issues, since they always vote Republican, the days of "switch voters" is long gone.
Trump won because the Republicans purged 5 million votes in an already historic low turnout for Dems, which had three main causes: a lack of universal mail in ballots, sexism among Dems (and racism to a lesser degree), and increasingly sophisticated Republican dirty tricks/voter suppression.
The Democrat's complex electoral loss is really a simple morality tale? The exclusive blame is on Republican tactics and structural bias? The problem with that is it doesn't make sense and it insulates the party from critiques and adaptive learning which is necessary for any organization to thrive and win.
Delete12:40 gets it about right, 12:57's mindless word salad only reinforces that.
DeleteDemocrats aren't hemorrhaging voters to Republicans because of illegal unvetted immigrants and sexual fetishists that dominate their party. It's not true.
DeleteFor years Somerby said it was CNN and MSNBC, but he mostly dropped that last year and instead pivoted to immigration and transgender.
DeleteSomerby never had any credible evidence for any of it, and he changes his stance with the wind.
Dems won big in 2018 and 2020 and somewhat in 2022, then barely lost in 2024. In 2018 and 2020 Dems ran on wokeness - civil rights to all, medicare for all, etc. But by 2022, establishment Dems staged a comeback (Pelosi/Schumer) aided by Blue Dog style Dems, running more of a centrist milquetoast style of campaigning.
If anything, the evidence points to opposite of what Somerby claims, and the right wing trolls should be happy to hear that, right? Because they supposedly think that is a losing position for Dems, right? So they should be endorsing that, right? But no, they are here every day up in arms about Dem "wokeness". Brother, please.
Somerby tips his hand by going on and on about the Trojan horse story. Duh.
Bob is a Trojan asset.
DeleteA secret agent in Aeneas’s propaganda and disinformation machine.
DeleteSomerby wants to be credible to Blues, but he lost any credibility by being so transparently right wing, sexist, and racist.
DeleteNow his fanbase is down to 3 or 4 Republicans and 3 or 4 trolls.
womp womp
Somerby didn't talk about transgender much before now.
DeleteBob Somerby always has his finger on the pulse of the latest Right-wing grievance, and he isn't afraid to share them here on the daily.
DeleteUkraine is still going strong, same with inflation, Republicans abusing immigrants, Republicans kidnapping people of color, Republicans warmongering and bombing, Tesla tanking, the genocide of Palestinians, and Republicans cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
ReplyDeleteWho knew?
Democrats crying for gang rapists who are getting deported,
DeleteDemocrats crying over terrorist agitators and Hamas sympathizers who are here by invitation,
Democrats opposing peace and hoping millions more will die in Ukraine and Russia as they sit on their cowardly desks and cheer for more carnage so that Trump doesn't get a "win" for peace,
Democrats getting dragged off by law enforcement for vandalizing Teslas like the mentally ill criminals they are,
Democrats crying that DOGE is locating their FRAUD in government programs and agencies.
12:35 lying kind of sinks your credibility.
Delete12:35 - You say rapists were deported, but you don't know if that is true -- there was no process to determine whether the deportees were rapists. So I'm wondering: Why do you say stuff that you don't know to be true?
DeleteAre you a Fox News parrot?
Why should rapists be deported, when there is a perfectly good Republican Congressional caucus making rapists great again.
DeletePut in an order to short sell TSLA today at 275, then did a buy to cover order when it hit 265, making another $1k.
ReplyDeleteAmazing stock.
ReplyDeleteTrump continues his quest to normalize sexual predators.
ReplyDelete"What's wrong with us" is that we've been overtaken and are now defined by mentally ill feminists and mentally ill gay male fetishists who try to force us to think that men should compete in women's sports. We're too weak and afraid to tell them to fuck off.
ReplyDeleteThis is your issue, MAGA? You have sexuality issues and need therapy.
DeletePeople like 1:02 come from abuse.
DeleteSomerby says we should pity them. That is just empty advice.
