Also, what the president wants to tell Putin: Yesterday, was the madness general over this flailing nation?
We'd be inclined to say yes. Let's start with an announcement which is receiving little notice.
The announcement was made by Pete Hegseth. Here's the start of a brief news report in today's New York Times:
Hegseth Orders Pentagon to Draw Up Plans for Cuts
Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth has ordered senior military and Defense Department officials to draw up plans to cut 8 percent from the defense budget over each of the next five years, officials said on Wednesday.
Mr. Hegseth said in a memo issued on Tuesday that a number of branches within the military and the Pentagon should turn in budget-cutting proposals by next Monday, two officials said. The memo listed some 17 exceptions to the proposed cuts, including military operations at the southern border.
Say what? Defense spending would be cut by eight percent in each of the next five years? Factoring in inflation, that would mean that defense spending had been cut roughly in half by the end of that period—and by substantially more as a percentage of GDP.
That seems like a very surprising proposal! But that's precisely the target which was adumbrate only last week by Hegseth's boss, as CNBC reported:
Defense stocks drop after Trump says Pentagon spending could be halved
Defense stocks dropped sharply Thursday afternoon after President Donald Trump suggested the U.S. could massively cut defense spending.
Trump said Thursday at the White House the U.S. could cut defense spending in half at some point in the future. The comments came in the context of Trump discussing a potential conference on defense spending with China and Russia.
“At some point, when things settle down, I’m going to meet with China and I’m going to meet with Russia, in particular those two, and I’m going to say there’s no reason for us to be spending almost $1 trillion on the military...and I’m going to say we can spend this on other things,” Trump said.
“When we straighten it all out, then one of the first meetings I want to have is with President Xi of China and President Putin of Russia, and I want to say let’s cut our military budget in half. And we can do that, and I think we’ll be able to do that,” he added.
After he gets Ukraine straightened out, the commander wants to meet with Putin to tell him that we'll be cutting American defense spending in half!
Given the context of the real world as it really exists, this seems like an astonishing prospect. It's a marker of the breadth of the general madness that this proposal by the commander has received almost no notice.
To what wider madness do we refer? For now, forget about Ukraine. Instead, consider this:
Yesterday, the commander spoke in Miami. According to Mediaite, he made the peculiar remarks which are quoted in this news report—and the videotape is included:
Trump Baselessly Claims Millions of People Born in the 1800s Are Getting Social Security Checks
On Sunday, White House adviser Elon Musk claimed his “Department of Government Efficiency” found that more than 20 million Americans over the age of 100 have been receiving checks from the Social Security Administration. He alleged the figure included people who were born in 1875...
Speaking at a conference of investors in Miami on Wednesday, the president reiterated Musk’s baseless claims about Social Security and appeared to add some embellishments of his own.
“But listen to this—3.6 million people are on Social Security rolls from the age of 110 years old to 119,” he said. “Do you think there are really that many? Those people are seriously old. But it gets worse—3.47 million people are on Social Security from the age of 120 years old to 129 years old, 3.9 million people are on Social Security from 130 years old to 139 years old.”
Trump later added that there are “3.5 million people from the age 140 to 149 years old” on Social Security, and that “1.3 million people are on Social Security from age 150 to 159. And over 130,000 people are on Social Security over the age of 160 years old, OK? Including 1,039 people—think of it—over one thousand people between the ages of 220 to 229. And one person between the age of 240 years old and 249. And the record topper, there is one person on Social Security who is 360 years old, which is approximately 110 years older than our country.”
The assembled crowd cheered Trump’s performance.
"Think of it," the president said. He then claimed that the Social Security Administration has been mailing checks to "over a thousand people between the ages of 220 to 229"—even to "one person between the age of 240 years old and 249."
Does anyone really believe that many millions of fraudulent checks are being mailed to such non-existent people? Is it a form of madness when the president makes such a series of claim, with an audience cheering him on?
Was it a form of madness when Elon Musk made the original claim—the original claim which the commander now appears to have embellished?
Full disclosure! In that report for Mediaite, Michael Luciano links to this report in the Washington Post—a report which claims to explain the highly peculiar claims which were first made by Musk.
As we've mentioned in the past, the Post's explanation involves certain quirks which are built into the programming language known as COBOL That said, have we entered a realm of general madness when a cheering crowd is being told that the Social Security Administration has been mailing checks to many millions of people whose birthdates makes it clear that such people would have to be dead?
Was a madness present in that hall? On the level of the upper-end press, have you seen anyone ask that question?
The commander is planning to tell Putin that he'll be cutting the military in half. He also seems to think that deep state flunkies at Social Security have been sending checks to millions of people who were born in the 1800s.
