FRIDAY: This isn't your father's revolt from below!

FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2025

Or maybe it actually is: Last night, the Nancy Pelosi Botox joke arrived at 10:03.

Some may think we've been exaggerating when we say he does this every night. Sorry, Charlie! There he went again:

GUTFELD (10/20/25): And finally, U.S. Border officials in Indiana have confiscated nearly $10,000 worth of fake Botox products.

Yeah, you'll never guess who's seeking the death penalty.



He does it virtually every night. Some nights, he goes there twice.  And as we showed you yesterday afternoon, the women of The View will typically be compared to some manner of "livestock." Over and over and over and over, liberal women are said to be just too farking fat!

The audience will applaud and cheer. This happens virtually every night, but last night was truly remarkable.

Last night, the evening's "monologue" began right there, at 10:03 p.m. It set the stage for an extremely strange throwback discussion.

At 10:03, after the Botox joke, the "monologue" started like this:

GUTFELD: So, what's wrong with women?

TYRUS: You got an hour?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! For the record, Tyrus is a former heavyweight "wrestler" who serves as this show's Ed McMahon. 

You'll assume that initial exchange just had to be tongue in cheek. In fact, it launched a wholly serious ersatz discussion which came straight outta Angry Incel Land.

At any rate, as Gutfeld continued, it became clear that his real question was this:

What's wrong with white women?

Later, the focus became even more clear. He wanted to vent his anger at college-educated white liberal women—more specifically, at the substantial percentage of such women who don't agree with his own manly views concerning a wide assortment of topics, starting with the way they allegedly swoon over President Zelensky.

The "monologue" ran from 10:03 until 10:09. By 10:05, the fellow was railing against the (imagined) large number of college-educated white liberal women who supposedly "swooned over the CEO shooter Luigi Mangione."

"Dozens of young women showed up in court to support a loner who killed a family man," the Fox News Channel star said. "Dozens" isn't a very large number, but the angry incel star seemed to extend the blame to white liberal women in general.

By the end of his monolog, he was saying how much better conservative white women are. His monologue ended with this remark about those awful white liberal women:

GUTFELD: [Conservative women] swim in gratitude as lefties drown themselves in resentment, antidepressants and Meow Mix. The only thing they have left, sadly, is an enabling Democrat [sic] Party, an abusive boyfriend that sustains their misery. Talk about marrying down!

Along the way, he had complained about "the hijacking of the maternal instinct."

All in all, this isn't your father's revolt from below—or maybe, in some ways, it is! It was especially interesting to see the way Tyrus and the other three panelists agreed with this gentleman's jihad.

This afternoon, in the New York Times, four conservative columnists ruminate on Trump's second coming to date (Brooks, Douthat, French and Stephens). In our reading, the four columnists almost seem to think that the current machinations of Trump-and-them are actually part of something like standard politics.

(We'd say that David French came the closest to walking away from that view.)

Is Trump II some sort of slightly more extreme version of politics-as-usual? That's the song we almost thought we heard. In our view, any such view is delusional.

In Eyes Wide Shut, the Tom Cruise character stumbles upon a wealthy secret society (male) which wants a return to ancient rituals—and to ancient sex roles. According to every major expert, such wishes may tend to be bred in the bone within our imperfect species.

To challenge yourself, we recommend that you force yourself to watch the first seventeen minutes of last evening's Gutfeld! program.  In Eyes Wide Shut, the Cruise character is shocked by what he finds when he stumbles upon that secret society.  

We often have a similar reaction when watching the Gutfeld! show. On a nightly basis, Rashida Tlaib has too much hair on her face, Joy Behar is too farking fat.

Michelle Obama is really a man. Governor Walz is gay. This garbage is on the air every night. It drives the revolt from below.


  1. Gutfeld's idea of sexy is MTG in a MAGA hat.

  2. Republican voters are too stupid to know they're jokes.

  3. Somerby has abdicated defense of democracy as surely as the Republicans in Congress.

  4. If Somerby cared about misogyny, he might have called out Bill Maher for calling those who won’t meet with Trump “mean girls”. Referring to despised men as women (girls) is sexist.

  5. Peter Greene gets it right about education. You can’t replace teaching/learning with AI because: “ Content knowledge matters. This is so basic to education, and tech shortcuts do not change it. All aspects of learning rest on Knowing Stuff.”

    Ignorance is the basis for most of our problem with Trump/Musk/Red America.

  6. Why does Somerby still watch Gutfeld?

  7. Somerby misses what Eyes Wide Shut is about, in his haste to use it for his own personal purposes.

  8. Somerby says "Dozens of young women showed up in court to support a loner who killed a family man," the Fox News Channel star said. "Dozens" isn't a very large number."

    Not a big number. I disagree. Suppose dozens of white people showed up to support James Earl Ray.

    1. He got dozens of marriage proposals.

  9. An analysis of Trump by his enemies isn't worth much. I know that at least 3 of the 4 so-called "conservatives" are anti-Trump. I think French is also anti-Trump, based on another column that I read. This reminds me of the PBS Newshour. They present an allegedly "balanced" debate every Friday between an anti-Trump liberal and an anti-Trump supposed conservative.

    1. "...supposed conservatives..."
      Oh, I see, the litmus test of a conservative is whether he/she supports Trump. Nice little cult you've got going there. Anyone questioning the conservative credentials of Brooks and Douthat because they don't support Trump either is ignorant of them or an idiot. Go ahead and tell us the George Will is a "supposed conservative". What fucking nonsense.

