We're puzzled because Anne Applebaum's puzzled!


Applebaum listens to Trump: Anne Applebaum gives voice to the germ of a highly valid point in a recent essay for The Atlantic.

Her essay appears beneath the headlines shown below. The headlines do a decent job of stating her basic thesis:

Suddenly Trump Looks Older and More Deranged
Now the Republicans are the ones saddled with a candidate who can’t make a clear argument or finish a sentence.

It's true! President Biden's apparent decline was relatively easy to peg as some form of "dementia" or "senility"—more generally, as some familiar form of cognitive decline, of a type which often comes with advanced age.

Now that President Biden is out of the race, Candidate Trump is the candidate who's very old by historical standards. Also, he may perhaps seem to be "deranged," though his form of mental disorder has always seemed to be harder for mainstream journalists to name or report or describe.

What explains the crazy statements and crazy proposals Trump is inclined to make? On Monday, July 1, the New York Times reported the latest episode, one which struck us as remarkable:

Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals

Former President Donald J. Trump over the weekend escalated his vows to prosecute his political opponents, circulating posts on his social media website invoking “televised military tribunals” and calling for the jailing of President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer and former Vice President Mike Pence, among other high-profile politicians.

Mr. Trump, using his account on Truth Social on Sunday, promoted two posts from other users of the site that called for the jailing of his perceived political enemies.

One post that he circulated on Sunday singled out Liz Cheney, the former Wyoming congresswoman who is a Republican critic of Mr. Trump’s, and called for her to be prosecuted by a type of military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals.

“Elizabeth Lynne Cheney is guilty of treason,” the post said. “Retruth if you want televised military tribunals.”

Really? As president, Trump would want a televised military tribunal for Lynne Cheney? He had now "called for her to be prosecuted by a type of military court reserved for enemy combatants and war criminals?"

For various reasons, these apparent proposals may indeed seem "deranged." But the episode came and went with little attention from the mainstream press. For whatever reason, the mainstream press corps seems to lack a way to react to such crazy proposals.

For starters, just a guess:

In part, this reflects the refusal by the mainstream press to consult with medical or psychological specialists about Trump's mental and /or cognitive health. 

We've discussed this abdication of duty about a million times by now. For today, we'll leave it at this:

Our high-end career journalists aren't super-sharp. Beyond that, they aren't always super-honest. 

To appearances, they simply aren't willing to enter this dangerous conceptual territory. This leaves them with no obvious way to describe or report this man's apparent or possible madness.

In recent months, elements of the mainstream and Blue American press began behaving as if Trump's behavior was a mirror image of Biden's. You see that reflected in the headline atop Applebaum's essay, in which it's said that Donald J. Trump "can't finish a sentence."

We've seen Donald J. Trump finish plenty of sentences in the past few months! To some extent, that type of description seemed to go the heart of President Biden's apparent difficulties. The apparent madness of Donald J. Trump is a phenomenon of a different kind.

Having said that, we'll add this:

 We were puzzled to see that Applebaum was puzzled by certain excerpts from Trump's convention address. In her essay, she includes two brief excerpts from that endless speech which she describes as "pure gibberish."

After presenting the excerpts and describing them as gibberish, she says that Trump's "performance seemed deranged, sinister, and frightening." For now, we'll just tell you this:

The excerpts in question may (or may not) be viewed as borderline crazy. But the excerpts don't strike us as "gibberish" at all, let alone as gibberish of the pure kind.

(The fact that a major typo appears in one excerpt doesn't help Applebaum's case.)

The excerpts in questions may (or may not) be scored as borderline crazy—but why would Applebaum, an extremely important major writer, see them as gibberish? Tomorrow, we'll return to this topic, and we'll show you the excerpts in question.

In our view, something is wrong with Donald J. Trump. Also, something is keeping our major journalists from being able to say what it is—for being able to say what it is right out loud.



  1. Could it be the corporate tax breaks the owners of the media bank on from the Republican Party?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

  2. Replies
    1. Agamemnon never met Donald Trump.

  3. "[B]ut why would Applebaum, an extremely important major writer, see them as gibberish? Tomorrow, we'll return to this topic, and we'll show you the excerpts in question."

    Why wait until tomorrow when the answer is that she's nothing more than an apparatchik spewing the party's line. Just like everyone else in the media is. Isn't it obvious.

    1. WTF - the media has been up in Biden's old age for years ignoring the three year younger man who is a convicted felon out on bail in three jurisdictions. A man who worked both behind closed doors and out in the open to foment an insurrection (thanks for sitting on that Garland). A man (unlike Biden who recognizes his gaffes as mistakes needing correction), who just plows forward loudly repeating the same stupid shit for 10 years at a third grade vocabulary level. But more important, we have four years of solid performance by Biden and Harris, and tax cuts for rich people and corporations from the convicted felon. Name me five things Trump accomplished for the middle class. His Covid stimulus is one. Which was Keynesian not trickle down, so that will never happen again under R-Project 2025 leadership. Another was helping fund Moderna's Covid vaccine; but leading the Party of the stupid, had to disavow. So give me three more.

    2. Word is out that the Republicans are planning a series of 30 second endorsement ads featuring Hannibal Lector.

    3. 1:35 pm. About operation warp speed: Pfizer got its vaccine to market simultaneous with Moderna, using no US money. So the achievement of operation warp speed is a bit overstated.

  4. "It's true! President Biden's apparent decline was relatively easy to peg as some form of "dementia" or "senility"

    President Biden does not have dementia or senility. Somerby's ignorance is no excuse for continuing to malign Biden even after major donors pushed him out of the nomination. There is no reason to continue to lie about Biden's mental faculties, especially given that he is continuing to function as our President until Jan 20, 2025.

    1. Next Somerby will join the Republicans who are calling for Biden to resign before he can do any more good for the country.

    2. If Biden resigns, Harris becomes the incumbent.

  5. Right something is wrong with Donald Trump, as well as his supporters who buy into the facism and authoritatianism.
    No to mention the racism regarding Vice President Harris.

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