TUESDAY: What kinds of ratings did Joy Reid get?


Let's take a look at the record: We almost never watched Joy Reid's MSNBC program, which has now been canceled. There's a bit of a backstory there.

When we started this site in 1998, an individual could actually watch every cable news / PBS program of consequence.  There simply weren't that many such shows on the air.

It's very different now. Today, we Americans suffer under an around-the-clock assault from a three-way "cable news" Babel, and from mountains of messaging from other types of platforms.

The madness is everywhere—and it's very big business. You have to pick which programs to monitor. It isn't obvious to us that this three-way, round-the-clock Babel ius a madness which can be survived.

That's part of the reason why we rarely watched The ReidOut. As to why the program has been canceled, a key set of numbers looked like this as of last Thursday night:

Viewers aged 25-54, 7 p.m. Eastern, 2/20/25
The Ingraham Angle (Fox News Channel): 389,000
Erin Burnett OutFront (CNN): 104,000
The ReidOut with Joy Reid (MSNBC): 59,000

59,000 viewers? Most amazingly, barely half the number of Erin Burnett? Less than one-sixth the number of Ingraham?

That 59,000 strikes us as an astonishing number. Meanwhile, silly and amazing as it may seem, everyone seems to agree that this relatively narrow slice of the viewership pie is actually "the coved 25-54 demographic"—the demographic everyone cares about.

In this corporate material world, access to that demographic is routinely said to be coveted by advertisers. It's therefore said to be crucial to a channel's financial success.

At any rate, those were the numbers for "the coveted 25-54 demographic" Last Thursday night, the overall viewership numbers looked like this:

Total viewers, 7 p.m. Eastern, 2/20/25
The Ingraham Angle (Fox News Channel): 3.44 million
Erin Burnett OutFront (CNN): 550,000
The ReidOut with Joy Reid (MSNBC): 778,000

That too was a terrible number. The number from the "coveted" slice of the viewership was much worse.

We'd assume this is part of the reason for MSNBC's decision. Beyond that, we'd be inclined to assume that there were points of concern within the network concerning Reid's content.

Her content was routinely mocked on programs like Gutfeld! It wasn't always especially hard to do.

Rachel Maddow is irate today, and she's filled with praise for Reid's moral and intellectual greatness. That said, Maddow herself never adopts the kinds of racial stances which often came from Reid's program. We find ourselves wondering if the major star of Blue America's channel is protesting a bit too much, or simply in a slightly puzzling fashion.

Why did MSNBC make the decision in question? We have no way of knowing.

That said, the channel's numbers are extremely poor. Last Thursday night, lowly CNN outperformed MSNBC in the coveted demographic for four consecutive hours, starting at 5 p.m.  

Reid had been in her time slot for almost five years, and her numbers were very poor.

Tomorrow, we may report on the matter of MSNBC and "The Uterus Collector." NPR has already reported the news. As of this morning, few other major orgs had.

For today, we the people are in fact living in a material world. The cable news channel we Blues tend to favor is a corporate business venture. If a channel like that can't attract viewers, in theory it can't survive.

Also, it can't produce change! A cable news channel can't change the world if it turns out that nobody's watching its programs—or at least, so the experts have said.


  1. Why oh why are liberals such racists that they will not a proud African-American woman's show on their favorite "news" channel? lol

    1. Sorry, meant to say "will not watch and enjoy"

    2. Turns out zero non-Democrats and even a small percentage of Democrats do not like hateful racists like Reid. The remainder of Democrats are racists like Reid but they are no longer enough in number to keep her employed in her position of spreading racist hate.

    3. I am a Trump voter, and I wish you could see me doing my sieg heil salute right now. Preach it brudda.

    4. White men are the only humans that matter.

  2. Apparently, Zomerby got contacted by one of his minders today, instructing him to vomit out a post that more closely aligns with typical Republican talking points than his earlier one.

    Zomboy replied "On it!"

    Lil Bob writes: "When we started this site in 1998...There simply weren't that many such shows...It's very different now. Today, we Americans suffer under an around-the-clock assault from a three-way "cable news""

    Earth to Bobby, it was the same back then, we had the same corporate media outlets back then too with 24/7 broadcasting, pushing the same neoliberal agenda.

    The difference is today we have burgeoning independent media growth, via the democratization of media, with outlets like MeidasTouch getting viewership that dwarfs cable news.

