MyPillow, Overstock fail to relent!

FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2024

True Belief marches on: The news report appeared online on July 20, in the New York Times. 

It provides the germ of an anthropology lesson, but also a lesson in logic. For starters, the news report ran beneath this dual headline:

The Voting Machine Conspiracy Theorists Are Still at It
Patrick Byrne, Mike Lindell and other Trump supporters who made baseless assertions that Dominion Voting Systems rigged the 2020 election are using court cases to keep spreading lies about the company.

Those are the headlines atop the report. Here are the first four paragraphs:

Nearly four years later, zealous supporters of former President Donald J. Trump who promoted the conspiracy theory that Dominion Voting Systems had rigged its machines to rob him of the 2020 election are still at it.

Even though Dominion has aggressively defended itself in court, a network of pro-Trump activists has continued to push false claims against the company, often by seeking to use information gleaned from the very defamation lawsuits the firm has filed against them.

The network includes wealthy business executives like Patrick Byrne, who once ran, and Mike Lindell, the founder of the bedding company MyPillow. Both have sought without credible evidence to put Dominion at the heart of a vast conspiracy to deny Mr. Trump a victory.

It also includes a pro-Trump sheriff from southwest Michigan, a former election official from Colorado and Mr. Byrne’s own lawyer, who is facing charges of tampering with Dominion machines and who once worked alongside Mr. Trump’s legal team in claiming that the company was part of a plot to subvert the last election.

Remarkably, Lindell and Byrne "are still at it." Joined by a pro-Trump sheriff and a former official, they continue to pound away at the machinations of Dominion Voting Systems.

We'll recommend two approaches to the material we've posted. Thew first approach involves a collection of somewhat related terms. In order of appearance, the terms in question are these:

Baseless assertions
False claims
[The absence of] credible evidence

You can even add "conspiracy theory." Our notes would go like this:

Presumably, a "baseless assertion" will generally resemble an assertion which is made in the absence of "credible evidence." One question would go like this:

How does a "baseless assertion" differ from a "false claim?"

Moving right along:

Presumably, every "lie" will involve a "false claim." On what basis can we assert that a "false claim" is a "lie?"

Also and even this:

Can a "baseless assertion" turn out to be true? How about a "conspiracy theory?" In the face of such complexifications, we always think of Gene Brabender, the 20th century's greatest anthropologist. As recorded by Jim Bouton, his most famous remark went like this:

Where I come from, we only talk so long. After that, we start to hit.

Those questions stem from the old puzzler, "What's in a word?" Now we turn to a different set of ruminations:

Is it possible? Is it possible that Lindell and Byrne still believe that the last election was somehow stolen by something done by Dominion? 

Is it possible that they actually believe some such thing? That they therefore aren't actually "lying?"

We don't know how to answer that question. We'd love to see journalists speak to medical / psychological specialists about such matters. That said, if history has taught us anything, it teaches that they're likely to speak to the Easter Bunny first.

Full disclosure! We've all been exposed to a major anthropological lesson over the past dozen years. The apparent lesson is this:

Especially in highly fraught circumstances, you can get a whole lot of people to believe almost any damn fool thing. 

With that, one last question comes to mind:

Is it possible that a nutcase like Donald J. Trump is actually one of those people? Is it possible that he actually believes the baseless assertions he makes?

Full disclosure: As we noted this morning, we studied under Professor N. That's probably why we're so sharp.


  1. God sent Kamala to lead us.

  2. The number of migrants unlawfully crossing the U.S. southern border has continued to drop markedly in July, nearing a threshold that would require officials to lift a partial ban on asylum claims enacted by President Biden, according to internal government data obtained by CBS News.

    July is on track to see the fifth consecutive monthly drop in migrant apprehensions along the U.S.-Mexico border and the lowest level in illegal immigration there since the fall of 2020, during the Trump administration, the internal Department of Homeland Security figures show.

    In early June, President Biden invoked a far-reaching presidential authority to suspend the entry of most migrants entering the U.S. illegally, effectively shutting off access to the American asylum system outside of official ports of entry.

