Commenter makes sagacious remark!

MONDAY, JULY 22, 2024

TV giant doesn't: A commenter to Kevin Drum's most recent post makes a sagacious remark. Just for the record, Drum's headline says this:

Kamala Harris will poll as well as Biden by next week

For ourselves, we hope she'll be polling better than President Biden by next week and will continue upward from there. Given Trump's "unelectable" status, we can't say that such things are impossible.

That said, back to the sagacious remark:

The sagacious observation in question comes in the midst of a longer discussion. For current purposes, the larger context doesn't matter. The highlighted observation does:

COMMENTER (7/22/24): And we suffer their argument precisely because Democrats failed to make the case that Trump has long been lacking in cognitive capability, is a ranting, raving, usually incoherent person demonstrating his lunacy during all hours, but keeping amazingly ludicrous tweets going through the night into early-morning hours. He could not have managed the presidential duties these past four years.

It's true! Democrats have failed to make that case about the apparent cognitive state of former president Trump. So have Blue America's thought leaders, including those we see every day on Blue America's cable news channel.

Kids say the darnedest things, Art Linkletter famously said. For years, former president Trump has said—and has frequently seemed to believe—the stone-cold craziest things. He has said, and has possibly seemed to believe, such crazy things down through the years.

That was especially true in the aftermath of the November 2020 election, when he surrounded himself with the craziest people found on the planet, with many associates—including many former associates who had turned against him—insisting that, at best they could tell, he actually believed his various ludicrous claims.

Why have a variety of entities—upper-end mainstream press corps included—"failed to [examine the possibility] that Trump has long been lacking in cognitive capability?" 

You're asking an excellent question! To some extent, the answer may involve this:

Blue America has reveled in the decision to brand Trump a LIAR. When the upper-end press corps walked away from its previous (well-founded) restrictions of the use of such terms, they were praised for the courage of their (ill-advised) decision.

Here was one (and only one) of the problems with that decision:

If Trump is just telling a bunch of LIES, there's nothing wrong with his cognition. By definition, a LIAR knows what he's doing when he tells a LIE. 

He's saying something he knows is untrue in the belief that he can fool the people he's targeting. There's nothing wrong with a liar's cognition. There's something bad wrong with his ethics.

For many liberals, it has felt amazingly good to refer to Donald Trump's LIES. In our view, the decision to start trafficking in such claims was a very poor decision on the part of the upper-end press.

There are several reasons for that judgment, but the commenter's sagacious observation starts to hit upon one. Once you've decided to show your courage by branding crazy statements as LIES, you've much wiped away the possibility that the author of the crazy statements has gone crazy nuts in the head.

In our view, Trump's cognition has always been in question. Long ago, journalists should have interviewed (carefully selected) medical specialists with regard to the crazy claims Trump and his nuttier colleagues have persistently made.

In our view, also this:

Just from a political standpoint, it's much more effective to say that someone is making "absurd misstatements" that it is to say that he's LYING. That's especially true when the people making the accusation are quite routinely making inaccurate statements themselves.

Is something wrong with Donald J. Trump's cognition? If we remember correctly, some of the medical specialists in Dr. Bandy X. Lee's best-selling book questioned Trump's cognitive status as well as his apparent psychiatric disorders. 

That said, sad! Our journalists have insisted, to this very day, that subjects like these cannot be discussed. They decided to brandish their L-bombs instead.

In our view, that decision was unwise on the journalistic merits. Also, we'd say that it has been unhelpful on a political basis.

The commenter made a sagacious remark. Yesterday, in the New York Times, Aaron Sorkin didn't.

We'd say his suggestion was silly and sad. So was the fact that the New York Times decided to publish the column he offered. More, perhaps, on the morrow.


  1. There are no sagacious commenters here at the Daily Howler.

    1. Sage is overrated, there are better herbs, if you know what I mean.

    2. George Conway wants to educate the public about Trump's psychological disorder:

    3. A partial list of Biden's accomplishments

  2. Kamala Harris is sagacious — and cognitive.


  3. Donald Trump has a record: unprecedented peace and prosperity, Bob. Your fantasies of "absurd misstatements" notwithstanding.

    1. I don't think inspiring a gang of thugs to maraud through the Capitol fits my definition of "peace." And losing 2.9M jobs hardly fits my definition of "prosperity."

    2. They were absurd misstatements. Exactly what we expect from a Trump supporter.

    3. What 5:28 means is that even though we had more military deaths and higher crime rates under Trump than Biden, under Trump the US in many ways operated as a near vassal state of Putin’s Russia, Trump being Putin’s puppet, but now under Biden Putin/Russia is getting their ass handed to them.

    4. 8:07 - My sentiments exactly. Russia is bleeding deaths in Ukraine at a rate that dwarfs ours in Vietnam.

    5. @10:35 PM
      My point exactly: people all over -- in Europe, in the Middle East -- weren't getting killed at this horrendous rate during the Trump administration. They weren't killed by American weapons, hundreds of billions dollars worth of them. The Trump administration didn't order their foreign clients to abandon peace talks and fight to the last man.

      But of course your good-decent kind is perfectly happy about all this: Russians get killed! Let's celebrate! Hey, thanks for being honest.

    6. Blame Russia.

    7. @6:13 AM - as a last resort after spouting gibberish, whine.

