SUNDAY: CNN's Blackwell noticed something!

SUNDAY, JULY 7, 2024

Having noticed, he asked: To his credit, Victor Blackwell did his job—performed his role within our failing "democracy."

Victor Blackwell had noticed something. Having noticed, he asked!

Blackwell serves as host of CNN's early morning weekend program, First of All. To his great credit, he noticed something yesterday.

Such people rarely do.

Blackwell had noticed something when he listened to a pair of radio interviews—major market radio interviews with President Biden. 

According to the New York Times, this is what we the people learned because of what Blackwell noticed:

Biden Aides Provided Questions in Advance for His Radio Interviews

The questions asked of President Biden by two radio interviewers this week were provided in advance to the hosts by members of Mr. Biden’s team, one of the hosts said Saturday morning on CNN.

Andrea Lawful-Sanders, the host of “The Source” on WURD in Philadelphia, said Biden officials had provided her with a list of eight questions ahead of the interview on Wednesday.

“The questions were sent to me for approval; I approved of them,” she told Victor Blackwell, the host of “First of All” on CNN. Asked if it was the White House that had sent the questions to her in advance, she said it was.

“I got several questions—eight of them,” she said. “And the four that were chosen were the ones that I approved.”

Simply put, but rather plainly, this sort of thing never stops. It never stops with the Biden team. In our view, the other team, broadly defined, may be even worse.

Later in the news report, readers are told why Blackwell asked this radio host about her interview with President Biden. He was speaking with the two (2) radio hosts, from two different radio stations, who had been given the chance to interview the president:

Mr. Blackwell, interviewing the two radio hosts Saturday morning, appeared surprised by the answer about the preapproved questions.

He had asked Ms. Lawful-Sanders about her four questions because he said he had noticed that they were almost identical to the four that Mr. Ingram had asked in his interview with Mr. Biden the same day.

Mr. Ingram, who was on Mr. Blackwell’s show with Ms. Lawful-Sanders, did not dispute her description of how the questions were selected.

“The reason I ask is not a criticism of either of you,” Mr. Blackwell told the two anchors. “It’s just that if the White House is trying now to prove the vim, vigor, acuity of the president, I don’t know how they do that by sending questions first, before the interviews, so that the president knows what’s coming.”

For the full CNN transcript, you can just click here.

For the record, the campaign (not "the White House") had provided the questions to the two radio hosts. As the Times news report describes, President Biden stumbled at times as he tried to answer them.

You may agree with Blackwell's assessment of this practice. Then again, you may not. 

Without question, the gaslighting of us the people can (and does) get much, much worse. That said, Biden officials have now said that they won't engage in this practice again.

All in all, we the people continue to live inside a ball of fictitions. 

Our presidential candidates seem like a pair of fictitions. They aren't fictitions in the same way, but they both seem like fictitions nonetheless.

Our journalists, and our other thought leaders, often seem like fictitions too. 

Our candidates frequently make statements which are inaccurate or incoherent. Sometimes, the statements they make are transparently crazy—are the apparent sign of a badly disordered mind.

Recent example, from Candidate Trump: 


That statement was transparently crazy. Sometimes, our journalists and our news orgs take notice of such transparently crazy statements. Remarkably often, they don't.

We're returning today to the framework introduced by Michael Moore at the 2003 Oscars. As we noted a few weeks ago, Moore introduced the framework—a new paradigm, built around a new word—in these brief remarks:

I've invited my fellow documentary nominees on the stage with us, and we would like to—they are here. They are here in solidarity with me because we like non-fiction.

We like non-fiction and we live in fictitious times.

We live in the time where we have fictitious election results that elects a fictitious president. We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons. 

Whether it's the fictition of duct tape or the fictitions of orange alerts, we are against this war, Mr. Bush.

Moore invented a new term—a term we plainly need. That new term was "fictition." In our view, it's a useful word.

At the time, that was a partisan speech. Today, the state of fictition strikes us as being "general over [the nation]."

Today, the culture of fictition is grotesquely widespread. The human message machines on the Fox News Channel reek of round-the-clock fictition—but are the message machines on MSNBC really that far behind?

We'll explore such questions in the week which lies ahead. That said, who could have predicted such an event? 

CNN's Blackwell noticed something. Having noticed, he asked!


  1. "In our view, the other team, broadly defined, may be even worse."

