DELAY: The key word there was "alleged!"


We'll be posting this afternoon: This very morning, we saw what may have been the most morally vacuous conversation ever staged on the planet.

The conversation took place—where else?—on this morning's Fox & Friends. We got a very good price from El Salvador, the vacuous creatures all said.

In fairness, moral vacuity has always lay at the heart of the human project. That said, we make these pronouncements:

We're losing a large chunk of time today. We won't be posting until this afternoon.

We probably won't be able to transcribe that Fox & Friends conversation until tomorrow morning.

Also, we're sticking with the framework from A Passage to India.  "Ou-boum?" We can't precisely explain what it means, but when has that ever stopped anyone?

Finally, this:

Over the weekend, a Central American strongman was mocking the United States with this mocking tweet:

"Oopsie...too late!"

A mocking emoji was included.

The strongman appended his mocking tweet to a screenshot of a report in the New York Post. As you can see by clicking this link, the headline on the report said this:

Fed judge orders deportation flights carrying alleged Venezuelan gangbangers to return to US, blocks Trump from invoking Alien Enemies Act

That was the attempted legal action the strongman was publicly mocking. But even at the New York Post, the key word there was this:


The strongman was mocking the U.S. The strongman gave us a very good price, the Fox News employees all said. 


  1. "...the most morally vacuous conversation ever staged on the planet..."

    What, no one was screaming about their love for children with cancer? So, a conversation without a single idiot-Democrat in it?

    That must've been Fox News. Ah, yes, it was. Thank God the universe still makes sense...

  2. "That was the attempted legal action the strongman was publicly mocking."

    How horrible.
    Feb. 23, 2024
    "“The Supreme Court blocked it,” Mr. Biden added, “but that didn’t stop me.” He apparently thinks defying the law is a virtue."

    Hold me, I'm fainting...

    1. If you do something this is deemed illegal and then try to do it again in a legal manner, that is not defying the law.

    2. How dare you @7:56. Biden was just trying to defy the Supreme Court in a legal manner.

    3. Every time King Chickenshit gets exposed for violating the Constitution and the law, his maggot fans run around trying to find a whataboutism to defend their poor beleaguered megalomaniac. They always fail. It's so fucking predictable.

    4. Biden was just trying to achieve his goals in a legal manner. FTFY

      Biden was not trying to defy the court but was trying to help students with their loans so that they could instead get married, have kids, guy a house and car and stimulate both the economy and their own lives. How awful! Meanwhile Trump is trying to invalidate the authority of the courts (all of them) in order to rule as a strongman (dictator, king). There is no equivalence.

    5. And you're right, there is no equivalence between "Oopsie...too late!" and "The Supreme Court blocked it, but that didn’t stop me"

    6. biden wanted to help people, trump wants to hurt people

    7. Where I come from, Soros-bot, getting rid of gangs helps people.

      And giving free money to parasites hurts working people, whose money is sent to parasites.

    8. Yes, maggot, the SC blocked "it" and "it" never happened. President Biden worked with his legal advisors and the DoE to find other ways that were not blocked by the SC to give some modest relief to student loan borrowers.

      For more than thirty years, college students have been assured that their student loan debts would not follow them forever. The federal government promised that if they paid a portion of their income every month, after a certain number of years any remaining debt would be forgiven. This fundamentally important component of the federal student loan program is currently in danger because of a partisan fight in the courts.

      As part of his broader effort to provide loan relief for public servants, seniors, the disabled, and victims of for-profit college scams, President Joe Biden last year created a repayment program called SAVE that offered more generous terms than prior plans. In challenging the SAVE plan in court, plaintiffs are arguing that in establishing an income-contingent loan repayment system in the early 1990s—the authority on which SAVE is based—Congress did not intend for unpaid balances to be forgiven after the period of income-based payments was completed. The problem? It’s simply not true. I should know. I was there, drafting the laws as a Senate committee staff member. (And more recently, I literally wrote the history of income-driven student loans in the United States).


