J. D. Vance on climate change!


But also, the New York Times on Vance: We just scrolled through the front page of the New York Times web site. With respect to climate issues, these four headlines appeared:

We Mapped Heat in 3 U.S. Cities. Some Sidewalks Were Over 130 Degrees.

Ukraine’s Devastated Energy Grid Battles a New Foe: A Sizzling Heat Wave

Amtrak Passengers Face Record Delays From Extreme Weather

J.D. Vance on the Issues, From Abortion to the Middle East

Oof! Actually, we copied that fourth headline from yesterday's notes. This excerpt from Adam Nagourney's report explains why we included it in the current list:

J. D. Vance on the Issues, From Abortion to the Middle East


Mr. Vance has said climate change is not a threat and has said he is skeptical of the scientific consensus that warming of the earth’s atmosphere is caused by human activity. “It’s been changing, as others pointed out, it’s been changing for millennia,” he told the American Leadership Forum. Mr. Vance is a strong supporter of the oil and gas industry—which is dominant in his home state—and has voiced opposition to wind and solar energy, and electric vehicles.

Say what? Climate change is not a threat? Also, Vance is skeptical of the idea that warming is caused by humans?

We were eager to believe the worst—but remembering a classic bromide, we decided to trust but verify by clicking Nagourney's proffered links. Perhaps we could see a fuller sample of what Vance has actually said.

What are the former hillbilly's views about this critical topic? Nagourney's link took us to Monday's report by Lisa Friedman. Headline included, this is the way it started:

J.D. Vance Is an Oil Booster and Doubter of Human-Caused Climate Change

Senator J.D. Vance, Republican of Ohio, is a strong supporter of the oil and gas industry, opposes solar power and electric vehicles, and has said climate change is not a threat.

It wasn’t always that way.

Mr. Vance, a fierce critic of Mr. Trump before becoming one of his most loyal MAGA supporters, also appears to have undergone an evolution on the issue of climate change. As recently as 2020, Mr. Vance said in a speech at Ohio State University that “we have a climate problem in our society.” He praised solar energy and he called natural gas an improvement over dirtier forms of energy, but not “the sort of thing that’s gonna take us to a clean energy future.”

Fast forward to 2022. As Mr. Vance sought Mr. Trump’s endorsement for his bid for the Senate, his positions on climate change took a sharp turn.

There it was, the central claim—Vance has said that climate change isn't a threat. He has also flipped his previous stance on this general topic, Friedman also says.

The shapeshifting isn't hard to believe, but what exactly has he said about the threat from climate change, or perhaps about the lack of same? 

Sad! As Friedman's report continues, this is what—and this is all—she explicitly says:

“I’m skeptical of the idea that climate change is caused purely by man,” Mr. Vance told the American Leadership Forum that year.

He acknowledged that the climate was changing but said that humans had no role in the changes. “It’s been changing, as others pointed out, it’s been changing for millennia,” Mr. Vance said.

Confusing! According to Friedman, Vance said—two years ago!—that he's skeptical of the idea that climate change is caused purely by humans.

At least, that's what he's said to have said in the first of those two paragraphs. Then we reach Freidman's next paragraph, in which he's said to have said that humans have no role in climate change.

We humans! We have no role, or possibly some! As Friedman continues, we see no direct discussion of whether Vance regards climate change as a threat. She focuses on the ways he has favored industry interests since becoming a senator.

In search of even greater punishment, we decided to click the link Friedman provides. We hoped that it would let us see what Vance actually said to that Leadership Forum—and we'll guess that's what it does!

Sad! Friedman's link took us to the videotape of an event which bore this title:

American Leadership Forum | An Evening with the Ohio Candidates for US Senate

As you can see by clicking Friedman's link, the videotape is two hours and 28 minutes long. Apparently, the viewer is supposed to watch the whole thing, hoping to hear what Vance actually said about this topic—rather, to hear what he said on one occasion roughly two years ago.

We're sure there's somewhere we could go to learn more about what Vance has said concerning climate change. Meanwhile, evidence grows that our human race just isn't built for this game. That's true on the "socios running for office" side, but also within the raggedy realm where we humans try to produce solid strong journalism.

Our question:

Has this fellow ever said that climate change isn't a threat? That was Nagourney's opening statement, but after reading these two reports, inquiring minds—wracked by frustration—can still only want to know.