    Under the current circumstances, the other team can't be worse, because the other team are enemies of the state. We can only find out whether they are better or worse when, and if, they are in control of the deep state and the media. And this, alas, may never happen.

    "Recent example, from Candidate Trump:"

    Except that it's not from Candidate Trump. According to the quote in your own blog Candidate Trump didn't write it, but only "amplified" it. Presumably, to inform his audience (including you, Bob) that there are people who feel this way.

    1. I'm just a simple girl from Monaco. I don't understand how a sitting president could try to overturn the results of a free and fair election, an effort that included inciting a violent attack on our capitol, and not immediately be put in prison.

  2. So Michale Moore coined the term "fictition". I thought it sounded like something Cecelia made up.

    1. Ignorance is not cute.

    2. Cecelia is cute.

    3. Cecelia wrote this about herself — no one else has seen her.

    4. I see her in my dreams.

    5. Our resident white supremacist has a hard-on for Cecelia, and feels the need to remind her and everyone else about it in every thread.

    6. I’m not a white supreacist.

    7. 1:29,
      Good. Always a pleasure to hear when someone isn't a Right-winger.

    8. I’m not a right-winger.

    9. Cecilia makes more sense than most of the "liberal" commenters here (admittedly, not saying much given the quality of these "liberal" commenters). She also has a sense of humor.

    10. AC/ MA,
      When I want to hear from someone who thinks all minorities should be abandoned because to act otherwise is "identity politics" I'll ask for a white male from the peanut gallery to give me his opinion.

  3. Biden on what happened in the debate:

    “Yeah, look. The whole way I prepared, nobody’s fault, mine. Nobody’s fault but mine. I, uh—I prepared what I usually would do sittin’ down as I did come back with foreign leaders or National Security Council for explicit detail. And I realized—’bout partway through that, you know, all—I get quoted the New York Times had me down, at 10 points before the debate, nine now, or whatever the hell it is. The fact of the matter is that, what I looked at is that he also lied 28 times. I couldn’t—I mean, the way the debate ran, not—my fault, no one else’s fault, no one else’s fault.”

    1. That is my take on it too. Biden prepared and Trump lied, over and over. And the moderators ignored the lying and Trump’s failure to speak to specific questions.

      It is admirable yhat Biden won’t blame is prep staff, but why is Trump getting a bye? Biden would have sounded better too if he had simply memorized slogans and talking points and repeated them no matter ehat the question or Biden’s statements. But that isn’t debating. Biden tried and Trump lied, but Biden gets no credit due to massive media bias.

    2. Biden couldn't finish sentences in the debate because he prepared and Trump lied over and over.

      That doesn't make sense.

    3. Watch the debate. Biden offered substantive reactions to the questions and Trump. Trump did not. How do you get your points across and also address lies in 1 and 2 minute segments? Biden failed but that is what a Gish Gallop does to someone trying to play it straight.

    4. Better yet, read the transcript. It contradicts the exaggerations about Biden not completing sentences, etc. Incoherence is in the minds of those who start with negative attitudes, not just in Biden’s performance.

    5. Your defense of Biden's performance doesn't make any sense at all.

    6. @11:28 AM
      Talking to Soros' trained monkeys makes even less sense.

      Although they probably get a banana for every reply they receive, so there's that.

    7. GOOD POINT!!!

    8. Today’s essay is just another Biden hit piece but you call commenters trolls when this attack on Biden is bought and paid for.

      The president can and does set limits for a radio interview or any other kind of interview, but that is not the same as getting interview questions in advance.

      Like so many of the attacks on Biden, Trump used them first on Hillary.

  4. It is standard practice, in and out of politics, to provide advance interview questions. For one thing, it defines the boundary of what a celebrity will talk about without violating privacy. This is not a scandal.

    This standard practice for interviews is not the same as obtaining advance questions in a political debate. That is an adversarial competitive situation, not PR. The point of s debate is to see how well candidates express and defend their policies and positions on issues.

    Biden at least struggled with complex issues and responded to Trump’s lies. Trump generally ignored the moderator questions entirely to recite memorized lies. I do not understand why that has not been addressed by the media and especially Somerby.

    1. It helps the interviewer more than Biden. They can ask what they want but may appreciate help. On talk shows, there is typically a pre-interview staff member who generates those wuestions for the host. Publicists supply them too, ahead of an interview.

