ELEGY: Candidate Vance broke a time-honored rule!

TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2024

Broadcaster Smith did not: Will Candidate Harris end up winning this year's election?

There's no way to be sure. On the one hand, she carries a lot of "baggage." On the other hand, she'll be running against Donald J. Trump.

Today, in his weekly Conversation with Gail Collins, Bret Stephens lays out a long list of reasons why he doesn't plan to vote for Candidate Harris.

He also won't be voting for Candidate Trump—but the possible pitfalls for Candidate Harris do go on and on. Midway through his lengthy list, the center-right Stephens found himself challenged by his center-left colleague:

Harris vs. Trump Is Taking Shape. And Then There’s Vance.


Gail: And when you’ve got a choice between a woman who you don’t agree with about taxes and spending versus a man who’s shown himself perfectly capable of trying to overthrow the government if he loses, the options are pretty obvious.

Bret: That was pretty much my reasoning when I cast my votes for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden: two liberal Democrats who nonetheless struck me as safe pairs of hands, particularly when it came to world affairs.

I just don’t have the same faith in Kamala Harris. She’s given no indication that she can run a campaign or an office competently, much less a country. She frequently speaks in inanities. Her contribution to fixing the border crisis was less than zero—in fact, she publicly denied there was a crisis. I doubt she strikes fear in the hearts of the tyrants in Tehran, Beijing or Moscow at a moment when all of those dictatorships are on the march.

That wasn't the start of his list of objections, nor had he reached the list's end. How many voters will see it this way? We have no idea.

Harris is a largely accidental candidate; her opposite number, Candidate Trump, is basically unelectable. If you squint and if you cover your ears, an elegy for our flailing nation's way of life may be dimly audible here.

Other voters may see it the way Stephens does; most other voters may not. But when it comes to the merits of Candidate JD Vance, Collins and Stephens seem to agree. 

Here's what the twin tyros said:

Gail: ...Speaking of vice presidents, am I right in feeling JD Vance has already become a political disaster area?

Bret: As in Dan Quayle with a brain or Sarah Palin with a beard? His job is to present himself as a smarter and more articulate version of Trump. So far, he’s just been a younger and meaner one. His stupid jibe against “childless cat ladies” may come back to haunt him on Nov. 5, not least among the 46 million American women who are childless. He would not fare well against [Senator Mark] Kelly in a debate.

The pair seem to agree about Candidate Vance. As they continued, they also agreed that Senator Kelly (D-AZ) would be a strong running mate for Harris.

Candidate Vance has been getting battered stem to stern in recent days. Thanks to this digital version of Hillbilly Elegy, we've been re-perusing his largely tedious, mammoth best-seller, and our judgment remains intact:

 Pity the mistreated child. Defeat the weirdly angry lost man.

That would be our own assessment. For the record, many neighbors and friends—fellow citizens all—disagree with our view.

Yesterday afternoon, we commented on Vance's latest attempt to describe the problem our nation faces thanks to its "childless cat ladies." He was interviewed—and he was challenged—on the Fox News Channel!

To review the carnage, you can just click here.

Trey Gowdy didn't seem to be thrilled with his party's candidate for vice president. His disapproval seemed to be quite clear.

That said, we want to be fair! Along the way, breaking the very first rule in the book, Candidate Vance could clearly be heard saying this—and yes, it's right there on the tape:

VANCE (7/28/24): ...If you look at the full context of what I said, it is very clear that the Democrats have tried to take this out of context and blow it out of proportion, which is what they always do, Trey, because they don't have an agenda to run on themselves.

And if you look at what the American people are most concerned about, Trey, it's not an out-of-context quip that I made three years ago. It's the fact that Kamala Harris, the border czar, opened the American southern border. It's the fact that the Democratic Party has become explicitly anti-family in some of their policies. In fact, you just heard Kamala Harris, in a surfaced clip recently, talk about how it was a bad idea to have kids because of climate change anxiety. 

So what I'm really trying to get at here, Trey, is that it's important for us to be pro-family as a country...

Believe it or not, that's what he actually said! Briefly, let's review:

We know of no reason to believe that Candidate Harris was ever in charge of establishing policy at the southern border. Presumably, that's what the term "border czar" will seem to suggest.

