We thought of sacred Nietzsche's work...


...as we watched this imitation of life: We thought of sacred Nietzsche last night as we watched the Gutfeld! program.

We're not saying we should have had such thoughts. We're just reporting the fact that we did.

Last night, the termagant plowed some familiar ground at the start of his primetime program. Hillary Clinton murdered Jeffrey Epstein! Former president Barack Obama still can't find his birth certificate!

As for President Biden, he was hailed by the termagant for his "soft poos," but also for "piss down an old man's leg." Upon news that Hooters will be closing a bunch of outlets, the program started with several jokes about women's body parts.

The Fox News Channel opens this garbage can every night of the week. The can is opened each night in primetime, as upper-class legacy orgs politely avert their gaze.

We thought of sacred Nietzsche last night as we watched this program's imitation of human conduct. We thought of one part of his work during the show's second segment. 

We'll start with a bit of background:

Stating the obvious, no one required Candidate Trump to accept the terms of tomorrow night's debate. That said, once he had agreed to those terms, the revolt from below came fast.

Robotic spear-chuckers now roam the world, insisting that the format is thoroughly rigged. By the second segment of last evening's show, the assembled experts were pretending to conduct a discussion of this disturbing state of affairs.

Last night, Greg Gutfeld's panel of experts included a former professional wrestler and two B grade comedians. Completing the panel was Charly Arnolt, host of OutKick The Morning with Charly Arnolt. 

Who the heck is Charly Arnolt? The leading authority on her career starts by telling us this:

Charly Arnolt (born July 14, 1987) is an American sports broadcaster and television personality for the multimedia platform OutKick. She is the announcer of the UFC, previously known for her tenure as a sportscaster and ring announcer with WWE from 2016 to 2021.

There's nothing "wrong" with any of that. For the record, Arnolt is also an unstoppable message machine. 

Gutfeld turned to Arnolt first during his second segment. Will tomorrow's debate be conducted in a way which is fair and balanced? In her initial bite of the apple, Arnolt offered this:

ARNOLT (6/25/24): ...I have a feeling that, during the debate, we're going to see Donald Trump's mike cut off a lot more than it should be, because that's one of the, I guess the advantages that they have.  

CNN wrote the rules. They're going to be able to cut Trump's mike, and I think there are probably going to be some fact-checkers on hand. They're going to be doing their job at 100% when Trump's talking. When Biden's spewing his lies, I have a feeling they're going to be sitting back, eating their popcorn. 

And I think it's just going to be an entire clown show as to what we see on Thursday.

As you can see, Arnolt has a lot of feelings. She thinks an array of things. 

It's our impression that she may be an expert on clown shows. As Nietzsche wrote in The Birth of Tragedy:

I imagine that many persons have reassured themselves amidst the perils of dreams by calling out, "It is a dream! And I want it to go on!"

While pretending to conduct a discussion, Arnolt was actually advancing mandated corporate message. That said, we still weren't thinking of sacred Nietzsche at that point in time.

If memory serves, that happened when Gutfeld returned to Arnolt, giving her a second chance to dream her detailed dream about Thursday night's event.

He threw to her a second time. In an imitation of human behavior, the Outkick host said this:

ARNOLT: I think a lot of people are confident that CNN has already handed over the debate questions to the Biden team so that he can prep in advance. But I would love to get the opinion on whether or not the Biden team has actually passed along those questions to CNN, and it's actually the other way around!

Arnolt would love to get the opinion on that! As we mentioned, she's on the air, in large part, because she's a wholly reliable, post-human message machine. 

Plainly, Arnolt was taking part in an imitation of life. Also present was comedian Rich Vos, a good guy who we knew a tiny tad at least three decades ago.

We're sorry about what we saw Rich say. It had to do with which of two women he thought was plainly much more attractive. (The other droogs rushed to agree.)

For whatever reason, it was during Arnolt's second imitation of discourse that we thought of Nietzsche. A furious assault on establishment culture—but more to the point, on human behavior—is being waged from below. 

The storm troops paid to conduct this assault constitute a study in anthropology. The Gutfeld! program is a nightly garbage can, but it's also a nightly imitation of human life. 

Full disclosure:

In its nightly assaults on President Biden, this program isn't telling its several million viewers that President Biden is insufficiently "spry." It explicitly tells its viewers that President Biden is senile and in the grips of dementia—also, that he routinely poops in his pants and soils the White House furniture.

(When the termagant says that the president sh*ts his pants, his bosses BLEEP it out.)

The termagant is 59 years old. He does that sort of thing night after nigh. As the New York Times averts its gaze, an ugly and stupid post-human assault is being waged from below.

We aren't saying that we should have thought of sacred Nietzsche last night. We're simply saying that, as we watched these lifeforms conduct this amazingly stupid assault, for whatever reason we did.

For the record, people are paid by Fox to conduct this nightly assault. Also this:

The termagant has the highest viewership of any host in all of "cable news!"


  1. Look at Somerby, working hard and doing swell at invalidating the debate!

  2. Is Bob pointing at the rancid Gutfeld to differ his own guilt over the strange claim he made this morning that Biden is unworthy to run for President? No serious person can not conclude that Somerby is, in his Harvard sheepskin way, just as big an idiot as Gutfeld.

  3. Trump was foolish to agree to a debate hosted by CNN. That station already mistreated him by secretly leaking the questions to his Democratic opponent. The GOP are poor negotiators.