    Another difference, is that back then TDH functioned as push back against corporate media acting as a stenographer for the Republican Party. Nowadays, he types out the same zombie right wing nonsense you can get at any Republican media outlet.

    Now, TDH has been pretty clear, it prefers societal systems that function with hierarchies of elites, as opposed to democracy. That seems to be a genuine right wing stance that [NAME WITHHELD] holds. Bravo, [NAME WITHHELD]! See its ok to be honest, everyone already knows you are a right wing shill, no point in using slippery language to mask yourself.

    Worried his coy racism about Reid alone might not cut it, Zomerby throws in a misleading zinger about MSNBC settling with the corrupt ICE doctor, but belly flops because as it turns out in reality that doctor was found to be engaging in unusual and unwanted gynecological procedures on immigrants, they just were not technically "hysterectomies", which is how MSNBC reported it.

    This is disgusting on TDH's part, because TDH is undoubtedly aware of the report produced by a Senate committee after investigating this corrupt doctor.

    The Senate report details about this doctor:

    “excessive, invasive, and often unnecessary gynecological procedures.”

    “There appears to have been repeated failures to secure informed consent for offsite medical procedures performed on ICDC detainees,”

    "Dr. Amin subjected women to aggressive and unethical gynecological care"

    "Dr. Amin quickly scheduled surgeries when non-surgical options were available, misinterpreted test results, performed unnecessary injections and treatments, and proceeded without informed consent.”

    “These women described feeling confused, afraid, and violated after their treatment by Dr. Amin,”

    “Several reported that they still live with physical pain and uncertainty regarding the effect of his treatments on their fertility. These women also described instances in which Dr. Amin was rough and insensitive while performing procedures, continued despite their complaints regarding pain, and failed to disclose the potential side effects of certain procedures or even answer questions regarding his diagnosis or treatment plan.”

    “Several women stated that they did not provide their consent to the examinations or procedures Dr. Amin performed,”

    The Senate investigation also found out that this corrupt doctor, Dr Mahendra Amin, was not board certified, was under criminal investigation by multiple federal agencies, and had been committing Medicaid fraud for which he had to pay half a million dollars for in a settlement with the government.

    This is pretty gross on Zomerby's part, to obfuscate these pertinent details, but par for the course here at TDH.

    1. The value of comments here seem inversely correlated with length.

    2. 4:38,
      Republican = Bigot.

    3. 4:38 PM - incel snark.

    4. 4:38 You are the exception.

    5. "his coy racism about Reid"

      Doesn't get any dumber than typing that.

    6. Somerby is notorious for his racist denial of racism.

      If racism does not bother you too, so be it, good to know.

      The corruption 3:51details, dovetails with the latest report on fraud in Medicaid and Medicare, which indicates that fraud accounts for less than 10% of their budgets and are exclusively on the provider side, none on the beneficiary side.

      This means that cutting Medicaid, as Republicans have indicated they will try, will not reduce fraud, but will cut people off from healthcare. This is made especially cruel, because the cut in healthcare is in order to provide tax cuts for the rich.

      What should happen is that they hire more investigators to go after the fraudulent providers (doctors, hospitals, medical equipment, ambulance service, etc), to reduce waste from those out to game the system, like Dr Mahendra Amin as detailed in the primarily accurate MSNBC report, which itself was based on the Senate investigation/report.

      Notably fraud is much more rampant in the private sector, and just on the basis of efficiency, private healthcare requires about 30% of it's cost just to run it's administration, whereas government healthcare requires only 2%.

  3. Maddow and Reid are an odious, ugly and repulsive pair. Glad to see one of them gone and the other demoted.

    1. Maddow gets around 2 million viewers per night. She is the number one MSNBC show.

  4. Kyiv has agreed terms with Washington on a minerals deal that Ukrainian officials hope will improve relations with the Trump administration and pave the way for a long-term US security commitment.

    Ukrainian officials say Kyiv is now ready to sign the agreement on jointly developing its mineral resources, including oil and gas.

    Although the text lacks explicit security guarantees, the officials depicted the deal as a way of broadening the relationship with the US to shore up Ukraine’s prospects after three years of war.


    1. Sometimes the arc of winning is long.

    2. Same with the arc of losing.

    3. Trump won, but more importantly, the US won. Americans will get the benefits of the mineral deal. And, once peace in Ukraine is agreed, with proper safeguards going forward, we will save the tens of billions of dollars we're spending on this tragic war.

