CAMPAIGN: Over the weekend, we checked on the polls!


Also, we listened to voters: Over the weekend, a thought came to mind:

It had been a bit of a while since we'd looked in on the polls.

We were thinking, of course, of the Biden-Trump polls—the polls of November's presumptive election. We went to and we checked

What we saw didn't make us happy. Ipsos/Reuters had been in the field. One additional click of the mouse sped us to this report:

Most Americans are dissatisfied with their choices for president

Washington DC, January 25, 2024—New Reuters/Ipsos polling finds that Americans are dissatisfied with their choices for president. Most feel that Donald Trump (56%) and Joe Biden (70%) should not run for president again in 2024. 


When asked who they would vote for if the presidential election were held today, two in five Americans (40%) choose Trump, while about one in three (34%) pick Biden. The rest either say some other candidate (7%), they wouldn’t vote (11%), or they don’t know (8%).

In theory, there's a very long way to go—and, in various ways, this is going to be an election year without any serious precedent. But as we scrolled through the list of surveys at 538, it was true:

Candidate Donald J. Trump was ahead pretty much every time. 

You hear them saying that on Fox. When they say that, their statements are accurate.

We did something else this weekend; we heard America singing! We sat and watched C-Span's Washington Journal as neighbors and friends phoned in.

Sandburg knew the American people. So did Abraham Lincoln. On Sunday morning, callers were asked to comment on the role the economy was likely to play as they decided their vote. 

At 7:17 a.m., C-Span's moderator threw to Matthew in Somerset, Ohio. He was calling on the Independent line. This is what he said:

MATTHEW IN OHIO (1/28/24): I think my vote is probably going to be affected by the economy because I'm a small businessperson, I work for myself, and I kind of rely on new work coming in, and I don't see a lot of it. And the price of expenses to get stuff done, it's been tough. And let alone just going to the grocery store.

But I am probably going to vote for whoever will be the Republican. I'm just not impressed with Joe Biden. I voted for him before, but I think I am changing my mind.

MODERATOR: I know you said you're probably going to vote for whoever is the Republican nominee. Right now, the two main Republican candidates are former president Trump and former ambassador Nikki Haley. Do you have a preference between the two of them who you would like to see become the nominee?

MATTHEW IN OHIO: Who I would like to see, I would really like to see Nikki Haley. I really would like to vote for a female for president, you know just to say I was part of it. Besides, I think I like and respect her. I think she is pretty steady and smart on her feet. She is not too abrasive, and that is important.

MODERATOR: All right, Matthew. Appreciate your call this morning.

Sometimes the callers do sound like the stereotypes. But sometimes, the callers just don't.

Around 7:30 a.m., Wanda from Indiana made a similar call, once again on the Independent line. She praised certain actions by Biden, trashed Trump very hard. When asked for her choice, she said this:

WANDA FROM INDIANA: I love Nikki Haley. I would give anything for them to give her a chance...I would support her over Biden, yes.

We'll be voting for Biden ourselves. But so it goes when neighbors and friends report their various outlooks. 

(Full disclosure: Ohio and Indiana aren't likely to be "in play" this year.)

Can President Biden stage a campaign which will start rolling back current numbers? We have no way of knowing.

That said, we the blue voters will play a role in the way the blue nominee is perceived. We've been playing that role for the past sixty years, and our input hasn't always been helpful.

Meanwhile, alas! Under recent arrangements, the electoral college system has tended to favor the GOP. That explains why Candidates Gore (2000) and Hillary Clinton (2016) won the nationwide popular vote, but their opponents ended up in the White House.

It also explains why Candidate Biden (2020) won the popular vote by 7.1 million votes—by 4.5 percentage points—but could have seen victory slip away if a relative handful of voters, in a few select states, had voted the other way.

At the New York Times, Nate Cohn thinks this advantage to the GOP is being eroded by certain demographic changes. We have no idea if that will turn out to be right.

But as we looked at that Ipsos survey, the president was behind by five points—and he might need to win nationwide by as much as four points in order to get re-elected.

It's time for our tribe to stop clowning around and try to discover the way to win this upcoming election. On the front page of today's New York Times, Reid Epstein and three other reporters outline their understanding of the current plan:

Inside Biden’s Anti-Trump Battle Plan (and Where Taylor Swift Fits In)

As former President Donald J. Trump speeds toward the Republican nomination, President Biden is moving quickly to pump energy into his re-election bid, kicking off what is likely to be an ugly, dispiriting and historically long slog to November between two unpopular nominees.

