Is Candidate Trump really "losing it?"


Or is it possibly Us? Before we read the Kevin Drum post, we had watched Jonathan Lemire on the 5 a.m. MSNBC show, Way Too Early.

What we saw struck us as journalistic / political / electoral malpractice. After teasing the segment at 5:26, he returned at 5:30 with this:

LEMIRE (2/12/24): When he wasn't threatening to destroy a nearly 75-year-old global alliance, Donald Trump seemed downright confused at times over the weekend.

 In addition to claiming it was Saturday repeatedly when it was actually Friday, and saying Barack Obama was president, not Joe Biden, Trump slurred his words repeatedly, and also read teleprompter cues out loud, 

Take a look.

At this point, Lemire played a compilation of seven (7) brief clips, gleaned from a pair of speeches Trump gave over the weekend. After playing the compilation reel, he then offered this:

LEMIRE: I mean, I've read the teleprompter cues before too. But the rest, perhaps worrisome.

Joining us now, politics reporter for Semafor, Shelby Talcott. 

A brief discussion followed, performed above this chyron:


If you want to watch the entire segment, you can start by clicking here.

When we see an embarrassing performance like this, we wonder if our high-profile political and journalistic team has simply given up, or has maybe lost its mind.

The seven brief clips played by Lemire had been assembled from two lengthy speeches by Trump on Friday and Saturday nights. We're sorry, but no:

We're familiar with Candidate Trump's familiarly disjointed speech. Having said that, we didn't see the candidate say that Obama is the president. We're not even sure we saw him say it was Saturday on one (1) occasion during his Friday speech.

We saw one or maybe two extremely minor examples of the slurring of words—one or two extremely minor examples drawn from two (2) lengthy speeches in which Trump was beating our tribe's brains in as he pounded away at some of the topics our tribe has avoided for years. 

He did mistakenly read one (1) teleprompter cue, but Lemire quickly said that he has done that too! In as many as three of the seven clips, we can't even identify where the candidate's "downright confusion" is supposed to come in.

Full disclosure! This is something like a widely viewed practice on Fox. The assumption seems to be this:

Once you've told viewers what they're going to see, the viewers will be too dumb to notice the fact that the video "evidence" you've provided shows them no such thing. Or maybe Lemire is so far gone that he now believes his own twaddle!

In our view, it's simply astounding—it's evidence of a tribal political meltdown—that someone could think that this is the way a party like ours should go after a disordered candidate like Trump.

Does anyone actually see this as the route to electoral success? It looks to us like we're the ones who may be (currently) "losing our minds," not the candidate who (rather successfully) abandoned his mind back in 2011, at the start of his birther campaign.

Over the weekend, Trump made his latest truly remarkable statement, this time concerning his attitude toward the invasion of NATO countries by Russia's Vladimir Putin. It's one of the many astonishing bits of behavior he has authored, dating back to the four years of that birther campaign.

The problem is this:

By now, it has become abundantly clear that we in our blue tribe don't know how to get a sufficient number of American voters to pay attention to us when we discuss serious matters like that. 

Trump voters stopped paying attention to us long ago—and surveys keep suggesting that there are more Trump voters than Biden voters at the present time. 

To appearances, our thought leaders have decided that we're unable to move the needle by talking about the serious topics which actually matter in the real world. In a bit of desperation, we seem to think that we can move the needle by peddling bullsh*t like this.

This strikes us as an unbelievably wrong-headed way to proceed. That said, our favorite blogger has also been selling this new campaign. When we clicked to his site this morning, we found this headline on top:

The real Donald Trump is losing it

The post in question struck us as an act of understandable despair and unproductive anger. Soon, another post followed, bearing this headline:

Donald Trump plays a tough guy on TV

To our eye and ear, it looks to us like the disordered candidate in question has successfully gotten a million miles under this good person's skin. That said, we can't imagine why we want to keep preaching the following sermon to us in our own blue choir:

Orange man very bad!