  1. WTF Bob Somerby??? In the very same NYT piece Somerby references:

    Last year Mr. Vance wrote an opinion essay saying Ohioans “are lucky to live on top of the Utica Shale oil and gas basin,” a reservoir that contains about 38 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, and praised techniques like hydraulic fracturing that he said “have allowed us to unleash these abundant natural resources."

    Mr. Vance criticized the Biden administration for “doing everything it can to subsidize alternative energy sources and demonize our nation’s most reliable sources of power” and accused the administration of “wanton harassment of fossil fuel companies, to the detriment of the American people.” (Article also correctly points out that more carbon energy was extracted last year in the USA than in any preceding year, and also that the USA produced more energy than any other country in history.)

    Ms. Friedman goes on: "Mr. Vance has attacked the Inflation Reduction Act, a 2022 law that Democrats passed without Republican votes and that has become the centerpiece of President Biden’s climate agenda. The law injects at least $370 billion over a decade in incentives for wind, solar and other clean energy."

    “It’s dumb, does nothing for the environment and will make us all poorer,” he wrote on social media during his 2022 campaign for the Senate.""


    "Ohio has seen more than $12 billion in clean energy investment since the law passed, according to Atlas Public Policy, a policy and data research firm. That includes Honda and LG committing more than $5 billion to electric vehicle battery manufacturing and factory retooling across the state."

    "Last year Mr. Vance introduced legislation to repeal federal tax credits for electric vehicles that were created under the I.R.A. His measure called for a $7,500 tax credit specifically for American-made gas or diesel-powered vehicles."

    Is Somerby even trying anymore? Maybe it is the meds.

    1. Electric vehicles don't reduce carbon emissions. The power needed to create the extra electricity comes from fossil fuels. We're already using all the non-fossil fuel energy that we produce.

      Climate change is an excuse to give money or special benefits to some businesses. That's great for Congresspersons and Senators, because the beneficiaries give them a lot of money in exchange for these benefits.

    2. Fossil-fuel producers never give money to politicians.

    3. The climate is not changing, the globe is not warming.

    4. "Electric vehicles don't reduce carbon emissions. The power needed to create the extra electricity comes from fossil fuels."

      The truth of the first statement is not implied by the truth of the second.

      It depends how much fossil fuel is needed to power an electric car compared to a gas-powered.

    5. Good point, @8:04.This Reuters report shows that gasoline or electric might have lower lifetime emissions, depending on the number of miles driven. The electric is better only after the vehicle was driven a lot of miles. If there were spare electricity not generated from fossil fuels, then electric cars would be better. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/lifetime-carbon-emissions-electric-vehicles-vs-gasoline-cars-2021-06-29/

    6. EVs do reduce emissions in the sense that they replace cars that have emissions. The cost to create electricity depends on where the charge comes from. Teslas are sold with solar panels and battery installations so you can produce your car's energy without drawing on sources involving carbon. That all costs extra but many of us consider it worth it to try to help save our planet (that is the overall term for helping people who live elsewhere avoid flooding, hurricanes, excessive heat deaths, wildfires, etc).

    7. Solar energy comes from nuclear fusion.

    8. The Republican voter who cares about something other than bigotry and white supremacy is a hoax.

    9. You missed my whole point DIC. My point was Somerby's complaint is he is not sure if transexual eyeshade Vance had changed his position to his now God awful position on Climate Change. Like who the fuck cares if he changed his position, his position is the death of the planet for the profit of corporations. Pretty sure that planetary death is cooked into the book now. The way the Lord Jesus has planned, with Trumps miraculous recovery from a shard of glass nicking his ear. (Note Trump only puts the tampon on his ear at the convention, not when golfing.)

      But come on now, why is it only acceptable to profit from burning carbon? Why shouldn't folks profit from cleaner energy? And don't tell me about subsidies until you do your own research on big oil subsidies.


  2. "We Mapped Heat in 3 U.S. Cities. Some Sidewalks Were Over 130 Degrees."

    Do you realize, Bob, that by doom&gloom-mongering on account of occasional heatwaves you're opening yourself to mockery on account of occasional cold spells?

    "Climate change" could very well be a threat (or a blessing to some, Canadians, for example), but hot sidewalks in three American cities is neither here nor there.

    1. The climate is not changing. The globe is not warming.

    2. 3:38: My head is in the sand, I can not hear you lalalalalalalala

    3. Try buying Gulf Coast property windstorm & flood insurance.

    4. The Republican voter isn't economically anxious. No Republican voter can understand economics.


  3. American President must have two whole ears. It's in the Constitution.

    I am Corby.

