That's part of the current charade: Certs was widely known to be a breath mint. But Certs was also a candy mint.
As the leading authority on the subject explains, everyone knew that at one time. That said, it doesn't work that way with the Gutfeld! program.
The host of the show is the cover boy of the current edition of Variety. Inside the authoritative publication, he's also the subject of a lengthy profile by Tatania Siegel.
That said:
No, Tatania! Gutfeld's program isn't a late night show. It also isn't a comedy show.
In fact, Gutfeld! is a primetime show. It's also a primetime show on a "cable news" channel. But what Gutfeld! is, more than anything else, is a corporate propaganda show—a program devoted to advancing the political messaging of its host's owner, the Fox News Channel.
According to Siegel, the host of that show—the 60-year-old Greg Gutfeld—is currently paid $9 million per year by that powerhouse "cable news" channel. Even in these latter days, a "cable news" outfit can get a lot of value for that expenditure, which Siegel describes as a bargain.
At various points in her lengthy puff piece, Siegel describes this extremely peculiar TV figure as "the king of late night." By definition, Gutfeld can't be that.
Along the way, she also describes Gutfeld as "the nasal-voiced shit-stirrer who sees no topic as off-limits," but also as "the cable news star who has zero fucks to give (or a carefully curated rebel persona)."
That first description is absurdly inaccurate. In fact, a wide assortment of basic topics will never be discussed on this imitation of a human TV program.
Simply put, the Gutfeld! program operates in much the way other Fox News Channel programs do. Unfortunately, programs on MSNBC frequently operated in a similar way during the Biden years.
As we noted yesterday, the Gutfeld! program is highly selective about which topics its rotating cast of guests will discuss. The program also selects its guests in such a way that no one will ever disagree with the views of its furious host.
Thanks to this twin process of sifting, none of this program's guests will ever challenge, question or contradict the basic tenets of Fox News Channel political messaging. That said, hold on—there's more!
Gutfeld's eponymous weeknight program is telecast at 10 p.m. Eastern (at 7 p.m. on the coast). Five hours earlier, he also serves, on a daily basis, as co-host of The Five, the top-rated program in the wilderness known as American "cable news."
The Five features five co-hosts, or possibly there are just four. Along the way, Siegel describes Gutfeld's role on that powerhouse program:
How Greg Gutfeld Became the Bill Maher of Fox News—And Toppled Fallon and Colbert in the Ratings
Gutfeld may be a novel phenomenon to some. But to a sizable and growing portion of the Fox News audience, he’s the man of the moment...His sardonic, blunt takedowns have carried him so far that it’s easy to forget that Fox News, historically, has thrived when playing the role of loyal opposition to those in power. Now, though, Gutfeld flits from late night to daytime (as co-host of current events show “The Five”) with gravity-defying ease.
“The Five,” which plays like the upside-down version of “The View,” is a ratings powerhouse. The show became the first non-primetime cable program to rank No. 1 for four consecutive years. Its viewership is nearly triple the cable news competition combined in the 5 p.m. slot. Back in 2011, the late Fox News chief Roger Ailes felt that “The Five” needed comic relief and designated Gutfeld to deliver the laughs.
According to Siegel, Ailes added Gutfeld to the mix at The Five to provide "needed comic relief." Today, Gutfeld routinely engages in towel-snapping, bromantic banter with resident sillybill Jesse Watters, one of the program's other co-hosts. But he mainly serves as the purported intellectual heavyweight on the powehouse program.
Long ago and far away—way back in May 1987—Michael Kinsley famously described the 39-year-old Senator Al Gore as "an old person's idea of a young person." He did so in this opinion column in the Washington Post.
It's a bit like that with Gutfeld. In his role on The Five, he seems to serve as an unintelligent person's idea of a person who's very smart.
Routinely, the other three (or four) co-hosts throw to Gutfeld during one of the program's gong-show pseudo-discussions. He then launches one of lengthy, baffling disquisitions on whatever topic has been judged to be suitable for pseudo-discussion that day.
The other co-hosts enter a somnambulistic state as Gutfeld drones on and on with his baffling theoretics. When his oration finally ends, Gutfeld tends to revert to some towel-snapping with the aforementioned Watters while the other co-hosts permissively chuckle and smile.