We're sorry, but no. Donald Trump isn't "losing it" at the present time. He plainly lost it long ago, but our politically hapless blue tribe doesn't seem to know how to convince enough voters of that fact, and so we've decided to go with a big pile of ridiculous bullsh*t.

(Also, the harms of shrinkflation! Could anything be more pathetic on the face of the earth?)

For ourselves, we assume that Donald J. Trump is (severely) mentally ill. In their wisdom, our blue tribe journalists and pundits have agreed that such a possibility must never be mentioned—though we'll assume that they all talk about it in private.

We're left with the pathetic impulse to make up silly sh*t like we saw on Way Too Early. And after we saw it on Way Too Early, we saw it on Morning Joe!

In part, we're doing this because we're in denial about the situation encasing Candidate Biden. For ourselves, we don't know who's going to win this fall, but we find it increasingly hard to believe that President Biden will be able to conduct a vigorous campaign on his own and his party's behalf.

To cite one example, he won't be able to discuss issues involving immigration and the border. Trump and an army of red tribe cable talkers are beating our brains out every night discussing that topic, a topic our own blue tribe has been avoiding for years.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but our political tribe almost seems to be out of its mind. The other guy is crazy too—but he seems to be mentally ill.

The other guy seems to be mentally ill. What's our freaking excuse?

Coming at some point: Acyn Torabi is a good, decent person. Who is Acyn Torabi?


  1. Donald Trump is a good decent person.

  2. “We're left with the pathetic impulse to make up silly sh*t like we saw on Way Too Early.”

    For values of “we” which includes “Johnathan Lemire.”

    But then, a lot of liberals point to the vile sh*t that Trump has done, like, I dunno, January 6, strong-arming election officials, encouraging Russia to attack NATO, and calling his enemies “vermin” and promising payback in a second term. You know, little things like that. But for Somerby it all hinges on a specific diagnosis of “mental illness.” And pity. It’s utter nonsense.

  3. I wonder if the modern establish leftists will ever be able to confront the fact that shortcomings in their messaging are part of what made it possible for Trump to rise to the heights that he did.

    I think we'll continue to get denial by deflection like we see in the previous comment which is a good example.

    1. And also allowed Trump to lose in 2020 to a “terrible candidate.”

    2. 1:18: The specific charge Somerby makes is that “we” are left making up sh*t about Trump “losing it” by showing supposedly trivial, unconvincing examples a la Johnathan Lemire. Somerby’s focus was that narrow. If he wants to engage in a more expansive discussion of the historical failings of the “establishment left”, then he can do that. So far, his main specific concern is that Biden is too old and feeble. It’s also not clear that Somerby himself isn’t a member of the “establishment left.” Aside from decrying “woke” messaging, he never actually takes “non-establishment leftist” positions on anything.

    3. I don't know I think he takes non-establishment leftist positions all the time. Maybe not as much in this current series, but... are we reading the same blog?

      Somerby has talked about the shallow leftist talking heads and how they pleasure or service their devoted viewers who tune in every day to receive their treatment so they can continue to believe in their worldviews... surely this type of language is considered outside of establishment thoughts on the matter? I suspect our discussion conversation will break down badly if we can't even agree on this. No big deal.

    4. He takes a lot of rightist positions on various things, including book banning, anti-woke complaints, nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson, attacks on university presidents by right wing representatives, the border being the hugest issue ever (and never discussed by the left), migrants being very scary in NYC, and whatever the talking point of the day is.

    5. So I am guessing, but correct me if I'm wrong because nobody should assume, that you agree rightist positions are not establishment left positions?

    6. Funny quibble, 2:08. The contention was that, as a supposed leftist, he does not write about supporting leftist economic policies, for example. When was the last time he mentioned unions? When was the last time he supported Bernie’s call for higher taxes on the rich, and his condemnation of corporate profits? His only mention of Elizabeth Warren’s health care proposal was to deride it.

    7. The topic of the blog is criticism of the MSM and the occasional foray into education. I'm not assuming anything going forward so I'll start with pointing that out to see if we can agree on anything.