    9. I don't read Reptiloid, idiot-moonbat. Only Human. And no more than 8 lines, preferably.

    10. That's ok, shit-for-brains, the facts do not depend on you reading them or your maggot brain understanding them or you agreeing to them. Just run along and wipe your nose sonny.


    11. Now, that ain't Human. Sounds like a word-salad idiot-moonbat-style.

    12. Anyone else notice the Right doesn't whataboutism with immigrants? That's because the Right looks positively meager, futile, and stupid when compared to hard-working and smart immigrants, who come to the USA and make it better.

  3. It is hard to tell if 7:56 is really that fucking dumb or it he is just dishonest and trolling for a reaction. It either case it would be useless to argue with the piece of shit.

    1. Those are not mutually exclusive, seems like a mixture of the two.

      Your conclusion, however, is right on the money.

  4. Biden had a cold. Ya ask civil War historian Heather Cocks.Richarson, she'll tell you the same thing.

    1. Juvenile to make a sexual pun about a person's name. Are you 12?

    2. Sorry- civilwar historien Heather "Cox" Richardson will tell you Biden simply had a cold.

    3. "He shanked it."

    4. Juvenile or not, 9:18 makes a valid point. Biden didn't have a cold, or else he couldn't have been so vigorously bellowing within hours of the debate.

    5. biden-haters are gay

    6. Biden had a cold and took cold meds for it. He also had jet lag and fatigue.

    7. Biden caught cold, and his health insurance refused to pay for Tylenol. But he got avenged later. In the end, justice prevailed.

    8. musk has herpes, but that does not impede his remarkable ability to grift and scam

    9. Biden had a cold, took cold medicine, was also tired and jet lagged, so he spaced out a bit in front of the camera. The transcript sounds more lucid than seeing him (especially if you watch an edited fake video version of his debate responses). But the "Biden is too old" campaign started with the DOJ and right wing edited videos and very slanted press, so that when he had a bad debate, it was in a context where people were prepared to consider him senile. The Dems shouldn't have gone along with the right on that. I blame Nancy Pelosi, who may be around the bend age-wise herself.

      On a personal level, Biden should be enjoying retirement. I agree that he probably could have beaten Trump, given that most voters do not follow politics that closely and didn't know about any of the smears. Had Democrats rallied behind him, as in 2020, we wouldn't be having these troubles today. If his health declined, the VP would take over for him. Now we are stuck with a fascist coup in progress that our Party doesn't seem to know how to oppose. We are in big trouble (because they didn't want that lady in office). What DO we do now?

    10. "Biden had a cold, took cold medicine, was also tired and jet lagged, so he spaced out a bit in front of the camera."

      Thanks, Hunter. You forgot to tell everyone he caught his 'cold' 12 days before the debate.

    11. cite a source for that please

    12. Biden had a cold and he didn’t wander off. It wasn’t even a photo op. He was merely interacting with a few of the para troopers, It was just some good old boys talking shop.

    13. Biden had a cold which made him confuse the president of Ukraine with the president of Mexico.

    14. Biden confused the paratrooper with the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and approached him, asking for a brain.

      But sadly, that was only a paratrooper...

    15. Which Trump does regularly.

    16. "Are you 12?"
      Imagine how much better this country would be, if Republicans were able to raise their mental capacity to that of a 12-year old.
      I bet, even Colin Kaepernick might respect the countries National Anthem, if that happened.

  5. The word "alleged" refers to the deportees, not the strongman or the attempted deportation. The deportees did not receive due process and cannot be called "gangbangers" or even "Venezuelan" without evidence they fit those descriptions. The word "alleged" is appropriate and it is unclear why Somerby seems to be objecting to it. Or perhaps he is going to claim that we cannot know whether the strongman was mocking or not, given our limited access to his mental state?

