SHALL LONG ENDURE? Hegseth, furious, out on the tarmac!


Can some such nation endure? There he stood, furious again, this time on the tarmac.

Except for people programmed by the Fox News Channel, no one believes what he said. We refer to the furious Pete Hegseth, who is today this failing nation's Secretary of Defense. 

Yesterday, it didn't go all that well for the furious fellow. Even within the roster at the Fox News Channel, some major players were rolling their eyes at the obvious inaccuracy of what the furious fellow said. 

To read the text of Brit Hume's eyeroll, you can just click here.

Listen up! We're so old that we can remember watching Hegseth at his previous post. We recommend pity for someone so lost, but we're referring to the days when Hegseth was still serving as co-host of the existentially dangerous "cable news" program known as Fox & Friends Weekend.

He served in that post for seven years, starting in 2017. Last November, on election day, Hegseth was still serving in that post. On November 12, he left Fox News after being nominated for his current job.

Yesterday, the furious fellow stood on the tarmac. Everyone knows his claims were untrue—and of course, he was issuing unsupported insults.

HEGSETH (3/24/25): So, you’re talking about a deceitful and highly discredited so-called journalist who’s made a profession of peddling hoaxes time and time again to include the—I don’t know, the hoaxes of "Russia, Russia, Russia." Or the "fine people on both sides" hoax. Or the "suckers and losers" hoax. 

So this is a guy that peddles in garbage. This is what he does.

You can watch the videotape of the battery of insults simply by clicking here. At the present juncture, this is the nation we've chosen.

At any rate, that's what Hegseth said yesterday as he angrily issued a set of denials everyone knows to be false. Everyone except such people—such neighbors and friends—as get their understandings from the "cable news" TV shows aired by the Fox News Channel.

One such program is Fox & Friends Weekend, where the furious fellow once served.

This past Sunday, we monitored the first hour of the program in question, as we do on every weekend morning. On this occasion, we continued to watch right up through the first few segments of the program's 7 o'clock hour.

According to our notes, we first flashed on President Lincoln at 6:28 a.m. We'd already seen co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy mockingly refer to Governor Walz as "Tampon Tim." 

As the videotape shows, that happened at 6:11 a.m. We hadn't yet seen Campos-Duffy reveal her pious side. 

As we noted yesterday, she surprised us with that performance at 6:49 a.m. As we noted yesterday, here's what we saw, to our surprise, at that point in time:

All right. Well, with help from the Hallow app, we're going to continue our Sunday prayer series with a prayer from the Hallow app. 

If you'd like to join me, you can just bow your head, and we'll start:

"Lord, thank you for the gift of life. You are a faithful father. You never abandon us in our time of need..."

Her reading of the prayer continued from there. As you can see by clicking this link, the text of the prayer appeared on the screen, underneath this heading:

               on Hallow

At 6:50, the prayer cut to a commercial for the Hallow app. Before the commercial ran, a moderator's voice said this:

Fox & Friends Prayer Series is brought to you by Hallow, the number 1 prayer app in the world. 

We'd never heard of the Fox & Friends Prayer Series! For that reason, were surprised by that statement, but also by what we had seen. 

As we noted yesterday, there's nothing wrong with people engaging in Sunday morning prayer. There's nothing wrong with people engaging in prayer on any day of any week.

There is something a bit unusual about a major American "news channel" presenting such activity as part of one of the channel's major news programs. And as we noted yesterday, the Hallow app is an explicitly Catholic prayer site. 

Subscribers can access the daily prayer for $69.99 per year. 

As such, this program's ongoing link to the Hallow app isn't merely a move to the adoption of the religious. It's an explicitly sectarian move—a move to a Catholic site.

Stating the obvious, there's nothing wrong with being Catholic! According to the leading authority on the subject, "With 23 percent of the United States' population as of 2018, the Catholic Church is the country's second-largest religious grouping after Protestantism."

We were raised Catholic ourselves! Today, something like one quarter of our neighbors and friends—one quarter of our fellow citizens—identify as Catholic.

There's nothing wrong with being Catholic, or with Catholic prayer! There's also nothing wrong with establishing a Catholic cable channel. Indeed, that has already been done, as is completely appropriate:


The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) is an American basic cable television network which presents around-the-clock Catholic programming. It is the largest Catholic television network in America, and is purported to be "the world's largest religious media network," (and according to the network itself) reaching 425 million people in 160 countries, with 11 networks.

