Kennedy files save the day: Letting a thousand distractions bloom, did the Maoists engineer this?
Did they decide to release "the Kennedy files" to create the latest distraction? In a perfectly sensible news report, the Washington Post starts with this:
What’s in the JFK files? Trump administration releases assassination docs.
The perpetual hunt for clues about the 20th century’s most dissected political assassination—the shooting of President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas—took a turn Tuesday night with the release of more than 31,000 pages from the National Archives.
The dissemination of the records, ordered by President Donald Trump, is the latest in a string of disclosures since the 1990s that have tweaked how the nation and its historians view Kennedy’s killing. The vast majority of the National Archives’ 6 million pages of records related to the murder have already been declassified, according to the agency’s website. The newest batch of records can be found on the agency’s webpage under the headline, “JFK Assassination Records—2025 Documents Release.” The page features a table listing more than 1,100 entries of hyperlinked PDF files.
A Washington Post analysis shows that, based on their document identification numbers, none of the files released Tuesday are new. But many of the redactions have been unmasked.
White House spokesperson Harrison Fields, in a recent interview with NewsNation, promoted the pending disclosure, saying: “The American people will have their hands on these documents, and there will be a story to tell. I won’t preview you that story, but let me tell you: The American people are truly going to be shocked at what they see.”
Way back in 1983, David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear. According to experts near the grassy knoll, "White House spokesperson Harrison Fields" was now possibly working to make this disappear:
Social Security to require millions to make claims in person rather than by phone
The Social Security Administration on Tuesday announced new measures that will require millions of Americans who file for benefits by phone to verify their identity using an online system or provide documentation in person at a field office.
The change is expected to disrupt agency operations just as the Trump administration, driven by billionaire Elon Musk’s U.S. DOGE Service, is racing to downsize Social Security—cutting 7,000 jobs, consolidating programs, and closing dozens of regional and local offices.
Because millions of elderly and disabled customers the agency serves lack computers to authenticate their identity—and have limited mobility to access in-person help—the change will create hardships, a top agency official acknowledged last week in an internal memorandum.
Acting commissioner Leland Dudek, in a call with reporters Tuesday as the changes were announced, said the tighter requirements to “identity-proof” telephone claimants are essential to fighting fraud.
The Washington Post reported Monday that the acting deputy commissioner for operations, Doris Diaz, told Dudek in an internal memorandum that the change to an online-only authentication requirement would cause longer wait times, longer processing times and “increased challenges for vulnerable populations.”
Possible translation, excited Spokesperson Fields-to-English:
Please look over here at the Kennedy files. Please do NOT look over there!
Are they letting a thousand distractions bloom? Has this all been planned?
We can't necessarily answer your question. For the record, this was the start of the earlier report in the Post:
Proposal would force millions to file Social Security claims in person
The Social Security Administration is considering adding a new anti-fraud step to claims for benefits that the agency acknowledges would force millions of customers to file in person at a field office rather than over the phone, according to an internal memorandum.
The change would create major disruptions to Social Security operations, the memo said, and could cause particular hardship for elderly and disabled Americans who have limited mobility. The proposal also comes as Elon Musk’s U.S. DOGE Service has announced plans to cut thousands of agency jobs and close dozens of regional and local Social Security offices.
Those applying for retirement and disability benefits by phone would be required for the first time to authenticate their identity through an online system that the memo refers to as “internet ID proofing.” But if a claimant can’t verify their identity online, they would have to provide documentation in person at a field office, according to the memo, which was viewed by The Washington Post...
The memo estimates that 75,000 to 85,000 customers per week would be diverted to local field offices because many of the elderly and disabled people that Social Security serves would be unable to complete a new identity verification requirement online.
“Increased challenges for vulnerable populations,” “longer wait times and processing time,” “increased demand for office appointments” and “increased foot traffic” at local field offices are the kinds of service disruptions the memo warns would happen if the change is implemented—as well as legal challenges and “operational strain.”
