BREAKING: We won't be posting until a bit later!


Meanwhile, riddle us this: We're off very early this morning to address The Surgical Wound Which Would Not Heal.

For that reason, we won't be posting until this afternoon. Meanwhile, riddle us this news report in the New York Times:

What’s Behind Trump’s Love-Hate Relationship With Canada


As Mr. Trump prepares to push ahead with a new round of tariffs on the United States’ neighbors to the north and south, he has expressed a special brand of loathing for Canada. The bullying of a country whose most prominent stereotype is that its people are “nice” has led to political upheaval in Canada and created both consternation and speculation about why Mr. Trump wants to engage in a trade war with one of America’s biggest trading partners.

“I can’t quite figure it out,” said Stephen Moore, the Heritage Foundation economist and former adviser to Mr. Trump. “Whether it’s some kind of strategic leverage, I don’t know.”

Noting that there is “no love lost” between the president and Mr. Trudeau, Mr. Moore added: “With Trump, politics is personal.”

Mr. Trump has threatened to hit Mexico and Canada with 25 percent tariffs on all imports on Tuesday unless the countries do more to prevent migrants and drugs from flowing into the United States. On Saturday, the president picked another trade fight with Canada, this time over lumber.

Intrigue abounds in Canada about why Mr. Trump has repeatedly belittled a neighbor and threatened to destabilize its economy with tariffs, a process that has brought relations between the two countries to a low point not seen in decades.

Stephen Moore can't figure it out? That may not be a shocker!  But even Moore is prepared to admit that the behavior in question doesn't quite seem to make sense!

In fairness, has the commander really "expressed a special brand of loathing for Canada?" We don't know if he actually has—but in all the strange taunting of the past few months, it isn't real clear that he hasn't.

That Times report fashions Trump as a person engaged in "the bullying of a country whose most prominent stereotype is that its people are 'nice.' "

Is there something strange about that stance? Also, is there a possible (type of) explanation for this behavior—a possible type of explanation which has been disappeared?

What might be going on with President Trump? And have our journalists agreed on this rule of the road:

With respect to one obvious possibility, don't askand by all means don't tell!

Why would someone be gripped by a loathing for Canada? Has an obvious type of possibility joined the ranks of The Disappeared?

This afternoon: Our Week That Was seems to get worse


  1. "Noting that there is “no love lost” between the president and Mr. Trudeau, Mr. Moore added: “With Trump, politics is personal.”"

    I don't know if Mr. Trumps politics is personal (I very much doubt it), but seriously: is there a creature in the world more disgusting than Mr. Trudeau?

    1. Not according to Ivanka.

    2. Trump is furious his daughter is more attracted to Trudeau than to himself.

      At least he can re live that time he raped that 13yo because she reminded him of his own daughter.

    3. Never mind Ivanka. Melania wants some of that.

  2. “She [Noem] stood on the American side and said, ‘USA No. 1.’ Then she crossed the line and said, ‘The 51st state,’” Bishop said. “She did it at least three times and was very clear in saying, ‘USA No. 1,’ and didn’t even say ‘Canada.’ Just, ‘The 51st state.’ ”

    What is the matter with these people?

    1. Either they’re brainless automatons, or they exert an incredible amount of psychic energy maintaining the Trump cult.

    2. Anonymouse 2:59am, she’s nuts. We don’t want Canadians. It would be like watering down rich beef stock.

    3. 7:27,
      Why do you call someone presenting the everyday bigotry of the Republican Party "nuts"?

    4. Anonymouse 7:52am, my description of her is more accurate as to her statement. Your blanket epithets are like dirty kleenex. Germie and indicative of inner rot.

    5. So the bigots statement is nuts, not the bigot herself.
      Got it.

    6. I have hired a number of Canadians over the past several decades, mainly because of the difficulty in finding qualified Americans who want to work.

    7. “She’s nuts” so glad she’s secretary of homeland security. Are all Republicans nuts, or just the ones serving for Trump? you and DiC did this.

    8. Anonymouse 9;15am, yes, what Noem said is nuts and I have nothing to do with you calling anonymouse 752am a bigot.

    9. She’s repeating what Trump said. Has any Republican spoken out to say it was nuts?

    10. I won’t go so far as to say all Republicans are bigots. Bigotry is however fueling a fair part of Trump’s appeal. I will say that I hold every Trump voter responsible for the destruction, the lies, and the cruelty that he and the gop are unleashing. Every single one.

    11. Anonymouse 9:30am, just me. And Putin.

    12. People can say it or not say it, it is merely descriptive: Republicans are bigots.

      Bigotry is foundational to the Republican Party, a guiding principle. It is also how they get votes.

