RAGE: Her emergence was cause for hope...

TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2024

...except on the Gutfeld! program: "I still believe in a place called Hope," Candidate Bill Clinton said.

In one sense, the candidate was referring to his small hometown in southwestern Arkansas. In a larger sense, he was sketching a stance with respect to his large, sprawling nation and with respect to its place in the world.

"I still believe in Joe Biden," Mika Brzezinski said on Morning Joe in the immediate aftermath of the June 27 debate. By that time, we ourselves no longer held such belief. 

Most specifically, we no longer believed in President Biden as a candidate for re-election. For the record, our concerns about this important political figure didn't end there.

At any rate, we no longer believed in President Biden as a candidate for re-election. We'd been actively concerned since last August. We'd been surprised when his campaign agreed to that early debate. 

On the evening of June 27, our concern almost seemed prophetic. In truth, we hadn't pictured anything as bad as the performance we all watched that night.

In our view, President Biden's better angels were back on display in his various statements of the past several days. It was good to see them back.

Yesterday afternoon, President Biden was emotionally generous and full of hope when he spoke with Candidate Harris by telephone, in a public conversation everyone could hear. As for Candidate Harris herself, her emergence as her party's presumptive nominee has given us cause for hope.

In the course of the next few days, we expect to discuss what we see as the possible strengths and weaknesses of that new candidacy. That said, while we felt a resurgence of hope, elsewhere we saw the vulgar, coarse and stupid by-products of the ancient emotion called rage.

Most specifically, we're talking about what we saw last night, in the 10 o'clock hour, when we watched the latest edition of the Fox News Channel's Gutfeld! program.

Briefly, let's be clear! To our eye and ear, the rage to which we refer belonged to the program's host alone. We'd classify his four guests in a somewhat different manner.

At least two famous phrases come to mind when we think about the performances of last evening's guests. Rather than traffic in such unpleasant terms, we'll merely post the roster of the people the Fox News Channel assembled last night, allegedly for the purpose of discussing the nation's news.

Our capsule bios of these unmistakable flyweights are largely drawn from the leading authority on their lives and their careers:

Cast of Gutfeld! TV show: July 22, 2024

Emily Austin: 23-year-old model and actress. A judge at Miss Universe 2022. "Now working with DAZN on their boxing coverage."

Tyrus: American cable news personality, actor, and former professional wrestler. Now performs as a comedian.

Kat Timpf: Performs as a comedian. Is cast and performs as the Gutfeld! program's somewhat more thoughtful "libertarian."

Dr. Drew Pinsky: Formerly, co-host of the MTV program Loveline. "Between February and March 2020, Pinsky made a series of statements concerning the COVID-19 outbreak where he downplayed the seriousness of the pandemic, stating that it was not as bad as the flu, and suggested that it was a 'press-induced panic.' "

The Fox News Channel assembled that group to discuss, or to pretend to discuss, the presidential campaign. Last night, this produced an imitation of discourse which veered between alarmingly ugly and just plain deeply stupid. 

We wouldn't say that those participants displayed the emotion known as rage in the various things they said. We would describe the program's host as being saddled with that emotion.

Greg Gutfeld, the program's host, is a 59-year-old man who performs as a comedian. In our view, he gives voice to many perfectly valid complaints about the conduct of the Biden administration, and about the values and the behaviors of the liberal / progressive world.

(On balance, you may not agree with his complaints, but we'd frequently score them as valid. Embarrassingly, some of his specific complains are just plain factually accurate.)

Many of the host's complaints strike us as uncomfortably valid. That said, his reasonable complaints are routinely swamped by his ugly, unrelenting state of rage.

In the course of the next few days, we'll plan to show you some of the things which were said last night. We'll likely start with the rage-filled host—with the jokes with which he started his show, such tasteful jokes as these:

GUTFELD (7/22/24): The only question that remains now for the Biden family is this:

Does Joe's dementia mean that Hunter can ask Jill out?


It's always there.

And finally, it's been pointed out that Biden dropped out on National Ice Cream Day. 

Even more ironic, it is also National Crap Your Pants Day.


All right! Let's do a monologue!

With that, at 10:03 p.m., the opening jokes reached a merciful end. From there, the termagant proceeded to stage a series of pseudo-discussions with his flyweight guests.