To be fair, therapy might help, but more than likely they are a hopeless case.
A drag queen sexually assaulted me during story hour at the library.
DeleteAnd I liked it.
DeleteRepublicans will make owning a 2 x 4 illegal before year end.
Live On CNBC, Kevin Simpson Announces Trimmed Tesla Position
ReplyDeleteIndeed, Musk simping is no longer paying off.
DeleteLincoln thought Blacks were inferior to Whites, even so he fought a brutal war to fight the oppression of Blacks, sparing no mercy for the racists.
ReplyDeleteThat is how you get it done.
This whole issue would go away if women quit sports.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Is it so wrong to want to come home to a clean house and a home cooked meal, and then a blowjob to help fall asleep?
DeleteAnd I’m happy to perform cunnilingus.
DeleteThere's a better way to get them out fair and square. Let men compete against them.
DeleteI know, like what is up with that Title IX bullshit?
DeleteSuch unimaginative trolling.
DeleteWhite people are ridiculous.
DeleteI suspect it is no accident that Fox & Friends found such an "impressive" young person in Maine.
ReplyDeleteReaders may recall that President Trump initiated a verbal battle with the governor of Maine over the state's policies regarding some trans athletes. (There seems to be little attention paid to trans men competing against cis men.)
The governor stood firm against the president's bullying, vowing to "see you in court." Since that time, Trump has again threatened to withhold federal funds from the state unless its policies are changed to conform with his dictates.
So is this small, northermost village an unlikely place for this young woman to emerge from? I think not. I'll wager that someone at the White House or someone at Fox scoured the state to find precisely the right candidate for this presentation.
The brazen “migrant influencer” who infamously flashed around wads of US government cash handouts and encouraged other illegal border crossers to squat in American homes has finally been deported back to Venezuela — after causing uproar on the flight back.
ReplyDeleteLeonel Moreno, who encouraged illegal migrants to “invade abandoned houses” in sick TikToks, was sent back to the narco state this week, after President Trump resumed deportation flights to the country.
Venezuela’s Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace, Diosdado Cabello, said Moreno was “welcome” back, however, the freeloading migrant caused disruptions on the flight and upset his fellow passengers.
I don't think Moreno is a reliable source of info.
DeleteDid Moreno cause the disruptions, or was it his red MAGA hat?
DeleteAt one time, there was virulent opposition to blacks and whites mixing. Many whites declared that they would never allow their children to go to school with a black person, much less date or marry one. Witness what happened at Little Rock Central high school.
ReplyDeleteBut then, times changed.
The idea of abolition was anathema to so many southern whites, and I’m sure it lost Lincoln‘s party some votes in the election. But Lincoln recognized, as he stated in his Cooper union speech, that the south was not interested in little small agreements with them. The south ultimately wanted the to north to
“cease to call slavery wrong, and join them in calling it right.”
Anyone who thinks the gop anti trans war is limited to trans athletes is a fool. At the present time, a bill is being drawn up in Arkansas to prevent parents from even allowing their son to wear a “feminine haircut” and so forth. Anyone who thinks the GOP anti-trans war is limited to trans athletes is a fool. They want transgender people to be disappeared.
Don't they care about short hair on girls? Why are these rules only targeting transwomen?
DeleteThere is a long list of issues that “lose” votes for Democrats: gun control, abortion, climate change, taxes, for example. Why focus on transgender issues any more than these? Is there some way to provide a “broader defense” (as Goldberg puts it) of democratic stances on these issues, while at the same time capitulating to the Republicans in some way? Republicans have shown no willingness to compromise on any of these issues.
ReplyDeleteDo you think it was only Democrats who were able to convince gun owners to hide under their beds and not fight government tyranny?
DeleteLove to hear your broader defense of transgender, Bob.
ReplyDeleteI would cheerfully share a locker room with Cecelia.
ReplyDelete"Why focus on transgender issues any more than these?"