That said, are there four other co-hosts, or is the number really three? It's pretty much as you count it!
At one time, the program may have gained some "comic relief" with the insertion of Gutfeld. Today, the program acquires a bit of frisson from the alleged inclusion of one co-host who will supposedly state the views of a remarkably uniform group routinely described as "The Left."
On most days, that thankless task falls to one of two players—to Harold Ford or to Jessica Tarlov. In the aftermath of President Trump's election, Ford has almost wholly walked away from that putative task. Essentially, Ford now serves as a fifth pro-Trump co-host, one who sometimes seems to be even more pro-Trump than the official pro-Trump co-hosts are.
When Tarlov sits in the Blue America chair, that air of frisson may survive. Tarlov has also slowed her roll since last November's election, but she sometimes pipes up with an awkwardly convincing point which contradicts the pre-approved view which the other four hosts have agreed on.
When she does, the other co-hosts rise as one to overtalk her. This is the way pseudo-discussion is now fashioned on the most-watched propaganda program in this failing nation's round-the-clock universe of so-called "cable news."
Five hours later, the remarkably coarse tone of the Gutfeld! program suddenly arrives on the air. The host's apparent misogyny is undisguised, as is the furious, frequently ugly pushback against what once would have seemed to be widely accepted rules of public decorum.
Judged by pre-existing norms, the pushback is frequently remarkably ugly but also remarkably stupid and strange. ugly. Liberal women are routinely denounced for allegedly being too fat—for resembling horses, cows, elephants, pigs, very large dogs and the occasionally whale. Such women are also routinely denounced for allegedly having used way too much Botox, or for allegedly having had too many facelifts.
The astonishing women of the Fox News Channel lounge permissively about as these remarkable insults are delivered. This is the realm of the "night assault," but also of vast and furious cultural pushback with respect to gender norms.
Siegel somehow managed to miss this aspect of this remarkably aggressive (prime time) propaganda program. As we noted yesterday, she only allowed herself to offer such pseudo-observations as these:
When Gutfeld surveys the broader comedy field, he’s unimpressed. He struggles to name a host he finds funny outside of [Bill] Maher and Joe Rogan.
The election proved that some of those “other guys” no longer are influential. Democratic nominee Kamala Harris opted to sit down with Howard Stern on SiriusXM, thinking his audience of white men could help tip the election in her favor. But for better or for worse, Stern was more relevant when he was a shameless misogynist who fixated on porn stars.
Stern was once "a shameless misogynist"—but somehow, Gutfeld isn't! This is all she allowed herself to tell Variety's readers about the people he chooses to rib:
Gutfeld differs significantly from the [late night comedy] field in tone. After Fallon expressed regret over having Donald Trump on as a guest in 2016 and tousling his hair, he now mostly avoids the polarizing president in his monologues, while Colbert and Meyers have gone all-in on #Resistance humor. Most stick to the Carson format of a celebrity guest promoting a new project. “Gutfeld!” is a closer match to Bill Maher’s old ABC show “Politically Incorrect,” with co-hosts Kat Timpf and Tyrus helping to anchor conversations that frequently rib the obese, the easily triggered and the hosts of “The View.”
Gutfeld frequently "ribs the obese," Siegel's readers are told. He also ribs "the easily triggered."
That may include people who found it amazingly strange when he asked, on at least three separate occasions last year, if Hunter Biden had started "banging" or even "f*cking" first lady Jill Biden yet. And yes, this nutcase actually did that, as we reported three separate times right here at this site, providing links to the tape on each occasion.
In short, a "night assault" is under way—an assault on certain conventional norms and values. As with some other publications, Variety is averting its gaze.
Gutfeld's program isn't a breath mint, and it isn't a candy mint. Also, it isn't a comedy show, and it isn't a creature of "late night."
You can call it "Jackson," or you can call it "Johnson." But this is what it is:
Technically, Gutfeld! is a primetime show on a "news" channel. In reality, it's a propaganda program—a program which exists to advance the political messaging of its corporate owner.
According to Siegel, Gutfeld is paid $9 million per year to perform that task.