(Full disclosure, as an elegy sounds: Blue America's journalists simply aren't sharp enough to perform that fairly obvious translation of that catchy term.)

Presumably, Vice President Harris wasn't in charge of setting border policy. Also, that isn't what Harris actually said about having kids in that recently surfaced video clip.

Candidate Vance was wrong on those points in that, his response to Gowdy's initial challenge about his "cat ladies quip." When Gowdy challenged him a second time, his claims about what "the left" has been doing became even more absurd.

That said, credit where due—and yes, he actually said it! As he spoke with Gowdy that night, the candidate broke the very first rule in the book:

Appearing as the Republican nominee to serve as vice president, he referred to the other party—and when he did, he actually called it by its actual name:

"The Democratic Party has become explicitly anti-family in some of their policies." 

That claim strikes us as absurdly far-fetched. But he referred to the other party by its actual name! Democratic Party, he somewhat weirdly said!

What can explain this slip? It may have been his inexperience showing—it may have been the latest mistake by a novice candidate. It may have been a simple slip of the tongue, a nervous error committed in the face of an unexpected assault.

That said, the candidate had broken one of the basic rules in his adopted party's book. He had called the Democratic Party by its actual name! As a distant elegy has seemed to sound in the background of our nation's clownish non-discourse, everyone has known the rule:

Red America's official "thought leaders" aren't supposed to do that!

The prohibition against this behavior stretches back at least several decades. We don't know when this childish behavior got its start, but we can recall Chris Matthews, hosting Hardball, offering occasional complaints about this practice, at least two decades back.

In theory, no, it doesn't matter—it doesn't matter that these flyweights engage in this flyweight behavior.  But these people do engage in this flyweight behavior on a reliable, round-the-clock basis—and that explains the dilemma facing the Fox News Channel's Sandra Smith on Sunday, July 21.

We laid it out for you yesterday. There she sat, co-anchoring an hour-long, BREAKING NEWS program about President Biden's announcement that he was withdrawing from the White House campaign. 

Along the way, Smith was asked to read one part of the subsequent statement which was released by Vice President Kamala Harris. That's when the mandated childishness hit the fan,

Zounds! Part of Haris' written statement appeared right there on the Fox News Channel screen. Smith was now directed to read the words which appeared on the screen, creating a moment of truth.

A lesser figure might have panicked; Smith knew what to do. Below, you see what appeared on the screen—and you see the version Smith read:

As seen on the Fox News Channel's screen:
“I am honored to have the president’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination... I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party—and unite our nation—to defeat Donald Trump."

Those are the words which appeared on the screen. But when Smith was charged with reading those words, this is what she said:

As read by the Fox News Channel's Smith:
“I am honored to have the president’s endorsement and my intention is to earn and win this nomination... I will do everything in my power to unite the Democrat Party—and unite our nation—to defeat Donald Trump."

She seemed to know that, by the rules of the game, she wasn't allowed to say it. By the stunningly childish rules of the game, she seemed to know that she isn't allowed even to read the other party's actual name—even as the name of that party sat right there on the screen!

In theory, no—it doesn't matter that this experienced Fox News anchor knew what she had to do. It doesn't matter that she did what she has learned to do through seventeen years of employment at this remarkably clownish "news channel."

It doesn't matter that she did what she did, but we almost thought we heard an elegy off in the distance as she engaged in this conduct. Beyond that, it seems to us that a much larger lesson may be lurking—a lesson about the American project, and even about we the self-satisfied denizens of our own Blue America.

Who is the world is Sandra Smith? Who in the word, at age 43, agrees to behave this way?

Due to their inquiring minds, our analysts wanted to know! They mentioned the death of sacred Troy, then quickly turned to matters which are a bit nearer at hand.

Sacred Troy must die, Hector said. His famous prophesy was famously uttered to Andromache, his generous wife.

(As Homer has recorded the scene, they delighted in their darling son as they spoke. Soon thereafter, when sacred Troy fell, their darling son was thrown to his death from their city's high walls.)

Has our own alleged culture already died? Are those of us, in Red and Blue America both, simply too unskilled, but also too childish, too dumbly tribal, to make this alleged experiment work?

