CONSENSUS: President Biden has sent out the clowns!


So said one C-Span caller: A type of consensus quickly emerged as we listened to Sunday's morning's first hour of Washington Journal.

The first four callers quickly agreed. This year's presidential election is the most important election in history—or at least, the most important within our lifetimes.

Callers formed a second type of consensus. They agreed that the nation was facing an existential crisis—but only if the other guy wins: 

If President Biden's win re-election, we'll likely be losing the republic, several callers quickly said. Then again, if Candidate Trump wins a second term, our democracy will soon be gone.

That was perhaps a slightly deformed type of consensus. Borrowing from the early Dylan, we turned to the disillusioned analysts and thoughtfully offered this:

But oh, what kind of consensus is this, which goes from bad to worse?

Along the way, as the hour unfolded, we heard America singing. At some point, each citizen has to answer this question:

Do you actually like "us the people?" Do you actually like "the American people," given the imperfect way we the people so frequently seem to be?

Peculiar phone calls poured in to C-Span—peculiar phone calls from Red America, but from Bue America too. In what was just the morning's third call, C-Span's moderator had already accepted, without a word of comment, the claim that President Biden isn't just senile and a moron, but is a pedophile too. 

That last assertion flew by without comment. At 7:24 a.m., Dennis from Toledo, Iowa countered the claim in this manner:

MODERATOR (6/9/24): Dennis is in Toledo, Iowa—Democrat.

DENNIS FROM IOWA: Well, they're both too old, but I'm for Biden. You had a Trump caller call in and said Biden was a pedophile. Well, it is Trump who is twenty-four years older than his present wife, and he's had many wives.  If he's so great, how come he can't satisfy them? 

And he's been divorced multiple times. They just—they're idiots, these people!

MODERATOR: All right, Dennis in Toledo, Iowa. We appreciate your calling in.

So ran this rebuttal. At 7:37 a.m., Kevin from Illinois offered an alternate view of the nation. He was calling on the Red America line:

MODERATOR: Kevin, Illinois, Republican. 

Kevin, 2024? The most important in history?

KEVIN FROM ILLINOIS: Absolutely. Good morning, sir and thank you for your program and for the people's opinions. It's nice for people to actually, you know, give their opinions.

It's the most important—one of the reasons is financially. The food, the gas—all the nonsense. I'm all about God, and I'm all about Trump...

For the record, the caller is allowed to be "all about God." With the food and the gas, he had actually gotten off to a fairly conventional start.

That said, before too long, he was offering a slightly off-beat observation. President Biden has sent out the clowns!

KEVIN FROM ILLINOIS: ...They're wanting our country to be their country. Now you say, "What is our country?" 

I went to a circus last week, and when I went, it was a foreign circus. I have nothing against foreigners, but there was no clowns. A little boy had a red nose, wanting to go in. The world is changed, and it's changed because of Biden's policies...

According to this C-Span caller, President Biden has sent out the clowns! For the record: In Blue America, we all know which of our bombs to drop on the head of this caller. 

During the hour, callers wandered the countryside, dissecting the coming election. These callers are "us the people" too.

"No people are uninteresting," Yevtushenko inscrutably said. Along the way, each citizen has to decide, at some point, if he or she actually likes "us the people," given the ways we are.

(We often think of President Lincoln when we listen, on weekend mornings, to C-Span's various callers. We think of the way Lincoln is praised for one manifestation of his moral and intellectual genius—for his ability to speak the language of "average people," who were often extremely average on the Illinois frontier.)

A certain type of consensus formed as we listened this past Sunday morning. Quite a few callers agreed—this is the most important election ever, especially if The Other Guy wins.

Very few callers took the discussion in a traditional, "issue"-laden direction. One caller who did was the program's fourth caller. He said this was the most important election in our lifetimes, except for that other campaign.

Gregory form Sherman Oaks, California called on the Democrats' line. He was the fourth caller of the morning, and he seemed to call in from a time warp. 

He followed the call from Dennis in Indiana, who had trashed President Biden in the vilest possible ways. He said this is the most important election—though only in the past six.

This caller walked a loftier road. Like Pepperidge Farm, he remembered:

MODERATOR (6/9/24): That's Dennis in Hudson, Indiana. And this is Gregory, Sherman Oaks, California, Democrat. 

Gregory, good morning to you.