You'll only see certain topics discussed on the Gutfeld! program. The various guests have all been selected to eliminate the possibility that anyone will ever question or challenge the views of the weirdly angry host.
Also, the program's rotating panel of guests is routinely made up of obvious policy flyweights. On this primetime "news" program, D-list comedians are invited to state their views on various issues, with everyone knowing that their views must always match those of the host.
In fairness, some of this angry nutball's views are built on perfectly reasonable foundations. Some of this furious nutball's views strike us as flatly correct.
It's the fury of his "night assault" which makes this program an act of war. Siegel wasn't willing or able to say that. Tomorrow, we'll strive for a bit more detail.
We close with further information about a certain famous mint. Eventually, the leading authority on the dual-purpose near-lozenge gives us the dope on cows:
In the 1960s and 1970s, Certs was heavily advertised on American television with a famous campaign featuring two attractive young people earnestly arguing over the proper classification of the mints. The one participant would assert, "It’s a breath mint!" The other would assay a rebuttal by stating, "It’s a candy mint!" This taxonomic dilemma would finally be resolved by the unseen announcer, who would achieve synthesis by explaining that Certs was "Two, two, two mints in one!"
Saturday Night Live lampooned the ads with a fictitious product called "Shimmer," with Gilda Radner's argument "It's a floor wax!" vs. Dan Aykroyd's "It's a dessert topping, you cow!" being resolved by announcer Chevy Chase's declaration that "New Shimmer's a floor wax and a dessert topping!"
Full disclosure! When Aykroyd assailed Radner as "a cow," it was understood to be a type of parody.
The Gutfeld! program isn't like that. Today, such insults are a staple of this extremely strange program, though these astonishing insults are only aimed at women from "The Left."
That said, the complexification was general with respect to Certs. As you'll see below, a taxonomic dilemma eventually had to be played out in federal court.
Today, we Americans long for simple stories, thanks to the ubiquity of such complexities as this:
In 1999, the United States Customs Service classified Certs as a candy mint for tariff purposes, since candy was taxed differently from oral hygiene products. In the ensuing suit before the United States Court of International Trade, Cadbury introduced expert testimony that Certs stimulate the flow of saliva, thus flushing bad odors from the mouth, and that its flavors and oils mask bad breath. But the court ruled that, since Certs did not contain anti-bacterial ingredients, they were, indeed, simply a candy mint. This ruling was, however, overturned at the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, making Certs legally a breath mint.
Today, we Americans long for simple stories. "The star who has zero fucks to give" provides that service to Red America, with plenty of insults thrown in.
Tomorrow: "Silence [has] invaded the suburbs" concerning the Gutfeld! show
Ukraine is still going strong, same with inflation, the genocide of Palestinians, and the desire of Repubs to cut Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
ReplyDeleteWho knew?
ReplyDelete"But what Gutfeld! is, more than anything else, is a corporate propaganda show—a program devoted to advancing the political messaging of its host's owner, the Fox News Channel."
Nonsense. Unlike MSNBC, the Fox News Channel has all kinds of programs with all kinds of messaging.
Gutfeld! is as much a "propaganda show" as Colbert is a "propaganda show". It's devoted to advancing the political messaging of Gutfeld, not of the Fox News Channel. Obviously, the Fox News Channel has no objection to advancing Gutfeld's messaging, but that's quite different from your take.
Yes, their messaging ranges from alt right all the way to far right. A wide diversity, all coincidentally centered around Trump worship.
DeleteFair enough, but my point is, whether you are right wing like me, or on the left like many of the commenters, Somerby only offers nonsense.
DeleteI watched Greenwald, Taibbi, and many others who are nether "alt" (whatever that is), nor "far", nor any other kind of "right" on Fox, 11:45 AM. And doing "no true Scotsman" is not going to change that.
So, you're wrong.
Greenwald and Taibbi have been featured more on MSNBC/CNN, although they have made a few appearances on Fox News, but only to enhance their right wing bona fides; they are both right wing - this is so trivially obvious, to argue otherwise is to argue in bad faith.
DeleteMy point was that whether you are right wing like me, or on the left, we can agree that Somerby is utter nonsense, as I originally stated.