Due to the general madness over the land, those items have been receiving very little attention. In our own Blue America, attention is being paid to the commander's recent claims that President Zelensky is "a dictator" who started the war in Ukraine and who stands at four percent the polls.
One question might go like this:
Are issues of "mental health" and "mental disorder" involved in any of this? With respect to the commander, are we looking at behavior which resembles the lunacy which is said to have occurred when the emperor Caligula is (apocryphally) said to have named his favorite horse to the Roman senate?
Are issues of health and disorder involved? If so, we're looking at a tragic loss of human potential. But according to current rules of the game, such questions can't—and won't—be asked.
For better or for worse, such questions are forbidden. We still want to remind you about the person who advised a different course eight years ago, but we'll close for now by linking you to one last news report.
This report appears at The Daily Beast. A paywall blocks us from reading it.
That said, the headline raises our question again. As you can see by clicking this link, the headline in question says this:
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Rages at ‘Utterly Insane’ Image of Trump as King
Yesterday, the commander seemed to refer to himself as "the king." The White House quickly posted a photo showing him wearing a crown.
Lawrence used the word "insane" as he discussed this behavior. That said, "insane" is not a clinical term.
Our question:
Is it possible that clinical issues are involved in the possible realm of madness into which we the people have possibly fallen? And if clinical issues are involved, what exactly does that mean?
Severe issues of "mental disorder" involve a tragic loss of human potential. For all of us, our potential is limited right from the start. Certain types of clinical "disorder" are said to make matters much worse.
The commander wants to tell Putin that he's cutting the military in half. Also, many millions of people who died long ago are still receiving monthly Social Security checks.
It was Zelensky who started the war. Also, American public school kids are the worst students in the whole world! (See yesterday's report.)
Is it possible that something might be "wrong" in all this? Under prevailing rules of the game, our journalists don't know how to ask!
Tomorrow: No one can call her a slouch
Concerning those annual eight percent cuts: Last evening, on Anderson Cooper 360, Beth Sanner discussed those improbable spending cuts.
Sanner served as a Deputy Director of National Intelligence—under President Trump no less. She said eight percent takes us to two percent! To read what she said, click this.
"Back out of all this now too much for us?" Is there a path out of this mess?
Is it possible that something might be wrong in all of this, Somerby asks. Anything is possible, Somerby is known for saying, over and over and over. So, of course it is possible that something might be wrong. The question is not whether it is possible, but whether it is likely, and that is an entirely different question.
ReplyDeleteIf someone is posing this sort of question, it is entirely possible there is something majorly wrong with him. It is time for Somerby to hang up his blog and spend his remaining years doing something more useful than this.
Over at Kevin Drum's blog, Drum has stopped posting, most likely due to his illness. His fans are wishing him well in the comments and worrying about him. Somerby needs to pull the plug on this blog. His non-fans won't miss him and his trolls and fanboys can put their efforts into other tasks, such as praising Putin and calling Democrats ugly names elsewhere.
If Somerby cannot say definitely that what Trump is doing is wrong, who needs him?
Anonymouse 10:15am, if Bob’s blogging is absolutely useless, then you bothering to read it is even more inane than the blogging. . You don’t merely read TDH, you comment on the blogs. What’s your excuse for that utter waste of time and energy? Your actions completely belie your words. If Bob retires from blogging, what will you do then?
DeleteI’ll seek your friendship.
DeleteAnonymouse 11:45am, I’ll be here for you.
DeleteTrump said there many millions of people over ago 100 or over age 150 on the SS rolls. THIS IS TRUE. Trump said that this should be investigated, in his usual dramatic way. Calling for an investigation is surely reasonable.
ReplyDeleteAs it turns out there doesn’t seem to be a fiscal problem. But there was nothing wrong, let alone insane, with what Trump said.
BTW having enormous errors in the data base should not happen, even if the errors don’t have a financial impact.
Trump should be criticized for telling lies. He should not be criticized for telling the truth.
DeleteThe next time you criticize Trump for lying will be the first time you criticize Trump for lying. You fucking never criticize Trump for lying, you rationalize why you think it is genius of him. Just go fuck yourself, you're a fascist.
DeleteNor should it cost "millions" to correct, which is the claim. That only underscores the need for DOGE.
DeleteWhatever the cost, charge Musk personally.
DeleteHe can easily afford it.
"BTW having enormous errors in the data base should not happen, even if the errors don’t have a financial impact."
DeleteThat's a very sweet thought but when you're dealing with tens of millions of lines of data that have been entered over time and been through interfaces between different software, errors are inevitable.