GREGORY IN SHERMAN OAKS: And good morning to you. And this is the most important election, at least in six elections. 

I've heard a bunch of Republicans talk about how we're going to lose our republic, or our Second Amendment rights, or jobs or some other stuff. 

What we're going to lose is our planet. If we don't get behind doing something serious about climate destruction and global heating, all the other issues are going to be dying out, on a planet that is dying out.

It's up to us, in this generation—and this part of this generation now running the show, has the choice whether or not we're going to save the planet from the worst possible effects of climate change and climate destruction and whether we're going to save it by finally cutting back on such things as  fossil fuels subsidies and turning that money to energy efficiency, green energy, climate mitigation and resilience and other environmental and climate remediation. 

We are the generation that gets to save the planet. I would say that one other election really was, like this one, the most important election, and that was the election of the millennial year 2000.

We could have started the third millennium with a president who was going to at least put a foundation on saving the planet by attacking climate change. Of course, that was Al Gore—Albert Gore Jr., the vice president. And instead, we wasted the first decade of this new century and new millennium on a president who gave us climate betrayal, two stupid wars and a financial meltdown, among many other failures.

MODERATOR: That's Gregory in Sherman Oaks, California.  Thank you.

This caller took us all the way back to Campaign 2000. 

According to this fourth caller, we could have elected a climate visionary that year. "That was Al Gore—Albert Gore Jr., the vice president."

Instead, this caller said, "we wasted the first decade of this new century and new millennium." We wasted that decade on a different president—"on a president who gave us climate betrayal, two stupid wars and a financial meltdown, among many other failures."

This caller may have seemed a bit out of touch. A quarter century has passed since coverage of that campaign began in March 1999. During that time, our discourse has disintegrated in a way which was reflected in this particular morning's phone calls.

In Campaign 2000, a certain pretense still prevailed—the pretense that discussion of our campaign was built upon the discussion of important issues. 

Behind that pretense, there lurked the devolution which has brought us to our present place, in which our two Americas compete on the basis of "convicted felons," and our callers wonder about why The Other Guy can't satisfy his various wives.

We liberals! We needed to know about Stormy Daniels! We needed to hear her tell her ridiculous, buckraking story! 

By way of contrast, this throwback caller from Sherman Oaks wanted to discuss the destruction of the planet. They don't discuss that, or pretty much anything else, on our own Blue America's present-day "cable news" channel. 

How did we ever get to this place? Tomorrow, not unlike Pepperidge Fram, we'll try to help you remember. As of last Sunday, this:

Some of the callers talked circuses, wives. They too are "us the people." We may not regard them as neighbors and friends, but they're plainly our fellow citizens.

We leave you today with a basic question. How much sharper than these callers are "our favorite reporters and friends"—the vastly overpaid corporate employees who script our own Blue America?

President Biden has sent out the clowns! So said one C-Span caller!

Tomorrow: Some of the ways we got here


  1. Howard Fineman has died.

    1. Howard here, I am fine.

      This idiot needs to stop posting this nonsense.

    2. Who's the idiot?

    3. um, you are, duh

    4. Safe journey, Howie.

  2. "According to this fourth caller, we could have elected a climate visionary that year. "That was Al Gore—Albert Gore Jr., the vice president."

    People forget the chronology. Al Gore was no doubt interested in climate when he ran in 2000, but that wasn't part of his platform. He made the film "An Inconvenient Truth" AFTER he lost the presidential election. And he hasn't been involved in politics since then. So how has he been fighting against climate change? He tried to start a new media enterprise. If we wasted a decade, it was at least partially due to Al Gore's failure of leadership, as he abandoned politics for business and then stopped working in the public sphere at all.

    Meanwhile, Biden has done a great deal to help the planet, none of which Somerby talks about. Biden is the active leader on addressing climate change that Gore could have been. Biden is the person to vote for if you are concerned about our planet, as ALL voters should be, because this heat is already fatal and getting worse.

    Trump stupidly made his supporters wait in long lines in the sun at his AZ and Las Vegas rallies last week, sending some to the hospital with heat-related health threats. But the obvious threat to our planet is not part of his program.

    Somerby is distracted by a caller's complaint about foreign circuses without clowns, ignoring the obvious comparison between Gore and Trump, or even the one between Gore and Biden. Those of us who want to seize this last opportunity to help change our climate before it becomes worse, have only one choice in the upcoming election, as it is Biden.

