(JOURNALISTIC) MADNESS: "Elon Musk misinformed Trump!"


In the Catturd seat: It's as we told you yesterday:

An intellectual giant named "Catturd" said it. And when Catturd said it, the intellectual giant Elon Musk believed it—or at least, so it had seemed. 

Forbes came along and debunked the claim. But Donald J. Trump was intrigued.

Catturd had launched an accusation against Samantha Power—and Power was one of the others. When she was head of USAID, she had looted the treasury of millions of dollars—or so Musk had seemed to believe, based on Catturd's tweet.

When people like Musk follow people named Catturd, a "night assault" is underway—and sure enough! Tuesday afternoon, right there in the Oval Office, the commander wanted to hear it again:

TRUMP (2/11/25): Could you mention some of the things that your team has found, some of the crazy numbers, including the woman that walked away with about thirty million?

MUSK: Right...

To appearances, "the woman" in question was Power. As Musk continued with his response, he somehow knew enough to avoiding saying her name.

So it went as the "night assault" continued. It was an assault of the Information Age, a night assault against the reign of rational conduct itself. 

Catturd spoke, and the president listened—and this was no isolated event. Last Friday evening, a major figure in "cable news" had actually told the world this:

GUTFELD (2/7/25): DOGE has exposed a pile of programs funded by USAID to foster gender and trans propaganda in foreign countries—countries where such things don't seem to benefit stability. Because nothing will bring a Muslim country together like drag queens reading the Koran to kids.


But that's the point. You have to destroy the world to build a new one where men can watch girls pee in locker rooms. 

Say what? USAID has been working "to build a new [world] where men can watch girls pee in locker rooms?" That was the point of the agency's conduct?

For the record, the gentleman cited no example of any such Muslim country, but that's what the gentleman said! In Tuesday morning's report, we posted the full text of his "monologue." 

Before long, he added this:

GUTFELD: As we learn that USAID was creating instability abroad, we see these same dirty tricks coming home. Because once you find yourself with a populist president who wasn't the elite choice, instability must be created artificially. Which means introducing the endless combustion of identity politics.

Elevate one's identity among others and you create conflict among groups, and there goes populist unity. People turn on themselves. What seemed to be an exported strategy to handicapped third world nations returned to where it started, like a sexually confused boomerang.

So imagine if we looked at America as a foreign country when Trump won. USAID did! You had a populist president, not an establishment puppet. What followed? Organized and immediate protests—race gender, climate, the three horsemen of funded, organized dissent. 

It was a color revolution, funded by people who pay taxes. Suddenly, you had trained agitators in the street with fresh signs and robust crowds and fueling the media that pushes incendiary hoaxes.

Add to that a crusade against so-called misinformation to empower censorship. Sound familiar? Sounds like everything USAID did in other countries.

Now maybe we didn't mind USAID before. Sure, they toppled governments overseas, but that wouldn't happen here. Now, by shining a light on what they and our government is doing, we find that they did try to destroy a populist movement for being a challenge to their power, with identity politics as a weapon. It was divide and conquer.

According to the "cable news" star, it wasn't just the looting of federal coffers described by Catturd. According to this influential Catturd type, USAID had been trying to destroy the MAGA movement for being a challenge to their power.

Hereat home, USAID had been trying to destroy the MAGA movement! They'd been using the same methods they employed to topple foreign governments!

According to Forbes, Catturd's claim turned out to be bogus. What about this set of claims?

We'll suggest that you see it for what it is! For now, let's start by considering what was said on Fox & Friends this morning.

Every so often, producers on the highly watched show produce an embarrassment of this type. This morning, Steve Doocy was tasked with interviewing Andrew Natsios, the (Republican) director of USAID under President George W. Bush.

Within the past week, Natsios has been shooting off his mouth all over Blue America's cable news programs. This morning, speaking to Doocy, he actually said that a certain unmistakable genius had misinformed President Trump about all those fiendish condoms!

Doocy struggled with the pronunciation of his guest's name. After that, this first exchange occurred, as a list of bogus claims scrolled past on the screen:

DOOCY (2/13/25): Andrew, apologies on the name. 

You know, we've been talking on the channel for a couple of days about some of the questionable USAID expenditures, and we've got a list of them. You would admit, those are head scratchers in some cases because they drifted away from the original goal of the agency. 

NATSIOS: Yes, but those aren't USAID projects. Those are State Department projects. Elon Musk misinformed the president. He said there was $50 million worth of condoms sent to Gaza. He meant—what the record shows, it's Gaza Mozambique, not Gaza Israel. 

And the project wasn't for condoms. It was for HIV AIDS—anti-retrovirals.

We sent condoms into Afghanistan—not to the Taliban—to health clinics that USAID had helped build twenty-five years ago, when I took over USAID. And they were sent in because a famine is developing there, and the first people who die in a famine are children under 5, pregnant women and lactating mothers...

Natsios went on from there with all his crazy talk. According to Natsios, the genius Musk had gotten everything right, except for what the money was for and where the money was spent, and except for the claim that this had been a USAID project. 

Other than that, the intellectual giant had gotten everything right!

Stating the obvious: As the flooding of the zone continues, none of these dueling claims will ever get straightened out.

Trump, of course, had taken the alleged $50 million in condoms—said to be $50 million in condoms to Hamas—and he had doubled the claim. 

In his typical way, he had said that USAID had sent $100 million of condoms to the Hamas gang. "Think of it," he dumbly said. To see him say it, click here

Natsios challenged an array of claims which have ruled the air at Fox. On CNN and MSNBC, he has engaged in much longer discussions within the past week.

President Trump had loudly declared that the fiendish USAID shipped $100 million in condoms—to Hamas, no less. When such statements are widely broadcast in the absence of challenge, that's the shape of a "night assault" on the foundations of an Information Age culture. 

Achaeans stormed the walls of Troy during the Late Bronze Age. Today, the Catturds are storming our own society's bulwarks.

Meanwhile, what was USAID really doing when Power and Natsios were in charge? 

In this morning's New York Times, Nicholas Kristof starts to describe the sorts of events which start to occur when the Catturds overrun a modern society's walls and place their own types in charge:

The U.S.A.I.D. Chaos Already Has Dire Effects


President Trump and Elon Musk were entirely right that America’s aid programs merited scrutiny and reform. Yet so far what these two billionaires have achieved is to crush the world’s poorest children in a cauldron of confusion and cruelty.

