Alito flags yes, Algebra no!


C-bombs light the way to a dusty political death: Back on May 22, the New York Times ran a front-page report about the teaching of Algebra 1 in middle school—or in some cases, about the decision not to teach Algebra 1. Today, the report appears online beneath this dual headline:

The Algebra Problem: How Middle School Math Became a National Flashpoint
Top students can benefit greatly by being offered the subject early. But many districts offer few Black and Latino eighth graders a chance to study it

Kevin Drum wrote about the Times report ("The algebra wars are pure insanity"). At roughly that same time, we did a hurried post about alleged "segregation" in New York City's schools, but we never got back to the Times report about the teaching of Algebra 1.

In our view, the topic is very interesting. But in our view, almost everything is being blown off the map by our own tribe's growing insanity.

For the record, we took Algebra 1 in eighth grade, at Borel Junior High, a very long time ago. We continue to think about that report in the Times—in part, about what that report has to say about the aforementioned inanity of a great deal of modern-day Blue Tribe culture.

That said, we still haven't written about that report—and, Drum excepted, neither has anyone else. On cable, our Blue Tribe stars don't care about topics like that—about topics affecting millions of kids.

Our blue tribe has never cared about topics like that. Our blue tribe cares about Justice Alito, and about his C-bomb spouse.


When's the last time you dropped a C-bomb on a 75-year-old woman? As far as that goes, when's the last time you dropped a C-bomb on anyone at all?

Ideally, the answer to both questions is never. But then, along came an impassioned member of our impotent political tribe and somehow, through some provocation, that second worst of all such bombs managed to pop out.

Has there ever been as silly and inept a political tribe as our own tribe is today? Before we could know how to vote in 2016, we now say that we had to know if Donald J. Trump had engaged in consensual congress, on one occasion, back in 2006!

According to our hapless tribe, we the people needed to know that before we could know how to vote! To appearances, our tribe has lost the ability to see how stupid that idea really is.

At this point, here come the Alitos! Defeated parties will often want to believe the worst about the parties by whom they stand defeated, and so we've engaged in a truly stupid cartoonization concerning the reason why those two flags flew over the Alitos' two homes.

We know that Justice Alito was part of the deal. We know he's lying in the things he has actually said.

We've even said that Justice Alito should learn to "control his wife!" Yes, it actually reached the point where one of our thought leaders offered that thought! With a bit of an F-bomb thrown in!

Defeated peoples often resort to demonizations of this kind. With that in mind, the most interesting thing we read this morning was a report by the Washington Post's Eric Wemple about this cartoonized, low-IQ mess.

Wemple says the Washington Post should have reported the upside-down flag back in January 2021, when the Post, acting on a tip, actually checked it out. We don't hugely agree with that—we can teach it flat or teach it round—but for our money, these are the two most interesting passages in his lengthy report:

As noted in Kantor’s reporting, Emily Baden, an actor and restaurant server, moved in with her mother in 2020 along with her boyfriend (now husband) down the street from the Alitos. After Joe Biden was declared winner of the November 2020 election, the couple displayed a sign that used Trump’s name alongside an expletive and another saying, “BYE DON.” Another pair of signs—“Trump Is a Fascist” and “You Are Complicit”—went up after the Jan. 6 riots. The signs helped to ignite some unpleasant verbal encounters between Martha-Ann Alito and Baden. In a statement, Justice Alito claims, “I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag. It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”


The upside-down flag, for example: This particular symbol originated as a signal of distress on the high seas and these days serves as a signal of figurative distress by political actors, including by opponents of President Barack Obama in the tea party movement. As the Times noted, the flipped flag is fashionable among Trump supporters who believe in the lie of a stolen 2020 presidential election, and it popped up at the Jan. 6 riots. But at the time that Barnes showed up at the Alitos’ house, just how common was the knowledge that the inverted flag was a symbol of election denial? Both CNN and the The Post published inventories of flags and symbols used by the Jan. 6 insurrectionists, neither of which featured the upside-down flag. According to Barnes, the tipster didn’t make this connection, noting only that there was an upside-down flag outside the Alitos’ home.

In that first passage, we were struck by the way Wemple almost seems to sanitize his account of the yard sign which devoured Washington—the yard sign which apparently triggered this incident.