    13. Anonymouse 10:11am, Kimberly-Clark for Kleenex says thanks.

    14. You are responsible Cecelia.

    15. Anonymouse 10:20am, and you aren’t and never will be.

    16. Don’t fob your responsibility off on me, Cecelia. It’s childish.

    17. Cecelia is not a child, he is a man pretending to be a woman.

      Oh said "childish". You are correct.

    18. DiC and Cecelia, typical Trump voters, want everyone else to acknowledge guilt, while evading it themselves. When faced with the choice of voting for a pathological liar, conman, and bully, who is now destroying the greatest economy in the world, they happily did so.

    19. Notanon, don’t blame David. I did it single-handedly before breakfast.

    20. Typical of Republicans, they lack integrity and are proud of it.

    21. Anonymouse 10:47am, you’re welcome.

    22. 10:53 I hurt your feelings, I apologize.

    23. Anonymouse 10:57am, you didn’t. I don’t have any.

    24. That you are seething with rage is not funny, nobody should be laughing.

    25. Anonymouse 11:04am, no, that’s funny.

    26. Sorry for triggering you.

    27. Anonymouse 11:15am, that’s funnier.

    28. You poor thing.

    29. Trump lacks empathy, but he is full of seething rage. Lacking empathy only makes you a sociopath, not someone entirely devoid of emotion.


    30. Don't cry, Corby, Donald Trump does empathize with you retards.

  3. Trump’s Sec of Agriculture Brooke Rollins says the solution to high egg prices for Americans is to get some chickens and raise them in your backyard.

    1. Would they be chickens infected with bird flu that we as a country no longer monitor and mitigate? Great.


    2. Interesting fantasies and hallucinations, as usual, Mr. Soros.

      In reality, of course, she said that her solution is a five-point plan, of which, of course, not a single point involves raising chickens in your backyard, Sir.

    3. The 5 points:
      1. All Republican voters are bigots.
      2. All Republican voters are bigots.
      3. All Republican voters are bigots.
      4. All Republican voters are bigots.
      5. All Republican voters are bigots.

      It looks extremely familiar.

    4. I only see point one.
      Have Russia blackmail the Republican Party leaders, so they vote in lockstep with Putin's wishes.
      What are the other 4 points, Mao-bot?

    5. Not to worry about the price of eggs. Today, Tariff Day, is the day money starts rolling in to US coffers from the slack countries that orange Jesus has targeted and in short order we'll all be prosperous enough to afford them. It's gonna be awesome.

    6. The hope is that tarriffs will slowdown the rate at which Russia is buying Republican politicians.

    7. It currently costs Russia $500 for each Republican politician they purchase. At a 25% tarriff rate, Russia's costs for buying a Republican politician will jump to $625 per Republican politician purchased.

    8. $500 to buy a Republican politician?
      Everyone knows Republican bigots in Congress are a dime a dozen.
      Where'd Russia get their MBA, Trump University?

    9. 6:04: can you never not lie?

      “The department said its five-pronged strategy would also look at removing regulations on chicken and egg producers. The plan includes encouraging consumers to raise their own chickens and removing animal welfare regulations such as those in California that add to the cost of eggs. “

    10. Its gonna be a banner day for the futures markets on Wall Street. Scott Besset has announced that what happens to your 401k plan is inconsequential. In terms of job growth, GDP, and stock market returns, Republican administrations have performed abysmally for well over a half century. Its a time honored tradition. Get used to hearing the two words "supply chains".

    11. This is crazy. Do we all have to stand around and praise tRump for his beautiful new clothes? Are we just going to allow this madman to destroy our economy as we stand helplessly by and watch? [cue DiC to chime in that the PresiKing has the power to do it]

      He was handed a booming economy, low unemployment, inflation coming under control, real wages outpacing inflation, a manufacturing renaissance particuarly in the MW, stock market setting new records weekly. What the fuck is this man doing?

    12. Egg prices are high, not due to bird flu, but due to the largest producers/distributors of eggs colluding to price fix; they were recently found liable in court for this corruption, there is no mystery.

    13. "This is crazy. Do we all have to stand around and praise tRump for his beautiful new clothes? "

      Old enough to remember how sharp Biden was in meetings.

    14. Biden was sharp enough to govern better than most presidents.

      Trump is just a criminal.

    15. “How sharp Biden was in meetings.” Annnnddd, he was convinced to step aside as candidate. Where is the gop, profiles in courage that they are, to oppose Trump?

