FRIENDS: We live in two nations composed of best friends!

MONDAY, JULY 15, 2024

Friends don't let friends hear from Others:  As it turned out, the assailant—the gunman, now deceased—was only twenty years old.

As it turned out, he was a registered Republican. That said, it still isn't clear what his political views may have been, or whether he really had any.

As has often been the case with these gunmen, someone who knew the gunman in high school has said he was endlessly bullied. Full disclosure:

At this time, we ourselves don't know if that's true.

Quite a few of our nation's recent mass shootings have been committed by young men—young men of roughly this same age—who were apparently lost in clinical depression, severe mental illness, disordered thinking, despair. 

Meanwhile, here's something else that's true. Frequently, the most obvious possible motive for our nation's political shootings hasn't turned out to be the actual motive. 

Sometimes, the motives for political shootings haven't been political! In a superb "News Analysis" overview for the New York Times, Peter Baker recalls the motives behind a few such "political" shootings:

BAKER (7/15/24): When President Ronald Reagan was shot by an attention-seeking drifter in 1981, the country united behind its injured leader. The teary-eyed Democratic speaker of the House, Thomas P. O’Neill Jr., went to the hospital room of the Republican president, held his hands, kissed his head and got on his knees to pray for him.


Gov. George C. Wallace, Democrat of Alabama, was shot at a campaign event during his 1972 presidential run by a man who wanted to be famous...John Hinckley attacked Mr. Reagan out of an obsession to impress the movie star Jodie Foster. 

John Hinckley, who had just turned 26, tried to kill President Reagan. As it turned out, he wasn't driven by a political motive. Insanely, he decided to shoot President Reagan in the hope that such an act would impress the very young Jodie Foster. 

In the grip of a mental illness, he apparently came to believe that shooting and killing President Reagan would be the way to do that! So it has often turned out in the case of attempts on the lives of political figures.

Hinckley tried to kill a sitting president. When George Wallace was shot, he was a presidential candidate.

More recently, Rep. Gabby Giffords was shot and severely wounded by Jared Lee Loughner, who was 22 years old at the time. Six other people were killed in this crazy attack on a political figure.

What exactly was this young man's "motive?" Wikipedia's thumbnail says this:

Jared Lee Loughner is an American mass murderer who pled guilty to 19 charges of murder and attempted murder in connection with the January 8, 2011, Tucson shooting, in which he shot and severely injured U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords, and killed six people, including Chief U.S. District Court Judge John Roll, Gabe Zimmerman, a member of Giffords's staff, and a 9-year-old girl, Christina-Taylor Green. Loughner shot and injured a total of 13 people, including one man who was injured while subduing him.

Acquaintances say that Loughner's personality had changed markedly in the years prior to the shooting, a period during which he was also abusing alcohol and drugs. He had been suspended from Pima Community College in September 2010 because of his bizarre behavior and disruptions in classes and the library. After his arrest, two medical evaluations diagnosed Loughner with paranoid schizophrenia and ruled him incompetent to stand trial...

In any normal sense of the term, did this young man have a "motive" at all? You can teach it flat or teach it round—but it seems quite clear that he was in the grip of a severe mental illness.

Let's move farther afield. Why did Mark David Chapman, age 25, end up killing John Lennon? What was Chapman's "motive?"

Below, you see an early summary of Wikipedia's much longer account:

Raised in Decatur, Georgia, Chapman used to be a fan of the Beatles, but was infuriated by Lennon's lavish lifestyle and public statements, such as his remark about the band being "more popular than Jesus" and the lyrics of two of his later songs "God" and "Imagine". In the years leading up to the murder, the J. D. Salinger novel The Catcher in the Rye took on great personal significance for Chapman, to the extent that he wished to model his life after the novel's protagonist, Holden Caulfield. Chapman also contemplated killing other public figures, including David Bowie, Johnny Carson, Elizabeth Taylor, Paul McCartney, and Ronald Reagan...

