MONDAY: Elon Musk isn't a nut!


There's no such technical term: For the record, Elon Musk isn't "a madman" or a nut. As we detailed this morning, there are no such technical terms.

The same can be said for Donald J. Trump. On the other hand, in this morning's print editions, the New York Times was reporting this:

Top Security Officials at Aid Agency Put on Leave After Denying Access to Musk Team

The two top security officials at the U.S. Agency for International Development were put on administrative leave on Saturday night after refusing to give representatives of Elon Musk access to internal systems, according to three U.S. officials with knowledge of the matter.

And the agency’s chief of staff, Matt Hopson, a Trump administration political appointee who had started his job days ago, has resigned, two of the officials said.


Mr. Trump, returning to Washington from his home in Palm Beach Sunday evening, disparaged the agency, telling reporters traveling with him that it was run by “radical lunatics.”

“We’re getting them out, and then we’ll make a decision,” he said.

He also praised Mr. Musk as “very smart.”

A few hours later, Mr. Musk said that Mr. Trump believed that the agency should be shut down.

“None of this could be done without the full support of the president,” Mr. Musk said on an X Spaces event. “I went over it with him in detail, and he agreed with that we should shut it down. I want to be clear. I actually checked with him a few times. I said, “Are you sure?’ ‘Yes.’ So we’re shutting it down.”

Mr. Musk has posted a series of messages in recent days expressing fury at the aid agency and voicing conspiracy theories about it.

“USAID is a criminal organization,” Mr. Musk wrote on Sunday in a social media post that many aid workers saw as confirmation the agency would soon be absorbed into the State Department and that some viewed as a potential threat to their personal safety. “Time for it to die.”

According to these public officials, neither of whom is insane, USAID is "a criminal organization." As it turns out, it's an organization which has been run by a bunch of "radical lunatics." 

For the record, the Times was quoting one of several social media posts from the man who isn't a nutcase. Yesterday, Musk authored such posts as these:

"USAID was a viper's nest of radical-left Marxists who hate America."

"USAID is evil."

USAID is a criminal organization. Time for it to die.”

"USAID is a criminal organization."

As any very smart person would do, he was trying extra hard to articulate his key point.

Yesterday, Kevin Drum explained Musk's concern about this evil viper's nest. We link, you decide:

Here’s how USAID ended up in Trump’s crosshairs


What account[s] for Trump's specific fury toward USAID? Most likely, he was influenced by Elon Musk, who has been raging against the agency on Twitter, calling it a "a viper’s nest of radical-left marxists who hate America"¹ and later declaring, "USAID is a criminal organization. Time for it to die." Yesterday, Musk acolytes stormed into USAID headquarters demanding access to security systems and personnel files. They were turned back, but eventually got in after a couple of top security officials were put on leave.

Whew. But why is Musk so exercised about USAID? This is where things get murky, but it turns out Musk is a big fan of a guy named Mike Benz, a far-right provocateur, white supremacist, and all-around conspiracy crank...

Kevin's account continues from there. Meanwhile, there was Chrystia Freeland, on today's Morning Joe, using such language as this with respect to the tariffs which are being slapped on Canada. Over at Mediaite, David Gilmour provided a transcript and tape:

This really is utter madness. And, you know, from our [Canadian] perspective, the key thing here is you guys are engaged in this colossal act of self-harm. These tariffs are going to make life more expensive for Americans. You have put a tariff on the gas we sell you, so gas is going to be more expensive. You have put a tariff on the food that you are buying. That’s a tax on groceries, they’re going to be more expensive. We have now the United Steelworkers, the American Farm Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce, all saying this is going to hurt America. Stock futures are down.

You are hurting yourselves. You are taxing regular Americans. And we are going to fight back. And Canada is your biggest market. Canada is a bigger market for US exporters than China, Japan, the UK and France combined.

For Americans. like, your businesspeople, right? The customer is always right, and your customer is really angry at you. The whole country is behind the retaliation the prime minister has announced so now we are going to tax American exporters who are trying to sell us stuff. That means Americans are going to lose jobs.

So this is really—it is self-mutilation. America is hurting itself. We think that it is utterly crazy. And we’re also really, really angry at you.

Presumably, Freeland was speaking metaphorically when she used such terms as "utter madness" and "utterly crazy" with respect to the conduct of Trump.

Who the heck is Chrystia Freeland? We're so old that we can remember when she was a journalist and a regular guest on Hardball.

Freeland was always a bit too bight for that particular program. Today, she's a member of Canadian parliament who hopes to succeed Justin Trudeau as PM. Before she called Trump crazy and mad, she explained how the tariffs will affect our two countries. 

We aren't saying that she's right. We aren't saying she's wrong. 

We promise to stop being snarky about this serious topic. But for today, we'll only say that we were struck by the (obviously colloquial) language Freeland chose to use.


