The rise of the stupid from the children at Fox!


Also, the rise in border encounters: Without any question, it was a major news story. 

Under the following headline, the news report appears on the front page of this morning's New York Times:

Jury Orders Trump to Pay Carroll $83.3 Million After Years of Insults

It was a major news event—but why was the former president required to pay so much? 

Last evening, on Jesse Watters Primetime, the silliest and dullest boy ever given a primetime "news" show discussed the matter with Alexis McAdams, a "Fox News correspondent."

She isn't even a "legal analyst." But let's set that aside.

Why was the former president required to pay so much? As you can see by clicking this link, the dullest child ever seen on a "cable news" summed it up in the manner shown:

MCADAMS (1/26/24): I think $83 million was surprising to people you know, at home, we're watching, because we heard about 10 million, 12 million, and then you hear 83 was kind of a shock.

WATTERS: Well Alexis, so he said, "She's not my type," and that's $83 million?

MCADAMS: They want him to just not talk about this case...

Briefly, McAdams continued from there, failing to note how thoroughly stupid that highlighted comment was.

This is the degree of the stupid which is now ascendant on the rapidly evolving Fox. It stands apart from the earlier regime of partisan bombast associated with earlier primetime hosts, one or two of whom remain as primetime hosts.

The new regime is devoted to low-grade "comedy" and to the type of sheer stupidity put on display in that highlighted comment. Last evening, so it went as millions of viewers saw the large jury verdict explained.

The meltdown in American discourse has been underway for decades. In our view, the meltdown started within the mainstream press corps more than within the realm of Fox.

Rush Limbaugh was a major player at the time in question. That said, and once again in our view, the meltdown was fully underway before Fox even went on the air.

In our view, the meltdown is adopting a new form as Fox becomes more and more a low-grade comedy channel, with the preferred propaganda packaged under the guise of low-grade humor by an array of dull-witted boys.

More on that devolution to come. For today, we'll offer a pair of challenges:

Yesterday, the Border Patrol released its December figures. Headline included, Kevin Drum reports the findings here:

Illegal immigration skyrockets in December

It is January 26 and the Border Patrol finally released its official apprehension figures for December. This is the latest it's ever been. Is it a traditional Friday night news dump for bad news?

Maybe! Because it was definitely bad news. As expected, CBP reported a whopping total of 302,000 encounters on the southern border:


As usual, about 50,000 of these were asylum seekers who made appointments via the mobile phone app, while the rest were apprehended trying to cross the border illegally.

Possible clarification! In its own report on this topic, ABC News uses the term "arrests" in place of the Border Patrol's preferred term, "encounters." 

For the record, those 50,000 asylum seekers are operating legally. The other 252,000 were arrested while trying to enter the country illegally—that is to say, without authorization.

We invite you to look at the graphic Kevin includes in his report. As you will see, the numbers of encounters / arrests has, in fact, skyrocketed since early 2020. As far as we know, the numbers reflect the numbers of people who were apprehended, not the number who may have gotten away.

This topic is bombarded around the clock on the Fox News Channel. In our view, there's no obvious reason why it shouldn't be.

That said, the topic has largely been ignored on our own infallible blue tribe channel. Yesterday, that channel discussed the Trump verdict on and on into the night, with little attention paid to events involving the southern border.

Today, we issue that pair of challenges:

Yesterday afternoon, the five-member panel on The Five discussed the border first. To see how dumb and how stupid such discussions can get, we advise you to start by clicking here.

(You'll be accessing the Internet Archive's video of the pseudo-discussion.) 

Yesterday, Harold Ford sat in the "liberal" seat on the panel, the one Democrat out of five. As he finally attempts to discuss the possible pending border deal, the angry interruptions start, along with the endlessly fractured logic.

No one has actually seen the terms of the possible border deal. Such niceties rarely stop the conduct of Fox pseudo-star "Judge Jeanine" Pirro, who interrupted Ford persistently.

As you can see, Ford was taking a line which was very friendly to the standard red tribe assessment of this matter. (We're not saying he was wrong to do so.)

That said, nothing is good enough on Fox except the level of sheer stupidity which was brought to the discussion you'll watch—brought there by Watters once again, and of course by his angrier sidekick, Serra High's Greg Gutfeld.