    16. How sharp is Trump? Here's an example:

      "“I’m a huge fan of Ronald Reagan but he was bad on trade. very bad on trade. he allowed a lot of people — a lot of business to be taken. so I say that with due respect because I — he was so great on other things, but he was bad on trade. we are setting records right now. records like nobody has ever seen before. when you have companies like this coming in and almost forty percent of their company in one signature is going to be devoted to what he does which is one of the most important businesses in the world. that’s an unbelievable thing.”

      who the fuck can even decipher this cornucopia of batshittery? it’s the raving of a madman in steep cognitive decline — but none of that gibberish matters. the fun part is watching the Dow drop in real-time as Donny drones on."

    17. Shorting selling Tesla is currently the easiest way to make money in the world.

      Trump does not like Reagan, because that was back when Trump inherited nearly half a billion from his dad and converted it into at least 6 bankruptcies.

      Fred Trump would be rolling in his grave about that, except he's having too much fun partying with Hitler and Musk's Nazi grandparents.

    18. Exactly, it was back when Trump was a registered Democrat, before Russia recruited him as their own Trojan Horse. One theory is that Ivana introduced him to her Eastern European "friends" after no bank would loan him money (due to his business smarts). That is what Somerby keeps referring to when he talks about a night attack, right?


    19. @George Soros, 9:28 AM,

      Are you still fantasizing that Brooke Rollins declared that raising chickens in your backyard is "the solution"?

      Shouldn't you switch to some other idiotic fantasy already?

    20. 12:31: It’s part of the stated solution. And it’s insane.


    21. It's not part of the stated solution, Soros-bot.

      It's part of removing regulations on chicken and egg producers, including those choosing to raise chickens in their backyards.

      People who want to raise chickens in their backyards will be happy about it, and good for them. This is how normal, rational politics works.

    22. 12:48: Removing regulations on home grown chickens ISN’T part of the solution? How weird then that the Agriculture secretary mentioned it as part of a plan to combat egg prices. Up is down in your world, I guess.

    23. No, she didn't mention it as part of the plan. She has a five-point plan, and it's not there. It's related, but it's not in the plan.

    24. It is listed as part of the plan, under point 3, where it says:

      "USDA will minimize burdens on individual farmers and consumers who harvest homegrown eggs."

      It is definitely in the plan.


    25. Yes, like I said, it's part of the general "removing regulations" item. Removing regulations is part of the solution. Raising chickens in your backyard isn't.

    26. No, you are mistaking the point of removing regulations. There are currently regulations in most well-run cities limiting the number of chickens someone can raise on their own property, backyard, sideyard, or frontyard. Some say no roosters allowed. Some say no more than 3 chickens per household. This point (3) is not only about removing the requirement to treat chickens humanely enacted in CA a few years ago. Treating chickens humanely vs inhumanely is not going to prevent bird flu or replace lost eggs. Allowing people to compete with egg markets by growing their own eggs will replace lost eggs.

      When a stated point is so vague, arguing that it does not include something is a losing argument.

  4. I am convinced half the maggots voting for tRump are hoping for total anarchy.

    1. Trump's America will give each of them two shots behind the ear, when the idiots are no longer useful to them.

    2. Anonymouse 9:25am, anonymices aren’t merely dark, enraged, and bitter toward Republicans since Nov. . I’d bet your online meetings with each other are the stuff of fistfights.

    3. Trump voters want chaos because their lives are shit, a circumstance of their own making, their own poor decisions.

      Establishment Dems are fairly feckless, but thankfully, Repubs excel at self-owning.

    4. Again with the projection, Cecelia. No one is as dark and enraged as Republicans are at all times, that they would take the greatest economy in the world, the wealthiest per capita Americans ever been elect an insane man to burn it all down, all because if their hatred of liberals. That takes a galactic amount of rage and darkness.

    5. Jesus Christ, Cecelia, should we be supplicants and thank you for the hell you have unleashed on us.
      Not a single fucking republican senator is standing up for this country. Bondi, Patel, Bongini, Noem, RFK Jr., I mean what the actual fuck?

    6. Anonymouse 10:51am, right. It’s all burnt down and done. Good to see anonymices being entertaining, if not cheerful.

    7. Half right. We prefer anarchy to what the Democrats offered over the last 15 years. We can live with their boots off our necks though.

    8. Anonymouse 10:59am, most of the citizenry has managed to feel fine, grateful., glad to be alive, even under Democrats or Republicans.

    9. The last 15 years includes Trump contributing to a third of our overall national debt in a single term (a record that will never be beaten, except by himself), incompetently handling the pandemic which directly led to unnecessarily killing hundreds of thousands of Americans, and bowing down to Putin, rich elites, and corporations.

      This is why Trump could only get 30% of the electorate, and is plummeting in the polls.

      By boots on your neck, you don't mean Dems lowering inflation, fixing infrastructure, and high employment; you mean you want the freedom to be as racist and sexist as you want without any criticism.