    8. Sure, 2:16. Sure.

    9. Have a nice day

    10. Here’s an example 233. Somerby complains that Biden is old and feeble and will probably lose the election. The media is doing nothing but talking about Biden‘s age and his possible inability to function as president. Therefore Somerby‘s complaints echo the mainstream media‘s complaints. he’s not criticizing their coverage; he is echoing it. If he’s criticizing anyone, it’s the “blue tribe” in the form of the DNC or Democrats or whatever for not dumping Biden. That isn’t media criticism.

    11. Democrats Might Need a Plan B. Here’s What It Looks Like.

    12. The only guy on the ballot against Biden is gaining no traction. That suggests people will vote for Biden despite his age and no plan B is needed.

    13. The mainstream media is just full of helpful advice for Democrats, aren’t they? Funny, this blog taught us to distrust the mainstream media. Or so I thought.

    14. Anonymouse 5:56pm, Politico would be pleased with your trust for them.

    15. I don’t read Politico.

    16. Anonymouse 6:50pm, obviously.

    17. I’m sure they have our best interests at heart, just like they did when they waged their War, thus saving us from the horrors of an Al Gore presidency.

  4. “we're in denial about the situation encasing Candidate Biden.”

    No one is in denial. Somerby likes to make this kind of charge against liberals.

    Hillary Clinton just recently acknowledged that age is an issue, but it doesn’t need to be disqualifying. James Carville keeps publicly “wishing” that Biden would drop out. I wish he would shut up, but whatever.

    Speaking of in denial, part of the situation “encasing” Biden is the willingness of the media to amplify the public’s (supposed) concerns about Biden’s age by constantly questioning his abilities. The Hur report is a perfect example of this amplification. Somerby has not, and I contend, will not attack Hur the way he attacked Comey, who also inserted unethical speculation in a declination.


  5. TDS is a serious mental illness.

  6. "Trump voters stopped paying attention to us long ago—and surveys keep suggesting that there are more Trump voters than Biden voters at the present time. "

    This is not what the polls are showing. They show that the Democrats wish they had a younger candidate instead of Biden, but when asked whether they will vote for Biden they say yes.

    Somerby may be comparing unfavorability ratings for Biden compared to Trump. These do not track election outcomes very well, for any candidates, and Biden had similarly low favorability in 2020 and yet won handily.

    If Democrats vote Democratic, as seems likely whether they like Biden or not, then Trump has no chance to win. There are more registered Democrats and more likely to vote Democrats than there are Republicans. That means Republicans need to hold onto their base and also attract Independent and undecided voters. In 2020, the Independents swung for Biden. There is no reason not to expect that in 2024. Further, in the various special elections, and in 2020, women Independents and even Republican women shifted their votes to Biden because of the Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade and further incursions into abortion rights (via attempting to ban abortion pills and restrict women's travel). Republicans have also been losing on culture war issues. Those candidates who ran on book banning and similar nonsense did poorly in the last elections.

    So it does not appear that the favorability polls are reflecting likely election outcomes. Somerby needs to stop taking them too seriously, as those who routinely watch poll results are urging others. A poll is not an election prediction. And we already know people consider Biden old. That doesn't mean they won't vote for him. He was old last time he ran too.

    1. Hmmm... sort of sounds like you break rank with Somerby because... he is support non-establishment left talking points? Amusing, it's almost like logic is a tool that's only useful when it supports what you're trying to prove. I'm being coy. It's absolutely that.

    2. No, he is supporting right wing talking points. Fixed it for you.

    3. You are stating that a right wing talking point is not a non-establishment left talking point. Okay. I don't agree.

    4. The point of saying “non establishment left” is to ask what LEFTIST positions Somerby embraces that are not “establishment left”, not whether he embraces rightist positions.

    5. You seem pretty sure about that, when I'm the one that wrote the words. So what I think I meant is irrelevant to you? I think with this, I'm done here... enjoy.

    6. “ I'm done here.”
      Best news I’ve heard all day.

  7. Bob making excuses for Trump again. Yes he does keep referring to Obama as if he was President.
    This is dubious tit for tat stuff, and there are much sounder, ever present reasons to be appalled by Trump. Much of the show dealt with his deranged comments about NATO, but Bob has no interest in THAT.
    But Bob is wrong. You will note he does not quote the clip.