The Fox News Channel opens this can at 10 p.m. every night. The host of the program gives voice to his rage, but also to his apparent old-school misogyny. 

In turn, his guests produce the stupidest pseudo-discussions available on the planet. As this intellectual and moral garbage is broadcast to millions of people, the timorous players in Blue America politely avert their gaze.

Last night's pseudo-discussions were about as stupid as alleged public discourse gets. The guests floated many suggestions. You might call them "conspiracy theories."

You might refer to their insinuations as "conspiracy theories!" Conspiracy theories about the recent assassination attempt. Conspiracy theories about what must have led to President Biden's decision to withdraw from the race.

Conspiracy theories about the machinations which must be occurring within the Biden/Harris camp. Conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton, who may become Candidate Harris' running-mate!

You can't get dumber than these people are. Presumably, no one is dumber than Austin was last night, but Pinsky came amazingly close.

The guests are "useful," if you know what we mean—but they're also "enablers." Behind them lies the corporate entity which uses such flyweights as tools.

Wrestlers and models and Gutfeld oh my! Meanwhile, in Blue America, the finer people at our finest news orgs agree to avert their gaze.

The Iliad helps us see where human rage can lead. We may post the relevant prose again in the course of the next few days.

Candidate Harris has given us hope. Then too, we have the rage of the Gutfeld! program, and of various other players—and we have the endless silence from Blue America's brightest and finest and best.


  1. Also, the sky was quite dark this morning prior to sunrise. Again!

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  2. I've heard that Dementia Joe still still hasn't left the presidential race. Because he can't find the exit! Ta-da!

    "Conspiracy theories about the machinations which must be occurring within the Biden/Harris camp. Conspiracy theories about Hillary Clinton, who may become Candidate Harris' running-mate!"

    How horrible. But has anyone of them been accused of being an actual foreign spy yet? Being Hitler reincarnated? Wake me up when that happens.

    1. The photoshop meme of Trump with a bone through his nose always makes me laugh.

    2. None of the proposed Democratic candidates, including Harris, has been convicted of 34 felonies, been found liable for sexual abuse, been accused of sexual assault by 20+ different women, and none has been named in court as a rapist of 13 year old girls in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial (she was convicted). And none of the Democratic candidates (or potential candidates) caused hundreds of thousands of needless deaths during covid either.

      This doesn't give the Republicans license to call Democrats any asshole thing they want. I wish Hillary had won in 2016. Our country would have been a lot better off with a competent president during the start of the pandemic (2016-2020).

    3. 10:42,

      Right now, as we speak, the orange abomination traitor is implying he has a secret arrangement with Mr. Putin to have the Wall Street Journal reporter under arrest in Russia released, BUT ONLY IF VON SCHITZINPANTZ WINS. Ain't that some shit?

    4. Yes, he said that last month too. There was some speculation that it was what Trump was holding over the head of the Wall Street Journal when they began their age-related attacks on Biden.

  3. "Endless silence"?

    This seems like a somewhat dubious claim; however, corporate media IS noticeably ignoring the polls that indicate that an increasing majority of Americans want Trump to drop out. This American inclination is not pulled out of thin air, it is based on what is being reported, albeit primarily in independent media, not corporate media. Americans have noticed Trump's cognitive decline, his lunatic rantings, and his support of fascism through things like Project 2025 (Trump's denials on this issue have been easily debunked).

    Somerby also tries to trigger Dems by claiming that Fox News often makes valid points, although Somerby fails to cite any evidence, he has in the past pointed to their support of removing from schools aspects of Black history that might make Whites squeamish, and diminishing the rights of gay/trans people, again due to Whites' squeamishness and emotional discomfort. Somerby does not like the tone of Fox News but appreciates how they support his right wing worldview.

  4. Gutfeld is to comedy what Kid Rock is to music.

  5. JP/JD Mandel, as Trump refers to JD Vance, refers to Trump as "America's Hitler".

    But did Hitler rape a 13yo like Trump did?

    1. This comes close:

      "The Nanjing Massacre, also called Rape of Nanjing (December 1937–January 1938), was the mass killing and the ravaging of Chinese citizens and capitulated soldiers by soldiers of the Japanese Imperial Army after its seizure of Nanjing, China, on December 13, 1937, during the Sino-Japanese War that preceded World War II."