    4. Trumptard, this is an old "deal" Ukraine has been pushing for years.

      The "deal" comes from Zelensky, Trump tried to hijack the deal, Zelensky said no, and now Trump is coming around to Zelensky's terms for the deal, which btw has yet to be agreed to.

      Notably most of the minerals Zelensky wants in the deal are in areas that are currently occupied by Russia. Trump got played, again.

      To be fair, some of these minerals are being phased out by newer materials/technology, by the time they can get these minerals to market, they may have lost a significant amount of their value.


      Trolls are such morons.


      Everybody else, not so much.

    6. @7:15 even if the minerals are not as valuable as hoped, the US still gains some amount from the minerals. We also gain by not having to fund this costly war. In what ways do you see this agreement as a defeat for the US?

    7. Yes, this is what elections mean; when Biden won, the whole country won, when Trump wins, only Trump and his cronies win and the rest of the country loses - straight outta Reagan's playbook (Trump even stole Reagan's motto - MAGA).

      Indeed, we have lived through the largest redistribution of wealth in history, $50+ trillion since 1981 going from the bottom 90% to the top 1%. Trump is weird and gross, but he is just continuing the same Republican playbook they have been using for decades to screw over Americans, bend them over and make them squeal as they rob us blind.

      World leaders are getting wise to Trump, Zelensky has played Trump like a violin.

    8. 7:43 if it goes through, it is not a defeat for the US, it is a win for Zelensky, it is his deal, it was his idea. Trump tried to change the terms but Zelensky has held firm and outmaneuvered Trump.

      This is a loss for Trump, just like pretty much everything in the last month - he blusters and then winds up walking everything back (btw this is a very bad strategy for businesses in the US, it really hurts us, we need consistency not chaos), and a loss for Putin. Putin has little choice, he could not defeat Ukraine.

      You'll recall that General Petraeus diminished the chaos in Iraq not via military means, but by paying off the different warring factions of Iraqis. Recall also the debacle in Vietnam, with us running away from Saigon; it is not easy to defeat nations, particularly when they are strongly unified like Ukraine.

      Eventually Ukraine will join the EU, and possibly even NATO.

    9. @7:57 are you saying that Trump is a loser because the US gained less than it should have? For me, that's still winning. YMMV

    10. Trump is a loser because he tried to change the terms of a deal that was already in progress.

      Trump's only contribution was to see if he could gain some personal benefit, otherwise Trump was of no consequence.

      You are trying to claim an unwarranted win for Trump, when the exact opposite is what is happening. Trump interfered with an ongoing deal and made it more precarious; it took some clever maneuvering for Zelensky (and possibly Rubio) to get it back on track.

      My conjecture is, you do not care about Ukraine or it's citizens, you are only trying to find a way to claim a victory for Trump, when in reality he is a buffoon that made things worse.

    11. My conjecture is, you do not care about Ukraine or it's citizens, you are only trying to find a way to claim a victory for Trump, when in reality he is a buffoon that made things worse.

      Bingo! That is all the Dickhead is ever here for. If the sun rises in the east he will claim it is a win for Trump.

      I an wondering why he claims it is a win for the US. Are we all going to get a check from the mining company when they start extracting whatever the fuck it is? Will we have to provide troops on the ground to defend the US mining companies?

    12. DiC, how are you able to determine the winningness of the deal before the details are available? You're not just a Trump-worshipping non-thinker, are you?

    13. Was there really an ongoing deal? I do not recall Biden negotiating that deal or any deal.

    14. Zelensky caved. He was always going to cave.

    15. DIC, diplomacy is ongoing when you have a real president and real diplomats.

    16. Yes, this deal was in the works for a long time, just because you "do not recall" means nothing other than your ignorance.

      It was conceived by Zelensky, Trump's sole contribution was to throw a wrench in the deal, trying to personally benefit.

      Zelensky outplayed Trump, and Trump is now caving, with Zelensky possibly getting Trump to further fund and guarantee removal of Russia from the area it is occupying, where most of the minerals are.

      Trump's buffoonery is only matched by his cult followers. They do not care one whit about Ukrainians, they just want to own the libs.

      This deal in no way impacts the war, other than for the US to continue to provide Ukraine with weapons and the means to defend itself against Russia's invasion.

      This is a win for Zelensky, as Trump has had to cave yet again.

      Trump's interference is just causing unproductive chaos, it is really bad for business.