    10. “ glad to be alive, even under Democrats or Republicans.”

      Under normal Democrats and Republicans. Trump is not that. He is destroying the FAA, NOAA, the CDC, just to name a few. Social security may be next. This isn’t going to make people feel glad to be alive, dumbass.

    11. “ boots on your neck” Yeah, that Medicare and social security were just horrible, weren’t they?

    12. After all the endless counting of Democratic votes… Kamala got 48.3% of the electorate and Trump got 49.4%.

      At the time anonymices were excoriating Somerby and saying it didn’t matter a tittle if the media said that Trump won in a landslide.As predicted, now they’re now making the same point.

    13. 11:22: You just changed the subject.

    14. Anonymouse 11:24am, I added much needed context to the anonymouse 11:11am comment.

    15. What doesn’t matter, Cecelia, is that Trump and the gop were going to govern as if they had a landslide. They don’t care what the actual numbers were. They are still claiming it was a landslide. They don’t care what the mainstream media says. Facts do not matter to today’s gop.

    16. When someone on the right talks about anarchy, what they mean is race war.

    17. Anonymouse 11:34am, of course they’re still going with that. It was the mantra of the media and Bob was ripping his hair out about the danger of that being the forever meme and anonymices were telling him that is was incidental to what happened, so “shut up”. You guys get paid to be utterly false and thuggish.

    18. Trump got 49% of those that voted, not even cracking 50%.

      Trump got only 30% of the electorate.

      More people voted for someone other than Trump.

      Somerby does not understand electoral politics, nor the electorate, and neither does his handful of trolls/fanboys.

    19. Cecelia, you left out the part where you and your fellow GOPers do not care what the facts are. Somerby can rend his hair as much as he wants but it doesn’t change that fact.

    20. As I recall, Somerby was among those pointing out that Trump didn't win a landslide.

    21. He was among those pointing it out? You mean he wasn’t the only one? And it made no difference to the GOP? How surprising.

  5. If Canadians want to be the fifty-first state, they’ll have to speak English.

    1. CA wants to become a Canadian territory.

      CA is at the leading edge of society, it is the 2nd largest economy in the world, per capita.

      Trump's version of America is holding CA back, which is not good for America, since CA provides most of the labor and gdp that red states/areas parasitically live off of, while they laze around in their McMansions and trailer parks, high on Fox News and meth.


  7. I hate having RFK jr in charge of HHS. But I do admire him taking real ACTION against antisemitism.
    “HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr., along with the Dept of Education and GSA, announced a comprehensive review of Columbia University’s federal contracts and grants in light of the university's failure to adequately respond to rampant antisemitism on campus”

    Faced with the loss of government funds funding, all universities will now take antisemitism more seriously.

    1. Zionism=antisemitism.

      Hopefully they finally take the threat of zionism seriously.

    2. You hate having RFK in charge, DiC? You voted to make it happen dummy.

    3. Free speech for thee, but not for me, eh Dickhead?

    4. My Jewish granddaughter goes to Columbia and the only antisemitism she has faced is from pro Israeli protestors.

    5. Same here, my Jewish son goes to Columbia, and while he was peacefully protesting the genocide in Gaza, he got attacked by pro Israeli thugs, they pelted him with knishes with rocks inside, he wound up in the hospital and the police did nothing.

  8. Trump is now vowing to crack down on protests.

    1. Past Administrations also “cracked down on protests” by not giving government grants to organizations that encouraged KKK marches through black neighborhoods.

    2. Say what, DiC? “ government grants to organizations that encouraged KKK marches” Like what? I do remember the ACLU representing the Nazi party in Skokie Illinois, claiming they had a first amendment right to protest. Quaint, no? Trump wants to arrest the protesters, so get out of here with your false equivalence.

    3. The EPA has announced Trump's crack is now a Superfund site due to excessive toxic pollution.

  9. Looks -- it's very simple. People who voted for Trump can be divided into two demographics. 1) People who would have supported the Confederacy and 2) People who would have ratted out Anne Frank. Period. 😎

    1. Oooo, so angry, this one.

    2. Anonymouse 11:14am, time for you to cheer up. You’re going to ruin your teeth.

    3. Keep making jokes Cecelia. My mother depended upon Social Security and Medicare for her final years. If Trump messes up Social Security and Medicare, millions of peoples’ lives will be in the toilet and then you can laugh it up even more.

    4. Anonymouse 11:29am, if you’re not trying to scold someone into silence for one thing, it’s another. I will laugh it up. Understand that. You’re ridiculous.

    5. @11:29 — SS is already messed up. It will run out of money in a few years.