ReplyDeleteBecause people who oppose gun control or higher taxes or environmentalism don't get all queasy and grossed out like they do about transgenderism.
Somerby tries really hard to make that country in Maine sound large, but the actual largest county in the US (not just the biggest one East of the Mississippi) is San Bernardino County in CA. It is 20,105 square miles, more than 3 times bigger than Arostook County in Maine.
ReplyDelete"The following states are smaller in area than San Bernardino County: Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Vermont, and North Dakota. " Switzerland is also smaller. It too is lightly populated.
So what?
Somerby wants to say that a trans student should have no rights to do sports (or anything else, where would this stop?) because a 13 year old objected to having to change during gym class with her.
I am biologically female and I was forced to change for gym with a bunch of other 13 year old girls. I didn't want to do that. I was shy about my own development and not used to sharing nudity at home or anywhere else, so having to do this in gym was traumatic for me. What was I told about that? Suck it up. Get used to it. No special rules for you, no matter how you feel. Because that is how such student concerns are traditionally dealt with.
This delicate young thing from Maine (who is coincidentally Somerby's favorite age) is not receiving any cruel or unusual treatment when the need for all 13 year olds to change for gym is considered. Do you think a delicate 13 year old boy would like to change with other biological boys, comparing their "junk" and hazing and joshiing each other, as boys do? Can he complain to anyone and get serious consideration? Why should this very special 13 year old from Maine be any different?
Her mom can home school her, if her parents feel strongly about the issue. All parents have that right. Or the 13 year old can turn her back on the transgirl (who Somerby mistakenly calls biologically male) and remove her own clothing surreptitiously, as all girls know how to undress and dress modestly. As they do on the beach and at a swimming pool or at a slumber party, if they feel modest.
Somerby has never been a young girl. He doesn't know from his own experience whether this is a valid concern or whether this girl's parents are using her situation for political purposes. Many girls that age would be humiliated to become the center of attention like this. Has anyone considered her feelings in this? Somerby apparently hasn't.
Democrats are counting on humiliation and bullying to kick in to prevent a girl from saying that she does not want to compete against men.
DeleteThe intended effect is to silence her and then when she does speak, they say that she was coerced. They hate real girls.
If the Republican Party wants to hand out participation trophies to those who can't compete, who are you to complain?
DeleteI wonder if Somerby is aware that Musk disinherited (declared dead) his oldest child for being trans. His daughter is a teen around the same age as this Maine girl. What billionaire would cut off a child like that, refusing to see her or speak about her, much less support her? This is a big reason why I find Musk so distasteful as a human being. If you create a child, you have an ongoing responsibility to him or her, regardless of how they evolve into adults. As most parents know, your role as a parent doesn't stop when they turn 18 either. Must is a bad parent and a bad person for abandoning a child over a non-issue like this. But the right has a habit of turning its children out of the house, throwing them on the street, if they make decisions that the parents are embarrassed by or disagree with. There is a whole subpopulation of actual "lost boys" and runaway girls in Utah, who have been rejected from or fled fundamentalist Mormon polygamist colonies. These extreme rejections of transpeople are just as harsh, ignorant and hurtful as other religious and pseudo-religious practices, including some that are illegal, like abandoning a child for being trans.
ReplyDeleteHe didn’t disinherit that son, that son, who is mentally ill and brainwashed, said that he did not want an inheritance. Musk holds it against the trans mental illness pusher movement that they ruined his son who is still his son, and can never be a daughter. The son is now deeply mentally ill and turned against his father by hateful and abusive perverts.
DeleteLiberals believe everything conservatives do but are polite enough to pretend they don't. Then they accuse their victims of not being sympathetic enough to the two faced allies.
ReplyDeleteMartin Luther King was unpopular with the majority when he was killed. Then the FBI smeared him as an orgy fanatic and a rapist.
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine the daily howler writing during that time.
"Are we sure race integration isn't helping animals come after our virginal women? The government is telling me this guy is bad, not just anyone! "