After months of languid buildup in which he held only a single public campaign event, Mr. Biden has thrown a series of rallies across battleground states, warning that democracy itself is at stake in 2024.

He sent two of his most trusted White House operatives to take the helm of his re-election campaign in Wilmington, Del., after Mr. Trump seized control of the Republican primary race more rapidly than Mr. Biden’s advisers had initially expected.

And other Biden aides are drafting wish lists of potential surrogates, including elected officials, social media influencers and the endorsement of their wildest dreams: the global superstar Taylor Swift.


“It’s game on, the beginning of the general election,” said Representative Ann McLane Kuster of New Hampshire, the chair of the New Democrat Coalition, a group of 97 centrist House Democrats. “We’ve got to win this.”

We’ve got to win this, Rep. Kuster said. Indeed, President Biden has been warning that democracy itself is at stake.

We've been saying such things for the past several years. At this point, are we prepared to stop the cable news clowning? Are we prepared to rise up on our haunches and fight? 

After all these years of self-indulgence, are we sure we know how to do that?

It may be too late to win this year. Then again, that gloomy prognosis may turn out to be totally wrong.

But many members of the blue team have sleepwalking into this difficult time, and tens of millions of voters around the country may not automatically be inclined to see every issue our way.

On Fox, the growing collection of jugglers and clowns—the wrestlers, comedians and very slow boys— are broadcasting powerful messages—and there's nothing so stupid that they won't be eager to say it. Once again, here are the idiots Watters and Gutfeld, endlessly pimping the possibility that Biden will be replaced as the Democratic nominee:

WATTERS (1/26/24): It's got to be Newsome. He's not a surrogate, he's the back-up quarterback...

GUTFELD: How about Michelle [Obama]? Have you seen her arm? 

WATTERS: Arms! [PRETENDING TO FLEX] She's been working out!

[Naughty boys laugh together] 

On Fox, it's an evergreen. When you run out of things to say, you bring up the scary theory that Michelle Obama will be the Democratic nominee. 

In this case, the dullest little boys in the nation enjoyed their misogyny-adjacent dull-witted humor, laughing about the way the former first lady's arms are simply too strong and too big.

This is who and what these corporate tool boys are. Also, this is the new message delivery system being instituted at Fox—and let it be said that the people at Fox have some very strong cars they are aggressively playing.

The southern border is very strong, and they never stop talking about the way President Biden is inclined to poop in his pants. As these twin idiots clown in this way, our more regal mainstream news organizations politely avert their gaze.

This degradation of the public discourse has been underway forever. In substantial measure, it motored ahead in the 1990s, within the blue tribe upper-end press.

On Fox, people like Dana Perino sit by and watch while these underdeveloped lost boys clown and joke and play, thus proving the fact that people of higher mental caliber and greater experience will often do what it takes to retain those high-paying jobs.

This is the actual lay of the land as this fateful campaign gets its start. We'll have much more to show you about this devolving, braindead culture at Fox—and you can be sure that you'll hear nothing about it from your friends at the New York Times. It's been normalized, baked into the system.

Two callers to C-Span weren't thrilled about Trump. They weren't thrilled about Joe Biden either.

Their respective states won't be in play. Such as we were or such as we would become, we thought we heard America singing that day.

This afternoon: The economy, if you can keep it


  1. To the special commenters here, I'll translate some quotes from today's post for you to make things easier to digest.

    "We'll be voting for Biden ourselves."

    Clearly this means he's going to vote for Trump.

    "It's time for our tribe to stop clowning around and try to discover the way to win this upcoming election."

    Must be referring to the Republicans.

    "On Fox, the growing collection of jugglers and clowns"

    Endorsement of Fox.

    "...the dullest little boys in the nation enjoyed their misogyny-adjacent dull-witted humor..."

    Deflection and projection by a misogynist.

    1. Yes, your analysis works, but only if you take Somerby at face value, literally, ignoring context and ignoring what he doesn't say.

      For example, why would Somerby quote two red state independents, calling them friends and neighbors (when he lives in Baltimore and doesn't know them from squat), instead of quoting from the various experts who have determined that Trump just doesn't have the numbers to win, or the polls showing that Independents and undecideds have been swinging toward Democrats in the 2022 and 2023 elections, and the erosion of Trump's base in favor of Nikki Haley (those people will break for Biden when Haley is no longer a choice). Somerby ignores all positive news for Dems in order to write this doom and gloom essay today, which rests on carefully selected quotes that are not representative of expert opinion on how the race will go. The newspapers are full of predictions that this is the inflection point for Biden and his polling will go up after this, all of which Somerby ignores.

