FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2025
And the band plays on: These savants will go to their graves refusing to deal with the obvious.
In the most immediate sense, we refer to the 14-15 minute segment we watched on today's Morning Joe. It was built around the astoundingly tedious topic which was explored, five days ago, in this essentially pointless essay for New York magazine:
The Last Sportswriters of New York
How three septuagenarian Post curmudgeons are surviving and thriving in a decimated media landscape.
With Mika away, the children played. They even brought out Pablo Torre to perform his persona again.
That's part of the way the children played on today's Morning Joe. The blather went on for a full fifteen. Meanwhile, in the New York times, David Brooks' new column says this:
It Isn’t Just Trump. America’s Whole Reputation Is Shot.
President Trump does not seem to notice or care that if you betray people, or jerk them around, they will revile you. Over the last few weeks, the Europeans have gone from shock to bewilderment to revulsion. This period was for them what 9/11 was for us—the stripping away of illusions, the exposure of an existential threat. The Europeans have realized that America, the nation they thought was their friend, is actually a rogue superpower.
In Canada and Mexico you now win popularity by treating America as your foe. Over the next few years, I predict, Trump will cut a deal with China, doing to Taiwan some version of what he has already done to Ukraine—betray the little guy to suck up to the big guy. Nations across Asia will come to the same conclusion the Europeans have already reached: America is a Judas.
This is not just a Trump problem; America’s whole reputation is shot. I don’t care if Abraham Lincoln himself walked into the White House in 2029, no foreign leader can responsibly trust a nation that is perpetually four years away from electing another authoritarian nihilist.
"So what’s going to happen?" Brooks asks at that point. Here are a few of his bullet points. We're omitting what he says about these items:
Bullet points from the David Brooks column:
- NATO is over.
- The West is (temporarily) over.
- Europe will either revive or become a museum.
- A new age of nuclear proliferation [will ensue].
- China will fill the gap.
- A global culture war [will take place].
According to Brooks, those events are going to happen.
Predicting the future is famously hard. That said, does any serious person really believe that Brooks got into the loco weed and somehow ingested too much?
As to who did access the loco weed, can we offer two possible names? In a comment we can no longer find, a commenter offered this:
LENNIE FROM NEW YORK (3/14/25): "American foreign policy is now oriented to whatever gets Trump’s hormones surging."
I'm willing to bet that Trump and Musk are on a whole lot of testosterone supplements. Putin, too.
Perhaps that's what will lead to the end the world—older men taking too much testosterone.
Is it possible that Lennie is right? We don't have the slightest idea.
That said, the madness was everywhere yesterday as we neared the end of a pair of Weeks That Were—a period which started two Fridays ago with the Oval Office debacle.
Because reality can't be featured often enough, we want to show you, one more time, what one of those two figures recently said, right out in the open air.
We need to stare reality right in the face. Once again, these were the crazy remarks of the sitting president:
THE PRESIDENT (3/4/25): We’re also identifying shocking levels of incompetence and probable fraud in the Social Security program for our seniors and that our seniors and people that we love rely on. Believe it or not, government databases list 4.7 million Social Security members from people aged 100 to 109 years old.
It lists 3.6 million people from ages 110 to 119. I don’t know any of them. I know some people that are rather elderly, but not quite that elderly.
3.47 million people from ages 120 to 129.
3.9 million people from ages 130 to 139.
3.5 million people from ages 140 to 149.
And money is being paid to many of them, and we’re searching right now.
In fact, Pam [Bondi], good luck. Good luck. You’re going to find it.
But a lot of money is paid out to people because it just keeps getting paid and paid, and nobody does—and it really hurts Social Security and hurts our country.
1.3 million people from ages 150 to 159. And over 130,000 people, according to the Social Security databases, are age over 160 years old.
We have a healthier country than I thought, Bobby [Kennedy Jr.].
Including, to finish, 1,039 people between the ages of 220 and 229; one person between the age of 240 and 249; and one person is listed at 360 years of age—
THE PRESIDENT: —more than 100 years older than our country.