Having covered the United States Agency for International Development for decades, I reached out to my contacts around the world to get the real story of the Trump-Musk demolition.

In Sokoto, Nigeria, toddlers are starving because emergency feeding centers supported by U.S.A.I.D. have run out of the nutrient-rich paste used to save the lives of severely malnourished children. Nearby warehouses have the paste but can’t release it without a waiver from the agency—which is in such Muskian chaos that it can’t issue the waivers.

“Thousands of children can die,” said Erin Boyd, a former U.S.A.I.D. nutrition adviser who told me about the situation there.


Accounts of mayhem are flowing in from around the world...

That said, who are you going to believe? A person who has reported from all the countries where toddlers are starving and children will die? Or will you instead decide to trust an internet giant like Catturd?

Last Friday night, a major figure in "cable news" advanced a remarkable set of claims about what USAID has been doing—possibly the direction of Natsios, but surely under the direction of the fiendish Power. 

Before he started his monologue, he had entertained his large viewership in a familiar way. He'd offered a joke which turned on the premise that Joy Behar—she's 83 years old—is just too freaking fat.

(On this occasion, Behar was compared to an elephant—to a "pooping elephant" at that! This disordered 60-year-old man behaves this way every night. Other things he said this night were uglier and worse, and were baldly misogyny-adjacent. This is part of a "night assault" on our failing culture. Beyond that, it's an obvious form of journalistic insanity.)

Friday evening, his monologue done, the fellow's four panelists were asked to comment on what he had said about USAID. Tomorrow, we'll show you some of what the four flyweights said. 

For today, we'll limit ourselves to saying their names. People like these should be famous:

Gutfeld! panelists; Friday, 2/7/25
Todd Piro: Co-host, Fox & Friends First
Dagen McDowell: Co-host, The Big Money Show
Rob Long: Writer and television producer
Kat Timpf: Regular panelist on Gutfeld! 

Those four were invited to speak.

We've called them "stooges"—Stepfords, even! Tomorrow, we'll give you the chance to decide:

In an era where people like Catturd and Musk hold sway, even as toddlers and children starve, have our assessments of these hirelings been sufficiently fair and balanced?

Tomorrow: Four out of four agree to agree with what has just been said!


  1. Bob criticizes what he imagines Musk implied about Samantha Power. But, was what Musk SAID about Samantha Power accurate? Was she worth around $30 million when she retired? If so, that’s notable.

    1. You sure are sounding like a Somerby critic these days, DiC.

    2. It would be even more notable to understand how Musk would have learned of Powers' net worth? Rummaging through her tax returns?

    3. Musk is the richest man in the world, richer than the British Royal Family, maybe even richer than Putin. He seems to be a right wing hero. How then does the paltry few million some others accumulate make them bad guys? Shouldn't they be admired for their wealth too? Is there a double standard here?

      It has been noted before that only the wealthy can afford to become public servants because it costs so much to run in an election and because the govt doesn't pay enough to support the lifestyle of someone with influence in our society.

      If our government workers were truly expected to be impoverished, Trump would have released his own financial reports, divested his business dealings and eliminated conflicts of interest back in 2015, when the others he ran against did, just as Joe Biden did and all Democratic candidates and elected officials have done.

      This is not a value held by the right. It is a weapon being used against Democrats to portray them as hypocrites for doing a pale shadow of what ALL Republicans have done all along. They don't reveal much less abandon their own grifts and that makes this call for financial transparency ludicrous.

      Look how Musk scrambled to take his name off that State Department contract for $400 million in Tesla cyber-armed vehicles. Hard to attack Dems while engaging in that grift, I guess,.

    4. 11:11, I think we're living in East Germany 1952 now. It would never occur to Dickhead in Cal to ask how and why Mush has access to Power's personal financial information. He's just happy to join in the smear.

    5. Musk received millions in grant money from USAID, but was then being investigated by USAID for fraud after grossly overcharging taxpayers for his crappy services.

      Worse, USAID's main utility is in keeping the US in the good graces of our allies, and keeping them from turning to China.

      Attacking USAID is a favor to China, it is un American.

      Musk is un American.

    6. C in C - you are getting ever more excruciating. Did you read tthe TDH post? You come away with that Samantha Power is worth $30,000,000 (what's the source of that info?) thus it's reasonable for Musk to claim that she criminally embezzled it from USAID? What did that senator famously ask Joe McCarthy at that famous hearing -- "have you no shame/" - you seem happy to endorse this utter shamelessness.


    7. Poor Soros-bot @1:32 PM can't find any White Paper on Samantha Power's net worth.

      So sad.

    8. Right, 2:04. This is Trump’s America. No proof is required. Just accusations.

    9. That's right, Soros-bot. It's so sad. This is why we should all move to the Democrat Republic of the Congo. Asap.

    10. Thanks for confirming my point, 2:37, that no proof is required. Good to know where things stand. And good boy for dropping another “soros bot.” It’s so original and oh, it hurts so much. I assume you’re paid by the number of times you drop this unimaginative attempt at an insult.


    11. Assume away, Soros-bot. I'll see you in Kinshasa soon.

    12. no, no one is going to pay the MAGAbot for calling anyone who questions the MAGAgod in any way a "Sorosbot." He just thinks its fun to call such people stupid and "Sorosbots" - school yard type taunts. Maybe he can hurt their feelings that way, which is fun, and anyway, it's beyond his ability to make a rational argument.

    13. AC/ MA,
      Why ae you so intolerant of the smartest Right-winger in the history of mankind?
      Is it jealousy?

  2. I await 100 comments from magats today calling Democrats idiots and Soros-bots, ignoring the topic of Somerby’s post, and fawning over Musk/Trump. Come on guys, you can do it.

  3. Apple has resumed advertising on X. Despite its high-profile exit, Apple’s return to advertising suggests a reevaluation of the platform’s relevance and potential benefits.

    Apple’s return to X signals a broader trend of major companies re-engaging with the platform. Apple’s strategic move highlights a return to normalcy.

    1. #1 off topic. Thanks.

    2. "X" has lost 80% of its value since Musk took it over.

      Musk is a moron.

    3. Apple’s strategic move highlights a return to billionaire rule over the idiot rubes.

  4. The claim about condoms was debunked and even Musk has admitted it was untrue. Why then is Somerby still talking about it? Isn't there anything more important to discuss, such as Putin's puppeteering and the likelihood that Ukraine will be forced to become part of Russia, or the layoff of so many federal workers that the govt will be unable to continue processing social security payments?