      Fascists are not innocents.

    2. You picked a strange example, 11:30AM. The Nazi ambassador, John Rabe, saved 200,000 people from the massacre.

      Read about him here.

    3. I picked the example because it has been referred to as a rape. Schindler rescued Jews from the Nazis too. That doesn't change the nature of what happened in fascist Germany. The Nazis and the Japanese were not allies in 1938, although Japan is considered a fascist nation at that time. The Tripartite Act was signed in 1940. Saving people from being massacred is good. Ambassador Rabe saved those Chinese (in conjunction with the Americans who were not enemies then) because he had a relationship with them having lived in Nanking, despite being a Nazi.

      There is a belief that one antidote to such hostilities is living among others who are different, getting to know them as friends and neighbors. When the EU was formed, there was a concerted effort in the schools of member nations, to teach children about the cultures of the member nations, to try to lessen nationalistic barriers and reduce stereotypes by emphasizing commonalities.

      We don't know whether Hitler ever raped a young girl, but it may not be safe to conclude he didn't, given his fantasies, grandiosity, narcissism and sociopathy. What personal restraint would he have?

    4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_violence_during_the_Holocaust

    5. Schindler wasn’t a Nazi. Rabe was, and yet he did the right thing. Also, the Nazis told the truth about the Katyn Forest massacre. The western allies didn’t acknowledge it during the war.

    6. Addendum 6: Hitler and Incest
      What evidence we have about Hitler's physical relationship with his mother is suggestive rather than conclusive. Dr Eduard Bloch, the family doctor, reported that many neighbours in Linz believed it 'verged on the pathological.' While the doctor himself did not think it was abnormal, he asserted that never in his long practice 'have I witnessed a closer attachment between mother and son.'1It is possible that a searing infantile memory of seeing his hated father rapehis loving mother2 influenced Hitler's thinking about incest, for analysts tell us that infantile exposure to the sex act of parents may awaken incestuous fantasies and fears. The male child is both repelled and attracted by the thought of incest, of replacing his father as his mother's sexual partner.


      Hitler seems to have been sexually deviant.

    7. Hitler did not rape a 13yo, this is what differentiates him from Trump, Vance was out of line comparing Hitler to Trump.

    8. I disagree. Rape is horrible but it isn't the only important crime.

    9. Vance is also on tape from 2016 saying that in a “he said/she said” situation, Trump is not believable.

    10. There were strange stories about Hitler and Geli Rabaul, but it’s impossible to know what really happened.

  6. Somerby did not predict that Biden would step down. He hoped he would, perhaps even prayed for it to happen. Somerby is very bad at predicting political outcomes. He thought Biden was going to lose in 2020. He didn't predict Comey's impact on Clinton's race either. He thought Hillary was losing when she was actually ahead, before Russia intervened and Comey's last-minute announcement brought her down in the polls.

    The media (on behalf of wealthy donors) were scared to death of Hillary, just like they feared Biden's promised tax increases on billionaires. The NY Times worked just as hard to boost Trump and defeat Hillary, as they did to force Biden out of this race. I hope Kamala will stand up to such influences, but I think the fix is in.

    Unlike Somerby, I am sad that Biden was not allowed to finish a second term. He was an excellent president (and isn't finished yet) who should have continued in office. The ageism displayed by Somerby stinks. A man who thinks Fox News would be swell if it just weren't for Gutfeld, is no Democrat. I don't care who he votes for, but he doesn't deserve to call himself a Democrat. He can join Bill Maher in voting for RFK Jr. for all I care.

    Look for Somerby's column tomorrow to explain that Harris is a terrible candidate because she laughs funny and likes Venn diagrams. Trump and Somerby deserve each other.

  7. "and we have the endless silence from Blue America's brightest and finest and best"

    Somerby can only say this because he doesn't seem to read, watch or follow Blue America's actual journalists, commentators and pundits. When you put your hands over your ears and chant "la la la I can't hear you" it isn't as if our best and brightest were not speaking.

