FRIDAY: A grim situation seems to obtain!


Commander shouts and fumes: Is it possible that Vladimir Putin is getting tired of all the winning?

We start with the pair of headlines which have just appeared atop the front page of the online New York Times:

Trump-Zelensky Meeting Turns Into a Shouting Match

'You Either Make a Deal or We Are Out,' Trump Tells Ukrainian Leader

Those are not good headlines. 

The dual headline shown below also doesn't seem good. Online, it sits atop a report which appeared in this morning's print editions:

Trump Says Canada and Mexico Tariffs Will Go Into Effect Next Week
The president also said he would impose an additional 10 percent tariff on China as he tries to force other countries to take more action on drug shipments.

Question! Should we all apologize and tell the commander that it actually is the Gulf of America? That it has been all along?

At this point, we turn to a second question: Is it possible that something is "wrong" with President Trump? 

We know! Mainstream journalists have persistently agreed that they must never wonder or ask. 

Still, as that question floats in the air, we return to some of the unusual things Trump said at Wednesday's cabinet meeting. In this morning's report, we posted one part of this chunk:

REPORTER (2/27/28: Mr. President, have you just made a decision on what level you'll seek on tariffs in the European Union?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: We have made a decision. We'll be announcing it very soon, and it'll be 25%, generally speaking, and that'll be on cars and all of the things. And European Union is a different case than Canada, different kind of case. They've really taken advantage of us in a different way...

Now, I love the countries of Europe. I guess I'm from there at some point a long time ago, right? But indirectly—pretty directly too, I guess. But I love the countries of Europe. I love all countries, frankly, all different. 

But the European Union's been—it was formed in order to screw the United States. I mean, look, let's be honest. The European Union was formed in order to screw the United States. That's the purpose of it. And they've done a good job of it. But now I'm president.

REPORTER: What will happen if these countries or the EU retaliate?

TRUMP: They can't. I mean, they can try...They can try, but the numbers can never equal what ours, because we could go off. We are the pot of gold, we're the one that everybody wants. And they can retaliate, but it cannot be a successful retaliation because we just go cold turkey, we don't buy anymore. And if that happens, we win.

If the Euros try that, we get the win! For now, could it be Putin who's winning?

"The European Union was formed to screw the United States?" As far as we know, you shouldn't assume that any of the statistical claims in that full presentation are accurate. But that assessment of the EU's foundational purpose doesn't sound like a very good sign.

The cabinet meeting crawled with factual claims by President Trump which have been debunked a million times. That doesn't seem like a very good sign—and journalists are still failing to treat this relentless trafficking of widely discounted factual claims as a stand-along point of concern which ought to rate stand-alone coverage on a daily basis.

Then too, there's what we saw Tim Miller say on yesterday's Deadline: White House. 

We've never seen anyone refer to the possibility that Musk may be exhibiting some sort of problem with drugs, but that's a possibility to which Miller alluded.

We have no idea if that speculation is accurate. On the other hand, we have no way of knowing it isn't.

Long ago, Dr. Bandy X. Lee, the Yale psychiatrist, said this was going to happen. In an assortment of ways, she was eventually shown the door.

She wasn't allowed to raise such concerns. As for ourselves, we continue to recommend pity and concern for people who may somehow be afflicted. That said, is it possible that Dr. Lee possibly got it right way back when this spiral began?


  1. If we accepted Bob's thesis that there is something wrong with Trump, how would we act differently?

    Don't think we would. So not sure why this is an important point.

  2. The issue with Trump and Musk (yes, he is openly addicted to Ketamine, among other drugs) is not that they are mentally impaired and what the proper terminology is, the issue is that these are corrupt people engaging in crimes.

    Society has a way of dealing with criminals like Trump and Musk via our justice system, but they had an end-around by essentially buying the presidency.

    Somerby never focuses on the real issues, just diddles away with his smug finger wagging at Dems, blaming the victims, as usual.