Following the murder, Chapman's legal team intended to mount an insanity defense based on the testimony of mental health experts who said that he was in a delusional psychotic state at the time of the shooting.

Among other complaints, he'd been infuriated by Lennon's lavish lifestyle! This young man's earlier episodes of clinical depression are described in Wikipedia's detailed account. 

Clinical depression seems to be an obvious part of this tragic story. For the record, here's a bit more detail about the short-term "motive" behind his crazy, murderous attack:

Chapman had also been influenced by Anthony Fawcett's John Lennon: One Day at a Time, which detailed Lennon's lavish lifestyle in New York City. According to [a personal friend], "He was angry that Lennon would preach love and peace but yet have millions." Chapman later said: "He told us to imagine no possessions and there he was, with millions of dollars and yachts and farms and country estates, laughing at people like me who had believed the lies and bought the records and built a big part of their lives around his music." He also recalled having listened to Lennon's solo albums in the weeks before the murder:

I would listen to this music and I would get angry at him, for saying [in the song "God"] that he didn't believe in God, that he just believed in him and Yoko, and that he didn't believe in the Beatles. This was another thing that angered me, even though this record had been done at least ten years previously. I just wanted to scream out loud, "Who does he think he is, saying these things about God and heaven and the Beatles?" Saying that he doesn't believe in Jesus and things like that. At that point, my mind was going through a total blackness of anger and rage.

According to Chapman, his mind "was going through a total blackness of anger and rage." So it frequently goes with the "motives" of these badly disturbed young men.

In the current case, why did the latest assailant—a 20-year-old registered Republican—attempt to kill Donald Trump? 

At this point, no answer to that question has emerged. It may turn out that he left writings which will explain his state of mind. It's also possible that no clear picture will ever emerge. 

Even today, no one knows why this very young man did what he did last Saturday—why he went to a rally and apparently tried to shoot and kill a presidential candidate. (Presumably, he knew this act would likely end in "suicide by cop.")

At this point, no one knows why he did what he did—but so what? On the Fox News Channel, and elsewhere in Red America, thought leaders rushed forward that very day to announce why he did what he did. They said he did it because of what Joe Biden had said, or because of things that had been said on Blue America's "cable news" channels.

In our view, there's plenty to criticize in what has been said on Blue America's "cable news" programs. (In our view, the behavior on the Fox News Channel tends to be even worse.)

In our view, there has been plenty to criticize! That said, what was the "motive" for Saturday's attack? What explains this latest assailant's behavior?

Even today, no one can say—but so what? Here's the start of Baker's analysis piece, which appears in today's print editions:

BAKER (7/15/24): When President Ronald Reagan was shot by an attention-seeking drifter in 1981, the country united behind its injured leader. The teary-eyed Democratic speaker of the House, Thomas P. O’Neill Jr., went to the hospital room of the Republican president, held his hands, kissed his head and got on his knees to pray for him.

But the assassination attempt against former President Donald J. Trump seems more likely to tear America further apart than to bring it together. Within minutes of the shooting, the air was filled with anger, bitterness, suspicion and recrimination. Fingers were pointed, conspiracy theories advanced and a country already bristling with animosity fractured even more.

The fact that the shooting in Butler, Pa., on Saturday night was two days before Republicans were set to gather in Milwaukee for their nominating convention invariably put the event in a partisan context. While Democrats bemoaned political violence, which they have long faulted Mr. Trump for encouraging, Republicans instantly blamed President Biden and his allies for the attack, which they argued stemmed from incendiary language labeling the former president a proto-fascist who would destroy democracy.

Mr. Trump’s eldest son, his campaign strategist and a running mate finalist all attacked the political left within hours of the shooting even before the gunman was identified or his motive determined. “Well of course they tried to keep him off the ballot, they tried to put him in jail and now you see this,” wrote Chris LaCivita, a senior adviser to the former president.

