SKILLS: This time around, has Candidate Trump...

MONDAY, MARCH 18, 2024

...perhaps improved his skills? As a courtesy, we're going to show you the fuller text of what the candidate said.

Our guess would be that he knew what he was doing—that he was employing one of skills—when he used the word we highlight in this bit of transcript.

That would be our current guess, although we can't say that we know. As you can see, Candidate Trump was discussing the developing state of the American automobile industry when he employed the word:

CANDIDATE TRUMP (3/16/24): If you look at [the leadership of] the United Auto Workers, what they've done to their people is horrible,

They want to do this all-electric nonsense, where the cars don't go far, they cost too much and they're all made in China. And the head of the United Auto Workers probably never shook hands with a Republican before. They're destroying—

You know, Mexico has taken, over a period of thirty years, 34 percent of the automobile manufacturing business in our country. Think of it. Went to Mexico.

China now is building a couple of massive plants where they're going to build the cars in Mexico and think—they think they're going to sell those cars into the United States, with no tax at the border.

Let me tell you something to China. If you’re listening, President Xi—and you and I are friends—but he understands the way I deal. Those big monster car manufacturing plants that you’re building in Mexico right now—and you think you're going to get that, you’re going to not hire Americans and you’re going to sell the cars to us, no. 

We’re going to put a 100 percent tariff on every single car that comes across the line—


—and you’re not going to be able to sell those cars. If I get elected!

Now if I don’t get elected, it’s going to be a bloodbath for the whole—that’s gonna be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they’re not going to sell those cars. They’re building massive factories.

A friend of mine—all he does is build car manufacturing plants—he's the biggest in the world...

And so on from there. 

(To watch the entire speech, click here for the C-Span videotape. You should jump ahead to minute 32 for the part of the speech in question.)

And so on from there! Meanwhile, the word in question is "bloodbath." As of yesterday afternoon, the candidate's use of that colorful term had launched a thousand ships. For the basic report from NBC News, you can just click here.

Candidate Trump made the statements in question on Saturday afternoon. We've shown you a reasonably large chunk of his actual text.

With blinding speed, a much smaller chunk of the candidate's text had been propelled into the world. It came from Acyn Torabi, a former "Internet influencer" who now seems to direct a great deal of liberal commentary through his work as "researcher and senior digital editor" for the website 

(Torabi tends to post as "Acyn," full stop. Does his work really shape that much liberal commentary? It's hard to be totally sure.)

At any rate, the candidate delivered his speech on Saturday. We've shown you a fairly large chunk of what he said in the passage which created the latest firestorm.

With lightning speed, Acyn posted a much shorter chunk of what he had said. As you can see, this is what Acyn quickly posted:

CANDIDATE TRUMP: Now, If I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. 

Acyn's post was stripped of context, as his posts typically are. 

He even dropped part of that short segment out! At this site, we may know what you need, but Acyn may know what you want!

Given the skill levels of American journalists and pundits, stripped-down versions of this candidate's statements will often be warmly received. Sometimes, Acyn "paraphrases" what the candidate said—reinvents his words in such a way as to make his statement even more exciting for us in the blue tribe world.

We aren't big fans of Acyn's approach; your assessment may differ. That said:

In this case, what did the candidate mean by his statement? More precisely, what did he mean by the part of his statement in which he predicted "a bloodbath" is he doesn't get elected?

The candidate's campaign quickly said that he was referring to an economic bloodbath. If President Biden gets re-elected, we'll have a general economic mess.

They said that was what he meant. That's what his campaign quickly said.

Helped along by Acyn's editing, blue tribe members more quickly announced that he meant something quite different. According to various blue tribe observers, he meant there would be rioting in the streets if his campaign failed.

We'll be discussing this question as the week proceeds, but we'll do so in a larger context—in a context which involves an array of things we saw over the weekend.

We'll refer to the (genuinely idiotic) discussions we saw on the Fox News Channel last Friday afternoon and evening—idiotic discussion which may be quite effective in driving the red tribe's messaging forward.

We'll be discussing the remarkably calm and orderly interview the candidate gave to the Fox News Channel's Howard Kurtz—an interview which, in edited form, consumed the full hour of yesterday morning's weekly program, MediaBuzz.