    1. I don't see any finger wagging at Dems in Somerby's post. Is this just a canned comment you post regardless?

  3. Somerby during the campaign: It is like the Illiad and a few Dylan songs, Biden seems oooooold, Dems are to blame for everything, including right wing corporate media, it is bad to call out racism and sexism, it's fine to ban books and history that triggers our overly sensitive Republican friends, I don't care about Trump's serial sexual assaults - that's his private life, ugh prosecuting Trump is so gauche

    Somerby after a month of Trump: OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT

    1. Best comment ever

    2. Except for its complete disconnect from reality.

  4. @5:21 claims Trump and Musk were "essentially buying the presidency." However, the Harris campaign spent 3 times as much as the Trump campaign. If anyone was trying to buy the presidency, it wasn't Trump.

    1. I've seen how all politicians lying upset's your delicate, sensitive feelings so much.
      Have you tried telling fucking assholes, like David in Cal, who think Trump lying is great political strategy, to stuff their nonsense up their asses?

    2. David your comment is false and misleading; officially Harris spent about $2 billion, Trump spent about $1.5 billion, and there are significant differences: Harris mainly raised money through small donations, whereas Trump mostly raised money through a handful of billionaires - Musk in particular because he was not merely throwing money at Trump but also engaging in various dirty tricks and voter suppression. Furthermore, the contributions to Trump came with expected strings attached, favors etc., whereas Harris, again, mostly got money from people with small, individual donations, only expecting her to keep her campaign/policy promises.

      Harris ran a clean campaign, Trump ran on cronyism and we really don't know how much he raised or spent, recall Trump is a convicted felon due to campaign finance violations.

      Musk is essentially an un-elected de facto president; Trump is bought and paid for.

      That you have to lie, and obfuscate the circumstances, indicates you are either massively ignorant (and really bad at math) or operating in bad faith - or both.

    3. Forbes reported "Trump Vs. Harris Fundraising: Harris Outraises Trump By Nearly 5-to-1 Among Last Minute Big Donors...

      The Biden—now Harris—campaign committee raised $997.2 million and Trump’s campaign committee raised $388 million in total between Jan. 2023 and Oct. 16, 2024, "

      I didn't find final figures, but these partial results do show Harris spending 3 times as much.

    4. "I didn't find", you didn't look, you lying moron.

    5. 5:47, its bad faith, all the way down. David seems hell bent on embarrassing himself here daily.

    6. To be fair, David is really bad at math, which comically belies the phony stories he makes up about his personal life.

  5. Dr Bandy Lee is routinely featured and interviewed on independent media outlets, notably she often appears on the MeidasTouch network, which has the number one podcast in the world, and also has at least one channel that is fully and solely dedicated to discussing Trump's mental impairments.

    Somerby is full of shit.

  6. Foreign leaders keep playing Trump like a fiddle, they have his number, and he is raging.


  7. Trump was on fire today. The US is no longer a cowering, apologizing, weak country in decline.

    1. Ah so this is what cope looks like.

      womp womp

    2. Trump's hair is on fire (and his pants too) because his lies and incompetency are catching up with him.

      It is fun to observe, nearly a laugh, but its really a cry.

    3. Bad day for Trump/Musk/Putin (our anti-American co-presidents).

      Good day for the US and Americans!

  8. Somerby's buyer's remorse over Trump is fucking hilarious!

    1. What's hilarious is your attempt to brace up your ridiculous theory that Somerby is right-wing when it is disproven every day.

  9. Making an effort to end a war and failing is not much different from not trying to end the war at all. Either way, the result is that the war continues.

    1. It wasn't an effort to end the war, it was an effort to extort money from Ukraine, which thankfully failed, because Trump is so transparently corrupt and really bad at making deals.

    2. @6:12 -- "An effort to extort money from Ukraine" seems to me to be a fair description of what Trump did. I don't know why you're happy that the effort failed. The benefit would have gone to you and me and other Americans.

    3. DiC,

      what are we to make now of the campaign promise to "end the war on day one."