Therefore, I was not, am not, wrong, since we agree.
Anonymouse 12:50pm, no prob. Conversely, people on the right and on the left can agree that Bob is the liberal he claims to be. However, Anonymices won’t allow that. If a liberal agrees with Bob, anonymices attack them as being sham liberals like Bob. That means the next question is why are you here berating “lying” Bob for his stuff when, right or left, you can go find a blogger who you find worth reading.
DeleteI agree Bob is a classical liberal.
I will seek out other bloggers, thank you for the advice.
Anonymouse 2:02pm, you’re welcome.
DeleteSomerby is not liberal. No even a classical liberal. I have taken care every day to explain how Somerby advances each day's Republican talking points, usually the same ones being expressed on right wing media, including Fox News. Anyone who is still thinking that Somerby is liberal is not commenting in good faith. They are shoring up Somerby's positions and furthering his posture as a liberal, but without any evidence to support their claims.
DeleteAs has been patiently explained many times before, when Somerby stops lying about being liberal and admits he is batting for the right wing (and has been since 2015) then there will be no need for disclaimers here.
What difference exists between Gutfeld's 'messaging' and Fox's 'messaging'?
DeleteAykroyd co starred in one of the great American movies, Trading Places (directed by John Landis), which argues success in America is primarily a function of privilege and happenstance.
ReplyDeleteThese billionaires running around like they invented the universe (all while curiously juicing themselves with hair implants, penis implants, human growth hormones, etc), causing chaos and misery for everyone else, need to be taxed at the rate (70-90% top margin) they were back during the greatest expansion of wealth in history, from the New Deal until Reagan.
Reagan reversed that positive trend in a big way, propagating the largest redistribution of wealth in history with $50+ trillion taken from the bottom 90% and gifted to the top 1%.
Biden was the first president since Reagan to reverse Reagan's neoliberal economy, which made the rich furious and they went all out to get Trump elected - even so, Trump squeaked by with less than 30% of the electorate, could not even get 50% of those that voted with more people voting for someone other than Trump, and is now underwater in the polls and plummeting.
anon you keep bolstering your argument by pointing out that Trump got voted in by less than 30% of the electorate. But Harris got even a lower percentage of the electorate. Kennedy is the one who did away with the 90% tax rate.
ReplyDeleteKennedy is bringing back measles and polio.
DeleteTrump had normal Republican turnout, Harris suffered from low Dem turnout, primarily due to three reasons: lack of universal mail in ballots, Dem sexism (and racism to a lesser degree), and Republican dirty tricks/voter suppression.
DeleteRegardless, the point is Trump was not elected on a wave of popularity, and since inauguration, he is becoming more unpopular, handing the country over to a cadre of sexual predators, snake oil salesmen, and sundry unelected egotist billionaires - some even are foreigners. Trump and his chaos is not what this country wants. Indeed, policy surveys show that a majority of Americans prefer progressive policies. Trump is a traitor, the most un American president in our lifetime.
Kennedy only lowered the top margin rate from 90% to 70%, and this was reasonable due to the massive amount of economic expansion that preceded Kennedy, built largely on the New Deal and a high top margin tax rate.
It was Reagan that devastated and gutted our economy with his neoliberal "voodoo" economics and enormous tax cuts for the rich (it got so bad Reagan wound up later raising taxes several times, and then Bush Sr did as well which ended his political career as a Republican).
Clinton raised the top rate ever so slightly, and that led to a balanced budget, which W tanked with his enormous tax cut for the rich.
Clinton and Obama governed as neoliberals, Biden is the first president to change course and turn away from neoliberalism.
Reagan also initiated taxing social security benefits in order to help fund bloating the defense budget and tax cuts for the rich.
DeleteReagan was a ghoul, Trump is a demon.
DeleteRepublicans are the party of the Devil, which is why they are so fervent with their faux Christian values (in reality the Jesus character was more aligned with communism).
The "anon" wrote "need to be taxed at the rate (70-90% top margin) they were back during the greatest expansion of wealth in history, from the New Deal until Reagan"; Kennedy lowered the top rate to 70% - within the referenced range, 12:55's complaint is unjustified, thereby making it irrelevant.
