FRIENDS: We won't be posting till mid-afternoon!

TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2024

Our plan RE the weekend friends:  Much like Rick in Casablanca, we'd been misinformed.

Yesterday afternoon, we told you that today's high temperature in Baltimore was forecast to be 101 degrees.

As of this morning, the forecast stands at 103! We regret the error. 

Even worse—due to a bunch of appointments, we won't be posting until this afternoon.

In the course of the week, we plan to record some—only some—of what we saw when we watched Fox & Friends Weekend this Sunday. It seems to us that what's happening on the Fox News Channel is a bit of cultural history which ought to be recorded.

The climate is changing, but so is the world. That second change to which we refer is being widely ignored by the men and women at our nation's finer news orgs.

They do good work in some other areas. For whatever reason, their news orgs seem determined to avert their gaze from this.


  1. I, for one, am immensely relived that we successfully thwarted the terrible threat of Global Cooling™ the Science™ was scaring us with, back in the 1970s.

    1. Monaco Mao thinks that if a small subset of scientists briefly got something wrong once, then that disproves a decades-long consensus among scientists world wide. Logic isn't Mao's strong point.

    2. Mao is a Soros-bot. Ignore the rants Soros pays him to write here.

    3. 10:16 AM is an antisemite.

    4. Aren't we all.

    5. Antisemites want to oppress Jews just for being Jewish.

      It is not antisemitic to criticize Jews for their actions.

      7:19 is wrong, models from the 70s were largely accurate.

    6. If you say so Sir, Mr. Soros.

    7. It is not based on someone's word, it is based on evidence.

    8. You have the last word.

    9. Not only where the 70s climate models accurate, the music was much better, people were happier and friendlier; this all ended when Reagan forced his neoliberalism, xenophobia, racism, and Christian nationalism onto our society. Biden is the first president since then to buck that trend.

    10. "were" not "where", learn English please, this is America!


    11. A new ice age is coming! Only cows, holy cows, can save us.

  2. Bengt Samuelsson has died.

    1. He died never having raped 13 yo Katie Johnson, unlike Trump.

  3. The planet is not warming. Carbon dioxide and methane do not absorb infrared light. People (and cows) do not put these gases in the atmosphere. The polar icecaps and glaciers are not melting. The seas are not rising. Even if all that stuff were true it wouldn’t matter. But it’s not true, it’s all a hoax.

    1. We'll know it's not a hoax, when free-market Libertarians start begging Daddy Government to save their businesses from the scourge of it.

    2. Hopefully, the idea that the government will do even one thing for those failing businessmen is also a hoax.

    3. Why you’re writing posts and then answering yourself, anonymouse flying monkey 9:57am, why wouldn’t libertarian business owners request help from the government if their businesses were affected by a crisis caused by climate change or floods, tornadoes, etc?

      Libertarian business owners pay taxes too.

    4. Cecelia,
      Libertarian business owners who pay taxes have every right to not believe a word of their anti-government ideology.
      I'd be a hypocrite, if I said they didn't. After all, I pay taxes and I don't believe a word of Libertarian ideology.

    5. Cecelia,
      Does that mean Donald Trump doesn't have the right to request help from the government if his businesses are affected by a crisis caused by climate change or floods, tornadoes, etc?

    6. Anonymices, you have the right to refuse military service based on moral or religious beliefs. The military will try to make accommodations for conscientious objectors where possible.

      You might as well argue that a drafted (involuntary) war objector placed in a non-combat role in a field office should not use a gun for self-defense if faced with enemy combatants who got into the base. That this would somehow make him hypocritical.

      No, he contributed, otherwise he could have been walked to jail at gunpoint. He has every right to avail himself of what he paid for.

    7. 10:58,
      Give it up.
      You may as well argue Libertarians support the conscientious objector being drafted into the government's military, with no choice of his own.

    8. Anonymouse, no, that wouldn’t make sense in actuality or analogy, so it could/would be your argument.

    9. I'm a pacifist, and I shoot a Nazi in a heartbeat.

    10. For Republicans, things like hypocrisy and lacking integrity are features, not bugs.

      They will never engage in good faith discourse, because they do not care about society, they only care about soothing their emotional discomfort when their dominance is challenged.

    11. Anonymouse 12;05pm, I replied to an anonymouse flying monkey who wastaking very dumb shots at libertarians and others and then agreeing with himself in other posts.

      You wouldn’t know “good faith” if you slept beside it.

    12. I sleep beside good faith. We’ve been married fifty years.

    13. You need to check. I think that’s just some pillows he bunched under the covers right before leaving.

    14. I understand you get triggered when right wing hypocrisy is pointed out.

      Chill out and have a laugh:

  4. The worst hoax of the last half-century is the one about the Republican voter who cares about something other than bigotry and white supremacy.
    You might fall for the climate change hoax when a warm spell hits. How do you fall for the one about the Republican voter not being a bigot?

    1. The media doesn't believe there is a Republican voter who isn't a bigot. They just report that stuff because they want the corporate tax breaks Republican politicians give them. Same reason they pretended to care that Republicans were pretending to care about Hillary's email protocols.