So said the senior adviser—and from others, the accusations were more specific and dumber and worse. That's what was instantly being said, at a time when no one had any way of knowing what may or may not have lay behind this latest violent attack. 

That very Saturday, major political figures "attacked the political left." The next morning, on Fox & Friends Weekend, a quintet of the Fox News Channel's official "friends" staged a gruesome, hours-long clinic in the ways of pre-human pseudo-journalistic behavior.

We briefly described this gruesome gong-show in yesterday's report. As they staged their tribal war, no manner of dimwitted tribal propaganda was left behind. 

But so it goes—so it has always gone—when members of our limited species split themselves into warring tribes.

Yesterday morning, the inanity on Fox & Friends Weekend was endless. It went on and on and on, and then it went on a bit more. It started with the unblinking assertion of divine providence the previous day, not excluding the intervention of "our lord and savior, Jesus Christ." 

So ruled weekday friend Lawrence Jones, speaking at precisely 6:12 a.m. Already, the weekend friends had agreed on the role of divine providence. On this "cable news" show, Jones then took the next step.

(Jones didn't explain why the divine intervention had allowed other people to be critically wounded or killed during the violent assault. Nor did the other friends ask him to do so. On this imitation of a news channel, friends don't let friends kill a buzz!)

Stating the obvious, Jones and the other friends are fully entitled to their religious beliefs. That said, no point of dumbness was left behind yesterday morning in the two hours we watched.

No unfounded assertion was left behind—no preapproved element of tribal agitprop. That said, this is the regular order of business on the increasingly gruesome Fox News Channel. In fairness, behavior which isn't altogether different is common on MSNBC, Blue America's "cable news" channel.

The Fox News Channel starts each weekday morning with four (4!) hours of Fox & Friends. The friends talk down to their millions of viewers. No possible sifting of information will ever be left behind.

Over on the rival channel, a conventionally attractive woman with perfect teeth and excellent hair has been pleasuring Blue America for two hours per day over the past five or six years.

Her very heavily watched TV show has been devoted to LOCKING HIM UP. This program has been a repository of bad political judgement—a type of judgment which now may be blowing up in Blue America's face. 

That said, her program has been built around friendship cadres too. Every single freaking day, this former advocate of war in Iraq and antigay referendums tells her trusting viewers that they are watching conversations involving "some of our favorite reporters and friends."

(Sometimes, these friends are elevated to "dear, dear friends." Sometimes, viewers even hear themselves described as "beloved viewers.") 

The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But this is no way to assemble friends, and this is no way for friends to be treating friends. But this is the way we now organize vast amounts of our nation's journalism, along with our national politics.

Under current corporate arrangements, these "cable news" channels are almost wholly "segregated bv viewpoint." It's been this way for years.  On these ersatz cable "news" channels, one key rule obtains: 

Friends don't let friends consider the viewpoints or insights of Others. 

Friends don't let friends speak to Others. Friends don't make friends listen to Others. All in all, friends don't ask friends to encounter the world like functioning human beings.

This is the way our world has been organized for a rather long time. For Blue America, it's beginning to look like this may have been a disaster.

Yesterday morning, the friends behaved like trained seals. They're cast in that role every day.

Our nation has been organized this way by profit-seeking corporate interests. Very large modern nations simply can't function this way.

We'll explore the behaviors of these dueling groups of friends as the week proceeds. But why did Crooks, just 20 years old, do what he did last Saturday?

Even today, nobody knows—but who what? On Fox & Friends Weekend, a quintet of well-paid corporate tools rushed forward to bulldoze their friends.

Tomorrow: Fox & Friends never quits


  1. Thomas Hoepker and Marina Kondratyeva have died.

    1. At least they were not raped by Trump, like Katie Johnson was, who was 13 years old at the time.

    2. Katie, or her mother brought 2 civil lawsuits against Trump One was dismissed, she voluntarily dismissed the other. No criminal charges. How is it that you feel justified (repeatedly) claiming trump raped her?

