Cat lady critic encounters tough pushback...

MONDAY, JULY 29, 2024

...from a (somewhat) surprising source: Last evening, a funny thing happened to JD Vance, the "childless cat lady" critic.

Last night, he encountered a bit of fairly stern pushback. It came from a (somewhat) surprising source.

We say the pushback was surprising because it was offered on a Fox News Channel program. We say it was only somewhat surprising because the program in question was Sunday Night in America with Trey Gowdy.

In our view, Gowdy's weekly 9 p.m. show stands second in line, behind only Special Report, as a reasonably straight-shooting Fox News Channel program.

That doesn't mean that we agree with Gowdy on a wide range of issues. All in all, we probably don't.

It does mean that Gowdy began his program last night by challenging Vance, at some length, about his "childless cat lady" remarks. In this news report for The Hill, Nick Robertson does a decent job reporting what Gowdy said and did right at the start of his program:

Fox News host challenges JD Vance on ‘childless cat lady’ remarks

Fox News host Trey Gowdy questioned Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) on Sunday over a past remarks from the VP candidate criticizing people who are “childless” and calling Vice President Harris a “cat lady” in an insult that has resulted in bipartisan blowback.

Gowdy, himself a former congressman, defended those without children in the opening monologue of his show. He shared a story of meeting a pair of Catholic nuns who prayed for his friend, who was expecting a child, after spending the day together in an airport.

“And it’s not just Catholic nuns. Some of the finest people I know don’t have children,” Gowdy said. “Teachers and guidance counselors and lawyers and doctors, and they love other people’s children enough to teach and guide and protect and minister to them. Some people choose not to have children. Others desperately want them, but they can’t.”

“The American people are forgiving, if we ask,” he added before welcoming Vance on the show.

Was Gowdy suggesting that Vance should ask forgiveness for his remarks? That may have been what he meant.

At any rate, that's the way Robertson starts his report for The Hill. So far, his report is factually accurate.

You can see Gowdy's entire opening monologue—indeed, you can watch his whole interview with Vance—simply by clicking here. Let's just say that, right from the start, he wasn't exactly heaping praise on his party's nominee for vice president.

After that opening monologue, Gowdy introduced Vance. As his report continues, Robertson offers a somewhat inaccurate account of what happened then:

Vance did not apologize for the comments, originally from 2021, instead accusing Democrats of being “anti-family.” 

“If you look at what the left has done, they have radically taken this out of context and in fact, aggressively lied about what I’ve said,” Vance said. “The left has increasingly become explicitly anti child and anti family. They’ve encouraged young families not to have children at all, because of concerns over climate change.”

That first paragraph is perfectly accurate. It's true! Vance didn't apologize for his remarks—and he did accuse Democrats, though not "the left," of being "anti-family."

In fact, Vance went a bit further than that in his response to Gowdy's initial challenge. Below, you see the bulk of that initial response. 

This is the bulk of what Vance said. Warning! Some of what he said here is plainly inaccurate:

VANCE: ...If you look at the full context of what I said, it is very clear that the Democrats have tried to take this out of context and blow it out of proportion, which is what they always do, Trey, because they don't have an agenda to run on themselves.

And if you look at what the American people are most concerned about, Trey, it's not an out-of-context quip that I made three years ago. It's the fact that Kamala Harris, the border czar, opened the American southern border. It's the fact that the Democratic Party has become explicitly anti-family in some of their policies. In fact, you just heard Kamala Harris, in a surfaced clip recently, talk about how it was a bad idea to have kids because of climate change anxiety. 

So what I'm really trying to get at here, Trey, is that it's important for us to be pro-family as a country,,,

For the record, that isn't what Harris actually said in that recently surfaced clip. Nor is there any reason to believe that Harris has ever been in charge of overall border policy in a way which is suggested by the pleasing term, "border czar."

In that initial response, Vance kept calling Gowdy "Trey," possibly trying to trigger a sense of tribal solidarity. That said, Vance didn't drop any L-bombs in this, his initial response.

But then, it actually happened! As Robertson's report continues, he notes the way Gowdy reacted to Vance's initial statement.

Good lord! After Vance's initial response, Gowdy reacted by challenging Vance all over again:

Gowdy again challenged Vance over the comments, pointing out that Condoleezza Rice, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and George Washington are among American leaders without children.

Yikes! Gowdy didn't simply move on; he challenged Vance again! It was in Vance's response to this second challenge that he complained about "the aggressive lying" supposedly engaged in by "the left:"

VANCE: ...That's not what I said, Trey. If you look at what the left has done, they have radically taken this out of context and aggressively lied about what I said...The left has increasingly become explicitly anti-child and anti-family. They have encouraged young families not to have children because of concern about climate change...

It was here, in response to Gowdy's second challenge, that Vance dropped his bombs about the way "the left" has "radically taken [his quip] out of context" and has "aggressively lied."

