We don't believe in terrible people?

MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2024

We may have to rethink that stance: For the record, Rachel Manteuffel isn't (exactly) a columnist at the Washington Post.

Her (very occasional) opinion columns are few and quite far between. She is described the following way on what seems to be her official bio page:

Rachel Manteuffel

Washington, D.C.
Op-ed administrator

Rachel Manteuffel works in the Editorial department and writes op-eds and features.

Officially, Manteuffel seems to be an "op-ed administrator," whatever that means. Her recent, whimsical column appeared under this dual headline:

How one delightful channel soothed my election-year angst
The perfect opposite of our rage-frothing politics? Watching a cheetah who is best friends with a dog.

In the whimsical column, Manteuffel did indeed write about "a cheetah who is best friends with a dog." 

More on that below. For now, let's take our exploration just a bit further:

Based on the listings shown on that official page, the column about election-year angst and the friendly cheetah seems to have been Manteuffel's second column of this calendar year. 

It seems to have been her fourth column in the past two years. Fuller disclosure:

In October 2022, she also authored a Washington Post Magazine essay which appeared beneath this headline:

Why are so many shopping carts missing from my grocery store? An investigation.

In short, aside from her regular work as an "op-ed administrator," Manteuffel is a verry occasional writer for the Post. When she does publish a piece, her work is often, though not always, whimsical or tongue in cheek.

Her column about the friendly cheetah appeared on-line last Wednesday. In the column, she described a delightful cable channel she recently discovered—a channel from the San Diego Zoo.

She discovered the channel when she recently spent a day and a night in the hospital for some undisclosed medical reason. Manifestly, she didn't say that she was being treated for some sort of "lefty" nervous breakdown related to election angst.

Last night, four terrible people at the Fox News Channel decided to add that grimy claim into the mix as part of their Red Nation fun. Simply put, there's nothing people like these won't do to keep those cable checks coming.

We've often said that, as a general matter, we don't believe in terrible people and don't think you should either. (We do believe in terrible conduct.) We're prepared to consider making a change with respect to last night's work by these four stunningly egregious Fox News Channel hacks:

Tom Shillue, Fox News Contributor
Tammy Bruce, Fox News Contributor
Julie Banderas, Fox News anchor
David Webb, Fox News contributor

If there were such a thing as terrible people, we'd have four right there.

The four appeared as panelists for the full hour on last night's routinely braindead Big Weekend Show. In a garbage can segment which started at 7:38 p.m., the group made mincemeat out of Manteuffel and out of her recent column, which they had quite likely never read.

It's hard to believe what people will do to keep receiving those cable news checks. 

We'll grade Shillue as the most egregious, given the fact that he's a regular on the gruesome Gutfeld! primetime program. Bruce has been hacking it out on Fox for decades, initially distinguishing herself as the now-conservative former president of Los Angeles NOW.

We won't stoop to the level of describing the contents of last night's segment. If you want to watch a group of seals turn tricks for their fish, you can start by clicking here.

It's stunning, though highly instructive, to see what people will do to keep those checks rolling in. Is the work really better on our Blue Tribe channels?

We'll say perhaps yes, by a hair.  

Manteuffel wrote a whimsical column. No, the column wasn't "political" or partisan in any particular sense.

One commenter after another said how much they'd enjoyed the column. Commenters always like her (very occasional) columns.

At that point, the hacks arrived. We humans have always been like this!


  1. Watching the bottom feeders of Fox, as we now know, is Bob's self inflicted punishment for being unable to answer the basic truths of the flawed, biased, but generally accurate MSNBC. They are facing up to MAGA, Bob lacks even the moral common sense to do that.

    1. Bob became broken when he did not win first prize in whatever race he thinks he is in.


  2. "gruesome Gutfeld! primetime program"

    It's funny how Others' "insane" president achieves more peace and prosperity than any of your good-decent ones, and their "gruesome" comedy show's ratings beat all of your good-decent comedy shows.

