Then too, this deliberately forgotten attempt!

MONDAY, JULY 15, 2024

The plane crash on the South Lawn:  As of 2 o'clock, Baltimore's predicted high temperature for today stood at 100 degrees. 

Tomorrow, the predicted high is 101. Something like two weeks back, the resident chimp at the Fox News Channel referred to climate change as one of "the major hoaxes."

So it goes within the withered remnants of "our democracy." Conduct like that goes unremarked and unreported by Blue America's finer "news orgs."

In this somewhat sardonic new post, Kevin Drum has listed American assassination attempts of the past maybe eighty years. He lists the attempts that get discussed. He doesn't list the apparent assassination attempt which basically got disappeared.

The year was 1994; the jackals of the mainstream press were baying at the president's door. This was the start of a lengthy press corps war in which the group's enmity would eventually be transferred to Candidate Gore, then to Candidate Hillary Clinton.

Journalists and academics have buried news of that long war quite well. Also buried away and forgotten? The plane crash on the South Lawn!

To recall that sign of things to come, you can just click here. You'll be reading a retrospective report published by Politico in 2018.

Headline included, this is the way it began:

Stolen plane crashes into White House South Lawn, Sept. 12, 1994

Shortly before 2 a.m. on this day in 1994, a red and white, two-seat, propeller-driven Cessna 150 flew low over 17th Street in the heart of the nation’s capital, banked leftward in a U-turn near the Washington Monument, and headed toward the presidential bedroom in the White House.

Gliding just over the treetops, the Cessna passed over the fountain and the red cannas flowers blooming on the South Lawn, bounced off the grass just short of the mansion, crashed through the branches of a magnolia tree planted by President Andrew Jackson and came to rest in a crumpled heap two stories below the Clintons’ unoccupied bedroom. The impact immediately killed the pilot, Frank Eugene Corder.

Some 50 yards from the Oval Office, just around the corner from the Rose Garden, sat a tangle of metal, what was left of the plane’s nose, inches away from the barred office window of the White House physician and one floor below the State Dining Room. A twisted brown aircraft seat rested in the dirt just left of the wreckage.

As daylight broke, the Secret Service hung a tarpaulin over the plane to conceal its identification numbers.

Politico's report continues from there. (Mental illness may have been involved.) But was that an assassination attempt? 

You can teach it flat if you prefer. We'd more likely teach it round.

The Crazy was just getting started back then. It was being driven along by Newt Gingrich, but also by Rush Limbaugh. 

(The Fox News Channel didn't exist. Before long, Jerry Falwell had skin in the game.)

The Crazy was coming for the future. The mainstream press corps largely took part, but also maintained massive silence.

Today, we have a little chimp telling millions of viewers that climate change is one of the major hoaxes. As he leaps and flings his poo about, the finer news orgs in Blue America make a point of averting their gaze.

The Crazy was coming on strong at that point. But was that an assassination attempt?

A person could teach it flat or round.  On balance, we'd say that it was.


  1. "Conduct like that goes unremarked and unreported by Blue America's finer "news orgs."
    Would that be the org that took off a former GOP congressman's morning show so as not to offend Trump and his cult?
    Would that be the org that required a debate format insuring that Trump could lie - yes, lie - with impunity?
    Would that be the org - aka Gray Lady - that proclaimed after the assassination attempt that "we're all MAGA now?"
    Or would that be the org - aka Amazon loss leader - that's reinvented itself in to News of the World West?

    1. Should be "... reinvented itself into ...?"

    2. Rachel Maddow doing some excellent work here:

  2. I hope it is dawning on at least some Blue tribe people that they may not be the good guys they always assumed they are.

    1. I doubt it. Thinking they are good decent persons is the first rule of the tribe.

    2. Most Democrats are good and decent people , it’s the militant ideologues and the globalists in Democrat clothing who are whacked.

    3. That’s just the anonymices and you’re underestimating them. They also consider themselves to be the absolute managers of the planet.

    4. The business elite, primarily but not exclusively US-based, manages this planet.

    5. 3:19 please inform the FBI immediately about the motives and allegiances of the shooter that you have uncovered in your far ranging investigations, and as always f-you Cecelia.

    6. Anonymouse 10:10am, militant isn’t synonymous with lawbreaker. A good analogy is that anonymices are the Westboro Baptists of liberals.