    6. Somerby's life will be in the toilet without social security and medicare. His wound treatment is courtesy of a medical system that depends on the government.

      Cecelia, if you don't care about @11:29's mother (and why should you, lacking empathy as you do), perhaps you care about Somerby's continued health? Or is that just a pose? Shall we all laugh at Somerby's health problems? Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Is it funny when others do that to someone you care about?

    7. It’s revealing that Cecelia thinks 11:29 was trying to “silence” her. 11:29 explicitly says “keep making jokes.” It reveals who you are, Cecelia.

    8. Anonymouse 11:44am, if I don’t care about my or my loved ones health and stability, why would I give a hang about Bob’s? Anonymices can’t even logically argue something that’s based upon their own accusation/aspersion.

    9. 11:44 you do not understand even the basics of how SS works.

      SS will never "run out of money" unless there are no workers.

    10. Cecelia, self professed Christian, shitting on everyone.

    11. What is the evidence you "give a hang" about Somerby, much less anyone else? All I see here are callous remarks and ugly "jokes." Nothing caring.

    12. Anonymouse 12:21pm, no,what I don’t care about is you using Somerby as means to suggest that I should feel quilty over something or another. That’s all you have and it only works on quasi-religious political zealots like yourselves,

    13. Somerby does provide an example of non-tribal thinking. You, not so much.

    14. Notanon, no, the anonymouse tried to do the usual guilt game via social security and her mother. When that stupidity didn’t work, she tried to guilt me via Bob and my respect for him, BTW- Anonymices have actually expressly wished for Bob’s death. That sort manipulative nonsense by the anonymouse is a type of tribal thinking.Both of you can stick that where the sun don’t shine.

    15. Wow, you are certainly triggered, Cecelia. There’s an old Shakespeare saying “methinks thou dost protest too much.” Someone expressing genuine concern for their mother you take personally as an attempt to shame you. You’re not only unpleasant, you’re a narcissist.

    16. Worrying about our mothers on social security is stupidity? Few people with mothers are feeling that way.

      Cecelia has no "respect" for Somerby. She is using him. No anonymous here has wished for Somerby's death. That is a huge lie. Cecelia has no more empathy for Somerby than for anyone else who is not herself. Her "jokes" show that.

      Empathy is "tribal thinking"? I suppose so, since empathy holds people together, motivating them to provide aid and protection to others and thus promoting their own survival as a member of a cohesive and caring group. Cecelia has no idea what that feels like. When someone calls other people's caring "manipulative" it tells you where they themselves are coming from. It is the kind of transactional attitude a sociopath displays -- sure I'll help you, but what are you going to do for me? Of course I care about you, do you have an extra $100 handy?

    17. Notanon, try reading. That was the context. If you don’t hate Trump you don’t care if my mother dies after he ruins SS. When that silliness didn’t garner guilt, she used Somerby. YOU can give her machinations the dignity that you think she deserves. I know I did.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. nonymouse 1:25pm, oh, yes, an anonymouse did wish Bob would die and it was fairly recently. You can never make me feel guilty. You are only successful with tactic with each other and even that isnt real concern or guilt, it’s manipulation that plays upon your tribal competitiveness.

    20. We know it’s all about you Cecelia, And that you cannot feel shame or guilt. That’s not exactly news here. I mean I’m not trying to make you feel guilty or ashamed for voting for Trump; I’m just calling you a scumbag for doing it because it is going to hurt a lot of people, and you helped bring it on. You don’t have to feel guilty about that. Go ahead, celebrate it, for all I care.

    21. If you are going to claim that some anonymous called for Somerby's death, at least quote the comment. Otherwise you are maligning people without evidence. Not that you care about that -- it is what Republicans do.

    22. Notanon, who are you kidding?

    23. Anonhmouse 1:54pm, nope. Believe it or not. I don’t care.


    1. Even the ones who pretend to adore him, hoping he will toss them a bone? Look how he treated Omirosa during his first term, and he gave Herschel Walker covid and caused his death. Even on a personal level, Trump mistreats the black folks who "love" him.

  11. Not good enough. Try harder, Voldy.

    I would like to reiterate Ukraine’s commitment to peace.

    None of us wants an endless war. Ukraine is ready to come to the negotiating table as soon as possible to bring lasting peace closer. Nobody wants peace more than Ukrainians. My team and I stand ready to work under President Trump’s strong leadership to get a peace that lasts.

    We are ready to work fast to end the war, and the first stages could be the release of prisoners and truce in the sky — ban on missiles, long-ranged drones, bombs on energy and other civilian infrastructure — and truce in the sea immediately, if Russia will do the same. Then we want to move very fast through all next stages and to work with the US to agree a strong final deal.