  5. "In Sokoto, Nigeria, toddlers are starving..."

    But of course they are! I am Samantha Power. Think about the children, losers, and let me rob the taxpayers with impunity!

    More idiotic impotent Democrat hysteria, please. It's a beautiful thing.

    1. Samantha Power is going to prison.

    2. Thank you, 10:54, for being a good little boy and doing exactly what 10:47 said you would do. Can you guys make it to 100 more such comments?

    3. anon MAGAbot -shouldn't someone, who claims that Samantha Power "rob[bed] the taxpayers with impunity', have some evidence that the claim is true before making the claim? Is that a legitimate question (other than some post by Catturd)?


    4. @1:42 PM,
      No, Soros-bot, after 8 years of Russiagate, no one needs any evidence anymore.

      And you, Soros-bot, got no one to blame but yourself: why didn't you start condemning unproven accusations back then?

    5. Of course, 2pm. Unproven accusations are ok if other unproven accusations were made.

    6. Remeber that time in Helsinki when Putin gave it to The Felon, and the Felon pouted as his ass was so sore?

    7. Yes indeed, Soros-bot @2:43 PM.

      Once unproven accusations become the norm (and Russiagate made them the norm), they are okay.

      What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

    8. You’re boring, 3:22.

  6. No one believes anything Democrats or their media stooges say.

    1. Thank you, 10:55, for being a good little boy and doing exactly what 10:47 said you would do. You’re well on your way to making it to 100 such comments. Kudos!!

    2. Cope, Soros-bot. Learn to cope.

    3. You’re getting there, 11:07. Good boy!!

    4. Soros-bot. Drink!!

    5. Don't be a dick.

    6. Being a dick (or DiC) is de rigeur nowadays, haven’t you heard? The project is to put white men back in charge. It’s quite explicit.

    7. If your life was made easier today by some innovation or structure, thank a white man.

    8. Exactly 11:21! I see you’re with the program. Remember never to get out of line!

    9. Pretending Republican bigotry is just fine is a very sad way to get attention.

    10. If you are still alive after being vaccinated for covid, thank the woman who won a Nobel prize for her work on mRNA and the woman who created the vaccine.

      If you use Bluetooth on your phone to open your car door, connect to speakers, use handheld devices, thank Hedy Lamarr, an American actress who invented it in WWII to overcome radio jamming and radio detection by the Nazis.

      This idea that white men created everything is white supremacist male propaganda aimed at disparaging women and keeping them out of important jobs, locked into being housewives and mothers.

      But also remember that no man has so far been able to produce a child. Freud said men created stuff as a compensation for their inability to create life, envying women. All those men who supposedly built every single thing in civilization (not factually true) were themselves created by women, some of whom lost their own lives in the process. And that's a fact, Jack.

    11. "Would you believe that your favorite beer was created by women in Sumeria and Mesopotamia almost seven thousand years ago? Only women were allowed to drink beer and operate breweries for centuries.
      They were also the only ones who could run taverns or brew the drink due to their excellent skills. It was also believed that beer was a goddess’ gift and not from a male god in many ancient societies. "

    12. Unlike Republicans, I like women.

      Republicans fear female rejection and run away from women, due to their fragile sensitivities and, many say, undersized penises.

    13. 12:15 Spotted Cow beer is a gift from Goddess' for certain.

    14. Women also invented both air conditioning and central heating. Those are expected to be essential to survival as global warming progresses.

  7. Somerby doesn't know what the term "Stepford" means. He had it wrong when he discussed the film and now he indiscriminately applies it to anything and anyone he pleases. This is how misinformation is created and spread. Somerby doesn't care what happens to other people's literary creations, being unable to create anything of his own.

    1. In the film, men in an upscale suburb wanted compliant and obedient servant-like wives so they created robots that looked like their wives, killed their wives and replaced them with the robots. How does that apply to anyone appearing on Gutfeld? It doesn't.

    2. I believe Somerby may have only written that comment for those of his readers who understand metaphor and how it is used in language.

    3. The metaphor doesn't work because there are no legitimate points of comparison. I am suggesting that Somerby doesn't fully understand the metaphor he is trying to use because there are no points of comparison showing similarity between Stepford [wives] and Gutfeld show hosts.

      The same problem arises when Somerby claims that Democrats are like noble Troy in sacred Homer's Iliad, when Dems could as easily be the Achaens (Greeks on the beach). It arises when Somerby suggests that Trump is Dylan's poor Immigrant to be pitied. Somerby doesn't bother considering the degree of similarity when he snatches a metaphor out of thin air and sticks it into his essays, repeating it over and over and over.

      Stepford wives did a good job of showing the plight of suburban women expected to fulfill strict gender expectations as robots who men do not really see as people. Stepford does not describe Gutfeld, who has freely chosen his occupation and behavior, is not being subjugated by anyone and is making a lot of money shilling for the right, or the hosts doing the same thing on his show. Gutfeld believes what he says and is far from a robot that SOMEONE ELSE used to replace a real human being. Gutfeld is part of patriarchy, himself demeaning women, not a victim of it (as the Stepford wives were).

      The way Somerby steals such references, twists them out of shape and applies them to mean the opposite of what was intended, is offensive to the original creators of his metaphors. Homer didn't create the Iliad to justify Trump's bad behavior.

      It is fair to criticize Somerby's abuse of metaphor without being called someone who doesn't know what metaphor is.

    4. You didn't criticize Somerby's abuse of metaphor. You tried to invalidate his argument on the grounds he didn't interpret it literally.

    5. No, I said it was invalid because he doesn't understand what the Stepford Wives was about. That has nothing to do with being literal. The book and film made larger points that Somerby failed to grasp. I didn't say the metaphor was bad because Gutfeld was not a robot. I said it was bad because it ignored the point of the film/book entirely.

    6. To be clear, I wrote the comment @10:56 am.

    7. The comment at 10:56 ignores the metaphor has become cultural shorthand for mindless conformity and instead, insists the metaphor must carry the full weight of the original story’s themes. This makes it a comment made by someone who doesn't understand how metaphor is used in language.

    8. No, it hasn't. Somerby has been using it, but that doesn't mean it is an accepted metaphor or CULTURAL shorthand. It is obviously Somerby's shorthand but others who have read the book or seen the film regard it as a feminist horror story about the repressive expectations for women in our society (more so during that time period). Changing the meaning from feminist dystopia to mindless conformity (women are neither mindless nor willing conformists any more than the Man in the Gray Flannel Suit was) is a misappropriation of a cultural statement by Levin.