But we’re going to find out where that money is going, and it’s not going to be pretty.
By slashing all of the fraud, waste, and theft we can find, we will defeat inflation, bring down mortgage rates, lower car payments and grocery prices, protect our seniors, and put more money in the pockets of American families.
The (LAUGHTER) and the (APPLAUSE) are part of the madness too. But the madness was staring us right in the face when the commander authored those lunatic claims before a joint session of Congress.
"That kind of fraudulence is unbelievable," Chris Matthews said, two mornings later. "It is Mussolini," he added.
It also seemed to be a case of transparent madness. This morning, Chris said, on Morning Joe, that he [paraphrase] still can't figure why President Trump says and does the various things he's still saying and doing.
What do we mean when we say that a pai of Weeks That Were reached their climax yesterday? Let's start with the reports which appeared beneath these headlines—first from NBC News, then also from Mediaite:
Trump White House has asked U.S. military to develop options for the Panama Canal, officials say
Trump White House Directed Military to Draw Up Plans for ‘Reclaiming’ Panama Canal—Including Seizing It By Force: Report
There are no paywalls there. We move right along to these reports about the latest behavior by Brother Musk, first from Mediaite, then also from Forbes:
Elon Musk Retweet: "Hitler Didn't Murder Millions of People... Public Sector Workers Did"
Musk Retweets ‘Hitler Didn’t Murder Millions’ Message Amid Ongoing Nazi Controversy
It wasn't Adolf Hitler—it was the public sector employees! Is it possible that something is wrong with that guy? Fellow citizens, we're just asking!
We move along to the latest crazy presentation by the commander—to his latest rumination about our neighbors and friends to the north. This is from Mediaite:
‘Only Works as a State’: Trump Vows Not ‘To Bend’ On Tariffs Until Canada Is Absorbed Into The U.S.
There he went again! Yesterday, he went on and on—then on and on—about this peculiar notion all over again. Is it possible that something is wrong?
It is Mussolini, Matthews said. Today, he's still saying he can't figure what could explain this behavior. Long ago and far away, we had a chance to listen and learn—and to try to react.
For example, we could have listened to the Yale psychiatrist, Dr, Bandy X. Lee. Way back in 2017, she assembled an array of medical specialists to discuss "the dangerous case" of a certain president.
It will only get worse, they said.
We could have listened to that, but Blue America's orgs all chose to play by guild rules. They disappeared Dr. Lee's best-selling book, and she lost her job at Yale.
Three years later we could have listened to Dr. Mary L. Trump, the sitting president's niece and a clinical psychologist. Her best-selling book about her uncle did in fact sell a lot of copies. But when she appeared on cable news, her clinical judgments were disappeared. She was quickly turned into a standard-issue political pundit.
Is something wrong with the people in question? To this day, Blue America has agreed to go down with the ship without assessing that tragic possibility.
As our stars continue to burn away time talking about forgotten sportswriters, other entities are reportedly drawing up plans for the invasion of Canada. Musk is saying it wasn't Hitler at all. It was really those public employees!
Meanwhile, there stands David Brooks, looking into the eyes of a dystopian future.
It is Mussolini, Matthews said. At one point, long ago, an obvious question obtained:
How do we persuade a larger share of the electorate to see that something might be wrong with the person in question—with his approach to the world?
We could have made that effort then—but we gamboled and played and denied. Here's another new report from the people at Mediaite:
De Blasio Tells Fox News Dems ‘Wanted to Believe’ Biden was Cognitively Capable of Being President: ‘We Were Wrong’
Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told Fox News on Thursday that he and other Democrats “wanted to believe” former President Joe Biden was up to the task of serving as president for longer than he did.
On America’s Newsroom, de Blasio told network anchors Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino that wishful thinking led the party to support a second Biden term after it was clear he was suffering from cognitive decline.
The report continues from there. Like the townsfolk of Camus' fictional Oran, we were wed to our wishful thinking about President Biden—but also about the southern border; and about the wisdom of locking Trump up; and about an array of the less sensible notions from the Blue fringe which came to be mocked as "Woke."