  5. Thomas Crooks, a White male Republican and gun enthusiast, has died.

    1. Murdered for exercising his 2nd Amendment rights.

    2. Police and Secret Service have second-amendment rights, too. They're the well-regulated militia.

    3. There's no amendment that gives the right to a man to rape a 13 yo girl, like Trump did.

    4. "They're the well-regulated militia."

  6. Joe Biden is a president.

  7. Joe Biden is working day and night helping Americans. But stupid Americans don't appreciate his hard work. I am saddened.

  8. As measured by the troposphere, the planet warmed by about 1 degree C in the last 45 years.

    In this period, forests expanded and food supply grew, due in part to a longer growing season and increased CO2 in the atmosphere.

    1. The guy who gets stuff wrong all the time on here is going to pretend he knows what he's talking about when it comes to a complex scientific issue

    2. Forgot to post the links.
      Rise in troposphere temperature

      Growth of forests

      Growth in agriculture production

    3. Overall forests have continued their decline, forests have only inconsequentially expanded in advanced countries that can take advantage of the continuing deforestation in less advanced countries that also happen to be areas where deforestation is more impactful.

      Food supply has grown due to increases in productivity.

      There are clear trends that indicate most of the world's population will transition to EV's and renewable energy sources (not nuclear) over the next 20-30 years, which will ameliorate some of the environmental damage we have done, and may diminish international conflicts, but it likely not be enough to prevent catastrophic consequences from climate change - a circumstance of our own doing.

    4. Don't skip nuclear. It's a necessary part of the transition.

    5. It is not necessary.

    6. It is necessary and sufficient, transitionally.

    7. @1:03 wrote, "There are clear trends that indicate..."

      Assuming that trends will continue is not always a good idea.

    8. David, defend nuclear energy. Or are you against it because it was developed in a government program?

    9. Defend nuclear energy? Gladly
      1. We need the energy. With the growth of AI and robots. With underdeveloped areas like Africa industrializing, the world needs all the energy it can get.
      2. Nuclear doesn't have CO2 emissions.
      3. Nuclear is now safe.
      4. Nuclear waste disposal is not a big problem, although many people think it is.
      5. Technology of mass produced small nuclear reactors make nuclear energy safer and a lot cheaper.

    10. This is rare, David. I agree with all the points you've made.

    11. David knows nothing about nuclear power.

      His views on nuclear are a function of his right wing partisan worldview, since renewables like wind and solar will diminish old hierarchies and level the playing field for many.

      I’m actually a physicist involved in monitoring nuclear power plants and they are absolutely not safe.

      There is no need for nuclear power, see Germany for example.

      Natural gas has many issues but is a more viable and responsible intermediate during transition to renewables.

      Nuclear is dead, it peaked in the mid 90s reaching about 17% of world electricity production, that’s now down to 9% and falling quickly.

      There are no new nuclear plants being built, except a few in China, and most are scheduled to be shuttered in the next couple of decades. By around 2050 nuclear will be gone forever, and renewables like solar and wind will account for nearly 100% of generated electricity.

    12. What about geothermal?

    13. A nuclear plant came on line in Georgia in the last couple of years. It was way over budget and serves as an example of why, from a cost standpoint, it is not viable as well. DIC is an expert in superficial observations and opinions.

    14. @DiC
      Nuclear is suddenly "safe"?

      The residents of Fukushima, Japan might have a different view.

  9. Joe Biden is a < href=> z-word.

    1. Learn how to link, doofus.

    2. Joe Biden still gets it on with his wife, with whom he has a loving relationship, in stark contrast to Trump, who thrust his embarrassingly small penis into a porn star as she held her breath due to Trump Stench while Trump's trophy wife was recovering from giving birth.

  10. Replies
    1. You have to guess. I used the actual word and got censored twice.

    2. a zunt? a zigger? a zag?

    3. Click the link. And when you find out what the z-word is, remember I got censored twice.

    4. Cute little skit, anonymices, how long did it take you to work this up?

    5. It took a couple hours. I linked, with no idea that my comment would disappear. Later, I saw that it wasn’t there. I linked again and checked; it was still there. I waited a while and it was gone. I linked one more time, using the euphemism “z-word”. This comment is still here.

  11. The Biden-Garland Justice Department has been successfully weaponized against a US Senator.

    1. The federal courts will never allow this to happen to President Trump.

  12. Bob Menendez is one lazy dumb Democrat pol who is stuffing cash into his jacket pockets, instead of opening two dozen or so shell companies, like everyone else. Any crackhead can do that.

  13. Oh dear.

    1. What's your problem, Cec? It's perfectly understandable. The suits at NBC just trying to avoid the predicable whinefest from the right wing fever swamps. Everybody is fucking sick of your continual grievance whining.

    2. What everybody wants is idiot-moonbat and soros-bot slapstick comedy, and nothing else. Anything else inevitably ruins precious idiot-moonbat magic.

    3. mao mao must be so excited, his VP nominee wants to start a full scale war with Iran and surrender Ukraine to Uncle Vlad. It's a perfect twofer.