    We do really value how much America has done to help Ukraine maintain its sovereignty and independence. And we remember the moment when things changed when President Trump provided Ukraine with Javelins. We are grateful for this.

    Our meeting in Washington, at the White House on Friday, did not go the way it was supposed to be. It is regrettable that it happened this way. It is time to make things right. We would like future cooperation and communication to be constructive.

    Regarding the agreement on minerals and security, Ukraine is ready to sign it in any time and in any convenient format. We see this agreement as a step toward greater security and solid security guarantees, and I truly hope it will work effectively.

    1. Ukraine shot down a Russian military jet a couple of days ago with a Swedish supplied RBS 70 launcher.

      More to come...

    2. “Regarding the agreement on minerals and security, Ukraine is ready to sign it in any time and in any convenient format”

      I hope Z really means it, that he will not demand other conditions before signing.

    3. Why shouldn’t he, DiC? He isn’t the aggressor, putin is. Do you believe Putin should make any concession whatsoever?

    4. Yes, in an ideal world Ukraine should make no concessions and Russia should withdraw from all Ukrainian territories. It’s less clear what Z should do in the real world.

    5. In the real world, Russia has been shown to be a paper tiger who had to import North Koreans for cannon fodder. Go fuck yourself, Dickhead, your leader is busy extorting the victim for his friend the invader.

    6. @11:36 Do you think Ukraine should simply fight on until the whole country is rubble and the last Ukrainian is dead?

    7. That's up to the Ukrainians.

      I would also point out that prospects for victory for the American Revolution were often not robust.

    8. The goal of Democrats is war between Russia and the U.S.

    9. I am old enough to remember the world's greatest superpower losing a war to a third world country.
      DiC couldn't give two shits about Ukraine, the only thing he cares about is making tRump look like a hero.

    10. No it is not, Cecelia. The goal is to prevent Putin from wars of aggression.

    11. Anonymouse 11:48am, I’ve entertained that notion for several years. Not anymore. I can’t.

    12. Yes, @11:42.Whether to fight on is up to the Ukrainians.
      Whether to keep sending money and weapons is up to the Americans.

      Rightly or wrongly, Trump's policies for Israel and Ukraine are different. Trump will back Israel whatever they do. Trump will not unconditionally support Ukraine's war effort.

    13. Good to know what the pro Russia trolls are thinking.

    14. We’re aware of what you want.

    15. Cecelia, you can’t entertain that notion anymore? Sure, because your minders have told you you can’t.

    16. It is ridiculous to say that the Dems want war with Russia. Are you seriously suggesting that there is no space between complete appeasement of Putin and a US-Russian war? Trump has capitulated to Putin as completely as if we HAD lost a war to Russia. The US is the dominant military power in the world. Trump seems to be surrendering without a fight to a guy who has plainly bought him off. Dems want that to stop.

    17. David, can we at least ask Putin for our children back? I don't want to upset him too much now, so let us know if that is pushing it.

    18. Anonymouse 12:19pm, no, it’s Democrats who brook nothing but continued carnage. It is all tantamount to selling out the *US, let alone Ukraine.

    19. Anonymouse 12:12pm, if I had minders, I would have been accusing Democrats of wanting war a long time ago. There’s an archive. Go find where I’ve ever done that. I put a name to what I say.

    20. Trump had already sold out the US. You just don’t realize it Cecelia.

    21. Magats can be happy once Putin wipes Ukraine off the map and tries zelensky for war crimes.

    22. "Rightly or wrongly, Trump's policies for Israel and Ukraine are different."

      Not really different. In both cases, he's backing the side that's doing the bombing and he wants the side getting bombed to surrender.

    23. Umm, umm, I can’t wait till Putin attacks other Eastern European countries and they are also told to immediately surrender.

    24. Anonymouse 12:42pm, that’s the anonymouse wet dream.

    25. You go sexual quickly don’t you, Cecelia? The moral squalor is strong in you. Actually, it’s Putin’s wet dream, and failure to understand that is a big mistake.

    26. Anonymouse 12:50pm, nothing would make you happier.

    27. Lame, Cecelia.

    28. Anonymouse 12:56pm, it’s true.

    29. Why do you keep replying to your own comments?

  12. Bob is right to question the NY Times statement that Trump “has expressed a special brand of loathing for Canada.” An allegation that serious should be supported with examples.

    1. Just his run of the mill loathing, then, DiC?

    2. @11:27 can you please provide examples of Trump’s expressions of loathing for Canada?

    3. He keeps saying nasty things about Trudeau and he keeps referring to Canada becoming our 51st state. Were you asleep when he did that?