  4. Bob, it’s so hot you can fry dry ice on the sidewalks.

  5. Biden has covid.

  6. Off topic: A photo editor at a "major news outlet" said the media should bury the incredible photo of Trump raising his fist, because it might help Trump. In fact, the NY Times and some other major newspapers did choose to not use this fantastic photo. https://instapundit.com/661153/

    1. The photos are copyrighted. Some ignorant people have been violating the copyright by using the photos without permission. Photos are the intellectual property of the person who took them.

    2. Assume DiC is wrong about everything.

    3. Uh, @8:01 The photos were taken by an AP photographer. The NY Times, as an AP subscriber, had the right to use these photos, as numerous newspapers across the nation did.

    4. This isn't what I've read elsewhere, but the principle is the same. Someone owns photos, whether it is the AP or someone else. The AP does not give permission to random right wingers to start putting their photographers pictures on t-shirts.

    5. To normal Americans the photo makes Trump look like a clown, particularly as the dad that protected his family was dying right there.

      It may work to excite his loyalists, but they were already going to vote for him, and even some of them find the photo cringeworthy, particularly since the shooter was one of their own - a White male Republican gun nut that had Trump signs in his yard.

      Move on to your next phony or misguided claim David.

    6. When I am in a multi person bad event; I first do a mental check over what damage happened to me, then ask how everyone else is doing. Then I ask to get me my shoes, oh damn the lifts already tumbled out...

    7. Anonymouse 9:33pm, the remark was about newspapers not running the photo and anonymices morphed them into “random right wingers”.

    8. @9:33 The NY Times had already paid the AP for the use of any copyrighted AP articles or photos. That's the point of the AP.

      @9:43 - Admiring a photo is a matter of taste. Do you like "Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima"? https://www.yahoo.com/news/weather/united-states/california/menlo-park-2449435
      Some have compared the Trump photo to that famous photo.

      IMO it's an amazing photo. Bear in mind that it wasn't staged in any way. You have Trump looking up, while the Secret Service man are looking down. There's the expression on Trump's face. The blood on his face. The flag that just happened to be there in a perfect position. The blue sky as a non-busy background. It will probably win the Pulitzer Prize as best photo of the year (unless the Trump haters manage to prevent that.)

      I understand, @9:43, that you're not impressed with the photo, but I think the majority of people do find it impressive.

    9. Imagine Mussolini or Hitler in a similar picture. Who cares? So a disgusting, lying, utterly self-serving criminal/fascist showed defiance when his life was threatened. He's still a disgusting, lying, utterly self-serving criminal/fascist that shouldn't be admired. Imagine a common criminal like Al Capone getting shot at and showing defiance. So what? Does that make him admirable? No, he would still just a murderer and crime boss.

    10. I'm waiting for the photo of Trump hanging around an Esso station.

    11. Hey Dickhead in Cal, I think the orange abomination was shaking his fist at me.

      BTW, the first thing I saw when I turned the TV on the next morning was that fucking still photo of the president surrounded by SS agent but totally exposed from head to belt just so he could shake his small hand fist and snarl at me. People in the stands were giving me the middle finger also.

      Kaitlin Collins, the star anchor for CNN, had instantly decided that the photo must be "iconic" and mean the same thing to all of us, even me. I don't know, is it as "iconic" as the orange abomination's mug shot?

  7. Biden tested positive for covid. Is this bad news for Biden, because it takes him off the stump? Or is it good news for Biden because it takes him off the stump?

    1. I scooped you, Dave.

    2. Getting ready to watch the first round of the Open tomorrow morning and I am reminded of another episode of blatant abuse of power and corruption from Trump when he abused his office continually for personal gain. He used the US Ambassador to the UK to try to strongarm the British Government to help Trump get the British Open played at his Turnberry golf course.

      "...the ambassador's deputy twice told him not to make the request because it would be unethical..", but Woody Johnson did it anyway.

      Ethical , schmethical. Who the fuck cares?

      And I am again reminded of the kind of depraved immoral piece of shit DiC really truly is.

    3. Covid is bad news for anyone because who wants to be sick? Have a bit of compassion you assholes.

    4. David was a good decent person before Zionism poisoned his soul.

    5. Looks like the anti-Biden Dems are moving up. The NY Times reported
      Democrats’ rebellion against President Biden intensified on Wednesday with the party’s congressional leaders lobbying successfully to delay his nomination by a week, prolonging the debate over the viability of his candidacy.