    1. Are you claiming that Trump said Obama was president in the specific clips referenced? Otherwise you are not addressing the claim and Bob's criticism of it. Nevermind, we can't all be logical creatures.

    2. He has said that several times before.

      I went to the archives and tried to play the tape but it wouldn't load and play. Then I went to MSNBC and tried to find the show and watch it, but couldn't do that either. I am not taking Somerby's word that Trump didn't make these gaffes. He has made them before that I personally have seen. I suspect that Lemire is correct and Somerby is the one seeing what he wants to see. (That can work both directions.)

      We all decline from a personal baseline earlier in our lives. The problem is that Trump's baseline has always been lower than Biden's baseline. Biden still reads and listens to people and doesn't throw tantrums (or plates of food at the wall) and his thought processes were miles better than Trump's especially before he started getting old. If Trump starts with a 5-year old mentality and declines because he is 77, he will deteriorate from that 5 year old thinking and self-control. Biden will decline from his sharp adult level and wind up being a slightly less sharp adult. Trump never reached the level Biden shows on his worst day. And Trump in full decline will be a gibbering idiot needing a chaperone and caretaker, not the fully functional competent adult that Biden is ON HIS WORST DAY. Biden is clearly one of those people who will get older and then suddenly die of stroke or heart attack or cancer, not someone whose brain rots until he is a vegetable in front of the TV (as Trump was during his own presidency) waiting for his body to decide his life is over, long after his mind cannot keep track of a golf score.

      Trump is the person who needs to be examined closely. To see Biden's competence, examine his presidency's accomplishments, because you can expect more of the same, not crazy statements about letting Putin rule the world.

      Ask yourself this. If Somerby sees how crazy Trump is, why hasn't he said outright that no one should consider voting for him? Instead he keeps saying that Biden cannot win -- in the face of election results that clearly show the opposite.

    3. Sorry, what I'm asking myself is why you can only narrowly focus on Somerby's writings when you have a genuine criticism of his comment in regards to that narrow focus.

      It's increasingly clear that such things as focus of the conversation and logic are only useful to you if they're convenient to batter Somerby with. So you're disingenous. At least you don't hide it, that's good, otherwise people might mistakenly think you actually want to discuss his blog posts.

    4. Just as Somerby is free to write whatever he wishes in his daily essays, the rest of us are free to write whatever we want in our comments. What you are suggesting is taking Somerby at face value, and I do not think that is the most interesting aspect of Somerby's essays, by a long shot. Why would I want to discuss the Illiad? People have done that to death. I would much rather discuss what the Illiad means to Somerby and why he chooses to frame issues as he does. Somerby is no more interested in the Illiad itself than I am, or anyone else here. So what is he really about? You should ask yourself that.

  8. The border, “a topic our own blue tribe has been avoiding for years.” This is farcically untrue.

    1. For sure, right? CNN and MSNBC are 24/7 immigration coverage with nary a mention of Trump, MTG, Lauren Broebert, or any of those distractions.

    2. Why must it be all or nothing? There is immigration and border coverage along with the many other concerns that are important to viewers. For example, the Northeast is having a big storm again. Do you imagine viewers there care about it, perhaps even more than 24/7 immigration coverage?

      mh used to post links to the shows covering exactly what Somerby said was not being covered. He has done that so many times here, that those who read these comments regularly know better than to believe Somerby when he says stuff like that.

      You may be a newcomer troll, not one of the regulars, or you wouldn't question this "farcically untrue" claim.

    3. Apparently the sarcasm was lost on you. It's not a focus of blue tribe coverage. Everyone knows this. Producing a couple links doesn't change that reality. But keep doing your propaganda, and throw in some spicy passive agressive taunts at people, showcasing your own lack of confidence, I guess. I couldn't live life like that.

