Elsewhere, it just "needed context:" We're still emitting mordant chuckles about that New York Times fact-check.
As we noted yesterday, eleven writers fact-checked the president's hundred-minute address. They fact-checked twenty-six different statements, claims or passages from Tuesday night's joint address.
As we noted yesterday, the eleven writers found only two statements which they scored as "False."
Only two, in a hundred minutes! Over at the Washington Post, Homey didn't play it like that.
Glenn Kessler fact-checked 26 statements or passages all by himself. He scored twelve of the commander's emissions as "False"—and then he continued from there:
He scored another claim as "Wrong;" he even scored one claim as "Absurd." That assessment is even more scathing than "False." We applaud Kessler for using his words.
All in all, we'd say that Kessler found roughly twenty items (out of 26) which he basically scored as False. Here's the roll call of the ratings:
Assessments by Kessler:
False: 12
Appears to be false: 1
Trump often takes false credit: 1
Wrong: 1
This is apples and oranges: 1
This was not a scam: 1
Absurd: 1
There were several other presentations in which Kessler basically said that the statement in question was false or wrong without quite using those words.
Over at the New York Times, eleven writers had been asked to grope the elephant. In the course of the hundred-minute speech, they were able to find only two claims which they scored as "False!"
Back at the Washington Post, what claim by Trump got scored as "Absurd?" Headline included, the assessment went like this, with Trump's statement appearing in bold:
Fact-checking 26 suspect claims in Trump’s address to Congress
“We inherited from the last administration an economic catastrophe and an inflation nightmare.”
This is absurd. Trump inherited an economy with relatively low unemployment, falling inflation and strong growth. The month before the November election, the Economist newspaper published a cover story declaring that the U.S. economy was “the envy of the world.”
A person could imaginably think that "absurd" is wrong. For ourselves, we'd have to say that the statement by Trump was, at the very least, "Extremely or highly tendentious."
Kessler said that claim was absurd. At the Times, it just "needed context." We leave you with a question:
Whatever you think of President Trump, when did he ever speak for a hundred minutes and make only two false statements? That Times report seemed to have come from the dark side of the distant planet Nuance, with a trip to Avoidance thrown in.
Full disclosure: We think Kessler misunderstood one part of the third statement he fact-checked. This was the statement by Trump:
“Hundreds of thousands of illegal crossings a month, and virtually all of them including murderers, drug dealers, gang members and people from mental institutions and insane asylums were released into our country.”
We think Kessler misread one part of that statement. In fairness, that statement—like so many others by Trump—is rather fuzzy in its construction, perhaps for tactical reasons.
We would have scored it (at best) as "Grossly misleading." After that, we would have explained why we did.
Eleven NYT writers fact-checked the Trump's address. Zero NYT writers face-checked any address by Biden or Obama.
DeleteSo hard to contradict. Maybe go to a class for seniors on using the internet.
Dickhead is not here for honest dialogue, just trolling and whining
DeletePar for the course with DiC. Lives in his own little world. Facts have never ever mattered to this rube who commonly links to articles that contradict his points. Senile cognitive impairment at best. Paid troll at worst.
DeleteDavid in Cal = Bigot playing stupid.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump doesn't lie. That's one of the ways he is different from any typical shithead politician, like Al Gore.
Thanks for the update, Soros-bot.
DeleteUm, people who are under 45 have no idea who the fck Al Gore is.
DeleteVirtually none of our border crossings involve murderers, mental patients, etc. Trump told a blatant lie.
ReplyDeleteIn the days right before the election, some media, including the NY Times and AP, found Trump "lying" by interpreting an ambiguous statement is a way that was false. Even though the statement would be true in other interpretations. It looks like the Times fact-checkers moderated this practice, but didn't end it.
ReplyDeleteE.g., Trump said he inherited an economic catastrophe and an inflation nightmare. Times corrected him by saying, "President Trump inherited an economy in solid shape, by most metrics. You can see the problem. By other metrics the economy was in bad shape. Trump was not lying when said the metrics he relies in showed a problematic economy.
a "economic catastrophe" Dickhead? fuck you
DeleteDiC - "By other metrics the economy was in bad shape."
DeleteCan you back that statement up? Or are you just making shit up?
DG -- sure. Here are some:
Delete-- Recent inflation is too high. Longer term inflation was very bad
-- Very little job growth in the private sector. Most new jobs were in government
-- The economy was boosted by unsustainable government spending
-- The enormous National Debt
-- A huge deficit of nearly $2 trillion despite being at peace and no covid shutdowns.