    7. Hey Cecelia, " the militant ideologues and the globalists in Democrat clothing" - name 'em and explain their agenda. Or is this more baseless bullshit?

  3. The next vice-president of the United States is JD Vance.

    1. JD Vance and all his prior comments about Trump will make very nice 15 second spots.

    2. I don't get it. What happened to Pence?

    3. He got formally deprogrammed.

    4. It's not too late for Trump to change his VP pick. Pence would help him with the evangelicals.

    5. Should cheer Somerby up. He spent nearly a month canonizing Vance.

    6. Did Trump and Pence have some sort of falling out?

    7. They got in a hissy-fit, because Trump tried to have Pence assassinated on 1/6/21.

    8. Vance won the who is the biggest jaggoff & weirdo contest, also a man of the people with his millions made screwing over the working folks with his billionaire scumbag sponsor Peter Thiel

    9. No chance for anything like "Vance might be an okay guy" talking point, eh? You're sure running a tight ship, Mr. Soros.

    10. Hillbilly Himmler

  4. Global warming is a hoax.

    1. Climate change is real, but It's nothing a return to the 90% top income tax rate can't handle.

    2. Christianity is a hoax. As are many other parts of the conservative/Republican worldview.

    3. Mike L., hate to break it to you, but there are Christians who are Democrats. Some of these folks believe that their political stances are animated by their religious beliefs.

      Muslims in America largely vote Democratic. Why no open-minded public service pronouncement to them that their religion is bunk?

    4. They're all bunk. But why would I address Muslims or Christian Dems in reply to the original post? Please try to make sense when you post.

    5. Mike L., your response to the original post is incongruent and nothing but a cheap shot.

      Climate science is not a religion. It is science and to question it is to question the science behind it.

      Religion is not based upon objective facts. Your attempt to make some sort of equivalency between the two belies your own views of the legitimacy of the science and is just a cheap shot false comparison that you wouldn’t do with Islam.

    6. Praise be to Allah. And ahsah malt liquor.

    7. Not to my taste, but amen.

  5. Rep, Maxine Waters thought the Clintons used a more direct method on Ron Brown.

    1. Waters called for an investigation. She never blamed the Clintons.

    2. Anonymouse 3:37pm no, Waters wasn’t silly enough to outright accuse the Clintons as Richard Mellon Scaife did, but she didn’t dismiss what Scaife was saying either.

    3. I'm not going to bother looking up what Scaife said. Waters called for an investigation, she didn't accuse the Clintons. Dismissing whatever Scaife said would have been inappropriate. Conclusions come after the investigation, not before.

    4. Not when it comes to drunk sh*tposters.

    5. I’m never drunk.

    6. Cecelia is never sober. In Russia they bathe their children in vodka.

    7. Anonymouse 11:04pm, the parents of anonymices never bathed them.

  6. The second amendment is poo-poo.

  7. If the press attacks on Clinto and Gore were political assassinations then so is the press attack on Biden.


  8. "Today, we have a little chimp telling millions of viewers that climate change is one of the major hoaxes."

    When the finer news orgs in Blue America were telling millions of viewers that the king is sharp and brilliant, the little chimp was saying that the king is demented. And he was right. Could it be that he's right about this one too?

    1. Obviously he's right. The climate is not changing. The globe is not warming.

    2. Ah, so you don't know what Democrat "climate change" means.

    3. "Could it be that he's right about this one too?"

      No. Little chimps only get it right after hopping up and down on the typewriter keys for an infinity, then flinging their poo in the air and making jokes about shit-in-pants.

    4. Yes. And by doing all that he's getting it right more often than the finer news orgs in Blue America.

    5. Ah, you must be skilled at sniffing out the pattern in the poo-on-wall. I could sense you were full of shit.

    6. So, then, it's you who is skilled at sniffing shit?

    7. Touche, Lancelot Link.

    8. Do you mean touché?

    9. No, I meant douche as in douchebag as in chimp-defender as in poo-enabler.

    10. You hafta poo. Even Cecelia poos.

    11. I only deny climate change when the Red States are flooded, frozen, and/ or have been hit by a weather catastrophe. Who's got time to believe climate change when they're scraping together their last few thoughts and prayers for Red States?

