Paul Tsongas was cast as the one you could trust!


Granite State recollections: By all accounts, Paul Tsongas (D-Mass.) was a good, decent person.

He'd been a (one-term) senator from Massachusetts. He had grown up in Lowell, Mass., up near the New Hampshire line.

It was Tsongas who won the 1992 New Hampshire Democratic primary—the primary in which Bill Clinton became "the Comeback Kid" by fighting back from Gennifer Flowers and Howard Stern to finish a surprising second.

In that early race, Tsongas had defeated the more charismatic Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.) along with Bill Clinton, who was universally understood to be the next big thing. Briefly, Tsongas seemed to be in the lead for the nomination.

One day, we had gone to see him speak at the workplace of our sister, who was then a New Hampshire resident. 

He seemed like a good and decent person. On another night that week, we went to see Clinton speak, literally in a New Hampshire town hall, and it was obvious, just as soon as he entered the room, that The Big Guy, The Real Thing, had arrived.

(Star power can be like that. An NBA team looks amazing and huge as they all walk off the bus.)

As the leading authority recalls, Tsongas had left the Senate in 1985, at the end of his one term, because he's been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Now, he went through various steps to demonstrate that he was ready to return to political office after having undergone a successful bone marrow transplant.

Quite literally, he put on his Speedo and he swam laps to show us voters how healthy he was. In a genuine loss to the world, he died on January 18, 1997—two days short of the end of the presidential term he had sought.

In the mainstream press, Tsongas was cast as the honest Democratic candidate that year. Clinton was cast as the slippery guy you couldn't trust.

Starting in March 1999, the mainstream press cast Bill Bradley as the honest player in the race for the 2000 Democratic nomination. Al Gore was relentlessly cast as the post-Clinton slightly cracked big liar. Right up to the Sunday before the November election, Maureen Dowd just wouldn't stop writing about his deeply troubling bald spot.

These themes came from within our blue tribe press. On the whole, they didn't come from the right-wing machine. 

Gore won every primary that year, but the never-ending war against his alleged dishonesty eventually sent Bush to the White House. In that sense, it also sent the U.S. army into Iraq for an extended stay. 

The people who savaged Gore most crazily are still active in the blue tribe press. We saw Chris Matthews, who behaved like a lunatic for two solid years with respect to the girly-man Gore, on Morning Joe just last week. For the record, GE's Jack Welch ran NBC at the time.

Everyone knew what Chris was doing. No one ever spoke up about it.  He was too big a deal at the time.

These people have failed you again and again. They're ready to do so again, and of the course they're very well paid for keeping us barefoot and well entertained.

Life is still good when you're rolling in dough! We've been failed by these people again and again and we always go right back for more.

One additional question: By now, does anyone doubt who told Maureen Dowd about Beau Biden's alleged dying words during the 2016 campaign? 

The column, which was never sourced, savaged Hillary Clinton. It then became the basis for an otherwise unsourced New York Times front-page "news report."

Very few people could have been accepted as a source for those (alleged) dying words—for the alleged words which helped send Donald J. Trump to the White House. For ourselves, we didn't know about Hunter Biden's deep addiction and crazy behavior at that point in time.

These people have failed you again and again. Under the long-standing rules of the game, what happens in the mainstream press corps stays there forever and ever. 

Under the rules of that same game, we keep coming back for more.

One more Manchester moment: We met the late Tim Russert, just one time, at the journalist / comedian comedy show during the (we think) 2004 New Hampshire primary. He buttered us up real good that night, and we don't mean that as a criticism.

Star power and charisma can be like that. As we saw first-hand on that one occasion, Tim had those traits in spades.


  1. I invented a trouser press. I am Peter Corby.

  2. Maureen Dowd and Chris Matthews aren’t blue.


  3. You sound highly impressionable, Bob. And "The Real Thing", this feeling -- for a politician?? Amazing.

    So, have you ever met Donald J Trump?

  4. "along with Bill Clinton, who was universally understood to be the next big thing."

    Somerby forgets that Bill Clinton, as a Southerner, ran from outside the party establishment and was not at all considered to be a contender until after he had won a bunch of primaries. Even after his election, he was treated as an outsider and grudgingly welcomed by the establishment. Being from the South was a huge liability that he had to overcome.

    Retrospective revision of Clinton's hard work as an inevitability due to "charisma" is unfair to both Bill and Hillary. They paid a lot of dues and worked their way up. I know Somerby has read at least the beginning of Clinton's autobiography, but it sounds like he didn't pay much attention to it. He lost the governorship due to political missteps, ran again and won. Where was that famous charisma then? Did it protect him against Troopergate or Whitewater? This gushing that Somerby periodically engages in leads him to his own memory errors.

