Which would work better, Plan A or Plan B?


Like you, we have no idea: We awoke this morning to videotape of the rubble—of the destruction—at Ukraine's largest children's hospital

From 6 o'clock until 6:15, we then watched the rubble of the pseudo-discussion being conducted on Fox & Friends. We then switched over to Morning Joe, with Joe Scarborough seemingly back from re-education camp.

More on that some other day! For now, at least as a matter of theory, Blue America still has two possible ways to go:

Plan A: President Biden is nominated as the candidate again.

Plan B: President Biden decides to step aside. Someone else becomes the candidate through a makeshift nomination process.

As before, so too today! We don't know which approach would be more likely to produce an electoral win.

(We'll admit we find it hard to believe that a Plan B could ever come off.)

For ourselves, we were off with the doctors for the bulk of the day. Tomorrow morning, we'll return to the array of fails which have brought us to this highly instructive strange place.

Some of those fails have been epic fails! The gas-powered clown cars never stop rolling into the studios over at Fox—but in our view, the fails which have brought us to this place haven't all occurred Over There.


  1. I hope Bob is going to be all right.

    1. Seth Meyers' take on our current situation:


  2. Biden's not going to drop out unless he dies. Maybe Trump will screw up somehow. The presidency is his if he doesn't. People don't want Biden, especially now that he has made clear to people what they already knew - he's not up for the job. I think Kamala could take it if she had the chance. But Trump is going to get it because of an power hungry old man's ginormous ego and pride and the insane belief people want an unlikeable 85 year old man with Parkinson's running the country. It's one for the books!

    1. Polls do not support this view. Biden does not have Parkinson’s. His doctor said so.

    2. "the insane belief people want an unlikeable 85 year old man with Parkinson's running the country"

      Unlikeable? He's like your grandpa.

    3. I know - I should have said an unlikeable 85 year old man with failing health and visibly diminished mental capacity running the country.

    4. Biden is not 85.

    5. I know-- I should have said a rapist, who took away women's reproductive rights, and is a hero to bigots.

    6. He is asking us to vote for him to run OUR country when he is 85.

    7. When he should be asking US to vote for him because he cheats at golf.

  3. Realistically, Plan A is reality because Biden is already the nominee. He has said he is not stepping aside, so what is there to talk about? There is no Plan B either.

    Mr. Somerby, please do not focus on epic fails. It is embarrassing to use that language at your age and we don't care what is going on at Fox because no liberal watches Fox.

    Cecelia, you don't send someone a get well card just because they have a doctor's visit, when you are in your 70s.

    1. He was riffing on 'epic fails' used here, remember? 👁️🤷🏻🐩🧖🏿‍♀️


    2. When you are older you have a lot of doctor visits arising from ongoing maintenance, not injury or illness. The goal is to maintain quality of life not to “get well” from anything.

    3. Anonymouse 6:52pm, it would depend upon the illness and people of all ages appreciate a cheering note.

    4. Do you think people in hospice appreciate “get well soon” cards, especially cheery ones? You know absolutely nothing about why Somerby is going to the hospital.

    5. Anonymouse 7:17pm, I wouldn’t send a hospice patient that sort of card.

      Your initial response to me used the example of seniors, not dying people. Young people can be in hospice care.

    6. BTW- I am not about to send Bob anything. even if I knew where to send it.

      We are not friends or acquaintances and I’m not a creepy stalker.

    7. I’m a creepy stalker. I’d send something nice to Cecelia if I knew her address. Something very nice.

    8. I’d reciprocate with a restraining order.

    9. I’d respect the restraining order. I don’t want to lose my right to keep and bear arms.

    10. 9:15,
      Go for it. The Supreme Court has your back.

    11. Anonymouse 9:15pm, and as thoroughly as I understand that you are trying to elicit an aggressive response, I still want you to keep all your rights too.