The network was originally founded by Mother Angelica PCPA, in 1980 and began broadcasting on 15 August 1981 from a garage studio at the Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Irondale, Alabama, which Mother Angelica founded in 1962. She hosted her own show, Mother Angelica Live, until health issues led to her retirement in September 2001. 


News coverage

The EWTN news department produces a daily news service for television and radio, featuring news sources including Vatican Radio...Tracy Sabol is currently the lead anchor of the network's nightly news program, EWTN News Nightly...

It also produces The World Over Live, which reports current events. Journalist and author Raymond Arroyo, who is EWTN's news director, hosts the program. The program is conservative in its political orientation and generally conservative in its religious orientation. 

EWTN has been an explicitly (conservative) Catholic channel for more than 43 years. There's no obvious reason why it shouldn't be. 

For the record, we included the material about Raymond Arroyo for a specific reason. Arroyo, a generally genial fellow, isn't just the news director at EWTN.

Arroyo is also a "Fex News contributor!" For better or worse, he offers (MAGA friendly) humorous commentary on a regular basis on the primetime program, The Ingraham Angle

To watch his jocular segment from last night, you can just click here. For whatever reason, this regular segment carries the name SEEN AND UNSEEN. Last night, the jocular fellow was soon saying this:

ARROYO (3/25/25): Look at this clip from Texas, showing a group of Democrats who are definitely farting harder, complete with animatronics...

Arroyo is brought on the air to offer thoughtful analyses of that type. In this way, we see the Fox News Channel turning more and more to comedy elements as a way to peddle its propaganda to its (many) viewers.

We also see the channel perhaps becoming somewhat Catholic, a somewhat unusual stance for an American "news channel."

Back to Sunday morning! According to our notes, we first flashed on President Lincoln at 6:28 a.m. 

As we noted yesterday, we'd already seen Campos-Duffy make a mocking reference to "Tampon Tim." We'd already seen acting co-host Lisa Boothe respond by wondering if Governor Walz is really "just that evil."

A few minutes later, Boothe was identifying another situation in which unnamed FBI officials are engaged in "pure evil." Under current arrangements, Campos-Duffy identifies the Communists, Marxists, socialists and pagans. When Boothe appears, she tosses the E-word around in a way which takes her beyond the boundaries observed by the typical Fox co-host.

This is the culture we've (implicitly) chosen. Moving right along:

When we flashed on Lincoln this Sunday morning, we thought of the question he raised at Gettysburg, at the start of a famous address. 

It was November 19, 1863. According to one rendering, this is the way he started:

The Gettysburg Address

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. 

President Lincoln didn't know if a nation like ours could "long endure." In our view, the sheer stupidity of today's American discourse raises that question again.

In our view, the work on MSNBC has been substantially flawed in recent years. In our view, what happens on the Fox News Channel is orders of magnitude worse.

The sheer stupidity of that channel strikes us as an existential threat to the American project. Can a modern nation expect to survive such a braindead corporate onslaught? Can some nation so afflicted expect to "long endure?"

Then too, there's the monster cluelessness of our own Blue America. Can we hope to "long endure" in the face of that shortfall? During Sunday morning's 7 o'clock hour, we were brought face to face with that question, as we'll explain later in the week

Yesterday, the former Fox & Friends Weekend co-host was furious out on the tarmac. 

His angry denials were plainly bogus. He's been like this for a very long time. At this site, we wish he could do better, but it seems fairly clear that he can't.

We were surprised on Sunday morning for a particular reason. We've been sampling Fox & Friends Weekend for several years, but we'd never heard of "The Fox & Friends Prayer Series." We'd never heard of it even once!

A remarkably pious co-host seemed to say it's a continuing series. We wondered how long it's been going on. Tomorrow, we'll try to tell you.

Our overall view would be this:

We regard Fox & Friends Weekend as a study in anthropology. It's a study in human capability, and in the stunning shortcomings of same.

The program is a study in our actual human nature—in our actual moral and intellectual capabilities. So is the agreement, observed all through Blue America, to pretend that this dangerous corporate clown car simply doesn't exist.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep. Can a modern nation, behaving this way in a vicious and Putinesque world, expect to "long endure?" 

Tomorrow: Nicholson in Chinatown, Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut

Coming: Thanks to us in Blue America, Fox News hosts get to be right!


  1. Ukraine is still going strong, same with inflation, the oncoming Trump recession, the Trump admin warmongering, the genocide of Palestinians, the abuse of immigrants, and Republicans cutting Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

    Who knew?