Like the townsfolk of Camus' Oran, we simply weren't up to the challenge:
Albert Camus, The Plague
CAMUS (page 36): Everybody knows that pestilences have a way of recurring in the world; yet somehow we find it hard to believe in the ones that come crashing down on our heads from a blue sky.
Our townsfolk were like everybody else, wrapped up in themselves; in other words they were humanists: they disbelieved in pestilences. A pestilence isn't a thing made to man's measure; therefore we tell ourselves that pestilence is a mere bogy of the mind, a bad dream that will pass away. But it doesn't always pass away and, from one bad dream to another, it is men who pass away, and the humanists first of all, because they haven't taken their precautions.
Our townsfolk were not more to blame than others; they forgot to be modest, that was all, and thought that everything still was possible for them; which presupposed that pestilences were impossible. They went on doing business, arranged for journeys, and formed views. How should they have given a thought to anything like plague, which rules out any future, cancels journeys, silences the exchange of views. They fancied themselves free, and no one will ever be free so long as there are pestilences.
Like the townsfolk of Oran, w Blue Americans weren't up to the challenge of seeing what sat right there befoie us.
This morning, the tribunes blathered further. It is Mussolini, Matthews had said. This morning, he said he still can't imagine what makes the commander behave in the ways he behaves.
Look again at that passage from last week's joint address. The madness will be present in that text whenever you peruse it.
Look at those reports about Musk's tweet about sacred Hitler. The madness is staring us right in the face, but the denial lives on.
Is Lennie right about the drugs? We have no idea. In January 2024, the Wall Street Journal did publish this lengthy report about concerns about Musk and drugs. But as with everything else of such types, the concerns given voice in that report were instantly disappeared.
Yesterday, we also saw this headline at Mediaite, It sits atop an opinion piece by founding editor Colby Hall:
Trump’s Bizarre 51st State Obsession is Starting to Look Like Evidence of Cognitive Decline
But the 51st state thing is a different rhetorical beast altogether. And Trump has said it so repeatedly that it now seems clear as day that it’s no longer a troll but rather something he fully believes in, which is absolutely INSANE given the lack of reason, logic, or even an operational plan for how that would unfold, short of a military invasion. /////
And if that’s true, there are only two reasons for it: he sees himself as another strong leader willing to just take whatever territory he wants from a sovereign country—like Russian President Vladimir Putin did with Ukraine. OR… he’s officially lost his mind.
I think there is much more apparent reasoning to this weird position—it started as a joke of sorts, but Trump repeated it so often that he now believes it himself. More importantly, he lives in such a bubble of sycophancy that no close advisor is willing to risk their standing to just flat out tell him, “Mr. President? The 51st state stuff makes you look and sound crazy.”
The parable of the Emperor’s new clothes comes to mind, but instead of magical see through threads, Trump is nakedly acting like a strongman expansionist—the very sort that Americans used to risk their lives, and sometimes make the greatest sacrifice, to protect our allies from.
Oh how times have changed.
The times, they've enormously a-changed, Hall correctly said. That said, Hall isn't the right person to be discussing these "mental health / cognition" issues—and it no longer make any difference:
The die has long since been cast.
We've recommended pity for people who suffer from (serious) "mental disorders." We've also stated the obvious—they should be stripped of the ability to do harm to others.
Today, news orgs present reports about a type of case where we the people are prepared to see "mental illness / mental disorder" at work. We link you first to the New York Times, then to NBC News:
Woman Imprisoned and Starved Stepson for 20 Years, Police Say
Stepmom who police say abused captive man over 20 years posts bond following arrest
We modern townsfolk will be inclined to see "mental disorder" at work in cases like that. Not so on the larger stage which Brooks is describing today.
It is Mussolini, Matthews said—and that was quite aggressive. One night later, Bill Maher—we've long been big admirers here—said he was "bored" with this same old tedium.