      Donald Trump is stoking political mayhem in Canada by intensifying a crisis that threatens to oust Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

      The president-elect’s bullying of an embattled political foe, whom he mocks as the governor of the 51st state in an insult to America’s loyal northern neighbor, is a preview of a belligerent strategy as he scours the globe for big second-term wins before even taking office.

      And his willingness to plunge into an ally’s domestic politics ought to be a warning to other strife-torn governments in places like France, Germany and South Korea, where political chaos and internal divides could make it hard to fight back.

      Trump’s threat to impose 25% tariffs on Canadian goods to coerce action from Ottawa on border issues saddled Trudeau with fears of a profound recession ahead of an election year which will dawn with him in deep trouble.

      It also represents an extraordinarily hardline approach to a nation that has deep diplomatic, cultural and familial ties to the United States, is one half of one of the world’s most lucrative trading relationships and that sent its troops to die in defense of its ally after the September 11 terror attacks in 2001."

    4. Trump doesn’t loathe Canada. He thinks Trudeau is a putz who doesn’t pull his weight.

    5. There is Cecelia, pretending she knows what is in everyone else's minds. She has no idea what Trump thinks, any more than she can read Somerby's thoughts.

      What is Trudeau's "weight"? Why isn't it up to the Canadians to decide whether their leader is doing a good job or not? Is Elon pulling his "weight?" We Dems don't think so. Should Canada then invade the USA to force Musk to do what we want? I doubt Trump would agree with that. What do you think, oh great presidential mindreader, Cecelia?

    6. Anonymouse 11:58am, so I’m being a mind reader as to Trump’s thinking as to the political policies of a leader and his party, but it’s not mind reading for you to assume that Trump hates the entire nation of Canada. You’re so phony and silly.

    7. Trump's disdain for Canada is easy to discern from his rhetoric and behavior.

      OTOH, no one has been able to credibly assert that Trump does not have disdain for Canada.

    8. On the positive side, Trump’s attacks on Canada have caused the Canadian conservative party’s 26 point lead to evaporate.

    9. Anonymouse 12:04pm, I can credibly assert that Trump has disdain for a political party in charge of Canada. You will argue that Trump hates the every Canadian down to the babies in bassinets. Thats how you argue and it’s why you stay anonymous.

    10. Trump cares only about himself. The sooner you realize that, the better you will be able to understand current events.

    11. Anonymouse 12:15pm, I think you’re right to an extent, but even if your motive for jumping back into a pit of alligators is to best them, you’ve still bested the alligators.

    12. If you jump into a pit of alligators, you are not going to "best" them.

    13. Anonymouse 1:19pm, look up rhetorical devices, tiger.

  13. Trump's dementia may be the reason why he has entirely submitted to Elon Musk, giving him carte blanche to do whatever he wants, including destroying our government and undermining the services it provides to US citizens. This must be illegal but in the meantime, Trump exercises no restraint on Musk, who is destroying much of what makes America a good place to live, including financial stability, our social safety-net, and our rights as individuals (including free speech, today under attack with Trump's newly announced threats against protesters). Musk is a huge problem. Trump's dementia would be easy to deal with, without Musk threatening every Republican politician with being primaried.

    "A CNN panel tackled Elon Musk, the world's richest man, signaling on a broadly popular podcast that Donald Trump's administration might disrupt Social Security payments.

    The president's billionaire benefactor and top adviser appeared Friday on Joe Rogan's podcast, where he called the New Deal-era social safety net a "Ponzi scheme," arguing that birth rates have fallen and life expectancy has increased, and the former Social Security commissioner Martin O'Malley said Monday that cuts made by Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) could result in the system's imminent collapse.

    "I think that this is going to be a political problem for this president and the administration," said Jackie Kucinich, the Washington bureau chief for The Boston Globe. "Both the message and the messenger. Yeah, because this is the most politically strong argument that Democrats have. It's one thing to talk about the threat of a constitutional crisis, or the threat of democracy, or the erosion of democracy, as we heard Democrats talk so much about on the campaign trail. But this is your grandmother is not going to be able to access the services that she needs to get her Social Security."

    1. Musk is scum.

    2. Donny J Chickenshit cares not for "political problems". He has total criminal immunity from directly from the corrupt SC 6. He cannot run for office again so he doesn't give a shit about political problems. There are no institutions left standing to hold him accountable. He is robbing us blind with both hands now. The example with his bullshit proposal to use our tax dollars to buy up crypto currency as a "strategic reserve" is just the latest example. Somebody was given a couple days notice and bought up $200 million bet to long the exact crypto currency that trump announced yesterday and scored a fortune with that inside info.

  14. Why is trump destroying NOAA, and the National weather service? Is it because they were boots on our necks, predicting the weather and all?