      So, what kind of Biden supporters writes daily columns in which he seeks out and emphasizes the predictions that Trump will win, without presenting a balanced analysis? And what kind of Biden supporter never says a positive thing about the person they support, which quoting those who praise Trump?

      A reasonable Biden supporter might point out that the economy is strong and getting better, even for small businesses. Crickets from Somerby. Nikki Haley is attractive and nice and doesn't call anyone but Trump names, but she will not be the Republican nominee. Dems are interpreting her strength as a Biden positive, because many of her voters are saying they will NEVER vote for Trump. Yet Somerby never mentions that.

      So, you have to be highly selective in your own quoting to think that Somerby is actually supporting Biden when it is clear he only comes her to write for Republicans, those friends and neighbors he loves better than anyone in his own party, especially Biden.

    2. Bob isn't a Biden supporter. He's a Democrat supporter. Do you understand the difference?

    3. The upcoming election is not going to hinge on cable news. Biden is already doing what he needs to do to win, energetically ramping up his campaign with rallies and ad buys and surrogates and emphasizing his own accomplishments in is speeches. There was an article about the money flowing in to Democrats, and another about how Biden has started mentioning Trump by name in his campaigning. Somerby ignores the things we Dems are actively doing to win. Worrying about cable news is not one of them, because you don't peel off Fox viewers and the other media will report on his campaign as he makes news himself, as both president and a candidate.

      Somerby implies that Dems don't know how to win, but don't forget that we won in 2020, did way better than expected in the midterms and special elections, and have taken the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections. Trump needed Russia and Comey to beat Hillary, but he doesn't have that advantage this time -- he is too busy defending himself in court and it has become obvious he cares about nobody but hmself.

    4. A Democratic supporter IS a Biden supporter because no one who is a Democrat wants Trump to win. Biden is the candidate, just as Trump is the Republican candidate. Democrats are doing their best, working as hard as possible to get across that voting for Biden is the way to keep Trump out of office.

      Those Democrats who pay attention to politics are more impressed with Biden than those who are casual voters. As the election draws nearer, those who have been infuenced by the "Biden is too old" message will hear the competing messages "Biden has been a good president" and "We can't let Trump gain office again" and "Trump is a senile disaster" and they will vote accordingly.

      Meanwhile, actual Democrats are working to wake up their friends and neighbors and relatives and get them to the polls, not moaning and groaning about Biden's age, as if he weren't already an old guy when he passed the infrastructure bill and the recovery act and fought covid, and eased the economy into a soft landing, and created way more jobs than Trump, and reversed Trump's destructive executive orders on environment and climate, and did well despite the do-nothing House and Russia's attempts to destablize the Middle East in order to divert support from Ukraine (abetted by Republicans and Trump).

      Somerby has been doing nothing to help Democrats win. Someone lukewarm about Biden should say nothing derogatory at this point because it only undermines our chance of keeping Trump from a second term. Somerby is a smart man. When he uses his blog to dig away at Biden, he is doing that for a reason, and it isn't because he thinks Biden can suddenly get younger if he nags him enough. Somerby does not support Biden and he ALSO does not support Democrats. He is an asshole who has been lying about being liberal while he works to advance right wing memes on a supposedly liberal blog.

      Today Somerby is pretending that Biden is a big fat loser who has no groundswell and that Trump is too strong for him and will win unless we all watch Fox News (or what?).

      There is no other political message now. It is: Vote for Biden or Trump wins.

    5. Somerby said he supported Bernie over Hillary and that's partly how Trump won in 2016. But Bernie was an old guy then too, who is older now than Biden. Age didn't seem to matter when it was a matter of a woman possibly becoming president.

    6. Jesus Christ you guys have no idea what the world looks like outside of blogs

    7. In the 2016 Dem primaries, Bernie bros used right wing lies and disinformation to attack Hillary, saying she was crooked, right along with the right. They didn't care that Bernie had no chance and that such attacks would hurt Clinton in the general election. Then Bernie failed to mobilize his supporters on behalf of nominee Clinton and too many stayed home or wrote in Bernie or voted Jill Stein, targeted by a Russia-funded social media campaign in three critical states that swung the election. So, these grudges and defections matter, and there is no evidence Russia has stopped meddling. If someone is telling progressives to vote for Trump as a protest vote or to tear down the system so it can be rebuilt, think about what happened in 2016, and remember those who died of covid, take some responsibility for your vote and understand that people's lives are always at stake, and no, Biden and Trump are not equally bad.