According to the New York Times, the sign in question "said 'BYE DON' on one side and 'Fuck Trump' on the other." No one seems to have disputed the claim that the sign appeared within sight of a bus stop for neighborhood school kids.

To the extent that anyone can ever know what actually happened, serendipity took over from there. We were struck by the way the verbal bombs seemed to get excised from Wemple's report—the F-bomb which was on that sign, along with the C-bomb which was eventually dumped on Mrs. Alito's head.

The highlighted passage in the second paragraph struck us as more interesting still. 

Wemple starts by saying that the inverted flag "popped up at the Jan. 6 riots." That's a key part of the demonology our hapless tribe has concocted. 

Until this morning, we assumed that claim was true. But later in that same passage, Wemple links to photo reports by CNN and the New York Times—photo reports which show a bevy of flags at the January 6 riot, with nary a single upside-own American flag in sight. 

We were struck by that revelation because, as part of our blue tribe cartoonizing, it has come to be believed that the upside-down flag was all over the January 6 insurrection. As best we can tell from Wemple's report and from a series of links, no one, to this very day, is able to show a photo of even one such flag on display at that violent, gong-show event.

Why did either of the two flags in question fly at the Alitos' homes? We don't have the slightest idea, and neither does anyone else.

In the absence of anything resembling real knowledge—also, in the absence of any ability to win political fights on the ground—our defeated tribe has decided to create a cartoon in which we invent the answers to such questions. 

(Also, Donald J. Trump had sex on one occasion in 2006! We voters needed to know about that, and he should be frog-marched to jail!)

We're silly and stupid and nobody likes us! For better or worse, this seems to be the last thought that will ever penetrate our blue tribe's remarkably self-impressed heads.

Bringing it all back home:

The culture war stars we love on TV will never talk about Algebra 1. It's just a few million American kids! Why would anyone care about that?

We're silly and phony and nobody likes us! As with all human tribes, it's hard for us to comprehend this plain, elemental fact.

For the record, we blues don't know why those flags went up! Nor is it clear that it matters.

From there, it's the anger of a defeated tribe, pretty much all the way down. If we manage to lose the White House this year, we can at least say we earned our way out.


  1. Speaking only for myself, the fact that idiot-moonbats are assholes is not a reason for getting agitated, for dramatic gestures, flag raisings and what-not. It is what it is.

    I'm sure Mr. Alito's wife has realized it by now.

    1. Just because Sam Alito's wife is a snowflake Right-winger, who's feelings were hurt that black people's votes were counted in the 2020 Presidential election, doesn't mean Sam Alito wasn't the person who leaked the Dobbs decision to the press.

  2. You need to learn algebra if you want to understand relativity.


  4. Quaker in a BasementJune 5, 2024 at 5:45 PM

    There is a popular saying amongst western Buddhists, sometimes attributed to the Buddha himself: "The finger pointing at the moon is not the moon."

    There exists a subset of humans who stuggle to distinguish between an actual thing and its symbolic representation. For all the yelling about the Alito's flag, it is only a representation of the thing that matters.

    The symbol--the inverted American flag--has very recently been adopted by those who would defy and deny the outcome of our most recent national election. There are many elected (and appointed) government officials who maintain that the wrong man was declared the winner of that election, despite the absence of any evidence this happened.

    Is Justice Alito among those who believe this? Is his wife? Some folks note the raising of the flag and jump quickly to an answer. Others can't imagine how such a leap is possible.

    Still, it's a question worth asking, but only if the question asked is the right one.

    1. QiB, or maybe it’s something simple.Something real life, rather than real cable news fodder.

      “The Neighbors”, in an upscale neighborhood, put up several politically polemical flags, one of which carried the f-word. When confronted by Mrs. Alito, who found the view inappropriate, there were words. Mrs Alito responded with her own ironically symbolic flag.

      This is a *neighborhood*. Some years ago some of our neighbors had a falling out over the appearance of another neighbor’s porch awning.

      No wonder the Washington Post took a look at this crap and tossed it.

    2. Who appointed Mrs. Alito neighborhood busybody?

      I am surprised the media is not calling her a Karen, because that is what she was doing. Somerby just loves it when the word Karen is applied to white women who think the world should turn according to their dictates.