    3. Did he really not rape her? I’m disappointed.

    4. The girls testified at Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial and she was convicted and sentenced to 20 years. This comes from their sworn testimony. I believe the girls because we all know Trump lies.

    5. Perhaps Trump bought her mother off, like he did with Stormy — take this settlement or else.

  2. Aileen Cannon has dismissed the classified-documents case against Trump.

    1. By her logic, the case against Hunter Biden ought to be dismissed as well.

    2. Dems are a threat to her sense of dominance, so in that context, it is logical, even though it is unethical and immoral.

    3. Indeed, it speaks to a broader circumstance where Philosophy has a diminishing significance as Science becomes more prominent and useful.

  3. One wonders if Republicans ever do anything that blows up in their faces, or is it all just Nicolle Wallace’s fault for reporting on the actual prosecutions of Trump which were based on his potential crimes against the United States?

    1. Somerby tends to put his thumb on the scale to promote his right wing worldview.

  4. Somerby says the shooter was mentally ill but the press has reported he was not under treatment. The illnesses Somerby lists have obvious symptoms that have not been described for him.

    Meanwhile Somerby says he doesn’t know whether anything is true. But oddly, Somerby mainly says that after mentioning things he prefers were not reported, such as that this shooter is a Republican. Why say anything then?

    1. TDH doesn't say he was mentally ill; he says at this point nobody can say why he did it. It would be better if you could read and understand what you read.

    2. Right, Somerby never commits himself to a definite opinion but then why give us all those examples of crazy shooters?

    3. I can’t read and understand what I read, because I wasn’t taught phonics.

    4. Anonymouse 6:54pm, because Somerby is making the case that the attack on Trump are not the result of some kind of political conspiracy or even the result of inflammatory rhetoric. These assassins are generally people who are suffering from extreme social alienation and mental illness.

    5. Somerby doesn’t know whether this was a political shooting or not.

    6. Studies do not show such shooters are mentally ill or socially alienated.

    7. One thing about most of these crazy shooters: girls don’t like them.

    8. Anonymices, you can take up the issue of whether Somerby should have or shouldn’t have written a blog where he references past assassinations and assassins and any commonality he sees.

      I was answering the question from an anonymouse as to why I think that he gave “all those examples of crazy shooters”

  5. Does US gun culture and gun worship deserve some discussion? Or is it too divisive to cast a critical eye on it?

    1. It would cause Republicans emotional discomfort, therefore the corporate press forbids it.

    2. The second amendment is poo-poo.

  6. I don’t think we need a review by Somerby of cherry picked previous shooters — it seems too soon for that. In actual research of people who commit such shootings, the best predictor is violence against women. Otherwise, being male is the main common denominator. They are not mecessarily mentally ill, Somerny’s preferred narrative.

  7. I’ve been watching MSNBC and they are just interviewing bystanders not speculating about motives. The right has gone crazy with accusations against Biden, etc. Somerby’s response today is goofy, attacking the left press again. Unhelpful.

    1. You’ll find your leftist blueanons theorizing on X. Someone needs to remind those folks and the mental giants on Fox & Friends of what happened to Alex Jones.

    2. I've never looked at X, and I never will.

    3. It’s the new (and stupid) name for Twitter, not a movie rating.

    4. X or Twitter, it’s not welcome on my computer.

    5. Anonymouse 4:37pm, you’re not missing a lot.

  8. Thomas Crooks, a white male registered Republican and gun enthusiast, has died.

  9. There are several questions
    1. As Bob says, why did the shooter do it?
    2. To what degree did statements by Biden and his supporters lead to the assassination attempt?
    3. How did such a clumsy and obvious attempt succeed? The shots were fired from an obvious danger point. It took several minutes for the assassin in public view to set up.