  2. Somerby's buyer's remorse over Trump is...HEAVENLY!

  3. Somerby, thumb, scale.

    Rinse and repeat.

    1. Ignorance aint gonna manufacture itself.

    2. Somerby continues his quest to normalize capitulation.

    3. Trump continues his similar quest to normalize sexual predators.

    4. I’m curious: What psychic pleasure do you folks get from posting the same Somerby insults day after day after day? Isn’t it as boring for you as it is for me?

    5. Certainly for those sensitive souls among us, such criticism can be triggering, facing the banality of Somerby's pernicious drivel.

    6. Every day there is the possibility that some innocent reader might come upon this website and not understand where Somerby is coming from, lacking historical context about this blog, perhaps even discovering a link to it in the blogroll of some actual liberal website. Just as there are warnings on cigarette packages and toxic substances like Drano, it is a public service to continue to present truth (yes, truth about Somerby too) and not allow propaganda to stand wherever it is planted by right wing trolls and operatives.

      DG, you know this because you have asked and we have answered your question before. What psychic pleasure do you get from harrassing those of us who wish to preserve some semblance of reality and truth on the internet? And if truth bores you, why do you read anything online. Why not just turn on the TV and watch cartoons all day?

    7. There is daiy evidence that at least a few unfortunate souls are taken in by Somerby (assuming they aren't all paid to be here). That is evidence that some counterbalance to Somerby's misinformation is needed.

      For example, Somerby repeats multiple times that there is nothing wrong with being Catholic. That may be true for everyday citizens, but is it right that 78% of our Supreme Court is Catholic, including all 6 of the conservative justices? How is it possible for Somerby to note the % of Catholics in our population and say nothing about the over-representation of Catholics on our highest Court, a court meant to preserve the rights of ALL Americans, including women seeking to make their own health decisions and gays seeking equal treatment? Catholics are fine, but why does Somerby not discuss the impact of Catholics on our highest court?

      For that matter, 63% of the US population identifies as Christian, yet 88% of Congress is Christian. The US is 20% Catholic (in 2025, according to Pew) but Congress is 29.1% Catholic. Why? Note that the large majority of both Catholics and Protestants in both houses are Republican: 61% of Protestants in the House and 66% in the Senate, and 55% of Catholics in the House and 46% in the Senate are right wing. All of the other religions except LDS and "Orthodox Christian" are Democrats.

      Somerby cannot pretend that this appearance of Christian propaganda on Fox is accidental, which means he needs to do some musing about why it is there now and what this means to our religious freedom as citizens.

    8. Cue right wing trolls to claim that godless communists are discriminating against religious folks by complaining when their views dominate institutions meant to serve the entire population.

    9. The entire population includes the unborn. They should be legally protected. The mentality that endorses the legal killing of any group of human beings is no different than that of a Nazi.

      "White glove Nazism" is how Pope Francis accurately framed it.

    10. They should have the right to vote, too.
      It's bad enough the Right thinks minorities shouldn't have political representation, they don't want the unborn from having political representation either.

    11. Reducing SNAP payments can also be rightly called Nazism.

    12. Indeed! And we should extend that to all entities that could become a person, including all sperm and eggs, and really all cells. When you shower you are killing millions of potential people, so we should ban showering, for starters.

    13. "I’m curious: What psychic pleasure do you folks get from posting the same Somerby insults day after day after day? Isn’t it as boring for you as it is for me?"

      Posting just to post?

    14. Humans under the age of 18 including the unborn cannot vote. It should be 25.

    15. More bigotry, in this case "ageism" from the Right.

    16. The unborn are not humans, even the Bible agrees, indicating that life starts at first breath and that a fetus in the womb is mere property, not a human life.

      The undead is more of a grey area, if you want to support zombie rights, we can be down for that, as long as their desire for human flesh is kept at bay, perhaps through some government program that provides a viable alternative for zombie nourishment.

    17. Yes, we have laws reflecting "ageism," some of which are entirely appropriate since children do not have the same ability to analyze and evaluate as adults.

    18. It's appropriate to limit the vote to non-Right-wingers for the same reason.

  4. Observing this right wing vanity blog wither away, is not unamusing.

  5. Somerby: I got nothing.

    Everyone else with two or more brain cells: We know!

  6. Trump keeps having to walk back his dumb ideas so much, it rivals Michael Jackson's moonwalking.

    Even so, consumer confidence continues it's decline today.


  7. "So this is a guy that peddles in garbage."

