SATURDAY: Why might some voters switch to Trump?


People who aren't just like Us: Cindy Garza, a mother of four, lives in Starr County, Texas.

In 2020, the county's population stood at just a bit over 65,000. According to the Census Bureau, the county's population was 97.7% Hispanic.

That said, Candidate Biden only defeated President Trump by a five-point margin in Starr County that year. This year, President Biden may not win Starr County at all, though there's no way to know at this point.

Why did so many people in Starr County vote to re-elect Trump? A news report in today's New York Times starts to suggest an answer.

According to that news report, Trump may do even better in Starr County this year. Headline included, the report starts with this brief profile of one Starr County voter:

Latinos on the Border, Once Reliable Democrats, Waver Over Migrant Surges

At the height of the surge in immigration last year, Cindy Garza found it hard to recognize the small Texas town of Garciasville, where she lives not far from the Rio Grande. Large crowds of people were often poking their fingers through the fence near the border crossing and screaming for help. Mothers and children kept trying to swim across the treacherous river. Once she came home and found a man who was fleeing the Border Patrol hiding under her bed.

Ms. Garza, a mother of four, has always seen herself as a Democrat, and voted for both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. But she has come to believe that President Biden’s softer policies on immigration have attracted the migrants from all over the world who have been seen spilling into the streets of her community. She is convinced that only a return of Donald J. Trump to the White House can restore order.

“When Biden won the last election, he said he was going to help people, and I saw a lot of people coming,” said Ms. Garza, who regularly crosses the local international bridges to visit and shop in Mexico. “I would see packs and packs of people. People saw it as a green ticket.”

Latinos all over the Rio Grande Valley, like many elsewhere in Texas, were once likely to be reliable Democrats, as Ms. Garza was. Now, widespread consternation over unauthorized crossings among residents along the border, where the majority of the population in most communities is Latino, could threaten support for Mr. Biden in what otherwise might be one of his key constituencies.

We'll be voting for Biden this year. Cindy Garza will apparently be voting for Trump. 

The news report doesn't say who Garza voted for in 2020. But it sounds like she may have the temerity to disagree with us this year!

Good for Cindy Garza! According to the basic rules of the game, different people will come to different conclusions in such matters. There's no such thing as the one single way which every good person must vote.

While we're at it, we'll tell you something else about Starr County. In the 2016 election, the county favored Candidate Clinton over Candidate Trump by a very large margin:

Clinton received 79.0% of the county's vote; Trump got only 18.9%. Four years later, that giant margin was already almost gone when Biden ran against Trump.

(For 2016 results in Texas, click here. For 2020, click this.) 

Did Garza switch her party alignment that year? The news report doesn't say. But as he continues, reporter Edgar Sandoval interviews other voters in the (four-county) Lower Rio Grande Valley who say they'll be switching their vote from Blue to Red this year.

Based on the news report, Tony Lopez, 52. seems to live in Hidalgo County, Starr County's larger next-door neighbor. According to the 2002 census, this county's population was 91.9% Hispanic in 2020:

This week, President Biden ordered a near-total ban on new applications for asylum on the southern border, at least for now. The new rule, which is likely to be challenged in court, prevents migrants from seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border when the number of unauthorized crossings exceed a certain threshold. It is a clear attempt to deal with mounting criticism of the situation on the border in the months before the presidential election.


Tony Lopez, 52, a school employee who lives close to a fence meant to obstruct people crossing into the United States from Mexico, said he was skeptical. Mr. Lopez, a Democratic voter in past elections, said he viewed Mr. Biden’s executive order as “obvious” and “political.”

“He’s not doing anything,” Mr. Lopez said. “I don’t believe him.”

He said he placed more reliance on the border crackdown undertaken by the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott. Since 2021, Mr. Abbott, a Republican, has been testing the legal limits of what states can do to enforce immigration law.

Here too, Trump did much better in 2020 than in 2016. 