      The maneuver came as Representative Adam B. Schiff of California became the highest-profile Democratic lawmaker to call on Mr. Biden to end his run.

    6. What? No demand to see the test results in case Biden is faking his illness?

    7. @8:00 - being mildly sick or injured is not a big deal. How much compassion do you have for Donald Trump suffering from a sore ear? I don't have much.

      Covid today is comparable to the flu or a cold, especially for someone who has had all his shots, which I assume Biden has. My daughter, who lives alone, had covid a couple of weeks ago. My compassion was merely for the inconvenience of her being stuck at home for a few days.

    8. DiC, do you and Cecelia have any life outside of commenting at this blog? Why don’t you try it?

    9. Anonymouse 9:00pm, you first.

    10. David, when I had Covid three years ago, they made me take Paxlovid due to a chronically low white cell count. Paxlovid is definely an example of the cure being worse than the disease.

    11. David, Covid is different for different people. There are still people dying of it and some feel a lot worse than others with it. Your daughter is not the gold standard for deciding how bad covid is for others.

    12. Republicans are desperate for Biden to drop out, good to know.

    13. Anonymouse 9:45pm, that describes the Democrats.


    14. 9:06. Typical Republican anecdotal fact- free remark.

    15. Anonymous 10:39pm, my remark is no different from the one below it.

    16. Speaking of Covid, the Lancet, a reputable peer reviewed British medical journal, published an analysis of excessive US deaths during the Covid epidemic which concluded that 40% could have been prevented during the Trump administration with appropriate government policy. Since then, reevaluation of death data has indicated that mortality from Covid was under-reported, making that 40% figure an underestimate, if true. Dr. Fauci noted that Trump supported the use of hydroxychloroquine, which has been shown completely ineffective against the virus, due to Laura Ingraham's snake oil promotion of the drug. Two dumbasses with blood on their hands.

    17. 10:46. Your remark specifies that Paxlovid is worse than a Covid infection. The comment below it makes no equivalent generalization, in fact, stating that individuals are diverse.

    18. Anonymouse 1:24pm, how does my story contrast with the anonymouse’s comment advising David not to underestimate the impact of contracting Covid?

      My input supports the anonymouse’s point, as does my own experience with Pavlovid, which the article specifically reports that Biden is taking. The potential side effects of this treatment can readily be found on the drug company's website.

      Stuff your stupid chiding.

    19. Cecelia,
      That's each Democrats choice on whether they want Biden to drop out or not. It's similar to how each Republican gets to choose whether they want to support a rapist as their Presidential candidate or not.
      Each person makes up their own mind individually. Just because every single Republican supports a rapist as their Presidential nominee, doesn't mean they didn't each individually make that decision by themselves.

    20. Anonymouse 7:40pm, you’ve mixed the post by anonymouse 9:45pm (which posits that Republicans are desperate for Biden to get out the race) with my post linking to an article with stats on Democrats who want Biden out of the race.

      Biden has been damaged by the debate, his every remark is now scrutinized for confabulations and confusion, and now Pres Biden has a medical condition that is acutely concerning among his age group and will effect his ability to campaign.

      How clueless are anonymices to think that Republicans want Biden replaced? You reason like an eight-year-old on a kiddie baseball team.

    21. 7:10 "Paxlovid is definely (sic) an example of the cure being worse than the disease." And how would you know? You took the drug and did not ride out the natural course of the infection. Do you have a clone who participated in the control arm of that study? Logic and science left the republican party long ago."They made me take it..." How old are you? Instead of being thankful that there is a medication that limits the extent of a potentially deadly disease, especially with your immune system, you mounted a resistance to it when they tied you down and shoved it down your throat.Think: if you had decided that you had free will, we might not at this time, be reading your drivel.

    22. According to this, Paxlovid is a "money grab", with not discernable benefits:

    23. Anonymouse 9:03am, you’re doubling down on stupid via your reasoning abilities, as well as this being the hill you want to die on.

      Believe it or not , “ The cure is worse than the disease” is an old saying.that is used to describe any sort of solution that is more challenging than the actual problem, albeit being a necessary action. I experienced that with Pavlovid and had been informed by the PHYSICIAN that this might happen..

      David’s dismissal of the seriousness of an 81-year-old having Covid and taking a medication that may worsen symptoms should be a response that anyone might question. An anonymouse did question David based upon David’s citing his daughter’s experience. I questioned David too, via my experience with Pavlovid..