    2. ...his enemies...

      This is how Dickhead in Cal refers to lifelong republicans and conservatives who have substantive and principled criticism of Trump. They are his "enemies". Just as Trump refers to dedicated judges and career prosecutors who had to deal with his fucking blatant in-your-face criminality.

      Believe me, David, nobody wanted to have to deal with this guy who thinks he's a mob boss. You handed that fucking corrupt slob to us. But these people don't have to close their eyes and twist themselves into a pretzel like you do daily, defending and explaining why that grotesque man shouldn't ever be held to account.

      We are now already in a Constitutional crisis created by that fucking criminal madman you worship, David. This isn't going to end well, and you will someday have to answer for your enabling of the end of our Constitutional republic.

      Fuck you, David. Fuck you straight to hell.

    3. Another one of Trump's enemies, I suppose. The Republican Senate Majority Leader.

      ‘Unchecked’ book excerpt: Inside McConnell’s decision not to convict Trump

      “Let’s just ignore him,” the GOP Senate leader said at one point, underscoring his hands-off approach on whether to stand up to pro-Trump lawmakers after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol

      And if ignoring the monster they created didn't work, well, who ya gonna call when Republicans fuck things up and don't have the moral character to fix what they have broken?

      “The Democrats are going to take care of the son of a bitch for us,” Mr. McConnell said, referring to the imminent impeachment vote in the House.


    4. Mitch McConnell, the greatest Democrat hero. Even greater Democrat heroes: George W Bush, Dick Cheney, John McCain.

    5. The treasonous asshole who was too cowardly to do the patriotic thing and impeach that orange criminal and packed the SC with Christo-fascists for a generation is no Democratic hero, maggot breath.

    6. David in Cal is correct (stopped clocks, etc).
      Lifelong Republicans and Conservatives are the nation's enemies.
      Even Mao can't argue that one.

    7. Seems everywhere you look there are anti-Trump people. Wonder why.

    8. Bots ain't people, Soros-bot.

  10. The bridge national tournament in Memphis TN is wrapping up. Canadians were noticeably absent. Those who were there told me about friends who had cancelled their plans. Hard to see what the harrassment of Canadian card players has accomplished.

  11. Can you tell us more about the harassment of Canadian Bridge players? That sounds really stupid.

    1. Several Canadian tourists have been detained and deported, causing other Canadians to change plans to avoid the US. Many Canadian bridge players are snowbirds in Palm Springs and Arizona, playing in large bridge clubs there. It is stupid to harrass people who are important to our economy.

    2. Everyone should avoid US.

    3. The American Contract Bridge League includes both Canadian and Mexican sanctioned clubs and tournaments plus cruises that visit such places. Bridge is international. Top players from many other countries were in Memphis. How will deporting competitors help our sport?

    4. The idiocy of the Trump administration is on full display at our Northern border.

  12. Good news for the Jews
    Columbia caves to Trump’s demands after $400M threat over campus antisemitism, will institute mask ban and more oversight

    1. Stop being a fucking asshole, David, and don't speak for me. When my son was going off to college (and he briefly considered Columbia), we were not concerned about Columbia-type protesters. Where he is now, I am mostly concerned fucking MAGA supporters. The goddamn gall of you to speak for the "Jews". Most of us are sane people who voted against Trump. Singularly most idiotic thing that you have posted and that's saying something.

    2. Why be concerned about the MAGA supporters? Do they conduct anti-semitic demonstrations? Do they block access to various college buildings and prevent Jews from getting to their classes? Do they try to keep Jews out of their organizations? Do they publicly support the rape, murder, torturing, and kidnapping of Jewish civilians? As you know, these are things that some anti-Trump people have done on some campuses.

    3. "They will not replace us." Charlottesville.
      January 6th.
      2,000 lb bombs and the killings of tens of thousands of civilian Palestinians by an apartheid government.

      These are some of the things you seem to have no problem with, MAGA.

    4. God bless the Jewish people.
      Also, fuck israel.

    5. Enjoy Netanyahu. He'll be the last leader in the history of Israel.

    6. I know one MAGA supporter named Netanyahu who murders and starves thousands of Palestinians. Does he count?

  13. President Donald Trump on Friday downplayed his involvement in invoking the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to deport Venezuelan migrants, saying for the first time that he hadn’t signed the proclamation, even as he stood by his administration’s move.

    “I don’t know when it was signed, because I didn’t sign it,” Trump told reporters before leaving the White House on Friday evening.

    1. The proclamation invoking the Alien Enemies Act appears in the Federal Register with Trump’s signature at the bottom.

      Remember last week when Trump was claiming Biden didn't sign pardons or know anything about them? Every accusation...

    2. Yep. There's no attempt to tell the truth or even have any plausible deniability. It's a completely detached existence.

    3. Just assume that every syllable that exits his pie hole is bullshit and you will be fine.

    4. The White House helpfully explained that the President was referring to the 1798 act itself when he said he "didn't sign it."

    5. I wish I had the same level of contempt for republican voters as the President does.

  14. Mister Fanny? Are you here yet?


  15. "His monologue ended with this remark about those awful white liberal women:"

    But this is a scientific fact, Bob (Science!). According to Pew Research, more than 50% of the white liberal women between 17 and 30 y.o. are diagnosed with mental health problems.

    see the chart here

    You, Bob, are very much interested in people with mental health problems, aren't you?

    1. It was a joke, stupid.
      Like the one bout the Republican voter who isn't a bigot.
