SATURDAY: An ugly war about an officer's killing!


But mainly, Drum gets it right: We're so old that we can remember when topics like the ones we'll cite might have seemed to matter.

In fact, topics like these never mattered. We're so old that we can remember when you could still pretend.

We refer to several pieces of excellent work authored yesterday by Kevin Drum. We'd give one piece of Drum's work a straight-A grade. We'd give the second piece of work a grade of I, for Incomplete.

Let's be clear! No one cares, or ever did care, about the topics involved in Drum's reports. On the brighter side, we can report this one small advance in public understanding:

By now, it has at least become quite clear that no one of consequence cares.

All that matters at this late date is the ugly war which is developing, day by day, between spear-chuckers from Red America and their Blue America counterparts. This morning, that ugly war involved an array of angry claims concerning the shooting death, this past Tuesday, of Jonathan Diller, a 31-year-old officer with the New York City Police Department.

The war about Diller's death was quite ugly this morning on Fox. The larger war between the two Americas will only get uglier and more heated as the year proceeds.

On the "cable news" Fox News Channel, you have a gang of flyweight droogs who are pushing propaganda about several topics where the merits are so clear that even they can get it right in their basic stance.

On the "cable news" MSNBC, a group of more distinguished propagandists propagandize on our behalf is more sophisticated ways, largely by disappearing the topics which serve our own tribe poorly.

Regarding the topics which Drum explored, let us say this about that:

Propagandists from Blue America don't care about these topics. Propagandists from Red America don't give a flying fark either.

That said, Drum discussed one topic which we ourselves have been discussing since the 1970s. He then discussed a second topic, specifically citing something we ourselves recently wrote.

We're so old that we can remember when topics like these almost seemed to matter! At this time, very few people are still involved in any such pretense.

Topic 1: The good, decent children of Flint

The first post to which we'll refer you involves the good, decent children of Flint.

Drum's post involves an erroneous report in the Washington Post about the way those kids were affected by the 2014 Flinton water crisis. The post appears beneath this headline:

Here’s yet more misleading “science” about the Flint lead crisis

The background here would be this:

Starting in the mid-1960s, our major mainstream and liberal orgs began to pretend that we actually care about children like these. By now, it's clear that no one actually does or ever did—that these efforts tend were largely performative all the way down.

Also, there's the never-ending journalistic and academic incompetence. We'll summarize like this:

Drum links to this March 13 report in the Washington Post about one alleged consequence of the Flint water crisis. More specifically, he links to a Post report about the alleged drop in test scores by Flint's school kids in the aftermath of that high-profile event.

As Drum explains, the report in the Post was grossly inaccurate. So was a formal academic study which the Post's reporter took at face value. 

You can peruse Drum's post for yourselves. We'll add this bit of information concerning the Washington Post:

The reporter of the Post's report is two years out of college. She's officially listed by the Post as "a weather and climate reporter."

In other words, she's a young reporter with no background, experience or expertise in the realm of public schools and public school test scores. If an editor was involved in the report, he or she was apparently similarly clueless.

The Washington Post is a major newspaper which engages in all sorts of performative posing concerning the interests of low-income black and brown students. Just as it has ever been, the paper seems to have exactly zero accumulated expertise regarding a topic as basic as the one Drum's post explores.

This is the way it has always worked at our major newspapers! Even within the major orgs of Blue America, there's no sign that anyone actually cares about low-income kids or that anyone ever will.

We've been writing about bungled test score reporting since the 1970s. It's impossible to get major newspapers to report such topics with anything resembling even the more modest degree of technical competence. 

Simply put, it can't be done. By their works and their indolence you can know them, unless you prefer to pretend.

By the way, no one behaved more irresponsibly with respect to Flint's water crisis than Blue America's Rachel Maddow. She persistently failed to explore the scientific merits of various claims, focusing instead on trying to get Michigan's Republican governor frog-marched off to jail.

Today, getting Donald J. Trump locked up is our tribe's one major project. Our tribal leaders then to be very dumb, very obedient and extremely unhelpful.

Special bonus: Don't miss this statement from the academic study on which the Post was reporting:

"Between 2011 and 2019, including the 2014-15 crisis period, the incidence of elevated blood lead in Flint children was always at least 47% lower than in the control city of Detroit."

That's right! Kids in Flint were always better off, with respect to lead, than their counterparts in Detroit! Our multimillionaire cable thought leaders never told us that. Our thought leaders, much like theirs, tend to be borderline clowns.

Topic 2: How do border procedures work?

We'd give Kevin a straight A grade for that post about Flint. We'll give him an I for Incomplete concerning his very promising second post, which appears beneath this headline:

About a third of all border crossers ask for asylum

In that second post, Kevin lays out some basic facts about the way border procedures are driven by certain laws concerning asylum requests. We'll direct you to this nugget passage from Kevin's post:

I've written about asylum before, but usually I just assume everyone knows it's a problem and then move on from there. So in case you don't, here it is in plain words: If you get across the border and claim asylum, international law—long ago incorporated into US law as well—requires that we hear your case. You get to stay until we do.

According to Kevin's account, current procedures at the southern border are being directed by "international law," which was "long ago incorporated into US law as well." 

We don't doubt that those statements are true. That said, a whole lot more that remains unexplained, and the point we were making was this:

You never hear such explanations offered on Blue Tribe cable. On Bue Tribe cable, as on Red Tribe cable, you simply hear the recitation of a few mandated talking-points, followed by this exclamation by the next pundit up:

That's exactly right!

In that post, Kevin reproduces a graphic we've linked to earlier—a graphic which shows the massive rise in asylum requests (and subsequent entries) over the past few years. 

He also refers to our complaint about President Biden. That complaint would go like this:

President Biden has offered no fireside chats. He has offered no Oval Office address. He said and did nothing in recent years as the situation at the border turned into an obvious administrative farce. If he loses his re-election bid, it will largely be because of that remarkable act of silence and apparent indifference in the face of a baldly absurd state of affairs.