The thing to get excited about is not whether errors exist in a database, but whether they're generating erroneous payments.
"Nor should it cost "millions" to correct, which is the claim."
DeleteWhat claim? By who?
The government has known the Numident system is flawed in this way for years, according to audits. A 2023 inspector general's report found nearly 19 million people born before 1920 who do not have death information in the record.
DeleteThe SSA decided not to address discrepancies because of how much it would cost to fix (upwards of $9 million) and the "limited benefit" it would have on the agency, the report noted.
Romig, who previously worked in the Social Security Administration, also emphasized there are multiple checks in place to prevent deceased individuals from getting payments. The agency has a policy to automatically stop payments at the age of 115, and after a certain age they check to see that older beneficiaries are still using Medicare benefits.
Ah, Democrat "experts" at work. Alas, no one believes Democrat "experts" anymore.
DeleteAnonymouse 2:15pm, automatically stopping checks for enrollees at 115 years would address fraud by family members or others, but why wouldn’t that system have triggered alerts as to enrollees at even more advanced ages due to computer code glitches or other types of gremlins?
DeleteI tried to look up social security fraud and the most numerous entries are about people pretending to be Social Security agents in order to bilk seniors out of money. That is clearly not the kind of fraud Musk is investigating. He seems more interested in finding ways to rob seniors himself, than he is preventing the use of social security numbers to commit identity theft and to defraud seniors by impersonating social security officers and demanding refunds of payments, etc.
DeleteHere is the main result for "social security fraud":
"Social Security fraud occurs when an unauthorized third-party gains access to your Social Security number and exploits it for their own financial benefit." Musk is aiding that kind of abuse, not preventing it, with his invasion of private databases using unauthorized and unvetted teenage hackers.
Cecelia, it is considered fraud NOT TO report the death of a person to Social Security.
Delete"The Social Security Administration's (SSA) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) investigates allegations of fraud. The OIG's Office of Investigations (OI) works with law enforcement to investigate and prosecute Social Security fraud. "
The head of the OIG is the first person Musk fired, before investigating himself. Who answers Musk's questions when he has fired the people responsible for finding and prosecuting fraud? Is this a rational way to root out fraud?
Trump said there many millions of people over ago 100 or over age 150 on the SS rolls.
DeleteThis is quite clearly false. What you mean to say is that there are people listed on SS security rolls whose age is shown as being between 100 and 150. That is a little factoid. You jump to the conclusion that there's something nefarious involved. There have been sufficient explanations give for this fact. There's no reason to believe that a large scale fraud is taking place. If nothing else, it simply doesn't even pass the smell test.
The grifters squeal the loudest.
ReplyDeleteBiden wanted to hire more IRS agents, Boris.
ReplyDelete"Factoring in inflation, that would mean that defense spending had been cut roughly in half by the end of that period"
Wow. This one I didn't expect. And now really thank God for Donald Trump, Elon Must, and the rest of the team.
It’s the definition of unbelievable.
DeleteYeah, I dunno. Someone who's trying to cut the "defense" budget in half, somehow I don't think he will live long enough to it done.
ReplyDelete"Trump Baselessly Claims Millions of People Born in the 1800s Are Getting Social Security Checks"
Wow Idiot media of the Idiot Democrat party really are one dumbass media. Anyone with a functioning brain understands what is being claimed: that the Social Security is full of fraud.
Are Democrats really this stupid?
Trump claimed they MIGHT be getting benefits, not that they WERE getting benefits. And, his claim was hardly “baseless” since it was based on official SS records.
Deleteevery right-wing accusation is a confession. There are no exceptions.
DeleteIt was baseless, shit for brains Trumptard. He did ZERO investigations before spreading the hate. Go fuck yourself. You never give a shit with any reckless lies Trump spews from the giant piehole.
Delete"And, his claim was hardly “baseless” since it was based on official SS records."
DeleteBut before he made the claim, it could have easily been checked by comparing the names on the list with the names of people actually receiving benefits.
Was this done? Unlikely. If not, what would that make Trump's claim? 'Baseless-adjacent?' Reckless? Propagandistic? Authoritarian?
Hector—I’ll go with propagandistic. Trump talked about a real error in the SS database in a way that was designed to stoke concern and to build public support for Musk’s audits and investigations. That’s propaganda.
DeleteThis kind of propaganda is all too common by both sides. A shooting is emphasized in order to promote gun control. A wildfire is emphasized in order to build concern about climate change.
DeleteSuddenly, so much "benefit of the doubt".