    12. Our most precious right, is the right to be shot to death in a First Grade classroom. Thanks for protecting it.

    13. Postnatal abortion wouldn’t happen if the baby had a bump stock.

  4. Bob, here’s a doctor diagnosing Pres. Biden without examining him.


    1. If it is without examination, it is not a diagnosis. Biden’s neurologist says he doesn’t have Parkinson’s.

    2. Anonymouse 7:15pm, how many times did you tell Bob that clinicians could not speculate on Trump “disorders” without examining him?

    3. Exactly, and I agree they shouldn’t do it to Biden either. Biden was examined by a doctor during his annual physical and found to not have Parkinson’s or any other neurological disorder, including dementia.

    4. Anonymouse 7:45pm, it’s evident that when there’s a will, Democrats and the media will find a way.

    5. There are plenty of Democrats standing by Biden too.

    6. Anonymouse 7:58pm, agreed.

    7. Biden simply needs to release his MRI and we're good.

    8. One thing is certain: Biden is not acting presidential.

    9. Biden’s neurologist released a statement and the exam results. No one releases MRIs.

    10. His boy doctor who isn't even a M.D. released a statement. The neurologist hasn't said a word. We need to see this pathetic geezer's MRI. He works for us. His people have been full of crap about his health and if he wants to be elected, he must release his MRI proving he doesn't have Parkinson's. Something is wrong with him.

    11. The Wall Street Journal says Biden spends half of the day on the toilet.

    12. I want that MRI, and I want it now.

    13. Let me know when he rants about post-birth abortions. Then I'll really know he's fucked in the head.

    14. The MRI will show that he’s had a postnatal abortion.

    15. That's what the deep state wants you to believe.

    16. If you don't like Trump you should be really pissed at the Democratic establishment for serving you such shit as they have with this fucking ancient, power mongering, egomaniac who is about to lose an election to him. They had four fucking years to get it together and they made one stupid mistake after another. Now they're trying to serve you Dark Brandon bullshit marketing. It may work on you which is great but it doesn't work on enough people to elect that fucking 86 year old, piece of shit, idiot cunt. He's a fucking joke. So cry me a river about fucking Trump. The fact that he is even in the running says what you need to know about Democrats! These aged, entrenched, zillionaire fuck face piece of shit establishment Democrats that suck fucking balls. You deserve Trump for sucking their cock every day. Fucking sheep. Fucking idiot.

    17. The deep state is my friend and protector.

    18. 11:04,
      If Trump wins we'll blame it on you. You are the one who caused it. You are the one who deserves it. After all, we can't possibly blame Trump voters if Trump wins. That would be uncivil.


    19. When Trump wins I will keep my Soros-bot job.

      But if Trump loses, there will be probably massive layoffs at our Soros-bot farm. Catastrophic.

    20. But none of this resolves the core issue: where is that MRI?

    21. "Biden simply needs to release his MRI and we're good."
      Like when Obama released his birth certificate.

  5. A Democrat neurologist who treats Parkison's patients went on NBC News to talk about Joe Biden's condition

    Dr. Tom Pitts works with Parkinson's patients in a clinical setting in Dayton, Ohio. His specialty is listed as Neurology Clinical Interpretation, and although he has never met Biden, he said he could diagnose him with Parkinson's disease "from across the mall" — it's that obvious.

    "Oh, yeah, I see [patients like Biden] 20 times a day in the clinic. I mean, it's ironic because he has just the classic features of neurodegeneration," observed Pitts


    1. It's worth noting that this doctor is a Democrat and that his evaluation appeared on NBC, a station that usually supports Democrats.

    2. "Pitts caveated that he has never been in the 'same room' with the president, who has insisted he will carry on with his re-election campaign, and could not judge whether Biden’s cognitive abilities had diminished."

    3. It's worth noting David is getting his news about Biden's cognition from the New York Times, a Republican-run newspaper, that usually doesn't support Democrats.


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