Full disclosure! Last evening, Senator Vance wasn't being challenged by Democrats or by "the left." He was being challenged—twice!—by the Fox News Channel's Trey Gowdy, who plainly seemed to be offended by the earlier unkind remarks.

As we watched, we were amazed by what a lost soul Vance seems to have become. That said, also this:

As we watched the start of this program, we were reminded of an impression we've developed in the past few months. It seems to us that Gowdy, with whom we often will disagree, seems to run the most respectable prime time program on Fox.

Special bonus coverage: Last night, Gowdy ended his program with an interview with former Olympian Dominique Dawes, a very impressive person. To watch that segment, click here.

As the program ended, we wondered this: 

Is it in any way that Dominque Dawes can be talked into running for president?


  1. Boy howdy, check out that head on Trey Gowdy

    1. Lol. And isn't he the one who led the endless crusade against Clinton with repeated farcical Congressional hearings? What an asshole.

    2. George Conway trolls Trump:

  2. A compromise between Gowdy, Vance, and Smith, we could call them the DemoCat Party,

    1. Who is Smith?

    2. Sandra Smith is a Fox News personality. Somerby referenced her in his earlier blog offering today.

    3. Oh, thanks. Her head doesn’t seem unusual.

    4. If Gowdy died his hair red, he’d look like a rooster.

    5. Vance looks normal. Of the three, the only oddball is Gowdy.

    6. Vance looks brooding and sulking. He needs to drop some pounds and go with a lighter brown color of hair on his head, as well as facial hair. At least get some highlights.

      Bob hates this stuff, but appearance has a psychological impact on people.

    7. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.

    8. What about Vances eyeliner?

      And how does whatever the heck is going on with Trump's head work for him to his adoring fans? Burnt orange spray paint face often with 1 in. gaps to pasty white man skin. Weird ass combovers that look downright freaky when the wind blows. The six inch circle cut out of the scalp and the skin sewn together to assist with the hair plug density. Kinda grosses me out.

    9. I think Republicans appreciate the way Trump’s repugnant appearance matches the quality of his low character.

    10. Cecelia, you want JD to be vain, to color his hair. Don't you think that would expose him to further ridicule?

    11. Cecelia, you want JD to be vain and to color his hair. Don't you think that would expose him to further ridicule?

    12. Vanity is considered sinful by seriously religious people. That's why it is odd that fundamentalist Christians are so willing to set aside their values in order to support Trump, the world's most vain man.

    13. For Republicans, lacking integrity is a feature, not a bug.

    14. Anonymouse 9:30pm, it can be done incrementally. It can be done via grey /blonde highlights that look natural and therefore don’t register as a change, but only as a sense that someone seems more rested or cheerful.

      As to Vance’s eyelashes, they’re very full and can be thinned and tinted a lighter brown shade too.

    15. Some say Trump regrets Vance because he’s a bigger dick than Trump, some say it’s because he has a bigger dick than Trump. But then again, who doesn’t?

    16. Okay, good, I hope JD takes Cecelia's advice. Ridiculing him for that will be even more fun than ridiculing him for humping a couch, which he never even did.

    17. I hope JD takes Cecelia's advice. It would be more fun to ridicule him for that than to ridicule him for something he didn't even do with a couch.

    18. Vance needs to Botox his face, just like Gaetz, you big disgrace. Jesus I am so old I remember TDH complaining about the press attacking Gore for wearing a brown fucking suit.

    19. Don't make fun of Vance for growing up in a poor, rural area, because he definitely didn't do that.

    20. "something he didn't even do with a couch."

      If the Deep State doesn't want us to believe JD Vance has sex with furniture, who are we to argue.

    21. Arty, it wasn’t just any brown suit. It was a brown suit with three buttons.

    22. I made a comment denying that JD humps couches, and it got censored, twice.

  3. Why does Bob want Olympian Dawes to run for president when we have a much better candidate in Harris, who is an accomplished lawyer, Senator, and VP?

    Why does Bob want anyone to run for president, it was only a few weeks ago he was questioning the efficacy of democracy itself?

  4. Somerby doesn't believe in gender gaps, but women disproportionately voting for Biden helped him win in 2020. Now, Trump's campaign seems to be tailored to angry white young men who are his base, not to attracting female voters. How do we know? Trump has been unable to get Melania to appear at events. He is doubling down on the incel platform. His language is male, including the tasteless insults and profanity and the appeal to violence. And he is threatening everything that permits women to participate fully in society. This is about so much more than cats.

    "A Massive Gender Gap
    July 29, 2024 at 3:11 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard [Political Wire]

    The gender gap in presidential elections first surfaced in the 1980 race between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and has persisted ever since.

    But it’s about to get much, much wider:

    The Republican convention was produced almost exclusively with an eye towards male voters, with Donald Trump being introduced on the final night by pro-wrestler Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Fighting founder Dana White.
    In contrast, Democrats will nominate a woman as their candidate.