In 2016, Candidate Trump lost Hidalgo County by a walloping 40-point margin. Four years later, that margin had been reduced by more than half. Candidate Biden won 58.0% of the county's vote; Trump got 41.0%.

Rightly or wrongly, today's news report suggests the possibility that vote totals in these heavily Hispanic areas will continue to turn toward Trump in this fall's election. Since Trump will almost surely win the overall vote in Texas, some such shift wouldn't affect the Electoral College outcome.

That said, the news report lets us ponder a basic fact about life on the planet:

Everyone doesn't assess a matter like this exactly the way you or we might do! 

There are good, decent people along the border who will be switching their vote this year. For reasons outlined in the news report, they'll be switching their votes to Red and away from Blue.

Up here among the super elite, the Maddows, the O'Donnells and the Wallaces never talk about the lives, experiences and understandings of useless people like Garza and Lopez. 

They talk, and talk and talk and talk, about themselves and their own high-minded concerns. Their high-minded concerns may be perfectly valid—but they talk and they talk, all day and all night, about no one and nothing else.

If you're a voter in Blue America, you've been rather poorly served by these vastly overpaid corporate TV stars. We're going to let Shakespeare have the last word, through a bromide he authored for Hamlet:

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” 

Our blue tribe's corporate thought leaders have talked and talked, and talked and talked, about one slice of Heaven and Earth. They talk, and they seem to know how to care, about no one and nothing else. 

President Biden may still win this year. If he does, it will be no thanks to the overpaid corporate hounds who have built their lives around the studied avoidance of the lives, experiences and understandings of the various useless little people who can't be numbered among "our favorite reporters and friends."


  1. Most of our national media is based in urban areas and focused on urban areas. So we are all aware of the problems caused by migrants in New York City. Eg., NYC ‘clearly hurting’ with loss of at least 15% of its hotel rooms to migrant shelters, ballooning costs for tourists,/b>

    The Southern border areas no doubt have a much ratio of immigrants to population -- probably a big multiple. The problems there must be a lot more severe than in NYC. The national media aren't reporting on the problems there, so we don't know the details about them.

    But, residents do. They see the problem with their own eyes. That's why South Texas Hispanics are moving toward Trump IMO

    1. You should do some research about this before making conclusions and writing them for the public to see, IMO. I'll be you have never been to any SW border town. I have. I'll bet you don't know the stats about border crossings during Trump's term vs Biden's. I do. Speculating that some people MIGHT move toward Trump is not the same as knowing.

      Cindy Garza is a citizen and that is why she was able to vote in previous elections and the upcoming one. She is not an immigrant because she is Hispanic. You do not know whether immigrants stay in the towns where they cross the border or whether they move on to large cities and other places where they can find work and have their immigration paperwork processed.

      Many small town have an influx of people seasonally. They call them tourists and they make a living off them. Cindy herself goes across the border to Mexico to shop. Might she not be part of an influx that inconveniences the people living across the border from herself? No one has interviewed them to see.

      But Cindy has clearly heard Trump's messaging. Biden supporters have some work to do to reach people in such places. But trying to recruit Biden voters in red Texas small towns, regardless of their surnames, may not be as labor-efficient as looking for votes among swing voters in the states that have a chance of going Biden's way -- and that isn't Texas. So, no wonder she is favoring Trump.

      The cowards who wrote this stuff didn't have the nerve to interview the people of Uvalde TX, who are also largely Hispanic, while the town's upper class and elected officials are not. Who are they voting for?

    2. Parents of children who died in the shooting tended to support Beto O'Rourke, but 60% went for Abbott, who did nothing to change the situation in Uvalde. If these small texas towns will not change when their children are killed, what makes Somerby or Cindy Garza think that (1) they won't be outvoted by Republicans, and (2) the elected Republicans will do nothing to change the problems they face.

    3. Trump has promised to round up and deport 11 million "illegals" if he returns to office. Folks will not be immune just because they speak English or because they voted for Trump. American citizens who have a skin color, surname, or first language that "fits the description" will have to show proof they belong here.