(Watters and Gutfeld are regulars on The Five. They tend to dominate the program's discussions through the silly interjections which emerge from their naughty-boy, dull-witted bromance.)

This is what millions of people are now offered as the state of reliable broadcast journalism. In our view, the steady meltdown which has led to this situation started at least three decades ago. But if you choose to click that link, you'll be looking at the new generation of the stupid as it's currently being performed on Fox.

Yesterday afternoon and evening, our own tribe's stars went on and on about how much money Trump was assessed. It was a major news event. That said:

Until very recently, our blue team has rarely made any attempt to tackle the rather potent border issue—an issue which could send Donald J. Trump back to the White House next year.

Now for your final challenge:

If you want to click around a bit, you'll be able to see a short clip of President Biden speaking at a Wisconsin brewery on Thursday of this week.

In that very short clip, the president lapsed into a bit of speech described as "his best gibberish yet." We know of no reason to think that the video clip has been doctored.

The clip went viral in Red America. In Blue America, this apparently peculiar moment simply didn't occur.

Viewers of Fox see such clips all the time. On blue tribe channels, we don't. You can read the Fox News report, and see the ten-second clip in question, simply by clicking this link. We don't know what the odd moment might mean, or if it means anything at all.

We don't know if President Biden is having problems which could affect his ability to campaign on behalf of his accomplishments. We very much hope that isn't the case, but we have real concerns.

We don't have the slightest idea who will win November's election. For all we know, former president Trump could sign a federal plea deal tomorrow in which, as part of the deal, he agrees not to run for office ever again.

We don't know what's going to happen. We don't know where the outcome will lead, whatever that outcome might be.

We do know this:

The sheer stupidity being peddled on Fox is a cancer on the nation. In our view, the New York Times has played a significant role in this overall rolling devolution, dating back at least three decades. 

As a possible matter of professional courtesy, the New York Times doesn't discuss the big stupid being dispensed every evening on Fox.  Can a large modern nation expect to function in the face of such cultural arrangements? We don't think the answer is obvious.

It's much too late to stop the flow. At this site, we expect to have a great deal more throughout the year about the rise of red tribe dumb and about our current blue avoidance.

In fairness, the silly children at Fox are just extremely dumb. They're silly and childish and very low-grade, and they're being well paid.

So it goes with the silly children at Fox. What's our tribe's excuse for our failure to serve, for our ongoing refusal to engage?


  1. Melanie Safka has died.

  2. And that’s on top of another billion dollars to clean up the Great Lakes, which provide drinking water to 20 million people — (applause) — 20 million people. And, by the way, it used to make the beer brewed here — (laughs) — it is used to make the brewed beer here in this refine- — oh, Earth Rider, thanks for the Great Lakes. I wondered why (inaudible) — (laughter).

    1. Somerby has “real concerns” yet Biden made a joke that the audience clearly understood.

      There is no new immigration crisis, there was no Biden gaffe (Trump makes daily gaffes that Somerby ignores), it’s just more of Somerby putting his right wing thumb on the scale.

    2. Thank you for posting this. The link Somerby provided isn't working now. Was it working before?

    3. It was, although the video is slow to load.

  3. Earth Rider is the name of the refinery.

  4. When Rip Van Somerby went to sleep in Fox Woods around 2000 it was not clear he would ever awaken, but we can be a little thankful that he did. Is Fox worse than it used to be? Perhaps. Hannidy used to have Combs, there was a media review show where Fox itself could be criticized. They hadn’t tried yet to help a fascistic right winger throw a Presidential Election.
    Trump, it should be recalled, brought some of Clinton’s highly dubious accusers to sit in the gallery at the Debates with Hillary Clinton. Quite Hypocritical, but it was feminists who more or less forced HC to run remaining silent about the sleazy accusations against her Husband. Juanita Broaddrick now taunts and insults women who have come forward against Trump.
    MSNBC often talks about the boarder issue. Bob’s accusation is false and I’m afraid he probably knows it. Now that Republicans are blocking reform on Trump’s orders, this is even more sad.

  5. I don't watch TV news, so I will accept Bob's judgment that FoxNews is terrible. However, IMO what's even worse is other stations' downplaying the horde of illegal immigrants. The illegal immigrants are the biggest story right now IMO. Every news broadcast should begin with videos of the crowds of illegal immigrants and the problems they cause.