This Wednesday night, Lawrence O'Donnell told Rachel Maddow that he's already been "exhausted" by the task of covering Trump. Starting last night, he was off on a mental health break which will last through the end of next week!
We'll have more on Bill, and more on Lawrence, this afternoon or tomorrow.
The townsfolk of Oran weren't able to see what was right there for the seeing. It was the same darn thing with that famous emperor's clothes.
We Blues have behaved in a similar way. "If you see something, say something?" The rules of our major organs say that we mustn't speak!
Our tribunes are prepared to go down with the ship without exploring what's sitting right there before us. In all honesty, they don't have the smarts or the skills to perform such a delicate task.
It's too late to travel that road at this point. There goes the West, Brooks says.
The world is getting a reminder of the power of the United States after taking advantage of us for decades.
ReplyDeleteThe United States is getting a reminder of the power of voters who elected Donald Trump to reverse years of Democrats shoving policies with 20% approval down the throats of citizens.
Glad Trump understands his power and is using it. No one cares what European countries that arrest citizens for a mean meme say, think, or do. We would be much better off allied with Russia than the freeloading ungrateful Islamist-invaded clowns who despise the United States, and not just in Europe but within.
Don’t we all want to live in a society where opposition figures are imprisoned, poisoned, and thrown out of windows, while the leaders become insanely rich by looting their people?
Delete“ Ninety percent of Democrats, 86 percent of Republicans and 88 percent of Independents support keeping Social Security a priority. Americans also support increasing employer and employee contributions to ensure the long-term sustainability of Social Security.”
DeleteTrump is always going to feel second best to Putin until he poisons a few reporters or has them thrown out of 12 story open windows.
DeleteJust like 10:47 has zero impact on us, y'all have no impact on 10:47.
DeleteDr Bandy explained this, 10:47 is stuck in survivor mode due to unresolved trauma, their views are entrenched, 10:47 is trapped in their own death spiral.
"to reverse years of Democrats shoving policies with 20% approval down the throats of citizens"
DeleteUmm, Trump was President, checks notes, about four years back. Also the majority of 'muricans strongly support SS, Medicare, Medicaid, raising minimum wage, raising taxes on rich fcks, etc. Please link to your 20% nonsense. And NO MAGAT voted to chop down all the trees in National Forests, poison the environment, and gut the VA. Or tariff, no tariff, double tariff, no tariff, triple tariff, Etc. etc. etc. The stoopid, it burns.
What about European countries that arrest citizens for being a Meemaw?
ReplyDelete"The Europeans have realized..."
I bet most of the Europeans love Donald Trump.
Those who hate him are the globalist scum, like Macron, Von der Leyen, Starmer, Baerbock, and a few more. All (or most) of them are going to be kicked out of positions of power within the next few years, if not months. It's actually great that they hate Donald Trump: had they liked him, that would mean that he's probably doing something wrong.
"...the 14-15 minute segment we watched on today's Morning Joe."
Jeez, Bob, why would anyone do this? Are you clinically insane?
You're right. They were all on thin ice before their installation and it's only going to get worse for the globalists.
DeleteThe “globalists.” Hmmm. There is an interconnected global right wing movement going on right now, with people like Musk and Bannon supporting the AfD and other right wing parties in Europe, not to mention Putin.
DeleteGlobalist for 10:51/Republicans is a dog whistle, "globalist" for them means "Jew".
Delete"The (LAUGHTER) and the (APPLAUSE) are part of the madness too. But the madness was staring us right in the face when the commander authored those lunatic claims before a joint session of Congress.
ReplyDelete"That kind of fraudulence is unbelievable," Chris Matthews said, two mornings later. "It is Mussolini," he added."
Little do they know there are subsequent rounds of laughter and applause every time normal Americans see how triggered Trump's very funny riff makes Democrats.
I get it. The humor comes from the idea that Trump is actually looking for any kind of fraud.
DeleteHa! Good one.
He is not? So, my research grant on men's pregnancy is safe, then? Great news, thank you.