"Increased foot traffic at local field offices"—some of which are now being closed!
According to leading experts, service disruptions could lead to anger at the hopelessly failed bureaucratic system. Out of the anger at the dysfunction and rubble, does privatization emerge?
We can't answer that question either. For the record, Ted Cruz's father hasn't been spotted in any of the new Kennedy files. Still, it makes for fun on certain "cable news" programs! Dear viewers, please look over here!
Also from the Post's report: This passage comes a bit later in the Post's report about the shocking new Kennedy files:
Philip Shenon, author of “A Cruel and Shocking Act,” a history of the Kennedy assassination, said that after scanning numerous documents in the latest release, he struggled to find much that altered his understanding of the killing. Many of the pages are difficult to read and filled with a litany of names and pseudonyms whose significance is not yet known—and may never be. It’s not easy for the average member of the public to compare the new unredacted records to their partially or fully redacted prior versions, he said.
Despite that bath of cold water from Shenon, the spokesperson Fields said this:
"The American people are truly going to be shocked at what they see.”
What does Philip Shenon know? Dear voters, please look over here!
ReplyDelete"...will require millions of Americans who file for benefits by phone to verify their identity using an online system or provide documentation in person at a field office."
Good. What's surprising is that it's just for "file for benefits". I know quite a few pension system, and each of them requires annual proof of life. That's how it should be.
"I know quite a few pension system." Yea, right. Do you also know quite a few dead people collecting SS? Nope, you don't, cause it don't happen numbskull liar.
DeleteI don't know any dead people collecting anything, retarded idiot-moonbat.
But DOGE, who are doing an audit for me, are reporting that billions are stolen and wasted. And without annual proof of life procedures, it's not surprising at all.
"But DOGE, who are doing an audit for me, are reporting that billions are stolen and wasted."
DeleteReally? Is there a 'report' somewhere behind this 'reporting'? With the details of who's stealing what and how?
No? Too bad. So close. So close to being true.
I audited the Republican Party. It's all bigots from stem to stern.
Delete4:50, you want to see what an audit looks like, maggot-breath? Go browse thru the OIGs audits on the internet. That was before orange chickenshit fired all the IGs.
DeleteRage and rave, idiot-moonbat. The more idiotic the merrier.
Nothing more merry than Republicans whining about how unfair it is that drag queens are protecting children from being sexually assaulted by religious camp counselors.
DeleteAOC is the future of the Democrat party.
ReplyDeleteThe bad news is she's no longer hot.
Spoken like an incel.
DeleteFAFO: Daniel Clarke-Pounder, 24, faces 20 years in federal prison after he allegedly firebombed a Tesla charging station in Charleston & spray-painted “F*ck Trump, Long Live Ukraine.”
ReplyDeleteSomething tells me deranged NPC hyphen-name Pounder is going to be a pound-ee when he goes to prison.
You like thinking about that.
DeleteDaniel-Clarke-Pounder sounds like the name of a guy who allegedly should have a statue in every town square.
DeleteIt sounds like the name of an unwashed coward who will now have to add a third name to his gay male feminist hyphen-name for his prison arranged marriage.
DeleteEnjoying seeing all the violent vandalizing coward dirtbags rounded up for defacing Teslas, and watching the left crater even further as they show what they are.
Rounded-up by who?
DeleteSome loser government employee, hoovering-up the tax dollars of hard-working Americans?
When will the Republican Party learn that not all "problems" can be solved by big government?
By law, illegal immigrations are not allowed to collect SC benefits. Perhaps the new procedure is designed to enforce that law.
ReplyDeleteMore calls from David in Cal to de-fund the police. This time, it's because he thinks a handful of incels hired by Musk are better at law enforcement than professional cops.
DeleteHegseth apparently removed DoD record of Jackie Robinson.
DeleteI wonder why he would do that, Dickhead?
Please tell us all again why you're not really racist.
Curious move from a political party with a voting base that aren't just a shit pile of bigots , but have real concerns about economics. (Hat tip, mainstream media).