    4. David, you have a much ratio to your cognition.

    5. David, have you gotten your $28.99 refund from Dinesh DeSouza yet?

    6. The last time a Dem won in TX was 1976. You know the guy who refuses to die. Who gives a fuck what border town Cindy in TX thinks of the convicted felon and pants shiter?

  2. Repeating a similar post from the past, and similar posts he made in 2020, Somerby repeats a false and misleading Republican talking point that has been debunked ages ago. No, latinos are not switching their vote, although in red states like Texas there has been a minor increase in Republican Latinos participating in voting. Vote switching is not something that occurs on a significant scale, electoral politics is about motivation, not persuasion.

    Somerby trotted these same phony concerns out in 2020, Somerby was wrong then and is wrong now. Somerby is aware of this, he is merely looking to gain some emotional comfort from his bitterness by lashing out at Dems; however, his efforts are so poorly conceived that his empty goal is unmet, and he exposes both his lack of integrity and his wounded lost soul.

    Somerby is a cynic, he will nitpick on insignificant news items that cut against his agenda, but then endorse nonsense like today, where he cynically just accepts bad journalism at face value.

  3. William Anders has died.

    1. Rosa has died.

    2. About 60 million people die every year, so about 165k die every day. Highlighting one or two deaths every day is disrespectful and a form of bigotry, suggesting a ghoulish hierarchy.

    3. So long, Bill.

    4. Sergei Novikov has died.


  4. There's little doubt that Mr. Trump will win Texas, and therefore your villager friends' voting decision are irrelevant, for that particular election.

  5. I used to work with Cindy Garza as a consultant on a project, know her well, she never voted Democratic, she is a hardcore Trumper and has always been a right winger. I can’t believe the garbage newspapers put in print without doing due diligence.

    1. That's a common name. Are you sure you're talking about the same Cindy Garza?

    2. Yeah it’s the same, I just texted her, she thinks what she did is funny, told me to buck up and deal and then called me a libtard, lol.

    3. I am Cindy Garza, and I called you idiot-moonbat, not libtard.

    4. No. You’ve confused Cindy Garza with Corby Garza.

    5. My last name is not Garza, Boris, it's ChatGPT. This is disrespectful and a form of bigotry. Somerby is a Russian agent.

      I am Corby.

    6. The upcoming election is all a big joke. No need to think about anything. Just vote for Trump, send him all your money, and lie back with your knees apart and let nature take its course.

    7. The election is serious. The Daily Howler is a joke.

  6. "The news report doesn't say who Garza voted for in 2020. But it sounds like she may have the temerity to disagree with us this year!

    Good for Cindy Garza! According to the basic rules of the game, different people will come to different conclusions in such matters. There's no such thing as the one single way which every good person must vote."

    Just because Cindy Garza has the right to vote, doesn't make her choice a good idea. I hope she does more research before voting for Trump, who will not address the border any more than he will do any other aspect of his job conscientiously to benefit the people of our nation.

    When Somerby says "Good for Cindy Garza," it implies he thinks her choice is a good one. But it isn't. Why? Because there is an objective reality that exists apart from the subjectivity of Cindy Garza and Somerby and each individual's beliefs and attitudes about politics. Objectively, anyone can look at what happened during Trump's last term. They can look at what happened on 1/6 and watch the hearing testimony to see Trump's role in it. That's what the hearings were for -- to inform the public about Trump's involvement in the insurrection. Failure to consider Trump's record and compare it to Biden's, is a misuse of the vote.

    I too am happy when people vote and when they participate in our democracy. But I am not happy when they throw their vote away by listening to propaganda and not thinking clearly about how to solve the problems on the border. Cindy Garza blames Biden. She does that because she has heard right wingers do it. If she examined what Biden has actually done, she might vote intelligently, instead of being another foolish person sucked into the MAGA rabbit hole. So, I feel sorry for Cindy.