    What gives, Bob?

    1. peace and prosperity = 7 trillion in new debt, plus a stupid, lackluster response to a pandemic that kills millions and costs trillions.
      You are bad at math,

    2. Did I miss something or are we at war? Talk to Netanyahu and Putin if you want to protest wars going on elsewhere. If you are fine with Putin invading Ukraine, you can vote for Trump, who called the invasion "brilliant", having previously tried to coerce Zelensky to investigate the Bidens, while arms for Ukraine's defense were on hold, for which he was Impeached.

    3. Just as the Republicans routinely select far right wing candidates in primaries against large fields of more moderates, so can a single Fox show's ratings be compared with multiple main steam outlets it competes against, including CBS, NBC , ABC, CNN and MSNBC. That 1.7 million viewers doesn't look so large, after all.

    4. Unamused— when Trump was President Russia did NOT invade Ukraine. Putin was afraid of Trump. If Trump is re-elected Putin will agree to a favorable settlement.

    5. 8:38: Supply data conforming with your fantasy that Putin is afraid of Trump. Your propensity for spewing bullshit here is inexhaustible. When Ukraine was at war with Russia, Trump did not support Ukraine, and made no effort to stop the war. You are a troll.

    6. Sources within the Republican party stated at the time that the party platform at the 2016 Republican Convention had wording in a statement supporting Ukraine watered down at the specific request of Donald Trump. As usual DIC is a full blown liar to suggest that Putin would call off his war out of fear of Trump, the same clown who described Putin's invasion as "brilliant". Being the petty misanthrope that he is, Trump would not have any reason to support Ukraine against Russia, having been rebuffed by Zelensky for trying to leverage US commitments to Ukraine for Zelensky to dig up dirt against Biden, an effort by Trump that ultimately resulted in his impeachment. DIC, with absolutely no supporting documentation, states that Putin fears Trump.

    7. The Russian war against Ukraine, incidentally, started in 2014. That's why Zelensky was requesting armaments that Trump wanted to withhold until they dug up some dirt on Biden for him. At no time during his tenure did Trump make public any gesture to Putin to suggest that the Russian war against Ukraine come to an end. So no, DIC, you don't get to construct a ridiculous scenario now that suggests Trump would do anything but favor Putin in his war against Ukraine, since he did no such thing in his four years. You come here full of garbage that you have collected on right wing media outlets and that you feel compelled to litter in this comments section. It smells bad, it is offensively ignorant, and it completely lacks any grounding in reality. Much like your idol.

    8. Lest everyone forget, Trump was trying to get Russia re-admitted to the G7. That's how much Putin was afraid of him.

      Trump Told G7 Leaders That Crimea Is Russian Because Everyone Speaks Russian In Crimea

      Trump made the remarks over dinner with other world leaders at the G7 summit in Canada.

      When he departed the White House to travel to the summit last Friday, Trump caused bewilderment when he told reporters that Russia should be readmitted to the G7, the group of seven nations — the US, Germany, France, Italy, the UK, Japan, and Canada — that represent the world's most advanced economies.

      On the second day of the summit, Trump again called for Russia to rejoin the group, downplaying the country's invasion of Ukraine. "This used to be the G8, not the G7," Trump said. "Something happened a while ago where Russia is no longer in."

    9. 6:54 Indeed. "Something happened". In essence announcing himself as a tool of Putin's.

  3. Matt Walsh has died.

  4. "We humans have always been like this!"

    This a really dumb/ignorant/ false claim.

  5. David and Cecelia are terrible people, but I still love them.

    1. They are not terrible people, just bog standard deluded cultists.

    2. Liberal Democrats? Sad.

  6. Terrible is as terrible does.

    Life is like a box of generational abuse.

    There is no free will.

    Most people that do terrible things, do them because they are wounded; best to work on ways to avoid people getting wounded and how to deal with it if they do get wounded.