      Obviously Stephanopolis was playing gotcha and focused only on the debate, but radio campaign interviews are to expose a candidate to voters, not push Biden out of the race.

    2. It is not and never has been standard practice for politicians to provide interview questions in advance. Interviewers usually want to keep their independence and avoid letting the interviewee overly prepare, which can make the interview less genuine and spontaneous. This is obvious.

    3. Interviewers can ask what they want but it saves everyone time to let an interviewer know what the guest wants to talk about, because that is why they agreed to do the show. Presidents included.

      Unprepared guests may blurt out things they would rather not have said, but more often they don’t provide interesting or succinct responses and require more editing or waste airtime live. Celebrities are good at sounding spontaneous when rehearsed.

      Biden is the president of the USA. He doesn’t go on radio shows to be ambushed.

    4. "Interviewers can ask what they want but it saves everyone time to let an interviewer know what the guest wants to talk about,"


    5. "Biden at least struggled with complex issues and responded to Trump’s lies. Trump generally ignored the moderator questions entirely"

      Unfortunately, ignoring the questions turns out to be the more effective strategy. That's one reason JFK beat RMN in those early debates. JFK told the audience what he wanted them to hear.

    6. Yes, this illustrates the difficulty with considering politics to be a game instead of a democratic process in which voters become familiar with candidates and then choose a leader.

      Trump never plays by the rules in any arena. Is that a quality we want in our president? The rules are what make us civilized, better than animals, more than "might makes right" or "anything goes". Cheaters can win, but that doesn't make it right. I'm also not convinced they necessarily win in the end -- because we are a nation of laws, society will catch up with the cheaters eventually. Witness Trump's legal problems, which are not persecution but rather the consequences of his own actions/choices catching up with him.

    7. It seems like any courtesy extended to the president will now be considered an accommodation to his cognitive disability. If he's lucky, Biden will get to keep Airforce One and not have to travel Main Cabin commercial to prove he can take it.

    8. You're such a mendacious bastard asshole, David.
      John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon both answered the questions from the panel. Do you think Howard K Smith would let either one spew a firehose of pure bullshit the entire debate as your supreme leader did that night? Not a fucking chance. I realize you look at trump through rose colored lenses but for Christ sake, enough of your bullshit here.

    9. We seem to have some on here saying providing questions is standard, some saying it is not. Neither side presents any evidence. Does anybody know of any evidence, one way or another, on this point?

    10. And just like that, the answer appears. One on the interviewers just resigned. I doubt she would have been forced to resign if this were a standard practice.

    11. Good for WURD. They felt that using questions supplied by the campaign betrayed the trust of their listeners that they were an independent news gathering organization rather merely a mouthpiece for the Biden campaign. If only Fox had those erhics.

  5. I am old enough to remember when people who claimed that President Biden had prior knowledge of interview questions were dismissed as crazies or liars.

    How about those made-up fictitious claims, Bob?

    1. They are taking advantage of people’s ignorance by portraying a standard practice as some sort of scandal when it isn’t.

    2. It is not a standard practice. You all full of shit.

    3. No, I am not.

    4. It's not a standard practice for a campaign to provide an interviewer with a list of pre-approved questions that the politician will answer.

    5. The American people want to see Biden speak extemporaneously. They want to know if he can do it. He seems to only be able to do scripted public events. That's a problem. His campaign is performing so poorly but this is probably because Biden can't do unscripted events because of his deteriorating mental condition.

    6. This is not normally the function of a political interview — it is to inform the public about the candidate’s views, experience and plans if elected. Speaking extemporaneously is not part of the job and many young people cannot do it well. Biden’s quips in public and crowd interactions are a strength but have nothing to do with preparing to get points across in an interview under time pressure.

    7. Trump can’t do them either because he can’t stay focused on a single topic. And because he makes shit up instead of remembering anything. Biden may pause to recall but Trump covers up by making up lies.

    8. You're completely full of shit.

    9. No, but you are a paid operative not a blog regular and you are commenting here to attack Biden not discuss anything.

    10. It’s not a “standard practice”. The media labeled people fools and party shills for suggesting it.

      This sea change in media treatment of Biden is otherworldly. There must be some other shoe/news that is going to drop.

    11. Biden is going to drop.

    12. The media has been exposed for hiding Biden's age-related incompetence. And the only way they can save face is to pretend like they are shocked about it and begin to report on it, which they will do furiously just to try to prove that they we're not complicit in the first place.