      When you are a homeowner, one of the rights and joys of property ownership is the ability to decorate to your own tastes, including the lights you hang at Christmas, the colors you paint your trim, what you plant in your flowerbeds, and the lawn signs you plant at election time.

      I know that there are people who tear off other people's bumper stickers too. If they are caught, they can be charged with a minor crime. Mrs. Alito was interfering in the 1st Amendment rights of these neighbors and given that she has a judge for a husband, he should have told her not to do so. But ignorance of the law is no excuse.

      Neighborhoods can be a joy when there are kind, considerate and non-judgmental people living on your street. I feel blessed that Mrs. Alito is not among my neighbors (or anyone who would tell me what to do with my awnings).

    3. Anonymouse 8:22pm, most neighborhoods have covenants nowadays and it’s not neighborly to have an obscenity hanging in view of neighborhood kids, but thanks for the unintentionally ironical ode to neighborliness, and consideration.

      Thanks for playing.

    4. I know the area in Alexandria, I doubt there is a HOA.

      One thing we know for sure is that both Alito's have lied about the incident.

      There are some differences: For instance, the justice told Fox News that his wife hoisted the flag in response to Ms. Baden’s vulgar insult. A text message and the police call — corroborated by Fairfax County authorities — indicate, however, that the name-calling took place on Feb. 15, weeks after the inverted flag was taken down.

      The distress flag went up in support of the barbarians who attacked the Nation's Capitol.

    5. Oof, 9:03 crashes Cecelia's world with some facts.

  5. Mrs. Thomas was on the phone with the White House at the highest level, screaming that the Kraken be released and the word go forth that the whole Biden family was being tortured at Guantanamo Bay. If I had to bet, I would say would say this too is meaningless stuff we are better off not knowing.
    But it's a somewhat harder case to make so Bob just ignored it.

  6. " is able to show a photo of even one such flag on display at that violent, gong-show event"

    I object to Somerby's characterization of the 1/6 insurrection as a "gong-show event". A gong show features entertainers who are part of a show in which people leave the stage when a gong indicates that the audience is unhappy with their performance. It is a contest. Chuch Barris revived the live theater vaudeville tradition with The Gong Show on TV, which included three judges who could gong to stop the auditioning performers.

    That is innocent fun. Some performers display talent while others are humorous or bizarre in their acts. None of that was what was happening at the Capitol building, which was in deadly earnest and was aimed at overturning an election lost by Donald Trump. In that sense it was political violence and not any kind of harmless entertainment.

    That Somerby cannot show a reality-based understanding of the 1/6 insurrection doesn't surprise me, but it also reveals that his sympathies lie with those who have sought to minimize the violence and serious nature of the overthrow attempt. He will no doubt be back with this attitude when Trump is finally tried for inciting and organizing the effort.

    1. Unsurprisingly, Somerby also minimizes the significance of the flag the Alitos flew and of the fight between Mrs. Alito and her neighbors. What does it mean that a Supreme Court Justice's wife cannot interact with people who hold different opinions than hers without getting into a brouhaha? Nothing good.

      I have friends on both sides of the red/blue divide, but I don't know a single one of them who would get into a profanity-laced shouting match over a yard sign. And no, children at bus stops are no excuse for displaying such ugly behavior in public. They know all the words and they don't care what adults say about political candidates or each other.

      I think the spouse of a high official should show decorum and treat the flag itself with respect, whether it stands for insurrection or disaster at sea.

      Netflix used to offer an upside down flag as a possible user avatar. It has been removed as one of the choices. They get it. Why didn't Mrs. Alito?

    2. Anonymouse 7:59pm, I think the Netfix distress avatar was an advertisement for the series House of Cards.

      It’s ironic that people who can’t tolerate a fellow liberal blogging about his own alternative view of the state of culture are now suggesting that Mrs. Alito is unreasonable for asking her neighbors to move four politically polemical flags.

    3. Not only is it unrealistic, it is a violation of the rights of others to ask them to suppress their views like that. Free speech. Remember that? It is in the Constitution.

    4. Anonymouse 9:13pm, funny as to what happened when Mrs Alito flew HER flag. So much for her right to express her emotional view of the culture as represented by her discourteous neighbors.