      Metaphor does not allow taking a meme and reversing its meaning in order to dilute its power, as Somerby has tended to do with feminist statements. Look what he did to The Lady with the Lap Dog!

      YOU do not understand how metaphor can be misused and abused by someone motivated to undermine other people's understanding of cultural statements (including the original author's intended message).

    9. Claiming that metaphor cannot evolve beyond its original meaning ignores how language and metaphor actually works. But some people might use "Stepford" to mean mindless conformity, while others rigidly insist it should retain its original feminist meaning. It's exciting to meet you and learn of your fascinating takes on language and culture.

    10. I am claiming that when a political operative such as Somerby deliberately misuses a well known cultural reference in ways that go against the original meaing and serve no purpose as any kind of analogy to the current situation, then they are committing an act of destruction of that original meaning.

      Somerby dislikes feminism and feminists. Using a feminist story such as Levin's, which was written explicitly to be a feminist story (by his own account), in a meaning that is contradictory and destructive of feminist meaning, is a hostile act toward feminism, which is certainly what Somerby intended (since he is vile but not stupid). Perhaps he thinks it is funny to refer to the folks making sexist jokes about women being elephants as "Stepfords" given the actual meaning of that word (which has nothing to do with conformity). Why assume that is what Somerby meant? He didn't say so, and it is much more likely he is jabbing feminists by referring to sexist jerks using the same name as the female victims in Levin's film/book.

      Is it rigid to object to someone who is himself a misogynist jerk borrowing and turning around the meaning of a story that women care about? I think it is legitimate to object to this kind of thing (which Somerby has done before). This is not "evolution" of language but an attack on a story that has meaning for those who support women's lib. Somerby knows that and so should you.

      Should a group of pedophiles be able to call themselves The Boy Scouts of America? Should a exotic cuisine club that enjoys eating pets be able to call themselves the ASPCA or PETA? That might appeal to a demented and covert sense of humor like Somerby perhaps conceals with his vagueness here, but it is certainly not evolution of language or rigidity to object.

    11. I do really hope you are indeed trolling because if you believe what you’re saying, you’re extremely crazy.

    12. Look how Somerby has set a bad example for his fanboys, teaching them to call those they disagree with “crazy”.

  8. “ In Sokoto, Nigeria, toddlers are starving...”

    Wonderful news! Finally, normalcy and sanity have returned! All hail Musk!

    1. Most interesting about this post is that it's not at all clear if it's satirizing MAGA or genuine MAGA.

    2. Sally Struthers is waiting for your call, Soros-bot.

    3. Expecting right wingers to show empathy is like expecting dogs to sing opera.

    4. 11:33: soros bot! Drink!! (Is this all you got?)

    5. Starving Nigerian children makes it easier for Republicans to rape them, like the toddlers they rape in the USA 24/7/365.


    6. Yes, Mr. Soros, Sir. Shouldn't you take some sedative, right about now?

  9. USAID paid a rapper 3 million to make Jew-hating songs in Gaza.

    1. Therefore the entire agency must be shut down, before a full and transparent audit has been performed. All hail Musk!

    2. There are such songs in the USA too. Shall we shut ourselves down? Oh, wait, that is already happening. One of the points of rap is to shock the listener. Taking it at face value is stupid. Kind of like taking Gutfeld at face value.

    3. I'd rather not pay taxes for the payments to be used to shock me with Jew-hating rap songs.

    4. I believe Somerby may have only written that comment for those of his readers who understand metaphor and how it is used in language.

    5. Fine. The toddlers in Nigeria understand why they must now starve to death.

    6. This is like the person who doesn't want to fund the arts because Maplethorpe created a lude photo on a govt arts grant. You can't always control what happens to money you give artists. But the funding is going to support an arts community because art is part of culture and you can't sustain a people or a society without it. Even if some of what they create may not be what you would have created. Smart people understand this. Idiots listen to propaganda.

      If you were funding food distribution to the starving and a wayward child said "Ew, I don't like chickpeas, I won't eat this" would that be grounds to cancel the whole program? In your eyes, they would be ungrateful and unworthy of your spare change, I'm sure. And then there's nuance and context. Should a rapper in Gaza like Israel and write only pleasant, laudatory songs about them? Seems a bit much to expect.

    7. I’m not going to be extorted into paying for Jew-hating rap songs so that Jews can be murdered at music festivals.

    8. Why are y'all responding to fake news?

    9. 11:30: you made your point. The starving toddlers in Nigeria are with you 100%.

    10. I feel sorry for Democrats forced to defend the indefensible. Awkward.

    11. Exactly, 11:36, defending the feeding of hungry children is indeed indefensible. Plus, is there any proof of the allegations you are making? If so, go after corruption, but keep the vital aid in place. Simple idea, yet it escapes the galaxy brained magats here.


    12. The Democrat party shouldn't be killing African children in order to save their multi-billion dollar trough.

    13. Musk's deceitful cold sore entered the comments section at 10:59.

    14. Dems are not the ones doing this.

    15. No, 11:46 makes perfect sense. Musk/Trump killed the aid to those children, therefore it’s the Democrats’ fault because … a rapper. Trump-era logic.

    16. “Cut off your son’s balls or we’ll talk him into killing himself.”

      Same energy. Only now it doesn’t work.


    17. No, Soros-bot. The Democrat party is killing children (or most likely invents "starving children"), to manipulate public opinion into re-opening their multi-billion-dollar trough.

    18. The courts will do that, since everything Trump and Musk have been doing is illegal.

    19. A black Nazi advertised for you to purchase his Nazi T shirts during the Super Bowl. Why is this OK with you weirdos? Where is your outrage. Two faced dipshts, the whole lot.

    20. Great example of what passes for "news" among MAGA these days. The rapper was not "paid $3 million" by USAID. An organization called Tomorrow's Youth was awarded a $3 million dollar grant to run a program for women entrepeneurs. The US-born rapper is the director of the US-based organization.

      Now if you want to argue that grantees should have to pass ideological tests, then you're a perfect fit for today's GOP.

  10. Men watching girls pee seems to be a right wing male fantasy, based on how often it gets repeated, even by our own Cecelia. Girls don't watch girls pee in locker rooms either. People pee in bathrooms and there are stalls with doors that close and lock, to protect everyone's privacy. Girls peeing is something you have to go to a p**n website to watch.

