SATURDAY: AOC has been flashing white power signs...


...and climate change is a hoax: This past Tuesday, USA Today filed a report about a relatively minor apparent effect of ongoing climate change.

For the record, the report assumes the truth of a fairly obvious fact. It assumes the fact that climate change is actually occurring. 

As recent events may seem to suggest, climate change is actually happening! (Unless you're paid by Fox.) At any rate, here's what USA Today's news report said, headline included:

Climate change is making days (a little) longer, study says

Two new scientific studies suggest that global warming is changing the rotation of the Earth and is also increasing the length of day "at an unprecedented rate."

Here's what's happening: As the planet heats up, ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are melting, and this water from the polar regions is flowing into the world’s oceans–and especially into the equatorial region. This is changing the Earth's shape and thus slowing its speed of rotation.

“This means that a shift in mass is taking place, and this is affecting the Earth’s rotation,” explained co-author Benedikt Soja of the Swiss University ETH Zurich, in a statement.

Thus, as the Earth is turning more slowly, the days are getting longer, albeit only minimally, on the order of a few milliseconds a day. But it's potentially enough to affect GPS, communications and even space travel.

And so on from there. For the transcript of an NPR discussion of this same topic, you can just click here.

So it went as major news orgs reported these new studies. Below, we're going to show you the way the circus clowns on the Gutfeld! program reacted to USA Today's report.

Welcome to the American Babel! More specifically, welcome to the American Babel in our failing nation's destructive era of journalistic "segregation by viewpoint." 

For the reactions from the Gutfeld! program's boatload of fools, we invite you to keep reading. First, though, we want to report what AOC has "shockingly" done.

"Shockingly," AOC has been caught flashing a white power sign! For that, we'll visit the gang on Fox & Friends Weekend, this very morning:

Fox & Friends Weekend, this morning:

This very morning—credit where due!—Will Cain came fighting back.

Within the past week, it had been said that Cain is the mildest of the three friends who co-host Fox & Friends Weekend. 

As perhaps with Steve Doocy something like a month ago, so too possibly here! When Fox News employees get tagged as soft, they have to come fighting back.

So it may have happened today, early in the 7 o'clock hour:

The friends were discussing a recent TikTok video posted by AOC. In the video, AOC criticizes fellow Democrats for failing to go on the record when they say that President Biden should abandon his White House campaign. 

(For ourselves, we'd criticize AOC for doing what so many do. We'd criticize her for acting like there's only one way—hers!—to assess this complex situation.)

Back to this morning's show! After Rachel and Pete had spent kicked AOC around a bit, Will jumped into the fray with this peculiar statement:

CAIN (7/20/24): She shockingly flashed a white power symbol throughout that video. I don't know what she was trying to get—we had a national reckoning about that years ago. Many people were fired. Many people were kicked out of Wrigley Field.

Say what? Rep. Ocasio-Cortez had been flashing a white power sign?

To us, that sounded unlikely. But "knowing how way leads on to way," we assumed we'd find the source of Cain's claim in a quick search online. 

Sure enough! There it was, the latest dispatch from Our Modern American Babel. Some nutcases at some of the nuttier outposts have been pimping this claim online. 

This morning, Cain took the claim and he ran. He was now the nuttiest friend—the one who was driving the clowncar!

Was AOC flashing white power signs in her TikTok post? Cain didn't attempt to explain what he meant. He made no attempt to offer evidence in support of his puzzling claim. 

He simply floated the puzzling claim—took the bullroar and ran. Inevitably, the other two stooges were eager to help. Rachel Campos-Duffy, who's enormously genial but truly believes, quickly jumped in with this:

CAIN: She shockingly flashed a white power symbol throughout that video. I don't know what she was trying to get—we had a national reckoning about that years ago. Many people were fired. Many people were kicked out of Wrigley Field.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: You can be sure she won't be.

AOC won't be kicked out of Wrigley Field! With that standard bow to tribal resentment, the trio of friends moved on. 

Welcome to the American Babel, where every claim of this type is true, and no inanity gets left behind

The Gutfeld! program, last night:

With that, we return to last night's Gutfeld! program. 

As usual, The Savage Chimp opened with his standard array of ugly jokes about those with whom he disagrees. Nancy Pelosi doesn't look right in a bikini these days, this sick little nutcase instantly said. 

Eventually, he started pretending to conduct discussions of actual issues. Midway through the program, he introduced that article from USA Today as the starting point for a segment.