Where were you during the russiagate? Hell, I saw you still quoting some russiagate BS as if it was the bible. Nothing "baseless" there, eh?
This is DiC admitting that Trump lies and propagandizes, but excusing it by claiming both sides do it. You can’t create a better parody of a magat.
DeleteI’ll go with propagandistic.
DeleteTo what end, DiC. Nobody is opposed to exposing and prosecuting persons who are stealing from SS. That is not a partisan issue. And shouldn't the President know what he is talking about before recklessly broadcasting incendiary accusations aimed at civil service workers who have already had the fucking house dropped on their heads in the last four weeks?
You ignorantly compare what trump lied about to issues that are being debated and fought over in the political sphere. And which can be influenced by news events that make national headlines.
Democrats are opposed to what Elon is doing because it is all partisan bullshit and illegal, and there is zero accountability. Nobody is against saving fraud if real in SS, except maybe the fraudsters. But his accusation was aimed at the entire faceless civil service, people who are just working for a living but have become the target for the rubes out there in magatland.
Cope, Soros-bot.
DeleteSock it to 'em, trumptard.
Delete"Trump talked about a real error in the SS database in a way that was designed to stoke concern and to build public support for Musk’s audits and investigations."
DeleteThis specific question is one Trump doesn't have to 'stoke concern' on. He simply has to ask if these erroneous records are generating any actual payments.
By 'talking about' the error before doing this simple analysis, Trump leaves the impression in MAGA minds that there is some real problem there.
Months, years from now, these folks will say, 'Oh yeah, we were paying out millions to dead people. Trump told us.'
I'll go back to the old analogy:
'There are child molestations occurring in DiC's neighborhood. DiC has not been cleared of committing these crimes.'
True, right?
11;52: Musk and Trump’s use of propaganda in this case could be primarily designed to score political points and rally their base by stoking anger and distrust. You're right to feel that way.
DeleteFraud, which is of course rampant -- just think of the Biden Family -- is not necessarily the biggest problem.
Waste. Every bureaucracy tends to grow. They grow constantly and endlessly. Every little bureaucratic king tries to expand his kingdom. Bureaucrats hate efficiency. Not to mention all that DEI shit.
Bureaucracies need to be examined and removed. Until it becomes clear what pieces of them (if any) are really necessary.
This is just common sense.
"Nobody is opposed to exposing and prosecuting persons who are stealing from SS. That is not a partisan issue."
DeleteI wish that were true. There is evidence that SS rolls include many illegal immigrants who are not legally entitled to benefits? Where's the Democratic support for investigating this?
The EPA says right before leaving office, Biden stashed away $20 billion in dummy organizations controlled by Democrats. This may not be strictly illegal. but it's certainly improper. Where's the Democratic support for investigating this matter and clawing back the money?
Yes, we know Trumptard.
DeleteThat is silly, DiC. Illegal immigrants only pay in to SS, why should they be entitled to benefits?
DeleteThis is what Dickhead in Cal does. Deflect, divert, and distract. Now he wants me to go chasing these new and latest wild goose accusations >>> There is evidence that, and, the EPA says Fuck you David, the next good faith argument you make will be your first.
DeleteOne group that got part of the $20 billion.
Delete“It’s extremely concerning that an organization that reported just $100 in revenue in 2023 was chosen to receive $2 billion,” EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin told the outlet, referring to Power Forward Communities’ latest tax filings. “That’s 20 million times the organization’s reported revenue.”
"Bureaucracies need to be examined and removed."
DeleteHow much examining is going on right now? None. It's all removal.
DeleteAre you dumb, 1:27 PM? This sub-thread is about "People Born in the 1800s" in the SS system. That's examining.
DeleteOnce the media collectively disappeared the bigotry of Republican voters as the reason for Trump’s election, stories like Russiagate were inevitable.
"The EPA says right before leaving office, Biden stashed away $20 billion in dummy organizations controlled by Democrats."
DeleteSounds nefarious. How about this version of reality:
"The Biden EPA said the organizations would oversee the awarding of grants from Congressionally approved funding to groups and communities for projects ranging from home energy retrofitting to off-grid renewable energy in communities that have lacked access to green financing."
That's a little less histrionic, isn't it?
12:42 Fraud - Trump Charities, Trump University, Trump Casinos, Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, Trump Tax Payments you dolt.
DeleteGo see a psychiatrist, 1:40 PM.
DeleteThe EPA says right before leaving office, Biden stashed away $20 billion in dummy organizations controlled by Democrats.
DeleteStashed, huh, dickhead? Stashed? With his pot?