    But the fantasy is what Gutfeld is selling. Somerby never mentions that, the way right wing men get off on kinky stuff.

    1. Trump literally spied on naked girls in a locker room, and even boasted about it.

    2. He was also a good friend of Epstein.

    3. He also creeped out on his underage daughter repeatedly on air with Howard Stern. What a sick fck - Trump not Stern.

    4. Anonymouse 11:03pm, I don’t remember saying anything about transwomen watching women pee. I do remember talking about them being in locker room where women dress and someone chided me for that by saying women always go into stalls when they change in locker rooms. That bullshite caused me to think that the commenter responding to me must be a man.

    5. You’re so obsessed with this topic, Cecelia. Maybe see a counselor.

    6. Anonymouse 2:42pm, you brought it up. I’m responding to your claim about what I had said. That’s your obsession with little old me.

    7. You exaggerated someone else's statement to say that all women dress in stalls. The ones who are self-conscious about their appearance can always do that -- stalls are available for them. Others might not care who sees them dressing. Gutfeld broadened that to include peeing, which is creepy and weird.

    8. Anonymouse 3:22pm, then what was the original point in averring that women dress in stalls? It was to argue that transwomen would dress in stalls. It was to suggest that it would be as rare as hens teeth or near impossible for transwomen to dress in the locker area. Why bio women don’t walk around undressed in locker areas, let alone transwomen….but now it’s “some do some don’t”. Get out of here.

    9. There is no reason to fear transwomen in locker rooms because locker rooms have more privacy than Cecelia admits. That was the point. We weren't talking about bio women at all, but any woman who didn't want others to see her dressing could use a stall, which is what happens for a variety of reasons. Many women are shy about their bodies or want to be modest. Women do not typically snap towels at each other, the way men do.

      If a transwoman were to see a bio woman dressing, who cares? The bio woman obviously doesn't, since she choise to dress in front of everyone else. The trans woman has nothing to show but the same panties and bra as any other woman, or she would use a stall for privacy.

      Cecelia's "panty-sniffing" (a Somerby term) is ugly because it implies that she and other right wing women would be investigating other women's bodies. No one does that now and they shouldn't be doing it for any reason -- they should mind their own business and leave others alone.

      Note the crusade by Nancy Mace and Lauren Boebert, where they made a fuss about a man in the women's room because they thought a transwoman was in there, only to be embarrassed when there wasn't anyone there but bio women. Other bio women have been embarrassed by such women simply because they are fat or old or not "feminine" enough (which often means pretty) to allay the fears of people like Cecelia, Mace & Boebert. This is an attack on all women because why should any woman have to prove she is not a man in order to use a restroom? Do you think any transwoman wants to attract negative attention by showing male genitals in a women's lockerroom? On what planet? This has to be the stupidest series of comments every written by Cecelia, who is pretty stupid here on a daily basis.

    10. Anonymouse 5:35pm, it’s not an attack on all women because as it stands now, women in congress don’t have to worry that a person with a penis will come into their restroom. Women in locker rooms need not worry about that either unless they know it’s a stipulated policy that transwomen can use their facilities. But you’ll want that to be a Title right too.

      What IS an attack on bio women and girls in general is the demand that we jettison all of the traditional protections of females from men. There would be no protection from any man dressing in drag and coming into the ladies room because he claims that he’s a transwoman and there would be no protection from him getting buck naked and walking around with the monty full or otherwise. In fact, questioning HIM would would be as seen as hateful, discriminating, and targeting.

      I get that this is what you want, just as you want males besting women in sports in nearly all cases. We are supposed to believe that all these things are moral and good and God help you if you misgender someone. We must do this to accommodate you in giving the middle finger to the universe.

    11. This is a non-issue. Men don't dress in drag and walk into ladies rooms. There is nothing to see there because the women are in stalls or washing their hands. Men don't walk into women's locker rooms either. Why would they, when they can see more skin out by the pool? A transwoman is someone who is not interested in being with a woman but rather wants to BE a woman. Just as women are not soliciting each other in lock rooms, no man is trying to sexually attract a woman there. Why would he walk around naked when he is trying to convince others he IS a woman and not a man (his genitals works against the image he is trying to portray). That makes no sense at all.

      You and perhaps other right wingers who are upset about this do not undertstand the psyche of a transwoman. She is a woman, not a man who is dressing as a woman, in her mind if not her genitals. There is no situation where she would be showing her junk to other women when she does not want them to treat her like a man. So this hypothetical is ridiculous.

      The idea that a man would bother to dress up as a woman in order to attack women sexually is also very silly. First, he would be revealed the minute he showed himself and women would the call for help or leave. Second, there is no advantage to pretending to be female to enter a locker room, when he can just walk right in. The doors are not locked. Showing his genitals is not going to attract a woman in a locker room. It will frighten them. What would be the point? Flashers (men who enjoy showing women their genitals) look for targets on the street, not hiding in locker rooms. The point is to show off, not to hide.

      There have been transwomen forever. I have never seen one walk around buck naked in a locker room. And yes, there was such a person in the aerobics class of my tennis club, who never used the locker room, and another transwoman who never let anyone know that she was trans, much less walking around buck naked showing off male genitalia.

      You are a warped and bizarre person. It is not moral or good to persecute people the way you want to do. Misgendering people is a hostile act, which is why people object when you do it.

      What if a person had a physical deformity, such as burn scars, a hunch back or a vestigial tail that had been removed in childhood. Would you sneak around a locker room trying to get a glimpse of them naked? Would you prohibit them being there, because you might accidentally see something that would put you off? Would you run off and try to find a police officer to tell them to leave? You people are disgusting and because you lack empathy, you cannot understand that the things you might do would not occur to someone who is trans.

    12. Seeing a penis is not horrible. It is just skin. Statues showing realistic penises are all over Rome and other European cities. Why do you find penises so traumatic?

    13. Anonymouse 7:22pm, lots of pronouncements as usual..Men would never enter women’s locker rooms under the pretext of being trans because they’d only see women washing their hands. Even people with penises who are not trans couldn’t get off by being in a women’s changing areas because they see more flesh via swimsuits… Women won’t be exposed to the naked bodies of bio men or to any ogling because tradeswomen are —- what?— aren’t like that? Would be strictly oriented to other men? Don’t own a birthday suit, let alone a swim suit?