    Unfortunately, our media is more or less controlled by the left. When Trump was President, the media spent a lot of time showing children in cages. But now that a Democrat is President, the media don't spend much time showing the even worse immigrant-related problems that exist today.

    One consequence of this media bias is that Biden will probably be re-elected. Another consequence is that there is not enough public awareness to force the government to fix the problem.

    1. You could help. Make aliyah.

    2. Yeah. It would be even worse if it were true.

    3. The old man turns on The Five and I overhear it while rustling up some grub.

      It interesting that Bob thinks Watters and Gutfeld have a bromance relationship. We’ve always commented that they are rivals and are like cats and dogs.

    4. “I don't watch TV news” is immediately followed by “what's even worse is other stations' downplaying…”.

      The inconsistency and incoherency is striking and matches the ignorance of the fact that the Biden admin has largely continued the exact same border/immigration policies that the Trump admin operated under (which itself was essentially no different then previous admins). The few changes the Biden admin made were to mildly reduce the inhumanity of some of Trump’s fascistic policies, these changes had little impact on the number of immigrants.

      The reality is that there is no “border crisis” other than that immigrants have to deal with an unwieldy bureaucracy. Immigrants are not poisoning our blood, as Trump has ordered his minions to think; through the last 200 years or so, they have largely enhanced our country (if one discounts the destruction of the indigenous people).

      The immigration issue is largely manufactured, it’s a wedge issue pushed by Republicans to fearmonger and motivate their voters.


    5. The fact that liberals are unable to see any difference between immigrants and criminal border crossers is, ugh, is a cancer on the nation.

    6. 1:39 interested to review your explanation of any meaningful difference, to the degree that it avoids misleading misinformation.

    7. There's this thing, it's called 'common sense'.

      But never mind, in moonbats it's been surgically removed and replaced by "misleading misinformation".

    8. Ha, fair enough! I will accept your explanation, noting it’s lack of a credible or coherent counterpoint, for what it is.

      For sure, I’ve schedule an MRI to scan for surgically removed common sense. Have you considered doing standup?

    9. Counterpoint to what point?

    10. You suggested you had a counterpoint to the earlier comment, but did not express one other than to hint at it, and then when called on it, you resorted to a “joke”.

      It’s currently still a relatively free country, more power to you, Jokeboy.

    11. Here's what I said:
      The fact that liberals are unable to see any difference between immigrants and criminal border crossers is, ugh, is a cancer on the nation.

      What "earlier comment" are you talking about? What did I "suggest"?

    12. True, it could be you said it in a vacuum, but it appears right after a comment that you seem to be arguing with.

      Either way, you failed to offer a credible or coherent point, whether it was a counterpoint or not.

      Maybe you are joshing, in which case you’re nearly a good laugh, almost a joker (with your head down in the pig bin).


    13. I feel that
      "The fact that liberals are unable to see any difference between immigrants and criminal border crossers is, ugh, is a cancer on the nation."
      is a perfectly coherent point. It's concise, it's terse. It's very good. I'm proud of it.

      What is that you find incoherent about it? And if you read your own contributions to this thread, might it be that in fact it's you who is incoherent and pointless?

    14. Your point is not as you describe, it’s a snark offered without evidence or explanation.

      When asked for clarification or substantiation, you then offered a hilarious joke.

      Snark pride won’t get you far in discourse, Jokeboy.


    15. That's not a snark, it's a factual observation.

      And I am not planning to get "far in discourse", whatever that means. I'm just making an observation.

    16. It’s not a fact. Facts have to be established, and the burden is on you.

      Your comment establishes no fact, it’s just a snark.

      Your honesty in lacking reading comprehension is admirable, though.

    17. It is a fact. Established by common sense. Which, unfortunately, was surgically removed from you.

      But I repeat myself.

    18. "The immigration issue is largely manufactured" Now there's a winning campaign message! ;)

    19. Wasn't Hillary Clinton calling Trump's border policy abhorrent? Wasn't Rachel going down there and crying on camera about how it was treating children?

      Was that manufactured? Yes it was! After all it was the exact same border/immigration policies as other administrations. Right?