DeleteSouth Carolina benefits?
DeleteWouldn't a smart first step in that process be determining how many people are collecting benefits who aren't qualified?
ReplyDeleteI mean, if you're going to put that many people out of their jobs AND make the process more cumbersome to navigate, wouldn't it make sense to see whether you're going to accomplish anything worthwhile?
Sorry. Clicked the wrong Reply link. That's to @DiC, above.
DeleteNo need to be sorry, fag.
DeleteQuaker - .Yes, that would be better. But, the problem is: How do you find out how many ineligible people are collecting benefits?
DeleteYou appoint an IG and conduct audits.
DeleteGood one, @10:24. :) But, seriously, your comment reminds me of why the IGs were fired. The IG for SS was there all along and apparently did nothing about the ineligible people receiving benefits.
DeleteStandard Republican playbook:
Delete1) Promote a false narrative with the help of right wing media outlets.
2) Promote policy based on the false narrative.
The false claim of rampant election fraud was an example. Trump appointed an "Election Integrity" committee chaired by a Republican in 2016. It disbanded after a year of failure to find the kind of fraud Trump and is colleagues were promoting (seniors in a Florida retirement community who voted twice for Trump are not good data to unearth).They learned from this. Don't collect data that may contradict the false narrative. And that is where we now are. DiC scratches his heard about how to verify whether the narrative concocted by Musk/ Trump is false. This is pure MAGA nonsense.
10:50 - What are you going to do about it? Cry like a woman online? What good does that do?
Delete11:16. No one is crying "like a woman", whatever the fuck you mean by that.
DeleteYou are crying like a woman. Incessantly bitching and moaning over something over which you have no control at all. Like you need attention or something. Boo-hoo the Republican playbook. What the fuck do you expect anyone to do about it, girl? Try to replace the vagina between your legs for a few moments, would you?
DeleteFag: a March 9 CNN survey gave the Democratic Party a 29% favorable, 54% unfavorable rating, the lowest approval rating the party has gotten from CNN this century. The Republican Party was at 36% favorable, 48% unfavorable.
DeleteOh did I hurt your feelings, MAGA? Looks like you have some issues with women. Don't let mommy sees this. So sad, she wouldn't approve of the little boy she raised so poorly.
DeleteI'm not sure.
It's between using my 2nd Amendment rights our founding fathers gave me to fight the tyranny of the government, or breaking into their offices and shitting on their desks.
Which do you think would be more effective?
Maybe you’re one of those men that likes to wear women’s clothes and put on mom’s lipstick, I’m not sure. But as for the second amendment, do whatever you want. I’m just saying you bitch and cry like a woman about Republicans when there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it and that is stupid. So maybe take your hand out of your vagina for a moment and get over yourself. Fag.
DeleteThere you go again. Mommy doesn't like your misogynist potty mouth , or does she? Maybe I got her wrong. Maybe you performed better for mommy than was expected and now your vagina fixation is all that's left of a bizarre childhood. Lucky you, though. You didn't grow up a pedophile like all those republican politicians. Or am I giving you too much credit?
DeleteI don’t know. I don’t really care. Just saying you bitch and moan like a woman about Republicans. Here you are talking about the Republicans playbook as if this is news or all powerful political organizations don’t use the same playbook or like there’s anything you could fucking do about it.
DeleteThe allegation that a whole lot of people won't be able to come into an SS office is spin. My sister's first job was as a claims person for SS. When a claimant was ready to start his/her benefits, the claimant would see my sister (or someone like her). Back in those days there were no computers or internet. Every single claimant had to begin their benefits in person. Bear in mind that they only had to come in once in order to receive SS benefits for the rest of their lives.
ReplyDeleteYes, making the claim by computer is more convenient. But people made it to the SS office in 1962. They can make in into the office today.
But Why make it less rather than more convenient? It isn’t spin to imagine that an in person visit is a hardship for people in rural areas, especially since Trump is also closing field offices. Also, those with disabilities or infirmities will have difficulty going in person.