    4. Being a “focus” is not what Somerby said. He accused the blue tribe of avoiding it. Period, end of story.

    5. The right engages in scare tactics because fear drives people to be more conservative and motivates them to vote. The left does not do that, for one thing because its viewers are not motivated by fear the way conservatives are.

      Even when the left focuses on immigration issues, it does do it in the sensationalist way the right does it.

      You are welcome to live your life elsewhere if the others here offend you.

    6. doesn't do it -- typo

    7. The left is the labor union organizers, debt strikes, environmentalists and anti war activists. Your TV is just something between advertisement. Corporate television is not "the left," oh my god.

  9. One thing liberals might be asking is why the left media, while rightfully disparaging the conduct of Republican shill Robert K our, has not asked questions of him demanding an explanation for his lowly conduct, or questions of Garland as to why he allowed it. Had a Democrat pulled this shit, you can bet reporters would be banging on said Dem's door.

    1. hur (spell check dosesn't like the name.

  10. Assuming that Trump is "seriously mentally ill" instead of a narcissistic sociopath (which is not an illness) is dangerous to our society. No one is going to come from Trump with a straghtjacket. They are going to keep treating him like a sane person (which he legally is) and some are going to vote for him. If enough people do that, we will be in deep shit.

    So we DO need to keep saying that Trump is a bad man -- because that is what we call someone who is a sociopath who disregards the law, morality, tradition and expectations for normal behavior in our society. We call such people bad. And Trump is, by any measure, a very bad person and that is not a qualification for office, nor is it a reason for anyone to elect him president again.

    Kevin Drum is once again correct and Somerby is wrong about this.

    1. You're premise is faulty.

      Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental health condition. Yes, a mental health condition equates to an illness.

      Maybe slow down if you want any of your mass-produced criticisms to actually land at all? Assuming that's the goal. Maybe it isn't.

    2. The question, 2:14, is, would calling trump mentally ill make any difference to his voters? By the way, we don’t actually have an official diagnosis of Trump.

    3. "(which is not an illness)"


    4. No @2:14 (chat bot?), a mental health condition does not equate to an illness. Illnesses are like schizophrenia or OCD or bipolar disorder. Sociopathy is a personality condition. It doesn't become a "disorder" unless the person is distressed about it and seeks help, or is frequently in trouble with the law, cannot hold a job, or cannot form a relationship. There are specific diagnostic criteria determining whether someone has a disorder or just a personality type. There are many other types of mental health conditions that are not illnesses. For example, it is not uncommon for someone to seek help with what is called "complicated grieving" when a loved one died and the grieving person cannot get over it and their life is disrupted in major ways. Another mental health condition that is not an illness is traumatic shock, which occurs when someone is a bystander or witness to something so shocking that they keep reexperiencing it, cannot cope with daily life, and have aberrant behavior.

      You are obviously not a trained mental health practitioner yourself, yet you are confidently spouting nonsense about mental illness. A lot like Somerby does. I have such training and so does Mary Trump, who very carefully refrained from calling her Uncle mentally ill, even though she described his personality problems in great detail.

      If this is a bot response, whoever posted it needs to remember that bots can and do come up with inaccurate information. Their comments need to be fact-checked.

  11. I have a question: What's the ten-word (or less) message for Biden's reelection campaign?


      It’s right there on his website.

    2. I don't think that has the zing of something like "It's Morning in America!" I wish it did.

    3. How about: "Let's Build Things! Better!"

      It lends itself to everything: "Let's Build Affordable Healthcare!" "Let's Build Safer Cities!" "Let's Build Clean Air and Water!" "Let's Build a Stronger NATO!" "Let's Build Humane Immigration!" Let's Build Accessible Abortion Services!" "Let's Build an Economy that Works for All!" Etc.

      In short: "Let's Build Things! Better!"

    4. Maybe followed by: "We Can Do It! We're Americans!"

    5. I personally don’t respond to slogans, but remember, Biden has been president for four years. “Let’s do it better” suggests a problem with the previous four years.

    6. We Can Do It! We're Americans!

      We Can Build Affordable Healthcare! We Can Build Safer Cities! Etc. Etc.