  9. Climate change is a Democrat-LGTBQ-Soros-Chinese hoax.

    1. Climate change is abortion.

    2. "Climate change" is one of those Democrat religious dogmas no one is allowed to question. Like the Russiagate narrative, the COVID origin narrative, the 2020 election narrative, the Commander being cognitive narrative, etc. But crazy little chimps do anyway. And good for them.

    3. I’ve never seen so much ignorance is one place.

    4. Please, tell more about the '2020 narrative.' Is that the one that says Biden won the election? You must know differently. Give us the real facts, o wise one.

    5. The real fact: God sent Donald Trump to lead America.

    6. Are Biden and Trump still tied in the polls?

    7. It could also be that God sent Donald Trump to punish America

    8. Embryonic personhood is a Republican-neoNazi-KochBros-Russian hoax

    9. "Republican neo-Nazi".
      I see no hoax.

    10. "The real fact: God sent Donald Trump to lead America." Truly no better proof that God is dead.

    11. Joe Biden is God.

  10. Earth’s climate is always changing. Questions then are:
    1. Is anything spectacularly different about climate change today, as opposed to to say 1000 years ago?
    2. If so, how much of it is because of human activity?
    3. If the answer to 2) is a lot, and you want to really fix it (not just feel good measures), what is the cost of such a fix? Is it worth the loss in the standard of living of people worldwide?
    4. Can humans simply adapt to and live with whatever change happens in the climate?

    1. Human activity does not cause climate change, because humans are active and the climate isn’t changing.

    2. Humans were already active 1000 years ago.

    3. We're facing a total collapse because cows are farting. Something's gotta be done about that.

    4. Cow activity does not cause climate change, because the climate isn’t changing.

    5. Still, cows should stop their excessive farting. It's terribly impolite.

    6. Cows need to fart, because the bacteria that digest cellulose release methane. Moreover, methane doesn’t cause climate change, because the climate isn’t changing.

    7. Cows don't need to fart. Cows need to learn proper manners and etiquette, and stop farting. No excuses.

    8. Cecelia is a cow, and she farts.

    9. That’s progress.

    10. "Humans were already active 1000 years ago" - but there weren't 8.2 billion of them burning every source of carbon fuel they can dig up genius.

    11. When cows learn to stop farting, everything will be fine.

  11. The phrase “climate change” is not well-defined. I challenge any believer to describe exactly what the words mean. It can’t be done.

    It follows that not believing in climate change is also not clearly defined.

    1. This is total bullshit.

    2. David, don’t let the Chinese democrats fool you. If climate change can’t be defined, we can’t say that it’s not happening. But it isn’t happening, therefore it’s well defined.

    3. If I take your point, @5:49, neither side know what they mean by "climate change". Yet, they're making or resisting big money policy. That's why I prefer a government with somewhat less power than with somewhat more power.

    4. The government needs just enough power to keep Chinese Democrats from destroying the free enterprise system.

    5. Scientists know what they mean and what the indicators are and the consequences for humanity.

    6. Scientists are wrong.

    7. 'Climate change' generally refers to the climate changing at greater than historical rates due to the activities of humans.

    8. Thanks, @6:59. I like your definition. It's consistent with the actual words.

      However, believers in climate change would find it incomplete. They think that a belief in "climate change" includes some or all of the following:
      1. Changes in climate will be catastrophic
      2. We should spend enormous amounts of money to reduce CO2 emissions.
      3. It's feasible for humans to reduce worldwide CO2 emissions so much that the % of CO2 in the atmosphere stops increasing.
      4. Reducing CO2 emissions is important enough to justify depriving Africans of coal and oil, even though that means they'll continue to live in poverty.
      5. Climate models are reliable and make reliable long-term predictions.

    9. SOME believers in climate change believe in SOME of the things you say.

    10. 1,2,3, and 5 are bad. But 4? Deprive Africans of coal, keep them poor? Win-win!

    11. All those Americans suffering in the heatwave are actors, paid for by Soros and Mao.

    12. @12:26 - Yes, the planet is warming. That's a fact. Then we get to theories and questions. First one is how much of the warming is caused by man's activity?

    13. Who cares? What's the worst thing that could happen? We'll just raise taxes on corporations and the rich to clean-up whatever damage to society it causes. Which is fine, because it'll be those same corporations and the rich begging Daddy Government to save them from "the hoax".