DeleteThoughts and prayers, Anonymouse 1:32pm.
DeleteGod is omnipotent, thoughts and prayers do nothing, God is already aware of everything you think and everything that will happen.
DeleteAnonymouse 1:57pm, Sky-daddy has been known to change His mind.
DeleteOk, I will pray for America, for God to rid America of these Devil-sent demons.
DeleteJesus never said anything about who should own the means of production.
Delete1:32 is anachronistic.
Republicans agree with Karl Marx:
Delete"Religion is the opium of the people..."
I mean really, would you be such a flaming asshole if you really believed in an afterlife of heaven or hell?
DeleteJesus is a myth, but the character conveyed notions about communal efforts to overhaul unjust hierarchies and diminish both poverty and excessive wealth.
DeleteThe writers that made up Jesus predate industrialization, so your complaint is silly at best.
Republicans are the least Christian-like people on the planet, their entire endeavor is a complete scam.
Good luck, Cecelia.
DeleteAnonymouse 2:14pm, there is no New Testament scripture that championed the idea of a government based commune- like system. Christians we’re told that they must be part of the Body of Christ within their churches, bring others to salvation, earn their bread, personally share it with those in need, and preach and teach, They were also told to pray for their rulers and to obey the law. There is no suggestion that these commandments were to be codified into earthly law. There was NO suggestion that society should NOT have these entitlement programs.
DeleteConsider that if Christians embraced your ideas as to poverty and wealth (many Christians do), there are proscriptions as to sex, sexuality, and marriage that you do not embrace. How generous are you going to be towards the person who embraces all your goals as to monetary policy, but wants abortion banned and gay marriage? Instead of blasting everyone for not being you, work for what you want and keeping moving.
Anonymouse 2:25pm, luck has nothing to do with it.
DeleteJesus never said a damn thing about gay marriage.
DeleteJewish law did and the Apostle Paul referenced it.
DeleteSo those bible thumping yahoos are really Jews?
DeleteWho knew? It is funny that same sex marriage is permitted in Israel as is abortion. They probably don't understand Jewish Law as deeply as Billy Bob Bible Thumper down in Alabama. It is curious that the Son of God forgot to mention it while he was here.
Anonymouse 3:27pm, the state of Israel is not under Judaic law
DeleteNeither are we.
DeleteAnonymouse 3:33pm, I never suggested otherwise. My point to the anonymouse was in the context of “good” Christians being those who embrace all my beliefs nonsense. I’m not a Democrat, but I don’t think Christians who are Democrats are bad people because they’re…not Republicans… That nonsense generally comes from people whom are irreligious in the first place.
DeleteNeither Jesus nor Paul discussed abortion.
DeleteI see I have wasted my time with you again, Cecelia. My only point was that hateful people such as Trump and Hegseth (who wears his religion ostentatiously on his sleeve) as true believers. As I said, they use religion to control the masses.
DeleteYou're the one who dragged gay marriage and abortion into the discussion, Cec.
DeleteAnonymouse 4:06pm, my point wasn’t about gay marriage per se. My point to the anonymouse is that it’s going to be a challenge to find the “real” Christians who are different from the bad Republican “Christians” who don’t share her views on fiscal policy. Frankly if her good Democratic Christians are embracing ALL of her political tenets (and they probably aren’t) they may be great people, but not particularly religious or Christian.
DeleteAnonymouse 4:07pm, no, Jesus and Paul never discussed D& E or even venture capitalists.
DeleteThe apostle Paul said “the love of money is the root of all evil.”
DeleteJesus said: “it will be harder for a rich man to go to heaven than a camel to go through the eye of a needle.”
There is a clear strain of opposing wealth in the New Testament. One of Jesus’ angriest reactions was when he cleared the money changers out of the temple. “Capitalism” wasn’t defined in Jesus’ time, but I think one can extrapolate how he would feel about capitalists and the rich of today.
. Anonymouse 5:24pm, It opposes greed, desire for more, and a lack of generosity. It addresses how an obsession with money changes our hearts. It does not advocate for government-run communes or socialism. The early church did didn’t survive that approach. It’s not a blanket endorsement of government entitlement . At the same time, it isn't a rejection of public policies like welfare, etc. . That scripture focuses on human nature and making a god of money.