      Are you stlll willing to say it was just an exaggeration, or given that the talks have collapsed, and that Trump/Vance are clearly not competent to negotiate a peace, can we call it a lie?

    4. Why is “extortion” a good thing? Is there any principle other than selfishness here? Like helping a democratic ally fighting for their home stand up to an authoritarian invader who would like to take over other countries?

    5. Fair question, Hector. If the treaty gets done, I would call it fulfilling a campaign promise. We all knew that Trump didn't literally mean "Day 1", Trump meant early on.

      If the treaty doesn't get done, I'd call it an unfulfilled promise and a promise that shouldn't have been made. Trump would deserve a tiny bit of credit for making a sincere effort to fulfill his campaign promise, but it rightfully be regarded as a Trump failure.

      I am wondering if Zelinskyy really doesn't want to make peace, and if so, what will Trump do about it? Trump said "You saw what I saw today — that was not a man that wanted to make peace." My guess FWIW is that if Zelenskyy keeps resisting a peace agreement, Trump will try to get him replaced as the leader of Ukraine.

      P.S. a promise about the future can't be a "lie", provided that the promiser makes a real effort to fulfill the promise. Nobody can guarantee the future.

      P.P.S. You may be right that Trump and Vance lack the skills to negotiate a decent peace agreement. But who does have the skills? Neither Biden, nor Harris nor Blinken ever demonstrated those skills.

    6. "We all knew that Trump didn't literally mean "Day 1", Trump meant early on."

      Oh? At one point, he even went so far as to say he'd get it done before Day 1--ahead of his inauguration.

  10. It can't be selfishness, because Trump would get no personal benefit from the minerals deal. Pressuring Ukraine to make a deal isn't nice. But, recall Leo Durochre's quote, "Nice guys finish last."

    1. Sexual predation isn't nice, but recall Donald Trump's quote, " I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything."

    2. It’s selfish if the only consideration is what does the US directly gain? It helps us if Ukraine successfully defends against Putin, because we used to believe in democracy over tyranny, which is a principle that sometimes can’t be measured in mineral rights or direct monetary payments to the US.

    3. And the Ukrainians are willing to stake their lives for their home and for this principle. It’s crass to try to extort monetary gain from them.

    4. @7:25 wrote "if Ukraine successfully defends against Putin" Tragically, that's out of the question. Russia is gradually gaining more and more Ukrainian territory. Ukraine is not getting territory back militarily. At some point, one must recognize reality and do the best thing possible. Or, more exactly, do the least bad thing possible.

    5. That Durocher quote? He actually said, "Nice guys finish seventh." You could look it up. Casey Stengel said that.

      You got it wrong. Go figure.

    6. DiC - Actually, you don't have enough knowledge to know how this war ends. Russia is gaining ground gradually; so did America in Vietnam, and so did Russia in Afghanistan. Russia is mired in a quagmire, and nobody knows what will happen. But, objectively, Trump is publicly helping Putin.

    7. Trump is a disgrace.

  11. In spite of all the cope, Zelinskyy did himself in today and he was begging to stay, then to come back for a redo.

    Zelenskyy just gave Trump a golden ticket. Trump was obviously ready for this and that’s why he in Vance were a well oiled machine the second Zelenskyy stepped out of line. They were ready for that contingency and had already decided if he pulled this he would be boxed out.

    Now Trump has the optics to shut down all aid to Ukraine, turn up the heat on the investigation into the money laundering, and negotiations with Putin just got easier.

    This was a massive turning point for public perception of Ukraine, and I’d argue we are now closer to peace, now that Trump no longer has to worry about being seemingly supportive of Ukraine. He can come to terms with Putin, and Zelensky will remain at the kid’s table while the adults determine his fate.

    Today, the veil was lifted.

  12. President Zelensky apologizes at the end of his interview with Fox's Bret Baier, says he thinks he can repair his relationship with Trump.

    Baier: "Do you think your relationship with President Trump after today can be salvaged?"

    Zelensky: "It can be. Yes, of course... This is very very important and we are thankful and sorry for this."