The obedient children at Blue America's "cable news" channels also disappeared this topic over the past several years. At Fox, they kept thumping the drums very hard.

In this way, even the clown-car denizens at Fox got to be more right than wrong when it came to the ludicrous lack of action by our own tribe's public officials and media stars.

The Fox News Channel is largely peopled by flyweights and clowns—but so what? Our own tribe's behaviors have often been so absurd and so inexplicable that even a bunch of clowns like Gutfeld and Watters and Judge Jeannine can't avoid getting it basically right.

If President Biden loses this year, it will largely be due to this. The stars of Blue America's "cable news" channels have politely kept their traps shut, just as they did in several major episodes in the past.

Our stars are former Rhodes scholars. Their stars are wrestlers and clowns!


  1. Eleanor Collins and Péter Eötvös have died.

  2. Somerby seems to consider himself a good thinker, even an important thinker.

    This is nonsense.

    Somerby conflates lacking agency with not caring. We lack agency primarily due to impediments from the red tribe.

    Maddow’s strategy of diminishing the power of the red tribe is better than Somerby’s can’t we all just get along immature nonsense.

    Drum notes that the asylum circumstance is commonly known and does not need basic explanation, yet Somerby concludes that the red tribe has an advantage over the blue tribe by offering their biased and inaccurate explanation about asylum.

    Somerby seems unaware that the increase in asylum seekers is largely due to the increasingly impactful meddling of the US and other imperial powers, wreaking havoc wherever they can plunder. The current wave of immigration is not significantly greater than past waves, when the Irish, Italians, Mexicans, or Jews were escaping conditions borne from right wing actions. Our country has benefitted immensely from those waves of immigration.

    Somerby today seems upset that Biden is ignoring the issue, but this is false; in reality Somerby himself has repeated Republican talking points complaining that Biden has done too much on the border issue, reversing Trump’s inhumane policies. Biden has not ignored the issue, he has merely applied blue tribe notions to the issue, and even was willing to acquiesce to the red tribe before their little baby of a leader had a temper tantrum. Somerby is not just a poor thinker, he is disingenuous.

    Back when Somerby was coherent, he noted that few people understood how our social security system and our marginal tax rate system worked, and then he went about offering good explanations for those items - granted, he was merely repeating the work others had done. Those were the glory days, but asylum is not unknown or misunderstood by most people. This is in part due to the fact that the red tribe have weaponized the issue to motivate their voters, and flood our discourse with the issue during every election campaign.

    Somerby is not a good thinker, and his own biases have led him to adopt poor strategies and worldviews.


  3. "If you get across the border and claim asylum, international law—long ago incorporated into US law as well—requires that we hear your case. You get to stay until we do."

    Bullshit. The US could classify Mexico as "safe country", safe country for asylum and safe country of origin. And that would be the end of it: anyone crossing the border from Mexico to claim asylum can be sent back immediately. End of story. It's not complicated.

    1. Well said?

      Perhaps. Definitely poorly argued.

      @anon 1:46 presumptively declares "End of story," but leaves out the beginning and the middle.

      Safe Third Country agreements are exactly that--agreements between two countries. The US can no more "classify" Mexico as a Safe Third Country than it can designate it our 51st state.

      And even if such an agreement was established, it is still subject, by law, to many exceptions. It would hardly eliminate asylum requests.

      So it is, in fact, complicated.


    2. If you're in a country that doesn't persecute people because of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or, membership in a particular social group then you're not eligible for refugee status. If the US recognizes that Mexico does not do this, then people coming form Mexico who are applying for refugee status can be quickly turned down.

      The real problem is that the Biden Administration doesn't want to keep illegal immigrants out. We know this because they undid a couple of dozen Trump programs that were helping. We know this because they're fighting Texas efforts to keep illegal immigrants out instead of cooperating with Texas.

      The political problem for Biden is that voter know this, even though the media has given it less attention than it deserves. Shipping illegal immigrants away from the border to Northern cities was a public relations coup. President Biden doesn't even pay lip service to controlling illegal immigration.

    3. Don't forget to call your Congressional representatives and ask them what they are doing to streamline (legal) immigration and make it easier to navigate. Also, don't forget to tell your fellow voters who also think illegal immigration is a problem, to also do this.
      Thank you. My fellow American citizens truly appreciate it.

    4. "The real problem is that the Biden Administration doesn't want to keep illegal immigrants out. We know this because they undid a couple of dozen Trump programs that were helping. We know this because they're fighting Texas efforts to keep illegal immigrants out instead of cooperating with Texas." Wrong. And you likely know that. Biden did that because some of Trump's and Texas's actions towards immigrants were sickeningly inhumane -- like separating kids from parents without even taking steps to ensure they could later be reunited, and like Texas using barbed wire in rivers, increasing the risk of drowning deaths.

    5. @DiC

      Under United States law, a refugee is someone who:

      Is located outside of the United States
      Is of special humanitarian concern to the United States
      Demonstrates that they were persecuted or fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group
      Is not firmly resettled in another country
      Is admissible to the United States


    6. If Mexico is a safe country, then anyone located in Mexico and claiming to be "persecuted or fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group" can ask for an asylum in Mexico.

      Crossing the border into the US indicates that they're not refugees but economic migrants. This seems obvious enough to anyone who is not a DNC bot.

    7. "Updated on May 10, 2023 to reflect the start of the implementation of the Circumvention of Lawful Pathways Rule.

      On May 11, 2023, the Biden administration started implementing a rule that creates a presumption of asylum ineligibility that would severely restrict U.S. asylum eligibility for most migrants crossing the U.S.’s southwest border. Among its provisions, the proposed rule creates a presumption of asylum ineligibility — with limited exceptions — for migrants who travel through a third country unless they apply for and are denied asylum before reaching the United States. Considering that most asylum seekers travel through Mexico to reach the United States, this paper explores Mexico’s asylum system to determine whether it is an efficient, functional, and viable alternative for migrants to apply for asylum.