      The Biden campaign is having to learn what it means to 'live by the sword and die by the sword'.

    13. This is an orchestrated campaign by the right wing to kneecap Biden just when he started pulling ahead in the polls. The media is complicit, but we saw that when Trump used The National Enquirer to attack Hillary in 2016. This time they spent more money and bought the NY Times. Thank you Russia if you’re listening. Biden is fine. He is nailing down a ceasefire in Gaza while the right tries to push him out of the race.

      I am voting for Biden because he is an excellent president. But I agree with those saying they would vote for a corpse before Trump. We must defend our democracy from Trump and his 2025 Plan and that means standing with Biden.

    14. You've been propagandized so thoroughly that you don't know what bad news looks like or how to process it. It makes sense you would instinctively call it an orchestrated plot. You've lived in a media environment for so long where you're only fed good news about what you believe and bad news about the people you don't. But the debate crashed all that. It drew back the curtain on the fact that the party you support who had used their power to propagandize and gaslight against their enemies, began to use it on their supporters by feeding them propaganda that Biden himself was of sound mind and in good health. All that was exposed and now we are just witnessing the crash and for true believing, propagandized citizens like yourself, it's completely disorienting!

    15. Anyone who is not in the bag for Trump can see that this has been an orchestrated campaign to portray Biden as older and more feeble than he is, including fake videos spread by mainstream media (Wash Post), daily "Biden is too old" stories in the NY Times, Gutfeld poopy diaper jokes, and other attacks on Biden.

      There is no crash, even though the right hopes for one. Biden is now back to where he was in the polls. The debate didn't cause his numbers to go down more than a few points, quickly recovered now. Biden is again gaining over Trump in nationwide averages and in swing state polls. All of the major players have stuck by Biden, including (1) the VP Harris, (2) Biden's cabinet and department heads in his administration, (3) congressional Republicans who have met with Biden and say he is sharp, (4) world leaders who have been interacting with Biden during Gaza, Ukraine, not just our allies, (5) other Democratic politicians who might be alternatives, such as Whitmer and Newsom and Buttigieg, Fetterman, (6) Democratic senators and governors, including those he met with right after the debate to discuss his performance, (7) his campaign managers and staff, (8) his official personal physician, who works for the Navy not Biden and gave him a clean bill of health just 4 months ago, (9) some pundits but not all, others have expressed "concerns", but (10) mostly importantly, the voters are with him and have been sending him record donations to his campaign, as a gesture of support and to keep him in the race. We the people want him to keep running.

      Who are Biden's enemies? Somerby, of course. Bill Maher, Michael Moore, James Carville (who has been especially vocal), and a whole bunch of right wingers. Morning Joe and Rachel Maddow have stuck by Biden. Colbert and other late night hosts support him. Axios, Politico, Political Wire have been anti-Biden. Simon Rosenberg, Heather Cox Richardson, Thom Hartmann have stuck by Biden.

      Given that Biden will not step down and there is no legal way to remove him, he has 90% of the delegates from primaries, his VP will not use Article 25, and there are no candidates stepping up to replace him, Biden is our candidate and he has not "crashed".

    16. Vegas odds now put Biden's chance of winning the election at 15%. If you believe what you say you should make a big bet!

    17. 12:1`7,
      They're making Biden not look too prepared, like Hillary was in her debates with Trump that sealed her fate in the 2016 election, and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

    18. !2:17 is like the guy at the card table looking around for the mark.

    19. I am making a bigger bet than Vegas. If Trump gets elected, it may be too late to sell my house and move to another country, especially if he really does become dictator on Day 1. Las Vegas bet Hillary would win. There was a lot they didn't know that affected the true odds.

      We are all betting our lives and well-being when we select one candidate or the other.

    20. Because Trump is going to come in and do more corporate tax cuts and continue supporting Israel? Scary!!!!

    21. Good luck to Trump doing more corporate tax cuts. Economically anxious Republican voters, who aren't just a shit pile of bigots (hat tip, mainstream media), will turn on him and make January 6th look like a picnic.

  6. Cecelia should be President, with David as vice-president.

    1. Cecelia is illiterate but that didn’t stop Trump.

    2. Cecelia writes comments, so she’s not illiterate. She does make mistakes, but that makes her as charming as Yogi Berra.

    3. We don’t know who tries to write them for her but she often makes no sense and never contributes anything but bilge here.