-- A 10 year projected enormous deficit
-- Manufacturing not returning to the US
Inflation is not too high. It is close to ideal. The inflation trend long term is down. It is wrong toblame Biden for covid and its global effects. Trump caused the deficit & national debt with tax cuts. Trump has now destroyed Biden’s jobs progress (always higher than Trump’s in all sectors) by firing workers en masse. Biden’s mfg numbers are better than Trump’s first term. Repubs can reduce debt & deficit any time by taxing the wealthy. They have chosen not to.
DeleteAs long as Republicans keep enacting tax cuts, they have a permanent excuse to obstruct and complain about all Dem achievements by complaining about the deficits they created.
Delete"Trump was not lying when (sic) said the metrics he relies in (sic) showed a problematic economy."
DeleteHere are the 3 basic macroeconomic metrics: unemployment, inflation, stock market.
All at healthy, prosperous levels until Donnie Douchebag created economic chaos.
He owns it; suck it.
....Very little job growth in the private sector....
DeleteFuck off you lying POS. Easily debunked garbage.
DiC - You cite almost no metrics at all, and none relating to the economy. To take your first example, you say "Recent inflation is too high." A "metric" would be "CPI in Jan. 2025 was 3.0%." And by no means is a CPI of 3.0% an "economic catastrophe" or an "inflation nightmare." And you know it.
DeleteI could go on with your other examples.
That last was DG.
DeleteOr, maybe, even better: Shall we stipulate that a CPI of 3.0% or more is an "economic catastrophe" and an "inflation nightmare"? If so, I'll remind you every month over the next four years when Trump's CPI is 3.0% or higher that you believe he's presiding over an "economic catastrophe."
Delete-- Recent inflation is too high. Longer term inflation was very bad.
DeleteSounds like morning n America.
And four of your non-metrics dealt with the government's deficit/debt. That doesn't say anything about the present economy, at all. But if you disagree, that's fine: I'll remind you every month over the next four years when the deficit and debt increase that you believe Trump is presiding over an "economic catastrophe."
DeleteOK, DG -- I agree that 3% inflation is problematic, but it's an exaggeration to call it a "nightmare." However, the total inflation during Biden's term can legitimately be called a "nightmare."
DeleteNow, the 2024 deficit, and long term projected deficits and the national debt are indeed economic catastrophes. They presage the collapse of the US economy. Hopefully Trump and Musk will save us. But maybe not.
For some reason, it seems to be standard among Dems to understate or ignore our long term economic problems. Many Reps do the same. That's why I'm not fully confident that economic disaster will be averted. Short term thinking may make sense if you're a pol and your most urgent concern is being re-elected. But, the rest of us need to get out of denial and face reality.
"-- Very little job growth in the private sector. Most new jobs were in government"
DeleteDiC - That's just false. Apparently you don't know what you're talking about.
David, you voted for the man who created the third biggest deficit in history, and is poised to do it again. Yet you claim to care about this.
DeleteIs inflation falling? That depends on the time period you choose. Over the last 3 years, the trend is downward. Over the recent period beginning Oct, 2024 the trend is upward.
Really, DiC - Learn to use FRED before you make such huge mistakes again. The growth in private employment during Biden's term was about 7-8x the growth in public employment.
DeleteDiC - Isn't that funny? Inflation is based on expectations, and as soon as Trump won the expectations shifted. Imagine that!
Delete"However, the total inflation during Biden's term can legitimately be called a 'nightmare.'"
DeleteDiC - I take this as borderline dishonest. Trump's statement was that he had "inherited" an "inflation nightmare." Even if I agreed with you that the inflation rate in 2022 was a nightmare, which I don't, the inflation rate in 2022 has nothing whatsoever to do with the rate that Trump "inherited," and the fact that you're bringing it up is merely a tactic to distract from the obvious.
That, of course, was me.
DeleteDG - when I discussed government employment, I should have said ALL government. There was huge growth in state and local government employment. That's not Biden's fault, but it does skew the statistics
DeleteYou want to know what an "economic catastrophe" looks like? The economy that Obama inherited. The economy that Biden inherited. Those Republican catastrophes were then cleaned up by Dems and each time the economy was handed over to Trump in terrific condition.
DeleteDiC at 6:36 - Look up the stats. The growth in private employment dwarfed the growth in all government employment during Biden's term. Or if you don't want to go to the trouble of looking up the stats, don't go around making statements that you don't know to be true.
DeleteTo blithely keep hammering Biden inflation while ignoring what the whole world went thru due to COVID, and ignore that the US performed better in all metrics than any other industrialized nation, is just more DiCshitery. It never ends from this cult Nazi mowrrooon.
DeleteSpeaking of hilarious. They can’t charge Lakin Riley’s killer with murder, because he filed election papers first.