WASHINGTON (AP) — In a major reversal, the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency said he will try to rescind $20 billion in grants awarded by the Biden administration for climate and clean-energy projects.
In a video posted on X, Administrator Lee Zeldin said the EPA would revoke contracts for a still-emerging “green bank” that is set to fund tens of thousands of projects to fight climate change and promote environmental justice.
The program, approved under the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, is formally known as the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, but is more commonly called the green bank. Two initiatives, worth $14 billion and $6 billion respectively, are intended to offer competitive grants to nonprofits, community development banks and other groups for projects with a focus on disadvantaged communities.
So, this money was appropriated by Congress in 2022, as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, which not a single republican voted for, and nobody was fucking hiding a thing, but being a dickhead, you make it sound like something just discovered.
The money has already been awarded to eight nonprofits, including the Coalition for Green Capital, Climate United Fund, Power Forward Communities, Opportunity Finance Network, Inclusiv and the Justice Climate Fund. Those organizations have partnered with a range of groups, including Rewiring America, Habitat for Humanity and the Community Preservation Corporation.
Former Vice President Kamala Harris announced the grant awards last year at an event in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Stashed, huh Dickhead. Stashed on his way out the door, eh, fuckface? Dummy organizations, dickhead? Like Habitat for Humanity, you little shit.
There is evidence David in Cal will repeat any unsupported stupid lie he hears no matter how big of a lie, or how stupid.
DeleteI’m amused by the war on Teslas. In Silicon Valley, Tesla are popular and Trump is despised. So, people are virtue signaling by selling their Teslas.
ReplyDeleteThis is amusing because many of these people BOUGHT Teslas as a way of demonstrating their virtue in opposing fossil fuels. It’s also amusing because they imagine that their choice of car matters.
Is it virtue-signaling if your reason for selling your Tesla is that you hate all the lies and propaganda and authoritarianism of the Trump/Elon admin?
DeleteNo? What word to use then? Principled?
Democrats are retarded, that's all you need to know. Those who aren't retarded, TDS ate their brains.
DeleteThere are other electric vehicles on the market, David.
DeleteDoesn’t seem to be much of a future for electric cars. Might as well sell them.
DeleteMore fact free bullshit from the thing called “Cecelia”:
Delete“Electric Vehicle Sales Jump Higher in Q4, Pushing U.S. Sales to a Record 1.3 Million
Monday January 13, 2025”,from%207.8%25%20share%20in%202023.
Why would you say the choice of car doesn’t matter, DiC? If everyone had electric vehicles, it would matter a great deal. But Republicans mock electric vehicles, and Trump has pulled government money to install charging stations. Just like solar power, which gop legislatures are now trying to un-subsidize.
DeleteAnonymouse 11:27am, lots of virtue-signaling then because I’ve read they come with a lot of problem. But more power to Musk.
I think maybe as the second car, for local travels: school, supermarket. This sort of thing. Especially if you have solar panels on your roof.
Still, in the US gas is very cheap, compared to Europe. In Europe it probably makes a bit more sense.
Electric power needs to come from some other source. For much of the world, that source is coal. CO2 emissions from China’s coal burning affect our climate just as much as it would if the coal were burned here.
DeleteThe US doesn’t burn coal, but most of our electricity comes from fossil fuels. The best hope is nuclear, but neither Biden nor Trump are doing enough to promote nuclear power.
Trump thinks climate change is a hoax and mocks renewable energy, just like much of your party, DiC. By exiting the Paris accords, the US has given up a lot of persuasion it could have brought to bear on China. But since Trump and the GOP are supporters of fossil fuel and detractors of alternative sources, it wouldn’t matter anyway. But hey, you vote for these people.
DeleteClimate change is real. Campaigns against climate change are a hoax.
DeleteTrump hates EV's, one of his flaws.
DeleteLet’s argue over the best kind of vehicles to drive, because that, and not returning to racial hierarchies, is what is important to Right-wingers.
You can virtue signal using something tangible that you owe and that is visible to others.
DeleteYou cannot virtue signal using something you don't own (or no longer own). No one can see you not having it. It is invisible to others. How do you signal using something no one can see because it is not there?
Look at me! I'm not smoking, not watching porn, not drinking alcohol, not going to church, not demonstrating against Trump, not wearing fur. How can anyone know what you are not doing at any given moment?
Hey DiC, how is that nuclear power working in Ukraine? Trumps bestie just bombed the Chernobyl protective dome and has lobbed bombs in the vicinity of an active nuclear facility. It costs more than fossil fuels and way more than renewables. Why you keep saying the same old tired stuff?