    1. And the NLRB. Or the CFPB. Whose fucking necks were they on? Elon's?

    2. Cutting an organization's budget is not destroying it. E.g., today Southwest Airlines management announced they're cutting 15% of corporate staff in a mass layoff. Is this cut designed to destroy the company? No, it's designed to save the company.

    3. Was NOAA overstuffed or “losing money”, as if you can put a price on strategic national weather forecasting?

    4. *overstaffed

    5. Private companies want to steal the technology developed by NOAA, recruit staff, and use public resources in profit-making ventures. Pilots should have to pay for their flight data and if FEMA goes away, then who cares where natural disasters hit, amirite?

    6. Part of Southwest's problems may be that the NY Times did a hit piece on them:

      Southwest just partnered with Icelandair, which may help more than cutting staff (which tends to reduce service, creating a negative spiral as customers are poorly treated and decide to fly on other airlines).

    7. "Southwest Airlines management announced they're cutting 15% of corporate staff..."

      Check back with me when they decide to fire all the flight attendants or mechanics. And then they say, "Oops!" and hire them back again.

  15. The Taiwanese are worried about trump possibly supporting china’s desired takeover of Taiwan.

    1. Worry is good. It motivates Taiwan to do more to protect themselves. They're spending less than 3% of their GNP on defense. "Taiwan President William Lai has announced plans to increase the country’s defense spending to at least 3 per cent of GDP in 2025"

      Even 3%of GNP isn't nearly enough.

    2. Worry in general is bad. What does being a friend or ally mean?

    3. What amount of money would permit Taiwan to defend itself against China?

    4. We can be a friend and ally without being a sucker. Shouldn't Taiwan spend a larger % of their GDP defending itself than the 5% that the US spends defending Taiwan?

    5. How’d that work out for NATO, DiC?


    6. Taiwan is a province of China. Why would it be spending anything to fight it's own country?

    7. @1:25 -- It's working great for NATO. European countries are stepping up and doing more to fulfill their NATO obligations.

    8. It probably won’t matter. Musk and other Trump allies are calling for the us to abandon NATO. It’s a matter of time before trump agrees. That’s why I ask what being an ally means. I thought it was more than money.

    9. They are stepping up, not to "fulfill their NATO obligations" but to keep Russia from taking over Ukraine. Note that Ukraine is not a member of NATO. It is the USA and Trump who do not want to fulfill their NATO obligations. That is why so many of us object to Trump's mistreatment of Zelensky and his reneging on nearly all US treaty obligations and membership in world organizations (such as WHO and the Paris Accords). Trump is the ultimate welsher when it comes to paying what he owes. When he does it on our nation's behalf, he embarrasses all of us, not to mention the damage he does to coordinate efforts to address global problems. No country is an island any more, but Trump is only interested in his own grifting, not even our nation's well-being, much less anyone else in the world. There never was a meaner man (in the sense of penny-sucking).

    10. NATO should retaliate for Trump's actions by making Ukraine a member of NATO.

    11. "... the 5% that the US spends defending Taiwan?"

      Tha hell? The entire US defense budget isn't 5% of GDP and the amount we spend on Taiwan is a tiny fraction of that. Did you fall and hit your head? Do you want us to call someone?

    12. Notice how cavalier Dickhead in Cal is with other people's lives. Zionist Jews are untouchable though. All my life I have been a steadfast unqualified unconditional support of the state of Israel. No more. A country that let's a man like Netanyahu commit ethnic cleansing has lost the moral high road. Fuck you, Dic.

    13. Quaker -- You are right about the level of US defense spending. I wrongly said it was 5% of GDP. It's actually 3%.

      How much does the US spend defending Taiwan? In a sense, the entire US military supports Taiwan, because the threat of the entire US military deters PRC from attacking Taiwan.

  16. Here are the main reason why a wound might not heal:


    Bacteria entering the wound can trigger inflammation and impede healing, often accompanied by redness, swelling, pus, and foul odor.

    Poor circulation:

    Conditions like peripheral artery disease can limit blood flow to the wound site, preventing adequate oxygen and nutrient delivery necessary for healing.


    High blood sugar levels can impair the body's ability to repair tissue, leading to chronic wounds in diabetic patients.


    Lack of essential nutrients like protein can significantly hinder wound healing.


    Older individuals tend to have slower wound healing due to decreased cellular turnover.


    Nicotine restricts blood flow and impairs the healing process.


    Certain medications like corticosteroids can suppress the immune system and delay wound healing.

    Pressure ulcers:

    Continuous pressure on a specific area, like from bed rest, can cause tissue damage and slow down healing. "