      Mexico is a country whose asylum legal framework, in theory, is among the world’s most inclusive and protective of asylum seekers. In recent years, Mexico has made significant legislative improvements to adapt to the new hemispheric migration patterns.[2] In addition, around 70% of asylum applications in Mexico are resolved favorably, granting refugee status to most applicants.[3] However, despite the good intentions of Mexican legislators and the high approval rate of asylum applications, the administrative authorities in charge of reviewing asylum applications are underfunded and face a growing number of asylum applications.

      In addition, Mexico’s economic and demographic circumstances are not ideally positioned to absorb large numbers of refugees. Finally, Mexico itself has systemic problems with gang and gender-based violence, undermining it as a destination country for asylum seekers fleeing gang and gender-based violence."

    8. What makes me insane is literally weeks after Trump told Moses not to put a bipartisan Senate bill that would have addressed so many of these issues with a Republican slant, and with a promise by Biden to sign; to not put the bill up for a vote. Trump did not want Biden to get a win. Any discourse that omits this blatant effort to hurt Biden, that then goes on to say the lack of attention by Biden is why Biden will lose is fucking bullshit. Literally weeks.

    9. Exactly. This whole discussion is based on a fallacy. Even if it's true (which it's probably not) that Biden did and said nothing about the border situation until recently, well, now he has, and it's the Republicans who are preventing progress -- putting party above country.

    10. In his first year in office, Biden passed nearly 90 executive orders regarding border and immigration policies.

      In late March 2021 the number of unaccompanied children crossing the border had already surpassed the highest levels of the Trump administration. At the time, Jen Psaki said “The President does not feel that children coming to our border seeking refuge from violence, economic hardships, and other dire circumstances is a crisis."

      A year later record numbers of illegal immigrants were crossing each month. Biden was asked why he didn't visit the border during a visit to Arizona and replied, "Because there are more important things going on."

    11. What could be more important than the border?
      Inflation? The deficit? Children being read to by drag queens? A rainbow on a beer can?
      Anything Hannity and Tucker bitch about?

  4. It's interesting that Bob has a hands off policy on Micheal Moore, who was Maddow's prime witness and source on all things Flint. Beyond that, his grandstanding is laughable.
    All we have here is another chance for Bob to repeat the propaganda he picked up on FOX about the boarder. Does anyone seriously believe he has done any homework on the subject beyond that? He certainly doesn't want to hear what any of the non whites on MSNBC have to say on the subject because he pretends they are not there ( all they will be to Bob is deportees).
    No one cares about the children of America but Bob Somerby. Can I interest you in the Brooklyn Bridge?

    1. "It's interesting that Bob has a hands off policy on Micheal Moore"

      You must be new around here.

    2. Somerby doesn’t attack Moore. In fact, he often praises him. The commenter is saying that Moore, who is from Michigan, was fully supportive of the story about lead contamination in Flint, but Somerby bitterly attacked Maddow, but never Moore.

  5. Bob wrote, "If President Biden loses this year, it will largely be due to this."

    What does Bob mean by "this"? The failure of blue team cable news to cover certain stories? Or something else?

    1. He's referring to Biden's "remarkable act of silence and apparent indifference in the face of a baldly absurd state of affairs" with regard to the boarder.

    2. You perhaps mean border?

    3. You can get a good paying job in the media pretending Republican voters have no agency.

    4. He means Trump and Johnson fucked Biden over and assured chaos at the border continues. They hate America. Trump before party, party before country, Russia above all else.

  6. I wish we could silo the comments. Let the Somerby-haters vent their hate in one comment section, and let the rest of us discuss Somerby’s essays in the other.

    1. As if you ever discuss anything substantive.

    2. No one discusses his essays other than his critics (or “haters” as you would have it). Hey, I have an idea: why don’t you go ahead and discuss his post? What’s stopping you?

    3. "What’s stopping you?"

      Because the discussion is met with dismissive and defensive responses from the haters. Exactly as you have here. Dick.

    4. Is he a snowflake?

    5. So, you don't write substantive comments because someone might disagree with you?

    6. Yes but it's not disagreeing, it's trolling. The Somerby haters are trolls who are full of shit. At the basic level, you are uninteresting, lacking insight, acting in bad faith, shallow and full of self-hate. Your raison d'être is to poison the comment section. You're using it as a scapegoat to avoid confronting your psychological issues directly. And as a bonus you get off on the trolling aspect of it. In that way you are very, very successful in achieving these goals. Congratulations to you for that. But you're still a dickhead with unaddressed psychological issues.

    7. A person who won't write a comment unless he can fully control what others say about it is kind of up a creek because no one gets to control what others say in comment sections.

      For example, I don't find that people criticizing Somerby here are "haters." I consider them critics. I do object to you using Nazi language about poisoning this community to describe those you personally dislike. That's very Trumpish of you. Your amateurish attempt to psychoanalyze others is noted. Too bad you don't know enough to say anything helpful.

      As Freud said, we all have unresolved psychological issues because the function of the ego is to reconcile the demands of the id to the constraints of reality. But you know nothing whatsoever about the psychobabble you are trying to shove back onto the people you consider trolls here. Because Cecelia is doing the same thing today in her comments, I suspect you are Cecelia are the same troll. That resolves the issue of whether she is male or pretending to be female. It takes some skill to pretend to psychoanalyze someone without sounding like an idiot. You don't have that skill because you don't know anything about psychology.

      You called me a "dickhead" ow ow ow ow ow! That hurts! As if. You cannot keep up with the other commenters here and that is why you don't post anything about the essays or respond substatively to anyone's comments. You can't. And I'd reather be called a dickhead than too stupid to comment.

    8. This is the exact kind of poorly reasoned, reductive, accusatory response that is at the center of all of your trolling. I admit I am guilty of that too. But it makes for an unsatisfying commenting and intellectual experience for me.