    Pff. Obviously Goldberg, the low-life that he is, peddles in garbage.

    A former prison guard in the Zionist entity in Palestine; there's no worse karma than that. And your karma, Bob, is now down in the toilet too. Sad.

    1. Goldberg is a ghoul.

      Zionism is a notion started by Christians as a way to purge Jews from their countries (killing them was bad for their brand), and to facilitate the Second Coming.

      Zionism is deeply antisemitic, it is a cynical ploy.

      Most Jews opposed it, did not fall for the scam, until they were irreversibly traumatized by the Nazis. Now that trauma has come full circle in a sense, with Israeli Jews manifesting their wounds via it's own fascist ethno/theocratic state hell bent on perpetrating a genocide of the Palestinians.

    2. Peddling in garbage doesn't negate that Goldberg appears to have been included in emails that shouldn't have been distributed that way.

    3. 11:46 is correct.

      Hegseth and the Trump admin are incompetent clowns; that Goldberg is himself a disgusting clown in no way takes away from how horrible the Republicans are and how much misery they bring upon us.


    4. Hopefully they will bring much, much more misery upon you, soros-bots.

    5. Hegseth and Trump can cry all they want, but everyone knows Goldberg was included in the texts, because Putin wanted him to be.
      You try telling your boss to go jump in a lake, and let us know how it works out.

    6. Blame the messenger? WTF? Our entire NatSec team should go to jail, doesn't matter who exposed their crimes. And good lord was Hegseth hammered when he stupidly denied everything.

    7. One of the guys participating on the Signal chat was physically in Russia during that discussion. How secure was his phone?

  8. So mainstream media should critique Fox News more vehemently is that it?

  9. What Republicans have realized is that with White Power diminishing, particularly for White men, they feel more and more like pathetic losers, and that this feeling is despised and highly motivating for Whites to do anything they can to retain their White Power.

    1. We don't. The feeling we do have is that we've been too generous even to the point of putting merit aside for a time, but now it's time to re-establish it. Recognizing now that it will never be enough acquiescence for those who can't compete, and they hate white men for it.

    2. 12:55,
      When are you white supremacists, oops, I mean people who just want a society based on merit, going to call for the 100% Estate Tax rate?

    3. We also believe in the primacy of family so inheritance is just.

    4. The real Replacement Theory is about fearing that incompetent White men are being replaced with competent women and people of color.

    5. Remember, way, way back in history (today, at 12:55 PM) when you believed in a merit-based society?
      You were so young and naive, way back then.
      I'm happy to see you're growing up.

    6. 12:55 is the tallest boy in his Fourth Grade class!

  10. A member of the core Dem voting block, aka neurotic liberal white woman, in action (assuming this video is not staged)


    1. They are all equally brain-dead, all the Democrats. But their ladies squeal louder.

    2. AWFL's almost killed America. Affluent White Liberal Females

    3. Incel troll playing with himself.


    4. 12:56,
      Quit playing with it. It'll grow when you do.

    5. Hit a nerve, ladies, eh?

  11. More evidence emerges of right wing media figures being paid to present positions favored by certain people:

    "IF YOU’VE EVER BEEN READING YOUR social media feed and suddenly noticed that conservative personalities have latched on to some obscure issue they’ve never cared about before, it may well be that they’re secretly getting paid to do it.

    Back in 2013, a host of writers—including future Federalist cofounder Ben Domenech—suddenly all became passionate about rival Malaysian political factions. Surprise: they were receiving hefty payoffs from the Malaysian government.

    Last year, Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, and some of the right’s other big-time YouTubers kept pumping out glossy videos for a new site called Tenet Media. It turned out to be a Kremlin operation. They were on the payroll to the tune of millions of dollars each, though they insisted they didn’t know where the money was coming from.

    So I watched with interest last week when a host of MAGA types, including comedian Chad Prather, prolific X user Ian Miles Cheong, and Florida pro-Trump personality Eric Daugherty all started, seemingly at random, to defend the right of food-stamp recipients to buy soda."

    If Russia is willing to pay millions to get across their views, why wouldn't some shadow figure pay Somerby thousands (enough to change his lifestyle) to promote their views? Given Somerby's rants, the most likely suspect appears to be Gutfeld/Fox paying Somerby to help enlarge his audience. Cheaper than advertising and targeted to a specific audience of right wing fanboys. Pretending to abhor Gutfeld's low-brow comedy just sweetens the attraction for the bros.