    5. Anonymouse 9:13pm, it’s not a violation of your rights if I ask you to take down a sign of “Biden Shitzenpants”. It’s a violation of speech rights if I just tear it down myself.

      I wouldn’t fly that flag out in my yard because it’s prurient and it would offend my neighbors’ sense of propriety and their politics, it’s their house and they’re stuck there until they sell.

      Good luck to your neighbors.

    6. Mrs. Alito's full-throated support of fascism is protected by the First Amendment.
      OTOH, her husband, needs to be recused from hearing cases about January 6th insurrectionists. His ignorance of the law doesn't excuse his opinion that it's up to him.

    7. Anonymouse 11:11pm, why would he need to be recused because of what he or his wife thought of the current political culture?

    8. Because there is an appearance of bias, Cecelia. He's a Supreme Court Justice, for chrisakes.

  7. "Also, Donald J. Trump had sex on one occasion in 2006!"

    Somerby doesn't know whether it was one occasion or many. Does anyone think Trump was entirely celebate in 2006, except for his encounter with Stormy? I don't.

    Somerby of course knows that the issue with Stormy Daniels was not about having sex. Why does he persist in minimizing the importance of that encounter, that caused Trump to want to cover it up, motivating his subsequent crimes?

    When he isn't pretending that this was a normal occurrence for Trump, Somerby is busy blaming Stormy for Trump's entire troubles and suggesting that politicians should get a free pass on any and all interactions with women. Because what could treatment of women (including rape, defamation, sexual abuse, sex trafficking with Jeffrey Epstein, wife-buying, etc) have to do with politics? Well, half of the voters who will elect the next president are female. Somerby apparently thinks their opinions shouldn't matter but ironically, women will determine the next president, largely because of men's mishandling of the abortion issue.

    Does anyone else find it odd that Somerby has never mentioned abortion on this blog, despite it being the pivotal issue in the upcoming election?

    1. Somerby conveniently ignores Karen McDougal.

  8. Somerby's acceptance of the statement that the upside down flag is not associated with right wing politics shows that he is (1) unwilling to do research, (2) willing to swallow whatever the right tells him, (3) unfit to be a blogger, (4) lying about being liberal.

  9. "Has there ever been as silly and inept a political tribe as our own...?

    Speak for yourself, kimosabe, as you are about as authentic as a dime store cowboy here. If you insist on perpetually using this overworked tribal motif, let us play along and tell you: we don't recognize you as one of us.

    1. Unamused, you say that as you’re sitting in his teepee.

    2. Unamused isn't a "real American" unless he carries zip-ties and bear spray, steals Bob's laptop, and shits on his desk.

    3. Anonymouse 8:28pm, are you kidding? That’s what anonymices do up in Bob’s house every day.

    4. Real bloggers can handle what is said in comments.

      Somerby is autistic. He doesn't care about what anyone else thinks, doesn't listen to them, and is absorbed in his own world with special meanings for his words, an obsessive focus on the Iliad, and one-sided discussions that make no sense to others.

    5. Anonymouse 9:13pm, Bob does “handle it”.

      He blogs from his point of view and anonymices can’t handle this and resort to accusations, insults and slander.

    6. Thought and prayers for Bob. It's literally the least I could do.

    7. Is Bob correct when he says, "Anything is possible"?
      Asking for people who question whether Bob is on Putin's payroll.

    8. Anonymouse 11:18pm, anything IS possible when this means that any sage or clown can make conjectures.

    9. From where I'm standing, Cecelia, Bob's teepee looks like a pile of sticks he haphazardly flung together.

    10. Unamused, it’s Bob’s place and you and the anonymices are standing inside telling him to get out.

    11. "anything IS possible when this means that any sage or clown can make conjectures."

      Samuel Alito has entered the chat.


    12. Settle down, Cecelia. I'm not one of the windmills you flail away at here in defense of Bob's honor. If Bob wants to pretend that we are a Band of Brothers in order to make his various and sundry diatribes more palatable, so be it. Calling him out for it does not equate with serving him an eviction notice.

  10. Somerby apparently has nothing to actually say about algebra in middle school, other than that he took it then. He chides the press for not discussing it, but does not discuss it himself either.