    20. No, it wasn't manufactured and that is not the stuff Biden is doing similarly to Trump. You are describing the stuff forbidden the by the courts after Democrats brought lawsuits. And no, Hillary and Rachel would never wear a coat to visit the border that says "I don't really care, do you" on its back.

      I don't think that stopping the practice of splitting up families (then not reuniting them) is "mildly reducing inhumanity". I think it matters a whole lot to the people involved. Unlike Trump, Biden has also been working with the countries whose turmoil has caused the influx of migrants. Sparing people the need to leave is also a form of humanity.

    21. But it was "the exact same border/immigration policies". No?

    22. It's hard to keep all the DNC propaganda straight as the story changes 180 degrees depending on what needs to be spun.

    23. -Day 1 of the Biden Administration
      -Border wall immediately defunded
      -Emergency Declaration withdrawn
      -Deportation of illegal aliens paused
      -Remain In Mexico policy terminated

      Opening up the border was literally one of their top priorities starting from Day 1.

    24. It's hilarious the Right replied to BLM with "All Lives Matter", and refugees thought they were serious.
      Good times.
      Couldn't have happened to a better bunch of bigots.

    25. So Biden largely continued the exact same border policies that Trump did.

      And some of these policies are fascist.

      And the Biden administration made changes to mildly reduced "some" of these fascist policies.

      Except there is no border crisis. It's manufactured.

      But Biden largely continued the "exact same" semi-fascist policies that Trump did ... despite there not being any crisis at all.

      And all Republicans are bigots.

      Is this the best you idiots can do?


    26. Those are DNC talking points. So, yes, that's the best (and only) they idiots can do.

    27. The bill is coming due for bullshitting people as they have like this for so long. And it is not going to be pretty.


    28. The bill will hopefully come due, but we don't know how and when. This can still go on, for decades. Powerful institutions don't just surrender.

  6. Democrats agree with Mitch McConnell. The deal on the border is less important than sending scores of billions more into a black hole by way of war-grifter-infested Ukraine.

    1. What does the border deal say? Have its contents been made public? Why does the Administration need a deal to do their routine job of enforcing immigration law?

    2. The Border deal is still being negotiated so its contents are not public. If I understand it correctly, the Administration needs a deal to do their routine job of enforcing immigration law because they don't control financing for the war in Ukraine and the people that do are insisting the border is a bigger issue for Americans than that war and that the Administration's job of enforcing immigration law has been a failure.

    3. The Biden admin enforcement of immigration law is essentially no different than any previous administration, including Trump’s.

      The “border deal” is proposed legislation from a far right Republican which the Biden admin then agreed to, giving the Republicans everything they wanted (basically it just throws more money at the issue); however, Trump is nervous that this will interfere with his scheme of running on a tactic of scaring Americans of an unruly horde of landscapers and nannies, so he ordered the Republicans to quash their own bill.

      This is a naked display of wanting power over progress.

      The Republicans have turned against their own bill so that Biden does not get “a win”. It’s almost hilarious, and it’s certainly indicative of Republicans lacking any integrity.

      The kind of integrity that leads one to reasonably defend the world against one of the worst despotic and fascistic leaders today.

    4. @1:27 wrote, "The Border deal is still being negotiated so its contents are not public."
      This is accurate. The process of keeping negotiations secret until agreement is reached has become normal.

      Am I alone in being appalled by this process? We live in a democracy. IMO citizen input in lawmaking should be welcomed.

    5. And yet you will vote for a candidate who had a dementia test without any information of what prompted it four years ago.

    6. It is only somewhat accurate, the proposal was leaked to the public a couple of weeks ago.

      It is vital that negotiations involve some secrecy to avoid the very thing that has happened, an outside interloper that sways negotiations based on their own personal agenda, typically at the expense of the general public.

      There is nothing new about this, for example, see how our constitution was written.

      We live in a representative democracy; furthermore, right wingers, of which Republicans are a subset, are increasingly disillusioned with the concept of democracy as interferes with their preference for hierarchy and dominance.


    7. That's right, secretive wheeling-dealing among the bosses is exactly what democracy is. Every one of us left-wingers knows it.

    8. 2:54 your notion is misguided as 2:44 explained. Yes that is how representative democracy works, and no, the left does not oppose that specific circumstance.