    Is this really the most important thing we should be discussing today? I'd rather talk about the DOGE assholes pulling guns on employees of an independent agency that they have no business raiding. Somerby might ask whether that reflects well on a democracy or insatead belongs in Venezuela, with or without emojis.

    1. that seems like a really stupid way to look at things.

    2. I think your mother is calling you...

    3. Aren't you going to talk about unhinged Democrats raiding Tesla dealerships?

    4. teslas are gay

    5. Only cybertrucks are gay. And fashy.

    6. "it is unclear why Somerby seems to be objecting to it. (the use of 'alleged')"

      Perhaps because he doesn't seem to be objecting to it. He says it's the key word, which merely highlights its importance one way or another.

    7. cybertrucks are emotional support vehicles for men with tiny dicks; trump bought one but he can not drive it, nudge nudge wink wink

    8. Somerby only quotes the press to disparage it.

    9. I would kill for a cybertruck, but I got no chance to drive one. I hate musk. hate, hate, hate.

    10. Those big non-EV trucks are also very expensive.The point of them (for non-farmers) is to proclaim financial status while still looking like a hick.

    11. killing is so edgy

    12. too literal @11:43

    13. musk hates his fanboys, all musk ever wanted was to follow in the footsteps of enron and theranos, musk never wanted to be a hero to lonely losers

    14. I'm going to buy a cybertruck. Elon said he'd throw in an extra tube of adhesive to glue the body panels back on when they fall off.

  6. If Somerby were still sentient, he might discuss some of this:

    "Adding to the chaos in Washington is the fact that there is no one reactionary agenda at play in Trump 2.0. Yes, there is Donald Trump’s attempt to “king me” and join the exclusive Autocrats’ Club with all the appertaining riches and corruption. There is the well-documented Project 2025 with its Heritage and Christian nationalist influences. Bit players are the spineless Republicans kowtowing to Trump and minority Democrats’ flailing in House/Senate disunity.

    And then there is Elon Musk and his DOGE coders doing their thing almost independent of everything else. But what their project is is not well understood. Efficiency and cutting waste are a smokescreen.

    Mike Brock commented Monday (reacting to a February post by Noah Smith) on the ideological project behind Musk’s activities at Notes from the Circus. “[W]e face not chaotic incompetence but deliberate subversion,” he explains.

    Short version, Musk’s anti-democratic DOGE project is in reality “a mechanism of state capture.” Behind him and behind J.D. Vance is eccentric billionaire Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley billionaires with their goal of establishing a “post-liberal order” imagined as a “domain of enlightened autocrats making decisions insulated from public interference.”

    When you examine what DOGE is doing in the context of those goals, DOGE makes more sense. But the media has yet to take that project seriously because it sounds so much like a conspiracy theory."

    1. J.D. Vance's political guru says Americans need to "get over their dictator phobia."

      They are saying it out loud without shame or embarrassment. They know their cult fans like DiC will twist themselves into logical pretzels in order to justify total fascism. This is not going to end well.


    2. And your, Soros-bot, political guru says he did the goodest job. Without shame or embarrassment.

    3. Name that president.

      "I'm going to invent the 28th Amendment and ignore the Supreme Court's prohibition on stealing from the taxpayers to pay off the student loans of losers."

    4. student loans are gay

    5. Not literal @ 10:18

    6. putting up barriers to education seems like a good plan to trump and the republicans

    7. Every Trump's plan is a good plan.

    8. trump plan is to grift americans and give "pleasure" to putin

    9. That's a better plan than any Democrat plan.

    10. republicans get off on destroying america

    11. If you think there is a Right-winger who will forgive the Democratic Party for treating black people as equals in the eyes of the law, you need to supply Trump with all the goods he's purchasing on credit.

  7. David in Cal claims that Trump is working hard when he isn't playing golf. How hilarious is this example of Trump's hard work? A trifecta of stupidity, lack of culture and lack of education:

    "As a follow up to the post below, just read this. The Washington Post got audio of the Kennedy Center Meeting Trump attended today:

    Trump and board members floated names such as Paul Anka, Sylvester Stallone, Johnny Mathis and Andrea Bocelli for the award.

