Skidmarks in methland dismissed: Why did Lori Mosura, age 55, decide to vote for Candidate Trump after all these years?
We can't exactly tell you. In a recent report for the Washington Post, Tim Craig offered this limited explanation:
After backing Trump, low-income voters hope he doesn’t slash their benefits
Lori Mosura goes to the grocery store on a bicycle because she can’t afford to fix her Ford F-150 truck.
The single mother and her 17-year-old son live in an apartment that is so small she sleeps in the dining room. They receive $1,200 each month in food stamps and Social Security benefits but still come up short. Mosura said she often must decide whether to buy milk or toilet paper.
It was all that penny-pinching that drove the part-time tax consultant to abandon the Democratic Party this fall and vote for Donald Trump.
According to Craig's account, it was "all that penny-pinching" which turned Mosura into a Trump voter—and into a registered Republican at the age of 55. Given the apparent state of the final vote count, Mosura joined 77.3 million others in deciding to vote as she did.
We voted the other way ourselves. It never crossed our minds to vote for Candidate Trump.
That said, we can think of a million reasons why a decent person might have decided to vote for Trump—or might have decided to vote against Candidate Biden, and/or against Candidate Harris, his successor when he finally left the race of late July.
In our view, the Democratic Party did in fact stage a clown show over the course of the past several years. We'll always be the first to admit that no one else will ever be as smart, or as morally decent, as we Democratic voters are. But we can think of a million reasons why a person like Mosura might have decided to bail on the Dems this year.
Many people in Blue America can't seem to think of a single reason why a voter might have done that. This moral and intellectual blindness strikes us as one of the major facts about our failing civilization to emerge from the carnage this year.
More than 77 million people chose to vote for Candidate Trump. Lori Mosura, age 55, was one of the 77.
When Craig reported that Mosura had voted that way, other voters attacked. These attacks were launched in a series of strikes from deep inside our own Blue America.
They tell a story about us the humans. But they also tell a certain long-standing story about our own Blue America, such as it actually is.
In his report for the Post, Craig made only a glancing attempt to explain Mosura's vote for Trump. In his report, he mainly focused on statements by four lower-income voters, Mosura included, who said they don't believe that the reinstated President Trump will act against the interests of lower-income people like them.
We can't tell you how that will turn out. But when we read about Mosura's situation, this one thought came to mind.
Life for her ain't been no crystal stair.
Life for her [and for her 17-year-old son] ain't been no crystal stair! Elsewhere, other voters in Blue America seemed to have different reactions.
Kevin Drum had offered a perfectly sensible post about Tim Craig's report. "The delusion here is painful," he said—and that assessment may well turn out to be accurate.
Then the hounds from Hell got busy, offering comments from Blue America's zone in the netherworld. Life for her ain't been no crystal stair? This was the first commenter's reaction to Mosura's plight:
FIRST COMMENTER: Let 'em suffer and die. I'm long out of give-a-damn for these yokels.
At some point one has to concede that the sub-room temperature (in Celsius) IQ contingent needs to be culled from the herd.
Mosura needs to be culled from the herd. So the very first commenter said. His comment provoked this response:
FIRST RESPONDER: I'm not for anyone dying, but it does seem these people need to experience some the "pain and sacrifice" that co-president Musk says is coming.
I expect to be hurt, but as a retired upper middle class white male in a solidly blue state I expect I will do a lot better than the sad deplorables in New Castle.
There we went again! To this initial responder, Mosura is a sad deplorable.
So it was said by two (2) of us here in our own Blue America. Along the way, Commenter One added this:
FIRST COMMENTER: I'm fully in touch with my inner Scrooge 1.0. Let 'em die and decrease the surplus population. Any pain and/or sacrifice will be blamed on the Democrats and these skidmarks will believe it.
So we the finer people now said. Mosura was now seen as a skidmark who needs to be culled from the herd.
Why might people have voted for Candidate Trump? We can think of a million reasons, these two commenters possibly numbered among them.
That said, these first two Harris voters were hardly alone. From the heart of darkness in our own Blue America, this brand of comment continued:
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER ONE: The fault is primarily on stupid and supremely ignorant voters like the ones described here. With a big assist to the prestige media who have been unrelenting negative in their coverage of Democrats for decades.
The most appropriate comment I could make is to quote my favorite line from the great character actor Strother Martin: "Morons. I've got morons on my team."
Truthfully, that came from the milder stream of Blue American comments. Other moral and intellectual giants offered such astonishing comments as this
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER TWO: The lack of self-awareness here is infuriating. Hope they get exactly what they voted for, good and hard.
Some children will not listen to wise advice from others and need to actually touch the hot stove to learn that it burns. Some adults apparently never left childhood. Democrats need to let them get burned, and maybe some of them will learn a lesson.