    The rest of this campaign to promote soda is just more product placement, a longstanding practice that movie and TV viewers have learned to ignore. Why not target political audiences and even political viewpoints with paid advertising (anyone remember blipverts?). And who better to do it than Somerby, who appears to have no real compass except to post something negative about Blue America every single day.


    2. Seems likely Somerby is now being paid to promote religious crap.

    3. 11:43 - I'm being paid by Putin and Fox to promote your numbskull views by pretending to abhor them.

    4. I suspect that you are Somerby. You never say anything substantive about anything, so I don't believe Putin would consider you worth paying.

  12. Somerby says that 23% of the US population is Catholic, as of 2018. Does he know what percentage of supreme court justices are Catholic? It is 7 out of 9, or 78%. One is a liberal justice (Sotomayor). The remaining 2 include one Jewish justice and one non-denominational Protestant. Does Somerby understand or care that Catholics dominate right wing politics, especially among the Christian Nationalists who created Project 2025? Does it bother Somerby that the line between church and state is another aspect of our democracy that is under attack? It isn't apparent from his discussion today or yesterday that is is thinking about this at all.

    In fact, today's discussion appears to be a lengthy commercial for Hallow and that Catholic news station he devotes half of his essay to describing. This, despite his own repeated assertions that he is not religious himself, "in that way" (whatever that means). So, just as Somerby proclaims himself to be liberal while touting right wing talking points every day, he is now proclaiming himself to be non-religious while promoting Catholic programming on Fox and EWTN.

    And none of this touting constitutes media analysis. To be a media blog, Somerby would need to actually analyze something.

    1. You seem offended that he is not (fully) apologizing for and forswearing his Catholicism.

      If Catholics dominate within a large segment of the electorate, that is nothing but positive. The problem as Catholics see it is that national policy is not ordered toward the common good instead of extreme individualism, but we hope to change that.

    2. Once Catholics realized they were not going to have to pay much of a price for essentially creating racism, for their colonialism, and their wide spread child abuse issues, they felt unchained and realized they could scale up and externalize all their inner turmoil unto the American public, at large.

      The way many "Christians" are now casting side eyes at Jesus for being too woke and concerned about inequality, just goes to show what a flimsy house of cards their religion is.

    3. Once they get you to believe in God, you're ripe to fall for any old thing.

    4. The child abuse was caused by an influx of gay priests. The Church has reformed and now there is much more scrutiny of gay candidates for holy orders. That and other common sense changes ended the problem decades ago. The rest of your comment is gibberish.

    5. "Once they get you to believe in God, you're ripe to fall for any old thing."

      You believe men become pregnant.

    6. You are saying God lacks the power to create men capable of becoming pregnant?


    7. God isn't THAT all powerful.
      After all, He couldn't create a Republican voter who isn't a bigot.

    8. God doesn't lack the power to do anything but decided to create humans as sex binary which by definition means only one is capable of being pregnant.

    9. God is a figment of dim-witted imaginations.

    10. How can this be a sex binary when not all women are capable of being pregnant? At best that makes it a continuum between two binary poles. Nature has decreed that men who have had the mumps cannot produce viable sperm afterwards. That means that not all men can impregnate women (for that and other reasons).

      Because nature also produces individuals who have anomalous genitalia, there is not a clear binary. There are at least three categories: (1) biological males, (2) biological females, (3) anomalous people called intersex because they have genitalia of both sexes or unclear genitalia or malformed genitalia incapable of producing children. This isn't as clear cut as you imagine it to be. Culture has imposed a binary on a messy situation arising in nature. That binary is troublesome to those who don't fit neatly. It has also managed to attract a bunch of cultural beliefs and practices that have nothing to do with biology but are imposed on both sexes to make clear which designation they have been assigned. Some of those practices are burdensome and have been rejected (as has occurred throughout history). That is at the heart of these culture wars, not the biological realities.

      For example, does anything about being able to have children dictate that women must do all the cooking (except for grilling, which is a manly job)? Does anything about being able to have children dictate that women can be interrupted by men at will, but women cannot interrupt men until they are done speaking? And what does child-bearing have to do with managing a checking account? Women did get the right to do their own banking until the mid-1970s.

      This is a stupid argument because the nature of a person's genitalia is of concern only to the individual involved and their family and loved ones. It is nobody else's business. The right has ginned this up into a political distraction to keep voters from noticing their grifts, corruption, treason and incompetence.

    11. I don't see sex as a continuum between two poles. Men cannot have babies. Women can have babies. Who's in the middle? People who can have half a baby?