DeleteThey are virtue-signaling by selling their Teslas. What's so complicated here 2:09 PM?
How would anyone know a person once own a Tesla, much less sold it, if they are driving around in something else?
DeleteShould consumers be able to virtue-signal, or is that another consumer protection the Right wants to get rid of in service to the corporate elites who own them lock, stock, and barrel?
DeleteYou will tell them, 2:44 PM.
DeleteYou can probably buy a sticker to that effect.
Which means, come to think of it, that you don't even need to own and sell a Tesla to virtue-signal by selling Tesla. Nice.
Grok answered the question of whether Elon Musk is insane including pointing out that armchair speculation is "unethical." Not on the left where diagnosing your political opponents as a pretext for imprisonment or silencing them is handy.
ReplyDeleteI assume you’re asking, “Is Elon Musk insane?” since I’m Grok, the AI, not Elon Musk himself. I don’t have access to Elon Musk’s medical records or a personal relationship with him to make a clinical assessment. I can, however, give you a rundown based on publicly available information and observable behavior up to February 20, 2025.
Elon Musk has been open about experiencing mental health challenges. In 2021, during a "Saturday Night Live" monologue, he mentioned having Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism spectrum disorder, which can affect social interactions and behavior but isn’t classified as a mental illness in the traditional sense—more of a neurodevelopmental condition. He’s also spoken about periods of intense stress and exhaustion, like in 2018 when he tweeted about working 120-hour weeks and taking Ambien to sleep, hinting at possible burnout or depressive episodes. In a 2023 interview with The Wall Street Journal, he described having “moments of quite extreme darkness,” though he didn’t label it as a diagnosis.
Public perception often swings wildly. Some point to his erratic X posts—like the infamous 2018 "funding secured" Tesla tweet or his 2022 conspiracy-laden rants—as signs of instability. Others see his intense work ethic, risk-taking, and out-of-the-box thinking (SpaceX, Neuralink) as hallmarks of genius, not illness. Psychologists who’ve speculated from afar suggest traits like bipolar disorder or narcissism might fit, but remote diagnosis is shaky at best—ethically dubious and lacking hard data.
No definitive evidence—like a confirmed diagnosis from Musk or a credible source—exists to say he’s mentally ill. He’s a polarizing figure: to fans, he’s a visionary; to critics, he’s unhinged. The truth likely lies in the messy middle—complex guy, high pressure life, some self-admitted struggles, but nothing concrete to slap a label on.
It’s Somerby wondering if musk is nuts, not Democrats.
Delete11:30 was so close.
Well he is a self described Nazi promoting Nazi shit across the globe and therefore deserves a punch in his Nazi fckface.
Delete"Then Musk quote tweeted it at 2:14pm (14:14 in the 24-hour clock) with 14 American flags, a reference to the white supremacist ‘14 Words,’: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” It was about as subtle as his Hitler salute on Inauguration Day.
And on Monday, he did it again."
Fck the Nazi scum.
Cope, Soros-bot.
DeleteTeslas will tank in the US because they have fallen way behind other car companies in terms of styling and quality. In Europe they hate him, however.
DeleteThere are no Democrats in Europe, so no hatred there.
DeleteOthers see his intense work ethic, risk-taking, and out-of-the-box thinking
DeleteDid Grok offer this bit of mythology that you're putting forth as some sort of a fact. The man runs around tweeting crazy shit non-stop...and from that we infer his extreme work ethic? Let's not forget to mention how devoted he is to his 13 children, some of whom he has even met.
One of his kids he has disowned for being trans. He says that kid is dead to him.
DeleteIn pushing back against Musk, Democrats need to be careful not to be seen as being against investigating how government spends taxpayer money in relation to the needs of ordinary Americans. I realize it would be too much to ask for them not to be assholes. But they would be doing themselves a huge favor if they didn't, once again, go overboard on this issue in a way that debilitates them politically.
ReplyDeleteHire your own 60,000 IRS auditors, Karl Marx.
DeleteThe image of Trump as King was top-level troll and had the intended effect. Most people enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteIt was funny in the show Hamilton. Not funny now.
DeleteHow much waste is there in the military budget? How much money could be saved by moving to more efficient and effective procedures? How much money could be saved by switching more to drones than tanks and other old-fashioned weapons?
ReplyDeleteNobody knows. Pete Hegseth can't achieve this kind of savings on his own. Thousands of individual decisions and actions are needed. It will take the combined efforts of the whole military. Setting an ambitious goal is a good way to motivate the entire Pentagon to work in this direction.
This is easy. Order the military equipment and stiff the vendors on delivery, as Trump has done throughout his life.