  3. "In Campaign 2000, a certain pretense still prevailed—the pretense that discussion of our campaign was built upon the discussion of important issues. "

    Somerby pretends that both parties have abandoned an issue-focused campaign, when it is only the Republicans (and only Trump specifically) who have shifted from issues to a cult of personality, a campaign based on Trump as a person.

    Republicans abandoned any pretense at developing a platform in 2020, and they lost. In contrast, when Trump ran against Hillary in 2016, the Democrats had a full blown platform and positions on a wide variety of issues. If you visited Hillary's webpage, there were links to every conceivable issue a voter might be concerned about, with well-developed specific plans for addressing it. Part of her competence was that preparation for running for president. Trump had nothing but a series of ridiculous statements intended to scare voters, such as about immigrants being rapist and criminals, or about the left being a bunch of commies, and how Hillary was running a pedo ring from a pizza shop basement. Any pretense of a platform consisting of issues was a joke on the Republican side.

    Does Biden have a platform with issues? You bet he does. Because Biden knows what he is doing and is competent, like Hillary was. And the Democrats develop a party platform at their convention, rather than just anointing a candidate. You can find it here:

  4. Somerby said: "President Biden has sent out the clowns. So said one C-Span caller." Somerby didn't push back.

    "KEVIN FROM ILLINOIS: ...They're wanting our country to be their country. Now you say, "What is our country?"

    I went to a circus last week, and when I went, it was a foreign circus. I have nothing against foreigners, but there was no clowns. A little boy had a red nose, wanting to go in. The world is changed, and it's changed because of Biden's policies..."

    Has President Biden banned all clowns from circuses, foreign and domestic? Of course not. So why does Somerby excerpt this obviously ridiculous complaint by a Republican caller, who apparently doesn't want to experience anything different from his familiar circus? Are Republicans now calling for us to forbid touring companies for Cirque du Soleil or Shen Yun? And how is this Biden's fault? It isn't immigrant who are putting on such circuses, nor are they being performed solely for immigrants. This makes no sense at all as a complaint against Biden, but it does illustrate the danger of running a party specifically for yokels who cannot experience "foreign" culture without a meltdown and rant at the Democrats. Next they'll be wanting to send tacos back to Mexico and pizza back to Italy, because you can't get cornbread at any pizza place in NYC, or some similar crap.

    But look what Somerby says about this silliness. He blames the media, especially us blues, even though we tend to take foreign circuses in our stride.

  5. Bob, you need to stop both sidesing politics. There are two sides, facts and no facts. If you can't figure out which side is which, then you are part of the problem.

    1. Somerby's point, for those who don't get it: We all love America but we all hate Americans, those Americans who disagree with us. A house divided cannot stand.

    2. A unified house is a myth.

    3. "Somerby's point ...."

      That's not his point, but thanks for playing.

    4. Blaming Biden for circus staffing is stoopid, even for the right wing. They'll blame him for anything, doesn't matter what.

    5. It's not just Biden, right wingers are energized by blaming the victim.

    6. This is why no one on the left takes right wing complaints seriously.

  6. "I have nothing against foreigners, but there was no clowns."

    Didn't the French invent clowning?

    Is it true that Kevin has nothing against foreigners? If someone were such a huge fan of clowns, might he not understand what kind of circus he was paying to see? Circus Vargas has clowns, by the way. I am wondering what show exactly Kevin wandered into.

    He is perhaps complaining about Ringling Brothers new approach:

    "The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus's 2023 revival, The Greatest Show on Earth, does not feature traditional clowns in their iconic face paint. The circus's owner, Feld Entertainment, says that audiences want to see more daring acts and stunts, and that the circus will instead showcase the performers' personalities and stories. The new show also does away with animals and ringmasters. Instead, it features an international cast of 75 performers from 18 countries, including trapeze artists, BMX riders, and trick skateboarders."

    Ringling Brothers is not a foreign circus. It was founded by brothers in Wisc in the 1880s and is now owned by an American family. They may have abandoned animals because of complaints by animal rights activists and the difficulty of transporting and maintaining them in humane conditions.

    Is Kevin objecting because some of the performers may be from other countries? That wouldn't make it a foreign circus. Perhaps his focus should be on the talent of the performers instead of their national origins?