Has our own alleged culture already died without anyone noticing—without anyone composing an elegy to memorialize its death? Were the producers of The Sixth Sense trying to tell us this?

The analysts wondered who this person could possibly be—the person who wouldn't even read the name of the other party.

She could be the world's nicest person, we said. But we gave them permission to Google.

Tomorrow: Last evening, impossibly stupid—but also, broadcast to millions


  1. Why is Kamala Harris “Black”? She is half Indian, half Jamaican, and the Jamaican portion itself is a mix of African and White. She has a White husband and 2 white stepchildren. She does not look or talk like a typical American black person and seems to have no shared cultural traits. She got her career started as a reward for being Willie Brown’s “kept woman” – she slept with this black man even though she knew he was married. This is who black females embrace? Black men celebrate as one of their own? Sheesh.

    1. Democrats having consensual sex is something not even the media could "both sides".

    2. even though she knew he was married.

      A Trumplican whining about extramarital sex? Bwahahahaha! Stop it, you're killing me!

      Don't worry about it, maggot, we're not electing a priest.

    3. Keep the #KeptWoman away from the Whitehouse!

    4. New poll in Michigan shows Trump now getting 0% of the Black vote, that is the impact of Kamala being Black.


    5. And Brown has been separated from his wife since 1982.

    6. Why is Kamala Harris “Black”?

      Because white people declared that she is.

    7. @Anon 10:45

      "She does not look or talk like a typical American black person and seems to have no shared cultural traits."

      Oh, do explain how a "typical American black person" talks and what cultural traits she is missing.

    8. "She got her career started as a reward for being Willie Brown’s 'kept woman' – she slept with this black man even though she knew he was married."

      Brown had been separated from his wife for many years at the time he and Harris had a relationship. Also, kindly explain "kept woman."

    9. Kept Woman
      1 A woman, supported financially by a lover (usually a married man).
      2. An adulterous woman; a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man.

    10. Kamala is Black because she says so, and other Blacks accept her as one of them.

    11. @Anon 4:25
      Trump partied frequently with Epstein. But let's focus on consensual behavior between adults.

  2. Maybe she was kidding.
    Like those times that Trump said he admires dictators, or that he won the 2020 Presidential election.
    Right-wing humor is so funny, it hurts.

    1. "or that he won the 2020 Presidential election."
      Say what you will about Trump, but you can't say he's not committed to the shtick.

  3. I could be wrong but I read that most hardworking women don't like when other women sleep with their married boss and get promoted for it like Kamala Harris.

    The only thing I don't like about Vance is his picture perfect family and stellar achievement especially overcoming his background. It makes the rest of us look like shit.

    1. Wasn't Willie Brown a Democrat?
      Why are you treating him like the media treats Republicans (i.e. that they have no agency)?
      Also, don't get too excited about Vance's family. Word in D.C. is he's been seeing a chaise lounge on the side.

    2. Chaise longue.

    3. Willie Brown was not Kamala Harris' boss.

    4. Vance is the least liked VP candidate in modern history, you can like who you want but Americans see Vance as weird, creepy, and repugnant.

      Boohoo for you, but MAGA tears are quite tasty.

    5. And Brown has been separated from his wife since 1982.

    6. Oh, we're talking about the candidates' sexual histories today?

      Oh, good! Now do Trump!

    7. My opinion is that Vance was tapped for VP because they thought he would be the rural down-to-earth guy who could affably (but honestly) approach the old guy as to reigning it in, if necessary.

      Vance is NOT that guy. He doesn’t act like that guy. He doesn’t look like that guy.

      If they want Vance to be that guy, they need to understand that they have their work cut out for them.

    8. Years ago, Bib linked to some columns that Brown wrote for a SF newspaper. It’s been awhile and I’d have to jostle my memory. Brown IS engaging. He is very funny, affable, and informed. Evidently, he and his wife lived apart for years. Any woman would easily find him appealing.

    9. I don’t know why Vance was tapped, but I don’t think Cecilia’s conjecture is true.

    10. Anonymouse 5:09pm, you may be unconvinced because you think that I’m referring to dynamics between Vance and Trump that are real, rather than having the appearance of reality. This is a campaign. They’d be overjoyed with only the latter.