    Somerby won't be satisfied unless Gutfeld is yanked off the air, but that seems to arise from professional jealousy, not any actual criticism. Gutfeld is giving Fox what its audience wants. If Somerby doesn't like Gutfeld, why does he watch him obsessively? Colbert is one of Blue America's best and brightest and he is a whole lot more fun to watch.

    It is as if Somerby thinks our own side should switch from criticizing Trump and Vance and instead focus on taking down Gutfeld. I can see how that would help Trump and Vance and the Republicans, but how would it improve anything for Blue America? We don't bother watching assholes like Gutfeld. Most of us stopped watching Bill Maher a long time ago too. And we DO spend our time campaigning for our candidates and attacking the things that matter -- Trump and Vance not Gutfeld.

  8. Trump is too old.

    1. Nearly 60% of all Americans want Trump to drop out.

    2. The last election showed that Americans don't want Trump to be president. He should have taken the hint and gone back to developing golf courses. He is only running now to try to evade his legal troubles and to sell athletic shoes to the rubes.

  9. I think Somerby is lying when he says Harris gives him hope. The last time he wrote about her, it was to talk about what a bad candidate she was because she repeated Dept of Labor statistics on the gender wage gap. To understand why Harris was right and Somerby was wrong about that crtiticism, see Nobel prize winning (in economics) Claudia Goldin's books on the wage gap: Understanding the Gender Gap: An Economic History of American Women (1992), and Career and Family: Women’s Century-Long Journey Toward Equity (2021).

    It won't be long before Somerby starts in on Harris. There is no place for women in The Iliad, whether you pretend she is Athena and not a highly accomplished politician in her own right (SF District Attorney, CA Attorney General, CA Senator on the Judiciary Committee during Trump's impeachment, Vice President). She is formidable and it doesn't matter what her laugh sounds like, any more than it mattered when Trump used the same attack lines on Hillary.

    It won't be long before Somerby decides she needs a male VP to drag her into office. Because that is how he thinks. And Somerby is not done concern trolling the left over the election.

  10. We need to pay attention to Gutfeld because he has his finger on the pulse of the average rage-filled right winger.

    Also, when Somerby kept reprinting Gutfeld’s Biden/poopy pants jokes, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that, rather than being disgusted, Somerby agreed, and hoped to push that idea forward.

    1. Gutfeld is just pure projection, Biden does not have a continence issue, but Trump does. Trump wears diapers because he often poops his pants, contributing to Trump Stench. Indeed, his followers took to wearing diapers at his rallies in unironic solidarity with their Dear Leader.

  11. A surefire way for republicans to acquire new voters is to attack a woman of color, who was elected to the senate and attorney general’s office in California as a product of DEI. Should go well for them in debunking their reputation as a racist party. Nice work, keep it up!

    1. Never mind that DEI didn't exist back when Harris worked her way up.

    2. I never mind DEI.

    3. Anonymouse 12:24pm, they’re going to attack Harris because she’s the candidate they’re running against.

      Vance has made an appeal for votes via his personal history and demographics, excluding gender and race. .

      Harris will make an appeal based upon her personal history, including gender and race.

      Criticism of Harris will receive more scrutiny by the media, but all candidates will face pushback. It’s called politics.

    4. Harris is running against the orange abomination, Cec. Not the Appalachian hillbilly.

    5. Anonymouse 3:22pm, Trump is a known entity. Vance and Harris are fresh meat.

    6. Vance has no track record but Harris has a lot of experience and is a known quantity. The right has been vilifying her since she ran in 2020.

    7. Anonymouse 4;35pm, and the left will vilify Vance. What’s profound about that dynamic? I remember when the media line was that Biden didn’t consider her to be much help to him.

    8. Which Vance are you with, Cecelia? The one who called Trump America’s Hitler and said he isn’t believable in a he said/she said situation, or the Trump lickspittle version 2.0?

    9. Anonymouse 6:39pm, I don’t know if I like Vance. His book turns me off.

      Vance needs to be asked about his past criticism of Trump. It’s not out of the realm of reason that these men have talked explicitly about the ways they can help each other help the country. They need to tell that story if there is one.

      It’s fairly certain that if anyone throws a wrench into their partnership, it will be Trump.

  12. "The Iliad helps us see where human rage can lead. We may post the relevant prose again in the course of the next few days."