    Instead, he uses that as a hook to beat up on journalists and then moves into blaming the press for picking on poor Mrs. Alito, even though she seems to have gotten herself into her own mess among neighbors.

    I grew up living in rental housing in various parts of the Los Angeles area. One thing you learn is that you don't pick fights with neighbors. They can make your life miserable without hardly trying, through small things like who parks their car where, how loud the TV is played at what hours, whether they leave vermin-attracting trash in public spaces near your open windows, where their kids play loud games, whether their dogs are leashed or roaming free, who visits them and how frequent their parties are, and what rumors they spread about you and yours. Getting along with neighbors is a high priority for anyone with a brain in their heads, who doesn't want to be forced to move by the inconvenience of dealing with other people.

    How stupid is Mrs. Alito? Pretty fucking stupid.

    1. Remember the good old days when Somerby actually cared about school issues? Now he just uses them for political purposes.

    2. Anonymouse 8:14pm, when the culture of rental housing areas in LA becomes that of the neighborhoods of SCOTUS justices, that’s reason enough for an SOS signal.

    3. 12:21,
      Can you translate that to English for me? My translation App doesn't translate from Gibberish.
      Thanks in advance.

    4. Not only is Cecelia a man pretending to be a woman (Cecelia: "hahahahaha I love to toy with the libs"/Everyone Else: "We aren't fooled, you dope") but English is not his first language, making most of his comments amusing mishmashes of malapropisms and non sequiturs.

  11. Bob is not a liar, just someone who relied on what Wemple reported in his piece. Will he correct, or, make note that this is apparently wrong? Sadly, we think that Bob Somerby died long ago…

  12. Drum, like Bob, is able to realistically discuss the very real educational gap between blacks, Asians and whites. I wonder if it's even possible for education planners to even speak these words. I

    I was kicked off another blog and called a racist because I alluded to the higher rate of criminal behavior by blacks. Could a person in the education establishment safely mention the racial gap in educational attainment or IQ's? I don't know, but I suspect that most people in the education establishment wouldn't take the risk.

    So governments wind up to making plans that pretend that there is no racial gap. Plans not based on reality don't succeed.

    1. David, the achievement gap has been measured and studied since at least 1966. It’s been a major driver of education reform in the US, for better or worse.

    2. What you say it true, @9:45. But, that knowledge can be ignored when decisions are being made. Why did worse black performance motivate SF to take algebra out of middles school? Why didn't civic leaders say "What's the problem. Of course blacks do worse on average, in algebra; black kids are way behind whites and Asian." Why did NY take the other tack. Why didn't they see that there was no problem. Our kids' performance in algebra is what one would expect. These two cities couldn't bring themselves to acknowledge the reality of the educational achievement gap.

      I wish society would look are people as individuals. Some kids benefit from 8th grade algebra. Let them take it. Some kids aren't ready. Let them not take it. Don't even look at skin color. We're all just human beings.

    3. "Could a person in the education establishment safely mention the racial gap in educational attainment or IQ's?"

      Education attainment, yes. IQ, no.

      The race gap in educational outcomes is discussed frequently and widely--including here at TDH. That's a fairly objective measure of grades and test scores. It measures observable outcomes.

      IQ is a different matter. What does IQ measure exactly? And does it measure it reliably? What is IQ? Are there causal factors that determine IQ?

      Neither of these questions are dependent on a single variable--race. School funding, rural/urban differences, family structure, economics and income, and many other variables influence the findings on both quesitons.

      The biggest difference is this: When you ask about educational attainment, you're asking a question about our educational system and its preparedness to serve the entire student population. When you ask about IQ, you're asking a question about the innate ability of students based on a single variable.

      This might speak to why you were excused from the other blog for your posts about criminality. If you cast your questions in terms of the single variable of race, then that is, by definition racist.

  13. Bob is properly embarrassed by some of the nonsensical charges Dems bring against Trump and other Republicans. But, the continuing chain of charges is effective. The never-ending charges convince a lot of people that Republicans not only should be voted against, but are truly evil.