    1. Regarding #2 there were continuing accusations that Trump is a Nazi. You don't need to be insane to kill Hitler. How many of us would have killed Hitler if we could have, even at the cost of our lives?

      Then, there was Biden's recently saying it's time to put Trump in a bullseye. This comment taken literally calls for assassination. Sane people wouldn't take it literally, but how would a disturbed person understand it?

      Even taken figuratively, it's dangerous. In the old days, a candidate ran on a platform of all the good things s/he was going to do. But, Biden is explicitly running on a platform of demonizing Trump. Obviously, it's appropriate to wipe out demons.

    2. I wouldn’t kill Hitler.

    3. Taken literally, a bull’s eye is the visual organ of a bovine male.

    4. When Hitler was merely advocating bad policies, it would have been wrong to kill him. When he was the commander-in-chief of enemy armed forces, it would have been heroic.

    5. @11:34 you're right about the meaning of the two words "bulls eye". But, the single word, "bullseye" means the center of a target.

    6. Bullseye is a metaphor. Your misinterpretation is disingenuous.

    7. Hitler killed himself. He should have done it much sooner.

    8. DIC makes a good point that one should question the circumstances, to some it does look like a poorly executed setup meant to benefit Trump as polls were turning towards Biden, OTOH Trump recently started his phony pivot away from an abortion ban and away from Project 2025 - most are able to understand that Trump is being disingenuous, but a loon might feel betrayed.

      Somerby's rhetoric over the past few years, has served to muddy the waters and embolden right wing loons, and Trump's rhetoric has been focused on inciting violence for quite some time.

    9. David in Cal,
      Good luck finding a better reason for the shooting than "white people are violent and crazy". It's not the guns.
      It's the culture white people are raised in.

    10. Their false sense of entitlement from all the government hand-outs they get isn't helping society, either. Might be time for some 'tough love".

    11. @12:08 One way to figure out whether a statement is racist is to replace the word 'white' with 'black' Imagine that after a murder committed by a black person, you had written, "black people are violent and crazy".

    12. David in Cal 12:28 PM
      That's exactly what we liberals do. When we say "white", everyone on our "Blue America" team knows that it means "black". You're only complaining because you don't belong.

    13. 12:28 that is beyond stupid.

      It is obvious you haven't a clue as to what "white", "black", or "racism" means.

    14. Trump was shot at by a pro-gun White Republican.

    15. Active voice: a pro-gun White Republican shot at Trump.

    16. After a pro-gun White Republican shot audience members at a small Trump rally, Trump showed no concern for others and even halted the Secret Service from carrying out their duties in order to politicize the event.

      Trump is deeply troubled and a danger to society.

    17. Anonymouse 1:08pm, so? He obviously hated Orange Hitler.

      He could have registered Republican to skew the Republican primary, which the left was encouraging new voters to do.

      Anyhoo..I’m fairly certain that the shooting of a political candidate, during a political event, had already politically tainted the attempted assassination and the would-be assassin.

      (You're a goddamn idiot.)

    18. I showed 1:00PM how to rephrase her comment in the active voice. That makes me not just an idiot, but a goddamn idiot?

    19. Cecelia is a Russian spy.

    20. Not a spy, a troll.

    21. Anonymouse 4:42pm, you say that as though I
      ( Bob, David, AC/MA, PP, and DG) haven’t been called that a billion times.

    22. Bob, David, AC/MA, PP, and DG are not Russian, and they are not trolls. Cecelia is a Russian troll.

    23. Anonymouse 5:25pm, regular commenters don’t launch personal attacks on the blog owner and other commenters who enjoy the blogger. Trolls do that. That would be you.

    24. Regular commenters don’t call other commenters “goddamn idiots”. Russian trolls do that.

    25. Anonymouse 5:40pm, regular commenters don’t call other commenters Russian trolls. Russian trolls accuse others of being Russian trolls.