    17. As the Republican Party says, "Sieg Heil".

  5. Anonymouse 3:51pm, Robert DeNiro you are not. You did not manage to make this would-be bile sound more corrosive than high school pique.. We’re several weeks past the inauguration and the flying monkey anonymices still have a bitterer and angrier tenor than you and certainly sound less performative. Ask them for some pointers.

    1. 3:51 provided some important information about that doctor, that you probably didn’t know.

    2. Idk, I think it's pretty shitty of Bob to reference that MSNBC settled, with his tsk tsk fingerwagging, but left out that it was merely over a technicality, and that the MSNBC reporting was fair, and the doctor is in fact a fraud and a total scumbag that did perform unnecessary and unwanted procedures. So 3:51 pretty much gets it on the nose, which is triggering, I know. But what is 3:51 supposed to do, just lie back and take it?

      MSNBC viewership is low because most Dems do not bother with MSNBC, since it is your typical corporate media with a corporatist slant, and even centrist Dems no longer watch so all that is left are centrist never Trump Republicans, which also happens to be the people that run MSNBC. No Dem is sad to see MSNBC falter, there are much better media platforms that serve the Dems, and they happen to outperform Fox News by a mile.

      And we know from the data that the majority of voters that closely or even moderately watch cable news media voted for Harris, a centrist Dem that ran an anodyne campaign, same as Biden, with the main difference being she is a woman of color.

      Somerby may have some good insights, but they are wasted because he clings to his right wing agenda so tightly, just spinning his wheels about cable news and the proper terminology for mental impairment (ignoring the ongoing corruption and crimes), with the result being that he offers nothing for Dems, and no real help for Republicans either, other than some misguided emotional comfort.

    3. Anonymouse 7:27m, oh, yeah, and all in response to this sentence:

      “Tomorrow, we may report on the matter of MSNBC and "The Uterus Collector." NPR has already reported the news. As of this morning, few other major orgs had.”

    4. Let's see what happens "tomorrow", Somerby seems to suffer of late from lacking a moral compass, so it is up to others to provide some guardrails.

      Somerby floating some misleading nonsense is the very thing he used to rail against, and is more in line with how Trump/Musk operate. Will Somerby lean into misinformation, or be principled? Tune in tomorrow - either that or he'll just never bring it up.

    5. Anonymouse 8:13pm, oh, come on. You write your screeds the minute Bob promos the next day’s blog. Bob may or may not actually come thru for you, but you’ve ready if he does. This time anonymices really got ahead of themselves. This is a classic!

    6. lol ok ok 8:25 I'll take the compliment whether it was intended or not.

    7. Anonymouse 8:29pm, well, you had some help from your fellow anonymices with your horse getting ahead of the cart, but that makes it even better.

    8. Just because Cecelia cannot write very fast doesn't mean others are similarly limited and must write the night before. That's kind of a sad confession on her part.

    9. Anonymouse 8:46pm, you have screeds at the ready. You are organized and prepared operatives.

    10. Yup we are using this sad right wing vanity blog to effectively counter Republican/right wing nonsense and edify on progressive notions, appreciate your acknowledgment.

    11. Anonymouse 9:17pm, and making some coin. We get it. Ain’t nobody who doesn’t get it.

    12. Only coin I made today was short selling Tesla stock!

  6. “ Last Thursday night, lowly CNN outperformed MSNBC in the coveted demographic for four consecutive hours, starting at 5 p.m.”

    Holy cow! I don’t think THAT happened to Fox News after they made conservatives mad over calling Arizona early for Biden.

    1. Where’s the proof?

    2. Anonymouse 7:31pm, I don’t have to prove a conjecture. If you want to show me that my conjecture is wrong then go look it up and do that.

    3. Cecelia, you have that backwards. The person making the claim needs to supply the proof, not the people who doubt the claim.

    4. Anonymouse 7:57pm, “I don’t think” means that I’m conjecturing. It’s not the same as saying “Fox did not lose to CNN after…”

      You are free to show me that my assumption is wrong. Go do it.

    5. I don't think Republicans have ever done anything good, I think they are full of bitterness and hate and do nothing but spread misery.

      Prove me wrong.

