PROBLEMS: The regulars return to two programs on Fox!


You can't run a nation on this: In fairness, let's be fair.

Last week's broadcasts of The Five involved some holiday casting. As of yesterday afternoon, several regulars had returned to the cast. 

According to TV Newser, The Five was the most watched surviving program in all of cable news last year. The only program with higher ratings was the long-departed madness from Tucker Carlson.

That leaves The Five at the top of the pile. During yesterday afternoon's airing, these were the program's players:

Conservative players:
Jesse Watters (initial moderator)
Greg Gutfeld
Dana Perino 
Jeanine Pirro
Liberal players:
Jessica Tarlov

As always, the program featured its trademark four-to-one partisan ratio. Remarkably, that earns Fox a gold medal in "viewpoint diversity" in present-day "cable news!" 

In fairness, let's be fair! Gutfeld was the only comedian in yesterday's 5 p.m. lineup. At 10 p.m. Eastern, he was back on the air as the host of his eponymous nightly program, Gutfeld! 

Again according to TVNewser, Gutfeld! boasts a larger viewership that any nightly program on CNN or MSNBC. These were the dramatis personae during last evening's prime-time hour:

Comedian players:
Greg Gutfeld (moderator)
Joe Machi 
Jim Norton
Kat Timpf
Non-comedian players:

There was that four-to-one ration again! This time, the four comedians were balanced off by the one former VJ.

(Tyrus, the former professional wrestling champion, appeared on neither of yesterday's programs. That said, Fox began airing a promotional ad for Nuff Said, the former wrestler's upcoming stand-up comedy special.)

We direct your attention to a fascinating aspect of that 10 p.m. lineup at Gutfeld! At this particular "cable news" channel, corporate executives have decided that it makes sense to turn a nightly, prime-time cable news hour over to "discussions" of "news topics" in which almost all the panelists are (at best) mid-level stand-up comedians.

The types of conversations which result are perhaps a bit predictable. Beyond that, a great deal of BLEEPing occurs as these giants of erudition discuss the events of the day. 

There may be less analytical prowess. Let's return to yesterday's edition of The Five:

In fairness, the panelists discussed a pair of actual news topics during the program's first half hour. To watch the entire broadcast, you can start by clicking here.

In the program's initial segment, the panelists focused on the resignation of Claudine Gay as president of Harvard. Nuff said!

In the program's second segment, the focus was on certain aspects of immigration policy and urban crime. Serving as moderator, Gutfeld introduced this segment in the manner shown:

GUTFELD (1/3/24): It's the oldest story in the book. Liberal policies do a number on Democrat-run cities, sowing chaos, crime and poop-infested streets...

So began the panel's discussion of the chaos, and the crime, in the poop-infested streets.

As he proceeded, Gutfeld played tape of two Democratic mayors issuing cries of alarm concerning these serious topics. He then threw to Watters, who offered this first attempt at analysis, though only after he and Gutfeld had swapped a few "hair product" jokes:

WATTERS: I think what happened was—is that the Trump Derangement Syndrome, combined with the George Floyd hysteria, triggered all of these anxious Democrats who already had Daddy issues, who were already incredibly insecure, to become radical racial revolutionaries...

An unspecified group of anxious Democrats had "already had Daddy issues," the fatuous flyweight said. Let it be noted that Watters is now host of the Fox News Channel's increasingly smarmy 8 p.m. program, a heavily tabloid show.

In fairness, let's be fair! It can at least be said that those first two segments dealt with recognizable "news topics." That said, the second segment ended at 5:26 p.m., and the panelists' patience may have been flagging. 

During the second half of the program, they addressed a trio of topics which were perhaps a bit more entertaining:

Should women be allowed to box professionally against men? 

What would be the best ways to rebrand Mickey Mouse in horror or action moves?

These were two of the topics these flyweights sifted as their attention spans waned.

That said, the middle segment on these three focused on President Biden and his current sunburn. Can you run a large modern nation on Stupid? The panelists were plainly willing to try, producing a conversation which generated such chyrons as these:





We're trying to convey the general sense of the segment without being forced to transcribe it. Meanwhile, Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It's all dead-end comedy now!

Can you run a large modern nation on flat-out Partisan Stupid? More and more, it has become abundantly clear that one channel is willing to try.

Increasingly, Fox News is replacing the culture of partisan bombast with the culture of partisan open-mike night. This large change in corporate culture has largely occurred without notice. 

Tomorrow, we'll return to the discussion from the December 27 edition of The Five—the discussion we cited in yesterday's report. Simply put, the sheer stupidity of the panelists' conduct that day defines an existential problem for our large, badly floundering, red and blue tribal nation.

For the record, we're focusing on red tribe cable this week—but is blue tribe cable that much better, or is it simply different? Next week, we'll switch our color wheel over to the blue.