    4. Anonymouse 11:58 am, but I come by it honestly, you’re paid by the word. .

    5. Cecelia is taller than Yogi Berra was.

    6. Anymouse Talking Point For Sunday, 7/7/24:

      Make it all about Cecelia, Mouseketeers!

    7. You wish. If you would go away, we wouldn't have to talk to or about you at all. No one needs you to be here.

    8. Anonymouse 12:27pm, I come here because I like and admire Bob. You sounds like a drunk screaming at your kids.

    9. I come here because I love and admire Cecelia. I’m attracted to her.

    10. @12:39 Don't you have some dead people's names to list here?

    11. Yogi Berra is dead.

    12. @Anon 2:49
      Do you mean right now?

    13. Now and forever.

    14. "You mean right now?" is a Berra-ism.
      You could look it uo. (That is Stengelese.)

  7. "Moore invented a new term—a term we plainly need. That new term was "fictition." In our view, it's a useful word."

    The supposedly new term has the same definition as the old term fiction. The old word is also slightly shorter. Why invent a new word when the old one works fine? Does Somerby really think we had no way to describe fiction before this?

    Personally, I think that calling a president fictitious because he was elected on a technicality is a perversion of the meaning of the word fictitious.

    fictitious definition: "not real or true, being imaginary or having been fabricated"

    Moore, unlike Al Gore, was clearly being a sore loser during Bush's terms in office. The second time, he was elected fair and square.

    Duct tape is real.

    1. There was no duct tape in Troy.

    2. Duct tape is real, but the idea that duct tape and plastic sheeting would serve as a barrier to biological weapons was...let's call it "theatrical."

      As for Gore, he has been left far behind in the science of sore losertition.

  8. “I am voting for Biden because he is an excellent president. But I agree with those saying they would vote for a corpse before Trump. We must defend our democracy from Trump and his 2025 Plan and that means standing with Biden.”

    And this means that annonymices will assail individuals who don’t support installing a corpse into high office and tar the individuals who report that you’re trying to put a corpse in office.

    You’re great Americans.

    1. corpse = anyone is better than Trump, even a dead person

      It does not mean that Biden is corpse, nor that anyone else is a corpse who might be running for office

      It means we don't care whether Biden has mental lapses, he has done a fine job and is continuing to do the job well, so what does it matter how long it takes him to think about a question during the artificial constraints of a debate?

      You, Cecelia, apparently have no trouble voting for a convicted rapist and felon who is now being accused of raping a 13 year old on multiple occasions while hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein. The sealed documents from Gislaine Maxwell's criminal trial have been released and show two girls testifying that Trump raped them. One says he used to mutilate them during sex as well. That testimony is now public information, but Biden is slow when walking so he can't be prez. Trump has been convicted of massive business fraud involving lying and he showed in the debate that he tells so many lies there is no room for any truth. Trump is even lying about his part in creating the 2025 Plan with his buddies who worked for him in his campaign and during his last term. Says he knows nothing about it. A total lie. And Trump has been convicted of other frauds, such as cheating the students in Trump University and stealing from his charitable foundation (closed by the courts). And Trump doesn't know what continent major countries of the world are on (but you don't either), or whether there were airplanes during the American Revolution. And Trump is showing signs of dementia, according to neurologists (not just the NY Times) and won't release any health records (unlike Biden who released his official health report 4 months ago).

      This is the guy YOU supposedly support (personally I think you are a troll farm operative). But Biden performed poorly under the stresses of a cold, fatigue and the presidency, so HE has to go? That sounds kind of fictitiony to me, except I use real words to talk about real things. Trump is unfit but he has a lot of money so people are pushing him toward the presidency, where he has no place being. The guy needs to go to jail.

      You are a joke, and not the good kind.

    2. Anonymouse 12:54pm, I’ve read the current accusations against Trump. If he raped anyone he should go to jail. He shoulda’t be president, he should be in jail.

      Yes, I understand that you weren’t suggesting that we have an actual corpse in office. What you did say is that you’ll impugn anyone who doesn’t agree with you as to Biden’s acuity and you franklystated this even though there are alternatives to Biden running on the DNC ticket, just as there could be Republican candidates who replace Trump if he can’t run.

      You’re not the “good kind” simply because you champion certain social policies and conversely you’re not the bad kind because you do. You’re a political operative and you’re very angry, controlling and tyrannical. You’re poisonously bitter right now, but you’ll move on to the next place your handlers tell you go.