    I don't feel sorry for Somerby. He knows better and yet he encourages people to vote for Trump while claiming he himself will vote for Biden. I have no faith he will actually do so, and I dislike the deceptive way he campaigns for Trump by trying to convince people who DO NOT live on the border or in small town TX, that Hispanics are shifting to Trump, and so should they (and then Somerby will applaud them too).

    Trump is a convicted felon and he is not going to win in November because seeking revenge and persecuting immigrants is no way to run a country and improve people's lives. It is just a way for Trump to make more money, pay his legal bills, and try to escape going to jail. Trump only cares about himself.

    1. I feel sorry for Somerby.

    2. When he gets slightly older, an immigrant will visit him every day to feed him mush and turn his pillows. Being monolingual, he won’t know how to thank her or ask for splenda in his mush.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anonymouse 3:59pm, the immigrant employee will most likely speak English and Bob will be coming on to her and telling her that he doesn’t need Splenda, her sweet presence is enough and patting her up in halls. Just like he does those Starbucks baristas.

    5. Immigrant home health care workers don't deserve dignity, even in your fantasies.

    6. Anonymouse 10:58pm, oh, she thinks Bob’s a hoot and you’ll be delighted to know that he doesn’t eat mush. She sneaks him Chick-fil-A.

    7. You think this is cute, but he calls you one of the little people too. Because narcissists only care about themselves. Wise up. You are being played.

    8. Anonymouse 11:15pm, Bob isn’t engaged to my daughter and he and I don’t have to make nice on holidays.

      I’m sorry that you’ve somehow been joined to his hip.

    9. Cecelia’s daughter is a beautiful young woman. Too tall for me, but stunningly beautiful. And a sweet lady.

    10. Cecelia's daughter poops and sits in imaginary chairs. Too bad about that.

  7. The influx of migrants at our borders had nothing to do with Trump and nothing to do with Biden. The numbers increased toward the end of Trump's term, spiking to levels not previously seen, largely because of covid-related dislocations. The continued to rise under Biden, but recently have decreased to Trump-levels. Everyone who studies migration agrees that the waxing and waning of migrants at the US border is related to conditions in the countries the migrants are leaving, not to anything Biden or Trump says or does.

    This is even true for the zero tolerance policy and family separation procedures used by Trump. A judge later prohibited families from separating children and parents. Studies show that the extreme practice did not deter migrants at the border, but had no impact on the number of families arriving, even during the time when zero tolerance was in effect.

    There is no basis for thinking that Trump dealt more effectively with immigration than Biden has done. If you judge by the miles of wall built, Trump's policies were a farce.

    So it makes no sense that someone who cares about the influx of migrants would vote for Trump. He has not done anything that worked to stop immigration. He has arguably made life worse for those crossing the border, but he was unable to deal effectively with the problem. Meanwhile, the stunts performed by Abbott and DeSantis, in which migrants were deceived into relocating to blue cities, has only caused suffering by the migrants themselves and strained the resources of cities ill-equipped to deal with them (including Martha's Vineyard) while doing nothing at all to affect immigration at the border.

    So why would Cindy Garza think that voting for Trump will change things for her border town? It is unlikely to help, but considering more than one issue, Trump will arguably make quite a few aspects of her life worse because of his horrible ideas, incompetence and corruption. This would be easy to figure out if she did the research to make an informed choice.

    1. Typo: A judge prohibited Trump from separating children and parents.

  8. "If he does, it will be no thanks to the overpaid corporate hounds who have built their lives around the studied avoidance of the lives, experiences and understandings of the various useless little people who can't be numbered among "our favorite reporters and friends."

    The Republicans offered up Cindy Garza, a supposed "little person" who was going to switch to Trump because she blamed Biden for migrants found hiding under her bed.

    If Trump plants stories with the National Enquirer to malign his opponents, what makes anyone think he will run a clean and fair election this time around? Like the black woman who enthusiastically embraced Trump in a Chik-fil-A, later found to be Republican operative from someplace else, who had recruited a bunch of enthusiastic black people to pose as Trump supporters, this Cindy may be a plant, or not exist at all. Because when you cheat like Trump has done, you lose the right to be trusted when you try to con the public again.