    1. Is this directly connected to Right-wingers no longer shouting at BLM that "All Lives Matter"?

  3. There is also disinformation, deliberate false statements made for political gain, propaganda and gaslighting. It doesn’t matter whether these political operatives believe their own bullshit. What matters is that it is demonstrably false and harmful to others.

  4. Is Mike Lindell a wacko? Maybe. Is Donald Trump? Maybe. But Trump has always used false claims and bullshit throughout his career, so at this point, it’s a little bit of both.

    The Republican Party has fully embraced a lot of Trump’s nonsense, and there must be at least a few (?) Republicans who know it’s nonsense. (McConnell? Vance?) And their embrace of it is knowing and cynical and must be opposed. Somerby’s hand wringing over semantics is absurd. You don’t indulge a child’s harmful behavior, and you certainly shouldn’t treat these adults as if they were hairless newborns.


    Read it and weep, all you asinine anonymices who attempted to downplay the danger of bullets being fired at Trump's head by claiming that Trump was merely hit by shards of glass that were caused by bullets being fired at Trump’s head.

    1. The Trump shooting was a "chickens coming home to roost" moment, for sure, Cecelia.

    2. I am not weeping, Cecelia. The criticism has always been the fact that the media refused to get the full medical report by the attending physician. That still is the criticism. Nobody is denying that some nerdy right wing gun nut took a shot at trump. What does "fragments of a bullet" mean exactly?

    3. Anonymouse 6:18pm, no, you know for a fact that bullets were fired at Trump. Your “contention” is that Trump has likely hotdogged this by making a peep about an injury that was not directly caused by a bullet.

      You were wrong factually and goodness knows you were wrong logically ands you were wrong from your obvious standpoint of lacking a lick of good will for anyone (let alone Trump) who isn’t your carbon copy.

    4. No, Cecelia, don't tell me what the criticism was. It was the media's fear to even question and get the medical report which they still have not done.

      What happened? FBI Director Wray in congressional testimony stated it was not determined if Trump had been hit by a bullet or flying glass or plastic. For his sin of telling the truth in sworn testimony to Congress, the maggot army went on a rampage demanding he be fired. He has become their target. This is the kind of shit we have come to expect from your side and what we can look forward to if that motherfucker lying sack of shit ever regains power. His army of little nazis attacking anybody who goes against the Fuhrer.

      The FBI asked to interview Trump about the incident and he refused. So they put out the statement, unsigned, yesterday to get the fucking lunatics off of Wray's back. Does that clear it up for you?

      It was the media's willingness to accept at face value what that lying sack of shit felon you support said, after watching him lie his corrupt fucking ass off for 8 years.

      (you don't happen to know of a blog which claims to muse on the mainstream press, do you?)

      The initial reporting from police on the scene was that he was hit with flying shrapnel. As a matter of fact there are four policemen in the same location who received the same type of injury.
      And the FBI report you're waving around like a bloody flag is extremely vague. He was not hit by a bullet. That much is obvious. He would have lost part of his ear.

    5. It was either a whole bullet or a fragment of a bullet. It didn't do any serious injury because it barely grazed Trump's ear. It just broke the skin and caused a little bleeding.

      Trump has still not released his medical report nor allowed the doctors who treated him to talk to the press.

    6. Anonymous 8:48am for someone who made a big deal over glass you should know that shrapnel consists of bullet fragments.

      Anonymices downplayed the incident and the injury right away. Your posts were themed with suggestions that Trump deserved it, was exaggerating, and may have planned it. Simultaneously.

      The absence of an agent positioned on a rooftop to take a direct shot was not a concern of yours. There was no anonymous outcry about any of this. No surprise or anger. No demands for an investigation into the Secret Service. No calls for accountability. No efforts to understand why Trump's team did not immediately let the Secret Service direct them. None of that. The sole focus has been on whether Trump exaggerated or faked his injury and that the shooter was registered Republican.

      Who are you kidding? You've never been concerned about any process other than one by which Trump might have put one over on us. It’s beeen nothing to you but another political situation that you must try and finesse.

    7. Trump’s entire shtick is about pulling one over on us, including his own followers, so it’s no wonder everyone immediately thinks it.