  5. Being tall isn't "star power." That's why some NBA teams lose to other NBA teams.

    1. In a broad sense, the height of a basketball net is arbitrarily set, if it were lowered three feet, the tall players would lose their advantage.

      Somerby’s servility to those he finds charismatic is cringey, but also likely reveals a wounded soul in much pain.

    2. anon 10:27, what's cringey is you.

  6. "Quite literally, he put on his Speedo and he swam laps to show us voters how healthy he was. In a genuine loss to the world, he died on January 18, 1997—two days short of the end of the presidential term he had sought."

    I don't know how to react to this. Is Somerby suggesting that if Biden (who does not have lymphoma) says he is healthy, we shouldn't believe him, because "honest" Tsongas would have nearly completed the term he ran from (but didn't win)? Tsongas died of pneumonia. They have vaccines for that now. But yes, anyone can die unexpectedly of many things. Does that mean that no one should run for president? Or does it mean that candidates should release their health info (as Tsongas did)?

    Or is Somerby telling us that Trump perhaps has some health-related problem that he is not disclosing because he is less honest than Tsongas, so we shouldn't trust anyone who runs?

    Somerby closes with a slur on Hunter Biden, who has been sober for a long time now and never ran for president or lied to anyone about his health. Is Joe Biden forbidden to run as long as any member of his family (i.e., adult children) have health issues? That is not anyone's standard and it would have precluded Richard Nixon and JFK, both of whose elder brothers DIED young.

    Somerby's hinting and dissembling is so confusing that it is hard to tell what he is trying to imply with this essay. Life is uncertain, health can go bad, and we don't get advance info about anything. But writing a long essay about Tsongas without telling people how he died, and then hinting that Hunter is a reason not to vote for Joe Biden (the father) is about as low as Somerby can get.

    No man who claims to be a liberal would repeat the lies and smears invented to Republicans to slur Joe Biden, discredited factually and with no substance beyond the son (who survived the death of a sister and mother in a car accident) had some drug problems that he later overcame, but has now been targeted by the right-wing's ratfucking and schemes (including having dick pics spread in congress by Boebert) as a reason to oppose Biden. We can read that tripe at any right wing website.

    Somerby needs to see his doctor again. There is something seriously wrong with him as a human being.

    1. To heck with the Speedo. A real man swims naked, like LBJ.

    2. To heck with LBJ, a real man rides his bicycle naked.

    3. The real naked man rides a bike standing up.

    4. Allegedly the “charismatic” JFK raped a teen in the White House pool. Clinton caused pain in his marriage, whatever that meant, and got bjs in the White House.
      Trump has been found liable for sexual abuse, and credibly been accused of an enormous amount of sexual assaults, including raping his wife as well as a minor.

      I’ve never encountered a “real man”, but folks like Trump, JFK, and Clinton do not come close.

      We need a path to return to our natural roots, Somerby offers the opposite.

    5. Respect and kindness are natural. Cruelty and exploitation are natural, too.

    6. Behavior science has well established that cruelty and exploitation are in fact not innate human traits, but emerges from certain circumstances of our society.

      12:01 you are misinformed.

  7. "Under the rules of that same game, we keep coming back for more."

    Most of us stopped reading Maureen Dowd long before those dying words.

    Once again, Somerby is confusing the news portion of the newspaper with the opinion columnists. His long life must have been so confusing for him.

  8. "He buttered us up real good that night, and we don't mean that as a criticism."

    Somerby likes to be buttered up. He told us once that he likes Roseanne Barr because she was nice to him. He said he went on Bill O'Reilly's show on Fox News 5 times because O'Reilly was nice to him too. That's how narcissists react to flattery.

    It doesn't meant that Russert had charisma. I means that Somerby judges his politicians based on how they treat him personally. Who else does that? Could it be...Trump?

    I strongly advise against voting for a narcissist for president. That's how you get Putin dictating our foreign policy. Who is flattering Somerby these days and dictating the content of his essays here? Maybe money is not Somerby's favorite currency?

  9. Is Somerby aware that Tsongas is not running in New Hampshire today?

    1. He's celebrating the 25th year of his grudge against "the bluuuuuuu tribe."

  10. "Very few people could have been accepted as a source for those (alleged) dying words—for the alleged words which helped send Donald J. Trump to the White House. For ourselves, we didn't know about Hunter Biden's deep addiction and crazy behavior at that point in time."

    This is a sleazy, under-handed, despicable paragraph. First, no one has sourced any comment to Maureen Dowd back to Hunter Biden. Second, Dowd was a close friend of the Biden family at the time of Beau's death, and could have heard about those supposed last words from anyone, or she could have made it up. Third, Dowd did savage Clinton but she won the nomination anyway and didn't lose because of anything Dowd did or said (it was mostly Comey). Fourth, this whole paragraph (and perhaps the entire essay) was written to remind us that Biden has a son who had drug problems back before Biden became president. I respect Biden for sticking by and helping his son. Republicans apparently don't.