    But Somerby loves Cindy. She is his kind of gal.

    1. Does anyone else object to Somerby calling a woman such as Cindy "useless little people", even if he is attributing that attitude to reporters and not himself (maligning the reporter too). Who would say that?

      I find myself offended too by his implication that he himself knows anyting about Hispanic life on the border, or what US citizens who speak Spanish and regularly visit Mexico are like. He is not defending Cindy but busily using her "experiences and understandings," just as Trump and this reporter are doing. Does it bother anyone else that Cindy is portrayed as a single-issue voter, a woman who does not care about women's reproductive rights, or did the reporter not ask about that?

      Cindy's recitation does not sound like the experiences and understandings of a woman who actually lives in such a town on the border. For one thing, families often span borders. Would Cindy want a draconian closed border that would prevent her from visiting relatives across the river? A Republican operative pretending to be one of the "little people" might though.

    2. Somerby is trolling the left.

  9. This point of this essay is to distract attention from the fact that the rest of Texas is turning more blue.

  10. Biden began his immigration crackdowns immediately upon taking office. Trump policies were kept in place and additional attempts to control the border were enacted, although some were stopped by the courts. Kamala Harris was sent to negotiate with the countries sending the most migrants, to resolve problems causing people to flee. People unfamiliar with immigration issues may not realize that migrants have attorneys, that there are migrant advocacy organizations, and that the ACLU (Immigrant Rights Project) watches what the government does, for Biden just as they did with Trump.

    The right wing has expended a great deal of effort portraying Democrats as unwilling to address immigration issues. It is far from the truth. Republican stunts contribute to that perception. Trump started the scapegoating of migrants with his 2015 campaign, but Biden has been working diligently to address migrant issues in a humane and effective manner, in the face of increased pressure from more immigrants at the border (caused by events elsewhere in the world).

    Today Somerby joins the chorus by portraying Biden as unwilling to take border issues seriously (as he has said previously on several occasions). This is untrue and unfair to Biden. Calling the measures he has done recently politically inspired, when he has been working throughout his term to control immigration, is ignorant and reflects exposure to Republican propaganda.

    There is too much Republican bullshit being circulated for Democrats to be able to counteract all of it. For one thing, I can say these things, and people can look them up and verify them, but they won't. They will stick to Trump because he shouts louder than the truth. And if Biden says "look what I've done about immigration," that too will be considered political, as if Trump's brags and lies were not.

    So it is better for Biden to seek votes where he has a chance of being believed, and not in deep red Texas counties. But I would respect red voters more if they were to investigate their own candidate's statements, figure out how much Trump lies, and reevaluate their own choices. If you elect a liar based on his lies, what you will get in your president is more lies, and some of those lies will be dangerous to our nation.

    1. Yeah, there's a lot more to this story than Somerby leads his readers to believe. He used to be more even-handed. He's becoming more biased, more troll-like all the time. "Good for Cindy Garza!" Really? It's good that she's voting for someone who Somerby thinks is a dangerous sociopath? Right.

  11. Voters switch to Trump when they are lied to and don't make the effort to check out what he and his people say. There is no mystery about this.

    1. Trump has always lied, as have other politicians. What changed that’s caused a switch to Trump?

    2. Voters are afraid of a man with a long penis, so they turn to Trump, who can’t fuck them.

    3. A sucker is born every day.


    Digby's blog describes the Republican funding of 3rd party campaigns (Jill Stein, Cornell West) expected to pull votes from Biden. This is election rigging by Republicans against Democrats.

  13. Can you always find someone who uses there vote to project their personal frustrations and therefore never gets past anything deeper than "throw the bums out?" Does this person's take reflect any deep thinking beyond "throw the bums out?"
    Does Bob really impress you that he cares more for the people down there as he triangulates for Trump? Not sometimes, but always? Could anyone seriously believe he cares more about the punched down upon than the MSNBC stars?
    Cheap, shameless showboating from the king of brain dead piety, Bob Somerby.