    8. Read it and weep, all you asinine anonymices who attempted to downplay the danger of bullets being fired at Trump's head by claiming that Trump was merely hit by shards of glass that were caused by bullets being fired at Trump’s head by a staunch Right-wing gun-fondler/ reliable Republican voter.

    9. Your posts were themed with suggestions that Trump deserved it, was exaggerating, and may have planned it. Simultaneously.

      Horseshit, Cecelia. I have stated my concern, and you continue to ignore it and imagine something I never suggested.

      For the record, I am totally in favor of a thorough investigation. Everybody agrees it is hard to understand the colossal failure of security not securing that building. No argument. There are investigations proceeding both in Congress and by the FBI. No one is trying to stop them.

      No efforts to understand why Trump's team did not immediately let the Secret Service direct them.

      What the fuck are you ranting about now? SS jumped right on top of him immediately and surrounded him while practically carrying him to the vehicle. Pausing only to let the screeching maniac scream "Fight!" to his army of little nazis and get a good photo with his fist raised at me.

      For the last time, my focus has been on the Fourth Estate being so cowed by that abomination that they completely failed in their job. Now go fuck off, crazy lady.

    10. By the way, maggots, how does a bullet fired from an AR-15 150 yards away get "fragmented" without hitting something along the way?

    11. If you want to know why Secret Service agents weren't on the roof, Cecelia, subpoena the Secret Service agents communications on the day of the shooting. Hopefully, they won't erase them, like they did when their communications on January 6, 2021 were subpoenaed.

    12. Shrapnel is usually understood as fragments of an artillery shell, not a bullet. So I wouldn't call whatever hit Trump shrapnel. It was either a bullet or a fragment of a bullet. How could a fragment form? The bullet may have hit something else, such as a teleprompter, before a piece of it grazed Trump's ear.

    13. Cecelia,
      Thanks for that information. I must have missed it, what with the media's obsession with not running any stories about the age of Presidential candidates this week.

    14. Biden dropping out gives the media plenty of time to focus on other trivialities and distractions in the run-up to the November election.

    15. It could have been debris from breaking teleprompter or anything else hit by bullets. The shooters was rejected by his high school shooting team because he was too bad a shot and didn’t follow safety rules for handling weapons. He was not capable of a near miss aiming at Trump but was spraying bullets.

      If a bullet pierced Trump’s ear he would not have removed the bandage so quickly and there would have been more blood and more medical attention needed. So this is bogus on Trump’s part. Cuts take a week to heal. Being hit hard would take longer. Trump had the bandage off in 2 days. That suggests too little damage to have been a bullet.

    16. The bullet or fragment of a bullet barely touched Trump’s ear.

  6. Let’s remember the correct pronunciation of Kamala: not ka-MA-la but KA-ma-La.

    KA-ma-la, KA-ma-la, KA-ma-la!

    1. The mispronunciation is deliberate. It emphasizes her “foreignness.” But let’s pretend racism isn’t part of the fuel against her, shall we?

    2. You like the spelling of your nym, she likes the pronunciation of her name. Just try to be nice. Unlike Donald Trump.

    3. I’ve never had any issue with posters misspelling Cecelia. I couldn’t care less. I’ve only been amused and amazed by logic of anonymouse claims that *I* misspell it.

      Ka-MAll-a doesn’t sound any more exotic than Comma-la. This is just one more opportunity for you to label someone a racist, That’s all you care about. It what you live for.

    4. No, Cecelia. There is clearly a racist component to the attacks against her. Denying it is ignorant.

    5. C'mon, Cecelia. Why in the world would someone think the Right is being racist?

    6. Anonymouse 9:57am, I’m sure that some people don’t like a Harris because of racism. Who denies that? On the other hand, there are people who wish to levy that charge as a political weapon in order to silence any critiques or criticism of her.

      Don’t be either of those types of people.

  7. If Christians vote for Trump this year, they won’t need to vote again in four years, because he’ll have it all fixed.

    1. The "religion" of Christians is bigotry. It's no wonder Trump calls himself a "Christian".

  8. Do any men vote for Democrats?

    1. Hey look, it's an incel maggot trollboy. Don't be afraid of girls, they won't hurt you. You can come out of your mother's basement now.

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