    12. David, not all women can have babies. What group are they in?

    13. No one has genitals of both sexes. One set of genitals: male, female, or ambiguous. Never two sets, male and female. Never.

  13. Yes, I see, you’re preparing public service announcements for the benefit of those who might be taken in by Somerby’s wily seductions. But brainless public service announcements are boring. My question is this: Do you have to be so repetitive? Can’t you summon some wit?

    1. How about if we post this as the first comment each day:

      "Since 2015, Somerby has been paid by Putin to promote right-wing talking points, thereby manufacturing ignorance in gullible liberals. When he now criticizes Fox News, he's only demonstrating his buyer's remorse over Trump's victory."

      This would protect innocent newbies from Somerby's pernicious charms, right?

    2. I enjoy those pithy descriptions of Somerby, they are like witty haikus. OTOH I can see how some might find them irritating, those that feel more aligned with Somerby's agenda. Such is life.

    3. Dogface George,
      You're hired.

    4. But what is "Somerby's agenda"? Some think it is what he says: A critique of American discourse. Some think his agenda is secret, consisting of corrupt, right-wing propaganda. The problem: Those who think it is the latter have a habit of just making shit up.

    5. Somerby pretty much owns the realm of "making shit up", but he magnanimously shares it with his small cadre of fanboys/trolls.

    6. OK. "Putin pays Somerby." Totally made up shit, right? Or do you want to present some supporting evidence?

      Your turn: What shit did Somerby make up?

      (Of course, you can always deflect by calling me names, if that's your only option.)

    7. Somerby has made up an ongoing fable about how Trump and Tucker Carlson and J.D. Vance are all lost boys made sad by childhood experiences. He has made up that Trump has a diagnosis of mental illness when he has never released his medical records. He makes up false equivalences between the right wing atrocities and "Blue America" without providing any evidence. And he made up Joe Biden's senility. He routinely spreads right wing lies and talking points here daily, without ever refuting them. Today it is a bunch of Catholic bullshit.

      You could split hairs and say that the talking points Somerby spreads were not made up by him but by the right, but misinformation is misinformation.

      Here is my favorite of Somerby's lies. He said that Stormy Daniels was an extortionist and con artist because she approached Trump with a threat to expose their affair, demanding payment for her silence, when it was the other way around (as Michael Cohen testified), Trump threatened and extorted Daniels, paying her off when she wanted to tell her story, to limit the damage to his election chances due to release of Trump's pussy video.

    8. P.S. I am not @1:18 but I agree with them.

    9. Somerby repeats Right-wing grievances on the daily.
      That's my complaint, with him.

    10. Ah yes, poor, poor Stormy. Slept with a married man, sold her silence for a bundle, broke her word and told anyway, and kept the cash. A feminist icon!

    11. Dogface, I am one of the people criticizing Somerby here but I have always connected what Somerby says back to right wing talking points, especially the memes and daily messages being spread all over Fox on each day.

      Where did Somerby get today's screed about Catholicism? From Fox. He says he watches Fox 24/7, like most Trump supporters do. Then he translates what he hears into his own message of each day. Embedded in each description of Gutfeld's humor is a negative remark about the left, without evidence and often without any specificity.

      And he broadcast right wing criticisms of Harris during the election. Somerby repeated the negative criticisms of Kamala Harris, never debunking them, never saying anything positive about her, never attempting any balance by presenting her issues, activities and statements. He repeated that the right was calling her a ho (who slept her way to the top in politics via Willy Brown). Somerby never debunked that one but he did repeat it. He repeated that she did not visit the border (never saying what she DID do to address illegal crossings, working with the donor nations to reduce migration). He repeated that she didn't give enough interviews, never pointing out that she had substantially increased the number of interviews and never telling his readers what she was saying during them. And so on. He was a shill for right wing criticisms of Harris and not an advocate for her candidacy, despite saying (speciously) that he would vote for her. That is worse than "damning with faint praise" because the only praise he ever offered for her was that she had a nice smile.

      You cannot pretend that Somerby's critics aren't specific about which right wing talking points Somerby is expressing when I have made a consistent and ongoing effort to draw that connection, in every negative comment about Somerby's work here.

    12. But actually, this is a good example. You say Trump "extorted" Daniels. This is untrue. Daniels, through her lawyer, was shopping her story to the highest bidder, and Trump was the highest bidder. If there was "extortion," then it was Daniels who was extorting Trump. Which makes my point: Somerby-haters just make shit up.