      But we can't do any of that with a Do-Nothing, Republican House of Representatives! We need Americans in Congress and in the Presidency who want to build, not tear down.

      We are Americans! Americans Can Build. So Let's Build!

    7. It’s morning in America has a Nazi ring to it.

    8. How about “Like FDR only healthier!”

    9. Isn''t "Morning in America" the way the media portrayed the Reagan Presidency, when Reagan presided over a 4.1% inflation rate and 5.5% unemployment rate?


  12. My mental health condition is my burning desire to spam Somerby's blog. It is not an illness.

    Somerby is an ass.

    I am Corby.

  13. "Robert Kennedy Jr.'s super PAC ran an ad on the Super Bowl that copied his uncle's 1960 presidential campaign spot and one long time political expert is calling it "plagiarism."

    The ad swaps out photos of his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, with photos of himself. The color has a reddish hue and is shown in the original television aspect ratio before high definition. It replays the same song and logo.

    Politically aware individuals took to social media to attack the anti-vaccine candidate who was encouraged to run as a spoiler candidate by Steve Bannon.

    "This RFK Jr. Super Bowl ad is a straight out plagiarism of JFK ad from 1960. What a fraud- and to quote Lloyd Bentsen with a slight amendment, 'Bobby, you’re no John Kennedy.' Instead, you are a Trump ally," said the director of USC Center for the Political Future, Robert Shrum.

    "Just a reminder: the Kennedy family is not supporting Robert Kennedy, Jr. To watch this mediocre excuse for a leader co-opt President Kennedy’s iconic campaign ad is predictably craven. This is what RFK, Jr. does. He’s a hall-of-fame charlatan," posted Charlotte Clymer.

    "That RFK Jr. commercial was funded by measles," quipped comedian and producer Jay Black.

    Former Alabama Sen. Doug Jones called RFK Jr. outright "pathetic."

    "A super donor who supports Trump donates to a Super Pac that runs a commercial during the #SuperBowl to remind voters of the man RFK, Jr will never, ever be," he said.

    "Hey Qanon I heard a rumor that JFK actually did come back today, but then he saw RFK Jr's Superbowl ad and died again," said the account Liam Neeson aka @TheLiamNiessan, once mistaken as actor Liam Neeson by Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) in an anti-Hollywood rant."

    From Rawstory

    1. Should the puke that happens in Rawstory stay in Rawstory? Is it not copyright-protected?

    2. No doubt you would like that.

    3. Yes, definitely. If you weren't an asshole, you'd post a link. That's how it works in comment threads. You know: the norms. You're all for not breaking the norms, right?

    4. I found the ad unimpressive.

      But, the fact that the ad appeared at all is significant. I keep seeing only polls as if it's a 2-person race -- Biden vs. Trump. If RFK Jr runs as a 3rd party that will have a big effect.

    5. It is only a two-person race, unless Trump or Biden passes away before the election.

      RFK is not going to draw votes from Biden. He appeals to libertarians and they are going to be drawn away from Trump.

    6. RFK will have to announce as a libertarian, because he is only on one statewide ballot so far.

    7. David,

      Where the hell is Nikki Haley's husband? WHERE IS HE!!! WHERE IS HE!

  14. Here is Digby's take on Biden's age:

    In particular, note the list of respective cons for Biden vs Trump, toward the end of the article. These exclude policy issues.

    Cons for Biden: (1) He's old, (2) he has a shady son who doesn't work in govt.

    Cons for Trump: (1) He'd old, (2) he has a shady son who doesn't work in govt, (3) empowered an apparently corrupt daughter and son-in-law, (4) he pocketed money from foreign interests, (5) he violated the Constitution in an attempt to extort the leader of a US partner [Ukraine], was impeached for it, (6) attempted a coup to cling to power after losing re-election, impeached for it, indicted for it, (7) found legally liable for sexual abuse, (8) criminal liability related to taking classified documents and storing them at Mar-a-Lago, indicted for it, (9) called for termination of the Constitution."

    The theory is that: "...coverage in the press often inflates Biden’s age as an issue and effectively downplays the importance of Trump’s malfeasance, since there’s so much of it."