    8. Being genuine and having integrity doesn't mix well with politics. I guess, thinking it through, people that are very heavy into politics, when confronted with this realization, either abandon being genuine and having integrity or they get out of politics.

      Signed, 12:40

    9. As the Angel Of Death I plan to support both Biden and Trump. Right now I'm very impressed with Biden's threats against people seeking asylum from dangerous societies. I'm also impressed with the 20,000 dead Palestinians with US tax dollars paying for the bombs.

      But that money can also be used to test weapons and fund more war in new places. One point taken away.

      I also applaud Hillary Clinton for taking money from big pharma while people die of overdose and treatable illness and being friends with dictators and having slaves. I'm impressed with her husband's undercutting Haitian rice prices until 70% of their economy collapsed.

      I'm encouraged by hearing Republicans say Jews are causing the downfall of America and hope to see more hate crimes to come from this resentment.

      There's not enough corpses to get me to vote right now but I'll think about it if they dial it up a notch.

    10. Obama took money from the same people as Clinton except more of it. Bring out all that propaganda Angel.

    11. I was too disappointed by Obama's criticism of wars for a while to admire him, but he did encourage a massive slave trade in Libya, failed to address American obesity, and lectured black fathers who were being hurt by capitalism to be more civilized.

      Token moderates are now some of my closest friends, since they give power to the strongest killers.

    12. Obama had nothing to do with Libyan slave trading. Ozempic research was funded by Obama’s govt research grants. We can all benefit from reminders to be civilized, even you.

    13. Obama dumped military kit into a lawless country he was bombing and you're surprised a black market took hold?

  2. N Scott Momaday has died.

    1. No god, please no! Not N Scott Momaday. Take anyone but him!


  3. "Meanwhile, alas! Under recent arrangements, the electoral college system has tended to favor the GOP."

    Don't worry, Bob. It's quite obvious that massive mail-in balloting in Democrat-controlled cities will easily overcome all possible (and impossible) GOP advantages. Stop complaining, you'll be fine.

    1. Minorities votes counting in the 2020 Presidential election is what led to SnowflakeFest 2021.
      Expect to see a repeat temper tantrum after the 2024 Presidential election, for the same reason.

    2. When conservatives lose they blame the mailman.

      "It's a poor workman who blames his tools "

    3. Sometimes the tools are just worn out.

    4. Massive mail-in balloting in Democrat-controlled cities tool is brand-new.

    5. What is the point of gaining “wasted votes” as Somerby calls them?

    6. All voting is massive voting.

  4. I'm considering voting for Biden but I'm not sure if he's promoting enough death of people with border aggression and violence against Palestinians. He'll get my vote when he bites the head off a living baby kangaroo.

    1. Not a kangaroo. A Palestinian baby.

    2. Biden is a neo-con war-hawk, who wants the USA to rule the world, while at the same time being a Commie Marxist, who wants to hand the USA to China and Iran.
      I am not a crank.

    3. Whoever would buy most Hunter's painting. Sometimes the neocons do, and sometimes the commies.

    4. Hunter Biden is giving the media the bi-partisanship they crave, and it still isn't enough for them.

    5. You must have loved all those extra deaths Trump caused by bungling the covid response.

    6. The extra covid deaths hit the red tribe more than the blue tribe.

    7. As an undecided voter I have to ask which candidate really wants to worship death and which one is just doing it for an election year

    8. When you hear phrases about worshipping death, that is a clue you are hearing propaganda, whether it is about Palestine or fentanyl at the border. Find a source you trust, one that isn’t using inflammatory language (Somerby doesn’t qualify) or emotion to manipulate you.

    9. We in the pro death lobby have interest in bipartisan efforts to reduce lifespans and hope in the future. There is no need for propaganda beyond what's being done.

    10. I know you think this is funny but it is mostly annoying.

  5. Biden will win in a landslide. I fully expect Republican voters, who are economically anxious, and not at all just a shit pile of bigots (hat tip mainstream media), to vote for Biden due to the his handling of inflation, and his successful economic stewardship.

  6. You’re doing well and looking good.

  7. Don’t fly on a Max.

  8. The way Bob has written about the border of
    late should make him a little embarrassed about what the Republicans are now trying to pull.
    So he wants to talk about polls.
    Actually poll talk is a major problem with our campaign coverage. But they seem of great interest to Bob.
    And why do the people who phone into CSpan merit consideration buy not those who leave comments on Kevin Drumm’s blog?

    1. Or those who comment on Bob’s own blog?

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