Jesse Watters breaks the news...

FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2024

...concerning the CNN smear: Did Aaron Rodgers really say that the murders at Sandy Hook were a government hoax?

Yesterday, we discussed CNN's report to that effect. Then, shortly after 8 o'clock last night, we saw the Fox News Channel's Jesse Watters turn CNN's story to dust.

Well, not exactly! This is the way it went down:

Watters excitedly started his 8 p.m. show with the thrilling possibility that Rodgers may run for vice president under Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 

He was filled with excitement at that prospect—and he assured his viewers that CNN's report was just the latest "smear" by the liberal press in support of the Biden White House. 

Behind him, that's what the backdrop said—the backdrop said RODGERS SMEARED.

CNN's report was the real "hoax," the channel's silly child said. "This is just another dirty disinformation campaign to distract from the lifeless Democratic ticket," the smarmy Fox host declared. 

At that point, Watters dropped his purported bombshell. He played an audiotape from 2012 in which Rodgers said, on his Milwaukee radio show, that the incident was a terrible tragedy which he hoped we could learn from.

To see Watters play that audiotape from 2012, you can click right here.

Does that audiotape mean that CNN's report is itself a hoax and a SMEAR? Not really! Here's the problem:

The audiotape played by Watters seems to have been made in real time—in December 2012. According to CNN, the statement in which Rodgers claimed Sandy Hook was a government hoax was made five months later, at the Kentucky Derby in May 2013.

(In standard fashion, Watters seems to say that the reported statement by Rodgers was made at the Derby in 2012. In a thoroughly typical mangling of facts, he's off by one full year.)

In short, CNN's report isn't necessarily undermined by the fact that Rodgers made the earlier statement. It may be that Rodgers signed on to the growing conspiracy theories surrounding Sandy Hook in the months that elapsed between the two incidents.

Also, maybe Rodgers never did say that Sandy Hook was a hoax! We have no personal knowledge concerning this matter. Also, we have no desire to encourage hatred of Rodgers.

Did Rodgers really believe and say that Sandy Hook was a hoax? We can't answer that question, and we aren't looking to turn people into haters.

As we noted yesterday, so we'll note again today:

Many people do believe this least plausible of all possible claims. We regard that as an important, major new fact about the way we human beings frequently function. 

It's an anthropology lesson—anthropology all the way down:

Despite the ways we tend to describe ourselves, we human beings are inclined to believe all sorts of highly implausible, wholly unfounded claims. Unfortunately, this is a modern-day, important new fact about the way our politics functions. 

One final point about Watters: His disordered, throwback behavior concerning women is the most startling thing about his program, but also about the way the reinvented Fox News Channel now functions. Eventually, we'll force ourselves to return to this unpleasant, delicate topic, with one other prime time host thrown into the mix.

That said, we recommend pity for the stunted emotional growth of people like this. At the same time, we pose these questions:

Why in the world is the Fox News Channel constantly putting this misogyny-adjacent, broken-souled content out there on its air? Also, why does this conduct engender exactly zero comment from the profoundly aware, high-end blue tribe press?


  1. Jesse Watters has a tape. The CNN's smear is just a smear.

    Your silly insults aside, there's no question who is credible in this meaningless "controversy".

    1. The report that Rodgers endorsed the claim that Sandy Hook was a hoax is the only thing credible in this whole episode.

      Rodgers is a right wing extremist that is fond of entertaining and promoting right wing lunatic claims.

  2. “Why in the world is the Fox News Channel constantly putting this misogyny-adjacent, broken-souled content out there on its air?”

    It gets good ratings from its viewers.

  3. The idea that Bob Somerby will support any blue tribe media member who calls out the Republican Party's misogyny and bigotry, might be the stupidest idea being passed off at TDH in years.
    There is absolutely no way Bob Somerby would support any such thing.


  4. Accusing CNN of a "dirty disinformation campaign to distract from the lifeless Democratic ticket" is "misogyny-adjacent"? Weird.
    Just to clarify: is it also racist, transphobic, and biphobic?

    1. I believe Somerby is talking about other things that Watters has said.

    2. So, he blabbers about Jesse Watters accusing CNN of a dirty disinformation campaign to distract from the lifeless Democratic ticket. Defends CNN, insults Watters. And then suddenly, out of nowhere, he becomes outraged at Fox's unspecified alleged "misogyny-adjacent" content? This doesn't look good.

    3. Did he really defend CNN?

    4. "In short, CNN's report isn't necessarily undermined by the fact that Rodgers made the earlier statement. It may be that Rodgers signed on..." blah, blah, blah. Flimsy defensive shit.

    5. It’s called “true.”

    6. The trolls and fanboys aside, we here judge Rodgers as a lost soul engaging with lunatic right wing conspiracy theories in order to enhance his emotional state of mind.

      This is essentially how most view Rodgers.

      He is decent at throwing a ball, otherwise he is a troubled and wounded person, behaving as such people do.

    7. Does it really matter to anyone what Aaron Rodgers thinks? And does it matter that CNN spent a few minutes on the subject?

      What is this debate really about?

    8. 8:34: well, he is being talked about as a potential vice presidential candidate, so , yeah, it matters what he thinks.

    9. "Also, we have no desire to encourage hatred of Rodgers." No problem, I already hate all low life scum who are getting folks seriously ill and dead because of their weirdo anti-vaxx conspiracy bullshit. Fuck all y'all.