    11. At 5:07 Cecelia replied to a comment two minutes in the future.

    12. Anonymouse 5:18pm, and that’s just one of my superpowers.

    13. Cecelia is a unique individual, no doubt about that. I only regret that we can never meet.

    14. She would never get a visa.

    15. Anonymouse 5:44pm, I’ve got that and a Discover card.

    16. She doesn't have a visa problem, I do. I'm permanently barred from the United States because I'm a Russian troll. Biden-Harris border security is just too strong for me.

    17. The Republican super-power is shamelessness.

  4. Zionism in action:

    "The investigation of the soldiers was launched after a detained terror suspect was brought from the base to a hospital with signs of serious abuse, including to his anus. He was arrested by the IDF in the Gaza Strip several weeks ago.

    The right-wing Honenu legal aid organization, which is representing four of the reservist soldiers, claimed on Monday that its clients acted in self-defense in the incident."

    1. Don't want to click on the link? Cut and paste this:


    2. IDF are a bunch of right wing gay snowflakes, of course they are messing with the anus of their prisoners.

    3. It was self defense. Maybe he attacked them with his anus.

    4. Yes, Quaker, just like that.


  5. Work from home and earn a respectable $60k a week, which is amazing considering that a year ago I was unemployed in a terrible economy. I always give God praise for honouring me with these rules, and now it’s my duty to practise anticipatory compassion and share it with everyone. Likewise, GOOD LUCK.

    Here is I begun═════►► 𝐖𝐰𝐰.𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧.𝐏𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝟗.𝐜𝐨𝐦

  6. In view of the challenge of serving as President, we once selected candidates with high achievements — people like HST and D D E

    1. Harry Truman? A failed haberdasher, a machine pol. As US Senator, he loudly investigated war spending. Except when he uncovered a two-billion-dollar secret program, the White House quietly told him to back off. He obeyed.

      As President, he pocketed his expense account and took it with him when he left office. Ike refused to visit the White House for breakfast with Truman on Inauguration Day.

    2. Eisenhower was the last Republican leader to adhere to the liberal consensus that brought so much prosperity to our country.

      DIC does not like Eisenhower's policies, he prefers the neo liberalism and fascism of Reagan, Bush, and Trump, and the fact that those 3 presidents were corrupt - none more so than Trump - is a bonus for DIC.

    3. @11:38 I meant to write “HST”

    4. Sorry. I meant to write “HHH”

    5. Typos are fine, at least you are not lying about who your cousin is, as you have done in the past.

    6. She is his cousin.

      But now I don’t know if he admired Harry Truman or Hubert Humphrey.

    7. No she is not his cousin, she is a good friend of mine and she does not like him referencing her that way.

    8. How does she want him to describe their relation? First cousin once removed?

    9. Truman moved up in machine politics by being a loyal party hack. He rose to the challenges of the presidency.

    10. He nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he started the Cold War, he founded the CIA, he refused to recognize Red China, he got us into the disastrous Korean War, … .

    11. Lizzy loves David even when she disagrees with him. She supports his right to express his opinion.

      She urges everyone to vote for Kamala Harris.

    12. He stopped Russia from taking over Europe, ended WW2, desegregated the armed forces, aided the Marshall Act recovery from the war in Europe, after Yalta & bringing home our troops, helped found the UN, signed GI Bill.

  7. Somerby wants you to think that is very important to pay attention to a Republican baiting ploy, as Somerby continues his con of the Somerby Sheep.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Anonymouse 11:39am, and as you continue your mission as a Daily Howler Yowler.

    3. After comparing both your comments, I prefer the first.

    4. labrat, more power to you.

  8. OK, I'll bite. Somerby calls attention to the Republican baiting ploy of calling it the "Democrat Party." This promotes his supposed con of gullible liberals how, exactly?

  9. Border encounters plummeted during the Bush recession, and then started to spike under Trump until Covid closed the border. After reopening the border, encounters continued the spike that started with Trump, but when Biden became president he immediately enacted various border policies that eventually leveled off border encounters and now they are on the decline.

    Migrants coming to the US is not a crisis, it is normal for the US, and is a significant driver of our economy; currently the migrant percentage of our population is lower than previous historic waves of migration, waves that fueled our prosperity.