      The possible side effects (things that are extracurricular… to the actual symptoms of the disease) are ascertained via actual studies by actual professionals. Move on, putz.


    24. "How clueless are anonymices to think that Republicans want Biden replaced?"

      Yes, better for Republicans if Biden stays in the race.
      Imagine how incredibly hard it will be to get Republican voters juiced-up about voting for Trump over a a black woman. That would neuter the GOP"s whole ability to disparage the Democratic Presidential
      Now, pull Cecelia's other finger.


    25. It's true that for Kamala dementia would be an improvement. But she does look younger.

    26. Anonymouse genius 10:05am, Republicans are a given to vote for Trump.

      Biden has been weakened (figuratively and actually). This could affect the voters in the middle and the unaligned.

      If Biden can’t get out on the campaign trail, or if he makes gaffes repeatedly, he may depress voter turnout among Democrats.

      I’m not trying to salt a wound, I’m telling you why it is stupid to think that Biden is such a threat that Republicans want him gone. The last thing we want is Biden quitting.

    27. "Biden's stuttering is more important to Democratic voters than the lowest unemployment rate in over half a century" is certainly a take. I'll give you that.

    28. "I questioned David...." OK, now you're lying. Nowhere do you question David. Nice try. Show the comment that questioned David.

    29. David, claimed that time has diminished the punch of the virus, an anonymouse and I made statements that questioned David’s surety that Biden’s discomfort would be minimal.

      Anonymices- concrete.

    30. Link requires subscription. No thanks. Drug halves hospitalization and death rates in those at most risk, per most recent study that was published this year, which is cited on Yale medical web site. Going from death rate of 2-1% is not a big deal unless you are in that group. FDA approved based on placebo controlled trials. So Pfizer, the FDA, and university medical facilities are all in collusion about this drug. Sure.

    31. Above refers to 9:22 post.


    32. "So Pfizer, the FDA, and university medical facilities are all in collusion about this drug. Sure."

      And what would be so surprising about that? Money talks -- bullshit walks.

  8. Replies
    1. Heather Cox Richardson says it is a big mistake to push for Biden to drop out.

    2. Drum also thought former President Obama was finished after his first debate with Romney in 2012. He also thought Dubya had proof of WMDs in Iraq in March 2003.

      He should stick to taking butterfly photos.

    3. Drum is a VSP (very serious person)
      The great thing about being a VSP is you never have to worry about being wrong with your predictions.
      Dirty hippies who were right about these things don't score any points with the VSPs.

    4. Drum is a VFP — very frivolous person. That’s why I love him so.

  9. Vance just pontificated regarding the so- called record - breaking wage growth during the Trump administration. He said that there was a beautiful graph showing the spike. Looks like he misread the x axis or is a liar.
    I favor the latter.

    1. In Vance's defense, he has to lie. He's been named the Vice Presidential candidate of a political party where the voters enjoy being lied to.


  10. I love Donald Trump's iconic image. It's beautiful.

  11. J.D. Vance is in the mainstream of the Republican Party. Deny facts because you know better than scientists and infectious disease experts.

    1. Hillbilly Himmler is the Republican VP candidate.

    2. GOP voters love Vance even though he isn't credibly accused of sexual assault.
      I told you it was the bigotry, and not the raping that turns-on GOP voters.

    3. “GOP voters love Vance even though he isn't credibly accused of sexual assault.”

      Not to worry. There’s plenty of time for Democrats to accuse Vance of sexual assault.

    4. I'm a Republican, and I don't like bigotry. But I do like rape.

    5. 9:58,

      Let's be very clear about this. Trump was not found liable for raping EJ Carroll. He was found liable of sexually assaulting her. I don't understand why Dems can't get it straight. It was obvious from her testimony that his dick as so small she could honestly say if he penetrated her with his pinky or his dick. Wisely the jury gave him the benefit of the doubt.

      Now onward to his second term and raping the country!

    6. Trump might not be a rapist, but he’s the closest to a rapist among the available candidates, so I’m with him all the way.

  12. I’m demented. Why else would I read this blog?

    1. It's a perfect place to own libs.

    2. I don’t want to own libs. If I had any, I’d sell them.

    3. You need deep pockets to afford a Thomas or Alito on the Supreme Court.

    4. @4:48 PM
      Try 'em out first, 4:48 PM. Some of 'em libs are good at tap dancing.