    1. translation: you are mow such crybabies you will not even wait until he makes an ass of himself to start whining.

    2. What? I didn't get that. What are you saying?

  4. Trump was foolish to agree to a debate hosted by CNN. They already showed their bias by leaking questions to Hillary. The GOP poor negotiators.

    1. Oh. You mean when Donna Brazile warned Hilary that there might be a question about Flint water. Yeah. Who would have guessed.

    2. Say what you will, Dave can hang onto a talking point.

    3. It's sad that many of us now take pride in spinning. Look at the clever way @8:39 re-states the sin of secretly providing the list of questions and makes it sound like no big deal. It would be a better world if we all communicated as honestly and thoroughly as possible.

    4. David, how do you know what really happened? I’ve always thought it was as 8:39 described it, but I can’t be sure.

    5. As i recall, the whole list of questions was provided

    6. "CNN" didn't provide the questions, knucklehead. One person at CNN took it upon herself to do that. And she "resigned" soon after. Fox News is way more hostile and biased against Dems than CNN is against Republicans. I guess Democrats should never join a debate hosted by Fox? Actually, I agree with that! They're not a news organization -- they're propagandists for the Republican party.

    7. Well, you're wrong DiC. Again. It makes me so sad. I remember in the old days, right wing trolls would always be 100% accurate. I suspect DiC is an affirmative action troll.

  5. Bob and David in C have the same big worry: Trump is getting worse and worse and he is likely to make a fool of the Gutfeld fans, and other trashy people, who still support him.
    And Biden will do just fine.

  6. Sorry. You're still not clear. Try one more time.

  7. "As the New York Times averts its gaze, an ugly and stupid post-human assault is being waged from below."

    This ugly and stupid assault is not being waged because the NY Times averts its gaze. If the NY Times chose to gaze, they would still be doing it and there is nothing the NY Times can do to stop it.

    It is time to blame Trump and his minions for their own actions and not try to put them off on others, such as the NY Times.

    Somerby thinks it is OK to use the term "post-human" but I disagree. I dislike dehumanizing language in all of its guises. But the blame for bad behavior belongs with those engaging in that behavior, not with anyone else. If they are demeaning the President, let them take the consequences. That kind of stuff puts off a lot of voters, including many Republicans. Some are leaving the party, vowing never to vote for Trump or another down-ballot Republican either. That is the consequence of this attack on Biden. Because of the way pollsters create their models, and the uniqueness of this situation with Trump, it may not be obvious what is happening until the election itself, but when there is a landslide for Biden, there will also surely be a reaction on the right that perhaps engages in violence. And if that happens, it is the fault of the right, not Biden and not the Democrats and not anyone else who is engaging in politics in good faith.

    Unfortunately, Somerby is not among those who operate in good faith. He continually blames the left for the right's actions. That deflection will enable the right to believe that they are victims and not perpetrators of dirty tricks. So, Somerby will be partially responsible for both the disappointment and the reaction on the right, when Trump and the MAGAs realize that they have much less support than their leaders led them to believe they had.

    1. Nick Silver says that Trump is a 2-1 favorite to win. But I’m sure you know better.

    2. They said things like that in 2020 too. Look what happened then. Part of the reason there was an insurrection is because the right wing promised the MAGAs that Trump was ahead by a "red wave" and when it didn't materialize they were told it was all rigged. The same thing is happening now. There is no way on earth the American people are stupid enough to vote for a demented narcissist who has done nothing but lose since the govt got wise to the Russian interference and Hillary decided not to run again. Republicans are losers.

    3. Paid, serious questions, are the polls really running against Biden? I don’t think they are. Your defense of Bob is typically wan, but if you can’t respond to what’s presented, you should just not answer. It’s not your fault, really, yesterday Bob finally told us he’s a double hater.

  8. At least we now know where Somerby has been getting his memes and his fascination with ancient Troy and sacred Homer. He is borrowing from sacred Nietzsche, favorite of college freshmen because he said God is dead, except he didn't mean it. Another shout out to the manosphere and the white supremacist faction of the alt-right. Somerby is in deeper than I thought. And more of a moron.

    1. Bob really went to the confessional today. Amazing.

    2. So, Somerby is a moronic, sexist racist. And yet you come back for more. Got it.

    3. Moron is a distant third in that list of adjectives describing Somerby.

    4. Make up your mind Pied. Are we supposed to interact and listen to people we disagree or not?

  9. George M Woodwell has died.

  10. Why give a hand to the convicted felon who thinks the press is the enemy of the people. Screw the weirdo who tried an autogolpe, and is threatening violence if he loses again. What a deuchebag.

  11. Even if Trump were given the questions, he wouldn't spend any time preparing. It is a waste of effort because he can't remember anything people tell him and would get distracted and talk about sharks anyway.


  12. "In its nightly assaults on President Biden, this program isn't telling its several million viewers that President Biden is insufficiently "spry." It explicitly tells its viewers that President Biden is senile and in the grips of dementia—also, that he routinely poops in his pants and soils the White House furniture."

    Yes, it's awfully sad. Generally speaking, one way to prevent this unfortunate development would be to avoid installing a senile person as nation's figurehead chief executive.

    Does the NY Times ever recommend this approach to solving the problem?

    1. What does Ronald Reagan have to do with the 2024 Presidential election?

    2. History is bunk.

  13. He has no interest in issues or ideas. He is here to make money.

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  15. Nietzsche would object to being called sacred, but the respect for Fred is appreciated by this fanboy of his.