ReplyDeleteSuck it, Righties.
Somerby’s buyer’s remorse over Trump, is fucking hilarious!
ReplyDeleteSomerby's criticism of Trump proves his support of Trump. That's your argument, and you're sticking with it.
DeleteSomerby’s daily recitation of Republican talking points and complete absence of Democratic talking points proves someone owns him and it isn’t “Blue America” (a term we don’t use).
DeleteI get reader's remorse everytime some idiot says Somerby is a Trump supporter.
DeleteI remember the people who tell me Somerby isn't a Right-winger are fools, every time Somerby repeats the Right-wing grievance of the day.
DeleteHard to criticize something without repeating some part of it, huh mush-brain?
DeleteRepublicans love that Trump lies at will, it’s another way he “owns the libs” and it makes them snicker with smug satisfaction.
Deleteorange chickenshit needs to pay a lot more to own me. hehehe.....
DeleteDavid in Cal shouldn’t feel bad that he can’t tell the difference between a Neo-Nazi, a white supremacist, and a fine person on the Right. No one can.
DeleteAnonymouse 4:01pm, orange chickenshi owns Democrats from the ground up. He’s imprinted on the inner area of your eyelids. You’ll never stop seeing him.
DeleteCecelia, No one can stop seeing him, because he never goes away. And, on the one hand, he seems to own people like you and DiC and all of his debased followers, because you are all consumed with justifying his lies and corruption and incompetence with the most embarrassing North Korea style fulsome praise every single minute of every single day of every single week. Don’t tell me he doesn’t own you jokers.
DeleteAnd what a little space is left in your brains that doesn’t involve Trump worship is devoted to seeing hated liberals under every bed that must be destroyed and “owned” by your hero.
DeleteTrump grabbed Cecelia by the pussy and she won't ever let him let go.
DeleteAnonymices, no, Trump doesn’t “own” David or me. Pres. Biden didn’t have that sort of hold on us. You’re really are every bit as captivated as the Trump supporters who were at 1/6.
DeleteAnonymouse 4:56pm, I’m a woman when it suits your flying monkey poo flinging, huh? You’d put your mother to use for that cause.
DeleteWhat the fuck is a Trump?
DeleteIs that anything like a blimpie?
DeleteIs that what your imaginary Republican friend who isn't a bigot told you?
"Trump grabbed Cecelia by the pussy and she won't ever let him let go."
DeleteAre sexually-based insults permitted here if the target is a conservative woman?
So which high-profile Democrat will be next to talk about the future suicide of a child with brain cancer?
ReplyDeleteWhere did Nicole Wallace get that there were six Capitol police who committed suicide after 1/6?
DeleteI thought that there was “only” four.
I count 5: Brian Sicknick, Jeffrey Smith, Howie Liebengood, Gunther Hashida, and Kyle DeFreytag. say their names, asshole.
DeleteNo one committed suicide because of January 6.
DeleteWe're not playing your emotional extortion game anymore in case you hadn't noticed.
Oh, “we” all know that “you all” don’t give a shit. It isn’t a good look, but “we” keep hope alive.
DeleteAnonymouse 4:36pm, Sicknick didn’t off himself, drama Queen. .
DeleteAnonymouse 4:51pm, so there wasn’t a 6th “suicide”?
DeleteOr a fifth?
DeleteThe 42-year old Sicknick didn't kill himself. He got pepper sprayed and fought off a crazed mob for a few hours. Then, coincidentally, died the next day of 'natural causes.'
DeleteAnonymouse 5:20pm, and Nicole Wallace is aware of that too.
DeleteThank God he did not kill himself but was murdered by MAGAs. I sleep easier now.
DeleteYou should sleep like a lamb when you realize the murderers were pardoned.
DeleteAnonymouse 6:15pm, Sicknick was cremated and his ashes were in a coffin in the Capitol rotunda in a matter of days. He didn’t have time to kill himself.
DeleteNo one cares about January 6.
DeleteI just wish a couple Capitol Police Defenders lost their shit and opened up downing a couple dozen of those bastards. One dead idiot in an insurrectionist cult is way too few. Plus Fat Nixon could not pardon the traitorous scum if they are dead. (Just kidding, like you do with the dead cops, assholes).
DeleteLeo Frank was guilty. I am not an antisemite.
ReplyDelete"President Trump convened his Cabinet in person on Thursday to deliver a message: You’re in charge of your departments, not Elon Musk."
Only took a month or so of bumbling incompetence before Trump caught on. Unclear to what extent the country will still be able to benefit from the expertise of Big Balls. Stay tuned.