    1. Both conclusions are true.

    2. Your complaints about Democrats ring hollow and sanctimonious when compared with the never ending Republican Benghazi hearings against Clinton, and literally years of trying to connect dots, unsuccessfully, to link the business dealings of Hunter Biden with his father. That the key witness in the latter fabrication is a Russian asset doesn't faze your ilk one iota. The narcissistic clown you reflexively portray as a victim has been impeached for trying to coerce another country's leader into assisting him smear a political opponent. That doesn't appear to bother your amoral sensibilities in the least; in fact it helps to define them. He has two very serious and legitimate charges that are pending trial and at least one of them appears to be a slam dunk for the prosecution. And when he is found guilty, you and your fellow cult members will find some way to spin it so that the reprobate is once again cast as a victim, because that's all you've got. The depravity of your love affair here is about as sordid as his one night stand with a porn star. But when once again he is found guilty, you will show up here in the comments section pleading his case, as you are now, having dug yourself a little further into that hole of ludicrous gullibility. And you will entreat us to accept once again your arguments for his innocence, perhaps stated earnestly, but we will not be following you down that hole, now nor in the future. The sound you will hear from down there is laughter.

    3. "Bob is properly embarrassed by some of the nonsensical charges Dems bring against Trump and other Republicans."

      I don't think that's quite right, David. It's not "Dems" and it's not "Trump and other Republicans." It's cable media that courts a Dem-leaning audience and it's Trump.

      Our Host has spent little time analyzing the conduct of DA Bragg or any of the judges in the various cases. He focuses his attention on the folks who appear on cable TV and present a story that attends to the biases of a specific target audience.

    4. Unamused:

      Well said.

  14. Cecelia, you have not dealt with the fact that Mrs Alito raised and lowered her distress flag BEFORE her neighbor called her an obscene name.

    1. That’s what I read here. I’m not sure how that’s terribly relevant if you’re looking out the window of your breakfast room and your neighbors are flying four polemical flags and one with the f-word.

    2. If I’m sitting on my back terrace in Georgetown DC and I see four political flags, one with a ghastly “Bidenshitzpants” image, I’m shaking my head and thinking we’re in trouble as country too.

    3. Yet, you'll vote for a rapist as the President of that country.
      My "Shove Your Phony Decorum Up Your Ass" flag is flying in your direction. Proudly may it wave.

    4. Anonymouse 11:23pm, we can’t recuse you from being a histrionic clown, so that’s not the bravest stance in the world.

    5. Justice Alito said his wife’s flag was a response to the obscenity. That’s false: the flag came before the obscenity.

    6. Anonymouse 11:54pm, that may be what she told him or what he assumed. It’s entirely possible that he never noticed the flag. It’s entirely possible that he did notice, instantly concurred with her feelings when he saw it and then forgot about the whole damn flag. .Which would be my husband’s MO.

      I’m not sure why it’s an automatic that an upside flag was in support of the riot rather being the hallmark of a cultural breakdown that they were bemoaning.

      If your want Alito recused, you’re going to have to get him arrested. You own that playbook. Find something.

    7. I want him to correct the record.

    8. Cecelia,
      Thank you for not repeating the old Right-wing trope that Alito gets to decide if he wants to recuse himself. That isn't true at all, and is only something people who don't know the law like, checks notes, Samuel Alito would say.

    9. Anonymouse 9:02am, I’m not sure why you thought it would be ironic or entertaining to make me the vehicle from which you made your point about Alito, but thank YOU for the show-and-tell on anonymouse coyness.


    10. Sounds like the Alito family owns a huge number of of libs now.

    11. Cecelia,
      When did you stop defending the indefensible?

    12. Anonymouse 10:13am, when did you start turning every thought in your head into inerrant doctrine.

    13. It's the Anniversary of D-Day.
      Why don't you take the day off from defending fascists.

    14. Anonymouse 10:37pm, if we could resurrect any of those men and put them into a chair in your living room, after one conversation you’d be calling them fascists.

    15. Are you referring to the "suckers and losers", Cec?

      My dad was a WW2 vet, he sat in my living room all the time and I never called him a fascist.

    16. @10:54 AM
      And you are a doctor, right? I noticed Soros' trained monkeys usually fancy themselves doctors. Oh, and are you an excellent bridge player, by chance?