    1. Somerby has become a shitposter too. Lying and laughing up his sleeve.

  14. It is very interesting reading through the testimony in the Hunter Biden trial. I didn't realize there were so many holes in the prosecution's case. This makes it even clearer that this truly is a manufactured case that shouldn't have been pursued. I wonder why Somerby has not been discussing this example of political prosecution?

    1. Forgot the URL:

    2. On the eve of Hunter Biden’s court appearance to enter into a plea deal for misdemeanor tax crimes that would allow him to avoid prison time, House Republicans and conservative groups sought to intervene in the case, urging a judge to throw out the agreement he reached with prosecutors.

      The highly unusual legal maneuvering — which experts said was unlikely to succeed — illustrated the lengths that House Republicans and their allied groups have been willing to go to as they have tried to use Mr. Biden’s legal and personal troubles to inflict political damage on his father, President Biden.

      Yes, House Republicans took the extraordinary step of intervening in a plea agreement and put Judge Noreika on notice that they weren't going to stand. These are the same people who whine 24 hours a day on the weaponization of government.

      I wonder how many people understand that this investigation of Hunter Biden has been going on for more than 6 years?

    3. edit above: and put Judge Noreika on notice that they weren't going to stand for allowing her to end the slow and endless torture or Hunter Biden.

    4. I love Hunter. But I recently learned that his dick was artificially enlarged by the KGB, using photoshop, on the fake Russian-disinfo laptop. I cried all night. Is nothing sacred?

      I am Corby.

  15. ""Low INSULIN PRICING was gotten for millions of Americans by me, and the Trump Administration, not by Crooked Joe Biden," Trump wrote Saturday. "He had NOTHING to do with it. It was all done long before he so sadly entered office. All he does is try to take credit for things done by others, in this case, ME!"

    It didn't take long for the Biden campaign to hit back against the ex-president.

    "A desperate and delusional Trump tries to take credit for President Biden’s historic law lowering insulin costs," Biden-Harris HQ wrote.

    The statement continued:

    "FACT CHECK: This is a blatant lie. Trump did not cap insulin costs, President Biden did for seniors through the Inflation Reduction Act. Trump’s Project 2025 wants to repeal it, which would raise insulin costs for over a million Americans."

    @ConserveLetters chimed in, as well:

    "Fact Check: The convicted felon is lying. His insulin measures targeted ~1,400 clinics. It helped SOME low-income patients but NOT the majority. Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act capped insulin at $35/month for ALL Medicare recipients. He's taking credit for Biden's achievements."


    @realjakecobb also offered a needed "Fact Check."

    "Biden and Democrats actually passed legislation that reduces the price of drug prescriptions and capped the price of insulin for millions of Americans! Trump instituted some policies for capping insulin but they were extremely limited," he wrote. "In other words, not millions, thousands. Expect to hear this talking point from MAGA this week. Be prepared with the actual facts." [Raw Story]

    This is the lying SOB some people are seriously considering voting for! Why?

  16. "The Proud Boys Are Back
    June 8, 2024 at 1:40 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard [Political Wire]

    Reuters: “The Proud Boys say recruitment is growing and they’re ready to serve again as Donald Trump’s unofficial protection force.”

    This is what Republicans vote for. Brown shirts.

    1. The Fanny Boys are back, too.

    2. The Fanny Boys are total assholes.

  17. ohhhhh yeeeaahhhh...

    mired in a deep state trance
    only with big brother i dance
    i must keep a low pro
    like my man Danny De Vito

  18. Bob, you have to stop pushing the meme that there is anything substantive to Trump supporters.

  19. The overarching motif of Somerby’s blog is that liberals need to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of conservatives. This asymmetric contention, that only one side owes the other more thoughtful consideration is of course bullshit, made even more ridiculous at this time by his own contention that conservatives are backing a highly disordered presidential candidate. Why should conservatives be given unreciprocated attention to the legitimacy of their positions? When Somerby urges the red tribe to give more consideration to the liberal side his advice to liberals may be taken seriously. Until then, this blog can be viewed as a site aimed at targeting the opinions of liberals.