You may recall what the headline said. The headline in question said this:

Climate change is making days (a little) longer, study says

That news report was the basis for the pseudo-discussion which ensued. After describing the finding of the study, he threw to Charly Arnholt to start the pseudo-discussion.

Arnholt is conventionally attractive, and she's still young enough. Like other guests on this prime time "news program," she's also a genuine flyweight.

Beyond that, she's paid to behave in the ways she behaves. With USA Today's headline shown on the screen, here's how the "discussion" started:

GUTFELD (7/19/24): Charly, new research indicates the earth's rotation is slowing down because melting polar ice is shifting the earth's mass around the equator. Days are now a few milliseconds longer. 

Can you explain the science to me?

ARNHOLT: I don't know who's mad about this! I'm happy about this, if this is true. I love climate change if this is true, because I'm always complaining about how the days are too short. 

I wish I had more time. I mean, I'll be honest, it's only by a few milliseconds per day—

GUTFELD: But it adds up!

ARNHOLT: OK, but I would like to take this time to say thank you to the made-up hoax called climate change if this is in fact true. And to discuss it further, I'd like to offer myself for a trip to the Mediterranean on Mark Zuckerberg's new mega-yacht—$300 million, 278 feet. I feel like that's the perfect place, perfect locale, to have a discussion about climate change.


For the record, the audiences for this show aren't super-impressive either.

As noted, Arnholt is a genuine flyweight, like almost all Gutfeld! guests. That said, she understands her casting within the journalistic hoax known as the Fox News Channel.

As we've noted, Gutfeld himself routinely describes climate change as a hoax. A few weeks ago, he listed it among what he called "the major hoaxes."

Arnholt had nothing to say about the topic at hand, but she knew she could float that vibe. And so, just like that, she did.

As the pseudo-discussion proceeded, Gutfeld worked in one of his nightly jokes about Joy Behar being too fat. (The younger Arnholt isn't.) Soon, though, he shared his own scientific greatness concerning the "idiotic" claims of the world's major climate scientists.

He spoke to the flyweight Rob Long:

GUTFELD: You know, Rob, this is just another hoax that's going to implode...We already know that the climate models are completely idiotic—

LONG: Right.

GUTFELD: —and the idea that you can measure the temperature of the earth? No one's ever questioned that, but you can't do it. So all of this is bull[BLEEP]. We're just getting around to finding that out.

LONG: They're running out of things to declare the emergency. Well obviously, the oceans are all going to rise. We'll all be living underwater. We'll have to grow gills.

Long is an undisguised flyweight, but he knows what he's paid to say. Meanwhile, just to be clear:

When Gutfeld said the whole thing is "bullshit," the suits at Fox bleeped the second part of that very bad word. The bosses at Fox are very careful about what they allow on the air!

This sort of thing goes on, night after night, as the clowncar brings these tools to the set of this propaganda program. Also this:

As this clown show helps produce our present-day American Babel, major news orgs in Blue America know to avert their eyes. This garbage transpires night after night. The Times agrees not to notice.

For the record, the host of this pathetic show is sometimes right on the merits concerning the topics he mentions. Given the way our own Blue America has functioned in recent years, it's very hard to be totally wrong if you're working for Fox.

It's hard to be totally wrong on Fox! We expect to explore that embarrassing but highly salient fact at the start of the coming week.


  1. It’s a damn shame the public now has to be drug into a candidate’s personal space. It’s too bad politicians must put themselves out in the public like that.

    It’s also appropriate to make judgments on the character and abilities of a person in power. It’s natural for candidates to share their experiences, struggles, and other history that has shaped their character and their views. But now days, I’m doing that, they are all just begging for the sort of NYT analyst session/rape that’s calls itself journalism. For all Bob’s disdain for media psychoanalysis via hair style or mind reading, he’s a blogboard Freud too.

    Ostensibly, Vance wrote his book in order to help others who have suffered “childhood trauma”, but these cathartic journeys now seem pandering, cringe-inducing, and ultimately self-servicing, whether it’s Vance or some actress.

    Frankly, Trump’s speech, or rather… riff… was over the top. It reminded me of some cheesy walk down memory lane that you might get from a retiring member of the Rat Pack. God may have blessed your career, tenderly revealed his presence in your suffering, or saved your butt any number of times, but the proper response to that is humility and reverence, not using His mercy as a campaign or career endorsement.