    8. Can you believe these anti-West, pro-Putin idiots? They'll blame anyone but the person actually responsible for the invasion. I bet Monaco Mao would feel differently if it was HIS country being invaded.

  4. TDH has been arguing over and over that Trump is mentally ill, and has complained constantly that the MSM has failed in ignoring this alleged fact, e.g., has ignored bandy Lee's "best-selling" book. (On top of that, he asserts that Trump deserves our "pity'). TDH also has railed against the current habit of labeling Trump's false statements as "lies." (both sides do this). I think TDH in this post is partially correct. He does indicate, agreeing with the person who posted on Drum's blog, that Trump's far out statements should be characterized as being "absurd" as opposed to "lies." I agree. Whether that would yield a more favorable result (i.e. him not getting reelected) is another question. I do think that going after Trump a la Bandy Lee as being "mentally ill" would not be effective (as well as never happening). Trump basically knows what he's doing. It's effective. The odds are, he wins in November. Lots of world leaders, past and present, have been worse or no worse than Trump in the department of being truth indifferent. Nation states lie. TDH has claimed that Trump is mentally ill in that he is a sociopath or a narcissist. Maybe true, though I don't think that makes him "mentally ill." He wanted to be elected - and he did get elected, and it seems likely that will happen again.

    1. Coming up with a strategy where he energizes Republican voters through bigotry, is the act of a political genius. He's the Karl Rove of Presidential candidates.

    2. I don’t think 5:31 offers a salient or insightful point, but his comment has me ever more motivated to vote for Kamala.

    3. I hope Trump hires Hannibal Lecter to eat your face.

    4. I hope Trump opens up that giant valve in Northern California and you and David in Cal float down the Central Valley.

    5. I hope that you get eaten by a shark after getting electrocuted by a boat battery.

    6. I hope Trump removes millions of "illegals" and your favorite restaurant closes due to no labor. I also hope you have to mow your own lawn.

    7. I hope a windmill gives you cancer but you are cured.

    8. I hope you have sent thousands of dollars - to pay Trumps lawyers.

    9. I’ve had three different guys mow my lawn over the years. All were white, born in the USA.

    10. Why do you only work with white people?

    11. No special reason. Those were the guys I happened to hire.

    12. "[Trump wins] seems likely that will happen again."

      Someone needs to inform AC/MA that President Biden withdrew his candidacy for re-election.

  5. Vote for Kamala Harris.

  6. "It's true! Democrats have failed to make that case about the apparent cognitive state of former president Trump. So have Blue America's thought leaders, including those we see every day on Blue America's cable news channel."

    Democrats have NOT failed to make that case. Conservatives and right wing voters (such as the alt-right and Q-Anon conspiracy theorists and Christian Nationalists and even libertarians) have failed to respond to the left's very clear discussion of Trump's failings. Their failure to respond doesn't mean the left hasn't made its case. It has, repeatedly. And there is another case that the left has been making that the right ignores -- the accomplishments of the Biden administration, that prosperity of our nation, and the many changes that benefit middle class and working class citizens instead of billionaires. Not only is Trump a mess, but the left has been a great success for the past nearly 4 years. Biden, not Trump, saved the country from covid, has guided our recovery (social and financial) and Biden deserves the credit for what we are today, which is not the carnage Trump claims but the envy of the world.

    It takes two to communicate: (1) a message sender, (2) a message receiver. Somerby keeps blaming the sender (the left) when it is the receiver (the right) that is not listening. I don't know how to convince any right wing person in my immediate vicinity to give up Trump. Nothing seems to work. But that is not for lack of trying, as Somerby keeps saying.

    1. I keep telling them the Trump Presidency was the best thing to happen to black people since the Emancipation Proclamation." (Hat tip David in Cal).
      Their reactions are priceless.

    2. DiC has been taken out of service temporarily for a firmware update.

    3. Dave’s wares ain’t firm.

  7. Somerby claims to take issue with the democratization of media, perhaps that is why he seems unaware that most people do not get their news from corporate media, and that independent media has been daily covering Trump’s cognitive decline and lunacy for years.

  8. Republicans were desperate for Biden to drop out, but now they’re mad about Kamala running; there is no pleasing them.

    Somerby is right, Republicans won’t be happy until we all bow down, bend the knee, and acquiesce to their lunatic worldview.

  9. “Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley!”

    “JP, JD Mandel!”

  10. Isn’t JD Vance’s claim that Trump is America’s Hitler a bit overboard?

    Hitler was responsible for the death of 6 million Jews, whereas Trump is responsible for a few hundred thousand unnecessary Covid deaths.

    1. Hitler also killed millions of gentiles.

    2. The Supreme Lord said: I am mighty Time, the source of destruction that comes forth to annihilate the worlds. Even without your participation, the warriors arrayed in the opposing army shall cease to exist.

    3. Well Trump and his minion Stephen (the self hating Jew) Miller are planning on putting 20 million folks in deportation camps, so give him time to be Hitler. He might not kill millions, but a couple hundred thousand dead would teach those brown folks a good lesson.

  11. Want to learn about href? It helps you put links in comments.

  12. Vance does nothing for the Trump ticket except cement already MAGA voters. Harris/probably Shapiro will take this election easily, having mobilized women, youth, black and Hispanic voters over to the Democratic side. The commonly incoherent musings of only one old angry man will be targeted now by the press and in ads. It will be no contest.

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