    13. Stormy was not married. Trump was the married person in their encounter. She revealed the story only after it had already been revealed by Michael Cohen, when he signed his plea deal and released the info himself. Her denial of any affair during the time her NDA was in force (as required by her agreement) was later used in court to try to discredit her statements. The jury believed her and convicted Trump. Of course she kept the cash, because she adhered to the agreement, even going to court herself to remove the NDA.

      Somerby sarcastically called her a feminist icon, but Somerby doesn't like feminists, nor does he like women much. He tried to pin the attacks by Chris Matthews on Hillary Clinton on feminists, as if feminists were supposed to police the media in defense of Clinton. Talk about blaming the victims!

    14. Generally, the "extortionist" is the one who gets the money.

    15. Dogface, your version of why Stormy Daniels signed the NDA is different than hers. She says she was accosted in a parking lot (while with her young daughter) and threatened by two of Trump's goons into signing an agreement with Trump to suppress the story. She was not "shopping" the willingness to suppress the story. She wanted to tell the story to the media, and yes, they were offering to pay her (as they do for such articles). It was her right to do that, just as it was E. Jean Carroll's right to tell her story, and the right of the many other women Trump assaulted to tell what happened to them. Women do not have to be silent about what men do to them. Daniels did not approach Trump and did not offer to suppress her experience for money. That came from Trump, as was testified to under oath by Michael Cohen, who was the middleman in that transaction.

      That you agree with Somerby's version instead of the version told by Stormy Daniels, under oath in court, tells readers here where you are coming from. And I am not making up things, any more than Daniels did. Trump's own pattern of behavior with numerous women makes Daniels' version more believable than anything Trump said about what happened. Trump is the liar, except when Somerby is talking about some woman he dislikes, whether it is Hillary, or Roy Moore's accusers, or Chanel Miller (whose rapist was convicted in court).

    16. "He tried to pin the attacks by Chris Matthews on Hillary Clinton on feminists"

      Is this just some more made-up shit, or can you support it?

    17. So, Dogface, was E. Jean Carroll an extortionist because she sued Trump for defamation and won? She certainly got the money.

    18. Somerby blamed the feminists for not defending Hillary Clinton when Matthews said that Hillary should be taken into a room with men and not come out again. Matthews is another lost boy.

    19. "She says she was accosted in a parking lot (while with her young daughter) and threatened by two of Trump's goons into signing an agreement with Trump to suppress the story."

      More made-up shit. Stormy says she was "accosted" in 2011, but she did not sign an NDA in 2011. Instead, five years later she was shopping her story for publication, so she really couldn't have been all THAT intimidated, could she? Trump then paid her for her silence, which is what victims of extortion do. Stormy then lied about the hook-up, because what, she's a feminist icon?

    20. Dogface, you can visit the site without seeing the comments. If you are using Chrome or Firefox you can get an extension called Stylus and then go to the Howler URL and open the extension and paste this in it:

      .comments, #comments, .comment-section, .disqus, #disqus_thread {
      display: none !important;

    21. 2:54 - Is it possible you don't understand the difference? Carroll didn't try to extort money from Trump. She did not sign a NDA in exchange for money. Instead, she publicly, and without any monetary compensation, said Trump sexually assaulted her. Trump said she was lying, so she sued for defamation and won. Yes, I say Carroll is a true feminist heroine.

    22. 3:09 - Another good example. The made-up shit: 2:43 said that Somerby tried to pin the blame on feminists for Matthews attacking Hillary Clinton. But according to 3:09, it seems that Somerby was actually criticizing the feminists for not defending Clinton against Matthews' attacks. Basically the opposite of what 2:43 said.

      Any time you spend two minutes looking at these claims they fall completely apart. Why can't you folks criticize Somerby without making shit up?

    23. And then the dumb bastard defamed her again, and lost again in court.

    24. 3:38 - Yes, indeed! He really is a dumb bastard, isn't he?

    25. Except feminists did support and defend Hillary against Matthews.

    26. Dogface, your chronology is wrong. Stormy had the affair with Trump in 2006 not 2011. The NDA was signed in 2016. Trump suppressed a story that Daniels tried to sell in 2011 by paying off the publication, not Daniels. Here is what Daniels said occurred in 2016:

      “I was in a parking lot going to a fitness class with my infant daughter, getting all my stuff out…And a guy walked up to me and said leave Trump alone. Forget the Story. And then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said- a beautiful little girl. It would be a shame if something would happen to her Mom and then he was gone,” explains Stormy Daniels."