    Our entire culture is starting to give me the willies in its preening self-congratulation, dirty laundry flashing, self-pitying-cum-self-aggrandizing. The brutal and malicious fly-under- the-microscope examination of “lost boys” turns me off too.

    Just stop it RNC. Stop it everyone. Pull up your pants, pull down your skirt, stop peeping into keyholes, and have some freaking dignity.

    1. You made a few typos, and "pull down your skirt" is ambiguous.

      Anyhow, don't vote for Trump. Vote the straight Democrat ticket.

    2. :and 'pull down your skirt' is ambiguous."

      She's telling folks to stop showing they ass.

    3. If a lady pulls her skirt down, she'll uncover her arse.

    4. “But now days, I’m doing that”

      Huh? What?

      Freud and storytellers (like Vance) vibe off their intuitions; on the other hand, there’s science out there that gives us a fairly reliable map of reality.

      Ignoring suffering, just putting your head in the sand, is not a dignified approach.

      Trump gave his standard stump speech at the RNC convention, it was exactly the same as at his rallies for the past few years.

      Trump, Vance and their cohort are corrupt, a function of unresolved trauma. If one cares about having a healthy and happy society, one shouldn’t vote for people like Trump/Vance, people who are not healthy and happy, people that want to dominate others to soothe their own emotional discomfort.


    5. To soothe my emotional discomfort I spam Somerby's blog, every day. And I sniff my fingers.

      Somerby is an ass.

      I am Corby.

    6. Your mockery is odd, 2:27, because 2:20 is basically agreeing with Somerby.

    7. As a Republican, voted twice for Trump, it’s pitiful folks like 2:27, who are such snowflakes, that have, in part, made me decide to switch my vote to Biden or whoever the Dems run.

      Another major factor is what’s been happening with the Supreme Court, those justices and their decisions are, frankly, un American.

    8. 2:42 PM is Boris, funded by Russia via Iran and Qatar through Truth Social.

      Somerby is not a liberal.

      I am Corby.

    9. 2:47 PM is another Boris, funded by Russia via Iran and Qatar through Truth Social.

      I am Corby.

    10. Anonymouse 2:20pm, because there are just two choices, right?

      You either exploit a difficult personal history or you ignore it.

    11. Anonymouse 2:15pm, not if she’s holding her skirt up.

      No one needs to see her dirty bloomers.

    12. It's ambiguous, as noted by 12:07PM.

  2. MS Valiathan and Fresia Saavedra have died.

    1. I'm posting this link again, it's so good. Rachel Maddow summarizing just how radical, how criminal, how far from normal the Republican party has become:

    2. Did they rape 13yo Katie Johnson, like Trump did?

    3. Kevin Drum:
      What the hell is Donald Trump talking about?

      ...Trump's speech wasn't just his usual string of garden variety lies and exaggerations. He said some genuinely weird stuff that I assumed were lies, like everything else he says, but I wasn't sure. I finally got curious enough to check them out, but once I started they turned out to be endless. As a result the following list is long, but even at that it's not complete. After a while I just gave up on some of his weirdness because I couldn't figure out what he was talking about. I wonder if any of his fans realize that his standard stump speech is simply an invented fantasy from beginning to end?

      Anyway, here it is:

      [Trump:] They also gave up Bagram [in Afghanistan], one of the biggest bases anywhere in the world.... And you know who has it now? China has it now.

      [Drum:] There were rumors back in 2021 about the Taliban giving China access to Bagram, but it never happened.

      [Trump:] Russian warships and nuclear submarines are operating 60 miles off the coast in Cuba. Do you know that? The press refuses to write about it.

      [Drum:] Last month a Russian sub visited Havana for a few days. It was nuclear powered, but carried no nuclear weapons. It was widely reported.
      [Trump:] We’re going to get to the bottom of it. You remember [Biden] said we’re going to find a cure to cancer; nothing happened. We’re going to get to the cure for cancer and Alzheimer’s and so many other things. We’re so close to doing something great. But we need a leader that will let it be done.

      [Drum:] We are nowhere near cures for cancer or Alzheimer's. This has nothing to do with political leadership...

      [Trump:] We have to produce massive amounts of energy.... A.I. needs tremendous — literally, twice the electricity that’s available now in our country, can you imagine?

      [Drum:] No. There are various forecasts, but none of them are anywhere near this. Goldman Sachs, for example, projects that AI will consume about 1% of US power by 2030.

      [Trump:] We also left behind $85 billion dollars’ worth of military equipment [in Afghanistan], along with many American citizens were left behind. Many, many American citizens.