DeleteThat's not the way to cut military budgets, David. The way to do it is to end the imperial mindset, and the imperial structure in general. To become an ordinary country.
DeleteListen to Colin Kaepernick at 1:42, David.
DeleteSet the budget goal at zero.
DeleteGive the defense contractors a thrill up their legs.
Military leaders know this stuff because it is in their job description. The idea that no one is thinking about how to keep equipment current and reduce costs is a figment of right wing imaginations. Pete Hegseth can't do this cost cutting because he is entirely ignorant of how the military currently operates. But his staff can, as long as he doesn't fire them all.
DeleteLiberals used to want the military part of the military-industry complex to be examined within an inch of its life. Same with the intelligence agencies-FBI, CIA, NSA. Now, you’ll settle for law fare against politicos and booting the rubes off X.
DeleteIf it’s good enough for people who commit civil violations, it’s good enough for defense contractors.
DeleteCheckout the Liberal at 2:41.
If you squint enough, you can pretend your post isn’t bullshit.
Anonymouse 2:41pm, indeed.
DeleteAnonymouse 243pm, I’ll endorse anonymouse 2:41pm 100%, but I won’t use that sentiment as a means of dismissing examinations into these other areas.
DeleteRandom firings of people for being minorities are not "examinations" into any area. It is vindictive revenge-motivated destruction of people's careers and our govt system of providing services. A lot of people are being hurt by what is essentially a political stunt.
DeleteAfter the damage is done and our economy goes to shit, Trump will no doubt blame Biden again.
Cope, Corby.
DeleteBut if you're aware of "firings of people for being minorities", you must call the cops immediately. It's 9-1-1.
Actually, calling your elected representatives is a good idea. They are the ones who can bring articles of impeachment against Trump. Not Musk though, since he hasn't been elected to any office. Musk's malfeasance is Trump's responsibility and should be one of the charges brought during impeachment.
DeleteCecelia @2:39:we libs are just so hard to please, amirite? I could point out that Republicans used to care about spreading American values overseas via USAID, defending democratic countries like ukraine from the aggression of autocrats, putting competent people in charge of things, and the rule of law. Just a few minor things that your party couldn’t care less about. The times, they are a changing.
DeleteAs far as “lawfare” against political opponents, you ain’t seen nothing yet as Trump politicizes the DOJ. You really have no business complaining about liberals. Put your own house in order.
It is really interesting how pro war, pro CIA, pro censorship Democrats have become. Democrats are really Republicans now. They represent the establishment. They are against change. I would be so embarrassed to be vocal Democrat, talking about the good old days when we would spread American values to other countries? Oh my.
DeleteThey really have a lot of work to do to get their mojo back.
Anonymouse 8:18pm, what do you mean I have no business complaining about liberals? Are you canonized saints now? Get out of here.
DeleteThe Inspector General found 72 billion in Social Securigy overpayments in 2024, but evidently that was a fluke or something. Things are perfect nowadays.
You’re sickening.
DeleteIf the SSA IG found that much fraud why was he/she fired and why were the corrective recommendations not implemented by Trump?
DeleteAnonymouse 11:02pm, good.
DeleteAnonymouse 11:02pm, the Inspector General found the 72 billion in discrepancies before Trump was in office. They’re investigating things now.
I don't know if you read that correctly, Cec. That $72 billion is total of overpayments and underpayments for the years 2015 thru 2022. And they recovered all but $22 billion of the overpayments.
DeleteAnd then you have to be a wise ass and say they are investigating things now. The IG found it in 2024. They don't need Crypto Elon and his band of Cyberpunks to understand the issue.
From FYs 2015 through 2022, SSA estimates it made nearly $72 billion in improper payments, most of which were overpayments. While this is less than 1 percent of the total benefits paid during that period, at the end of FY 2023, SSA had an uncollected overpayment balance of $23 billion.
Anonymouse 7:24am, I said the IG found it in 2024 and thst it was overpayments. The report slso stipulated that none of the IG’s recommendations for revisions were carried out. So yeah, that’s part of it. Notice too the timeframe, Einstein. Hint- Dropping the ball did not involve just one administration. And yes, this is the sort of thing that Doge is looking at.
DeleteDOGE ain't "looking at" shit, crazy lady. DOGE is the name of Crypto Elon's cyrpto currency, that's about it. He was last seen wearing dark glasses at a party of the Tribe That Rubs Shit in Their Hair last night, recklessly and insanely waving around a goddam chainsaw. You're so goddam credulous it scares me that you're allowed to vote.