  1. Some top USAID officials blocked people sent by the President to audit their operation. Of they were immediately fired. They forgot that the President is their boss.

    1. He's not the boss of me.

    2. "They forgot President Putin is their boss."
      Fixed for accuracy.

    3. What if the orders of the boss were illegal? Oh right, that no longer matters.

      "The USAID systems the DOGE team tried to access included personnel files and security systems, including classified systems beyond the security level of at least some of the DOGE employees, according to three of the sources. The systems also included security clearance information for agency employees, two of the sources said."

    4. Dickhead in Cal is a committed good Jew fascist. He would never have denied Elon Musk's recent high school graduates access to any files they wanted.

    5. DOGE is trespassing and illegally entering Federal property. DOGE is not elected. It is not part of the Government. They should lock these malicious bastards up now. Starting with Musk. They should not be anywhere near the IRS, FBI, USAID, or any other institution. If a Dem President started even a portion of this second autogolpe they would have met the full resistance of the institutions and the press. The idiot orange felon continues to get a pass. What the ever loving ....

    6. We need to understand the full scope of the horror we are living under. There are no guard rails remaining. There are no institutions left standing. The FBI has been decapitated. IG's have been purged. The courts have been packed with magas.
      Congress has surrendered all their Constitutional powers to the madman. Legacy media has already bent the knee and kissed the ring.

      Screaming out impotently that what they are doing is illegal is an empty hollow act.

      It is going to take a national general strike to wake people up.

    7. Yet Somerby keeps whistling his same dumb right wing tune.

      Nothing to see here, it is all just a matter of how we term these people, and let's not call them nuts or crazy, and let's pretend they are not criminals.

      Somerby just keeps whistling without a sincere, coherent, or genuine care in the world. It is all a big joke to Somerby.

    8. In fairness to Musk, our government did create an elaborate system of shell companies and foreign bank accounts to allow USAID to create a social network for Cubans designed to topple the Castro regime.

    9. I think it was 2010.

    10. You can read about it on Wikileaks.

    11. They mention it here:

      It was in the news at the time.

    12. What else has USAID done since it's inception?

    13. Do you mean what have they done besides that one time they were caught being used as a front for secret Black Op, regime-change operations?

    14. We could discuss USAID and flour mills.

    15. Or we could discuss why overstaying your visa is a civil, not criminal offense.

  2. Public sector workers should continue to show up for work, and tell Musk to go fuck himself.
    Ironically, the rest of us not showing up for work at our jobs in the private sector is the way to solve the "Republican problem".

  3. Trump and Musk are middle managers. If you have a complaint, bring it up with Putin instead. He's the one calling the shots.

    1. He's not only calling the shots, he's cutting the checks. Ask Tim Pool.

  4. What happened to the other $121M?
    A commenters posts, “Senator Lindsey Graham is a Director at the International Republican Institute, a nonprofit funded by USAID.

    🔹 Government Funding: $130.7M reported on IRS Form 990
    🔹 Active Grants: $9.2M
    🔹 EIN: 521340267 | UEI: V2DWM1KMJNK5

    Many Congresspeople are not neutrals when it comes to closing down USAID, because they are a part of it.”

    1. Congresspeople are the only body constitutionally vested with authority to creating or closing down USAID. Nobody fucking gave that authority to a neo-nazi billionaire from South Africa

    2. I consulted at a corn flour mill that packaged bags of flour for USAID. Each bag had a message in several languages saying brought to you from the people of the United States of America. The plant manager interfaced with USAID and showed me some pics of a trip to Africa where his plants flour aid was delivered. He was very proud to be helping. USAID is peanuts in the big picture. But DOGE will never touch this,

      From "1945" - What You Need to Know: The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program, with a projected cost of $2 trillion, has been plagued by delays, cost overruns, and a problematic F135 engine.

      -The aircraft’s mission-capable rate remains low, hindering testing and evaluation. However, pilots praise the F-35’s situational awareness and sensor fusion capabilities.

      They also won't let the convicted felons budget busting tax cuts for the rich expire. But low cost good will programs like USAID, yea, that's the ticket.

    3. I agree. The President does have the power to audit USAID and to recommend law changes to Congress. He probably has the power to temporarily restrict spending. He may or may not have the power to restrict spending permanently. That question may wind up in court.

    4. You just keep wiping your ass with the Constitution, Dickhead. The damage will already be done. As we have painfully seen, the fucking courts will move at a glacial pace while your Dictator whatever he wants.

      This is why you don't hand that kind of power to a convicted felon who has already proven to be a lawless megalomaniac.