We'll be discussing the skill levels of our own blue tribe's high-end pundit corps—and the (possibly diminished) skill levels of our own Candidate Biden. For the record, the skill levels of the professional pundit corps have often been extremely low, dating back to the days when they insisted, for years on end, that an earlier candidate had actually claimed that he invented the Internet.

(A thousand other embellished claims followed that first embellished claim. We refer to embellished claims by the mainstream press, not by that particular candidate.)

Concerning Candidate Trump, our current guess would be this:

We'll guess that his skill levels have developed to the point where he uses language of the type in question as a way of "trolling" our own blue tribe. In the present instance, our current best guess would be this:

According to this provisional theory, we'll guess that he dropped the term "bloodbath" into his discussion to generate a reaction from our own blue tribe. Strikingly, we saw this specific possibility being explicitly discussed, last evening, on a Fox News Channel program! 

We'll also discuss a remarkable front-page report in this morning's New York Times. We think that report is so instructive that we'll discuss it this afternoon.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep—and events now move very quickly. It seems to us that Candidate Trump's skill levels as a campaigner may now be advanced over where they once stood.

The skills in question may be fiendish, but they're skills nonetheless! In other sectors of the modern American discourse, the skill levels are virtually nonexistent.

Who will end up winning in November? We can't tell you that. There is one thing we're able to tell you as we close this morning's report. We're able to tell you this:

Almost surely, you've seen none of our blue tribe's pundits discuss the substance of what the candidate said!

Is it true? Has thirty-four percent of the American automobile industry really decamped to Mexico? Are electric vehicles all being built in China?

Is it true, as the candidate went on to say, that giant plants are being built in Mexico—but new plants being built in the United States are much smaller?

The candidate's comments to that effect generated applause from his audience. Those substantive comments went undiscussed on today's Morning Joe as pundits said that major American journalists are behaving like "idiots" when they try to figure out why voters might support Candidate Trump.

We told you this a long time ago—you can't run a middle-class democracy with a multimillionaire press corps! Has this candidate developed the kinds of skills which will let him take advantage of that current group of "thought leaders?" Which will let him get elected again?

We can't answer that question. At present, though, we've begun to wonder if this candidate's array of skills is simply better than ours at this point in time.

Was the candidate trolling our tribe when he used that colorful word? 

We'll offer that as a possible theory. But as of this morning, we haven't seen that larger discussion about the American auto industry, and the chances are fairly good that we never will.

This afternoon: The red tribe's world is going raunchy, the New York Times has now said



  1. It isn’t as if bloodbath were the only violent image Trump uses. Somerby is being disingenuous.

    1. Stop the presses.

    2. Trump Stench is so bad, I wish he would take a bath, any kind of bath.

    3. Being rich means never having to shower.

  2. Trump has skills? What a joke!

  3. Trump won’t get elected just be calling something a bloodbath.

  4. Margaret Gradé has died.

  5. You need to stop pretending that there is anything rational about Trump and his supporters. It's all about grievance and resentment.

    1. Grievance and resentment can be rational.

    2. I'm not 10:01, but it is pretty obvious they implied unreasonable or irrational grievance and resentment.

      If you need a dissertation to understand discourse, you have lost the plot.

    3. You just aren’t cognitive.

  6. What I find most disturbing about Trump’s comment is not the word “bloodbath”. It’s Trump’s endorsement of huge tariffs.

    1. This is the thing. Trump’s big idea is tariffs, which drive up prices here at home. And that has been endlessly discussed in the press, including on MSNBC. (Most recently “ Trump's tariff push undermines his arguments about high prices”

      It was a constant theme on MSNBC shows throughout Trump’s presidency. So Somerby’s notion, that this hasn’t been or won’t be discussed is nonsense.

      And remember how Trump was going to fix NAFTA? He essentially just renamed it, to USMCA.

    2. Don't like tariffs, David? Trump hit us with tariffs and you crawled on your belly to give him your vote the second time. The other day you were whining about deficits and the national debt. Trump is promising more tax cuts, even bigger than the last time he was in office, which are responsible for adding trillions to our debt. And now you will crawl over broken glass to give him your vote a 3rd time.

    3. Lacking integrity is a feature not a bug for Republicans like DIC.

  7. Post like Acyn's help Trump so much.

    1. But there is free speech, so what are you going to do?

  8. Immigrants build our economy.

  9. Whatever happened to Trump the nutcase?

    After seriously pushing the idea that Trump was demented (he might really believe he won in 2020, so he wouldn’t be lying, said Somerby, and thus, couldn’t be prosecuted), now Somerby ascribes strategy and the ability to troll his political opponents to Trump.