    9. You have intellectual experiences? Who knew?

    10. Actually, the center of all of MY trolling is criticism of Somerby's daily nonsense. YOU only focus on other commenters. I wish you would leave and take Cecelia with you, because you add nothing of interest to this comment section. Nothing funny, no new facts, no history or current events, no ideas or interpretations, bupkis.

      I will cite some of my favorite song lyrics, from The Fugs:

      Monday, nothing; Tuesday, nothing, Wednesday and Thursday, nothing. Friday for a change, a lot more nothing, Saturday, once more nothing...

      January, nothing, February, nothing, March and April nothing. May and June a lot more nothing, July, a heck of a lot of nothing.

      refrain: Nothing, nothing, nothing,...nothing!

      That captures your contribution perfectly. And no puzzling references to poor immigrants.


  7. Is the Frank Herbert novel Dune any good?

    1. Its themes are interesting but obvious, the writing is tedious, overall skip the books and just read the analyses of them.

    2. Dune is very good, a classic of science fiction. The statement that the themes are obvious neglects that Herbert was first with such themes and that subsequent books are derivative. I don't find the writing tedious. I find this bot-originated review annoying. For a human to feel this way about a classic of the genre, they would have to not like sci-fi very much. It is not to everyone's taste.

  8. Bob may or may not be hinting at this question, but I invite your opinions.

    The media are seemingly helping Biden by downplaying his failure to reduce illegal immigration. But, would Biden be better off the media had focused on this problem. Then he would have been forced to institute more effective policies. What do you think?

    1. I think you should emigrate.

    2. Mike Johnson and Trump are directly responsible. Not Biden, who would have signed the bill.

  9. Once again, Drum calls Trump out:

    1. This defense of Biden's anti-religious action would be more convincing if the White House hadn't also restricted religious content on the Easter eggs submitted for its 2024 Celebrating National Guard Families art contest.

      "The Submission must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes," a flyer with instructions from the White House stated.

    2. The American Egg Board flyer’s standard non-discrimination language requesting artwork has been used for the last 45 years, across all Dem & Republican Admins—for all WH Easter Egg Rolls —incl previous Administration’s.

    3. This is from Fox News:

      "American Egg Board President and CEO Emily Metz represents America’s egg farmers. She told Fox News Digital after publication of this article that for the past 47 years they’ve partnered with the White House...

      "...Metz insisted, 'So when we say, can't be overtly religious, we just can't be seen to be promoting one religion over the other, the same way we can't be seen to be promoting one political viewpoint or ideology over the other. We have to be totally neutral in everything we do and have it just be focused on egg promotion and marketing activities. '"

    4. Easter has always been a celebration of spring, as well the resurrection of Christ. I had not heard that the WH had to keep Easter secular.

      Just rename the current national celebration of transfolk/end-of-winter— “Beaster ” or “Measter”.

      They should do that with gay marriage too. Call it “fairage”.

    5. Do you have to be so ugly, Cecelia, even on Easter Sunday?

    6. Cecelia perks-up when the subject is one of the two things she really cares about.

    7. Anonymouse 6:36am, you see posts here all the time denouncing religion, the basis for Easter, and insulting believers in it. You see posts reveling in any human hypocrisy among believers.

      Yeah, no one cares when anonymices do this, and no one should give a flip.

      However, when I propose that the country continues to celebrate trans people and spring renewal on the same time as usually deigned, it’s ugly to simply suggest that this celebration, along with gay marriage, continue under other names.

      You need a mirror.

    8. If you looked in a mirror, Cecelia, would you even see your reflection?

    9. Cecelia saw some comments denouncing religion, that offended her, so she immediately turns around and attacks trans and gay people. How does that make sense?

    10. Anonymices, Bob is not posting today, so you’re welcome for your daily dose of outrage, effrontery, and high horse hopping.

    11. It doesn't make sense. I have no idea what Cecelia is lashing out about. She knows fuck all about me. There are persons posting here who don't believe in religion. This is actually not a crime. Therefore I should look in the mirror. Wingnut logic.

      The fever swamps are attacking President Biden all over social media right now because "Trans Visibility Day" happens to fall on Easter Sunday this year (this happens once every 60 years), and therefore President Biden is Satan apparently.

    12. Alabama’s senior senator tweeted (or is it X’ed) that the Democrats are a satanic cult. But hey, let’s talk about that discourse.

    13. Texas's governor endorsed orange chickenshit's statement calling Biden's declaration "blasphemous". And then he wished all a "blessed Easter".

    14. Anonymouse 10:42am, you should start with learning to read.

    15. My birthday has occasionally fallen on Easter too. That was confusing when I was a child.

    16. Always fun when folks attack Biden's degree of religiosity when the comparison is the idiot clueless Trump. Also the vengeful, hateful, spite filled Trump. The Trump who follows no religion.

    17. Cecelia, the American egg board has kept the WH egg roll secular for decades, including Trump years. America is multicultural. You are a bigot.

    18. @10:42 Granted that Oct 31 was already designated "Trans Day", the White House made a decision to give Trans Day a lot of prominence.

    19. October. March.


    20. It is named "Trans Day of Visibility", David. And you resent the fact that the president has given it visibility? The lying right wing are spreading the lie that President Biden renamed Easter. Go fuck yourself, bigot.

    21. I resent the President, and other liberals, giving prominence to something that isn't even scientifically valid. It's not only the prominence -- they make trans something to be proud of. There's a message that it's better to be trans than to not have a gender or to have a gender that's the same as one's sex.

      BTW there's also a message that it's better to be trans than gay. That's unfortunate. Homosexuality has a long, long history. It clearly exists. It's real. Suppose a girl is sexually attracted to other girls. How does she know whether she's gay or trans? Due to the promotion of trans, she's more apt to decide that she's trans. That decision could lead her to choose inappropriate, unfixable medical treatment, like having her breasts lopped off. This would be a grave mistake when she's merely gay, not trans.