  10. Somerby claims Harris has “baggage” because he believes Republican attacks on her. Actual liberals don’t do that.

    Stephens suggests Harris wouldn’t inspire fear in dictators, but diplomacy doesn’t operate on fear but on leverage and Harris has the weight of the US behind her. Her negotiators are likely to be male, but female Secs of Staye have dealt with world leaders effectively.

    1. I’m so old that I remember when actual liberal anonymices would not cotton to any suggestion that Harris could or would be a stronger candidate than Biden. Now these same dolts go into the usual spasms of outrage when Bob suggests (frets) that she may have some weaknesses that her campaign team needs to address.

    2. As soon as I saw the debate I wanted Joe to resign so Kamala could run as the incumbent.

    3. Harris didn’t poll as strongly against Trump as Biden untill Biden left the ticket.

    4. Anonymouse 5:43pm, so you let some poll persuade you that a man who couldn’t campaign because of Covid and had just come off a disastrous debate that highlighted some cognitive deficits was a better bet than Kamala Harris.

      But now she’s the anonymouse version of superwoman. sheesh.

    5. Cecelia, just vote for Kamala Harris.

    6. Harris has a decent chance. It will be important for Democrats to position her correctly and have her make economic appeals to white independents without college degrees in swing states—the people who will actually determine this election. They must make sure that her focus is not overtaken by superfluous appeals to her online fan armies, or that such appeals alienate the crucial demographic of white independents without college degrees in swing states that she needs to win. This was Clinton's mistake. I know that sucks but that is the way the electoral college system works.

  11. Here's the Anon who polices what "actual liberals" are permitted to do.

    1. Hey, I’m a liberal, but I think climate change is a hoax, abortion should be outlawed, the minimum wage should be abolished, social security should be privatized, and labor unions are communism. So let me tell you what liberals ought to do to appeal to me…

    2. 3:08 -- BTW, any reason to think Somerby believes climate change is a hoax, abortion should be outlawed, etc.? All this is just a silly distraction, right?

    3. Anonymouse 3:08pm, there’s a lot of conservatives who take opposite stands (or stands in the middle) from one or another of the positions you characterize as being conservative, and nobody would accuse them of working for Putin.

    4. It’s not clear what the terms liberal or conservative mean if they can include all possible stances.

    5. Anonymice 4:47pm, it’s a matter of degree.

    6. Just don’t include wide stances.

    7. The point is Somerby is already trashing Harris.

    8. Somerby and Vance are kindred spirits.

    9. Democrats must only ever run candidates for president who have no baggage whatsoever. (?)

      Republicans get to run Donald fucking Trump.

    10. Trump slept his way to the bottom.
      Republicans voted their way there.

  12. Why bother to tell us what Stephens thinks, and then wonder if others feel the same? The reader has to see some reason to care about Stephens’ opinion.

    Either you agree with Stephens, in which case you tell us that. If you disagree, then you probably ought to say why.

    Otherwise, it’s empty content.

  13. JD says “Democratic Party”. He also pronounces “Kamala” correctly. That boy has no future in the GOP.

  14. “Largely accidental?” Cheap crappola from Bob. The veep is picked by the Candidate to be his back up. It’s largely the purpose of the office. What condescending BS. For years now, Bob has done all he could to accommodate the Republican talking point that Biden was too old and that he presented a health risk, even when the evidence supporting that (SOTU) was weak. The only talking point Bob supported more passionately was that Biden had done something wrong in regards to his Son, a charge that became so twisted and ugly with time Bob stopped writing about it.
    Bob is trying in his subtle way to berate Harris, we will see much more of this before November, and it will become less subtle.

    1. It's going to get a lot worse. Bob and many, many others are going to see to it that Harris is not elected. It should be easy to get Americans to think twice about voting for a black woman and to get them to second guess why she even deserves to be a candidate.

    2. Anonymouse 1:59am, right. Americans are hateful people. It’s not like they would judge on anything other than appearance. Pres. Obama just barely got elected. Twice.


  15. Here's one thing I know, boys and girls: any dumbass who gets triggered for days when the Democrat party is called "Democrat party" on a talk show, has gotta be a mental case.

    And that's one thing you can take to the bank.

    1. Seriously.
      They call those folks "snowflakes". Like they do people afraid of immigrants.


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