    The president also suggested giving awards to Elvis Presley, Luciano Pavarotti and Babe Ruth, though the Kennedy Center Honors are not given posthumously. Pavarotti was honored in 2001. Trump floated expanding the event to include politicians, executives and athletes.

    “Elvis sells better as a dead man,” Trump said.

    During the board meeting, Trump railed against previous Kennedy Center Honors, saying, “In the past, I mean, these are radical left lunatics that have been chosen. I didn’t like it. I couldn’t watch it. And the host was always terrible.”

    It is unclear how many members will be added to the committee. Their identities are also unknown. “We’re expanding the committee so that the search for the Kennedy Center Honors is more inclusive,” said one board member, who could not be identified by voice alone.

    No you didn’t accidentally drop acid. They actually used the word “inclusive” a word which has been deleted from every government website.

    This will be ratings gold for sure:

    Trump seemed to say he would agree to be the ceremony’s host. “I don’t want to, but I want this thing to be successful,” he told the board.

    Another bit of evidence of his decline into delusional megalomania.

    Luckily, he’s got such great taste that the center will be incredibly successful:

    He said he hopes to bring in Broadway shows. (The center routinely books tours of Broadway productions.)

    Later, Trump and board members mentioned several shows they would be interested in bringing, including “Hello, Dolly!” “Phantom of the Opera,” “Camelot,” “Fiddler on the Roof” and “Cats.”..

    At other points during the meeting, Trump shared personal stories and anecdotes, including about the first time he saw “Cats” and which members of the cast he found attractive. He also spoke about how dangerous the Potomac River can be. The center is adjacent to the river.

    Oh my God."

    Trump is a grown man. King of the morons.

    1. When right wing uses the word "inclusive", they mean their rightwing unqualified ideologues who demand they be given equal standing with the educated professionals. Vaccine skeptics are put in charge of HHS for no apparent logical reason, Fox saturday morning talk show hosts with no management training or experience are given the US Department of Defense to lord over. Russian moles are put in charge of our intelligence agencies, and a reality TV show actor who is seriously psychotic is made leader of the free world. That is what they mean, and they really mean it.

    2. What do you want people to do about it?

    3. We've seen what the Democrat idea of "qualified" got us.

    4. A Lebanese, a black gay, an Italian-American and a blind man sounds inclusive to me.

    5. Democrats only allow men to talk about women's attractiveness without fear of scolding if the woman looks like Lena Dunham.

    6. Anyone know why Trump had Jeffrey Epstein murdered while under his custody? It's really driving me crazy trying to figure it out.

    7. ho's before bro's


  8. Keep draining the swamp, Mr. President. Don't stop draining the swamp, please.

    And you should do something about those Democrat assho-lawyers, Mr. President. Look what they did to you and to your people. What goes around comes around. And whatever is coming to them, is well deserved.

    1. the swamp is in trump's pants

    2. 9:34 is too deep in the clutches of the Deep State, to be helped. It's best to write this one off, and instead try to people who are at least a tiny bit skeptical of the things the Deep State tells them.

  9. Sadly, the strongman has thwarted these poor violent illegals' right to rape, murder, and dismember more little girls in the USA.

    Bad, bad strongman!

    1. all strongmen smell bad, but trump is the top stencher; stencher-in-chief

    2. Nah, my friend, it's just the piece of shit sticking to your upper lip.

    3. ineffective and laughably bad "comebacks" are as gay as closeted republicans

    4. Republicans are waiting for Trump to stop immigrants from totally mopping the floor with white people on the job market.
      They better hope Putin's plan works, or they're going to look even stupider and lazier.

  10. trump is a rapist

  11. trump likes young girls because they are not women; women are nasty and mock his tiny penis

  12. The supremes are arseholes. Any president, democrat, republican, or other, should defy them. If congress won’t defund them, he should impound the appropriation.