    Somerby is using the wrong metaphor. This campaign should be seen as a backlash by white men against a society that is increasingly multicultural and inclusive of women and minorities. White men are losing their privilege and Donald Trump promises to restore it, with guns and rage as the expression of their demands for dominance. That is how history will view these times. Amanda Marcotte perhaps understands this best among current pundits.


    Somerby is solidly among the white grievance bearing males advancing Trump and anyone who will promise to bring back the days when men were men and women were second-class citizens. Kamala Harris represents everything these guys are angry about. There is no sense in which Harris will give Somerby hope or comfort. She is his worst nightmare.

    To the extent that more voters are among the women, minorities, immigrants and children of immigrants who are becoming the majority in our electorate, these white guys are shit out of luck. The sooner they adjust to that reality, the better for everyone. But meanwhile, Somerby pretends Gutfeld's poop jokes are the problem. But he attacks the left, youngist journalists, black people and especially black journalists, professors, judges and writers, and those who are bringing him bad news. Somerby makes common cause with other whiny white male losers like Bill Maher. It is hard to have sympathy for people like J.D. Vance and Donald Trump, who wield power through billionaire bank accounts (borrowed in Vance's case from Thiel) instead of through hard work, the way those on the left typically come up. The meritocracy belongs to those who must work twice as hard for the same opportunities as are handed to ingrates like Trump, while white men like Vance complain that Kamala is ungrateful to be in America (where she was born) because she wants change for the better for everyone, not just liars and cheats and thieves and rapists wearing pants to arrogantly strut on a stage they don't deserve, didn't earn, and cannot perform on.

    Somerby knows who the con men are. They are not Gutfeld, but Trump and Vance and the right wing political apparatus who grift instead of serving the people. They are beyond an embarrassment, to the point of being an abomination because of the defrauding of Republican voters while pretending to be politicians instead of crooks.

    Somerby doesn't come anywhere near to saying any of this. That makes him as big a fraud as those his column supports. And no, that isn't Harris.

    1. The paradox of America: equality for White men depends on oppressing women and people of color.

      This is Heather Cox Richardson's observation.

    2. https://www.mediamatters.org/tiktok/study-tradwife-influencers-are-quietly-spreading-far-right-conspiracy-theories

    3. “ where human rage can lead”

      To being paid millions for making poop jokes?

    4. Harris sucked cock to get where she is.

    5. 6:26, I hope you keep saying this, over and over and over. In fact, I implore you to keep saying it. Its a gift to the Harris campaign.

    6. I hope Trump and Vance say it.

    7. They will. They can’t help themselves.

  13. What you don't understand is that Biden is held to a different standard by the media and some liberals than Trump is. Here is a man with 34 felony conviction, libel for sexual assault, convicted of financial fraud, swindles stidents out of their money, and there is no discussion in the media or the Republican Party about HIM withdrawing.

  14. Kimberly Cheatle resigned.

    1. She wasn’t cognitive. Even AOC and Ro Khanna wanted her to go.

    2. She did not resign because she had raped a 13yo, like Trump has.

    3. Anonymouse 12:26pm, the Bidens are lame ducks. They’re just windowing dressing for Harris now.

      It finally dawned on the Democrats that someone’s head had to roll. For the optics, at least, The Biden’s couldn’t protect Chestle anymore. Not firing her put the media in the uncomfortable position of having to ask questions, rather than rapidly moving on.

    4. You are so aggrieved, Cec. The media is always against you. Poor poor Cec. This is the same media that has still not demanded a medical report from the attending physician who put a band aid on trump's ear. Trump is running around claiming he took a bullet for democracy, and nobody knows what hit him. The press is scared of their own shadow with Trump. But you keep right on whining, Cec. It suits you so well.

    5. Anonymouse 3:28pm, actually, the media doesn’t know me. They do know Trump. Think of it as the media hating Trump for all the objective reasons that you hate Trump. You’re good at framing all things from your perspective. Don’t stop now.

      You are an anonymouse. It’s difficult for you to understand that there is no salient issue as regards the difference between a bullet grazing your ear and glass grazing your ear as caused by bullets being fired at your head.