    It could be suggested that he was trolling then as well. Which indicates that Somerby shifts his narrative to suit the moment. (Always give Trump the benefit of the doubt).

    If you think Trump is demented, you ought just as well believe his campaign is making shit up to cover for him.

    1. Let’s be honest even if he can’t: Bob loves the guy.

    2. You make a good point. Trump may have been (be) trolling re. winning in 2020. Still, the development of skills for trolling, specifically using language to provoke reactions from others, aligns with some aspects of sociopathic behavior, particularly manipulation. Ie. a sociopathic individual could develop and utilize skills for trolling as part of their broader pattern of manipulative behavior.

    3. This is like when Pee Wee falls off his bike then says "I meant to do that." Trump is making huge bloopers and then pretending he did them on purpose.

      A guy who "trolls" the people at his own campaign rallies is doing something wrong. He isn't trolling. He is fucking up and his people are covering for him.

  10. Do the morons at his rallies know how many Honda cars are made here in the US?

  11. Perhaps Fox might examine the truth of Trump’s claims, you know, to do their audience a public service.

    Ok, ok, I had to stop laughing. I’m ok now. It’s always the “blue tribe” media that has to fact check everything that demented Republicans say. Got it.

  12. The kerfuffle over the word "bloodbath" was based on an edited tape. We now have the useful word "Rupar" to describe editing a video in order to mislead what someone was saying.

    1. "Now, if I don't get elected, it's gonna be a bloodbath for the whole - that's gonna be the least of it. It's gonna be a bloodbath for the country. That'll be the least of it."

      Go fuck yourself, David.


  13. "Was the candidate trolling our tribe when he used that colorful word? "

    This is how populist politicians talk, Bob. All over the world. For over two thousand years.

    The way your tribe's political class and its own media (alien reptiloids all) react to the populist language is entirely a reptiloid-specific behavior.

  14. @10:01 and @9:07 echo a popular theme that Trump has no skills. How do people with that POV reconcile Trump's remarkable success in politics, not to mention other fields? Do they attribute it all to luck? Do they assume that half of Americans are insane? Do they think the world is not rational?

    It's simpler to assume that someone who wins a lot has skills, even if we don't understand these skills. That's a good principle in sports. A pitcher who wins a lot must be doing some things right, even if we don't fully understand why his pitches are so effective.

    1. He's a fucking loser, you asshole. He's never fucking won more votes in an election.

    2. " ... remarkable success in politics ...." LOL!

    3. Being elected President is remarkable success. Trump’s lack of political or military experience makes his election particularly remarkable. Having a long-running TV show is also a success.

    4. Trump cannot post his bond. He claims to be a billionaire, and to have assets worth many times the bond. Sounds like his claims of being a successful businessman are … not scrupulously honest. He won one election, barely, by eking out a win in the electoral college. The majority of candidates he touted lost. Many GOP congressmen are quitting Congress. His former associates (pence, for example), despise him. It’s remarkable, but not necessarily from a success standpoint.

    5. The majority of Trump supporters are uninformed and easily misled. It's like a mediocre adult pitcher pitching to little kids.

    6. Trump has been very successful at making morons believe he's rich.

    7. Stalin was more successful than Rockefeller.

    8. Russia helped put Trump in office in 2016.

    9. Some people win because they cheat, not because they have unaccountable skills.

    10. "Having a long-running TV show is also a success."
      Trump is the Joy Behar of politicians.

    11. Trump started off with hundreds of millions from his dad, which he then so misused, that most of his business ventures went bankrupt, so he then resorted to fraud, including begging for money from foreigners, becoming Putin's puppet.

      That aside, generally speaking, "success" is primarily the result of privilege and happenstance.

    12. The trump cult doesn't love him in spite of his ignorant boorish racist behavior, they love him BECAUSE of his ignorant boorish racist behavior.

    13. DiC: "Trump's remarkable success in politics, not to mention other fields?"

      Other fields?

      Like running casinos? Or airlines? His branded vodka? The steaks?

    14. Mike I - I agree with you. In fact I think the majority of Americans are ignorant and easily led. Most people have real lives. They’re not political junkies like us.

      Having said that, being able to lead ignorant people is a skill. All politicians work at leading and persuading ignorant, uninterested persons. Trump is a master of persuasion.