  13. musk is fat, trump is fatter; trump wins

  14. musk smells bad, trump has trump stench; trump wins

  15. musk does not change diapers for his offspring, trump changes his diaper several times a day; trump wins

  16. archeologists have discovered homo naledi bones in the darker regions of trump's body fat rolls

  17. We’re making progress. Defense contractors can now provide segregated facilities.

  18. republicans prefer blacks in the field, women in the kitchen, and young girls and boys in the bedroom

  19. putin likes to give "horseback riding lessons" to boys at his winter dacha

  20. This is interesting because it illustrates how different these news stories turn out to be when you hear the details. This is the kind of thing David in Cal always posts, going with the right wing false presentation instead of what really happened. Tiedrich mocks it:

    "the MAGA asshole who got bounced — and is now whining to the press about it — wants you to believe that she was some innocent victim who wandered into a random bar and met up with some surly bartender.

    that’s not the case at all. the cultist — and her friends — showed up to cause trouble, and they got what was coming to them.

    the bar in question is the Chatterbox Jazz Club in Indianapolis. the joint is LGBTQ+ inclusive, and much of the staff is trans.

    it’s possible that Fuckface von Maga and her fuckface friends didn’t even know any of that when they showed up to make a scene. maybe they were just offended by the pride flag hanging outside the bar, and decided that it was their divine mission to stir up shit.

    here’s David Andrichik, the bar’s owner, to explain.

    “We were set up. This was a plan to do something like this. We don’t believe the people that came in to instigate even knew what Chatterbox was, but they came in because of our pride flag,” which is displayed outside the jazz bar.

    premeditated or not, these MAGA shitstains stepped inside the Chatterbox and immediately cranked the asshole dial way past eleven. they shouted. they got abusive and confrontational. they deliberately misgendered the bartender. and they got tossed the fuck out.

    and then, they came back in and recorded the clip you saw at top of this post — and went whining to the media about it.

    look at us, we’re the real victims here! they hated us for our hats! so unfair! come see the violence inherent in the system!"

    1. republicans are not okay

    2. 11:27,
      The headline from that story should be:
      "Women Wearing a Hat for Reaction, Gets Reaction".

  21. I agree totally with this, from Thom Hartmann today:

    "When a president declares an “invasion” to justify shredding the Constitution, he’s not defending the nation—he’s declaring war on democracy itself.

    The United States of America has long been defined by its commitment to the rule of law. For over 240 years, this nation has stood as a beacon of justice, due process, and constitutional order. Yet today, we are witnessing a grotesque and unprecedented assault on those very principles.

    Donald Trump, in his endless pursuit of authoritarian control, is now weaponizing a wartime-only power—the Alien Enemies Act—to circumvent legal protections, deport individuals without any due process, and imprison people indefinitely with no evidence.

    This is an atrocity, an outright attack on the very foundation of our democracy, and it must be met with fierce resistance from every true patriot."

    Somerby is whining about massive lost time and the word "alleged" in someone's news report, while Trump is destroying our democracy. Who does that? I'd like to think he is a Republican or right wing goon, but maybe he is a paid Russian disinformation operative. The day's events are so hard to ignore that someone needs motivation to do so. What is Somerby's motive, aside from giving a big F.U. to anyone more successful than himself?

    1. "Trump and his cronies, however, have now declared that migrants crossing the southern border constitute an “invasion,” an absurd and legally indefensible claim.

      By invoking this law, they are sidestepping constitutional protections and rounding up people en masse, deporting them with no regard for individual circumstances, and throwing others into black sites without trial. This is not just an overreach of executive power—it is tyranny."


      An invasion is what Russia did to Ukraine. Meanwhile, I am attending a national conference that used to be attended by Canadians, but most of them have stayed home. There goes the tourist industry! What fresh hell will Trump unleash today? Perhaps we should all be wishing he would play more golf, except he has left the worst people on earth in charge while he plays on Truth Social and ranks the chorus girls in Cats (by age or willingness to tolerate being pawed by a geezer?).