      At some point Trump’s medical records will be leaked and people who think like anonymices think will try to make an issue about glass if they can. The media wants to move on to Harris. They don’t want to focus on Trump as victim,

    6. Sure, Cec. No salient reason for the press to do its job. Let's just let Honest Abe Trump tell us the story, he surely would lie. Just another instance of the trump clan violating all norms and the press averting their eyes.

    7. Trump has been overdramatizing a trivial injury. Random plastic cannot kill the way a bullet would, so Trump’s miracle becomes a pathetic attention grab when there were actual shooting victims, including an actual hero who saved his family.

    8. Anonymouse 3:55pm, he was the guy who was shot at. He heard the whizzing sound of bullets going past his ear and he felt the pain of something grazing part of his earlobe.

      He is going to connect that to the bullets every time. You would too. You’d be saying “that damn bullet almost got me. I felt it and heard it.” The difference here is that no one would be so belligerent as to contradict you. You can be grazed by a bullet and have glass particles hit that area too.

      It’s a petty and idiotic issue that you're riding with a guy who could have been murdered. Go find something else to make an object lesson. If Trump is forever lying, it shouldn’t be too difficult.

    9. Cecelia, I don't give a goddamn what that orange painted raving lunatic convicted felon business fraud child rapist treasonous bastard says about anything. He's a fucking lying sack of shit. I care about why the media has not gotten the authentic medical report from the treating physician and they are afraid to ask that abomination to do what any normal person in that position would do.

    10. It’s a coverup, Cecelia.

    11. Anonymouse 6:20pm, if you haven’t noticed, we’ve spent a good part of the last four years not knowing that we didn't know who was really in charge of the country.

      We have a media who dearly wants to move on lest they be leaned upon in order to investigate that issue.

      But proving Trump wrong over saying a bullet grazed his ear rather than saying it was shards of glass shattered by a bullet (AIMED at him) is more important than that.

      You’re ridiculous.

    12. There was a collective “meh” after the EVENT.

    13. ...if you haven’t noticed, we’ve spent a good part of the last four years not knowing that we didn't know who was really in charge of the country.

      Who is this "we" you refer to Cecelia? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? I don't live in right wing fever swamps so I was unaware you were wondering that.

  15. “We had come to think more poorly of President Biden over the course of the past year.” —- Bob Somerby

    “As President, Joe Biden has been — and is — an exceptional leader. He is responsible for developing and signing the most significant investment in climate solutions into law. He helped our nation navigate a global pandemic, ushered in an economic recovery that has created good-paying jobs for Americans across the country, and restored America’s standing abroad.

    I know that he is not done delivering for the American people and will continue to serve this nation with wisdom and dignity in the coming months. In paving the way for a new generation of leadership, President Biden’s decision is a fitting testament to his profoundly consequential career.

    I applaud his selfless decision.”
    —- Al Gore

    1. Somerby is using the royal "we" but he is referring only to himself and his own opinions. I personally had not come to think more poorly of Biden at all. Somerby speaks only for himself.

    2. “selfless decision”.

      Thanks, Al!

    3. Biden represents the corporate-establishmentarian wing of the Dem party and relied totally on the perceived awfulness of Donald Trump. He has a history of plagiarism and lying, and his claims about the death of his wife and daughter in a traffic accident have been proven false. Biden's record is not in line with his image as a champion of working-class people, as he has supported policies that have harmed ordinary Americans.

    4. Once upon a time, Somerby gave a shit about Al Gore, who still gives a shit about the Democratic Party. And yes, Cecelia, imagine Trump in Biden’s position. That’s all you need to imagine to understand why Biden made a selfless decision.

    5. @6:04. Biden is not running. You can dial it down now.

  16. It is looking like Trump was not grazed by a bullet, but by glass or plastic, same as the police officers that were near him at the time of the shooting.

    1. I’m sorry the police officers were injured.

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  18. “ the endless silence from Blue America's brightest and finest and best"

    He can discern silence, in light of recent events, where an exceptionally successful president who won his party’s nomination was pressured to drop out by “Blue America’s brightest and finest and best”?

  19. I have been informed that the Democrat machine is all in on Harris. I believe it was an attendee at the recent Anointing of Dear Leader at the RNC People’s Party conference of the Fatherland who told me.

  20. Bob Menendez will resign, effective August 20.

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