Delete"research grant on men's pregnancy"
DeleteAbsolutely. They're only cutting the funds that go to starving children.
You're safe!
12:04 - Does it bother you, at all, that there was no research grant for studying men's pregnancy?
DeleteI’m wondering: You must feel honored to have been selected as the one who determines which of us qualifies as “normal Americans” and which do not.
ReplyDeleteIt's easy to make the cut. "Not Democrat" is the main qualification.
DeleteI am a federal employee distributing your tax money in grants, for making mice transgender. Am I not a normal American?
Delete“Otherization” is the best psychological balm for what ails us, isn’t it?
DeleteSomerby daily continues his quest to normalize capitulation.
DeletePlease link to the monies sent to transgender mice you dipshit. I got a bridge in Brooklyn you might be interested in buying you moron. My grandkid went to school a boy, and after lunch he was a girl you stooge. I am gonna show you receipts for paying SS to 260 y.o. people you dumb fcker.
DeleteLawrence O'Donnell wept on MSNBC and quit, citing exhaustion from his Trump Derangement.
ReplyDeleteThere is something deeply wrong with these people.
Experts classify them as "clinically insane".
DeleteDo we Blues dare broach the subject of the multiple DSM defined disorders of the MSNBC roster?
DeleteHe’s taking a vacation, not quitting.
DeleteO’Donnell played you and Bob, 11:11. He was joking about being exhausted. He owned you, lol. He exposes Trump’s lies and insanity, and he is going after the media. he’s functioning as a media critic as well. he frequently chides the New York Times and the White House press corps for not going after Trump and not demanding that trump explain himself and not asking follow-up questions, and for not understanding basic issues like tariffs. He’s doing exactly what Somerby always wanted the media to do.
DeleteExactly, O'Donnell has been blasting the White House press corps, and they deserve every bit of it.
DeleteDemocrats have been caught with their hands in the cookie jar but want to accuse Trump and Musk.
DeleteElon Musk Admits to Paying People to Play Video Games for Him
DeleteThe world’s richest man doesn’t have time to level his characters but wants people to see him as a ‘living god of video games.’
How could anyone possibly not trust Elon?
Musk almost came to tears in a recent interview where he was asked to ponder the state of his failing businesses, but then he chippered up and got all smiley while lying about immigrants and SS, and exuded smug joy as he talked about eliminating SS.
DeleteCool guy...if you're a Nazi.
Hands down, Musk gave the most sincere and effective Nazi salute I have seen other than in old WW2 films.
DeleteIs this trolling or do these people really think O'Donnell is anything but a red-faced crank boomer shouting into the clouds?
DeleteNo political party in America has a candidate or a platform capable of beating Trump.
DeleteTrump is a lame duck, 2:20. At least according to our constitution, he doesn’t get to run again.
DeleteIs there a better description of the dumbass baboon we have pretending to be President than, "a red-faced crank boomer shouting into the clouds." Really, you people are off the scale stupid. Look in a mirror, ya, that is you, you dummy!
DeleteRepublican voters democratically decided they don't want a democracy anymore. Democratic institutions make it very difficult to implement their racist goals. So, they were willing to sacrifice democracy to cut thru the hard work of democracy and finally achieve their bigotry. Federal judges now are trying to put a check on our dictators, but the dictators just laugh at them and say "you and what army." Meanwhile, King Orange Chickenshit sits around screaming at the world and patiently waits for the Supreme Court to make him an official King.
ReplyDeleteJudge blasts Trump's mass firing of probationary employees as a 'sham' and orders jobs to be reinstated
"It is sad, a sad day when our government would fire some good employee and say it was based on performance when they know good and well that's a lie,"
The voters democratically decided they don't want what your Democrat bosses are selling.
DeleteAll those fired veterans would like to thank Musk for his service.
DeleteUnfortunately, the republican idiotic voters are just now starting to realize it's a lot easier to fall into a fascist dictatorship then it is to regain a Constitutional democracy.
Delete5 million votes were purged by Republicans, and another 5 million stayed home and didn't vote.