    2. republicans have boxed themselves into a corner; they will only feel good about themselves when they finish destroying america

    3. Good, good. Keep draining the swamp, Mr. President.

    4. trump is using the swamp to drain money from working americans and hand it to himself and the loan sharks that are credibly threatening his life

    5. "What is Somerby's motive, aside from giving a big F.U. to anyone more successful than himself?"

      From what dark cave of incoherence did this question emerge?

  22. trump poops a lot

    1. Then he has to flush and flush and flush because there's no water.

  23. "Another frightening step toward dictatorship this morning, as Trump issued a threatening post against Judge James E. Boasberg, the chief judge of the Federal District Court in Washington, who attempted to prevent Trump from deporting Venezuelans under the Alien Enemies Act without evidence or a hearing:

    This Radical Left Lunatic of a Judge, a troublemaker and agitator who was sadly appointed by Barack Hussein Obama, was not elected President - He didn’t WIN the popular VOTE (by a lot!), he didn’t WIN ALL SEVEN SWING STATES, he didn’t WIN 2,750 to 525 Counties, HE DIDN’T WIN ANYTHING! I WON FOR MANY REASONS, IN AN OVERWHELMING MANDATE, BUT FIGHTING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION MAY HAVE BEEN THE NUMBER ONE REASON FOR THIS HISTORIC VICTORY. I’m just doing what the VOTERS wanted me to do. This judge, like many of the Crooked Judges’ I am forced to appear before, should be IMPEACHED!!! WE DON’T WANT VICIOUS, VIOLENT, AND DEMENTED CRIMINALS, MANY OF THEM DERANGED MURDERERS, IN OUR COUNTRY. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

    Similar attacks on the judiciary from Elon Musk against judges who stand in the way of his and Trump’s blitzkrieg have prompted U.S. Marshals to warn judges of high threat levels and to increase their protection.

    But today’s post by Trump was his first and most direct attack on the judiciary since he’s become president for the second time."

    From Robert Reich:

    1. Classic cowardly move from Don Chickenshit. I would love to see this coward be such a shit talking bully in the judge's courtroom, by Don Chickenshit knows he is well protected from ever having to do that.

    2. Imagine being so fucked-up, you heard what Trump said and didn't ignore it.

  24. Why doesn't Somerby talk about what really matters? Yes, he can discuss whatever he wants, but why does he profess to care about politics and then piddle away his blog like this?

    1. The Biden administration didn’t want someone who was pro Trump rescuing astronauts from space right before an election. so they just left them up there hanging.

    2. When will they arrest Trump for forcing Republicans to not pass a border law, which led to an immigrant invasion?
      Not soon enough, for the liking of the citizens under invasion from immigrant hordes, that's for sure.

  25. trump is subsidizing all the farmers suffering from his economic policies with free fertilizer...from his diaper pail

  26. trump has a tiny penis, musk has a penile implant but it was botched; trump wins

  27. every time trump smiles, a fart or a turd gets its wings

  28. trump and musk live inside my skull rent-free. trump and musk and nothing else.

    1. I'll pray for your completely empty head.

    2. Whenever I find my TDS levels sagging, I remember how badly Ted Cruz cheated in the 2016 Iowa primary and--voila! I'm restored to health.

  29. Who knew that Clarence Thomas was ultimately going to wind up being a lawn jockey on King Chickenshit's golf course?

  30. Taking a POV to the extreme is a bad way to analyze action. E.g, take the Tren de Agua deportations.

    Going to one extreme, does this mean Trump can ignore any Court decision? Does it mean he can declare a military emergency, then designate anyone he feels like and deport that person?

    OTOH going to the other extreme, does this mean that any judge can issue an injunction, no matter how ridiculous, and it must be followed until it's overturned by a higher court? Can a judge shut down a military action abroad until her/his TRO is overruled?

    Neither of these two analyses is useful.