    22. Relax, David.
      It's not like they were giving prominence to supply-side economics, for chrissakes.

    23. It's because of people like you, David, that the day of recognition was ever needed in the first place. Don't you fucking worry your bigoted little mind about these you have.

    24. Don't you fucking worry your bigoted little mind about these *Questions* you have.

    25. @6:32 shows how unscientific beliefs can become normalized and mandatory. Don’t bother to discuss or justify the belief. Just call anyone who dares to dissgree a bigot. This is an example of “grab them by the balls and the hearts amd minds will follow.”

    26. Nobody is discussing this matter, David, least of all yourself. You're attacking President Biden cause that is what your team does, justify your hate. Nobody has me by the balls, I don't know what the fuck that means. As I said, bigot, you are the reason the Day was needed in the first place.

  10. David in Cal,
    Did Jews really crucify Christ because he cared about the poor, or is that just something Republican voters believe?

    1. Is it OK to post something anti-Semitic when mocking Republicans?

    2. Ask Elon Musk.

    3. David,
      I don't see why not. We allow people to be Republicans on Martin Luther King Day. What's the difference?

    4. But it’s a good question, Dave.

    5. Yes, Dems are OK with with bigotry is OK when it helps them win. When Romney ran for President, I was shocked that Democrats mocked his religion, including relatives such as Lizzy's father. I had believed that Dems opposed religious bigotry.

      Older and wiser today, I realize that liberals mostly just want to win. When pretending to oppose bigotry helps them win, they'll loudly oppose bigotry. When being bigots helps them win, they'll use bigotry. They will be anti-semites, anti-Mormons and racists

      E.g., I recall then Senator Biden falsely saying that Clarence Thomas wrote badly. Biden never offered any examples of Thomas's allegedly poor writing. Biden was simply using and promoting the stereotype that blacks are dumb.

    6. David, you have just recently engaged in promoting the stereotype that blacks are incompetent, saying that Fani Willis gives all blacks a bad name. So why not give all this bullshit a rest?

    7. Willis really did behave unethically, and I provided evidence that she did. Thomas is not a bad writer, and Senator Biden provided no evidence supporting his assertion.

    8. No, David, she didn't. You are behaving unethically, however. And on Easter! Shame on you!

    9. David mentions Mormons so frequently that I suspect he is actually Mormon and only pretending to be Jewish. Interestingly, many Mormons are less bigoted on a person level, than David is. The church has changed some of its racially bigoted doctrine (although not the misogyny) and Mormons who have been missionaries in other countries have a surprisingly accepting and warm attitude toward both immigrants and minorities, with the hope of them converting to Mormonism. They are also not mean-spiritied like Cecelia, even if they do not share viewpoints, Many are truly nice, kind people. More than many other denominations they try to live their faith in their treatment of others.

    10. Quaker in a BasmentMarch 31, 2024 at 2:55 PM

      I think Twain has DiC's number:

      “When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not; but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened."

      David, I flatter myself that I'm pretty handy with a Google search, but I can't come up with Biden saying Thomas was a bad writer. Are you, like Twain, perhaps remembering something that didn't happen?

    11. Our evangelical friends in Utah constantly mock the Mormon religion. I want to say your Christ story is as assinine to me as the Mormon Christ story is assinine to you. But too polite.

    12. Quaker - points to you for checking google. However, not everything is on google. My memory is clear on this statement of Senator Biden's.

    13. BTW there's no science proving that trans is even real. Science says people's sex can be determined from their chromosomes. Science says people's sex can be determined from their body parts. But, no science proves that people have something called a "gender" based on their feelings.

    14. Personally, I feel that am a giant panda. Also, I am oppressed.
      Give me money.


      "Biden ripped Thomas' words out of context to give them the opposite meaning of what Thomas actually said."

    16. @5:16 please reread my comment. I said genetics could be a basis for determining sex. The articles you link to say nothing about people whose only basis for a particular gender is how they feel. And, this group comprises the vast majority of those who claim their gender is different from their biological sex solely because of their feelings.

    17. David,
      Do you mind if I steal/ borrow your argument about things that aren't valid to discuss religion?
      Thanks in advance.

    18. David knows his Christian Nationalist friends are more impressed with symbolic attacks about easter eggs than knowing anything about clean water in Detroit.

      No wonder they keep a few like him around, even if they would rather deport him somewhere else.

    19. Detroit has long been governed by Democrats. They deserve the blame for bad water there

    20. As a cost saving measure the State level Republicans (who had already taken control of Flint Governance) decided to save a few pennies by switching water supplies. The new supply scoured the protective build up over the lead feed to homes, exposing residents to higher levels of lead in their water. DIC, ignorant of facts and a massive bigot.

    21. Clarence may not be a bad writer, but how the hell can't he see the words, "in a well regulated militia."

    22. 5:47,
      State level Republicans didn't decide to save a few pennies by switching water supplies. They switched water supplies to hurt the City of Detroit, (who's water had previously served Flint), because black people live in Detroit, and these state level Republicans are, as the name says, Republicans.
      They are who they are.

  11. Quaker in a BasementMarch 31, 2024 at 2:35 AM

    When Republican rule returns to the White House, there are two subjects that will mysteriously disappear from Red America cable news: immigration and budget deficits.

    1. Quaker -- IMO if Trump wins, immigration will get lots of news coverage from Red America, but the news coverage will be positive. It will focus on all the good things Trump is doing to control illegal immigration.

    2. And yet that is not what happened in 2016.

    3. DiC - Your response implies that you agree that deficits won’t disappear in fact but will disappear as an issue if Trump wins. Do I read you correctly?

    4. So we'll see a flood of "Dog doesn't bite man" stories, DiC?

    5. Our Host thinks we should engage with facts. Here’s a fact: Spending increases more under Republican administrations than under Democratic ones, by a lot. For example, under Trump spending increased by $575B per year in 2017 constant dollars. Under Biden spending has DECREASED by $377B per year in 2017 constant dollars.