Can you run a large nation on Too Elite and Too Cool For School? As we watch our blue tribe flounder and flail, we suspect that the answer is coming into view.

Tomorrow: The professional wrestler's tale


  1. "You can't run a nation on this: In fairness, let's be fair."

    In fairness, the Five are not running the nation. Republicans are not running the nation either. They aren't even running the House.

    In fairness, I don't think Tucker Carlson has been gone long enough to call him "long-departed" (April 24, 2023). Bill O'Reilly is long-departed.

    Why is anyone talking about this?

    1. On the other hand, if you alternate being taking some statements too literally and taking other statements as being secretly coded to be the exact opposite of what they are saying, you can attribute whatever you want to the author. And thus, the prime ingredient in a nice word salad is prepped.

    2. "Why is anyone talking about this?"
      It's to distract you from the fact that the Modern Conservative Movement is plagiarizing Karl Marx.

    3. @12:25 -- Dogface, is that you?

      Do you think The Five are running the nation?

    4. 12:25 was not me. I have nothing to add to this gem:

      "if you alternate being taking some statements too literally and taking other statements as being secretly coded to be the exact opposite of what they are saying, you can attribute whatever you want to the author"

    5. For years they’ve been demanding that Bob focus on Fox News and now that he’s critiquing Fox, they’re still complaining.

    6. Criticizing Fox News for having mediocre comedians on its comedy programs is not what any of us had in mind. Will Somerby call out the lies, the disinformation, the fealty to Trump (even now), the relentless hammering of right wing memes, the failure to report on salient news that is unfavorable to the right (he does touch on this one lightly, every once in a while before telling us that Fox has better facts than MSNBC), the crazy conspiracy theories, the ugly defamation of the left, and so on?

      This isn't criticism. It is professional envy.

    7. It’s almost as if not criticizing Fox wasn’t the only objection commenters have to Somerby. Dang.

    8. Ancient Greek society wasn't run by playwrights but their slander of Socrates got him killed all the same

    9. Anonymouse7:14pm, at various times Bob has done all that you mention and then some.

    10. Anonymouse7:45pm, yes, we’re all aware of that not--saying-precisely-what-you-want-when-you-want-it thing.

  2. Why does Somerby persist in considering Gutfield a news show when it is at best political comedy? Yes, there is a line being blurred, but when the participants are comedians and they tell jokes (or attempted jokes), this is not a news show.

    No matter how smart or how stupid Gutfield is, he is not running our nation (or any nation). He is providing entertainment on an obviously conservative cable channel. Representing him as something different is not "media criticism" or any kind of criticism, it is an example of Somerby being stupid, obstinately stupid given that he has himself acknowledged that Gutfield is a comedian, as are the show's other participants (excluding the VJ).

  3. "Increasingly, Fox News is replacing the culture of partisan bombast with the culture of partisan open-mike night."

    The four partisan participants on The View are not comedians. They are continuing the bombast, but why does Somerby ignore Jesse Watters, who took over for Tucker Carlson and is regularly trying to out-Carlson Carlson? That is bombast. There is only one show that was replaced by comedians and that is obviously to compete with Stephen Colbert whose show timeslot overlaps Gutfield's.

  4. "For the record, we're focusing on red tribe cable this week—but is blue tribe cable that much better, or is it simply different?"

    Absolutely yes, it surely is different and definitely better. There is no comparison. For one thing, Laurence O'Donnell who comes on at 10 pm (opposite Gutfield) is a real journalist and not a comedian, who discusses serious news topics instead of making jokes.

    Why is Somerby trying to pretend that MSNBC or CNN are not real news channels simply because Fox is not? There is no logic to that.

  5. Start intelligent comments here


  6. "all of these anxious Democrats who already had Daddy issues"

    Hey, this appears to be exactly your favorite kind of analysis, Bob. Right up there with your 'child abandoned by the mother', or whatever the hell that was.

    Aren't you happy that your soulmates work for Fox?

  7. Ok, here

  8. Rick Perlstein describes authoritarian Republicans, ineffectual Democrats, and clueless media:

    1. Looks like a good article but I'm not interested in registering just to read it.

    2. That’s a shame because this article addresses how the media fails to discuss issues at the heart of our left-right divide much better than Somerby and clarifies the disputes in these comments. Everyone should read it, especially Somerby.

    3. you don't have to register. when that message pops up you can just click the X to close it and continue reading.

    4. Perlstein thinks we should all be afraid because the media has a built in a structural bias toward Trump and he will have shoplifters killed if he is reelected.

      Seriously. That is what he wrote.

    5. "and he will have shoplifters killed if he is reelected."
      Even the white ones?

  9. Trump received at least $7,800,000 from foreign governments while he was president.

    1. You mean Trump companies did. It's an important distinction because otherwise it would be obviously and unambigiously illegal.

      Having said that, it's disgusting and should be illegal.