      Meanwhile we have an entire culture devoted to keeping men at bay.. Whether it’s risqué jokes in the break room at work or the obligations of stinking drunk men to never be seen on top of stinking drunk passed-out women.

      It’s not misgendering anyone to call them by their biological sex. We have done that for centuries. You misgender people. We have also made distinctions between the sexes and tried to protect women from bigger, stronger, and more apt to be predatory - men.

      You don’t really care about either sex. You want to make people say things that they know are not true. You only care about power.

    14. Anonymouse 7:55pm, worst pickup line ever.

    15. You need to learn to live and let live and mind your own business.

    16. Anonymouse 9:53, you live and let live in the order of Rappaccini.

    17. You clearly do different things in the ladies locker room than the rest of us do.

    18. Anonymouse 10:13pm, well, yeah. You’re in the ladies locker room avoiding the elliptical machine.

  11. “ In Sokoto, Nigeria, toddlers are starving...”

    DiC response: “think of the lives ‘saved’ in Gaza and Israel. Checkmate, libs”

  12. How does someone with the name Catturd expect to get ahead in the world?

  13. Kevin Drum is gravely ill. Somerby might have said something nice about his efforts over the years, but crickets, both here and in Drum's comments. The rest of us are hoping Drum can come back from this.

    1. I did see condolences from drum’s commenters.

    2. Yes, but not from Bob Somerby, who comments there under his own name "Bob Somerby".

    3. What are you trying to say? Somerby didn't comment about it there or here therefore ______. ?

    4. He is missing a chance to thank Drum and offer support to his wife, after decades of blogging. He has considered Drum a friend over the years. What do "good decent" people do under such circumstances? Continue to rant about Gutfeld?

    5. Somerby borrows from Drum, who borrows from real journalists. Both are right wingers ("centrists") with little real interest in affairs outside their own.

      Neither have much time left on earth.

      People come and go.

      Millions of people are suffering, not just Drum, Somerby wants you to focus on the relatively obscure losers on Fox News.

    6. Somerby didn't comment about it there or here therefore he isn't a good, decent person?

    7. There's that famous right wing empathy: "People come and go."

    8. Faux empathy for Drum can not buy a ticket out of right wing hell.

    9. Anonymouse 11:09am, people who know Drum via having met him or even by corresponding with him personally, would express their concern and their best wishes privately.

    10. Drum announced his grave illness in his public facing blog, Cecelia.

    11. Anonymouse 2:51pm, how would that prevent Bob from responding privately?

    12. Cecelia @2:34, that is no doubt why it was OK to not honor Jimmy Carter by returning the flag to full staff. All condolences and attempts to honor a person's life should be made privately, right? Why would anyone want to share in public recognition of someone's contribution to their lives? Drum is a long time blogger and internet personality.

      Your attempt rehabilitate Somerby results in you being disrespectful towards Drum, which he doesn't deserve. He has been fighting cancer in public for 10 years. Some of us care more about him than Somerby. You, lacking any normal human feeling, need to shut up now.

    13. Anonymouse 3:19pm, it’s quite the show to see you trying to use ailing Kevin Drum as a cudgel against Bob. I would assume that Bob has corresponded privately with Drum. Anyone who has someone’s personal email address is going to use that to express encouragement and hope to an ailing friend. They are going to say those things personally and privately because Drum put them in the privileged position of being able to do so. You are not an emphatic person. Your position on transgenderism or taxes or anything else, doesn’t mean a damn thing. You are a hater to your core.

    14. I hope 3:19 is trolling b/c they are psycho if they are serious.

    15. It's Corby, and she is a resident psycho lady.

    16. Kevin Drum is ailing. You trolls are the ones trying to defend Somerby's lack of interest.

    17. Good lord, Cecelia at 3:53. Your projection is setting off air raid sirens.

    18. Cecelia, emphatic is not the same word as empathic.

    19. Anonymouse 8:48pm, that’s police sirens. You’re under arrest for impersonating a human being.

  14. Bob mocks the idea that USAID had been trying to destroy the MAGA movement. But, it’s reported elsewhere that AID money went into the Russia collusion hoax. If that’s true then AID was indeed trying to destroy the MAGA movement.

    1. It’s also been reported that the world is flat.

    2. It's not "AID" David. It's not "US-AID"; it's "USA-ID", for "United States Agency for International Development."

      A CIA front, also operating inside the US.

    3. It’s also been reported they were operating comet pizza.

    4. It wasn't a fucking hoax, Dickhead maggot fascist cunt.

    5. Who talks about front organizations? McCarthy did.

    6. The 'Russia collusion hoax' was an investigation initiated by Republican Rod Rosenstein, undertaken by Republican Special Counsel Bob Mueller, after Republican Mike Flynn lied to the FBI about his contacts with Russian officials and after Trump fired Republican FBI Director Comey in a flagrant and ill-considered attempt to slow down the FBI's own investigation of the relationship between Trump and Russia.

      Some of the many facts that emerged from the investigation were:

      Russia acted to help get Trump elected;

      Trump's campaign manager was passing information to Russian intelligence operatives, and;

      the Trump campaign was open to collusion with Russia (Don Jr.: "If it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer.")

      A better example of a 'hoax' would be--oh I don't know--claiming to have discovered "close to a trillion dollars" of government fraud/misspending when in fact you've uncovered zero.


    7. Ha-ha. The dead-ender idiot Democrat is back.

      Yes, Soros-bot, Russiagate is the ticket.

    8. Anti USAID is anti American and pro China.

      We can see who is picking which side.

    9. But, it’s reported elsewhere
      I love the passive tense here. Otherwise, David would have to tell us that he got this tidbit from Catturd or a similarly reliable source.
      In any case, there's not such thing as a "MAGA movement".

    10. Hector, it's generally an article of faith among our "blue" tribe that Trump colluded with Russia, and that got him elected. The points you make don't establish the validity of that belief. One of the two main argument is based on the WikiLeaks exposure of stolen Democratic National Committee emails. The lib press ran with this big time. But, there isn't any evidence Trump had anything to do with it. The other is the fake pro-Trump type social media posts allegedly from Russia. First, these posts were a drop in the bucket compared to the onslaught of propaganda from Brad Parsale and other domestic sources. Second, no evidence that Trump was responsible for this. That Trump's campaign manager (Paul Manafort) passed "information" - i.e, polling numbers - to Russian agents - seems weak proof to me - big deal - polling data. Don Junior's statement - the same thing. It hardly adds up to significant support for your claim. I wouldn't use the word "hoax" - but it's something that the blue media, advanced relentlessly, and because of the absence of any real substance to it, it caused dems to lose credibility among the majority of voters who don't share the same sensibility as liberal blue thought leaders. If you read my other posts, you'll see that I can't stand Trump, but I'm on the side of TDH when he contends that our blue side has major shortcomings.