      Unto then, go soak your oily, stringy, bad dye-job, creepy head.

    3. I got you, Cecelia.

      Cecelia and the Right are not voting for Trump to be President because he's a rapist and self-admitted sexual predator. They're voting for Trump, because he's a bigot, and supports white supremacy.
      Your claim that Cecelia enjoys rapists is slander.

      You're welcome, Cecelia.

    4. I give unto you this anonymouse.
      You’ll be the focus of her life.

      No takers? Rats…

    5. Well, thank you, Anonymouse 1:29pm. And you aren’t angry and bitter that the media has dropped Biden like a hot potato.

      You’re angry and bitter because Soros likes malleable figureheads and it’s all about Mr. George.

    6. It might make a difference if the media were to spend as much time talking about the rape allegations against Trump and the sources of his funding as they do about Biden’s supposed decrepitude and the whole army of mainstream pundits demanding Biden pull out. But that isn’t the media we have.

      People like Cecelia should ask themselves why the accusations against Trump never got any traction either in the media or DOJ.

    7. Cecelia, I didn't say I would "impugn" anyone. You need to look that word up, because I don't think it means what you think it does.

    8. It is impugning someone to say they have bad hair when you have never seen what they look like.

    9. Anonymouse 1:45pm, the mainstream media loathes Donald Trump.

      On the contrary, you should be asking yourself why it is that journos aren’t doing reports on such claims.

    10. 1:37,
      You're welcome.

    11. Saying "the mainstream media loathes Donald Trump" is like saying "Donald Trump doesn't want to fuck his own daughter"
      It's nonsense only a rube could believe.

    12. Cecelia, Trump should definitely be in jail. He is not in jail because he has so much money. He is desperately running for president in order to avoid legal consequences -- he thinks that will keep him out of jail, which would be a nightmare for him because of his neurotic habits and privileged life.

      If you are sincere that a rapist should be in jail, consider that the judge in the E.J. Carroll case decided that he had raped her (referred to as sexually abused because an object other than his penis was used to violate her). Then a jury found him liable and he was ordered to pay Carroll for his defamation of her when he denied raping her, saying he had never met her and she was making it up to get attention. Then a second defamation trial found the same thing and increased his defamation penalty owed to Carroll.

      That was rape and yet you are still supporting Trump. If you have principles, don't vote for Trump. If you care about other women, don't vote for Trump. If you think the law should apply to everyone, even billionaires, when they commit crimes, don't vote for Trump. If you think the president should act on behalf of the American people and not use the office merely to make money and hide out from the courts, please don't vote for Trump.

    13. "Unto then, go soak your oily, stringy, bad dye-job, creepy head."

      You perhaps mean "until then..." Unto means something different and makes no sense in this context.

      Your Jasmine Crockett imitation is cute. Did you know that she is standing by Biden too?

    14. Cecelia is improving her English, and she’ll soon be fluent. Unto then, don’t impugn her.

    15. I can't picture Republican voters nominating a non-bigoted Presidential candidate no matter how many rapes he commits.

    16. "But Biden performed poorly under the stresses of a cold, fatigue and the presidency..."

      Was Biden 'fatigued' from the trip he returned from 11 days before the debate? If so, then everything that's being said about him is true.

      And his cold didn't keep him from addressing supporters in the hours after the debate, then speaking vociferously at a rally the next day. Some cold.

    17. So Biden shook off his cold like he's some kind of Superman. That's all the proof i need that he's fit for the job.

    18. Indeed. He should wear a cape.

  9. I read what Andrea Lawful-Sanders said and she didn't sound surprised about being asked to approve questions, nor did she push back about doing it. She just picked four and approved them and they were used. That sounds to me like someone doing something that is routine for her radio station.

    It is Blackwell who is making a fuss about nothing. And the assumption that Biden's appearance was to display spontaneity assumes something not in evidence. Biden was campaigning -- there is no requirement that any campaign appearance be spontaneous. Even Trump uses teleprompters and is supposed to be delivering a pre-written speech, no matter how often he deviates from it. Trump blames his teleprompters during almost every speech, suggesting that it is his ability to read from one, not the individual machines at so many locations going haywire. But it is Biden who is expected to be spontaneous on a radio show (people cannot even see your facial expressions on radio).