    14. 12:32 Do some reading on the subject and get back to us. You can start here:
      Your posts are invariably composed of poorly thought out right wing talking points. You make little effort to educate yourself independently of what you have gleamed from right wing media outlets, which reinforce your uneducated skepticism about climate science. Republicans are modern anti-science Luddites, be it matters of global warming or the science of vaccination. This is because a significant part of their constituency is poorly educated and clings to media outlets that encourage them to resent those that are. This is well reflected by the ignorance of some of their chosen congressional members.


    15. My stockpiles of delicious word salads are inexhaustible. Somerby is not a liberal.

      I am Corby.

    16. All of it David.

  12. It is being reported that Biden wants a 5% cap on annual rent increases. Almost all economists agree that rent control is a bad idea. This is another reason to vote against Biden.

    1. Why is the passive voice being used?

    2. Because a number of sites are making this report, but Biden has not explicitly explained what his idea means. See

    3. I just want to be sure you’re not a Russian troll. I’ve always believed you’re a retired actuary.

    4. Anonymouse 6:35pm, David’s nickname is Smiley.

    5. Normally I’d oppose rent control, but if my President proposes it, I support it.

    6. Economists agree that rent control, by lowering the returns on rental housing, tends to reduce the production of such housing.

      They do not uniformly agree this is a 'bad idea' because in the short run, it lowers housing costs for renters.

    7. I support Joe Biden, one hundred percent.

    8. Anonymouse 7:46pm, don’t wake him up to tell him.

    9. Global warming is a hoax.

    10. Trump is sleeping through the convention speeches.

    11. Trump appears exhausted. He was shot at and tackled by three or four big guys.He fell to the ground with them on top of him. I twisted my ankle slipping on wet pavement and was incapacitated for two days. This is too much for anyone of any age.

    12. Relax.
      Trump will be back to raping pre-teens any day now.

    13. "Almost all economists....." Surely your unblemished track record here gives you the benefit of the doubt in making broad unsubstantiated claims, DIC.

      The Trump family had a unique approach to dealing with rent control in their Queens NY properties. They had a shell company. All expenditures for upkeep of their apartments, rented to low income tenants, were charged via the shell company. If, for example, a stove went bad and needed replacement, the shell company sold the new stove to the Trumps at a markedly inflated price. That's right, the Trumps marked up appliances and repairs, taking excessive profits from themselves in so doing. Why, you might ask? They then went to the housing authority, which controlled the extent they could up charge to these low income tenants, with the inflamed receipts, arguing that the amount of money they were spending to maintain these apartments required rent increases commensurate. This is how they preyed on their relatively impoverished tenants. One more reason for DIC and his amoral ilk to vote for Trump.

    14. Trump sleeping at his trials. Trump spending most of his campaign golfing. Trump sleeping at the convention. Trump is old and frail and should step down.

    15. Regarding Biden's rent control it applies to renters who increase rent over x%, applies only to companies renting to 50 or more folks, etc. Nuance, the thing conservatives suck at most.

    16. It’s not even nuance, it’s in their fact sheet.

      Yet more bad faith garbage from Republicans.

  13. "...with the inflated receipts..."

  14. Anonymouse 12:28am, you’re not a pre-teen, but keep your fingers crossed.

    1. Whoever told you I was Ginni Thomas is mistaken.

  15. Trump looked anxious and timid last night. He may have PTSD.

    1. He’s too old. He should step down. JD Vance can take over now.

    2. He has had quite the trauma. We’ll see.

    3. Why wouldn't he be traumatized after Alex Jones has been promoting assassinating the squish Trump so true Patriot General Mike Flynn can take over? I'd be scarred in front of a bunch of gun humping Republicans too.

    4. Anonymouse 12:11pm, that’s fascinating, but I suspect the trauma came from being shot at.

    5. I think Trump was just tired of his own corruption, carnival barker/snake oil salesman act, and stench, and promptly fell asleep…at his own RNC convention!

      To be fair, Dhillon is compelling as paint drying, so Trump probably dreamt of being assassinated just to end his misery at having picked the most milquetoast VP who nonetheless well articulated the danger of Trump quite extensively.

      The grand old party has become the face plant party.

  16. David, the planet is not warming. That’s a hoax.