    11. "It hardly adds up to significant support for your claim."

      That depends what you think my claim was. I nowhere said that collusion between Trump and Russia had been uncovered.

      I was taking exception to the use of 'hoax' which implies deception, as if there had been no premise for the investigation to have been conducted.

      And in any case I pointed out the investigation was begun by Republicans and carried out by a Republican. They perpetrated the 'hoax' on themselves.

    12. AC/MA - now I know not to bother reading your posts.


    13. "They perpetrated the 'hoax' on themselves."

      "They" who, Soros-bot? If in your Soros-bot mind the Trump Revolution is about Democrats and Republicans, then you're even more retarded than the average Soros-bot.

    14. Thanks, Catturd.

    15. anon 2:30, do you realize that you've designated me as a "Soros-bot" - but thanks for defending my post.

  15. Why are right wingers using the world's poorest people to score political points? Don't the rich have enough money? This came from Oxfam today, one of the charities I support:

    "Today, Oxfam America joined a lawsuit to stop the Trump administration's illegal assault on humanitarian aid.

    The administration’s recent actions have cut off lifesaving aid for millions of people around the world. It has created a $63 billion funding shortfall in the humanitarian sector that will have life-or-death consequences for people facing the most urgent crises of our time.

    It’s cruel—and it’s illegal. By stopping the flow of humanitarian aid funding, the Trump administration has left millions of people without food, water, sanitation services, medicine, education, shelter, protection, or other essential emergency relief in disaster and conflict areas around the world.

    We are witnessing the world’s richest men taking from the poorest people. They are taking a wrecking ball to the global humanitarian sector—threatening the lives and futures of communities in crisis and abandoning U.S. leadership in promoting democracy, peace, and human rights abroad.

    That’s why Oxfam America is joining with Public Citizen, Democracy Forward, and government employee unions to stop the Trump administration’s attack on foreign assistance and USAID.

    Cutting billions in funding that saves lives will mean that many of our partners working in crisis zones around the world will lose funding, resources will be overstretched, and critical services will be permanently shut down.

    Humanitarian assistance accounts for less than 1% of the federal budget—but it offers a critical lifeline for millions of people living through crises in places like the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Syria, and Ukraine. Oxfam America does not receive funding from USAID or the U.S. Government, but we believe in the critical role of the U.S. in supporting humanitarian efforts worldwide—and we’re committed to making sure the aid continues to flow where it’s needed most.

    There are two critical ways you can support this work today:

    Call Your Senators: Congress can and must fight back against this illegal action. Call 1-866-374-0409 now. We’ll give you a quick and easy message to share with your senators and then connect you directly to their offices. If you get voicemail, leave a message. More than 1,000 Oxfam supporters have already made calls and we’re hearing from senate offices that they are making a real impact – make your call today.

    Make a Gift to Oxfam: To remain independent, Oxfam America does not take U.S. government funding–we rely on grassroots support from people like you to fuel our work. Now, we need your help to fill the gap left by this administration."

  16. I track the thickness level of Trump’s bronzer here: www.trumpbronzer.real man.com

    1. If you want to track the thickness of Trump's tiny penis, get a microscope. Maybe even an electron microscope.

      Trump is essentially a transperson, it is just not clear if Trump is a trans man or trans woman, even Trump can't tell.

    2. Someone who enacts an exaggerated version of masculinity is most likely not very male, which suggests Trump is more trans man than trans woman. When an old person tries very hard to portray themselves as young, are they trans youth? Or is it that Trump believes that no one old can possibly be masculine enough to be strong? The goop he puts on his face, his corset, his low energy golf games all suggest he is trying to look younger than his actual age, to portray vitality, virility, which he associates with strength.

      These random acts of cruelty seem to be a demonstration of pseudo-power, pseudo-strength when the real power perhaps rests with Putin and Musk. That's pathetic but his reaction to his being treated as inconsequential is doing a lot of damage to innocent people who truly lack power to protect themselves from billionaire neuroticism.

    3. 11:58 well said.


  17. I am Samantha Power. How many more toddlers will have to die before I'm allowed, again, to rob the taxpayers with impunity?

    Think about the children!!!

    1. Why don’t you?

    2. 11:37,

      Good boy! Here's a treat!

      That's for believing what you're told to believe.

  18. The pentagon failed its 7th fiscal
    audit in a row. Let’s shut it down and fire all its workers.

    1. You joke, but I think you’re half right. A lot of Pentagon employees will be canned IMO. Pentagon’s inefficient procedures are so well known, we take them for granted. Musk is not going to just accept them.

    2. Given his track record, Musk firing people for failing audits is like Trump firing people for not telling the truth.

  19. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the new Secretary of Health and Human Services.

    1. Viruses and bacteria that cause disease are celebrating!

    2. Parents of those kids in West TX who are battling measles are celebrating too.

    3. After we dispensed with slavery, so many woke folks complaining, the US transitioned to BAD PARENTING.

    4. Actually, failure to vaccinate your kids against childhood diseases is considered child neglect, not any kind of parenting.

      "...all 50 states and the District of Columbia require children to be vaccinated against measles to attend public schools and childcare. However, there is no federal law requiring this."

      "Although child welfare laws vary by state, the legal concept of medical neglect has a common denominator. New York’s law is paradigmatic: a neglected child is one whose “condition has been impaired or is in imminent danger of becoming impaired” because the parent has failed “to exercise a minimum degree of care in supplying the child with adequate” health care.5 Medical neglect is a subset of child neglect, which refers to parental acts of omission in the care of their child not exclusive to health care. Both child neglect and child abuse (parental acts of commission that result in harm to the child) constitute child maltreatment.

      Pediatric providers (and other mandatory reporters) have an obligation to report suspected child abuse or neglect to CPS. CPS must determine whether a report requires an investigation and, if so, whether investigation findings meet the relevant legal standards. A finding of medical neglect can trigger court action that may result in the temporary or permanent loss of custody or parental decision-making authority."