    6. Anonymouse 8:17pm, pull my finger.

    7. Everybody farts, stop acting like you are so special.

    8. Bob made the assertion. Where is the proof? Is this a one time thing, or does it always happen? Who cares?

    9. Anonymouse 8:38pm, I made the assertion in question.

    10. Anonymouse 8:30pm, prove it.

    11. I'm heating up some beans!

    12. Anonymouse 9:17pm, great answer and it explains a lot.

    13. Glad I could clarify.

    14. Anonymouse 9:33pm, do it way across the room.

    15. Sometimes when it’s late at night, I heat up some old stale beans, open up a can of sardines, eat crackers and dream of somebody to cook for me. .

    16. Cecelia does not fart.

  7. "The cable news channel we Blues tend to favor is a corporate business venture."


  8. It’s important to follow the ratings of cable news shows.

  9. David Muir gets 8,000,000 viewers a night.

    1. Few have that jawline, plus he smacked Trump pretty hard.

  10. "Trump: "We're gonna be selling a gold card. You have a green card, this is a gold card. We're gonna put a price on that card of about $5 million and that's going to give you green card privileges, plus. It's gonna be a route to citizenship, and wealthy people will be coming into our country."

    Is this legal?

    1. Don't we already have a visa for investors? Other countries do. Melania was able to purchase her own green card, just not with money.

    2. What Melania had to go through, letting Trump slither on top of her with his stench and tiny penis and the ghosts of all his sexual assaults, she earned that visa.

    3. I made a comment about Melania and how she got her visa, but it was "disappeared."

  11. I don't think the 5 pm time spot is coveted, just the younger demographic. At 5 pm, people are commuting home, stopping at the market or picking up fast food, eating dinner with family, relaxing with a drink and friends, and not paying a lot of attention to news shows or any media.

    Wikipedia and online AI say that Wed & Thur from 7-10 pm are the most prestigious time slots drawing the biggest audiences. The younger the demographic, the later the preferred timeslot, typically fewer are watching at 8 pm and more closer to 10 pm in the 18-45 age group.

    So Joy Reid had a shitty time slot. How is 5 years on air supposed to offset the watching habits of viewers, especially the younger ones, which is the age group the news reports have complained she had low figures in.

    Somerby doesn't think beyond his dislike of Reid for being black, female and racially conscious (i.e., outspoken). MSNBC's firings are as transparent as Trump/Musk's.

  12. Who cares about Joy Reid's ratings when Trump is selling out our country to Russia?

    "Alexander Vindman, the retired U.S. Army lieutenant colonel who testified that Trump had pressured Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden's son, told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that Trump had betrayed the war-torn nation to serve Vladimir Putin's interests.

    "It's disgusting – up is down, down is up," Vindman said. "We're no longer the good actor, we no longer believe in the same values we did just a month ago. To me, I start to wonder, you know, I'm not big into conspiracies because I see government as a leaky sieve – things just don't stay secret. But now I'm starting to wonder, what does Putin have on on Trump that he's willing to bend over so hard, to bend over backwards to really support Putin's agenda? It doesn't make a huge amount of sense. He's not getting anything for it right now. He's giving away the farm."

    This is serious stuff. American citizens should be concerned about it. What I want to know about Joy Reid is whether she covered this kind of thing, instead of telling Gutman-style jokes. If she did, that would explain why she drove the bros away, but at least she has been serving her country. That cannot be said of anyone at Fox News, and it clearly cannot be said about Somerby.

    1. Somerby is the guy who sat out the Vietnam War by teaching inner city 3rd graders, while black and Latino men served in his place. They are still enlisting in higher relative numbers than white enlistees, while Trump fires their role models at the top. Somerby can't touch the hem of Joy Reid.

    2. Why was it 'his place' to serve in Vietnam?

    3. Anonymouse 8:16pm, I’m so old that I remember when St. Reid was…ummm… hacked…


    4. Its funny because Reid shared Cecelia’s ugly views.

    5. Vindman? That weird fat little traitor?

    6. Because he is an American citizen and subject to the draft at age 18, just like all other boys his age. He avoided the draft by going to college, but then he was subject to the lottery, so he took a public service job that would make him elegible for a deferment. He was quite open about joining Teach for America in order to avoid the draft. That is about as deep as his interest in helping black kids learn ever went.

      If you don't understand patriotism, I can't explain it to you. It is both a strongly held value and an emotional attachment to one's country. Somerby apparently had neither. He still doesn't seem to care than Trump has sold us out to Putin, that democracy is being trampled by billionaires, and that the American people cannot depend on the guarantees of our Constitution and laws any more. People fight for the things they care about. Somerby didn't care then, and he certainly doesn't care now.