      Regular people call goddamn idiots “goddamn ldiots”.That would describe you.

    26. Every time you comment, you reveal that you are a Russian troll.

    27. Anonymouse 5;55pm, every time you comment you reveal me to be a regular person and you to be a goddamn idiot. All’s right with the world.

    28. You don’t even understand the active voice and the passive voice of English verbs. You’re abnormal. Otherwise you’d have a productive job in the Russian economy.

    29. Anonymouse 6:20om, this is a productive job in the Russian economy. It’s called rubles-for-rubes.

    30. Right. It’s not rubles for good decent people who make Russia great again.

    31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    32. Anonymouse 6:57, keep trying for your motherland.

  10. Theories were advanced, fingers were pointed. Passive sentences avoid stating who pointed those fingers. I think it was mostly the right, esp MAGA legislators, accusing Biden. Somerby should say so because that is wrong to do, using a crime for political purposes.

  11. If Thomas Crooks had known that the woods are lovely dark and deep, this never would have happened.


  12. "They said he did it because of what Joe Biden had said, or because of things that had been said on Blue America's "cable news" channels."

    No one is listening to what Joe Biden says (except for laughs), but all the state-run liberal news, TV, and their internet -- that's for sure. Is there any good reason to doubt it? IMO, you would have to be real dumb to estimate it with less than 95% probability, Fox News or no Fox News.

  13. Donald Trump calls for Robert F. Kennedy Jr to receive Secret Service protection

    This should be obvious to the Secret Service. Imagine the reaction if an attempt is made to assassinate RFK Jr.

    1. He is too minor a candidate and there are no threats against him. He shares the same risk as the rest of us. There are other minor candidates without protection too.

    2. All Dems should get Secret Service protection, Repubs have lost it and they are armed and dangerous.

    3. I see a lot of Democrat hatred directed at him. Nowhere near their hatred of Trump, obviously, but still a huge amount.

    4. In reality, there is a lot of hate and hostility from Republicans targeting Dems, and Republicans are armed to the teeth, particularly with AR-15s.

      The Republicans are also suffering from internal conflict due to Trump's fascistic rhetoric, so much so that recently a Republican apparently tried to shoot Trump (although it may have been a piece of teleprompter glass that hit Trump).

    5. Anonymouse 2:02pm, the shooter missed the president, but he did kill someone who is likely to have been a Republican. I doubt that would have bothered him.

      As with 1/6, aside from all the Capitol police who offed themselves after the riot, and the officer who died from a stroke hours later, the only deaths at the scene were Republicans.

    6. That’s because Republicans were the insurgents, duh!

    7. Anonymouse 3:40pm, who didn’t carry guns or shoot anybody.

    8. RFK wouldn’t stand a chance against the Secret Service.

    9. She was at the head of a lynch mob, breaking into the room where members of Congress were sheltered and had no further retreat.

    10. There were guns confiscated from insurgents.

    11. Insurgents have the right to keep and bear arms.

    12. Not in places where there are restrictions on concealed weapons, as in Wash DC. You can’t take an assault weapon into a presidential speech, as MAGAs tried to do.

    13. These restrictions are unconstitutional. Insurgents have a clear right to keep and bear arms in Clarence Thomas’s chambers.

    14. Biden took Trump's suggestion and ordered Secret Service protection for RFK Jr. Based on the Secret Service f*ckup Saturday, RFK Jr. probably should also keep his private security.

    15. Make sure they are good at worm control.

    16. The Secret Service, like most law-enforcement agencies, is infested with Republicans.

    17. “…Capitol police who offed themselves…” Your humanity is nicely encapsulated in that phrase. Nice work.

    18. You seem confused 4:29 AM: that's a perfectly unremarkable English phrase. It's not in your native Albanian.

    19. Biden took Trump's suggestion ...

      You're an ass, David.

  14. RFK exposed the vaccine hoax.

    1. RFK is hoaxing people himself.