    2. It is illegal. It is why Trump should have divested and put his holdings into a blind trust, as other Presidents and cabinet officers have done. It is why he needed to disclose his holdings. That whole purchase and now sale of the Washington DC hotel, which served as a way of funneling money to Trump by members of foreign delegations and by right wing politicians, was absurd.

      The problem is not that these things aren't illegal but that there has not been the will to pursue them. Look at the money Trump funneled from his inauguration committee! Pretending there is ambiguity about this has let Trump off the hook. I suppose we are going to have to settle for prosecution of his insurrection and classified document theft and let the rest slide, but don't fool yourself that any of that was legal.

  10. Thanks to the 1st Amendment, we Americans have access to many news sources. Some on the right and some on the left are accurate, honest and thoughtful. Sadly, most Americans don't follow these sources. FoxNews is bad, CNN is bad, mainstream news is bad. TikTok and Facebook are worse. Many millions don't follow any news at all.

    Meanwhile issues become more and more complex. Also, government and other institutions actively work to misinform us and to mislead us.

    We need better news coverage, but we're getting worse news coverage. Can our democracy persist?

    1. You forgot to mention which sources on the left are good.

  11. Off Topic -- Bob harshly criticized Elise Stefanik for her questioning of the three university Presidents. I believe Bob's criticism was that Stefanik asked a hypothetical question about someone advocating genocide, but in reality nobody was advocating genocide. Upon reflection, I disagree with Bob.

    Yes, hypothetical questions can be unfair, but this one should not have been a problem. The Presidents could have simply said, "Advocating genocide would be awful.
    It would violate our standards." That would have been the end of the subject.

    The problem for these Presidents was the reality. A double standard exists on their campuses (campi?). Advocating the murder of gays or blacks or Palestinians would be unacceptable. Advocating the murder of Israeli Jews would not necessarily be unacceptable.

    IMO Stefanik deserves praise, not criticism, for forcing these witnesses to admit to this double standard.

    1. Both parties clearly see the hypocrisy in the other party, but not their own. It's about time we all grow up.


      Instead, I propose that the worst party lose.

    3. No one there advocated the murder of anybody.

    4. David - you are misrepresenting the exchange between the two - here it is for ya:

  12. Breakdown Fox News vs. PBS Elected Official Guests by Party Affiliation


    Democrat 6%
    Republican 94%


    Democrat 52%
    Republican 48%

    1. credit to @DecodingFoxNews

    2. Sounds like the government-funded PBS discriminates against Republicans. It should be defunded, then.

    3. Would it not be more interesting to see Fox News vs. MSNBC by party affiliation?

    4. Expect the split to be less extreme but not close to 50-50 like PBS. To some extent reality has a liberal bias.

    5. 7:42, Joe Fucking Scarborough, a form republican house manager of President Clinton's impeachment, has a fucking four hour block on MSNBC. I would guess at least 50% of the MSNBC program hosts and regular paid MSNBC commentators are republican. Fucking Michael Steele just got his own Saturday morning program, replacing Mehdi Hasan. Most any weekday regular program before 4 pm is virtually unwatchable.

      Right Wing hate mongers love to defend Fox NOOZ by claiming MSNBC is the same. Total nonsense.

  13. Kennedy is not a comic but does think She is funny. I would remind Bob that these shows on Fox are not only dubious comedy and quite stupid but can be very ugly, like Waters lying about the 11 year old rape victim. But, with Bill Maher doing jokes about the attack on Paul Pelosi, I guess no one notices.
    Bob seems to have been driven to Fox by
    the “legal trivia” on Trump’s 91 Counts he finds elsewhere.

  14. "Can you run a large modern nation on flat-out Partisan Stupid?"

    Has Somerby never watched what happens at a Trump rally? And yet Trump was elected and served a full term in office, running this nation.

    I guess you can run a nation on stupid as long as there are some intelligent, conscientious staff and appointees around to keep the stupid in check. Unfortunately, Trump didn't like having those people around, so he is planning to dismantle the civil service and make it so his own cabinet cannot tell him "no" on anything, when he gets back in power. That is his day-one dictatorship -- removing the adults from the table.

    Remember that when you go to the polls or write your conservative trolling one-liners here. Trump off his leash will be much worse than in 2016 and 2020, when he couldn't quite pull off his insurrection.

  15. Glynis Johns has died.

  16. The Republicans and conservatives are deplorable. Trump and the magats will be reprogrammed. I am a good, decent, well-programmed person.

    I am Corby.

    1. Can’t someone program you to troll elsewhere?

  17. I have a friend who lives in Portland and basically they do have poop infested streets. It's a symptom of the big pharma addiction machine getting people hooked on pain pills. They get constipated from them and then take laxatives to shit again.

    The opioid crisis was created by capitalist self interest running wild.

    1. Other cities let dogs poop on the streets. Is that any better?

    2. I don’t poop in the street. I am scoopy.