    The ugliness of this paragraph would be astonishing if Somerby hadn't written similarly ugly things in the past. Needless to say, this is not how liberals think about Biden. It sounds more like a Republican hit piece.

    1. The problem with Hillary is the only reason she was ever running in the first place is because she was the wife of Bill. She married into it. She wasn't that talented of a politician. Who among us can name even a single significant political accomplishment she has ever achieved?

    2. better trolling please

    3. Name one single significant political accomplishment she ever achieved. Just one.

    4. She was Senator in New York when 9/11 happened and helped her constituents recover. That’s why Wall Street endorsed her and contributed to her presidential campaign.

    5. She made the media and pundits care deeply about email protocols, servers, and how it relates to national security for the entire 2016 Presidential campaign.
      Have you done something similar?

      You could also give her credit for making the media and pundits not care a whit about email protocols, servers, and how it relates to national security by simply losing the 2016 Presidential election.

    6. "She was Senator in New York when 9/11 happened and helped her constituents recover."

      LOL. Oh my. As I said, she has no significant political accomplishments. So why was she even running?

    7. As Sec of State she started a global hunger and food security initiative. She also instituted the Hillary Doctrine which made women’s rights and violence against women national security issues. She was otherwise considered solid, aligned with Obama, highly respected in other countries, and hard working.

      Republicans, naturally, think she did nothing important. At least she didn’t sell out our country to Putin, as Trump did even before his election.

    8. She drafted and negotiated the Trans Pacific Partnership Treaty and negotiated a Hamas-Israel ceasefire in 2012.

      As a senator, she got a bill passed to get National Guard members military benefits.

    9. You guys do remember that 9/11 happened in NYC? Or are you 12 yo?

    10. Trump pulled the US out of its treaties and tried to destroy NATO. Hillary was the anti-Trump, doing good where Trump sowed destruction.

    11. Yet, she got almost 3 million more votes than the Republican nominee in the 2016 Presidential election.

      Let's face it folks. Republicans are not sending their best politicians. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing their drug addicts. They're bringing rapists, the grifters, the bigots, and some, I assume, are good people.

    12. None of those are significant accomplishments that would warrant a presidential run. National Guard members military benefits is a significant politIcal accomplishment PLEASE!!

      Don't worry about it. Just deal with it.

    13. @8:40 - What you think Trump tried to do with NATO is just your guess. What he actually DID is a FACT, He strengthened NATO, by getting member countries to come closer to fulfilling their military commitments.

    14. What accomplishments justified Trump’s run? Hillary devoted ger life to making a better world. Trump assaulted 27 women (and counting).

    15. Trump laughably misunderstood how NATO funding works, that embarrassment aside, Trump has repeatedly threatened to leave NATO and explicitly told the European Commission that the US would not defend Europe if it was attacked.

      The intent behind Trump’s rhetoric was to sow dissent and divisiveness among NATO members, clearly following Putin’s lead.

      The FACT is that Trump weakened NATO and our bonds with our allies, and that Biden has fixed that by genuinely strengthening NATO and repairing the rifts Trump created with our allies.

      That is precisely why, in response to Trump’s stance of weakening NATO at the behest of Putin, that Congress recently passed a bill that prevents a president from unilaterally exiting from NATO.

      The commenter at 11:03 is startlingly ignorant.

      Republicans are triggered by Biden’s unconditional love for his son because being a right winger is a condition, essentially a personality disorder, that arises from unresolved childhood trauma, trauma often caused by a lack of love and support from their family. This circumstance typically is cyclical and generational, ultimately borne from a society overly focused on commodification.


      Just as a reminder.


    17. Is this a reminder that liberals worship generals-admirals, and war makes them orgasmic?

      Thank you.

    18. Elections make liberals orgasmic, war makes them happy they'll win elections without extra partisan guilt under the sacred flag

    19. 7:41,
      What's your point? That liberals vote in elections, and Conservatives just cheat at them?

    20. "Elections make liberals orgasmic..."
      So that is what forced the Right to go all in on voter suppression.


    21. 6:23 so you think generals and admirals like going to war. How confused.

    22. I have no idea what generals and admirals like. Obviously most do like war, otherwise why would they choose that career? But that's not the point.

      I concluded from your comment that you love generals and admirals, and, as I observed recently, war makes liberals orgasmic.

      Otherwise, why would you care what they think? I don't. In fact, they aren't allowed to publicly participate in politics.

    23. “Obviously most do like war” not obviously, just your ignorant prejudices working here. Retired generals have all the rights of private citizens.