    1. Now Fatherland, Fatherland, show us the sign
      Your children have waited to see
      The morning will come
      When the world is mine
      Tomorrow belongs to me
      Tomorrow belongs to me
      Tomorrow belongs to me
      Tomorrow belongs to me

      No judge in history has ever been asked to shut down a military action abroad, mr straw man.

    2. @4:01 Thanks for posting your agreement with me that it's a straw man.

    3. Calling the deportation “Tren de Aragua”implies the deportees were gang members when that was not established, which is part of the reason for the court injunction — no individual due process.

    4. The plane took off from the US in defiance of the court order.


    5. There has to be an emergency procedure for declaring this kind of idiotic court order (to turn the plane around? really?) null and void, and idiot-Democrat judges themselves irrelevant clowns.

      This service should operate 24/7, and the procedure should only take a couple of minutes.

    6. The order was to not take off, which was ignored. The order was to not deport the people without due process.

    7. It can't operate 24/7. Kavanaugh likes beer and Thomas likes porn.

    8. 4:04, I am not agreeing with you, you fucking fascist freak. King Chickenshit doesn't get to decide which court rulings he will obey, do you get that fuckface? That's not how our system works.
      I don't recall you ever having any issues with one single judge in Texas deciding to stop Biden on his decent initiatives. You never had a fucking problem with that, did you, Dickhead?

    9. Going to one extreme, does this mean Trump can ignore any Court decision?
      That's not the extreme -- or, perhaps, a less important extreme. Here's the extreme -- and, in fac, it's what happened: can the Trump administration "disappear" any resident of the United States. You refer to the disappeared people as being members of Tren de Agua. However, as a point of fact, you have no idea who these people are, right? For all you know they are US citizens. And before you dismiss it out of hand, give me a name, any name, of one of the disappeared persons. According to the NY Times, they haven't been able to get that out of the government.


    10. "The order was to not take off, which was ignored."

      That was not what the news report I saw said.

      "It was during the hearing that the two planes took off." -


    11. 5:36 PM "can the Trump administration "disappear" any resident of the United States."

      People are "disappeared" when they are killed, their corpses hidden or destroyed. This is not the case, obviously.

      People get detained, held in custody, all the time. Probably thousands every day. If they don't have any papers on them, their names will be unknown, for the time being. This is similar, only these once are shipped outside the country and released there.

      If they happened to be citizens or legal residents, they can, of course, contact the US consulate in El Salvador. Surely they will be assisted in getting back to the US, where they will be, no doubt, suing the hell out of the INS, for millions of dollars. That is: if they are, indeed, citizens or legal residents. Which seems unlikely.

    12. People get detained, held in custody, all the time.

      People don't get loaded on a plane and shipped to El Salvador all the time.

      El Salvador’s leader Nayib Bukele – a strongman president and self-styled “world’s coolest dictator” – offered to house the US deportees in Cecot as part of an unprecedented deal in which the US will pay $6 million dollars in return. The money will help sustain El Salvador’s penitentiary system, which currently costs $200 million a year.


    13. I don't know about El Salvador specifically, but "extraordinary rendition" has been a well-known feature of American legal system since the Clinton administration. You can educate yourself about it, if you wish.

      Nothing new here.

    14. Extraordinary rendition is different, not comparable to what this gang of lawless bastards did. Wasn't ER done secretly of suspected terrorists? It certainly wasn't done with a professional Hollywood torture porn video being blasted all over the country. This was a pure performative bit of Don Chickenshit's nastiness for the country to see right there in real time.

    15. Extraordinary rendition is exactly what it is, idiot-moonbat. Literally.

    16. Sorry, maggot-breath, you don't publicly broadcast "extraordinary rendition" as you are doing it, with feature length technicolor video. These people were sent to a prison, not a foreign interrogation facility. Extraordinary rendition is also illegal, or doesn't that matter anymore?