DeleteBy the way, how many people couldn’t make it in person in 1962? How is 1962 relevant to today?
And by the way, if you take Social Security before age 70, you’re allowed to work. But you must inform Social Security of each job change/each salary change so that they can calculate how much of your benefits to withhold for that year. Why not just accomplish this with a phone call? Also Social Security is not just an old age payment, it also has a disability portion which helps people who are disabled or blind.
Yes, driving a car is more convenient. But people got from points A to B by horse in the 19th century, so use a horse. What rubbish.
DeleteMusk and Trump would like to solve a problem that they have yet to prove exists. But let's say, for your argument's sake, that SS payments are going out to dead people. How does one lifetime visit to an office prevent that? What right does the government have to tell anyone to submit to a task without demonstrating rationale for demanding it? Next they will tell us that we can't drink water while waiting in line to verify our existence. This is the kind of bullshit that republicans are masters at.
A man has just won gold in the Girls 400m Varsity race at the Portland Interscholastic League meet in Oregon.
DeleteBob says the JFK files might be used as a distraction from what Musk is doing. That's based on the assumption that what Musk is doing is unpopular. But, is it unpopular? My impression is that liberals hate what Musk is doing and conservatives love it. I do not know which side is more popular overall.
ReplyDeleteTrump's approval rating is declining and below 50% now. It has not reached his all time low of 31% in 2021, but that was when even Republicans would have found his pardoning of the insurrectionists distateful. We are less than 3 months into it and he has wisely allowed Musk to become the more hated one for his policies. The worsening tariff economy and his failure to address Social Security without inflicting unnecessary pain on the elderly will get him down into the thirties within 6 months. Have patience.
DeleteAlso, a lot of Federal judges are ruling that orange chickenshit and his nazi friend, mush, are violating the law and the Constitution. There's that too, Dickhead.
DeleteYes, idiot-moonbat, indeed a lot of Federal judges are ruling.
Here's one:
Federal Judge Orders Price Of Eggs To Go Back Up
"It's the court's position that egg prices must return to their previous elevated levels," District Judge Sandra Milo ruled. "Lower egg prices cause people to think President Trump is doing a good job, and that is a threat to our democracy. Therefore, egg prices must immediately go back up to their absurdly high levels. That's what the law clearly states."
"I am a federal judge, and I have spoken," she added.
7:21 provides another example of why conservatives don't have any sense of humor.
DeleteIt says all you need to know about the MAGA cult that after completely botching through lies and stupidity the COViD pandemic, killing hundreds of thousands, losing an election and lying about it, and triggering a riot on the Capitol, Trump still had a Harris poll approval rating of 31% in 2021. These are the deplorables.
Deleteha producido un "fanny-burp" en la tienda
ReplyDeleteLooks like TDH is protecting Dickhead in Cal now. Apparently he doesn't like DiC's theme song so it is automatically deleted every time I try to post it. I really don't understand Somerby's sympathy for an outright lying sack of shit fascist.
ReplyDeleteTDH deletes my posts about who's left the GOP since the turn of the century, too.
DeleteRachel Maddow was great last night. She touched a little bit on the fascist government attacks on our universities, a classic totalitarian tactic to eliminate any institution that can push back on their totalitarian moves. This unhappily coincides with the fascist government attempt to delete the Dept. of Ed with the swipe of orange chickenshit's ridiculous ostentatious Sharpie signature. The Worldwide Wrestling Sec of Ed is shown to be an empty lying sack of shit with her promise to work thru Congress to crush the DoE. And finally, it appears the new plan for student loan relief is to try to push as many people with student loans into poverty as quickly as possible. This will give his maggot base another opportunity to feel superior to those with an education.
ReplyDeleteThis is a terrible time to be living thru in this country. It is not going to end well.
I've moved to Canada. And you, Soros-bot, should too. Don't be a loser.
DeleteGive me your address in Canada, I want to come visit you.
DeleteAnd miss punching fascists in the face?