      For Clinton, the increase was $29B per year; for Obama, $71B per year; and for W, $103B per year.

    6. And yet Clinton produced a surplus.

    7. It will be huge news when Miller cages 10 million people catering the economy. Who do you think is picking your vegetables, cooking you diner, mowing your lawn, and fixing potholes on your bridge you idiots.

    8. Yes. Clinton restrained spending and increased taxes. That’s how it’s done. Republicans do the reverse and explode the deficit. But somehow they’ve conned a lot of people into believing that they are fiscally prudent.

    9. @Einstein 3:05 PM
      Slave were freed, and yet the economy survived somehow. Who woulda thunk it?

    10. Piper -- I'm afraid you're right. Trump succeeded in many things, but he was a failure at controlling spending. I expect the same if he's re-elected. And, I'm not counting on the media to criticize him for this.

    11. After slavery, those in power turned to capitalism propped up by wage slavery.

      It survived for a while by paying wages high enough to provide moderately comfortable lifestyles for the majority and keeping taxes high enough to provide for infrastructure and for those in need - although modestly so, but then those in power could not handle the emotional impact of not feeling as dominant as their urges demand, so they cut wages and taxes, and now we are experiencing late stage capitalism, looking more like neo feudalism run by fascists every day.

      3:30, as a response to 3:05 your comment is a non sequitur, and generally irrelevant.

    12. I am oppressed by fascist neo-feudals. Every day.
      Give me money.

    13. Capitalism propped up by wage slavery applied to black people = Jim Crow laws, such as that a black person could not quit a job, that lacking a job was vagrancy and resulted in imprisonment, that black people could not change jobs and could not travel without permission. That black people had to work for their previous slaveowners in whatever job was assigned to them.

    14. Psst.
      Raising taxes reduces spending, which lowers inflation.
      Pass it on.

    15. The man was able to pit indentured servants against freed slave labor. Brutal times
      Indentured servitude did not end in the US until WWI.

  12. You keep playing the game of bothsidesism. No both sides are not equally responsible for the situation we are in.
    Both sides don't threaten court officials, both sides don't put a picture on a pick up truck of a political figure they don't like bound and gagged.
    Both sides do not equally believe things that are not true.

    1. The Sunday Morning news shows are trying to get Republican politicians to denounce Trump's social media post. Republicans know this is all a distraction from discussing what American citizens want to discuss. Which is how do we get the 90% income tax rate back, and why isn't the minimum wage $30/ hour.

  13. "Have you ever wondered why so many images depicting the crucifixion show Jesus with a very defined, slender and toned body? Either slim, but with a six-pack, or displaying muscles and brawn. While these images are hardly a reflection of what little can be surmised about the historical Jesus, they certainly reflect social and cultural ideas about masculinity and idealised notions of manhood."

    No one seems to be "offended" about these hypermasculinized depictions of Jesus, but if an artist depicts him as softer, more feminine, there is an outcry.

    1. Whereas women can pretty much wear anything they want, including pants!, there is still this insane outcry if a man wears high heels or a skirt. He’s denounced as the spawn of Satan. It’s gradually gaining acceptance, or indifference, but it’s still a bizarre legacy of toxic homophobia/masculinity.

    2. Anonymouse 10:57am, men who wear high heels and women’s skirts are considered to have denounced their masculinity. No one did that for them.

    3. Most of the depictions of Jesus are the traditional ones of a slim sloe-eyed intellectual-looking aryan male. I think that is traditionally the stereotype of an aristocrat, rather than a carpenter.

      If any musculature is highlighted it’s from the physicality of being stretched out on the cross.

      The depiction of Jesus as being in any way rugged came from the effort to make him relatable as a working class man.

    4. See, this is part of the problem with ignorance. There are people who consider themselves gender fluid, who wear heels sometimes and suits other times and consider it their right to wear what they chosee (their body, their choice), without having renounced being male or female. There are men who wear makeup AND a business suit, much as Trump does, without having given up their masculinity. But the main idea is that it isn't being forced on them, and it isn't any of YOUR business which gender they prefer or how they think of themselves.

      But you seem to believe that YOU can assume they have denounced their masculinity by rejecting YOUR stereotype of what men should look like. And that's the problem, not what they think or do or wear -- it is what YOU assume about others.

    5. Male or female, high heels are bad for your feet.

    6. Either show might have played gender for laughs but they took their characters seriously and were respectful of them. It is also interesting to watch how they accomplish that.

    7. Jesus looked like a typical eastern Mediterranean guy.

    8. Anonymouse 12:30pm, if you wear female attire one day and male attire the next, you have in essence denounced both aspects of gender. You have made it superfluous as to who and what you are. In fact, the true motive behind this behavior is to trivialize the concept of gender. To suggest it’s merely a costume.

      If a person wore human attire some days and on other days wore the costume of a cat or rabbit, they are clearly making the concept of humanity, their humanity, less relevant not more. That’s a denunciation of identity.

      This behavior is truly a psychological issue with identity; very possibly from “childhood trauma”, a condition the anonymouse coven so likes to use as an accusation of abnormality for your political opponents.

    9. I don't think Cecelia has been to a Christian bookstore lately. Keep in mind that Catholics are not Christians (according to Trump), and their depictions of Jesus may vary. --- scroll down for photo

      And then there is "Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter"

    10. Cecelia seems to be preoccupied with denunciation today. Perhaps she fasted during Lent?

      No one is denouncing anything in her examples. The idea that any human being can be more or less than human is bizarro. It is Cecelia who is dehumanizing people, not their appearance. The notion that anyone can be Christian and follow Jesus while thinking of or treating any of God's children as less than fully human is an obscenity on Easter, more so than even the Vampire Killer film.

      Note that Cecelia has again used the term "coven" -- a gendered term referring to witches -- to demean those she disagrees with here.

      There must be something about this holiday that brings out the worst in her.