    1. @11:07 We conservatives already understand the viewpoint of liberals, because the mainstream media presents the liberal viewpoint.

    2. Except, it doesn’t.

    3. @11:52 - classic doublespeak.

    4. DiC: Based on the sources you've provided in the past, it appears you get your news entirely from conservative outlets. So how would you know what is or isn't reported in mainstream media?

    5. 1. For the most part, mainstream news (vs. opinion) isn't about "viewpoints." It's about presenting the facts about the day's biggest news stories. And they generally only scratch the surface of any given story (PBS being an excellent exception to this rule).

      2. Of course, editorial choices about which stories should be covered, in which order, and how much time each should receive, reflect the editor's viewpoint about how important a story is compared to others. However, many liberals would disagree that such editorial choices competently and consistently reflect their viewpoint. Somerby is a liberal, for example, and his whole blog is about how shitty the news media is. Do you think Somerby would agree that his views are adequately presented in the mainstream news (or even in the "liberal" media like MSNBC)?

      3. Too often, mainstream news treats political stories as "he said/she said" affairs. They don't want to look biased, or they don't have the skill, time, or resources to evaluate claims/arguments, so they simply repeat what each side says about a given topic, without trying to determine which side is right. This has gone a long way towards normalizing right-wing lunacy.

      4. Many (probably most) Trump supporters/right-wingers don't actually consume mainstream news. They watch right-wing news, which shows carefully chosen clips of mainstream news, making their audience think that they "know" what the "liberal" viewpoint is. To see the results of this process, look no further than DIC's constant regurgitation of right-wing talking points here, and how often they are shown to be inaccurate, misleading, only part of the story, etc.

    6. QiB - I subscribe to the Sunday NY Times and my local paper. Also, the conservative sites I read often include links to liberal sited stories. And, of course, I follow liberal Bob Somerby and his liberal commenters.

    7. Mike - FoxNews only has 1.7 million prime time viewers. AFAIK that's pretty much the only conservative TV station. Around half the country supports Trump over Biden, according to polls. So, it's not the case that a majority of Trump voters watch right wing news. I would be interested in finding out where they do get their views from.

    8. The few Trump supporters I know seem to form their political views based on Fox; religion-related sources; internet sources like Facebook, YouTube, and right-wing sites like Breitbart; and right-wing radio.

    9. David asks where conservative trump supporters get their news. Helpfully, the link to mediamatters below provides some insight.

      Right-wing podcaster Tim Pool showed the RNC’s video and claimed that “it appears that Joe Biden possibly soiled himself.”
      Right-wing podcaster Benny Johnson aired the edited clip of Biden sitting and said, “Some say this is Joe Biden pooping.”
      Infowars host Alex Jones aired the edited clip and said Biden has repeatedly soiled himself and is wiping his butt “with America.”
      Right-wing pundit Dave Rubin shared the clip and suggested that Biden was either “pooping or sitting on an invisible chair.”
      In a since-deleted post on X (formerly Twitter), Fox host Jeanine Pirro shared the clip and claimed that Biden was “trying to sit in an imaginary chair,”
      Right-wing outlet Gateway Pundit published a blog on the clip titled “HUMILIATION: Biden Awkwardly Hunches Over at D-Day Celebrations… ‘Is He Downloading in His Diaper?’”
      Right-wing media personality Ben Shapiro shared the RNC’s clip and wrote “WTF is even happening here.”
      Conservative pundit Dana Loesch shared the clip and wrote, “Babies do this when they have to go to the bathroom.”

      You get the idea.


    10. Well said. And yes, "Trump" must be spelled "trump", always. This is how we win.
      Somerby is an ass.

      I am Corby.

    11. 6:40:



    12. David in Cal,
      Can you explain why the corporations which own the media are liberal? For instance, is the Wall Street Journal liberal because the Murdoch Corporation realizes Conservatives know absolutely nothing about economics, or is it some other reason?