No thanks.
You do you.
Whoa. You, Soros-bot, sound like a dangerous bot. I'm shaking in my boots.
DeleteAnd now, tell me again about the terrible times you idiots are having.
David in Cal is saying Trump's long history of stiffing his contractors and lying every other word, should have no bearing on whether he is telling the truth now.
ReplyDeleteAnd don't think David is only being open-minded with Republicans. He doesn't take into account the past actions or words of Hamas, either.
All you have to do is ask yourself, would it matter to DiC if Trump were lying or not. Would it make any difference to him? After you thought about that for a second and stop laughing, you will understand why DiC is not worthy of any reply.
DeleteAll you have to do is ask yourself, "Will this restore racial hierarchies?", and if the answer is "yes", David's all in.
DeleteTrump gave a tour of the White House to a reporter and showed on a wall, behind a curtain (to protect it from light, no less), the US Constitution, not aware that it is a replica.
DeleteThe curtain was there so that he wouldn't have to read it.
DeleteThey were going to place the real one there but realized it would end up on the floor of a bathroom in Mar A Lago.
DeleteAll those "parents" the GOP paid to Karen school boards have been laid off by Trump.
"There was no explanation, no warning. One minute, I was in an immigration office talking to an officer about my work visa, which had been approved months before and allowed me, a Canadian, to work in the US. The next, I was told to put my hands against the wall, and patted down like a criminal before being sent to an Ice detention center without the chance to talk to a lawyer."
ReplyDeleteCecelia kept saying that Mooney's work visa had expired and that she was trying to enter the US without one, but Mooney herself contradicts that.
She is now back in Vancouver, but others with legitimate visas and green cards are being "disappeared". These are atrocities that make us all feel unsafe and less than free. The right to travel is a core American right, but if you cannot get back into the country without being arrested and deported to random places, there is no freedom.
Anonymouse 10:10am, at the time of our discussion, all the reports were that she was coming in with documents to renew her visa and that U.S. customs said that she did not have LEGAL documentation.. She says her old visa was still valid. Ok. You run that up the flagpole and salute it, because it’s to narrative. And that’s all you need. No doubts allowed. We get it.
DeleteWhy would a nice Canadian lady try to enter the horrible fascist Trumperica? Was it invasion or predatory incursion?
Anonymouse 10:33am, this is mickey mouse stuff. What Soros is working on is protests and molotov cocktail parties/fires at Tesla dealerships. Maybe some kid will think badly of this going on and try to play big man and guard one of these dealerships with a gun. We know how that ends. Keep your fingers crossed, Mr.Soros!
Don't fret, sister, Bondi is on the case. She will go to the ends of the earth to punish anyone who so much as gives Sir Elon of the Nazis a bad look.
DeleteAnonymouse 11:28pm, no, even the villainous Bondi knows the difference between bad looks and busting up,
DeleteNobody has touched a hair on his nazi face, Cec. Unfortunately.
Delete10:44 Wow another groundbreaking Pulitzer quality NY Post expose of 5 grassroots groups, two of which have balances of less than $40k engaged in peaceful protests. None charged with any crime.
DeleteAnonymouse 11:59am, who claimed that they’d bodily assault Elon, dolt? He probably has virtually invisible ninjas that appear when necessary.
DeleteFiring thousands federal employees and lying about their reasons for termination has its repercussions. The Republicans have learned a lesson: when they were all about election fraud and were asked for the receipts that had nothing. Now they make up bullshit stories across multiple agencies and fire people without waiting to be fact checked.
Delete“they had nothing”
ReplyDeleteIn related news, Tesla Cybertrucks have all been recalled for the eighth time because the glue that holds the metal trim in place fails, causing flying metal debris. Maybe burning them up at showrooms saves lives.
ReplyDeleteWhen Musk gets through with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, its employees will be looking for jobs in the Department of Education.
ReplyDeleteI was going to feel some empathy for Musk but some rich douchebag said that I should stay away from that emotion, which is our downfall.