  5. Too late Bob, many of your good friends and neighbors are already pretty revolting haters. I believe the CNN reporters because MAGA people repeat dim witted garbage like the Sandy Hook claim all the time, it’s the new right wing sadism and at least in the moment, they couldn’t care less if it’s true or not. They see it as lying for the greater good ( GUNS GUNS GUNS TRUMP GUNS!).
    That you refuse to look at such things Bob, does not make them less true. Rogers is merely a typical fool who is great at sports.

  6. FOX has always been a seedy institution. It's core philosophy is to attack liberals while they are still reeling from American deindustrialization experiments since Carter. The conservative charlatans prop up the notion that somehow Americans are already too greedy for wanting more than a microwave to call themselves economically secure, while also pretending to shout every now and then about America's economic competitors outperforming it.

    FOX is the stronger arm of the American political establishment holding down the American public so they can spit in our faces.

    The elites who pretend to be liberals more than greedy parasites tell American viewers they supposed to brag about which media they watch and which media they don't watch. It is easier and faster to claim your tribal identity first, than to pretend America is a democracy and talk through your issues.

    In America, you get to call yourself a democrat or a republican, but really you are not a democratic citizen in a republic, you are a consumer in a kleptocracy that lets the public play along sometimes with the illusion it's a democracy.

    1. So, long story short, uh, vote for Trump? Third party (which probably elects Trump)? Don’t vote (which helps elect Trump)? And what does this have to do with Aaron Rodgers and Sandy Hook?

    2. The American political system is based on politicians walking up to people and asking them for money. The Republicans manipulate this system to their advantage with overwhelming media hysteria. Until you change that democracy will be a threat, and voting blue no matter who will not settle America's stomach.

      I don't want to be totally pessimistic but you have enough freedom in America to change this but just telling people to show up once on election day will not build up the power to create American democracy. There are ways to push America closer to democracy but they are not as simple as saying "just vote."

      It's true it's easier to build democracy in America under Biden than Trump, but that is not the same thing as saying the Democratic leadership will do this for you simply by electing them.

    3. We tell people to vote in every election, school board, mayor, state houses, federal, judges. The makeup of these offices has a profound effect on outcomes. Of course, you might wish to suppress votes by telling people it’s just a kleptocracy, and politicians are just waiting to fleece you.

    4. Trump is too dangerous to let Biden be the only thing pushing back against him. We need a long term coalition with rural/urban democracy nationally, stop calling each other hipsters and rednecks and talk about our issues like mature adults.

      We also especially need word of mouth activism on how to build grassroots power. The US is ready to free-fall into fascism, and we have to be very resourceful very fast to get people thinking beyond the political bribery we live under and are supposed to call democracy.

      The corporate media want us all to be afraid of our own neighbors thinking we can't engage in basic democracy. And the radicals in the Republican party base are ready to make this possibility real if Trump gets elected. There is no longer a neoconservative intellectual control of the Republican base. The lunatics are running the asylum.

      We still have enough freedom right now to knock door to door for ballot referendums that fight back against campaign finance lobby stranglehold on policy. But that would require bravery. Are Americans brave or will they hide behind political cults?

    5. For every dollar and minute you give to Washington candidates, you should spend ten times more on activism and journalism to make sure your politicians are not picking rich lobbyists over you. Biden/Trump is a no-brainer decision. But neither are going to make America a democracy for you. At best they might not directly stand in your way at every move.

    6. I recognize and appreciate what the original commenter is saying, but of course I’ll be voting for Biden, since any other option just makes things worse.

    7. The root of the issue lies in the foundation of our society - a society oriented towards surplus and commodification. Politics will always just be messing around on the margins of progress, even with an increase in progressives being elected.

      There also won’t be a revolution.

      Our best hope is for technology to advance enough to enable us to return to our innate nature.

    8. Old ladies have stopped highways before. But most politicians don't like that. They want single issue voters they can appease then forget after the election.
      Elections aren't enough to build American democracy.

  7. The Russian ruble has collapsed and Russia is now switching over to the Chinese yuan.

    Essentially, Russia's invasion of Ukraine main yield has been to convert Russia to a satellite state of China, a wholly owned subsidiary.

    It is interesting/amusing to observe ignorant Republicans both defend Russia and attack China. Their behavior has created such twisted circumstances, they are now basically dining on their own tails.

    1. The other yield is that it binds Western Europe to the United States.

    2. And enlarged NATO.

    3. It has been Putin’s greatest mistake and Russia/Putin’s loss makes the world a better place.

  8. Kevin considers the state of the union:

    1. I guess he qualifies as a “DNC bot.”

    2. Kevin considers China:

    3. He’s a neoliberal, in a few years the DNC will be cleansed of that experiment gone wrong.

  9. "Also, why does this conduct engender exactly zero comment from the profoundly aware, high-end blue tribe press?"

    Because any comment would likely be met with quibbling and nit-picking about the accuracy of their counterclaim. Like this column.

    1. I’m not certain that debunking or scolding Jesse Watters falls within the main “blue tribe media” reporting responsibilities. There are fact checking sites that do focus on this stuff.

    2. Watters had been doing a lot worse for years with no comment from Bob. Bob didn’t realize what Jesse was like until he couldn’t take anymore “legal trivia” from MSNBC.

  10. Somerby abuses anthropology, misrepresenting the field to push his agenda of manufacturing ignorance.

    No, Somerby, anthropology indicates no such thing, you uneducated goof.

  11. "Also, maybe Rodgers never did say that Sandy Hook was a hoax! We have no personal knowledge concerning this matter. "

    You do not have to ask Rodgers personally what he said in order to believe reporting in reliable news sources. If Somerby will not accept such news, he cannot verify anything much and thus cannot hold any firm beliefs. That is no way to live.