    Blackwell seems to be trying to manufacture a scandal where there is none. And Somerby helps him do it. This is only a different version of a fake video. Next Biden will be called frail because he lets someone else carry his suitcase on trips, or something equally silly. I'll bet his aide reminds him of his schedule in the morning -- his memory must be failing, kick the bum out. Visitors to the White House may be required to wear name badges -- that must mean Biden doesn't recognize familiar figures any more, alert the press. Biden uses a bookmark in his bedside fiction. Why can't he remember his place in a novel. Maybe he isn't actually reading it. Maybe Jill has to read to him. And on and on and on the garbage never stops because this is not evidence of senility, it is a political campaign to push Biden out of the race. And then the right will attack whoever his successor is, except they will be weaker than Biden because they won't have his manifest achievements to back up his competence.

    Somerby should be ashamed to help this kind of disinformation along.

    1. Disinformation? What disinformation, exactly, has Somerby helped along today?

    2. That Biden did something wrong in his radio interview because he is too old to answer questions.

    3. All Blackwell said is that the Biden team does not prove Biden’s acuity by supplying the questions in advance. I would presume that even you would agree.

    4. As far as whether Biden did something “wrong”: He implied that a scripted interview was unscripted, and he did so to demonstrate that he could think on his feet. Some might consider this a deception, but at the very least the fact that Biden does not feel comfortable with unscripted interviews makes you wonder even more about his mental acuity.

    5. Where is it determined that Biden does not feel comfortable with unscripted interviews? You can’t make that assumption based on this one interview. Also, let’s say it makes YOU wonder about his mental acuity. But why is that? Public persons often do scripted interviews. But you seem to allow yourself to believe that this one calls Biden’s mental acuity into question. Not a logical assumption, PP.

    6. PP,
      You seem to have some insight on Bob. Why do you think he continues to refrain from criticizing the media for not making the case that Trump is unfit for the office of President (post-birth abortions???), and do you think you can sway him to finally do so?

    7. I read TDH every day and have for decades, but that’s my only contact with Somerby. In my view, his primary project right now aims to persuade liberals to rethink their ineffective methods and messages. I think Somerby is more concerned with the big picture - breaking down the silos that separate the two sides from communicating with each other - than with whether the NYT happens to criticize Trump on any given day.

      But I do think it is a shame that liberals don’t seem to have a standard bearer who has the ability to punish bizarro statements by Trump, such as the one where he said Dems want to kill newborn babies.

    8. 7:10 - The discussion was billed as an news interview, but instead it was an infomercial. It’s a reasonable deduction, rather than an assumption, that the campaign does not trust Biden to be able to intelligently and persuasively answer unscripted questions.

    9. And the argument that this is standard practice has been exploded by the resignation of the interviewer at WURP.

    10. Is that your take, PP? Or do you feel you are stating unequivocal truth?

    11. My take, of course. I’m not privy to unequivocal truth.

    12. Radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders has resigned from WURD Radio after admitting her post-debate interview with President Joe Biden included questions that were pre-selected by Biden’s campaign team, the station told CNN Sunday. “The interview featured pre-determined questions provided by the White House, which violates our practice of remaining an independent media outlet accountable to our listeners,” Sara Lomax, president and CEO.

      WURD is Pennsylvania’s only Black-owned talk radio station. Lomax said the station prides itself on being an independent, trustworthy voice for its primary audience of Black Philadelphians and that using questions that were provided ahead of time “jeopardizes that trust and is not a practice that WURD Radio engages in or endorses as a matter of practice or official policy.

      Let's review:

      - Blackwell was not making a fuss about nothing.
      - Biden was expected to be spontaneous on the radio show.
      - Nothing about this was disinformation.
      - It's not a standard practice for a campaign to provide an interviewer with a list of pre-approved questions that the politician will answer.

    13. Biden is toast. The Democratic operatives who have managed his reelection get a F minus.

    14. This is disinformation:

    15. Regarding post-birth abortions, Trump was referring to this quote from the Democratic Governor of Virginia:
      . And it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that's non-viable.

      So in this particular example, if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.

      IMO Trump's description of this quote is dishonest, although one could argue that Trump had some slight basis for his charge.

    16. @DiC
      "Some slight basis" for insisting for the thousandth time that Democrats want to kill babies after they're born when no one has ever said suggested such a thing?