      [Drum:] We didn't "leave behind" anything. The Afghan military was armed by the US over the course of 20 years, and after our withdrawal the Taliban took ownership of those weapons. Their value amounted to about $7 billion. As for the evacuation, we rescued 6,000 US citizens, about 90% of the total in country. The remainder mostly declined to leave, but we have nonetheless brought home several hundred in the two years since. No one knows how many remain—or whether they even want to leave—but it almost certainly amounts to less than 100-200 people.

      [Trump:] We defeated 100 percent of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, something that was said to take “five years, sir, it’ll take five years, sir.” We did it in a matter of a couple months.

      [Drum:] By the time Trump took office ISIS was about two-thirds defeated. It took two more years to finish the job.

      [Trump:] The greatest invasion in history is taking place right here in our country.... They’re coming from prisons. They’re coming from jails. They’re coming from mental institutions and insane asylums.

      [Drum:] There is no evidence this is happening.

      [Trump:] Our crime rate is going up, while crime statistics all over the world are going down.

      [Drum:] No. Crime in the US has dropped during every year of the Biden administration.

    4. [Trump:] The other countries weren’t accepting [MS-13 gang members] back. And I called up and I said tell them that we’re not giving them economic aid any more.... And the next day I was called by everybody, I couldn’t take all the calls.
      “Sir, sir, what’s the problem?”
      I said, “You won’t take your killers back that you sent in caravans into America. You won’t take them back.”
      “Well sir, if you’d like us to, we would give very serious consideration to doing that.”
      In 24 hours, they were being taken back. For years and years when I first came in, they said President Obama tried to get them to go back and they wouldn’t accept them.

      [Drum:] I can't even fact check this. Deporting gang members has been a bipartisan priority for decades. It's true that in 2019 Trump cut off aid to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras and later restored it, but that was related to his "safe third country" policy, not deportation of gang members.

      [Trump:] Probably the best trade deal was the deal I made with China where they buy $50 billion of our product. They were buying nothing. They buy $50 billion worth.

      [Drum:] The agreement was for $200 billion and China never made good on it.

      [Trump:] Right now as we speak, large factories, just started, are being built across the border in Mexico. So, with all the other things happening at our border, and they’re being built by China to make cars and to sell them into our country, no tax, no anything.

      [Drum:] To the extent this is happening, it will be done under the terms of the USMCA treaty, which Trump calls "the best trade deal ever made."

      [Trump:] They want to raise your taxes four times. Think of it.... This is the only administration that said we’re going to raise your taxes by four times what you’re paying now. And people are supposed to vote for them?

      [Drum:] This bears no relation to reality. Nobody has any plans to quadruple taxes on anyone, or anything even close to that.

      [Trump:] Americans are being squeezed out of the labor force and their jobs are taken. By the way, you know who’s taking the jobs, the jobs that are created? One hundred and seven percent of those jobs are taken by illegal aliens.

      [Drum:] When Joe Biden took office the employment level of native born workers was 123 million. Today it's 131 million. That's an increase in the employment rate from 56.5% to 59.4%.

      [Trump:] We’ve suffered the worst inflation we’ve ever had.

      [Drum:] It's the fifth worst in the postwar era and it lasted only two years. The CPI has been barely above 3% for the past year.

    5. [Trump:] Inflation has wiped out the life savings of our citizens, and forced the middle class into a state of depression and despair.

      [Drum:] No it hasn't.

      [Trump:] I told China and other countries, “If you buy from Iran, we will not let you do any business in this country, and we will put tariffs on every product you do send in of 100 percent or more.” And they said to me, Well, I think that’s about it. They weren’t going to buy any oil.... And [Biden] took off all the sanctions, and they did everything possible for Iran and now Iran is very close to having a nuclear weapon, which would have never happened.

      [Drum:] Chinese oil purchases from Iran increased under both Trump and Biden. Iran is close to having a nuclear bomb because Trump unilaterally pulled out of Obama's nuclear treaty, which had limited Iran's ability to enrich uranium.

      [Trump:] We’ve got Right to Try.... They’ve been trying to get that approved for 52 years, wasn’t that easy.... So I got everybody into an office.... We got them to sign an agreement. They agreed to it, where they’re not going to sue anybody.... We’re saving thousands and thousands of lives. It’s incredible.