      What does it mean if I wear a football jersey one day and a baseball sweatshirt the next? Am I more or less human if my team isn't hers? How about if my t-shirt says "I'm with Stupid" with an arrow pointing to the neckline?

      Doesn't Cecelia care how she looks in God's eyes when she says awful things?

    11. Jesus always wore a dress (but they called it a robe). He didn't wear pants because they hadn't been invented yet. What did he renounce by doing that?

      This does illustrate the point about men wearing so-called women's clothing at different times and places throughout time. Greeks wore robes too, so did men in China, India and Southeast Asia (even in the present), Polynesia, and native Americans. Women too wore robes along with men. How confused were all of those people? More confused than Cecelia? No.

    12. Anonymouse 1:13pm, if you wore the entire uniform of a Vanderbilt football player one day and a University of Michigan basketball player the next day you would be considered to be someone who was playing dress up, trying on costumes for the sake of play acting.

      Depending upon how throughly this dominates their world and the societal risks they are willing to take for it, this behavior as an adult (someone not training for acting roles) indicates a person has not moved beyond an earlier stage of life.

      Just as wearing cat costume, because you feel you are a cat today, suggests that being human is a matter a feelings, gender bending from one day to the next sends the same message of trivialization of the concept you say it celebrates.

    13. Cecelia, players wear uniforms all the time, not as costumes, but as appropriate attire to participate in their sports. It isn't dress up for them. This includes youth leagues, high school, college, community leagues and pros. Some of the attire is for safety.

      Your need to police what other people wear is sick.

      Are you really unaware that most fans who attend sporting events DO wear attire to show support for their teams. Some extend that to other environments, without any sense of dressing up or play acting. They consider their affiliation with a team to be an important aspect of their identity. But YOU do not dictate what their clothes mean to them.

      Your attempt to divert discussion to furries, which is an entirely innocuous social activity a small number of people engage in, shows similar misunderstanding of what they are doing. None of them think they are cats (or any other animal). They like cats and feel an affinity with them. They don't think they are non-human and neither should you.

      It is easy to find out about furries by reading things they write about their subculture on the internet. Instead, you project your own negative reaction onto them and say things that are not particularly true about them. Most of all, they are doing nothing whatsoever to hurt you or anyone else, but having fun.

      Does it trivialize a train conductor to wear a uniform at work? How about what flight attendants wear? If a woman wears her husband's business shirt after sex, is she trying to become a man or does she do it because her husband finds it sexy, or is she exercizing some proprietary ownership of him after an intimate act? Or does it just feel good, perhaps because she continues to feel close to him, likes his smell, feels connected to him that way?

      You are so incredibly clueless about the uses of clothing and identity formation processes, that you embarrass yourself with your opinionated put-downs of others here. There are books you could read instead of being so ignorant.

    14. Anonymouse 2:04am, the standard anonymouse reply is invariably that your contrarians are ignorant of the science.

      You’ve totally ignored what I said in order to suggest that the wearing of uniforms by both genders is the same as crossdressing. That uniforms are somehow the same as a man showing up at work in stilettos several times a week or that togas can be equated to modern day dresses.

      These are superfluous arguments that ignore the original contention that gender is fluid and dependent upon what one feels at any time. In focusing on uniforms or current fashion, you want to ignore the way the new take on gender revolutionizes society and you want to ostracize the people who don’t go along with it by saying it’s nothing new.

      Cross dressing isn’t new. Gender dysphoria isn’t new. It’s you who are ignoring complex psychological issues that influence this behavior. You also ignore the difference between allowing people to have their quirks in certain contexts and immediately start calling other people bigots or fools if they don’t embrace the entire philosophy.

      Take your silly comparisons, such as women sleeping their man’s shirt, and put them in the same paper bag as your appeals to authority. You obviously dont have those chops.

    15. While Cecelia pretends to be a woman (curiously familiar with college football) he is correct about gender being a social construct and with little utility outside of identifying groups of people experiencing oppression.

      Jesus is a myth. There’s no credible evidence establishing his historicity, just like Moses et al.

      Religions are a tool for controlling people, nothing else.

    16. Cecelia rejects everyone else's understandings. She calls women wearing men's shirts silly, when it is a movie stereotype with specific meaning. She says gender dysphoria "not new" but is apparently unaware that it is no longer part of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual as a disorder, removed for the same reasons that being gay is not in the book either.

      I will say it again. Cecelia is a huge bigot and an inhumane person in her attitudes that some people should be despised for non-conformance to HER standards and beliefs. The whole term "cross-dressing" is antiquated and offensive. And yes, I did ignore her wrong-headed remark that people wear "costumes" due to unresolved childhood trauma. It is empty psychobabble attempting to pathologize other people's behavior.

      There was a man where I work as a volunteer theater usher who dressed in women's clothing (black pencil skirt, 4-inch heels) as part of his uniform. The theater has a policy of non-discrimination so no one said a word about it, including audience members. We all accepted him on his own terms. Note that he was not presenting himself as a woman, but as a man preferring to dress as a woman. On other occasions, he dressed in male attire. That is what gender fluid means.

      Cecelia keeps ignoring our advice to her to "live and let live" and stop trying to torment those who behave against her precepts. If she is happy with her own dress and gender identity that is what should matter to her. We won't reform her and she can leave other people alone to live their lives as they choose. Because that is what tolerance means.

      Cecelia IS majorly ignorant of science, and social science, and knows nothing about psychology. She reveals that ignorance with every comment. Lobbing the same criticisms back at others here doesn't rescue her. I will not waste my time posting links to correct her, because she won't read them. But I don't want to let her stupidity define the topic either.

    17. I have no problem with that usher as long as his gender fluid doesn’t drip on me.

    18. Tell that to Cecelia. She thinks he has renounced his manhood. I guess he renounces his womanhood when he wears male attire. He is a nice person, unlike Lauren Boebert, one of our audience members, who vaped in front of a pregnant woman and groped her partner while taking prohibited photos of the on-stage case, all because she apparently grew up in a barn. Cecelia no doubt things Boebert's wonderful because no inappropriate clothing for her.