    9. My notion is guided by 2:44.

    10. Negotiations between factions in congress, and coordination/cooperation with the president on legislation is the business of congress. Sometimes it is entirely secret (as when matters of national security are discussed by those with security clearances). This isn't bad. It is work as usual. The public transparency is attained through oversight and reporting requirements, and public voting, but the sausage is made outside the public eye. And that is not a bad or wrong or corrupt thing. Trying to make business as usual appear nefarious is an attack on confidence in our institutions. Republicans and Democrats both serve on committees to keep each other honest. The internal workings of caucuses can and are reported back to constituents by their elected representatives (any of them can do it). Pretending compromise is some dark manipulation of the process shows how far some will go to undermine democracy. References to "bosses" makes this comment sound childishly ridiculous. The only one even close to being a boss these days is Trump, who operates like a mafia boss, giving orders to Republican followers in congress. And that IS why people are complaining that Republican have corrupted democracy. But Trump doesn't take orders from any funders or deep money Republicans or billionaires. He does what he wants and they trust that he will help them as he follows his own self-interest (which is the only consideration he responds to).

    11. David apparently slept through his civics classes in school. He asks questions that are rudimentary and apply to all legislation. See this:,vid:OgVKvqTItto,st:0

      If there are way more people attempting to cross the border, plus TX is interfering with border enforcement efforcement in an obvious stunt, why wouldn't Biden need more money to deal with those problems? Money comes from Congress. Why wouldn't David understand this?


    12. That's exactly what I said. Secretive wheeling-dealing among the bosses (okay: 'politicians'?) is exactly what democracy is. Every one of us left-wingers knows it. We are comrades, you and I.

    13. Ha! You are denying your own sarcasm. Well, I’ll be!

      The only people you are comrades with are trolls.

    14. Exactly. You're my comrade.

    15. I have not consented to being your comrade, I find your aggressive assumptions intimidating.

    16. You sound like a broken record, comrade.

    17. 3:59 when saying it was "giving the Republicans everything they wanted" you have to ask yourself 'which Republicans?'.

    18. We are reading these days that Matt Gaetz got rid of Kevin McCarthy for personal reasons, not political ones. McCarthy was pursuing the ethics charges against Gaetz (as Congress is now pursuing again). Not everything that happens is Republican or Democratic politics, but some of it is spiteful people going after their enemies, especially with Trump involved. Does anyone really believe that Lauren Boebert is a principled Republican, or that Marjorie Taylor Greene isn't out for glory as she snuggles up to the people she thinks can help her?


  7. "The sheer stupidity being peddled on Fox is a cancer on the nation."

    Wow. How does it rate, compared to "vermin"?
    Personally, I feel "cancer" is stronger.

    1. Cancerous vermin.

    2. It’s lazy writing, to be sure, but comparing people to vermin (particularly considering the historical context), is different than comparing a concept to cancer. Furthermore, the former can not be credibly demonstrated - it is mere bigotry, whereas for the latter, the harm from sheer stupidity being peddled is easily demonstrated.

      These are distinct notions with a clear difference.

  8. “This topic is bombarded around the clock on the Fox News Channel. In our view, there's no obvious reason why it shouldn't be.”

    So, a media critic can’t see a reason why a news org shouldn’t bombard their viewers with a story.

    On the other hand, it’s Trump trump Trump jail on another channel. Bad, bad, bad.

  9. Jesse Jane has died.

    Who? One may ask.

    She was a porn star from Texas that lived in Oklahoma, where she died from an apparent drug overdose, along with her boyfriend who apparently worked at a local bar.

    She also appeared in an Adam Sandler movie, and dated Kid Rock.

    Texas, Oklahoma, porn, OD, Adam Sandler, Kid Rock, yup there’s *a* version of America, an ugly right wing version. Let’s avoid electing Trump so we can better avoid this sad and tragic aspect of America.

    1. That sounds more like a drag queen name than a porn star name, given the gender switch. Are you sure she was a she?

    2. She was a female from birth and remained so until her death.

    3. As if Kid Rock would date a drag queen or a trans.

    4. Can anyone explain how the last sentence is not a complete non sequitur?

    5. Kid Rock is famous so he can date whoever he wants. Maybe he gets bored?

    6. I hear Kid Rock is dating Dylan Mulvaney on the sly.

  10. The jury award to Carroll occurred on Friday and that is when it was announced. That makes it a current event. The board crossings were reported monthly and have been going on ever since the border patrol has been ordered to stop people crossing without authority. That makes it an going situation or a crisis or a policy issue, but it is not a singular event and it is not particularly new and it has no time urgency demanding immediate reporting. If Trump or Biden had made a specific statement about the border on Friday, or if there had been a vote in congress, then it would become a current event that might displace talk of Trump's liability and jury award. But that isn't the situation.