DeleteTrump only got 30% of the electorate, with more people voting for someone other than Trump, he could not even get 50% of those that voted.
Most Americans oppose Trump.
Trump is the most un American president in our lifetime.
The majority of the American people voted for Donald Trump and they see the Democrats trying to fight everything he’s doing and block success with streamlining the country. They’re doing nothing but putting a nail in their coffin for the next election.
Deleteall those fired veterans would like to thank the felon for his bone spurs.
Delete“ The University of Michigan‘s closely watched index of consumer sentiment nose dived an additional 11% to 57.9 in mid-March from 64.7 last month, much weaker than expectations of 63.2. It marks the lowest level since 2022 and a third fall in as many months.”
ReplyDeleteEven as people like O’Donnell and Liesman pronounce Trump and/or his policies insane, using the dreaded “i-word”, (a colloquial term), Somerby continues to get angrier and more unhinged that the media will not convene panels of psychiatrists to examine the mental state of Trump, musk, and an ever expanding list of people whom Somerby believes to be mentally disordered, even as these men are pursuing a radical right wing agenda which is clear to pretty much everyone. The idea that such discussions by “empathetic” “politically neutral”psychiatrists are going to turn the tide and are the one thing missing in our culture is to me ridiculous. These men may be mentally disordered in someway, I even grant that that’s possible. But the agenda that they are pursuing is something that dates from decades and decades ago that began in opposition to FDR‘s new deal policies.
ReplyDeleteIn some sense, it doesn’t matter if these men are crazy or not. They are wreaking havoc on the government and on our way of life. The GOP is sitting on its hands letting it happen. people are angry, veterans are losing their jobs, and it’s the results of this behavior that people care about, not whether these men have some clinical disorder that can be specifically defined with some clinical term.
What are you on about?
Delete"Letting it happen?"
We love what they're doing. We elected them to do what they're doing. I don't even think it was intended that Democrats would paint themselves as the party that loves government control and wants more of it, and throws tantrums when taxpayers are no longer forced to pay the salaries of useless employees or fund useless and worse bureaucracies.
Even Obama pretended to care about doing the job Trump and Musk are now doing.
Your emotional reactions have nothing to do with reality.
Nice to know you agree with my sober analysis, 2:03, that Somerby’s contention that Trump and musk are insane is irrelevant, even if true, because they are enacting and age old right wing agenda. And yes, there are Republicans who disapprove, but are remaining silent, cowards that they are.
DeleteWe elected a Felon to promote Russia and China and destroy the USA!, USA!, USA! - what a bunch of dumb jaggoffs.
DeleteMy BIL pretends to be MAGA but in reality he was a lifelong socialist scum living off the taxpayer tit first filling potholes for the state, then working as a fireman for the city. Now he is collecting two taxpayer funded pensions the little socialist bitch. Must have been a lazy fcker too for deciding not to work in the private sector. All government employees are lazy socialists stealing from the real working Americans and should be sent to Gitmo. This is whut eye vetoed for. I am a moran MAGAturd.
DeleteAnd his SIL is a four foot eight city cop. Talk about a fuking DEI hire (even if she is white).
DeleteAslo, the US military is a commie socialist organiztion fully funded by taxpayers. The horror, where is Eric Prince when you need a scum billionaire spawn?
DeleteSpeaking of obvious diseases, Bob is evidently suffering from logorrhea.
ReplyDeletefuck you, Dickhead. you're not fit to sharpen Somerby's pencils, little cunt. Go play with your maggot friends, even though you don't really like to associate with them, you think you're better than them. You are not.
DeleteLet’s diagnose you, shall we, DiC?
DeleteI apologize. I didn’t realize that the word represents an actual disease. I thought it was just a humorous way to say someone is long-winded. That’s how I intended it.
Deletego away, Dickhead, you piece of shit. Go hang out with your fellow maggats.
DeleteRemember David. Hitler didn’t kill people. The public-sector employees did it.