      Those who consider Daniels to be a grifter should consider that Daniels accepted $130K while the damages due Trump if she violated it were $1 million per violation, which is a considerable imbalance and not typical of NDAs.

      Source: Wikipedia

    27. 4:49 - Actually, it is your chronology that is wrong. Trump did not pay off anybody in 2011. The alleged confrontation by a goon occurred in 2011, not 2016. Daniels spoke about the goon story in 2018, not 2016.

      But frankly, I'm tired of fact-checking you folks.

    28. Trump paid a publication to suppress Daniels story. He didn’t pay Daniels then. See the part about Capture and Kill in Wikipedia.

    29. She told her story about being threatened in 2018 on 60 Minutes, after Cohen broke the story. If you don’t care about facts, don’t comment.

    30. So like it is late and I am drinking, but if Stormy affair was around when Barron was born, and Barron is about 20, do the maths morons!!!

  14. "There is nothing wrong with being Catholic." What an odd formulation.

    Catholics recognize there is much wrong with NOT being Catholic, so the only legitimate criticism for taking the opportunity to promote Catholicism on a cable news channel is that there isn't enough of it. Catholics hope to save souls, so if everything we think we know about advertising is true, it makes sense to promote Catholicism toward that end. The appropriate well-ordered response would be appreciation for the effort, not offense.

    1. Oof, what a sly yet brutal take-down of Catholicism.

    2. “When I was hungry”, you made sure I didn’t get lunch at school.

      “When I was thirsty”, you made sure I didn’t get water in line to vote.

      “When I was a stranger”, you put razor wire in the water and watched as I drowned.

      “What you did to these, you did to me.”

    3. When I was entirely helpless and dependent, you took me to Planned Parenthood and dismembered me.

    4. How "helpless" is a zygote or fetus that can cause its mother's death?

    5. Bad, evil baby, putting yourself in your mother for protection! Imprisoned these tiny reprobates upon birth for attempted murder.

    6. A baby isn't called a baby until it is viable and born. Before that, it is tissue attached to the mother's body in various ways. It is so connected to the mother than it can and does cause women to die (along with the zygote or fetus). Medicine can prevent the mother's death in such a situation but may not be able to save the malformed tissue and bring it to viability. Extremists want the mother to die, as occurred before medicine became able to save lives. God would not want a mother to die that way, nor would Jesus.

      Extremists who wish women to be subordinate to men want women to be unable to make decisions about their own health. They want men to be able to sacrifice the mother but save the fertilized egg or fetus, even against the mother's wishes. They want women to be unable to determine how much medical risk they are willing to accept, how much disability on behalf of a bit of tissue that may never become a baby. They want women to be unable to decide whether they will give birth to and care for a baby that will die a painful and horrible death shortly after birth due to a biological malformation or genetic defect. They want to preempt such decisions and assign them to men who do not have their interests at heart and do not understand the circumstances.

      Why is it always men who are abortion extremists? Why is it always men who try to control women for their own interests? Why do we women have to let them do that? We are human beings that are not subordinate to malformed fetuses or male weirdness about religion, when men do not carry or care for children until they are old enough to throw a baseball. Bad, evil abortion extremist. Go pick on immigrants and leave women alone -- or better yet, just go find a quiet corner and pick your nose.

  15. Jasmine Crockett, the new head of the Democrat party and frontrunner for 2028 presidential election called Greg Abbott “Governor Hot Wheels”.

    A tree fell on Abbott when he was 26 years old — paralyzing him from the waist down.

    1. God has quite the sense of humor, the ultimate tree-whisperer.

    2. You have to admit it's funny when Republicans are injured or paralyzed or killed!

    3. Dumb ass God missed that asshole Abbott by inches.

    4. Admit it? I revel in it.

  16. CNN reporting Trump is more popular today than any point in his first term and more popular than when he won election this time.

    I give up.

    1. Polling has Trump consistently underwater, ranging from -5 to -8%, pretty much in line with his first term.

    2. CNN knows those corporate tax breaks aren't going to pass themselves.

    3. What'd Tick Tock report?

  17. In the video song "Hostile Government Takeover" the singer says "What are we going to do?" and adds "Probably drink." I think that is a better approach than prayer.

    But there is a resistance organizing and it is growing and going to get worse. Maybe when Republicans see their own people being shot during protests over social security checks, they will reconsider their own actions in support of the asshole they elected.