    So that makes this an attempt by Somerby to (1) divert attention from the judgment against Trump, and (2) argue that the border is more important than a rapist presidential candidate who defamed a woman and couldn't stop doing it, and (3) pretend that liberals don't care about the border but only want to persecute Trump (a right wing talking point). Somerby throws in the pretense that the single supposed Democrat, Harold Ford is typical of liberals, was given a fair chance to discuss the topic (note the many interruptions, which I suspect is a euphemism for talking over him, because that is what Republicans do on TV). Then Somerby implies that this guy is ineffective because Democrats are defective, and not because there is no fair moderation of the panel itself. And yes, this is unfair but Somerby blames the blue tribe (liberals) not Fox for that.

    Nowhere does Somerby mention that Biden's attempt to negotiate new border control legislation is being sabotaged by Trump, who is forbidding Republicans to support a compromise because Trump wants to run on the border issue. THAT is what Democrats have been talking about with respect to the border.

    What kind of presidential candidate sabotages efforts to solve the issue the right is supposedly most concerned about? That's what Somerby should be mentioning, if he were any kind of liberal (or any kind of lefty at all).

    1. That about covers it, nicely done.

  11. Meanwhile, Abbott has called for other red states to send him troops to help defend Texas barbed wire against efforts of the federal border patrol to tear it down (so that it can do its job of apprehending unauthorized immigrants). The TX governor, egged on by Trump, is caling for violence against the border patrol if it interferes with the razor wire (as the Supreme Court has authorized it to do, supporting the right of the border patrol and the federal government to control the nation's borders).

    Calling for violence by State troops against Federal troops is a call for civil war, Americans fighting other Americans. If that occurs, this will be Trump's second incitement to insurrection.

    We recently watched as Trump was unable to stop himself from defaming a woman he raped. Now we watch again as he is apparently unable to stop himself from proving violence, calling for his supporters to attack government workers in carrying out their duties, just as he did on 1/6. Clearly Trump is a very very slow learner.

    Crickets from Somerby about any of this. I expect that tomorrow, Somerby will write his essay defending Trump's defamation of E. Jean Carroll and agreeing that Trump shouldn't have to pay her, because she is clearly a grifter (like Stormy Daniels and other women he has abused in various ways). How long before Melania's name is added to Trump's hate list and Somerby's list of con women?

    1. The icy way Melania’s fake smile turns into a sneer when Trump looks away from her is scary af.

    2. If you keep watching, you may see the same thing happening on the faces of the men around Trump.

  12. Quaker in a BasementJanuary 27, 2024 at 5:57 PM

    "Until very recently, our blue team has rarely made any attempt to tackle the rather potent border issue"

    Oh, for Pete's sake.

    President Obama got an immigration reform bill through the Senate in 2013--with bipartisan support. The House, under GOP control with Speaker John Boehner, did nothing.

    Harry Reid pushed immigratio reform in 2007 in an allience with GOP Senators and then-president George Bush. The bill died without a vote.

    Edward Kennedy and John McCain teamed up to push for immigration reform in 2005. Their bill never got a vote.

    I suppose these efforts could resonably be described as "rare" efforts, but in my view, that constructions significantly obscures the facts.

  13. "...the New York Times doesn't discuss the big stupid being dispensed every evening on Fox."

    I'm curious what Our Host imagines this would look like. How could the Times discuss Fox's stupidity without seeming unduly partisan or condescending to conservatives?

    1. It's not just the Times and Fox. IMO the media don't criticize other media as much as they should. It's like they're protecting each other, because each organ knows it's flawed and could be harshly criticized.

    2. "How could the Times discuss Fox's stupidity without seeming unduly partisan or condescending to conservatives?" By being accurate and unbiased and then courageous in standing up to whatever pushback they may receive.

    3. The function of a newspaper is to report the news. The function of a media critic is to criticize the media. Somerby never seems to get this straight.