    24. Yes, obviously. In your case, this is idiotic liberal claptrap at work. Yes, generals love wars. They dream of wars. Wars, where they invade with overwhelming force and kick ass.

      So, why do you care about retired generals' fantasies? What about the farmers? Factory workers? Plumbers? Not interested?

    25. Wow. When did “conservatives” begin disrespecting the military? Was it when Trump denigrated dead soldiers on a trip to Europe? Or when Tucker Carlson denigrated the US military on Fox (except of course the Russian Military) ? I have no doubt that military leaders have more patriotism than a confused troll like yourself. Their statement came in 2020, and would doubtless remain unchanged after Trump has stolen highly classified documents. You have zero credibility here.

  11. Reaching back this far could cause Bob to strain himself, he might have simply gone back to around 2018 for Ken Starr's astonishing appearance on Morning Joe, where the team rather inexplicably treated Starr as a God even as he was being drafted to speak up for Trump/Barr. That Bob has never said anything about this horrible broadcast is very, very
    You probably also wont hear Bob mention what Kevin
    Drum has just recently written about the sleazy James Comer, because Bob essentially signed off on Huntergate.
    You probably also won't hear Bob mention what Liz Cheney has said about Stefanik, in that Bob crapped on the Jan 6th Committe.
    Can yoy really believe Bob will even vote for Biden?

    1. I don’t believe it. I also disbelieve he voted for Hillary.

    2. Morons like Comer are a gift to the blue tribe.

    3. Lord knows you must immediately ascribe to every partisan position, theory, thought that is voiced by a fellow party member.

      It’s also one of the Ten Commandments that bloggers must abandon their particular focus and write on every utterance that fluffs their party.

      It’s such a pity that Kevin Drum seems to have acquiesced to your mob’s recent disparaging words over a few small signs of independence on his part.

    4. " also disbelieve he voted for Hillary."

      Breaking news from deep inside an anonymous centrists gut feelings without evidence

    5. Cecelia,
      They have to walk in lockstep on everything.
      BTW, who won the 2020 Presidential election in the USA?

    6. Pres. Biden. Have said 100 x no evidence of anything else.

  12. Off topic -- Question for Democrats:

    If, for some reason, Biden is not the candidate, who would you like to see as the Democratic Presidential candidate?

    1. Gavin Newsom — you’d better pray that Biden runs instead.

    2. The Democrats should draft David in Cal.

    3. It’s unclear when, but Newsom will undoubtedly be our president at some point.

    4. Last night in his "victory speech", Donald J Chickenshit claimed he won NH in the general election every time. In reality, he lost NH both times he ran in the general. Go fuck yourself, David.


    5. It's hilarious how woke moonbats listen to his every word and get excited.

    6. I heard it on the news this morning. Go ahead, Magat, tell us why it doesn't mean anything.

    7. A little nobody called Cam Paignfinancereform

    8. Obviously it means the whole world, to woke moonbats.

    9. Hey, magatface, "woke" is yesterday's insult. Go ask Ron DeSanctimonious. Go stick your head back up loser orange chickenshit's fat ass.

    10. "moonbat"?
      I'd like to wake the right up with a baseballbat, not a moonbat.


    11. Doesn't typing this monotonous drivel interrupt your listening to Donald J Trump's every word, idiot-moonbat? Be careful, or you might miss something exciting.

    12. I’m no moonbat. I am Corby.

    13. I know, you play bridge, sniff your ass, and spam Somerby's blog.
      Good luck with that.

    14. Newsom desperately needs a new hairstyle. He looks like a televangelist.

      That’s worse than brown suits.

    15. A trump loving magat criticizing another politicians hair style!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!! That's a winner, Cec. I'm gonna bookmark that one.

    16. Quick question to those surprised by Trump's actions at/ over the E. Jean Carroll trial:

    17. The part where you’re acting like a jackass.

    18. Just because Trump said he grabs women by the p**sy, doesn't mean he meant it.
      Also, I like Trump because he tells it like it is.
      I am not a crank.

    19. Anonymouse 10:13am, yes, you are a crank, and you’d writing in all capital letters about Ron or Nikki were they winning primaries.

    20. D. Roosevelt

    21. I would never grab Cecelia. I am Corby.

  13. “ Tim had those traits in spades.”

    Something evident to none of the rest of us.

    He also failed us, did he not? Shockingly, Meeting and praising Bob Somerby does not exclude him from that charge.

    Too bad more press people didn’t butter up Somerby. If Maddow had only known…

  14. The Turkish legislature has approved Sweden’s accession to NATO.

  15. Joe Biden gave a speech during which he warned Donald Trump, “Don’t mess with uhhiminauhwemerica.”


    1. Biden is cognitive. Trump is ignitive.