Delete“ making a god of money.”
DeleteWhich is what Trump and musk do, not to mention all the other oligarchs. It’s rather difficult to separate human nature from systems like capitalism derived from human impulses which enshrine greed.
Anonymouse 6:11pm, I don’t have a problem in the world with your not appreciating capitalism to one extent of the other. I don’t make any assumptions about you as to religious furor or personal altruism based upon that view of yours. I think Trump and Musk want to downsize govt. Make it leaner. I understand you differ with that. I’m at a liberal blog-voluntarily. I’m not moved one way or another by your views on govt policy. I’m here for Bob’s view on the culture.
DeleteThey are destroying government, not making it leaner, and enriching the rich yet more. At any rate, being a follower of Jesus Christ and believing that a society that punishes the poor, the immigrant, the disabled, the sick, and rewards the greedy is acceptable, even desirable, while preaching tolerance and kindness only at some personal level makes no sense.
DeleteAnonymouse 7:54pm, I think it makes no sense to discuss this process in that way. Imagine arguing that take on behalf of Pat Robertson and the 700 Club as to oversight into their management of donor (individual taxpayer) funds into programs that provided food and clothing to the poor. Imagine taking the stand that a freeze on any charity or govt program is tantamount to throwing everyone to the wolves. FEMA has a time period for funding hotel rooms and after that you’re sleeping on someone’s floor or in a tent in icy weather. I’m not sure that anyone but migrants get their hotel bills paid by the monthS. I’m sure all of this stuff could be done better, but there’s no way there’s going to be any helpful discussion about it and I don’t think you want that.
DeleteSo, when you don’t know what’s true, you just make shit up.
DeleteImagine being so credulous as to assert that Musk and Trump are trying to make the government leaner and forgetting to mention the ginormous tax cut for billionaires they will pay for with cuts to medicaid.
DeleteAnonymouse 7:29am, you’ve illustrated my point via you last sentence.
DeleteYou never make any sense, Cecelia. Can't you ever make a clear direct statement?
DeleteTo my knowledge there are two contradicting features about the American political system that explain how we got here. Supposedly these principles define a baseline of common sense.
ReplyDelete1. Two unions are not allowed sympathy strikes. This is dogma baked into law.
2. Politicians are allowed to misspeak and offer retractions, to avoid becoming dogmatic.
Factor 1 has broken the healthy show of strength down into thoughts and prayers, and debates over who looks cool (and marketable) doing so to their audience.
Factor 2 has made fawning and discounting the only understandable political emotions. And encouraged fake apology as a skill to advertise your cruelty.
The strength you are supposed to show is being ready to try again tomorrow at being more caring, or being more frugal to be superior in either case. It is as if the people want to see change but have been told moving without permission is insanity, or can only happen two years from now. So we mock each other for that temptation to want better.
In the meantime, why wouldn't 3 million people waste time consuming media brain rot? It's that whole picture turned into a digestible soundbyte with an audience laugh track. If you believe you can never be sure what promises are real then you just settle for knowing sex and fat exists and that you exist. It feels like freedom, it feels like taking a side.
Gutfeld is playing to the right wing need for dominance.
DeleteThis need for dominance arises proximally and primarily from bad parenting (unresolved trauma), and ultimately from an overly competitive and hierarchical society based on over commodification of resources that makes most people's lives unnecessarily precarious.
"over commodification of resources" -- Is this just a group of nice sounding words, or is it supposed to mean something? How, for example, is some resource such as "water" being "overcommodified"? And how does that "overcommodification" make our lives precarious?
DeleteTo paraphrase Bob, Gutfeld is a humorless person's idea of someone who's funny.
DeleteAlice Hamilton, who fought against lead poisoning, was born on this day in 1869.
This right wing vanity blog has died.
DeleteThe Wikipedia article says Certs were “disk-shaped without a hole.” So they looked like Cecelia.
ReplyDeleteI’m more skittles.
DeleteSkittles were the last thing Trayvon Martin bought.