    Abortion rights is the most important issue in the Democratic party’s platform.
    There’s already a growing gender gap among voters under 30 years old.
    J.D. Vance has done an impressive job at alienating women voters in the short time he’s been on the GOP ticket.
    The gender gap actually narrowed slightly in 2020 due to Joe Biden’s appeal with male voters.

    But don’t be surprised to see the widest gender gap ever recorded this year."

    To this point, polls have not been using models that capture this increasing gender dynamic. That is why Trump has been underperforming against his polling while Biden overperformed (as Harris will do too).

    Somerby will never talk about the importance of women's issues in this election because he doesn't much like women, doesn't understand women's issues at all, and because he is too invested in warning libs that Trump can win (even though he is facing a landslide in favor of Democrats). A guy who spends most of his days attacking female journalists, professors and experts isn't going to recognize that women voters are going to save our country's bacon in November.

    1. I haven't voted for a Democrat since Obama and can't see going back. Unless you're a gay man Democrats are a flat no. They even lost white women to Trump.

    2. 9:52 Oh my, so angry!

    3. 9:16 — Do gave any evidence at all to support your suggestion that Somerby disproportionately attacks women? Or is this just a drive-by?

    4. "They even lost white women to Trump."
      Republicans only have "identity politics", at this point.

    5. PP, pick any span of a month of Somerby’s essays and count how many white men he attacks, compared to women and minorities (including gays). Do not include Trump or Biden. This is an empirical question.

    6. So now you’re accusing him not only of sexism but of racism and of homophobia, too. Yes, I realize there are methods of checking — my question is whether you have done so. And I gather that you haven’t, especially since you multiply your accusations so carelessly.

    7. I agree with Pied Piper.
      Just because Somerby reliably repeats Right-wing grievances, doesn't mean he's a sexist and racist.

  5. Trey Gowdy was a former prosecutor and politician. That may be why he seems to have a bit more gravitas than Gutfeld (at least to Somerby).

    Somerby is a bit confused about what the qualifications for president are. He thinks Trump's experience qualifies him (it is only his craziness he deplores) and now he suggests that a former gymnast has the experience and training to do the job of president. This is ridiculous and makes a mockery of our election. Similarly JD Vance has no qualifications to be VP other than writing a fake book and courting Thiel.

    Trump was unqualified when he ran and the media thought it would be fun to reject the most qualified candidate in our nation's history (Hillary Clinton) in favor of the clown. Now Somerby thinks it is fine to consider Harris mediocre (borrowing the right wing's term) while pretending JD Vance is a real candidate to take over for Trump should he die or become incapacitated in office.

    Somerby is not a serious person any more (if he ever was one). No amount of quoting from the Iliad can fix that.

  6. Trey Gowdy was a prosecutor and politician, which may be why Somerby thinks he has more gravitas than Gutfeld, the comedian.

    Comparing qualifications for office:

    1. Trump had none whatsoever.
    2. Hillary was the most qualified candidate ever and yet Somerby considered her a terrible candidate.
    3. J.D. Vance has no qualifications for office other than writing a fake book and cuddling up with Thiel (a billionaire).
    4. Harris is highly qualified, with a string of elected offices and training as current VP.

    Why does Somerby suggest that a retired gymnast and mother has any qualifications to be president? Does Somerby not understand what skills, experience, training and knowledge are needed to be president? Apparently not.

  7. We all know these childless cat ladies. Let's not pretend. They're so pissed off and they hate men with every fiber of their being.

    1. Seems like you could use some fiber, if you know what I mean.

    2. Who wouldn't hate men with every fiber of their being?

    3. I don’t think this type of woman hates men in general, rather they don’t like masculinity. They want their man to treat them as they wished their mother had treated them.

  8. One party is men running around in dresses, women wearing vagina hats and talking in mouse cartoon voices, all of them fighting for the right to chop off genitals of children and show them porn in school.

    Democrat weirdos get more grotesquely bizarre and depraved by the day.

    1. True. But Republicans lie like rugs.

    2. I am scared by your anger.

    3. The other party elects sexual assailants and gym teachers who cover for pedophiles, and closeted homosexuals.

    4. 9:58,
      Grow up. Adults got over women getting the right to vote decades ago.

    5. In what other party could a gym teacher who ignored multiple complaints by students of homosexual predation by his staff member be elected into Congress and elevated to chair of a major committee? Only the republican party, where neither his voters nor his colleagues care about character and morals.

    6. Jim Jordan was a college wrestling coach. Dennis Hastert was a high school wrestling coach.

      Jim ignored complaints about subordinates. Dennis did the actual molesting and made illegal coverup payments.

      Jim is still powerful. Dennis went to prison.

    7. The Right doesn't call the Left "pedophiles" for nothing.
      The Right calls the Left "pedophiles, because every Right-wing accusation is really a confession.

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  10. I'm sure that on election day, the cat ladies will have their revenge.