DeleteThere are risks for NOT doing what DOGE is doing. The Head of Research at at Bank of America wrote “In our view, the likely productivity gains from a market- based economic reboot are greater than risks; and the risks from the unsustainable status quo of debt-financed, tepid, and narrow economic growth are severe."
ReplyDeleteLet me know when you figure out what the fuck DOGE is doing, and who is doing it, and who is leading it, and when they will agree to congressional oversight, fuckface.
DeleteBank of America is the fox guarding the hen house.
DeleteBoA crying foul about debt is pretty fucking rich.
And who is relatively most responsible for our debt? Duh, Trump added nearly one third to our debt in his first term alone, largely from tax cuts to the rich.
Spot on. We absolutely must have a drug-addled technocrat with no knowledge of governmental systems or purposes hacking away like a low-information Freddie Krueger.
DeleteNo time to lose.
I can’t find this quote.
DeleteHow stoopid are stoopid Maggots who can not figger that billionaires having taxes cut for them is the reason for the deficit? Wanna spend $1.2T on defense & CIA, pay your share of taxes you weaselly fucks. I can't believe how big of a moron one has to be to not figure this out. And the fact that spending is going up while Doggie cuts result in destroying the best of America, I just don't get it how the stoopid figr this is winning. Could you at least agree that the payroll tax cap should be eliminated to pay for SS, Medicare, and Medicaid? Of course not, that would be unfair to billionaires. What a bunch of fcking stoopidities.
DeleteTrump raped a 13yo, Trump raping America is hardly surprising.
ReplyDeleteTrump must be doing an excellent job. Otherwise David Brooks would write about all the things Trump has actually done wrong, rather then things Brooks imagines Trump will do in the future.
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of all the false accusations of racism. There isn't enough actual racism to satisfy the demand.
Brooks is an idiot.
DeleteDIC is a bigger idiot.
DeleteTrump: "I invaded Los Angeles and we opened up the water and the water is now flowing down. They have so much water they don't know what to do ... we broke in to do it."
DeleteTrump: "They have a lot of water going down throughout California all coming out from the Pacific Northwest. Even some from Canada. Thank you Canada very much. Next thing you know they'll want to turn the water off."
How's that working out for you, Dickhead in Cal? He finally turned that big giant faucet on, didn't he, Dickhead?
About a year ago I asked DiC to find that giant water valve in Northern California. A valve the Felon said was as big as this room, so big it takes four very large men 24 hours to open it. If his Admin had his way it would have been opened, but NewSCUM wouldn't do it because of a tiny little fish. So now the central valley is missing out on trillions in revenue from crops, and the smelly rich people in Beverly Hills still have to take the drip, drip, drip showers. DiC said he was too busy with the Felon's lawyers in Hawaii looking for proof Obama fudges his birth certificate. (Obviously folks were scheming on installing a bi-racial Kenyan into the Presidency in the 50's.) I expect DiC not to be satisfied with the Army Corp being bullied by the Orange dipshit into dumping 2.5 billion gallons of precious central Valley summer irrigation water into a dry lake bed in the winter to evaporate. But that was accomplished by pushing a button and opening reservoir spillway gates. Get out there and find that giant ass valve DiC!!!
DeleteRight David, David Brooks, a lifelong Republican print and media broadcaster, humping Republican talking points, finally had to break to "the middle" when the great Orange Turd kept getting worse and worse. Some folks see the Turd for what he is, others spend all day flip flopping on why tariffs are needed / not needed as nothing will break the cult of stupid.
DeleteBrooks didn't "finally" oppose Trump. He always opposed Trump.
DeleteIf our elected Democrats can’t find the courage to fight during this Trump era, it’s time to find a party that will.
ReplyDeleteTo fight what? The will of the vast majority of the American people?
DeleteShould we suspend elections to “save democracy” like Democrats defend in Ukraine?
Vast majority? Trump couldn’t even get a majority of the votes that were cast in the last election.
DeleteBeing familiar on how the Ukrainian constitution handles elections during wartime would help make you look less stoopid.