    5. Ignoring the healthcare of a child is BAD PARENTING.

    6. That's like calling someone who attempts to poison someone else, a bad cook.

  20. Kat Timpf? Should I read her bio, steep myself in her views and public pronouncements, or should I ignore her since she’s just a stooge, a stepford wife? Isn’t Gutfeld also in that category?

    1. Whose wife is she?

    2. Anonymouse 12:37pm, Jeannine Piro’s.

    3. Judge Jeanine is married to Albert Pirro. Would she appreciate your little "joke"?

    4. Anonymouse 2:05pm, like you give a flying fig.

    5. I don't give a fig, but you should. She is one of yours. Lying about other people's private lives is ugly, but you don't care because you don't care about anyone but yourself. It is your trademark here.

    6. Anonymouse 3:12pm, i don’t think of all Republicans or conservatives as being one of mine… it’s not a football team. Pirro is a pistol that goes off too easily. She gets paid to do that. Still she would understand the joke because she’s not nearly the gatling gun partisan that you are.

    7. None of that means she is married to a woman instead of her husband.

    8. So why did you say it?

    9. Anonymouse 7:07pm, because it’s a joke. Everyone knows she’s not gay, that’s what made it absurd and laughab. Now go sniff your dog’s butt and claw your cat.

    10. Forgive me for not recognizing what passes for humor among Republicans.

  21. Trump has been making ignorant statements about science to justify cutting research funding. Jeff Tiedrich describes a few of his most ridiculous mistakes, while also describing some recent successes, such as the development of Ozempic (weight-loss, anti-diabetes drug) under grants from the Department of Veterans Affairs and NIH.


  22. Somerby continues his self-administered descent into madness.

  23. Trump’s Presidency has been a God-send for Big Polio. Not so much for those who want lower grocery prices.

  24. Democrats arrested people swimming in the Pacific without masks and now no one trusts public health agencies. It will take decades of eliminating leftists from these institutions to restore trust.

    1. Trusting any government agency at any time, just like that, I believe it would be a mistake.

      If the agency is transparent, one can evaluate its work, and form an opinion. But if it's secretive, like any agency ruled by idiot-Democrats, it has to be rejected immediately.

    2. Institutions didn't cause this incident. A guy decided to go paddle boarding at a beach that was closed and then refused to obey the lifeguard who ordered him out of the water. He got arrested for that, just like any surfer or swimmer would who disobeyed a lifeguard in Los Angeles (this was Malibu).

      The beach was closed because this happened in late March 2020, when there was no vaccine yet, no idea how contagious the virus might be, and no effective treatment. Even young people were dying in hospitals in March 2020. Gov Newsom told everyone to stay home unless working at in an essential job. Surfing doesn't qualify, so this person was being an idiot. But he was arrested for disobeying the lifeguard, which had nothing to do with covid but would happen today if someone tried to swim during dangerous conditions.

      Will there ever be "trust" in which young people do not break laws about stuff like this? In Los Angeles, they were still going to bars and concerts and having parties. The problem wasn't "leftists" but a lack of understanding of the seriousness of the pandemic threat. Hospital workers saw deaths every day of people who thought masks were unnecessary during covid. Whatever caused people to ignore public health officials was fatal to many, and it had nothing to do with lefists or govt trust but was about being told by the right that it was OK to defy public health measures.


    3. Republicans have nominated a congenital liar for President three times, a man who insists that all others around him become congenital liars.

    4. "If the agency is transparent, one can evaluate its work, and form an opinion. But if it's secretive, like any agency ruled by idiot-Democrats"... The only dark budget sites - CIA etc. have been run for decades by Republicans, you cultist dolt.

  25. Trump apparently got elected; Ukraine is still going strong, same with inflation and the genocide of Palestinians.

    Probably has something to do with why Trump/Musk are so unpopular.

    Inciting hate is easy, governing...not so easy.

  26. Trump voters have enough things to worry about, without worrying whether we are going to remind them that they voted to have Elon Musk steal their personal data and sell it to China.
    They need not worry their shitty little heads, I plan on reminding them every hour for the rest of their pathetic lives.

    1. Anonymouse 1:21pm, someone had to steal your data and sell it to Russia. It might as well be Elon.

    2. Similarly, someone has to remind Republicans, on a daily basis, they are nothing but a shit pile of bigots.
      I’m here for you.

    3. Anonymouse flying monkey 1:46pm, you being here is good for the entire populace. Better to have your skulking around a blog, than a neighborhood.

    4. I like it, because Cecelia, David in Cal , and AC/MA can never counter the obviousness of it.

    5. Anonymouse 2:55pm, there’s nothing to counter. I think you mean that anonymouse flying monkeys would act like a five-year-old and say “I am not!”, but that’s how anonymouse flying monkeys act, not sentient people.

    6. You couldn’t counter it if you tried.
      What are Republicans get-wingers going to do about it, stop raping pre-schoolers? LOL.
      That’s the definition of an empty threat.

    7. Anonymouse 3:13pm, sure thing, Jan.

  27. Regarding the fElon claim about Samantha Power: Do not worry. That soviet propaganda has fully circulated through the right wing media outlets and is now permanently imbedded in what constitutes the gray matter of their followers. The public was told point blank that Musk was unreliable as a source of information, by Musk, an admission which in this instance can be accepted as reliable information, given his track record. We are patiently waiting on the retraction from Musk and the clowns whose job it is, first and foremost, to get the MAGA base all riled up.

    1. Accusing Power of amassing thirty million dollars while making roughly 1/100th that annually is slander. This is a woman whose career has been subjected to the kinds of lies grifters like Bannon and fElon and the like make regularly with impunity. She should sue him for 2 reasons: to be rewarded for having been subjected to this propaganda, and to place a spotlight on the fElon as a liar.

  28. Wake me when the Republican Party of corporate elites stops raising grocery prices on working families.

  29. I know right, fascist autogolpes are sooo boring.

  30. I wouldn’t worry about the snowflake Right-wingers waving around their guns. These are delicate little flowers who shake in fear because Drag Queens can read.

  31. "USAID was investigating its relationship with Starlink just months before tech billionaire Elon Musk attempted to shut the agency down, according to reports.

    "The freezes and cuts to the foreign aid department, spearheaded by Musk as head of the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), raise questions of a potential conflict of interest, as Musk is the owner of Starlink, a subsidiary of his company SpaceX."