    15. No, he is a garbage heap who attracts only flies.

    16. I think the majority of Americans are ignorant and easily led..

      Ignorant? You mean like someone who read Polito's article and came away thinking the author thought trump was funny? Like you, David, you horse's ass? You have no shame.

      ,em>Off Topic -- A liberal finally acknowledged that Trump is extremely funny, and his sense of humor is part of his appeal. Being liberal, the columnist goes on to compare Trump with funny fascists, even though plenty of mainstream politicians have also been funny.

      Still, I give the columnist credit for accurately describing some of the ways in which Trump's excellent sense of humor adds to his appeal.

      You really are a horse's ass, David.

  15. Bob's admiration for Trump grows more naked.
    It's easier to laugh off "bloodbath" if you reject the findings of the Jan 6 Committee (they left Bob SO unimpressed, not so the DOJ) because Jim Jordon, who participated in planning the riot, wasn't on the Committee.
    Note that Bob is a little more careful with endorsing Trump's statistics today after Kevin Drum called him out for trying to sneak some of Katie Britt's lies in the back door.
    One wonders how many dead cops Bob will tolerate in Trump's next round of legitimate political discourse.

    1. Drum read my comment and just repeated what I wrote.

  16. How often does Trump place himself in an interview where his obvious falsehoods will be even mildly challenged? Or, remember when Bob used to critque the media?

  17. Okay let's talk about the context.

    Biden offered regulations on car imports and Trump is trying to outdo him on protectionism. They're both acting up for the car industry vote.

    But this wasn't a one-time thing. Demagogues like him use constant, overt imagery of death and murder to sexually arouse the public and get them ready to lower their sense of disgust to tolerate atrocities.

    If what Trump wanted to do to America was normal he wouldn't have to do this.

  18. Somerby wants to take Trump's word at face value.


    Somerby is such an ignorant moron.

    That same speech, as Trump read off the teleprompter, Trump made numerous glitches, mispronunciations, and slurs that are clear indications of cognitive decline - so much so that the moniker Dementia Don has gone viral.

    Yet no word from Somerby, even though when Biden stutters - a chronic issue he has had his whole life - Somerby breathlessly rushes to post, and gloat, about it.

  19. "We'll guess that his skill levels have developed to the point where he uses language of the type in question as a way of 'trolling' our own blue tribe."

    So now Trump is cunningly playing 11-dimensional chess? C'mon, man.

    1. The media were very anti Trump in 2016. Trump used the media’s antipathy to help him get nominated and to win. An impressive feat.

    2. No, the media loved reporting on Trump's antics and they were hard on Hillary.Trump used Russia's money and social media help and support of 3rd party candidates to help him win election. The hacking of Podesta's emails leaked to the press and Comey's last minute letter prompted by extremist right wing threats within the FBI were Hillary's downfall. None of that was due to any skill of Trump's. Then Hillary tried to blow the whistle on the Russians but Obama wouldn't do anything about them and the press considered it self-serving, so they got away with what they did. Trump was a stooge, as he continued to be throughout his presidency.

  20. Quaker in a BasementMarch 18, 2024 at 7:05 PM


    Yes. Also, no.'s%20coverage%20during%20the%20general,coverage%20(see%20Figure%201).

  21. The whole context of every Trump rally is that he begins by asking the attendees to stand while the “insurrectionist choir” sings the National anthem, and Trump salutes the Jan 6 “hostages.” Everything he says is framed around that notion, so take “bloodbath” in its true context.

    1. Does Bob begin to hum along?

    2. I appreciate Bob pointing out when our side is taking something out of context. On the other hand, Trump knows there is a small percent of his followers who will hear him say something like this (if I lose there will be a bloodbath) and take that as a rallying cry. He's done this many times before -- like in the 2016 campaign when he said something like "if Hillary wins, it's over folks, the Supreme Court is lost. There's no reversing it. I mean, unless one of you 2nd amendment folks do something. But no, no, that would be terrible." You could just imagine him laughing to himself about how he had just gotten away with encouraging assassination -- out loud, in public -- without it being "provable" that that's what he was doing. Bob is naive about Trump. He doesn't understand how depraved a mind we're dealing with.

  22. I’m very attractive.

  23. If you want to see REAL trolling skills:

  24. Donald and his supporters don't know it, but electric cars are coming. So what?