That commenter hopes that Mosura, and her son, "get it good and hard." Messaging from the heart of darkness, other Blues agreed:
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER THREE: I see some serious FAFO [delivery of what they deserve] coming for those who voted for Trump. Of course you need a functioning brain to notice, so they won't ever know or understand the truth. But they are going to be hurt—bad.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER FOUR: Republican voters have been fucking around for 40+ years, and the only thing that is going to change their minds is letting them find the fuck out. I am 100% OK with this.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER FIVE: The person in my life who is my moral arbiter (an ISFP) would hate to hear me say this, but do you really want these guys on your team? Even the Bible says that not everyone can be saved.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER SIX: Highly educated elitists, like the rest of us, sneer at the "word salads" tossed out by folks like the Felon and Sara Palin, as lacking in "coherency" and "logical consistency." Their flocks don't care about those things! They just pick out the tasty nuggets that they like best and swallow them whole.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER SEVEN: They really are not worthy of my compassion, concern or charity. If the social safety net and benefits fail to garner political support of the beneficiaries, then perhaps it is time to let Republicans cut them.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER EIGHT: How can you persuade people who say things like [this]?..."Mosura, 55, said on a recent afternoon. 'I think he knows it’s the poor people that got him elected, so I think Trump is going to do more to help us.'” You can't. Delusions like this are impossible to argue with. Their idea of who Trump is is nothing like what he really is. I'd like to think they'll realize this sooner or later, but delusions this strong aren't easily broken.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER NINE: There is no help for the ignorant delusional I’m afraid.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER TEN: So many here in favor of letting these idiots get it good and hard. But these idiots will never get it. However hard it gets, it will only justify their resentment of anyone they think isn't getting it as hard as they are, and then they'll vote for whoever gives them confidence in their opinion, especially someone who sounds as informed as they are and whose detailed thought is mostly insult and vulgarity.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER ELEVEN: I have no explanation for the stupidity of these people beyond the monopoly that Fox and AM hate radio have in methland, and the inexplicable identification with Trump as "one of us."
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER TWELVE: They hear "Fuck immigrants and trans people!" and think "I'm gonna help poor white people!" These people are so goddamn fleecable, your head spins.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER THIRTEEN: Some people are just morons completely unreachable by any kind of message, policy, or fact. Each one of these idiots deserves every bit of pain and suffering Trump inflicts on them. The only downside is that because of their stupidity, the pain and suffering will be inflicted on everyone and not just them.
So the Blue comments proceeded. According to Commenter 11, Mosura is living in methland!
Eventually, this exchange occurred. Over here in our own methland, this is frequently all we have:
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER FOURTEEN: This prompts me to ask a question that I asked myself so many times: why did these people really vote for Trump? Nothing Trump says or does supports the beliefs they express, but they want to believe it very badly. What is motivating that reasoning? I just wonder. Probably version of cognitive dissonance, but I still can't figure it out
RESPONDER: Racism. He gives them permission to say out loud what they really think, and he's going to keep the negroes in their place.
Eventually, we Blues tend to end up here, in comment threads and on cable. As she rides her bicycle to the grocery story, Lori Mosura, age 55, is dreaming of the way Donald J. Trump will be keeping the negroes in their place.
Along the way, the occasional flashes of decency surfaced. One commenter offered this
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER: ...So how should I feel when I see people like the ones in the linked article have their lives crushed by Trump’s policies? Schadenfreude? Should I smirk and say, “I told you so?" It is tempting, I admit. But in the end that would make me just another Trumpian asshole, wouldn’t it? So I’ll continue to follow my liberal beliefs and oppose Trump and his MAGAts. And I’ll hope that those who voted for him don’t suffer in the same way I hope others who make what I think are bad choices don’t suffer. And I will support liberal policies that will help the people Trump hurts.
So one commenter said, though he couldn't resist the play on words which seemed to have him referring to Trump's unspecified assortment of "maggots."
That commenter will continue to support "liberal policies." He explicitly hopes that Donald Trump's voters won't suffer.
With respect to those liberal policies, one other commenter offered what was possibly the most intriguing comment of all:
ADDITIONAL COMMENTER: Forget the triumphalism. As they say, some people never learn. Don't call for suffering. It just debases the intelligence that much further. Rather, call for the MSM to translate something as wonderful as Bidenomics into the terms it has earned of accomplishment and hope.
It's not just that some people's understanding has failed. It's that disinformation has succeeded.
It's certainly true that disinformation (and misinformation) have succeeded. But disinformation (and misperception) may adapt a wide array of forms.
"Some people's understanding has failed!" So the commenter said.
Also, this commenter wants the mainstream press (remember them?) to deal more successfully with "something as wonderful as Bidenomics." As she rides her bike to the grocery store, that's what Mosura should be thinking.
In our view, our own Blue American world is currently full of delusions. But our own Blue America is also prone to tribal hatred and to otherization.
Are we humans wired for this kind of work? On Thursday, we'll suggest the possible problem with that assessment concerning the wonders of Bidenomics.
At any rate, Craig had interviewed four lower-income voters in one lower-income town. When he did, quite a few voters in Blue America decided it was time to attack.
Lori Mosura's a skidmark, they said. She needs to be culled from the herd!
On Thursday: Delusion can be where you find it