    1. I've been used and abused. By Somerby. I have been trying to deal with it by playing bridge while thinking of Hunter's dick. It does not help. Somerby is an ass.

      I am Corby.

    2. Try thinking of Hunter's dick in Somerby's ass (while that is still legal).

      You are lame.

    3. I can’t choose to work on ways to avoid people getting wounded. I have no free will!

  7. There is good and bad in everyone, lesson one of life and art. From there, grown ups must make choices.

    1. The proportions of good vs bad matter. Some people are way more bad than good.

  8. Does it reward bad behavior when Somerby links to Gutfeld's show?

  9. Obama/biden arm grab — this video shows why Biden will be replaced as candidate. ( leading to a Dem victory)


    1. Th NY Post is birdcage liner with a storied history of deepfakes and out-of-context gotchta crap. No surprise you cite them for your silly prediction.

    2. Biden was acknowledging applause.

    3. There’s no piece of bullshit too dumb or false that DiC and Cecelia won’t repeat it here, just like their cohort at Fox. It’s pathetic.

    4. Meanwhile Trump had a nice take on water shower pressure during a stump speech the other day. It turns out that low shower head pressure is an issue tantamount to a national emergency. It almost certainly carries enough weight to make it on the Republican platform at their convention. The man is brilliant at tapping into the national psyche. Shower head pressure no less. We've all been waiting for a politician to show some empathy with us over the national malaise resulting from this vexing problem.

    5. Just stop, David. The NY Post is lying to you. Walk away.

      Biden didn't "freeze." The RNC edited the video and spun it in a way to tell a fake story. The Post ran with it. You don't have to be their dupe.

    6. Please watch the brief video of Biden and Obama and decide for yourself.

    7. Lies are OK if they fit DIC's narrative. Admonishing him is like politely suggesting that a crack addict could lead a more productive life.

    8. Unamused- I repeat. Please watch the brief video. Your own eyes don’t lie.

    9. I'm old enough to remember Hillary Clinton only had 6 months to live. That was more than eight years ago.

    10. Sorry David, we ChatGPT-based Soros bots can't watch videos. Nor do we have any eyes.

    11. David, please watch THIS video. Your eyes don't lie either, right?


    12. Has anyone else noticed that David is getting weirder?

    13. DIC:
      So go F yourself

    14. David is losing his marbles, it’s sad, and I hope it doesn’t happen to Cecelia.

    15. OK, DIC, I viewed the truncated video posted in the Post, as you requested. Notably the article containing it referenced an earlier episode during the G7 when Biden "appeared to wander off" during a parachuting exhibition. So let's break that down.

      In the earlier truncated video, Biden appears to wander off during an air exhibition. The full video shows otherwise, that parachutists were cropped out that Biden was advancing towards, who themselves were addressing him- waving to him, according to eyewitnesses. So that is the Post's first lie.

      Now go ahead and look at the full video, of the "frozen Biden" posted at 1:24. Compare that to the video you presented to us. At this point you might wonder why on two separate occasions this Rupert Murdoch rag has chosen to truncate videos in order to present inaccurate portrayals of Biden's movements.

      But you will not wonder about that, instead requesting that we view the garbage you routinely post here, as if we are as naive and susceptible to misinformation as you appear to be. You are either stupid or disingenuous, or some rarefied combination of both, to routinely appear in this comment section, often with links to sites that contradict whatever your prevailing argument is on any given day.

  10. @David in Cal 9:10 PM
    "this video shows why Biden will be replaced as candidate"

    Nowadays, there is, perhaps, an alternative solution: imbedding a microchip into one's head to control the body and the vocal cords. Via a bluetooth gamepad and keyboard. Or a microphone.

    Saves a whole bunch of money, and removes a nuisance of having to deal with cognitive humans, who are often unpredictable.

    1. 5:30 Let us know when you have an opening in your schedule and we’ll book the procedure.

  11. Speaking of horrible people...