    19. Was she wearing her guns in the theater? They’re quite the fashion accessory, I hear.

  14. Somehow the officer and his killing never managed to be important enough for Somerby to describe.

    1. "Right-wing news outlets and MAGA influencers were quick to jump on rumors that Donald Trump had paid off the mortgage of fallen New York police officer Jonathan Diller, but it appears that's simply not true.

      While the ex-president has yet to comment on or debunk the claim that he paid off the home of the man whose wake he recently attended, the apparent source of the information has walked it back.

      According to publicly available information, Diller's mortgage was paid off, but it was by an organization called Tunnel to Towers Foundation."

  15. Anonymouse 1:23pm, no, I’m not confused, you are. Because fashions change over time and due to factors such advances in the machine era or even to always fashionable risk taking, does not equate to the current theory that gender is fluid.

    1. You are ignorant because you think all there is to clothes is fashion.

    2. Perhaps Cecelia pretends to be a woman because his penis is underwhelming, and worries about clothing because he’d rather wear clothing that better hides things he finds shameful.

    3. Cecelia doesn't care about clothing. She cares about controlling other people's behavior by intrusion into their private lives. She is a panty-sniffer who has forgotten how much Somerby used to hate that stuff.

  16. Yastreblansky posted this today:

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    Eggs Marks the Spot
    Remembrance of Easter blogs past
    MAR 31


    Silly Easter piece from March 2013, before Bill O'Reilly succeeded in killing Jesus, which I felt like posting again, if nobody minds.

    From David Lynch's Inland Empire (2006), via the Guardian.

    O’Reilly points to a handful of small community centers and elementary schools that are hosting “spring egg hunts,” sometimes with a “spring bunny” emceeing the festivities. Nowhere to be found is the word “Easter,” laments O’Reilly, fearful that the nation’s six year olds will one day forget the religious symbolism of crawling around a grassy schoolyard on all fours searching for chocolate-filled plastic eggs. (Adam Peck, ThinkProgress)

    Peck probably thinks he's being funny here, under the assumption that the word "Easter", to say nothing of rabbits and eggs, has nothing to do with Christianity.

    Indeed, given that Ēostre/Ostara is the name of a Germanic goddess of the Dawn (rising in the east in a chariot drawn by a pair of hares), it would seem to have little relation to the death and resurrection of Bill O'Reilly's Lord and Savior. This, however, is to misunderstand the true meaning of Easter, which is essentially about Christians' deep and abiding conviction that they are not Jewish. Thus it is held approximately at Passover, but in defiant ignorance of when Passover precisely takes place, so that when the First Seder falls on a Maundy Thursday and the commemoration of Jesus's Last Seder it seems like a weird coincidence; and prominently features the consumption of foods that are not pareve: ham, and ostentatiously leavened breads such as hot cross buns and popovers.

    In the same way, while in southern Europe the festival is simply called "Passover" (Pâques, Pasqua, etc.) as if to wipe the Jewish festival out of memory, in the Germanic cultures it takes the name of the goddess of the Dawn. This has nothing to do with worshiping Ēostre: it's simply a matter, like using the Roman names of the month or the Anglo-Saxon names of the days of the week, which are also the names of pagan gods, of obliterating the Jewish ones.

    The eggs, on the other hand, commemorate a miracle in the vita of the martyred Saint Conilius, deacon in a congregation of 5th-century Bononia, who found his family at the end of one Lent too poor for meat with which to break the fast, except a little bacon. He saw a fat hare in his garden, nibbling at the new ramps, and lunged for it—but as he was readying himself to break its neck he saw its eyes filling with tears, and bethought himself of the Blessed Virgin's suffering through the death of her Son on the Cross, and let the animal go. It scampered away, but not without pausing here and there in the bushes, where it miraculously laid a sequence of eggs about the size of duck's eggs and equally rich, in a rainbow of different colors. Conilius gathered up a dozen or so and brought them home, where he invented spaghetti alla carbonara."

    1. Hares don’t cry. Especially big ones.

    2. The crying is from the snowflake Right.

  17. About 60 years ago brother, dad, and I were taking a walk on a country road in southern Indiana. We saw an about six foot tall Easter bunny on the hilltop ahead of us. We flew down the hill up the other side and the bunny vanished into thin air. My brother and I swear we saw him to this day.

    1. Did you detect a hint of Trump Stench wafting in the air?

  18. Cecilia bravely survived childhood trauma. She grew up to be a loving wife, nurturing mother, and responsible citizen. She deserves our empathy and support. Even when I disagree with her, I love and respect her. Cecelia, I'm here for you.

    1. None of this is true. No one could spend all day online writing asshole comments the way she does and have time to be a wife, mother or citizen of any variety. Her lack of empathy makes it unlikely anyone considers her loving.

  19. Kevin keeps us informed:

  20. "Trump Posts That He Is the ‘Chosen One’ on Easter
    March 31, 2024 at 12:51 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

    On Easter morning, Donald Trump made 71 social media posts and only one of those referenced Easter, where he simply posted, “Happy Easter.”

    But one post did claim that Trump is ‘The Chosen One’ sent by God and blessed by God."


  21. No one could spend all day online writing asshole comments the way I do. Somerby is an ass.

    I am Corby.

    1. I see you suffer from Corby Derangement Syndrome. Get help, please.

    2. My therapist told me to flag fake Corby comments.

    3. You definitely need a therapist.

    4. You all are funded by Russia via Iran and Qatar. I smell my fingers, and I spam Somerby's blog. And I always will.

      I am Corby.

    5. Qatar has nothing to do with this.

  22. To a chimpanzee, Cecelia is a closer relative than a gorilla is.

  23. Most drag queens would be embarrassed to wear Trump’s makeup. It’s just so gauche.

    1. Gauche means left.

    2. In France, maybe. In English and in the US it means tacky.