    17. Anonymouse 10:54am, well, I naturally don’t just assume that you wouldn’t give your padre a pass for any of his possible opinions that are currently considered fascist so you’re welcome.

      On second thought, no, I’m really not sure.

  15. “Wemple starts by saying that the inverted flag “popped up at the Jan. 6 riots." That's a key part of the demonology our hapless tribe has concocted.

    Until this morning, we assumed that claim was true. But later in that same passage, Wemple links to photo reports by CNN and the New York Times—photo reports which show a bevy of flags at the January 6 riot, with nary a single upside-own American flag in sight.

    We were struck by that revelation because, as part of our blue tribe cartoonizing, it has come to be believed that the upside-down flag was all over the January 6 insurrection. As best we can tell from Wemple's report and from a series of links, no one, to this very day, is able to show a photo of even one such flag on display at that violent, gong-show event.”

    I’ve been reading Bob since 1999 or at least 2000. That Bob that you stated “died long ago,” I am not really sure he ever really existed. However, that incarnation of Bob would have excoriated Wemple’s misleading presentation as omertà for white washing the Post’s shoddy work 3 years ago previously. If he were a woman like CeCe Connolly he probably would have called here a whore or likened her reporting to whoring. He also might have implied the EW was subhuman. He would have spent the crucial and time consuming 20 to 30 seconds to finish the arduous task of looking at photos of the event that didn’t meet the pre-approved gatekeepers standards for public consumption.

    You are right, we can’t meet the rigorous high standards that our magnanimous host always stresses that we can’t read another’s mind. However, from my almost a quarter century of reading him, I know when he’s being less than truthful and committing the lie of omission. It’s the use of the word “assumption” and the phrase “as best we can tell” that are tipoffs to the alert reader that Bob’s playing his games with the truth again. A writer trying to do real analysis of the media would state “as far as I can tell” and would probably check that CNN and Wemple weren’t being lazy or pretend that their information as presented was exhaustive before presenting “his findings” to the public. He knows it sounds plausible to his gullible readers that he holds in utter contempt, but he knows if he wasn’t so lazy his flimsy construction of this version of “reality” or the “truth” would collapse quite quickly due to Bob’s arbitrary constraints being removed. An honest writer would not write what he knows is not really true.


    Bob’s a liar, but I am human and therefore fallible. I could be mistaken.

  16. If you choose to claim that Alito's flying the US flag upside down or flying the "Appeal to Heaven" flag cannot be known to be supportive of the insurrectionist, then by the same token, shouldn't you also claim that Baden's signs saying "Bye Don" and "F*** Trump" cannot be known to be critical of Trump?

    Of course, within the group of secessionists there is a short hand just like with racists and any other group. Of course, most reporters are not privy to that short hand and have to come to understand it over time. It makes sense that most people who are not racist do not recognize the dog whistles the right uses. Of course most people who are not secessionist do not recognize the symbols of that movement.

    1. John, no, I don’t assume that Mrs Alito was endorsing 1/6. I don’t believe that distress signal flag has come with any preset political endorsements in the way a swastika flag does (although you folks may have accomplished that with this brouhaha).

      This is such a stretch that it should embarrass the most rabid of partisans, let alone the demand that a SCOTUS justice recuse himself for it.

      I believe you’re working very hard to stitch together the trope that the flag as distress symbol could only be an endorsement of 1/6 (I had never before heard 1/6 people had carried it) rather than possibly being a reaction inspired by what she saw from her window view of her neighbor’s house or about the burning and looting she saw on the news at night.

      You’re packing this to the hilt with a set of prefab assumptions, that you proclaim to be self evident, and want to run that up the flagpole and demand we salute it. That’s bullshite.

    2. She's garbage. Just like her husband. The only difference is she hasn't lied to Congress, yet.

    3. Send it to the states, and let them decide what the little lady was protesting.

    4. Lots of people were upset that Trump wasn't choked-out by a police officer for over 10 minutes, but not all of them flew the sedition flag.

    5. Anonymouse 10:05am, if they had flown it, it would now be known as the law-and-order-truth-justice-peace symbol.

    6. But it wasn't Cecelia, so it's now just considered the sedition flag, flown by people who are upset that black people's votes count in elections.