    5. Whether or not the president has the power to restrict spending was adjudicated back in 1974. It is illegal.

    6. Trump and Musk to Haitian immigrants eating our pet cats and dogs: "Eat away."

    7. Thank you, @2:50, Do you happen to know the name of the case or do you happen to have a link?

    8. lazy ass @ 3:58 -

    9. Flour mills are a part of the scam.

    10. The USAID budget would buy almost 300 F-35s. But F-35's don't feed hungry children. Wait - why don't we spend that money on hungry children here?

    11. Off-topic: Trump's felony conviction helped get him elected.

    12. Off topic: proof?

    13. The proof is:
      He won.
      He received a surge in donations immediately after the conviction.
      The conviction heightened his visibility and put him front and center in voters' minds.
      The convoluted and unbelievable nature of the allegations gave him a narrative to sell to his supporters that he was being targeted by political adversaries and not prosecuted in good faith.

      Trump's felony conviction was a Goddamed giant gift that Democrats wrapped up nicely, put a big, beautiful bow on, brought to him and placed at his feet.

      You missed it because you were sitting in your chair with your hands in your pants reading Jeff Tiedrich's hot take on how horrible Trump's crimes were. But that's on you.

    14. “ The convoluted and unbelievable nature of the allegations”

      So convoluted that a jury found him guilty, and it didn’t take them that long to decide.

    15. That's true, the accusations were so convoluted that a jury found him guilty. And it didn’t take them that long to decide. And their decision helped him get elected. Now, finish your milk and go get ready to take bath.

    16. "And their decision helped him get elected."

      Their decision was the biggest, most gigantic gift Trump could have ever hoped for. They wrapped up the election, put it in a big box, wrapped it in beautiful paper, put a bow on it (you were masturbating to Jeff Tiedrich and naively and quixotically calling him a "felon" to try to use it for political juice, so you didn't notice all this) ... and then they brought the gift, and place it directly at Trump's feet and tiptoed away in courtly deference.

    17. You're fucking such a naive, idiot sheep.

    18. 9:24 thinks that “Republicans love them some rapists and convicted felons” is something we didn’t already know.

    19. Yes, 9:24 thinks that “Republicans love them some rapists and convicted felons” is something you didn’t already know. That's a really good point. Thanks for pointing that out about Republicans loving them some rapists and convicted felons is something you already already knew. That's important for everyone to realize.

    20. Do you want to get back to the subject of USAID and Hillary Clinton? Oh my!

    21. People say Madame Secretary Clinton transformed USAID development work into a tool of military intervention. But she probably used it to help the needy. Don't you think? What does Jeff Tiedrich say?

    22. 7:26,
      Fuck off with that bullshit.
      No one who voted for Trump cares at all about his felony convictions.
      It's as stupid as saying Trump won due to economic anxiety.
      Go away, with your sorry excuse for bigotry. No one believes your Tim Pool-like propaganda.

    23. "Trump's felony conviction was a Goddamed giant gift that Democrats wrapped up nicely, put a big, beautiful bow on, brought to him and placed at his feet."

      True that. Thanks, Alvin Bragg.

    24. I agree with 10:13. No one who voted for Trump cares at all about his felony convictions. It's just as stupid as saying Trump won due to economic anxiety. Thinking about that is a sorry excuse for bigotry. Something about someone named Tim Pool. That is a really good point 10:13. Thanks.

    25. 10:35,
      The obvious point is that Republican voters care about nothing but bigotry and white supremacy. Just ask them.

    26. 10:25,
      Since you are loving the learning, let me tell you who Tim Pool is.
      He's one of the many on the Right being funded by Russia. However, unlike most Americans who are funded by America's enemy, Pool isn't a member of the Republican Congressional caucus, but instead is a mere social media "star" who repeats what Putin tells him.


  5. Trump caved to the Mexican lady in less than an hour. Tariffs on Mexico were delayed (if not cancelled), and Trump committed to enforcing gun control in the US.
    You gotta love it.

    1. Thanks to Trump's negotiating "acumen", most of North America will soon be part of Greenland.

  6. Elon Musk is definitely a nut, a madman. His behavior is both dysfunctional and abnormal. Having money doesn’t void the DSM.

    1. @2:09 describes Musk as “having money”. That’s like describing Henry Ford as “having cars.”

    2. The media describes RFK, Jr. as a "vaccine skeptic". That's like describing a Republican voter as "economically anxious".

    3. JD Vance described Haitian immigrants as pet eaters. That's like describing people who wipe the floor with white people on the job market as "odd".

  7. bight? What does that mean?

    1. A bight is a loop in a rope or a bend in a coastline. It’s a pretty uncommon word, and I had to look it up.






  9. Somerby's buyer's remorse over Trump, is fucking hilarious!

  10. “Competent white men must be in charge if you want things to work. Unfortunately, our entire national ideology is predicated on coddling the feelings of women and minorities, and demoralizing competent white men.”

    No bigotry there, no siree. Just those good decent Others in the Trump cult.