    17. David in Cal,
      So you could see a Democratic candidate speak towards how the Right wants food inflation, due to their desire to remove a large chunk of agriculture labor from the market?

  10. It's hard to disprove a trait when accused. E.g., some commenters accuse me of being a racist. How can I prove I'm not? Black friends and relatives, donations to civil rights organizations. All this can be explained away. Once tarred as a racist, it's impossible to disprove.

    Biden now has a similar problem. How can he prove he's fully there mentally?

    1. David, look at his accomplishments as president. The most recent one is currently in progress -- it looks like the three-stage ceasefire to end the fighting in Gaza, proposed by Biden, is now being accepted by Hamas and Netanyahu and will go forward soon. While everyone else is preoccupied by debate nonsense, Biden has been continuing to do his job as president, with positive results. Last Thursday, Biden spent 30 minutes on the phone with Netanyahu, should anyone suggest it is his staff who deserves all the credit.

    2. David, I don’t think you’re a racist.

    3. God bless the Jews.
      Also, Fuck Israel!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. David in Cal,
      Like you, I support the anti-Israel campus demonstrators who don't also seek to punish Jewish students.
      What kind of person wouldn't?

    6. "What kind of person wouldn't support anti-Israel demonstrations?"

      A person who hasn't been misled by anti-semitic Israel-haters wouldn't.

      A person who is aware that Israel's efforts to protect enemy civilians during a war is virtually unmatched in history.

      A person who cares about women's rights, gay rights, and transgender rights.

      A person who supports health care for everyone.

      A person who is opposed to unprovoked rape, torture, kidnapping and murder of innocent civilians attending a concert.

    7. David, then why not call it anti-Netanyahu criticism? Israelis are back to big protests against him. But you in the past have even called that anti-Semitic, which is bonkers.

    8. @9:20 - If an American demonized Barack Obama or Bill Clinton, that would just be normal politics. That would not be seen as criticism of America. Bear in mind that there are a fair number of Americans who believe Clinton and Obama are bad human beings and were bad Presidents.

      But, if someone from another country was demonizing Clinton and Obama, I think that would be seen as anti-American. The American President symbolizes the country.

      It's even more so for Netanyahu, someone who was elected leader of Israel over and over. Of course there are people who disapprove of him, just as there are Americans who disapprove of Clinton and Obama. But, the fact that some of his opponents are demonstrating doesn't mean that Netanyahu is generally disrespected

    9. You mean like how Netanyahu demonizes every Democratic President, David. And you don't seem to mind at all.

    10. 8:43,
      So two kinds of people; those that vote for Democrats, and people like you, who are full of shit about their beliefs.

    11. David is against unprovoked rape. Not the kind of rape Trump does, where the women deserve it for having lady parts.

  11. The USA should stop supporting Israel’s crimes.

  12. So in the zillion of interviews trump has done with Hannity over the years, neither Victor Blackwell nor anyone else has ever bothered to ask if Trump gets his questions in advance.

  13. Did anyone from the Biden Admin go on the Sunday news shows today?

    1. Thoughts and prayers to whatever kept Newt Gingrich from offering his bad faith arguments to the nation.
      It's literally the least i could do.

    2. I’ll take that as a “no”.

    3. The non-appearance may portend that Biden will withdraw soon. People endorsing his abilities today would look stupid if he withdraws tomorrow

    4. The Democratic Party is in a really tough position. Biden never was popular and now is exposed as hardly being capable of carrying out his duties. (Let alone giving an unscripted interview or speaking a complete sentence). But if they replace him with someone else and they lose, there will always be a what if element. I wish it was possible for Biden to make it through the campaign, graciously lose and have the party regroup and rebrand for 2028. But the Biden crisis is evolving so fast he may not be able to make it that far. At this rate the center issue will soon be if he is fit for office *now*.

    5. The Republican Party is sitting in an awesome place. They have a Presidential candidate who is seen as a God to Republican voters, who love his bigotry. Which is perfect, because that is ALL Republican voters are asking for.
      At this rate, they'll be able make women second-class citizens throughout the country.

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  15. Parkinson's disease not only affects motor functions but also language processing ability. Brain functions are impaired in Parkinson's patients, leading to difficulties in understanding and constructing sentences.

    1. A president has to be able to understand and construct sentences.

    2. "A Democratic President has to be able to understand and construct sentences."
      Fixed for the mainstream media.