    7. Anonymouse 10:26am, exactly. NOW is the word.

    8. I believe you’re working very hard to stitch together the trope that the flag as distress symbol could only be an endorsement of 1/6

      That's right, Cec, it was just a fucking coincidence.

      The U.S. flag code states: “The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”

      A fucking supreme court justice should know this.

      Just like it's just a fucking coincidence that the "appeal to Heaven" flag waved over his beach home in NJ just happens to have been a rightwing christo-fascist movement.

    9. The “Appeal to Heaven” flag was among several banners carried by the Jan. 6 rioters, who also favored religious banners symbolizing the white Christian nationalist movement., the Confederate flag and the yellow Gadsden flag, with its rattlesnake and “Don't Tread on Me” message, said Bradley Onishi, author of “Preparing

    10. Anonymouse 10:43am, thats one of the ironies in this bullshite. A flag with the history of the Appeal to Heaven one or the upside down flag as a national distress symbol could have been interpreted to be an endorsement of civil unrest by the Alitos regardless of the era. Regardless if 1/6 had happened or not, you could be making this same bullshit argument as to a predilection to rebellion against the government because that’s what political operatives do.

    11. No, Cecelia, enough with your bullshit speculations about what I would do. We don't have to twist ourselves into pretzels trying to justify the Alitos. What were the Alitos "distressed" about.? We know the appeal to heaven flag has been appropriated by a White Chistian Nationalist movement. That's when Sam decided it belong up his fucking flagpole. Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.

    12. No, you actually do have to twist yourself into a pretzel to say the Alitos endorsed 1/6 because they flew a classic flag that is a part of Massachusetts history and is an emblem for the concept of freedom being derived from God rather than from the state. Same goes with an iconic national distress symbol during a time of political unrest (an actual unrest in the streets) that even turned neighbors into enemies.

      You quite willing to do those contortions.

    13. Right, the Alito;s neighbor cursed at Mrs. Altio and they went into their time machine and ran the old glory up the old flag pole upside down two weeks earlier. Everything is clear now, Ceceilia.

      Would it make any difference to you if you creative defense of Sammy was shown to be false? Not a fucking chance.

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. you're a real champ, Cec. You're making up reasons that even the Alitos have not advanced themselves. Just fuck off, ok. don't tell me who I am.

    16. Anonymouse 1:38am, the neighbor’s flags were flying before Mrs Alito confronted the couple. The civil and uncivil unrest had/was happening no matter the neighbors’ flags. Three men had been shot in Wisconsin. People had stormed the Capitol.

      To suggest that Mrs Alito could have ONLY flown the flag upside down in support of 1/6 is partisan nonsense. Same with the tree flag.

      You want to equate anyone who has ever been a champion of natural rights and/or upset over the national unrest of the time as being a proponent of marching on the Capitol.

      You’re a hanging judge for political motivations. What you are NOT is a mind reader or a logician

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. Presumption of innocence and reasonable doubt are legal principles. This is not a trial, we are not trying to convict Justice Alito of a crime.

      We’re having a friendly discussion, using our common sense. We don’t send Justice and Mrs Alito to prison, but we do understand that they support the 1/6 rebellion.

    19. Anonymouse 12:33pm, the belief that the Alitos supported 1/6 taints Mr. Alito. No, that “belief” won’t send him to prison, but it immediately resulted in the campaign for Justice Alito to recuse himself from an upcoming case and will result in the same sort of pressure on him in the future .

      That is what the issue was concocted to do. That’s why it blew up in the media.

      It’s also the reason why legal concepts such as “beyond a reasonable doubt” apply in this instance. You don’t do this to a man based upon conjecture and pronouncements such as “…but we do understand that they support the 1/6 rebellion”

    20. Alito doesn't actually think 1/6 was a big deal, just as you don't give a rat's ass about 1/6. This was evident from his questioning in the oral arguments for Trump's absurd claim that he has total immunity from prosecution.

      As we speak, Alito is shielding Trump from having to face the consequences of his plot to steal the election. Why would we ever feel he should recuse himself?

      Just to be clear, Cecelia, if it were shown that Alito did support 1/6, then you would agree he was "tainted"? You would also join in the calls for him to recuse himself from 1/6 related cases?