    1. I can see why Trump fired him. Now that his background is exposed, I expect Trump to fire him again.

    2. Only the best people. Only the best.

    3. You want to bet on that, Dickhead in Cal?
      You think Trump and Rubio didn't who he was before they placed him in the State Department?

    4. "Now that his background is exposed, I expect Trump to fire him again."
      What did they find in his background? That he once said something nice about a black person?

    5. 3:54 hahahahahaha

  11. Sorry Canada. We're gonna apologize for not recycling more too.

  12. Who is gonna mass sterilize Peruvian women without a slush fund?

  13. Trudeau just announced a pause in US tariffs. Looks like Trump prevailed in both Mexico and Canada.

    Looking like a madman is an asset when playing a game of chicken.

    1. Trump prevailed? Canada and Mexico just agreed to keep doing what they’ve been doing. They pretended it was the result of good phone calls with him, just to flatter him.

    2. In what way did Trump prevail, pinhead? Jesus, you're gullible.

    3. What the fuck would the greatest power on the face of the earth be wanting to play a game of chicken with a friendly ally, you fucking fascist nitwit?

    4. 7:23?? Are you honestly curious about that? Really?

    5. Girl, you're naive!

    6. yeah, I am curious.

    7. You've researched it and you can't think of any reason the U.S. would play a game of chicken with a friendly ally?


    8. Girl, I guess you just fell off the turnip truck. Dayyyumm. You should research it to find out why. (If you have time before mommy takes you to day care. ;) )

    9. I mean, really?????? You can't think of any reason the U.S. would play a game of chicken with a friendly ally?

      It's no wonder you're upset with Somerby. You're naive as a child at the park. You're a true believer I guess? You grew up sheltered? What's up man? You're asking a really dumb question.

    10. I'm starting to understand the trolls a little more now. It's naivete. It's simply being sheltered and poorly read. That makes it make a little more sense I guess. Why would the U.S. would play a game of chicken with a friendly ally? BWAHAHAHA! God damn, mf!

    11. Let me tell you something 7:40. You don't understand the United States AT ALL.

    12. Did Canada agree to become the 51st state? Cause that was Trump’s demand.

    13. No, they didn't agree to become the 51st state. Now go up and get ready for bed and I will come up to read you a story in just a little bit.

    14. Ah, so that was all bullshit.

    15. Yes!! All of that was bullshit. Now, put on your pajamas because it's almost time to go nighty night.

    16. Republican voters are like small children, if small children excused criminality in exchange for bigotry.

    17. That's true. Republicans are really, really bad people. Really bad! All of them!!! That's a great point.

    18. I’m sure glad those prices all came down on day one of Trump’s presidency like he promised.

    19. That's true. Trump promised those prices would all come down on day one of his presidency and they didn't. That is a really good point. Thanks for sharing that point about prices. Trump is bad. Really bad!

    20. People say people voted for Trump because of their economic situation. But they voted for him because they are all racists! They are bad people. Really bad people. And Trump is bad. Really bad! He rapes children!

    21. You’re right, 10:36. Thanks to you , a representative of the LOL nothing matters brigade. It’s so much fun hearing from you. Please keep posting. It’s very enlightening.

    22. Thanks 10:43 PM. That's a good point. Thanks to me , a representative of the LOL nothing matters brigade.

    23. The commenters here are smart. Really, really smart!

    24. Hello All,

      An excerpt from my memoirs lends itself perfectly to this topic:

      "... and it was at precisely this time when a rare and peculiar butt wind was hereby produced, sending my consciousness to the everworld yet again.

      Gone was the assumption of presumed confusion. A collage of effervescent realities engulfed my being for just more than a fortnight.

      The pleasantries of this realm floated my mind along the waysides and b-sides, allowing my woman friend to assume the control module for her own benefit.

      As I was transmuted back to this concurrent reality, another butt wind was hereby produced, ending this flight of fancy and returning my senses."

    25. Ask yourself this. Why is it that no one is arguing that Republican voters are anything more than a shit pile of bigots?

    26. 3:17 Not everyone has the intellect of an 8 year old but you're right. Real soon Democwats going to come and make all the bad Rebwublicans go bye bye.

    27. 6:28, I find your sarcasm very persuasive.

    28. Good. The good guys are going to beat the bad guys. Beat them really bad.

    29. 6:59: Thank you. Can you simplify the world a little more for me please? I rarely get to chat with someone so wise.

    30. Republican voters only really care about bigotry and white supremacy. Everything else is negotiable.
      It's as simple as a NY Times political reporter acts.

    31. 7:10,
      I don't want to confuse you with too much about the way the world works at one time.
      Ruminate on what you've learned so far, and I'll offer you more when you get to 7th Grade.

    32. It was never about the price of groceries. That's just something they told gullible fools.

  14. US involvement in regime change or coups:

    1. Things Republican voters care about other than bigotry and white supremacy.