    But notice how Kevin seems to be repeating a culture-war style issue most likely generated by a Fox News story about how circuses are being ruined by wokeness or some such nonsense complaint.

    Or maybe Republicans just don't like change in fondly remembered childhood experiences. I myself was disappointed when I first attended the circus as a child, because they had done away with the side show (aka freak show). They still had a menagerie then, back in the 1950s. Gawking at people with physical deformities was a time-honored part of the circus experience. But things change.

    Is Biden responsible for Kevin's lack of tolerance for change? I can't see how that would be.

    1. The Biden crime family controls that circus.

    2. least two of three rings.

  7. Just want to follow-up on Bob's post yesterday about the Red Tribe having a good point.
    It wasn't more than a week ago that i agreed with David in Cal about Trump being a joker with a great sense of humor. I don't see how anyone could argue with David's point that you'd have to be a real moron to think Trump "tells it like it is".

  8. Important election? Ask Paul Campos:

  9. Somerby writes that he often *thinks about* Lincoln and how Lincoln was praised and how he related to "average" people, but Somerby offers no assessment of Lincoln. This is likely because Somerby has been called out for badly misinterpreting Lincoln, often weaponizing Lincolns words to mean nearly the opposite of what Lincoln intended.

    And Somerby complains about discourse? Brother, please.

    Somerby also curiously notes that in Lincoln's time there were people who were "extremely average", which is not really a thing.

    Somerby repeats the same post he has been making for several days now, hinting that he may eventually make a point of substance; he also leans into his reliance on storytellers, science and reality being too harsh for his sensitivities.

    Somernby suggests our discourse has worsened, citing callers into CSPAN, but that network has been around for decades, receiving the same lunatic calls for decades.

    Somerby posts a bunch of garbled goofiness, and then calls it a day. What a clown.

  10. Michael Knowles has died.

  11. "We liberals! We needed to know about Stormy Daniels! We needed to hear her tell her ridiculous, buckraking story!"

    Sore loser.

    1. If her story was ridiculous for her, it was even more ridiculous for Trump. Somerby keeps trying to pretend there was only one person involved when there were two, and it was Trump's room and his invitation.

      Somerby calls Stormy "buckraking" (an ugly term on a par with when Somerby said Rachel Maddow was stuffing cash down her pants). But it is Trump who is too cheap to pay his bills, who grifts over the smallest things (like pieces of the suit he wore when he got arrested, MAGA biles) and wouldn't have gotten into this mess if he hadn't been trying to stiff Stormy in the first place.

      Do we really want such a cheap miserly person as President? The pursuit of money seems to be Trump's only value, way ahead of doing anything for the American people.

    2. biles = bibles

    3. To be fair:

  12. “ We liberals! We needed to know about Stormy Daniels! We needed to hear her tell her ridiculous, buckraking story!”

    So, when Somerby says the other day that “the others” have a valid point, he means that if you disagree with them or him, in other words that Trump’s trial and conviction were defensible, you are simply wrong, no debate, period, end of story.

    Is this what Somerby means by consensus?

    1. Some of The Others have trashed Trump - for example Paul Ryan was on Fox News the other day saying Trump is unfit to be a president, but for Somerby, those particular Others do not have a valid point, the only Others that have a valid point are the ones that trash Dems and support Somerby's right wing worldview.

  13. Mitt Romney is a milquetoast Republican. Yet in 2012 Joe Biden went before a black audience in a black church and said “Mitt wants to put you all in chains” and most Democrats concurred. But we have to pretend Biden is a good and decent guy with empathy oozing out of every pore. Fuck you blues. Every presidential election cycle, the Republican nominee is the next Hitler. And after Republican candidate loses, he becomes an apologist for the leftist establishment – e.g. Romney is shown all the fake deference now. Trump would not go away quietly and may be that’s why you loath him.

    1. Campaign rhetoric makes you this mad? Biden was referring to a remark Romney made about “unchaining” Wall Street.

    2. @2:06 has never heard the term "wage slave" before

    3. Some right wingers don't understand that being nice to black people doesn't mean whispering behind their backs about slavery and never saying the word to their faces. As black people say, "we know slavery existed, you don't have to whisper about it." Slave isn't the n-word (which is derogatory because it was used as an epithet that evokes negative stereotypes).