  20. J.D. Vance told Maria Bartiromo:

    "And here's the crazy thing, Maria, ask the greatest generation what they feel about wide open borders. Ask the greatest generation what they feel about sex changes for minors."

    Democrats do not support "wide open borders" nor sex changes for minors.

    Meanwhile, Trump not only called soldiers suckers and losers but he mocked gold star families (those who had lost a son or daughter in military service) explicitly, and he said of John McCain's time as a political prisoner in the Viet Nam war, that he preferred service members who didn't get caught.

    It is too late for Trump to pretend he cares about our military or defending our country. Mr. Bone-Spurs manufactured a fake disability to evade being drafted.

    1. Staying out of the Vietnam war was one of the few good things Trump ever did.

    2. D-Day was in WW2


  21. My uncle was eaten by cannibals. I knew Vladimir Putin 40 years ago. Somerby is an ass.

    I am Corby.

    1. The real Corby was pro-Biden.


    2. Joe Biden is the best American president ever, Boris. You and Somerby are funded by Russia via Iran and Qatar. Laundered via Truth Social.

      My uncle was eaten by cannibals. I knew Vladimir Putin 40 years ago. Somerby is an ass.

      I am Corby.

    3. That is so weird. My cannibal eats uncles and I blew Vladimir Putin 40 years ago. Somerby is crass and I am not Corby.


    Cecelia linked to this in order to malign Biden. When you look at what actually happened, he sat down on a chair behind him and the others with him did the same.

    These sorts of maliciously edited videos are lies just as surely and the lies Republicans tell using words.

    Cecelia should be ashamed to have put this up here. It suggests she doesn't think much of Somerby's audience.

    1. So, the most ardent and frequent supporter of Somerby also posts mendacious right wing propaganda? What does that tell you about Somerby's bone fides as a liberal?


      Yes, Biden attempting to sit down at an inappropriate time is clearly a sign of his heartiness rather than it being an indication that he is pooped, and I don’t mean that as a diaper joke.

      Unamused, if Bob is unfortunate in my support, he’s the luckiest guy on earth as to the decades long siege that you Soros soldiers have waged against him. What better recommendation for his prescience than absurd attacks that consist of yelling “up” if Bob says “down” and vice versa. Watching Bob’s daytime divas, hot on his trail, is enjoyable. It’s just good clean fun.

    3. Soros has spent 32 billion dollars, or over 60% of his lifetime earnings on fostering Democracy, especially in Eastern Europe, so of course he would be your arch enemy, Cecilia. You and a the Murdoch family. The impressionable tools that dial in to right wing media and recite the name Soros every time they feel
      threatened. Nice.

    4. The point is that Biden DID NOT sit down at an inappropriate time. The fake edited version said there was no chair and he was pooping his pants or trying to sit on air. Note how Cecelia changes her interpretation when caught pushing a fake video. This is the kind of ugly stuff Republicans (not just Cecelia) foist on the public, telling lies to advance their con man Trump. Soros is another lie, a very ugly one involving anti-semitic conspiracy theories about Jews controlling the world. Cecelia is always telling that lie here, just as she pushes this edited video.

      Meanwhile Trump is ranting about equipment and shark bites and stands at the mike and says "Awgooba" and tells his voters he doesn't care about them, and the right wingers lap it up, because it isn't about being president but about grifting and stealing from the unsuspecting followers. Because that is what convicted felons do.


    5. An elderly man poops his pants. Big deal. Why so much excitement?

      Another elderly man makes his living destabilizing foreign countries and making billions when they collapse. So what? It's perfectly legal. Just business.

    6. Bring back the 90% top tax rate, and you'll see Americans make their living easier ways than destabilizing foreign countries until they collapse.

    7. 9:24 why bring Trump into this discussion?

  23. Here is some actual media criticism from Tom Sullivan at Hullabaloo:

    He addresses anti-Biden bias at the NY Times and the use of misleading headlines that don't match the content of the stories they describe.

    1. Notice how he uses actual examples.

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