      The Department of Justice's arguments notwithstanding, the extraordinary rendition program is illegal. It is clearly prohibited by the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Forms of Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment, ratified by the United States in 1992, and by congressionally enacted policy giving effect to CAT. As Congress made clear, it is the policy of the United States not to:

      expel, extradite, or otherwise effect the involuntary return of any person to a country in which there are substantial grounds for believing the person would be in danger of being subjected to torture, regardless of whether the person is physically present in the United States.

      Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998, ("FARRA"), Pub. L. No. 105-277, § 2242, 112 Stat. 2681 (Oct. 21, 1998), reprinted in 8 U.S.C. § 1231, Historical and Statutory Notes (1999) (emphasis added).

    17. Sorry, idiot-moonbat, I don't read Reptiloid, and certainly have no interest in some random, meaningless Reptiloid text.

  31. Warning - this post will be long.
    D in C - the Alien Enemies Act appears in Part 3 of Title 50 of the U.S. Code. sections 21 -24. Section 21 states in relevant part that "whenever there is a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion is perpetrated, attempted or threatened against the territory of the United States by any foreign nation or government, and the President makes public proclamation of the event, all . . . citizens . . . of the hostile nation or government, being over the age of 14 years . . . . shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured and removed as alien enemies." The statute applies to any citizen, native, denizen or subject of the enemy nation, who is in the U.S. and has not been "actually naturalized," So by this it could applied to a Venezuelan citizen with a Green Card, or any Venezuelan, who is not a gang member and has not committed any crime.
    Section 21 goes on to authorize the President, by virtue of his proclamation, to prescribe "the manner and degree of the restraint to which [the aliens] may be subject and in what cases, and upon what security their residence may be permitted, . . . and to provide for the removal" of these aliens.
    Section 23 states that after such proclamation by the president, a judge of a U.S. Court upon complaint against an enemy alien, is authorized to "cause such alien to be duly apprehended and conveyed before such court . . .; and after a full examination and hearing on such complaint, and sufficient cause appearing, to order such alien to be removed out of the country . . . or to give sureties for good behavior or be otherwise restrained. . ."
    To be clear, however, the president under the statute appears to have the right, under section 21, to deport enemy aliens (as defined in the statue) without a court order or any due process.
    I see various issues concerning how trump has acted:
    1) The basis of his action is that Venezuela has invaded or made a "predatory incursion" against the U.S. territory. Justifying the deportation of these individuals into the brutal El Salvador super prison on this far-fetched basis is horrifying.
    2) As far as I know, we have been presented with no evidence that any of the deported individuals is a member of this gang - or that any of them are "VICIOUS AND DEMENTED CRIMINALS, MANY OF THEM DERANGED MURDERERS" as Trump in his patented venomous style characterizes them. We just don't know - maybe there is some truth to the characterization - but you have to be kind of an idiot at this point to be unskeptical of the truth of anything that Trump says.
    3. Under the statute there is no requirement that the alien be a criminal at all to be summarily deported if he or she is a citizen or native of the enemy country as declared by the president. In fact, a large percentage of the deportees are apparently not members of this gang at all. We know nothing about them. there only "crime" might be that they are undocumented - or under the statute, they could even have a green card or be here on a tourist visa.
    4. How can anyone excuse this action without the President providing some evidence that all these deportees are as bad as he says they are.
    5. It is beyond the pale for the President to assert that Judge Boasberg" is a "radical lunatic of a judge" and that he "should be impeached." this is nuts. The judge issuing the temporary injunction was acting reasonably, by any objective standard. Evidently, you and so many others are fine with Trump's behavior, and don't find it disqualifying. It's really sad. He is undermining our judicial system, just like dictators do. My guess is that almost all judges are shocked and disgusted by his unhinged attack on this judge or any judge who doesn't do his bidding, regardless of who appointed them.
    I'd be interested in your reaction to the above, though I tend to think you will duck the opportunity to respond.

  32. I read this post your post is so nice and very informative post thanks for sharing this post.