      [Drum:] Trump is talking about a bill that allows terminally ill patients to try new drugs that are still in testing. It's true that Congress passed a right-to-try bill under Trump, but (a) most states already had right-to-try laws, (b) the FDA already approved 99% of all requests from terminally ill patients anyway, and (c) best estimates suggest that only a tiny number of people have ever used the law.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymouse 12:07pm, I wouldn’t automatically do that if I was a Democrat.

    1. Don't ever vote for any Republican. Never again.

    2. Anonymouse 12:21pm, sure thing, Mr. Scarborough.


  4. Isn't it true that the climate models are bullshit?

    I'm pretty sure Mr. Gutfeld is right about that. I know, this is against Democrat religious dogma, so it is impressive that this can be said on mainstream tv.

    1. The climate is not changing. The globe is not warming. The glaciers are not melting.

    2. As it turns out, even the climate models from 70s were accurate.

      It was a better time, before Reagan and the ascendancy of movement conservatives.

    3. Learn to cope.

    4. Sure, and Biden is doing just fine in the polls.

    5. Joe Biden has the greatest poll numbers. But don't tell anyone, or the Russians will find out.

    6. The Republican voter who cares about something other than bigotry and white supremacy is a hoax.

    7. 12:29 You're absolutely right. A bad comic knows more about climate science than the vast majority of climatologists. Let us in on Carrot Tops' opinion of string theory when you have a chance.

    8. Everyone knows that Democrat religious dogmas are bullshit. But only one comedian says it on national tv. And good for him.

    9. 11:49 The international consensus of climate scientists disagrees with your so-called comedian, therefore they all belong to the Democratic party in the US. Not burdened by a shred of logic, you are the perfect Fox viewer.

    10. There was once a scientific international consensus that burning a witch will diminish her evil spells.

    11. Yes, there's no difference between a belief in witches in the 1600s and a well-established global scientific consensus in 2024. You're an idiot.

    12. ...a repetitive idiot at that.

    13. If I don’t keep denying it, the climate will change, the globe will warm, and the glaciers will melt.

  5. Kevin listened to Trump's speech.

  6. What’s up with Melania avoiding Trump’s attempt at a kiss?

    I mean is Trump really that repulsive?

    1. What was up with Trump visibly snubbing Tiffany, his own daughter?

      I guess Trump finds Tiffany less fuckable than Ivanka.

      Republicans are such a miserable lot.

    2. Anonymouse 2:09pm, Melania didn’t want Trump to run the first time. I was surprised she showed up at the convention.

    3. Melania was required to show up, it’s a financial arrangement.

    4. Anonymouse 2:39pm, I think she’s got a pre-nup locked-up and he probably allows her to spend what she wants. She did it for Barron.

  7. A digital roll call? The DNC should run AI as its candidate.

    1. Then there'd be no human beings running in the 2024 Presidential election.

    2. Anonymouse 3:11pm, that’s too inaccurate to be a good put-down. The man who just finished his convention is only too human.

    3. Because the hundreds of errs?

    4. He is a lizard.

  8. "In the video, AOC criticizes fellow Democrats for failing to go on the record when they say that President Biden should abandon his White House campaign.

    (For ourselves, we'd criticize AOC for doing what so many do. We'd criticize her for acting like there's only one way—hers!—to assess this complex situation.)"

    She's offering criticism, not making an assessment.
    Whether to go on record when trying to push Biden out is not a complex situation.

    Anything to take a pot shot at Congresswoman Ocasio-Castro, apparently.


  9. "...on the order of a few milliseconds a day. But it's potentially enough to affect GPS, communications and even space travel."

    The sky is falling! Adjusting the relevant software will probably cost hundreds - or maybe even thousands! - of dollars! It will take hours, if not days!

    1. The climate is not changing. The globe is not warming. The glaciers are not melting.

    2. You already said that. Repeating it doesn't make it any less false.

    3. Climate change was fixed by illegal immigrants. The USA is endlessly grateful for their diligence.


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  11. I wish AOC would flash more than that.

  12. God sent Kamala Harris to lead us.

    1. Who was leading us before Biden’s decision that he isn’t up to it and who is leading us now?

    2. I wouldn’t bet the farm on Harris being the shoe-in replacement. I think his handlers would have Biden bowing out tomorrow if that was the case.

    3. Sell your farm to agribusinesses.

    4. Either way, the replacement for Biden will undoubtedly be a stronger candidate than Biden.

      The status quo would have been better for Trump.

    5. Mike Johnson wants to make trouble.

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