ReplyDeleteElon's record-setting expertise just can't stop expanding:
"The world's richest man, Elon Musk visited the National Security Agency (NSA) this week after calling for an “overhaul” of the agency earlier this month."
And remember, such omniscience is not be criticized, lest you reveal your envy.
As a Democrat, I am glad to have someone stick their beak into the power structure of the NSA. Fuck the NSA.
DeleteWhy not musk, eh, “Democrat” @4:31? Surely his motives and expertise can’t be questioned.
DeleteQuestion it at all you want. But it’s great to have someone bust balls on the NSA as a liberal democrat Democrat who is committed to civil liberties and government transparency. You complain doesn’t even make any fucking sense.
DeleteI’m just saying that musk is untrustworthy.
DeleteWell so is the NSA which is why I don’t cry like a bitch about Elon busting their balls.
Delete"cry like a bitch"
DeleteDamn! You are one tough hombre in an anonymous comment.
President Musk's motives are:
Delete1.) Stuff more money in his pockets.
2.) Destroy America.
3.) See items Nos. 1 & 3 above.
Sure. I’m fine if you would like to change the subject to that. Did you want to wrap up anything though about the NSA ? Nothing else to say about Democrats that don’t want to jump to defend their being investigated, even by someone like it Musk?
DeleteOh! Oh! I'll say it.
DeleteThe NSA shouldn't be investigated by someone like Musk because he's a bumbler who's lost his way.
Is that what you wanted?
As a Democrat, I don’t feel the same way.
DeleteAs a republican I think you're fucking insane.
DeleteJust spit-balling here guys and gals. Maybe the person investigating the NSA should not be a person without a security clearance, with substantial ties to the Chinese Communist Party, and who has helped Putin kill Ukrainians on several occasions. Your fascist views may vary.
DeleteSome women "Democrats" here are afraid Musk will destroy America because he visited the NSA and tweeted they needed an “overhaul”. I would just say: put a tampon in your vagina sweetie, go sit down, everything is going to be OK, we're going to protect America from being destroyed for you - you're just scared someone is standing up to the unelected governmental apparatus that collects vast amounts of private data on American citizens without warrants. Liberals used to believe the government doing this without due process was a major red flag. Now some of our women are hysterically protecting such agencies because of something they read on a blog.
Delete"Surely his (Musk's) motives and expertise can’t be questioned."
ReplyDeleteThis 'expertise' of which you speak, is it an all-purpose solvent to be applied to whatever subject matter one desires? Is it a kind of magical elixir sold in a traveling medicine show?
Is Musk truly omniscient? And pure as a kettle of ketamine?
I can think of a billion reasons why the answers are all 'no'. Or is it a million reasons? Pesky decimal places.
I remember when all Americans considered Sadam Hussein to be a madman. The little stunt King Chickenshit pulled at the DOJ reminded me of Sadam's early purges. This isn't going to end well.
ReplyDeleteWe could have stopped Trump but they didn't want that lady in office.
ReplyDelete"They disappeared Dr. Lee's best-selling book, and she lost her job at Yale."
ReplyDeleteBandy Lee lost her job (unpaid) at Yale because she lost her license to practice in CT. She was affiliated with a clinic and if she couldn't treat patients they didn't want to renew her affiliation.
Wasn't Somerby going to talk about Bill Maher today?
ReplyDelete"WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump’s threatened 200 percent tariff on alcohol from the European Union has caused Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth to angrily resign, the Pentagon confirmed on Friday.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking to reporters, Hegseth said that he considered the tariffs on “Irish whiskey, French Sancerre, and the exquisite sherry of Portugal” to be “an act of war.”
In an eleventh-hour bid to keep Hegseth on board, Eric Trump, the president of Trump Winery, offered Hegseth a free lifetime supply of the company’s products, but was immediately rebuffed.
“I’ve had those Trump wines and they taste like ass,” Hegseth said. “Jesus, I’d rather be sober.”
Not a fan of Brooks, but he is spot on here.