    7. Depends on if his number was called up, but he chickened out so it is moot, made possible by his privileged position in society. Had Somerby been drafted he likely would have avoided combat, unlike my relative (White, middle class) that volunteered out of duty and was wounded (Purple Heart) and forever traumatized.

      Listen to Fortunate Son, it notes the class divide, with privileged people making wars while having the poor and people of color fight, and die, in wars.

    8. Anonymouse 8:36pm, Reid has fallen fast if you’re linking her to me. What have I said against gay people?

    9. Let me get this straight. Does Bob work for MSNBC? As far as what he has actually said is that Reid’s ratings were beyond dismal in the coveted demographic (scroll up and look) and that MSNBC might have been concerned about her content. Content would certainly have something to do with her appeal to a 24- 54 age group.

      Bob’s making decisions for MSNBC now?

    10. Many Republicans generally do not really care if someone is gay, they see the issue as a tool to weaponize in order to attain dominance over others. Dominance is what they want, and they do not care who they have to get on their knees for to get it, that is how powerful that pernicious urge is.

      There is an issue with homophobia in the Black community - likely cycling from generations of rape and abuse at the hands of slave owners, but it pales in comparison to the homophobia of Republicans, even though so many of them are closeted.

      Check out Matt Schlapp for example.


    11. Anonymouse 9:27pm, and you can’t give me the same ancestral pass as you give all those homophobic black men? After all women were treated as chattel and poor women served rich women and had to dress their mistresses and even suckle their babies. Surely, you can give me the get out of jail free pass via the sufferings of my long dead sisters. Let alone you’re making utter assumptions about me.

    12. The younger demographic skews male. The bros don't want any more scolding women (termagants) unless they are Gutfeld. Why would anyone expect her to do well with that demographic and why is their money any better than ours?

    13. 8:38. A couple of things. The draft was the lottery. You got a number chosen at random and the lower the number the higher your chances of being called up. Lest we cast too pejorative an eye on our host, the Viet Nam war was seen by many as a highly immoral venture in which towns were napalmed and all of the firepower of the most advanced war machine on earth beat down on a third world population in grass huts. Avoiding the war was seen by many as a moral choice.

    14. After all this time, we find out it was Somerby who spit on soldiers returning from Vietnam. Who knew?

    15. “ Avoiding the war was seen by many as a moral choice.” that’s true, but many did not have a choice.

  13. Every Democrat in the House of Representatives just voted against no tax on tips and no tax on overtime.

    1. OK, that's the propaganda version. What were those measures attached to? Tell the whole story, troll.

    2. You are a moron.


      Dems have their own no tax on tips bill (the Republican version is just another handout to CEOs), which is nothing new, its been around for years.

    3. The bill passed to eliminate taxes on tips and overtime without a single Democrat vote. Every Democrat voted against it. But Republicans passed it. Republicans eliminated tax on hardworking Americans earning tips and overtime.

    4. No, that is not what happened, you are a moron.

      Furthermore, the Republican version is a handout to top corporate managers, whereas the Dem version has guardrails to benefit actual tip-based work.

      Republicans work to only benefit the wealthy, Dems want to help everyone.

    5. That deficit Republicans point to as an excuse to not help the the citizens of the United States of America isn't going to grow itself.

    6. This bill is nonsense that can easily be used as a tax avoidance scheme. I would say that irrespective of the party proposing it.

    7. There is no Dem version. Not a single Democrat voted for this relief Republicans gave to working people.

    8. There was a dem version that Repubs didn’t support.

    9. David in Cal must be crying his eyes out, about the deficit being made so much bigger by these Socialist giveaways to the citizenry by the GOP.

    10. Don Jr.'s hunting buddy was just made head of the FDA. This is their definition of meritocracy. DiC is happy that they abolished DEI.

  14. I guess Trump's saying Ukraine started the war should be the final nail in the coffin of that crazy idea that Trump could possibly have colluded with Russia in the 2016 election.

    Boy was that something not worth investigating! What a hoax!

    1. Trump is Putin's puppet, going way back.


  15. Every Republican voter who isn't a bigot, already shot Donald Trump to death.
    We're screwed.

  16. If Joy Reid had low ratings for 5 years, then firing her now isn't about her ratings.

  17. Time to consult Big Fanny