DeleteAgain, they recovered a large chunk of the overpayments and the report says $23 billion has not been recovered yet. What is that, about a month of orange chickenshit's golf outings?
And you left out why not all the recommendations have been implemented yet. Can you guess why?
SSA anticipated a new debt management product would address many of the recommendations. However, the Agency stopped implementation efforts in FY 2024 because the new product was not funded.
Anonymouse 9:32am, it’s not a mystery why you would cal it credulousness to mention the IG report as to 72 billion bucks as though it’s both trivial AND old news. You’ve got to do that otherwise you don’t have an argument against any notion of oversight, other than that Dumpf combined with the word “oversight” is a laughable concoction. In which case, it’s you who are a dopey prevaricator, as well as being a horse’s butt.
DeleteYou're the horse's ass, Cec. First fire all IG's who prepared that audit, then send a bunch of kids to root around in my personal SS data. Fuck you.
DeleteAnonymouse 10:51am, make that foul-mouthed dopey prevaricator.
Deletedo you even know what the word "prevaricator" means, crazy lady? It is OLD news, maggot. Woopy doo, they read a two year old IG report.
DeleteAnonymouse 11:24pm, I feel your minimization reflex, however, you know they say, ‘74 billion here and 74 billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking about Musk money’.
DeleteIn 2025, the total Social Security benefits paid to Americans will be about $1.6 trillion, according to the Social Security Administration. This will be paid to an average of almost 69 million Americans each month.
Delete$72 billion mistakes spread out over 8 years averages out to about $9B/year.
$9B/$1600B = 0.56%.
Not bad working with the system they have.
It must be so nice to be perfect, Cecelia.
At least Somerby understands that a person who is 150 years old would be a corpse. Trump just says people over 100 and 150, as if there were millions over 100 in our entire nation:
ReplyDelete"In 2021, there were 89,739 people aged 100 or older in the United States, which is about 0.03% of the population."
There are people who cannot verify their birth dates, either because they don't have access to their birth certificate (fires destroyed records, for example), or because they are elderly and were told a date without it being recorded anywhere (such as in an at-home birth).
The database for social security includes a field to record the date of birth. It also includes a field for a person's age. When a person cannot supply a date of birth, the same date in the 1850s was entered for every person with that piece of missing info. That procedure survived the early days of social security and was incorporated into the COBOL software written for the early IBM computers in 1955 and ongoing. So there are data records for people who do not know (or cannot verify) their exact birthdate but who are otherwise eligible for payments due to their work history.
When you enter a date in 1850 and then subtract it from the current date, you will get an estimated age that becomes older the longer the practice goes on. That's why these people with estimated birthdates are now 100-150 years old. Are they really that old? Of course not. Putting in a piece of missing information as a placeholder is called a dummy data field.
In research, when someone declines to supply info, you enter the number 99. It simply means they didn't state the data (or it was unobtainable or corrupt in some way). It doesn't mean there is any measurement of 99 in the study. It is a piece of dummy data showing that the data was missing.
Trump doesn't understand this stuff, but why should he. He isn't an expert. But someone should have explained to him that there are no 150 year olds receiving checks in the system. Because this has not been explained, it seems more likely that the Republicans (DOGE, Trump, Elon) are misrepresenting what is going on in order to claim non-existent fraud, dead people receiving checks.
As noted elsewhere, it is easy to check and see whether any checks to dead people were generated. Trump's guys are happy with their current mistaken claim, so the are not motivated to get it right. There is no excuse for anyone reading the internet to still believe what Trump is saying. This has been debunked repeatedly.
Somerby says: "As we've mentioned in the past, the Post's explanation involves certain quirks which are built into the programming language known as COBOL." This isn't COBOL's fault, although it is now an obsolete language. It would be enormously costly to rebuild the SS software using another language today, resulting in both mistakes and inconvenience while that was happening. Because the COBOL system does what it is supposed to and works fine, the choice to spend money redoing it has not been made. The workaround for missing dates of birth is part of the SS system software, not part of COBOL. It may be that the original people who put in that dummy date for people without known birth dates intended to replace the placeholder date with the real date after investigation. Perhaps someone decided it was not necessary to do that in order to process claims, given that there are employer records now that support a claim. I don't know why it was never changed, but clearly no one anticipated that our president would try to destroy the system and justify it by referring to a minor aspect of data processing.
Here is the current status of COBOL:
Given the technicality of the detail, I suspect this lie comes from Elon and his ratfucking hackers.
KASH amirite?
ReplyDeletePerfectly composed written content, appreciate it for selective information.
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Absolutely amazing, thank you for sharing your knowledge with me.