    1. Digny is very intelligent. She cleverly found ways to spin in her favor. But, she is kidding herself.

      Rightly or wrongly Biden’s age problem is seen as a lot more serious than Trump’s. Hunter’s apparent criminality is more serious than Trump’s son, because it appears that US foreign policy was affected by bribes paid to Hunter, and possibly shared with Joe.

    2. there is no evidence of any of that

    3. Is Trump’s mental illness and pathological lying and criminality seen as any kind of problem, David?

    4. All of it is known to be false.

    5. So Dave in Cal, sounds like you are OK with letting Putin claw back NATO countries after we give Putin Ukraine. Are you some kind of dirty commie lover?

    6. While you're reading the rules of the Monopoly game the elites are shaking your money out of your pocket with price gouging everything from groceries to medicines to war itself

  15. Is Trump Losing It? He never had it.

  16. Hey, Dershowitz says this:

    “The report itself is a disaster ... Hur was also wrong in going as far as he went in trying to do a medical diagnosis of somebody who he hadn't examined ... he was wrong in everything he possibly could've done."

    1. I think it’s time to disbar Hur.

    2. Anonymouse 6:14pm, we really need to see the transcripts of Biden’s interviews.

    3. Hunter isn’t mentioned in them. It was Beau they were talking about.

    4. Sure. Just like we need to see the transcripts of Trump’s interviews with Mueller. … Oh.


    6. His written answers, to Mueller's written questions?
      The answers that he had his lawyers write? You're fucking kidding me, Cec.

    7. We really need to see Clarence and Ginni Thomas in prison cells.

  17. “and surveys keep suggesting that there are more Trump voters than Biden voters at the present time”

    100% bullshit.

  18. I agree we are in denial about the situation encasing Candidate Biden. They gave him a try and didn't like it. They want someone else. This is so obvious.

    1. 7:55,
      I don't think the media gave Biden much of a try at all. They never had the feeling Biden will give them corporate tax breaks, so why would they?

    2. There's such a thing as oversimplifying too much

    3. No, I get the choice part but still we are in denial about how much people don't really like him at all. People really want someone else even with the unsavory alternative. People doubt his capabilities overwhelmingly. And he doesn't look that great. It doesn't make sense for someone his age to run for president. I'm saying this is obvious and we are in denial about it. I mean ya'll, it is SO obvious.

  19. Someone shared this earlier. It's worth sharing again:
    Finally, a piece of writing that starts to capture the unbelievable breakdown of American society we're witnessing. The Republicans have just enough power in just enough places that no one can hold Trump accountable. Couldn't hold him accountable for extorting one of our allies in an attempt to boost his reelection prospects (at a time when that ally was at war with a long-time enemy of ours and was in desperate need of military assistance). Couldn't hold him accountable for obstructing justice during the Mueller investigation. It looks more and more likely that he could escape accountability for refusing to give back top secret documents and lying about them and hiding them. And, worst of all, it seems more and more likely that he might escape accountability for his attempt to steal a U.S. presidential election, culminating in a violent attack on our government, which he clearly incited and during which he sat and let it happen for three hours. Any honest, unbiased onlooker can see Trump's obvious culpability in all of this, and yet Republicans deny all of it and help him evade accountability, putting party above all else. And through it all, the media is floundering as usual. Consequently, a horrible, despicable, and dangerous man, utterly and obviously unfit for ANY public office let alone one of the most powerful in the world, could become president, again. The whole thing has reached the point of numbing absurdity. I wish I could get the fuck out of this nightmare.

  20. Liberalism can't fight fascism without arm chair psychoanalysis. That's why fascists are so good at destroying democracy when liberals are in charge.

    Not to mention the result of the donor class enmeshing itself into liberal angst in corporate packaged entertainment news.

    For America to stop Trump it has to actually want to be a democracy.

  21. Trump thought Obama was still President, because of Trump's obsessive jealousy of Obama.
    The only thing Trump is more jealous of than Obama, is Jared Kushner's penis.
